xt7c862bcd0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bcd0v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-08-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 03, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 03, 1972 1972 1972-08-03 2020 true xt7c862bcd0v section xt7c862bcd0v \J
Fresh enrollment
The Kentucky bl
I poses no pI‘O ems
A recent Courier-Journal article dealing with Kentucky
.. college enrollment problems has revealed that state-
supported schools have over 2,000 vacancies left to fill '
before the fall semester. _
The article mentioned that UK was the only state school '
VOL. LXIV N0. l2 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Thursday. August 3, 1972 which has so far been exempt from the enrollment ‘ '
problem. - '
___._—_._____.___—————————-———-—--—-—-—-—-—“————— The University has closed admissions for mom students. . .
. The deadline for freshman and transfer students an 1 ’ ‘
plications at UK was June 15. 1
Te n an ts R lgh ts gro up “There is no crisis in our admissions department.“ said .
Keller Dunn. Associate Dean of Admissions. ‘
Advance registration .
to d t . He did, however. point out that advance registration has . ..
8 “ca 8 comm u n l ty indicated there may be more vacancies than last year. ‘
The actual student enrollment will be unknown until 1
registration is over. but Dunn indicated whatever the final
By STEWART JENNISON and elected officers. tally is. it will be so small as to be inconsequential to the ‘ .
Kernel Staff Writer Present plans include writing a model whole student community. .
The UK Tenants Rights Organization is lease for students to use as a guideline ' According to Arts and Sciences Dean Herbert Drennon.
preparing an information distribution when leasing an apartment. “enrollment is down from last year, but the average . . .
campaign to make student tenants aware The group recommends that tenant number of spaces will be left.“ 1 -
of their rights and responsibilities. leases be reviewed by an attorney or legal He noted that all indications so far reveal that '
According to John Rotter, chairman of aid student before it is signed. enrollmentis “stable and average." “There‘s not going to
the student steering committee for the It hopes to establish a legal council be any embarrassment about wasted space after it
group, the main problem has not been the service for such tenant needs. (registration) is over.“ he added.
lack of effective laws and standards, but Rotter says the group is preparing a list Arts and Sciences Dean Ben Black points to the summer
the enforcement of those already in of reputable landlords and investigating advising conference as proof of the healthy enrollment at
- existence. illegal rent increases during the present the UHiVBFSiIY-
At present, the UK Tenants Rights price freeze. There have been 12 days of conferences for freshmen
Organization is preparing a handbook for only. and on each day over 200 potential freshmen at— I
tenants. . Increase enforcement tended. /
The booklet will outline legal rights and The organization intends to increase That would indicate a,_ class size of at least 2,400
responsibilities of the tenant as well as enforcement of such standards concerning students. not including a few hundred more transfer -
information on how to report housing code electrical wiring, insect extermination, freshmen.
violations. weatherproofing and heating. The final freshman total is expected to be between 2.800 . ”
Organized in January Persons interested in joining are urged and 2.900 students for the fall semester,
initiated by a group of social work tocontact the Tenants Rights Organization Black admits that “the final figures may prove me .
students in January of this year, the at their office in 305 Frazee Hall or by wrong. but as of now. things are normal and I don‘t feel ‘
organization posesses both a constitution calling 253-2491 or 233-1883. the least bit panicky.“
9 o o a 0
Man 3 best friend contributes to research m experimental surgery
By FRANK YARBROUGH human structure. AbOUl 100 dogs are kept out at Spindletop ‘ ’
Kernel Staff Writer ' If a researcher was doing work in respiratory Research Farm for conditioning. Conditioning of ’
Have you ever wondered why dogs, those lovable ailments he would probably use sheep or calves. the dogs takes about three to four weeks.
animals that make fantastic pets, are used for This is because their respiratory structure is more The dogs are kept at Spindletop until they are free .
medical research? human-like than that of a dog. of disease and parasites. have good flesh and are '.
According to Dr. William Gochenour of Animal Requires proof settled into their environment.
Care, one of the first animals used in experimental To get any animal for research it must first be Here any vaccinations they have had are rein-
surgery was a dog. proven that the information is needed. forced before they are subjected to any ex- , . ,
This was heart surgery—attempting to find a way For a researcher to get a dog, he must prove a dog perimental procedures. _ .
. to correct blue babies. Since that time dogs have is the most appropriate animal for the experiment. All dogs are purchased from dealers licensed by . .
been used extensively in medical research. At any given time the number of dogs in the Med the US. Department of Agriculture under the I
According to Gochenour, one reason for using Center is about 100. This figure may vary, going as Animal Welfare Act of 1970.
dogs in research is because “one cannot very well low as 20 or to slightly morethan 100. Dogs are never purchased from pounds or dog ‘
' experiment on people. You can‘t just blunder in.” The total number used each year. usually about shelters. ‘
The basis for using dogs is not because they are 1000, varies depending on the level of grant support Most of the dogs are from dealers in Kentucky.
easily obtained, but rather their resemblance to for that particular year. Occasionally they Will be PurChased from OH! 0f . _
”its" ”a. .. .1? 33::“é” 5”“ 9. .9 . . .3, e .. f 1 state. This occurs when a special breed is needed or
~15; 1:» 1 1.2-5 "" Tr. - ' I ’ . 5 . when dogs are needed that do not carry diseases
9- ~;‘ "1‘ s t u , l . s 13"”; common to this area such as heart worms.

» ; . f": t I m I ~3 Because some people took no concern for the I
”W” ”I . mum II ”I I I I . ’ .tI .. _. . II, III-III I .fl comfort and well belng of research animals. the I .
aerate? r . 2. , i/ I -. . . .. I t m ”f” M Anlmal \lclfare Act Vt as enacted m 1910.

Jesse” “I, m” l 9- as. W . .' = EM . -‘” W ' *" Enforced by the Department of Agriculture. this .
ji ' ”1‘ W i' ‘5' ..._....... “ " . act sets guidelines for the type of facilities supplied

' zeflghu‘ “Jaw?“ legs The cages must be large enough for the animals.
“fivaiy”wreeai§§§mgay” g Wf.‘ ,‘3%¥§3 they must have proper veterinary care and they
“- :ma}: . ‘tteeew‘m fl“ . m Mneiw%£t§§,:e%§: must be humanely treated.
1 . ‘ 1r. ' it saw m. we am. QE‘EZ'SEL‘l't‘Ie n. the x - »
. I ”Waits: I IwII .r .‘ .. . I w ..;..:_.:°>< v‘ “1‘391mx‘gxfi . e ( I . I mtrIlcan
e . .. ” ' ”I ‘. .. I . ' $3?" ” :1? II'_'IIII-I”'”‘” w. " Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Anlmal
- -- . ‘ “2.1:... e ”1.; .- .‘ ._ .3. " “7.”: tea Care.
.1: a ' ' 1 ' W v... tut- M '” ”"‘ The floor size of the dog cages at the Med Center
*§M“§¥. ' ‘ #1.“; fit, 3' is 12 square feet. Most are made from stainless
1 I .1 . . I ' * _‘ “"‘ .e There are some special cages made from ‘
.‘ I . “‘ ‘5 .» _. "i t - 2’: fiberglass for special cases. Dogs are placed in
fa: '° ' II these immediately after operation and are kept
I I . . . _. there for postoperative care and observation. ‘ 1
I 1 1 IV . I 1' 1 . . Each dog is let out of his cage or n ever da .
(staff photo by J"“ Ross) This is done when the cages are beingpileanedyso tile I
Summer's almost over and then it'll be back to the old grind. l'ntil dog Will have an opportunity to exercise before
summer StrOII then a good way to savor those remaining balmy nights is with a being put back in the cage.
peaceful stroll across campus.as Paul W. Lambert is doing. ' Continued on Page 2

 Q i ,
2—1‘IIE KENTl'CKY Kl-IRNI‘IL Thursday. August ll. I972
- 3 ——.— LEGAL All) ——— i . . o ‘
v .
, . . . . I. . _ . . A
gDogs partiapate in research
Ix? Draft Counseling — 252-7879 é»,
' E Dean jack Hall -— 257-3754 g
Y i (‘mitiiiueil from Inge I spent valuable time. three to four “We do not sell these animals
I .V-\-~-~~»~».-------e‘~‘~-‘;.-.-.-;;;;\.~\:\:\;\\.~\;\:\:\:\\\:\1' ‘ . _.I . .
' .>~.\\>>-.\.\.\.\>.\.\\.\\.\.\\\>§.\“““‘ \ Dogs purchased by the Med \veeks on research. we cant 0! give them away.
’ (‘enter must be completely afford to have a study fall apart Gochenour gave two reasons I
, - . 4 c H A R L I ’ described by sex. breed. ears. because of poor animals.“ for this. First. they can not be to
l . I ' I hair. tail. color and weight. Some animals can be used fora sure the animals would be :9
' ‘ I This is done to keep the number number of experiments. In drug properly treated. a
- . .» I AMERICAN STATION . of stolen dogs being sold to a studiesadog can be used several And second. there is a slight h
. . ’ Foreign Car Specialists in minimum. The dealer must times. risk the dog might be harboringa t l
. . V.W. _ BMC Motors _ Mercedes Benz furnish proof of ownership. ()ther dogs. those used for disease that would be harmful to ‘3;
I I _ The Med (‘enter facilities are surgery can be used only once. whoever took it.
I .I I. I PHONE 269'3804 800 East Ma'n Street Spot Checked every three [0 four u‘Vhen an animal has outlived
‘ , I ‘ . ' Corner of Main and Ashland weeks by an agent for the its usefulness it is put to sleep,” “it is pretty much standard 5
. ' I. , 0 - Department of Agriculture. said Gochenour. This is generally policy in teaching institutions and r
' lo /0 Dslicgunt and 20.2? 0?? LObOI’ lle checks the records kept done by the use of a general Federal government labs to put J'
. x u an“ an to on Y- which describes the animals and anesthetic. the animals {0 sleep.“ stated a-
“ I I he also checks licensed dealers The animal is given an over- Gochenour. fa
. , mm served with your favorite beer." around the state. dose. and Just goes to sleep. it is a “i feel it is far more humane to
i ' ' . After investing so much time in painless procedure. put them to sleep.“ The animals g
, I _ , these animals they become very When asked if any animals are purchased as adults, and K
, 4 ' j . . expensive. This is one reason for were given to people who desired would not make good pets. “
I 'I » . 3 keeping them in good shape. them as pets. Gochenour said. Gochenour feels if- a person t
' .' ’ . 2124“)? — .l8l smut. i......-~t.....- — 2.33-ll‘m Valuable research “We do not. as a matter of policy. wants a dog for a pet they should “
I , . ; . . ‘ .. ' le who sa 0 out and bu a u and be
. I . (”fly from PAS UAlES ll ( ochenom stated. After dispose of dogs to peop y g y p ppy 0
. I , . efflugifis c. y°u get food Del've'ed researchers and assistants have they want them as pets." able to enjoy watching it grow. u
I . _ _ j migirgoo Bogs. Don't settle for Cold Food. hove . Pl
. g . . . -_ . a DeliveredilIOle PAsountts u. Denver, mm ... Slow reSIdental turnover rate causes
i ' ' Campus with orders over ‘3“ B
. I . . . . I O O O .
,- . , . ' lon waltln llst f U K h °
- g g or ousmg n
. , . _ . “.V Stewart Jennison effort to advertise these housmg “Priority" areas such as the
II , - ‘ Kernel Staff Writer opportunities. However word-of— rectangle bounded by Woodland, i
. I - ‘ _ - . We have a huge selection of component and George Kavanaugh. director of mouth by satisfied customers has Columbia and Rose Street or the c
y .. ' ' . . . v . I, . . u. , a t .

I, , I . I conso'e stereo equmem a1. discount prices: theIliniterSity 5 Real IPioperty been sufficient to produce that are eas of South ILimestone f
' . . ' . BSR d G d ‘l diViSion. has very little en- Kavanaugh modestly calls ‘a across from the Medical Center I
- ' " ‘ . speakers, rece'vers' an arrar urn- couragement to offer those resonably large waiting list.” are much desired by the '

- " . , tables, tape decks. and headphones. $5AVE$ students hoping to find non- The biggest problem con- University. .

I , ' - - ' dormitorv housing with UK as fronting students on the waiting When owners are prepared to
, , . . I , I - UNITED FREIGHT SALES their landlord. list is the very slow turnover rate sell their property they come to
I I _, , 2123 Coxfor irce The Real Property offices are of residents. Frequently less Kavanaugh's office where the
' In Cardinal Valle Off Versailles Rd. now renting close ‘0 120 units to than five units per year become transaction takes place. I
‘ ' . , . . students. faculty and staff. A unit available. This is because many Occasionally. it is necessary
- . ' . » . \ may be anything from a single of the faculty and staff members for property to be condemned in
' ~ ‘ I. room to a complete house and stay on regardless of the order for the needed land to be '
. . j I - TRANSCENDENTAL their “very reasonable rates" semester changeovers. obtained
.. n I ' I MEDITATION , . Yard 'f‘ccorId‘I‘I‘Ig ”the 5128 and Kavanaugh and his staff are It is when the property and
. -, -I . . .’ , I I” taught by J ‘0“ '“OIn 0‘ e um 'I primarily responsible for the existing structures are not im-
II I-.. . —~~. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI I . . I Kavan augh makes little or no acquisition of property for an- mediately needed for educational
- I I I 'I I) I ticipated University expansion. facility expansion that tem-
» I II ‘ NArgzgiiitfscihiifilil/ESDEVHOPS 'U“ . . . porary rental situations come
_ '. . ’ . . PROVIDES DEEP 12557 AND RELAXATION j 5‘ W“ about. Leases meV'de for 30-day
. ‘ . I . 0 LIFE EXPANDS IN FULFILLMENT , 3 .- l, 1152 M'Wk’ HGfMI notices or evacuation by b0th the
3 . I . i . l TRO ’_ i I, 4. .' d'.’ ’ The Kentucky Kernel, [13 iournulism University and the leasee.
I ~ I. N DUCTORY LELTURE i' , .42; Building. l‘niversity of Kentucky Lexington, . . . .
- ("MC Kentucky 40506. Muiled five times weekly A“ malnlalnance IS pI‘OVIded
I . . - . Room )02 Classroom BUIldlng " . "II I. . duringthe schoolyearexceptIdurlng holduys by the Physical Plant Division_
I White Hail . I .1; H . and exam periods. and “woe during the . ,
I v : ,.I. rwmmgmngmmnd ‘“$'.‘.'J‘.fs'..‘§‘i';’"+he I“ I? I m The property is rented until the
I, . .I , I m m I , - e rne ress. nc.. - -
‘ . 7p To 9m . CO.” Admission Test Ell Journalism Building. University of Ken- Construction and DeSlgn 0f-
.. _ . . ‘ SPONSORED BY “‘3‘" Lexi-mot;5 firm; I ficials notify Real Property that
. . t . , _ egun-s e act it and bi hd . .
1 . u ' ' UK CHAPTER For information write: continuously as The Kentucky Kerliiuel ssin; the Ulllvei‘Slly and State ad-
' ' ' - l915. - - -
' ’ . IN T E R N AT'ONAL ME O'TAT ION SOCIETY 67““!th smd'e‘ Center Advertising published herein is intended to mmlStrauons haYe agreed on an
'. ‘I . I , [0. BOX 386, N.Y., ~.Y. 10011 help the render buy. Any [Ilse 5r misleading CXPaDSlon prOJOCt for that
. I' I I . II I r __ . (6.] advertising should be reported to the editors. property.
. . . I , .' L lEditor. Editcarizl Editor . . . 257-1755
I . I I I I imaging an ssociate Editors . . . .
'. II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Ad..rI.I.I....B..I.....(.I..I.II257-174o onlyymican
., -. ve isin, u .' ti
. . ,I . . .......F...?fes..rf.;5§:646 pmntfomstfines.
,I . Newsroom..............2571800 -
. l . W“—
I . I I. I II \ ,
I ' 7. I (. II‘ ;. .I) IS W Sr: P. Dennis McFadden
'. fl . - ., , DU loryaurqntim/uttdsat
' I Al. ‘ l I ‘ LOVES 1E2}
. I . . I D A 08 Offer Good when you buy In FY l<
II I W . . If;
, . . ._ , I , f: ‘.\Q)3f-?%2; one of the followmg. {.1 o \eniuc y, me.
' ' . . . gghllngggxggncER ‘7 lniperiol Pine Shopping Center
' ' . , ‘ . II FAMllY CHILIBURGER w“ m WI "' '
- . ring Dad in tonight to LUMDOG
I ' I. I ' Luwm - . . - .When you RESTAURANTS Remember tonsk Dannie mom moot cont-curios
. ' . I buy your sandwhich. his OH-‘ER EXPIRES ‘ . given '0 all U.K. STUDENTS
. ~ , is l"Ri".l*.!. -, _.
'. Located off Southland Drive, Ausust 5. I972 Ir:
. :1} “ Telephone 255-5506 -—-——
-. , . I . _. -, . II 2012IRegencyIRd . II .. I II I . II ts: I . nouns;s;3o-5I;30IIMqu..m. — Set. 8:30-12 pm. .

 r I " . - , , “ ’ .
Tm: KBNTl'CKY KENNEL. Thursday. August 3. i972—3 ‘ '3 '
Surgery OK — Andrews looks to ‘72 season ,- g .,
COMPILED BY “1 c: "5‘; 33.3.33 , V - J United States. With increased make for an exciting basketball (lrevey ta 6-5 forward wholed the V3 ‘ t 2- ..2
mals FRANK KIRSCIINER . M 3333 * motivation and sustained effort. atmosphere around the frosh with 22.2 pointst. and they 3; , -'
- , , ' #3 ss M“"»" a... 44-" Jim could lead Kentucky to a (foliseum. are just plain outa sight." '. ‘
sons Jim Andrews. Kentuckys 6- a «a “l 3““ § “ H ' ' ' ‘ : ' ' 13. '
it be foot-ll senior All-American ' _,3.,3,33 3*: I a m; great season. “.1 ve been playing wnh Conner Many (’XPCN ”1959 three .' . - '. ,'.- . ,3 ,.
. be center candidate. is thinking” 3: e "3” an [32d how (1°05 Andrews "’“nmy Dan‘a“ guard forward Players ‘0 'ead “K in ”‘9‘" ““9 ‘ r .. ' " " ’
basketballdeSPitea mid-summer . ,{fi f g»- {MI' who averages 19 points). and quest again this year. ' I‘ .' '
'. i 2:». » 5' 3 “ i In 'x ' r . " I . " " '4 7 . '
in V r away p aces 3333i..,;<3,' 3_ . a.» ., e , - . 3 , 3.3 3. 3 .333 .33-3,
3ga as the ski slopes of the Swiss ’2“; Q .3 court situations has been much 277/“30 YURFLAND MALL mono . . . ‘1 . 3 ,
u to Alps. ., - ., ,3: e332”? 3 better and I feel just great.“ W - ‘ 4 ,. 3 , 3. 33 - . 3 2 .~ 3
e" “be? ’ WE“ A . . l'd" °N m‘ MA“ 5 5°“ “592° . : ' -- 2‘ "
Andrews, who looks to a final 3: g; V: , fl . t. t a so i 237 pounds. Andrews unnooswnc no» ltANE Attm Now suowmc. 3 3. , 3 ~ 3 .
dard season with the man who “7“ .Wye ’ l0‘3)3k35 great. .3 ,3. _- 32.33 '3 ,
s and recruited him. new Wildcat coach :3; 33‘ " , 2 $3 th' l3m way?) 2‘0"] last year and FUN FOR EVERYONE! .. , . 372'; . '.
. ut Joe B. Hall. is visibly excitec. V» 3333.“ t '5 'S welg H at I'm not going I ' 1' -
tafed about Kentucky’s prospects next “a“ “"6““ 5““5 H “m, 3 a to lose once the SL350" gets under SNOOPY’ \ / k -. “I ”- ‘ .- '
fall. ‘ fi “it io£§€~ way." he said. “in fact, I have a COME (' 0/06th '- _
.. M o - . HOME! e 000.90 ~- *- ‘ -
imals greatly since l‘v e come tc 3,2,3. ~42..- WIt ,3threetimesa week. and I m 33‘ ttg/ 5 ‘- 3‘ 3, .
and Kentucky," Andrews exclaimed “ ‘ . "x :2:9f’“g for a play ing weight 0f WWWCMWOODSTW“ ’ i\g\‘ .I‘. V '- "f,
“ ' 2 3 . . ”*9" ' ALSO...THE WHOLE -. ., , . ,' . -' '
erson thIishZ‘ezsiiit two goals for mysell \ 3 M333 , 2 Andrews feels the sophomores PEANUTs GANG3 .. .3 .3 2 3 t 3 3. 33
h uld ,, - ' , 3 v.3, 252;. , from last year‘s undefeated frosh @o f ; i .‘ - . i=-
0 Number one is to blend into an " ~ . fir: f- 3 - - - - - """fl _ ' . - i. .-
d be 3 3 ¢ 3 team jommg ranks With five emul- COI'OIAYIOI 3~ .
overall team effort that Wlll give 3.3.33 3 ' other returning lettermen will 3 ___ f T 2 . ‘i3-
FOW- us a shot at the National cham- Jim Andrews. with —-—-———-—-—_———-——t—_— , ~ 2' , ' ' ‘ .-
pionship. Number two is to havea a shot against Marquette. , . -'
good enough season to assure _ h' CHEVY CHASE C0|N lAUNDRY .~ -' . - .'
es myself of a future in basketball. “3:23? ::%::::i:::::: 31:53:?ng 3‘ 2 so 3". A '1' d g L ‘ ‘. .-, .
Bt.th t . - , . . .3
0:193, '2fidigfingimehénwéfi ability. and shooting touch to be u s on 43 , .3 '3' :3 3
not sacrifice 336m ham“, for the best college center m the SELF SERVICE WASH AND DRY .3 ; , , 3 ;
personal gain. BOBFTII , 3 33 3 3 . 2 3 '-

, . ANTIQth o . 3 . ; . . 3 ~ _
f the Andrew future was uncertain Midsummer Sidew 133 S 3 New and Modern Equipment for Every Fabric ._ 3
' and, in April. when he underwent 3 ae ' . 3, 3 _3
0:333:33 correctivesurgeryonmambo... m and 5.3, Do Your Rugs (up to 9x12) In Our Big Boy Washers . ~
enter feet. Coach Hall, who was \ltT & ‘_ . “ ‘ i - ~ .

banking heavily on Andrews, 1 3 " -
the was deeply concerned despite a COLLECTORS ITEMS Your DRY CLEANING Done by 3 5" , 2 '
medical analysis which stated if “ ‘ 2‘

[:32 :3 the operation was successful. a 198 N“ Hanover Ave. courteous attendants ‘ " .7, ‘ _

I minimum of four inches would be at Cramer ,- ‘- = . ‘ “ z
e the , - 3 .

added to Andrews already phone 266-6390 4 Pounds $1.75 ' 8 Pounds $2.50 ' ‘0 Pounds $3.” '
prodigious leaping ability. ‘ “ I : ' "

essdary Apparently the operation was We 7 -' '~ 43".“
n3: kl): asuccess,at least to Jim,who for . 2 ‘ . . =

the first time in many years felt , 3 3 3 3 3 ,
relief from curled inner toes. 8 L0‘ A I IONS CHEVY CHASE 3-

y ‘3‘"d And Hall is breathing a sigh of LANSDOWNE 3' ,- 3' 3" ‘ .

0:30:23 relief. too. He had been quoted Tfifi WINCHESTER ROAD .3 3'3 3; _ :3 3:3 3.

‘ ' earlierin the vearas saying“Jim , , - I
tem- , - . l l Ng HOUR NORTHLAND 3. 33, . ,
come _ . . SOUTHLAND ‘: ' ' . '

w » DRY CLEANERS mm ..-_-.».«

0th the &~“‘\ 3 3‘ 3‘ , l ,333 3 _, 3. 3r 3
, ,. e/ [2? , m Hl-ACRES 2: ,

owded .3 ’ ./ : ' .

vision. 3333 e 3335‘, 3' 1/3: '3" - 3 3 .33 r3

$333?“ ‘ ‘v‘ 'I S ecials for UK Students

3 \3 3, | . 7A 3.- ,
ythat 3 , 33

... ~ d r If

/.,;/ it an acu y
that . '\ ’ - " .

I z: , \ . .t ‘ . ‘ '
--\ . \' ., 3,3, '. .33,3.,
are the general or fundamental SLACKS ,3 3 33 3.
truths under which life is gov- ' c c - ' 33 3‘
erned. ln busincss,3n jcwcler's z'P'ece SUITS 33 3
principles are espccmlly 3ir3npor- SWEATERS 33. 33 , , _3 3
trim for he occupies a position of RAINCOATS 33 3.
trust. Onc indication of his stt313r3id3; h SKIRTS 2 3. 2 3,3 _ -. 3
ards is the emblem below w lC 90C 3' 3 ,
indicates membership in the 3/4 COATS J SPORT COATS EOCh , 3 3 . 33 3
American Gem Society—an or- 3
ganization formed in I934. and , 3 3 3
pledged to the vigilant protection 3 , 33
of the buying public. We are - , .
proud to be a part of this select '3 33 ,3 .
group. %. 3\3 3 ,4 3 l 3
memo AMERtCAN Gm socsrv (56:) " ts - h". 'de' M ‘3 3‘ 3
___3__ w —-w- Folded Or On Hanger: 5 for $1 00 3
m” )w _ Never any limit on quantity ' I‘ ,
2 . 1‘03 Esplanade , .. l . I
h .. . ‘ - 3 3-3 ‘

 ‘ l—Tlll-I KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. August 3. I972 ‘
WALLACE’S Chamber 0P9 r as 0P9"
. O
- ' ' SpeCItll TeX'bOOk SerVIce at Laboratory Theater
' ‘ . f The UK Department of Music Amore“ and “Bardy,” will play
, V . or and Theatre Arts will present Friday and Saturday at 8:30 pm.
' I three chamber operas by UK and Sunday at 7:30 pm.
. . . ' PRE REGISTERED STUDENTS Professor Dr. Kenneth Wright. Raymond Smith will serveas
‘ ‘ - The presentation will take stage director for the production
V ' l V place August 4, 5 and 6, in the and Phyllis Jenness will be the
~ , ° d Laboratory Theatre of the Fine music director.
. ,- (NO COS}, ReQU're ) Arts Building on Rose Street. For reservations call 258-268l
' . ' The Operas. “Jamey," “Don from noon to 4:30 pm. daily.
‘ . I . . . Every year — without toil — the Bookstores or the
. _ ’ . y - Ptbllshers run short of certain titles at school opening . . '
. . ' — and many students are without a text for 2 or 3 weeks C I 51 166i;
‘ ,. — IE SAFE A! IALLAGE'S — RESERVE INKS IOU 1 Odd)” as ' ‘
. , FOR SALE! 1971 Elcono mobile home.
. l2X60. C ted d t i hed. M t l.
' ’ * We will select from our extensive stock, 6000 USED or tomorrow Cheap. vae'r‘iiauesagnigzgsus "5 s“
. NEWTNUEV“, hocksl 0‘ WU ”Cify, ”Ck ..ml and hay. Eh.” 1967 Volkswagon Very good condition. The
’ ' , ' ready for YOU to 956k up 0' your convenience. TODAY price 15 RIGHT! Call aria-amt. .m-Ai
. ' assetsgxsnzzzszzx'.my: ,
VJ: . ’ Transcendentzl Mafitatio; ovgeg.}f‘Au.g:stlo22
. ' and Thurs. ug , a : . . I WANTED: M '
. WALLACE s yaiéehz'égllfigfin". Ema e “,5 Political graduate studentiileegiogg'e'ir‘trarleent 5:71:
. Caucus will meet Thursday. Aug. 3, at 7:30 l$.'Call 253-ioll extension 267, Mon. through
_ , . comma“; . THE mm" BOOK p... .. Wm __;__Lm__2____
, l - Avenue. A" women are welcome. APARTMENTS. Duplexes for rent. New
‘ .—__._—_———————— -—< duplexes renting for $140 has 2 bedrooms,
_ FOR THE RIGHT cOURSE' mum KEBNEL living room, kitchen. dining area, patio,
' ' ' ' central air and fully carpeted. Also 1
‘ ' cmsmn COLUMN ”my bedroom apt. furnished all ugli'zieAsnpaid,
‘ o pool, carpeting, air and $155. a oway
, , , , ' Reserve BOOkS ”"5 EASY WOY- 223.,1';;'3'..:".m";;::'_”.. arm-.1“;
'. « I , 1, Remove the reservation from The DepartmentsoiMuslc ww—
. . ‘ . this ad FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted; Fall
, ‘ ' and Theatre Arts semester. Eff. apt. close to campus. Janie,
‘ , mm" 592477—3150. we 7
‘ _ om «WW ’ 7 l
> 2. Fill in the requested in- penwerm Jon orroanNn-ns
3 ._ ‘ . WW
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"Wee "W” JOBS 0N sun’s: MEN. woman. Perfect
_ . 3. Fold on center line and tape or P'em‘m Pe"°""3"°°5 summer 10" 0' “reef- N0 experience
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1' , _ t . . Sta?“ (Ogemer' then drop In 0' three chamber Send $2.00 for information. Seafax, Box 1239-
' - : ,~ ‘ ”V Keme'" W'iQ'" Part-time Night Help. Apply Burger King.
‘ > ‘. , and Walkie May _ -~ . i .~
‘ . . , (All Books Fully Returnublel Mug... 0...“... by W... m... $3.2“:o'iifielififffieiefsi'fiy'{Sine ml.
, ' Laborato y Theatre F'ne Arts Bu'ld‘ng remfhafieasfupggi (éhsgegiszoznaohllyé it":
' ' r . ' ' ' n ace 0 r . l
> . ' - _ Course SOC Name ——————-—-——- August ‘1 5, 6 p‘.’m.pShakey‘s Pizza garlor. . .ye public
,1 4 . Number ' Curtain: 8.30 pm. house 2197 Nicholjsville Road 277.5774. 3A1
, . \ , g , . ,‘ ~ ———— —“—‘——‘ Home , St_ree_l __ 5:21;" 22:": 21:26:6m' L-CE Malaoneutered Siamese cat. Been
. . rVI: - wi amil .R d.LtiU
_ . -- Address from noon ,0 4:30 area. Bad eyye. 357353355341“; 277?;030nanef
. : ——- 5. A8
, . ——- Lemma... To Y -
" -' " -—- “‘“ai‘ab‘e’ "’" "N
I ‘ , =—- 1 pm... as... Us... an... 3...... RE 5 'I'AURAN T
. —=- °"‘" 2‘ "W” ”A'"
.‘ ‘ V Complete 8 return to WALLACE'S before August 18, 1972. Breakfast
_ . I _ . . m SandWIches Plate Lunches;
> 3 ' - , Postage '°‘"9' 9“” H
.. . . _ m d
- . . ' WillbePaid ”MM, 5 _ ome 0 e
. , . - by «madam. ' ° '
‘ ' ‘. Addressoe United sum 0UP . Ch'h . PIGS
" j — 2 EGGS —-TOAST — COFFEE c.
r. , t. = "OPEN 24 nouns"
' . WALLACE" BOOK STORE _ I. 1, d m .
I I 1 .5 South Limestone _ on e For
' . 3 _ °
‘, , _ 108 West Euclid Corry-Out
Lexlngton, KV- 4““ —_ (formerly CC"
' ' ' = Howell 's Dairy Ber)
' . ' Remodeled 253-1933
w ‘ -