xt7c862bcg3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bcg3q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1992 1992 1992-11-09 2020 true xt7c862bcg3q section xt7c862bcg3q l




Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCV No. 51

Home owner says he’s not moving

Established 1894

University must buy
professor’s house
to build new library


By Tyrone Beason
News Editor


l'K .ltilllllll~ll;lltll'\ titttiorititetl
piillh l‘i’itl.i_\ to build the proposed
rieix eeritrnl .iritl lite \ereriew Ire
i‘l'ttl} on .i Where titret ot' iitllti
l|\tll (‘liltoti ('rrtle li'irt one [ext
tli'trt \iho |r\e\ on the \ite \.l}\ the
\li-ttthl ltltil .iltiithet

Piihk. tor the i‘tllitilll‘.‘


lite l'titi.tt\tt\ etiritiitlji

.ill o! the iie'\l'..'lttll\\i propertx


re'ltl litl llit‘ te‘\lilt|t\r‘ \‘l V‘ m it
“Iii |.tltirxlilt:t'. ‘iltl‘.\"~‘~\li te\
lettit» Ilt'l it» "t._ up irl\ hon t t-
‘h. \“ ttrtEtit ti tetii ll‘ j‘ii-iet'

the» t. -,'i it)" It il.l‘»\ ll‘ lllrtll
oil \ttlllt other pitite i‘ekilli‘e iiit

it Hit
tviite‘» .l retrietll l\ l‘li'ii'Clr ti \\l

'wt i'lli Ikilitii xiii!

titt’e\ [‘ii'il wvi "thex'xt :‘ot Phil
ti ot [‘itl\\\ .lli‘llllti heir to i‘llliii i
iti‘lJ'R lhe'» tliiti't tietil li|l\ pint
\\ t been here ~tttte i‘M-l

l«|iie_\\ hurrie liveittit .li 4-,“
(ilili'll \re.
tiire~ the [‘ttrutxit» Pink to iltr
ltli‘ihil to tii.il\e iinttii tor the

1V1”! \qtirii'e loot hbitir‘}

|\ “In “3 ille ‘ii'l\

Howe\ei'. I tine} \illii he ieteritli
spoke to l”l\' ollieinl~ :iborrt the
[liltlh to build the ill‘lttl} iretir il|\
lioirre “\Ve hzitl .i l'rir\ei\rt_\ repre-
\e‘lll.lll\L' o\er tiboiit [no or three
weeks ago And I just told the gen
tlenitin thrrt l wrixri‘t going to sell."

l'K ot'tieitilx time not been in
toiieh with him tiboirt the hbi‘.it}
\rte \inee ihzit irieeting. he \illii

"Must be it elerte.rl error or
\oiiiethiiig." larlrreik tltiirghter'.
littrrreix (ier‘tr'iitle. \(tlii ‘-\llil .I \tir'
erixtie grin

lzrlney. it “till rir.iri \\lli| tlrrii.
\ihrte httll .lllki \i\’llii\ blue e_\e\.
\illti he \\tii riot thrust itl\ llllllti


They're going to have
to mark off some other
place because I‘m not
going to sell — period.
They‘ve got plenty of
places around here to
build a library. They
don‘t need this place.

— James Edney,
Clifton resident


\\i\ik‘ liorii h.i\rri~' '.i trim «it
~litti-_ile~~" t._ mitt 5.. l\ ltl out
ilk'tlilil .tltti t\|.tlt- tit ’r, .lil\t wit:
_riorreh to -|\ it: it. whirl trim”;

lli‘lll lll\ llltlll port it
"lrotii .ir.
\lL'\\. \\h_\

tu‘ltttlltlx t‘i'llll \‘i

letirirrrg on .i toiitli

lilriti \tllti
prlloii. hr\
iltiiigliter xtgirithiig Iiirii bthiiiil tiirii
“lhe loe.itrori |\ gootl hour the
\(tllttipitllll ol the timeriew oi lim-
[‘lltti\. tilll'.‘ \tirtex .illti groteri

Donald ('lzrpp. l'K \ree prexrtlerit
l'or ridinrrrisuritroii. sitltl negotiations
\. itli l’ilne} lime been tittitl'iil. tititl
he \Jllti he ik‘ilt‘\e'\ l iiilt} exerrtriril~
I}' will th‘t'lth‘ [ti \r'H the primer!) lit
the l7ririer'xrt}

“I've gotten the llllptL’\\ltlll lrorii
otir [‘I'C\itlll\ til\\ll\\li‘ll\ tli.it he
\kth utilitig to sell. .tllii l‘ll tone it
.it thtit.” ( ‘Itipp \tllli

.\\ .‘t \ltllr' .ir'etttx tli., l'tit\ei\rti
ll;t\ tht right wt eIIlIltiltl thilllJllI





Freshman Andy Clark and sophomore Mark Blair talk dur-
ing Saturday's UK-Vanderbilt game. Story. Page 4.






Anti-racism event
marred by violence


By Mark Fritz
Assocrated Press


[3!le IN ,\ mil to Hill“
ttgilllhl rightixt \rolenee lllxpllk‘li
Wil‘tltiii people to ill”) in the tillil'
l.i| )exteitlti) [hit the litl} \\.t\
\ptilit’tl ii) l.till(.l| it‘lll\l\ \\llii
threw roekx tiritl eggx .it ('hrrireelloi
llelrrrtit Kohl and Premier" Riehrii‘tl
\iitt \Vci/Hteekcl

lhe l‘lfJfJL‘\l lh‘llliilhllilllitll \lllk‘t‘
(ier‘irrrtri) llllll_\ tuo )e';rr~ tigo \Hh
lirrgely peneetirl until (ieriir;iii}'~
lop iL‘JItith |t~lllei| the lll.t\\t'\ uho
lll.ll\'ilt‘ii Iiotit t'Pl‘iHllt \Itik'\ ot the
erti .tllti eorneieetl tor .i lirige hill}
in L'tl\l Berlrri‘xl ll\l}_‘.‘ll’lL‘ll Phi/J.

x\\ the titlllHll \Mllx'ilk'il on teleire
\ltlll. ti ilo/eii poliet \irth \llle‘i(l\
.‘lllti .i priir oi illtit‘\ \\|lil rirribrellm
ptoleetetl “tr/meek” hour it thri-
l) ol obteetx hiiilt-il bx lettr~t r.rtli

(.II\ .‘I\ he \poke to the \;l\l \L‘d ol

ltiiliei. pohee li;itl to ““hk Kohl
out ol~ one ol the ltlitlt'hC\ when he
\\;t\ greeted b_\ ltl\llil\ ttlltl boos.
illlii eggs tlllii \IUIKN l’leu hour the
eroml Neither letirltr .ippetrretl to
lime been \trrrelx

lhe titxfllplliilh \\ ere tinotliei enr-
httޣt\\lllClll toi :r goier'irrirent \(i
r‘tittleil b) ti lrighlerrrrig \irrge in :it-
ttiekx on ir'\\l\h
lilillllllllL‘llh tlrtit it Ir.iil to urge ll.\
people rrito the \lteetx to ilerioiiiiee

“! tlirrik it t~ tingle tli.rt the \itrtti-
[run I\ \U httil llI.Il \\t' l|.l\L lit {10
into the \tt'eet\." \r'llli t'thl Berliner
Dom \ehriritl. JR \\t'rtllltf_' :i pretrire
oi l;irrietl llolomirxt \retiiri \rrrie
i‘l’ttllk pinned to her i.itket “I think

li‘tr'tjlllt'h .rnil

See GERMAN. Page 6

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

llit \eiiir‘lil ti-t‘ tire isitzt iltimx
lil\ illl tint. t t to \i‘iti' .lllii
present .i |e.l\\|lt .xtix i'i‘LIlIIIll“.' the
propertx l\ titre ~~ Mu lt Itltllttltt'ltl
\illllltllll inert Lfl.l||lrii the \l‘liil
\iorilil piit .i ptree on iili, property
nhirli the! hint -iI.


hurtliti it.t.t‘ lit

(‘lrrpp \illii the and lottitii-ii ot
the iliVl'ND \\il\ not .i l'rmeixitf» \iL"
it» it
Wth btixetl on tht tirtlgirierit ot the
tillhllillll}? litiiie” he \tllii lhe tritir
r\ llrirtl) iiili/llltlll l’terltei :\~\or
t‘ltitexot \en \ork

'i'ht \rtii.g ot Hie ililtti‘.

lht not tit.irl.tti tot triti\titretroti
l\ t'll the itlt'll '_'lt‘ill|lti I|t lumeeti
the trio g‘t.i\\\ errttex \ilrieh ( lrlr

3N: LIBRARY Hgitl Pip:

Independent since 1971



library srte






"1 Win! It iNN‘ 'r in

Monday Ni wriiber 9. 1992


James Edney a former UK
professor. owns this house at
419 Clifton Ave UK wants to
build its. new library on the
srte. but Edney doesn't want
to move. He declined to be

Jones’ performance ‘fair,’ according to poll


Associated Press


l'R.-\.\'l\l(l|\’l Rx \ttti
rietirI) it you lll i'llltr (it-z hit it
tori lotiex‘ rob [‘t'liitllltdllee \\.|~ i ll
etl t:iir h\ (him to il.tii wt thi «. ii

\e_\eil ll] .1 poll

Ilie \[.ll\".\liie «tiix. . tit tit" til.
i'\ \iilLt\ \itl"~‘.eii lit»! i‘ ‘ p tt.t.!
t.ittil itilt«.~ f‘tlit'lli‘lllt. l ' tl
\Ilitliltl W Hittite ~Il«i 3:

tili'ItL'ltI the 'im llliil tx iittllt‘ i’nt
tel tliittuixeirii't til i“ i? "It it
iltmri to x’ ' ptrtttil titli‘\|ii\llll‘

lii~ [\liilllllrllnt "taut nut ‘ pert. iii

\httrwt 'r pt it ti? i it .tiw :r "
llttllitt .t\[\i‘itl

lit. poll t \ rating itit‘
.“l rttil iii itlt t' l‘i
or lltlltll‘ lg». it. . t ' ii.-

\zh‘il-tti 5‘." :-'





Saxophone artist Grover Washington Jr. pertorms last
night at the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts.

JAMES CRISP 'n'”° i"



“kind-trio \\!I \x .\ ill it'lllx

title \\t i’ti :\ it ( ttirititmti iht
liirlt liitletx ttil.ltl Ilt \-iit.iitil .lilli
iilt (ili Iltel II: ll. ‘Iii i--iilt

{ht ipi: li‘lt tit .t hit. . 1
Hit ti'|\ l i; i’ l ' t ‘i
tx-t' ii'i :' It“: ..; 1.l.?.
tllti‘H‘ ix .i‘ t ‘. -lt'

ill- t. r' t

pwi‘ lltt“." it '

l l

2 small tires
LII Holmes

Friday night


Statt reports


l\'\\lilettt\ iiI |h>lttit~ ll.ill wtt
North (Irriipiix \ieie \tlllllllitllrii i'lll
til then ilotttirtori tune i.t\l “ed
by \eprtrntt illt\ iilk \\\l‘|tti wt
uhnh rri.i\ il.t‘\k betti trrtttitiwimllx

\ti l‘iilki.li\ \tlii

[he trr~t lltt .it.irrri \itlllti.ii .:
.iboiii lit: iii p in lhtirxilmt bet illlm
ol .i \llltlii lllt‘ triiheil by hot \l".ll
L‘llt‘\ ill .I liitttlil litiiit ”.ulit‘x ii|\
pom! ll'itllt

.rborit ‘ it' :t rii Irriitix tri It‘l‘i'ttx.

iIIL ‘\ \l‘illl .Ii.lllli \.tlti.

to .i lire lII ti g.rib.ii:r tooth on tttt
thli'il lloor

lltiiirr) (ilil\L'\ llolrire\ l|.ill ilr
tutor, and tli.it il\ l\ riot itilrti': Hill
the [Xi\\lhtill_\ ot .ll\itll llii'llt‘il
there I\ no piool Ilr.it \i‘lltt‘i‘lk wt
the \eeotitl lire nitli the trrttrit tit itit
li.itirr Ilt. \i‘!|\l1l|l\ itii tilttt' ‘tl it

\llllh "

"lt‘x .i \llttlltt' something like I'll\
ilit\ to lr.ippeti "
”“t it |Il\l L't‘lll" to ttl\ I'll i‘ttl

(-i.r\ t \ \.llii

It‘\ltit'||l\ to help will on lll|\ It

See FIRE Back Page


litt ;~:‘ i mitiiittlt
tit] nt‘fi . ,‘ ilet t V. tilir.
“Ilit'v t ‘t Lt Itl\.ltl -I tint-t
‘lll _. 'w *: j'eltfi' ».llii
:tittt S»

err .r’ hat :(Jtyriipri/ Moriz's now
.r‘t in» RC: 'veyst otters
find (it‘flirmit than

t i‘ "m Vlrvwi Hp Ms

W! ~t‘itp : ' v'


'4 ' . intuit .1

.._ . “A I. ; ,und Pricketl
ivy, ' : ' v.1 . i if

.. \‘J‘ 't ‘1',“31y night


r t Hi i ' .,_
( l
_-, ,yz v, ,3 . \,T m tsigh around
i , Ur. TefllQhLIUW
. ‘ t ' tumble
,1m ' - ”ow high
mm X
Utvw' ~~ ’ 3
Sports V day 4
Classmeris 7



 A I






Monday 11/9

for Spotlight Jazz lndlvudual
shows are on sale at TicketMas-
for; general public. students. fa—



for the Next Stage Series are on

lic. students. faculty and adminis-
tratlon: call 257-8427

0 Exhibition. ereetere Chelee;
Headley-Whltney Museum; thru
11/29; call 255-6653

- EXhlblIlonI Wlth Joy and Won-
der: Ante-Bellum Taste In the
Bluegrass: UK Art Museum; thru
11/29; call 2575716

ute; UK Art Museum; thru 12/20

Landscapes; The Galbreath Gal-
lery: thru 11/92

Tuesday 11/10

ater. 7:30pm

- MOW/r3 Chameleon Street. 82.
Worsham Theater, 7.30pm. call

- Exhlblt Lexmgton Creatlve
Camera Club; Rasdall Gallery

- Lecture Coffee Lecture With Dr.
Claude W Trapp: Headley<
Whitney Museum; 10am; call

Wednesday 11/11

0 SAB mowe: W
M. $2. Worsham Theater. 8pm
. Performance: UK Guttar Ensem-
ble: free; SCFA Recrtal Hall: 8pm:
call 257-4929

- Gallery Tour Headlevahttney
Museum. 11am. call 255-6653

Thursday 11/12

0 SAB movre: A Leegue ef Their
M182. Worsham Theater; 8pm
- Universny Theater: The Fifth of
Jilly. $8. $6; Gutgnol Theatre.
Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 257-

Friday 1 1/13

- SAB movie; Awuegfflelr
91m; $2: Worsham Theater; 8pm
0 University Theater. The Flfth of
1lu_ly. $8. $6; Gurgnol Theatre.
Fine Arts Bldg: 8pm; call 257-

...,. .. .r"..: ”('1

5. p .k.

1e“; :4 rA Cttncert Hall. 80W

cal. 2334226

Saturday 11/14

- SAB movie A League of Thelr
Qty; 52. Worsham Theater. 8pm
- SAB rncvle Pee Wee's 819 Ad-
venture. tree; Student Center.
Center Theater12prn

. Umverslty Theater. The Fifth of
J_u_ly $8 $6. Gulgnol Theatre.
Flne Arts Bldg. 8pm. call 257-

. Penormance Tribute to the Big
Bands 3.1"Ce-1JKuazz Ensemble
$30c0uble. S20-smgles. $15
students and SenlOlS. Marriott Hov
tel Ba'r<.;m. 8pm.ca1'257—4929

Sunday 11/15

0 Pert:rrnance Path Dresher Enr
semble Masters of Mu51c-
Thea"? Derforrn an Electric Op~
era S6-UK students. St 1 -faculty
and staff. $14-bubltc. SCFA Con-
cert riall 8pm. call 257-8427for
ttckets or 2578867 for min

' 5A8 mnv‘e mgue Qt Thelr
vag. 52 Warsham Theater. Spr‘r‘
- Pecormance MUSlC for Flute
and Planc. Gordon Cole and Alar
Hersh free SCFA Recutal Hall.
3pm call 257-4929

- Musvc n the Museum Headleyv
Whitney Museum. 3pm. call 255»



Tuesday 11/1

"v' ., ' - (as. o 1v e




coast. >3 '3 L1“

Friday 11/13
. Vt, l-EY'CJ UK vs SOuth Carolv
net. at Lexington. 7 30pm

Saturday 11/14

- UK Football Wildcats vs Cine-tn»
next: at Cmcrnnatl. 1pm

. Men 5 Soccer UK vs Loutsvllle
tn Lexungton. 2pm

Sunday 11/15
- Volleyball UK vs Georgia. at
Lexungton 1pm



culty and admtnlstratlon. call 257—

sale at TicketMaster; general pub-

- Exhibit: Frederic Thursz: A Trlb-

- Exhibit: Sheldon Tapley. Recent

tree. Student Center Center The





Singletary Center for the Arts, 8:00 pm.


ings supplied by Arbitron.


leer workers.


once in Ashland. Ky.

place on Nov. 2.


BRIEFS / " /

The ratings werertotn spring 1992 for cit
299,000. Milton's statistics reflect lexington’s mu

average quarterohmr iistencrship with 3.200 pedple older than
, and Eugene-Springfield. 018.. ranked higher.
spent listening" category. Listeners sur-

WUKY ledallothers in inmket size in
12. Only stations in W Wis.
The UK. statbnalsofarcd well among all stations in the “time
veyeo reported spending an average of 10.6 hours a week tuned to the station. placing it rottrth in that care

In the Arbitron ratings, Leatlngto

ocular category in order of their rankings were WPNE.
Springfield; WY; WENT. Ft. Wayne. ind: and WBKli/WEKU. Lexington-Richmond. Ky.

The Central Kentucky Radio Eye. a new


WUKY-FM third in national Mace ratings

WUKY-FM. 91.3. UK; public radio station. placed third in the nation in total audience. according to rat-

n is in a 29m): category. The top five public radio stations-in that par.
Appleton-Oshkosh; WLCCIKLSO, Eugene-

Radlo channel tor blind and handicapped marks second anniversary

Volunteers WMrzgm'Yethutcd an exceptional number of hours of service will he recognized at the
luncheon, Which will be holder. the Hilary J. Boone Faculty Center from 1 1:45 am. to 1 pm.

“it‘s a motor attracting one another and seeing other Radio Eye volunteers." said At Crnob. the retired
UK English} professor who founded the Radio Eye.

The RadloEye'firSt Won Nov. l2
rated. ohainlngmx-exempt status. finding an
and locating space in'whiclt to operate.

It operates on a sub-carrier frequency of

McElIistrem receives distinguished scientist award

Marcus Mclillislrcm. a UK physics and astronomy prot‘cwtr. was recently ntnncd winner of tlic Distin-
guished College/University Scientist Award during the annual meeting of the Kentucky Acadcmy of Sci~

He has been a University Research Professm and College of Arts and Sciences [wingnishcd Ptolemy
lie also has served as chairman of the University Scuttle. Mclillistrem currently is a fellow of the American
Physical Soc my and principal investigator It! the Van tic Grant Accelerator Lahtmuory at UK.

Risk manager honored

'th University Risk Management and Insurance Asmciation honored (‘harlcs Emerson. a retired risk
manager at the Albert E. Clmdler Medical Center. for his 16 years of service to UK. The ceremony took

Emerson, who retired in 1985. was president of URMIA froth 198081.
thMlA is an organization made up of higher education professionals who supervise tiskrnmgcmcnt
and adnumstmtor insntanCe programs. as well as employee benefit plans at their htstitutions. ‘

// [\V/VV '
/ / r’

/ ,r /

. / 1,// I ’/

ics with a metropolitan pomlalion between 225.0(1) and
lti—cot‘tnty metropolitan area and list the population as

s and features radio channel for the handicapped and the blind.
will celebrate its second armiversaty ’l‘ltuMay with a lunclteon to honor the channel‘s more than 60 volun—

. 1990. after two years of preliminary work: becoming incorpo-
FM radio station to serve as a sub—carrier of its transmissions

WUKY-FM and uses space in the Margaret 1. King Library.
Voluntem read from Central Kentucky newspapers between 8 am. and 2 pm. daily for people who have
special receivers that pick up only the Radio Eye channel.
Crab!) said the number of hours the Radio Eye broadcasts its own recordings has increased by one hour
since last year. and the- Radio Eye now airs comic strips and local grocery ads.
The Radio Eye has distributed almost 400 receivers. which are free to those who qualify. The Radio Eye
ran out of the receivers in Fclmtary. and officials hope to receive number grant to pinchasc more. (frabh









Monday 11/9
TRATION; Begins 11/4
and runs thru 11/18; Con-
tact your dean's offlce or
program office for more

' Aluhl Kit“; 2 A113“; l_: .1
F1 1.1.1 l)

Wednesday 11/11
- Seminar Smokeless
Tobacco Use by Major
League Baseball Players!
UK Medical Center.
MN363. 12-10-1100pm

Thursday 11/12
- Teleconference: 'COn-
fronting Sexual Harass-
ment on Campus; free:
Student Center, Center
Theater; 1:30-4pm; call

Saturday 11/15
0 Pa"rtellel1lc 'IrltC- the
Streets‘ Phrlanthrocv
Protect )






Monday 11/9

":,l1§‘§9\ A . 1 9(— jll"‘><' (JESS

es- 9 '30: A . Gym

. if) ‘1’ 3?

r . Dr ”’3’ "IP‘S‘H;

A“ 15"?" ; I‘ir'lT..’l",
.lx'hr.‘ L" >"“_ 1' 1"“; v>

y'lrcrlirt‘e'tl .)ev>.-l:.plnu (mun

tin-5 '3‘,- LJ ,. ~l’1’.\l,3..~mem

P. mar“ 2.2 "..\l~"‘ Ceca-r An

hex 40m

Tuesday 11/10
- ‘57“? W NE" SN Teil'“ '1" I
l ..I Ifr‘u'.’ .‘


wwny -
\Hmlrf'll 1.” ' .
room 1.76 i 255-‘268
- Bln‘e Stu‘iy Back Camels MW
s'ry Rlble \"riy Weekzy meet
most. ‘ree r’rm Student Center
room 205 ;all 854718”-
- Workshop Wr te's B‘oc Weekly
v‘l“ rkshc: l,“ 151'..':»3n‘(.w=tr«r

. ,“ ty') .'

Wednesday 11/11

A .
u .. ‘1'” b

C .1 963 4
o NAQQYI'“: r "w ;r">3r {2.4 (11" J;
Sv\';49,.- (1‘> . 0;, I .n 4:) if"

ca“ 27C 2%.?

Thursday 11/12

- Veet '2; CNXE Ca"
man Center \l qht’ Nc.-.' 1"
Center 320 Rose . aw.- ‘ 1

8 TlObrn. call 25578566

- Meeting National Assoc 11
3‘ Black Journalists (irehw‘
Maggie Room. 6pm

. .. Imus,

it, l’"{‘t"\f r

". ‘l’LILW. ’ cit'. 5:8 l" Driyc" Ci"

"’ 1 w ;ll"‘\"t.l’cl§‘f' '01. m 27-“

- it Li’“ re’reshments me

. f“-"l‘Vt/hlll‘?' ‘K F‘

., ‘Av T>:s:f:»sal L" Gr um:
(.loa fly \‘ear Maysvwe (V
- .' «"wose' Torn 20h 4 3C;.‘"‘

.. r' >;': .t‘e‘v ‘r’Jllow‘na lel‘xl'e :‘y

g»:r1rtvfer Thompson;

Friday 11/13

- \‘e't‘war Dock Lae .loo. Debt
'(nvwl Jr. UK. 'Sbec'rssct :y
‘Asyw'wt-‘l: Two Molecules
'47 Chem Dhys Bldg 3 300m-

'e‘resl‘ments 40m - lecture

- Seminar Art DroieSSlOllS . Anne
ewls Johnson a documentary
mare: wwr‘lng tllm maker from
A:: 'l‘ch' r .. Whltesburg White

".1 (1 issrmon rocm1181‘127

Saturday 11/14

- ; (affirm: V1.13: 31C iiose
Newman Center 60m ca“


Sunday 11/15
0 Classes Alkldo Beginner Class
0» 'brn. Alurnn Gym Loft. Call
3'83 4035
- .411155 Catholic Mass 320 Rose
.ane Newman Center 9 90am

' ’i‘am SOObrn 8 30pm call
3"»: 8566



A RRIiS'I'S' IiI' l’lt' POLICE

Not. I:

-liowcn. Dunn) K: 52: Roulc 1.
Box 47‘. HAI/itfd. K) : alcohol in-
loxrcullon. rcxlstltlg lllTC\l.

-( itu'cltt. lllllllllllZ-UY.1!lltllt‘\\llllil-
\;ulzlhlc; alcohol Intoxication.


’Slt‘llltll. .IillllC\ ll: H. 418 Mor-
L'llll Axcb. rcccmng.r \ltllL'll propcrly

-.\‘pc1glc. (‘ltty B Jr: ll); 11X
liltlccl‘usx. rccclxlng \ltthll propcr-

(‘().III’I-II.\”I'\ I"II.I'.'I) II'I'I'II
(‘K I'()I.I(‘I:'

(Ni. 2‘):

-lllclt h} tlll|;l\\ltll tzlklllg. lcxx
llmll \illll lllllMlLlIItJlll‘lt' \lmcly
\oothl colt-l parking: lot. Ilc‘llh not
lhlt‘ll lclnmcll ltolll \clllclc I);lt'l.l

()cl 3|:

'lllcll l1} lllll;t\\llll taking. lcxx
than Sillll: (‘omplu l)n\'c: I'lltliu'
tlclcctor t‘cmoxctl from \chlclc: llll
S Smilcy. cotllpluinzull

~|llcfl h} unlawful taking. morc
Illllll \lllll llcloll) l; .»\tllllllll\ll’illll\ll
llmcz llClll\ not llNlL‘ll t'cmmctl
from \‘chlclc; l’utll (' l‘urlncr. com-


-Burgl;u'y. \L‘Cllllll tlcgrcc; lllo
llolmcx Ilttll: itcms not listctl:
l'ranccx l) Mtlltlngly. complainant

'.-\\\illl|l. lourlh tlcgrcc; third

floor hallway, Blanding lIl: |)o—
\‘L‘ltllllil Marlow. complainant.

\m. 22

‘chll h) unlawful taking. morc
than Slim: Ktrwzul 'l‘owcr: bicyclc
rcmmctl: Sumucl (iillcsplc. com.

ilhcft hy unlawful taking. more
lllltll $300: (‘oldstrczun Faun. 28H)
(icorgclown Roztd; itcms not lixlcd;
Hank Button. complainant.

-'l'hcft hy unlawful taking. less
than 8100: Parking Stnlcturc No. 4;
Hum not listcd rcmovcd froln vchi-
clc: Bob .I Wantcr. complainant.


'l'hcfl hy unlawful taking. lcxs
llt.ul \lllll: K-l :lll‘(iril|: hicyclc Ic-
mmctl; (‘llrlxlopllct‘ .l Shuntlcrxky.

'l‘llcfl In llltl.t\\ltll Liklll-J chx
lllttlt \illll: l’;lllcl\tlll lllltcc llmcl':
lutyclc lcltlmctl: I);u‘lcll (lo/y.

'-\\\illlll. fourth dcgrcc: 32X
(‘olttlnolmctllllt lltnc: lirlcn M
\Itlrt‘cll. complainant.

\tn. 4:

r l llcll h} unlawful taking. lcxx
lll.lll \illll‘. Vclclallx Allan's HUNPI-
l.‘tl pulling: \llllt'llllL‘. (‘oopcl lllnc.
llL‘IIl\ not IINIClI rcmovcd from \chi.
clc: (‘tu‘ol l). Rogcrx. complainant,

°'l llcll hy unlawful taking. chx
lIlilll Milt); ll): Annex No. S: itcm~
not Il\lL‘tI l'cmmctl frotn cash hot ill
lockcd llc\k'. (‘urol Smith. complai-

- l llcll h} unlawful taking. Icss

llum 5300: 22l3A Blanding 'l‘owcr:
llL‘lll\ not listcd: 'I‘ctsujzl Mutsuhzty-
:tslll. complainant.

-'I‘llcft by unlawful taking. morc
lllitll 5100'. D233 Kentucky (‘lllllcz
llCln\ not lixlcd; John I). long.

olndcccnt exposure: 413 Aylcs-
ford I’lzlcc. Apt. I'. (Tindy M, Mzitl—
tlcn. Cotttplztinzult.

"I‘hcfl hy unlawful taking. morc
than 5300'. sccond floor. UK limpi-
lilll Brcndzl Arnold. complaintutt

o'l'hclt hy unlawful taking. IQ.“
than 5300: (‘ommonwcaltlt Stadium
parking lot; ltcms not llthtI rc»
movctl from \‘L‘IIICICZ Leigh Ann
Akin. complainzutt.

~(‘rimltlztl tllixcltlcf. lhml dcgrcc:
Smll Slt‘ccl parking lot: Mill‘lilil
Virginia Vunmct'. cmnpltlllltllll

NHL 5:

rlltll‘glilly. llllrll tlcptcc. llL'llI\ lllll
ll\l\‘t|. Htlllllil McKltllcy. L'tlllllllillr

~l'llcll h) unlawful lllkltlg. lcxx
[hull \lllo: Studcnl (‘cntcr parking
lot: ltcmx llol liylcd rcmovctl front
\cltlclct Shcltlzl A. Iltllc. complai-

vliurgltlry. \Ct‘tlllti tlcgl‘cc: ll)-
3l-l llztgcltl lltlll: llL’IIh not llxlctl.
Attron W Sllcrnttm. complainant

N1“. (1:

ontton cndzutgcnncnt. t'irxl tlc-
glcc: l3? lIolmcs Hall: suhicct cn-
lcrcd room and lircd \cvcrul pcllct
rounds: Joshua R. Demon. complzu—

Berea teacher doubles as comedian


Associated Press

Bl-IRle. Ky. H Scott lilnmlllls
[Citk‘IlL‘N L‘IZIMIUII languages at Bcrczl
(‘ollcgc hut hc also puts words in
thc mouths of comic‘xtrip charac-


ln thc pitsl ycar. limmons hib
“truth about l.ll)l) gags for onc-
pzmcl cartoons. Nearly 300 are he-
lttg: hclll for possible use by profes-
\lltllill lll'll\l\ and Ill have been puh~
|l\llL‘(I lll lllc past few months

"It mo it way to get a foot ill thc
floor to humor writing." Iimmons
Mill] in tl lcccllt inlcrvicw. “I‘vc :tl~
\myx cmoycd comedy on TV and
comctly-xkclch wrillnyr It was it
\\.I_\ of CNIJIMINIHII}! cl'cdcntlltls :tlltl

gutting \omcthing published.”

llc rcccnlly had a gag ill thc titl-
ttotlully syndicated Frank and lit-
llL‘\l comic strip that showctl tltc
characlcrs atlcllding a political
\pccch. with one saying. "Hc must
hc 2m cuvironmcntallst —- llc's us-
ing llX) percent recycled rhetoric?"

Another pancl in Nursc chk
tnzigu/tnc had a medical reception-
l\l ihklllg :l pzttlcnl. “Ever had \czllu
lcl lcycr. (icrman mcaslcx. typhoid
lcycr or had credit?"

"I IU\I try to kccp my cycs opcn
on lllllléh III everyday lifc Ullll you
can put :1 humorous spin on.“ said
limmons. who is also trying to tap
mto lllc grccting-card markcl (till!
l'iltlltl \kclcllcx "I‘lunlly Iifc it|\\i|_\\

has humorous possibilities and scllx
wcll in popular magaIincs.“

Whilc some carttxmists wrllc
lltcir own gags. especially thmc
who arc syndicated. many f‘rccltutcc
curtotmists advertise for pcoplc to
writc thc captions.

Tllc writcr will receive a pcrccnl-
ugc of Utc cartoon‘x profit after II I\

"'l'hc market in extremely com-
pclttivc now." said Emmons. u Illi-
II\L‘ of Fort Collins. Colo. "BL‘ClIth‘
ol' the recession. some maga/incx
:ircn't publishing as mzuly cartoom
ilN Ulcy used to."







Kentucky Kernel. Monday. November 9. 1992 - .1


Local band Olympuz Monz mixes psychedelic, industrial music


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By Chip Sebastian
Staff Cntlc




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Knopflel Jams with lO-ycaI o—ld guitaI p1 odigy











By Paul Alexander 111111: .1 ..11 1.111111111 \. 111.. 111 1.1..! 11111111 1111 1111' 1\\1 [11.1 1111 1 11111 ~1111~ ~11
ASSOCIa1ed Press '11111 111~l '\111|1 l\11 111111 ~l 11111 1\1'\ .11111 1 1'11. 1:111..1\|11111:'1 ”\1~111111.1. 1111'11 111111111~.11111
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\111N11. 11.11. .. .1 ..1....1..'1.».1'1... , 1 11.. 1. 111-1....1...1.......1....... 11...... ”Hf“ .. 1 - ‘ ' The action starts at 9 p.m. With:
1.1111111] 1‘111111‘ .'~_'.1111\1 11'1111'1111. l' k " V ' ' ' ”‘1" "11"”' ‘~"""\‘ " ‘Vlh'll‘h 1” ' ' ' '
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11'11 |1.1~ 1‘\1‘1_\ 111.111 111 ~.~.1111~' 1111 h ‘. 1 1 1111 111111I 1.111 11. 1111! 1\1|~'1"'\* 1.1111! .1 1"" 11 1111 11'11l|)l11 on our 10! Blg Screen TV
1‘1 \1 1 1\‘1L"1 .1 l. 111i 111 1'11111\\11'l 1.1' 11.1“ .111 ,1 ‘\ ‘ $.11 1111'11' 11111 111111011116 1'. 111
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111111111 1111111111111 ~!.11 ~11. 1:1. 1.111 111.11111 111111111.111. 11
11.1111l~1111.111111.111 111 111111 "1| '1; ...,.:.11.1..111.411111 \.1111.111 enjoy our Happy Hour BUffet .. . 1... B & P PRINTING INC and Drink Specials.
\.-II1.111 1‘~1:11~11:~~ .1‘ :;.. - 1" \"- ' ' , . e h
1..... ..‘:..1. \1.11.. '. 11 11 11.1. 1- 1.. V 215 (‘edzu‘ St. Lexington. KY Durlng the game we ave
' '11 \.1 111


Lexington Musical Theatre Presents


.11 1.111.111 11

Thursday N0\(‘1111)(T 12 7. 30 p.m.