A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries October/November 2007 Engineering Library Renovated Major renovations were completed in the Engineering Library this past Spring and Summer. Since the first day of Fall Semester, one of our favorite pastimes in the library is to see the astonished faces of our regular users as they come in the bright new entrance. One morning, at the beginning of the semester, a young man with a messenger bag in one hand and a motorcycle helmet in the other walked through the door and raised his hands from his sides in a gesture of ecstatic astonishment. Be‐ cause of the drastic change, many people wonder if they are in the right place. New Circulation Desk Before this summer, the library was a dark and confusing place. It was furnished with an‐ cient dark laminates and rickety chairs, and the cramped spaces were filled with “vintage” blinds, threadbare carpet, and overcrowded shelves that could of have been mistaken for the dungeons of Hogwarts. The initial design concept began with Dr. Hancher’s Civil Engineering classes, who were as‐ signed to come up with improvement ideas and floor plans. These students, along with the student staff of the Engineering Library had input on most of the renovation plans. Sue Smith, the head of the Engineering Library, began to meet with a planning group to hammer out construction details and costs. Under Jenn Esqew’s supervision and planning, the students were responsible for most of the physical labor, which included sending materi‐ als off to storage, which included the boxing, un‐boxing, re‐boxing, and tracking of hun‐ dreds of books and serials while keeping the library in a usable condition as users continued to come in despite the chaos. Every day fur‐ nishings for the new library arrived. As they were put into place the previous furniture was New reference study area. sent to surplus or passed on . The work con‐ tinued in relative darkness for several weeks while construction crews wired in new light‐ ing, sprinklers, and electrical systems. Next came new carpet and paint, and lastly the furni‐ ture was assembled. 1 *