Dear Gayzette: February 19 — In—service Training, Compre—
hensive Care Center, Winchester
: I was happy to see (in the December is— February 23 “ Forum, 2pm to 4pm, "Pegal
sue) that Joe Lincoln was not quite as sar- Concerns for Gay Couples and IndIVld_
' castic as he sometimes appears — either in ”€15,” Unitarian Church, 3564 Clays
the Gayzette or in the Kernel. It is obvi— M111 Road _ . _ .
ous Joe has talent as “5—y6ung writer _ I February 25 - In—serVIce training, Chil—
only wish he could be more direct with his dren's Services _
anger. Sarcasm (which always to me seems March 3 _ GSO Monthly. Meeting, 8pm’
to be an expression of hostility) is so Walton Avenue Comprehen51ve Care Center
difficult to understand. I'm never really March 2—9 - Women's History WEEk”
sure I got the right connotation. March 8 _ Forum, 2pm to APm’ Mental

I, too, feel some anger that has devel— Health Issues for Gay Men and Lesbiaish
oped into hostility — not an unusual exper— March 29 _ Forum, 2pm to apm,” Hea t
ience for a gay person, I think. Most any Issues for Gay Men and EeSblanS Dxrson
person from an oppressed minority can pro— March 27'29 T WOEkShOp’ TheCGailtfiC of
bably identify with Joe's anger, but I In the Family, Kentucky Callclog r—
think many of us have trouble identifying Student Soc1al Workers Annua on e

_ with it's expression in such a vague medi- ence.
um. I tend rather to simply ”turn off" and
thus a meaningful connection is never made.

I believe that, expecially for gay peo_, THE OPINIONS AND VIEWPOINTS EX—
ple, the experience of focused anger is a PRESSED IN THE WE ARE THOSE
very healthy experience and perhaps the OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS AND NOT
Gayzette could become even more a forum for THOSE OF THE LEXINGTON GAY SERVICE
that-—nwny oftmshavelflenty<fifreaanm to ORGANIZATION' YOUR RESPONSES AND

I hope Joe doesn't see this as an at—
tack, but simply as another gay person's
point of view. GAY LINE

Doug Burnham
Thursday and Friday, Evenings 7pm — 10pm
”Week in Review” Section
I am conducting research into the status
voids and vacuums wrestle for of gay people in the professions. I would
prominence in a pigs' trough like to find out which professions still
filled With pieces Of restrict or prohibit the entry of gay per—
yesterday's left—overs and sons via licensing laws, ”professional
SOUrEd jUiceS' _ guidelines," etc. I would also like to
the grunts and groans 0f their know the experiences and feelings of gay ‘
efforts attract and frighten men and lesbians in the professions. I am
the hogs, PUlling and expecially interested in the situation a—
rejecting their attempts mong gay professionals here in Kentucky.
to swallow the mUSh' If you have any information about this
being limited creatures the oafs or if you are in a profession and would be
sniffle and snort about . willing to talk with me about your exper-
the sweet SiCk b331s 0f llfe iences (confidentiality assured), please
but decide to go yet and write to;Birch, '
wallow in the mud. GSO
P.O. Box 11471
Doug Burnham Lexington, Ky 40511