xt7cc24qnn2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cc24qnn2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1979 1979 1979-09-20 2020 true xt7cc24qnn2q section xt7cc24qnn2q - .. [H1
51?.) . .» 1979
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Photos by DAVID MAYNARD/ Kernel Staff
In theflrst photo.Richard Green. assistant manager of the Complex Cafeteria. with water. lnthe second photo.the ball has just hit thetriggeringlever. By the BIanding-Kirwan Complex to raise money for the l'nited Way campaign.
sits comfortably (1’). awaitingthesoftballacontestant has thrownto douse him third photo. he is drenched.The eventwas part of activities held Tuesday at the Other activities included craft displays. a penny toss. and square dancing. .
CHE funding refusal '
.. Kel 1) e] ........., for Pharmacy school
Thursday, September 20‘ ”79 Lexington Kentucky
an Independent student newspaper '
f r AP and staff dispatches
are desparately needed to allow the
FRANKFORT The accredida- Medical Center to properly meet its ‘
. . , . . . tion of UK‘s College of Pharmacy has programs.
Sports wrlter says It SlUStlfled been jeopardized by actions taken The Pharmacy building was to have .
yesterday by a subcommittee of the been located adjacent to the Health
. . Council on Higher Education. Sciences Building on Rose Street. lt
UK sports the most-discussed In U S 7 according to UK Vice President has been in the planning stages since
I l 1 Donald Clapp. early I977. when it was approved by
The subcommittee refused to the University Board of Trustees. '
approve funding the debt service on The primary care center and
By BARBARA WARD cheerleader and never will be a maintaining a reasonable level of lt)UlS\lllC are “slim to none“ because proposed capitalconstruction revenue research building would have been
’ Reporter cheerleader." the l966 Transylvania control on his own actions because of of the intensity of feeling about the bondsthat would havefinanceda new located in the land between these
Universny graduate said. the way they can affect a crowd. the situation in Frankfort. "it has a lot to pharmacy building and a major buildings and the new Sanders-Brown
The journalist UK football coach Reed added, though, that he has Courier columnist said. do with politics."he said.(UK has addition tothe A.B.Chandler Medical Research Building on South
Fran Curci refers to as "that Billy good working relationslii.“ '1 ith some Reed Spread 3hr criticism ‘r'l'i'tltn'. ‘l’x’ddla‘l'fv FCiU‘Cd ‘0 “"5393” "‘3‘" ll Center. Limestone Street.
Reed“ yesterday called UK athletics coaches in the area He described taking on his press box collcagueg, He of 1. iii basketball and football.) The subcommittee. also refusing to The issue was over committing state '
the “most widely discussed in the Bobby Knight. lndiana University said he is concerned about the He is “basically against the fund capital construction projects at funds to meet the debt service on the
country." basketball coach. as “one of my best “cynical. skeptical viewpoint“ that he concept of athletic dormitories two other state universities. sounded a revenue bonds that would be sold to
Reed.sports editor ofthe Louisville friendsin coaching. . . one ofthethree sees as the current trend in sportx because the athletes need to learn to warning about the future of campus finance the building projects. .
Courier-Journal, told a Student Bar or four most fascinating personalities journalism_ grow up and adjust like everybody. building projects in Kentucky. The staff presented a list of $100.5 .
Association Noon Forum audience l‘ve had to deal with in sports." Sports writers. in Reed‘s opinion. lhey are students first and athletes “We have got to make it clear that million in projects at Northern
yesterday that he sees it as his duty to Reed said he wasn‘t surprised with should write “as fairly. accurately and second." we are beginning a new era in Kentucky. L' of L and UK that would
. stimulate that discussion. Knight's behavior at the recent Pan- honestly as they can,“ He added however. that he thinks construction for higher education." require just over $8 million in debt
Reed said. however. that the American games in Puerto Rico. He admitted, though. that he isn't l'K violated no rules by building the said Louisville attorney Lawrence service over the 1980-82 biennium.
attention stems from actions ofpeople Knight. who coached the American totally impartial when he covers an Wildcat Lodge. The NCAA ruling was Forgy. a former UK vice president. The projects approved will require
involved in the athletics program. He team at the games, was arrested for event. "unfair." he said. because the Ed Prichard of Frankfort echoed about $4 million in debt service.
cited the National Collegiate Athletic assaulting a police officer. and has “l want every team I coverto do well restrictions were passed afterthe dorm Forgy’s sentiments. saying that with Forgy, who has been a leading voice
Association’s probation of UK two refused to return to the island for his for one reason it makes my job was built. competing priorities and uncertain against increasing debt service.
years ago that was the result of trial. Knight insists he is innocent and easier. Coach'stemperments are better "i think the rule was directed solely financial resources. capital pointed out that the state is entering an
. violating recruiting regulations; the claims he can‘t receive a fair trial in when they're winning,“ he explained. at UK and solely at the Wildcat construction may have to take a back uncertain and precarious economic
indictment and exoneration of eight Puerto Rico. Asked about the controversial lodge.“ Reed said. seat to such things as inflation and period.
. UK football players on charges of Knight‘s definitions of right and stances he takes on some issues. The possibility of a professional increased faculty salaries. He said it is possible the I980 '
rape. sodomy and sexual abuse last wrong are narrow and his temper is stances that could be seen as “cynical“ team ever coming to Kentucky is The Capital Construction legislature could have no new revenue
spring. the suspension of those same quick, Reed said, making the Puerto or “Skeptical. Reed said “I don‘t ever slight. ”Kentucky does not have the Subcommittee adopted a motion by to work with in funding state
players and recent NCAA legislation Rican incident predictable. sit down and say, ‘What can i write multimillionaire businessmen who Prichard to recommend to the full government forthe nexttwo years and
banning luxurious athletic dorm “Knight is the only coach in the today that’ll piss pe0ple Off.“ it it‘s have an interest in bringinga team in Council at its Oct. l7 meeting’that it at the most. higher education could
accomodations like UK‘s Wildcat country who would get into that." important enough to say_ l'm going to here. T he peoplein Louisville with the approve onlythose projects now under expect only about $25 million in new
Lodge. Reed said. say it." means to do so are not sports fans; construction, all of which are at the money.
The Mount Sterling native said Reed. who has also written for the He noted though. that he often they favor the arts." he explained. University of Louisville. along With Forgy said the $8 million debt
Curci believes the news media create Lexington Herald and Sporty provokes the public‘s wrath for Reed said he doesn‘t consider sports the expansion of the power plant at serVice would be a third of that and -
problems involving the football team Illustrated, magazine. spoke “saying it.“ The mail he received in to be overrated in American society Northern Kentucky University. which would eat into money for increases in
_ by blowing issues out of proportion. emphatically against the increasingly response to a less-than-flattering but added that many People "take is ready for bid faculty salaries» Wthh everyone ' 5
Reed said he sympathized with violent nature of sports. column about the personality of the sports too seriously becausethey don‘t The UK buildingsthe subcommittee present agreed is a pressing need.
Curci because “UK is the only school Anything that happens of a violent late Yankee catcher. Thurman have enough in their own lives.“ refused to fund were a primary care The eight state-supported
5‘ in the Southeastern Conference that nature in sports should be treated the Munson, was “the worst l'Ve gotten “Sports should be for fun.“ the center. a medical research building universities have also asked for $36 .
‘ . has to contend with a paper like the same as “assault on the streets." he since i said Elvis Presley was fat,“ he sports editor said. and the new pharmacy building. million in increased funding just to
_ Courier-Journal." said. said. Next week's Noon Forum guest will Donald Clapp. vice president for cover inflation.
Most coaches have the press intheir “If something is not done to deter During the forum and in an be Harry Caudill of the history administrative affairs at UK, said Prichard criticized U of L for
. "hip pockets". Reed said, and they this violence, we‘re going to have interview aftrewards. Reed department. who is considered an failure to build the structures could “financial raizle dazzle" for going
. serve as “cheerleaders“ instead of someone killed,“ he said after the commented on some current events in authority on Eastern Kentucky and have serious consequences. including ahead and selling bonds in June for .
_ accurate and honest sports writers. forum. Kentucky‘s sports world; Appalachian culture. The Forum is losing the accredition of the state's $30.9 million in projects that will
. “Fromacoach's standpoint this isa The coach “sets the tone" of the WHc believes the chances of UK held each Wecnesdayinthe College of only college of pharmacy. require about $2.5 million in debt - 5
problem. The Courier-Journal is not a game and has a responsibility for ever competing with the University of law Courtroom. Clapp said the other two buildings Continued on page 5
~ No not math’ OdaY'P/
I ' -
. ' ' l I ' state , . , , . . .
SpeCIal CIaSS tr'es to ease number anXIety l P T0 2001.5.CIVILIANS would remain in the Sinai .
‘ LOl'ISVILLE MAYOR WILLIAM STANSBI‘RY Desert to help monitor the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty ‘.
By JUDITH A. BARTLEY math problems. Individuals are The UK program stems from To”). ""053 30“"3“. “““DS "‘3‘ l" ‘7‘““3 under 5* “mam? “Elem"! announced yesterday
Reponer CHCOUI’aSCd to help each other instead interest in the research of Sheila "Sign If he were Offmd “Ob In “Other my' according m “PM“ ““31 "conna'sance also was assumed a k.”
of relying on the lnStructor. Tobias. author of Overcoming Math tthCnurier-Jnumal.‘ _ . ’ role in the formula-reached during two days of intensive f
' Math makes some People very The class is not a tutoring Service. Anxiety Tobias called math the l 31mm“ has denied the report. Saying he M” ”mm m 3330mm“ “"3 W'"C'pall’°a“'k“,p'"3 m" “53““ 3° '
nervous. Calculus can t l l t d 1 . f .. . . ' j u . ' office until the end of his term. though he faces possible Egypt and Israel. WhiCl‘l‘Wlll form mixed patrols. ' .
_ crea e a most ns ea . 1 consists 0 small groups of critical filter in the busmess world. impeachment proceedings. Secretary of State (yrus Vance. flanked by smiling
unbearable pressures. no more than SIX students in informal Mathematical abilities. Tobias said. in a copyright story Wednesday. the newspaper quoted Egyptian and Israeli ministers. announcedthe settlement at ‘ . '
If you re one of those people, fret no discussion sessions. During each two— canbethc difference between findinga one Jefferson County Democrat who has spoken with the Sim Department.
more. The Counseling and Testing hour meeting. students discuss their job and starting a truly lucrative Stansbury recently as saying."l think hcis kind 0ftircdoflt He said i? N. truce supervisors might play a
. ‘3 Center hasjustthecure forthose“hey- anxieties as well as working together career. 3”- “'5 finally WOT" him down" sunplemcntary mlc- But hm“ ”mg“ Mlnlsm M05”
. ., 5— l‘m-just-totally-lost" blues. it‘s called on puzzles and problems, especially After attending a clinic held by A COALITION 0F RELIGIOUS GROUPS and social “33'3“ "lad“ Clear‘hal 38”" and Israel “"3 “summg‘h‘ 3
. ' ' j the. Math Anxrety Class. and it‘s word problems. which seem to cause Tobias at Wesleyan University two activists suedthe Blue Diamond Coal Coyesterdiiy as part "‘3’“ "Wmmhml' .
. % designed to help math-avoiders and the biggest headaches. years ago. Dutt organized the anxiety of an effort to We: What "it stUP called safetyx
', troubled students cope with problems Dutt. a former math instructor and class. cmlmnmemlL '350' and 50ml "30"!“ 3‘ ”1‘ firm" mincs- h
E commonly associated with math a psychologist, accepts all students. No one is sure what causes math "‘3 Sim“ 03 l-°'°"°~ an 0m" 03 ““5 based "‘ Nerlnx- waat er
' ‘ . ‘ courses. rOVided their level of anxiet i - . ~ ~ - Ky..and l} other plaintiffs contendthey have boughtatotal , .
. Louise Dutt. who leads the anxiety foo high. She explained that {11:53:} 22:32,. 20:13:352232'm3333a; of 159 shares of Blue Diamond stock overthe past l8 months INCREASING (‘l.Ol‘DINESS TODA\ with raip
l class, said she tries to teach her her students are women who are which hemisphere of his brain is bylgcimlérgcfinr‘rmz h“ ”legally refusedmlmmcm as :fi‘nnm:fisrlfxlsggmjzgcfii:{Laytgneimctrt‘h’xsp‘x '
. - - . S 0 COT . .- ‘
" 3313:3313“ .iiiw di3nojiii‘ilalieer xiii: hairdrfpaibdniginiii: stems and m dominam? .. . Officinls of the cost company had no comment. 505- ”day's "mpmtum “"‘l l" ”‘ "‘3 3‘“ 7°" .
rcss of college According to the hemisphere
.’ . ‘ ‘ perserverance and care when working level math. Continued on page 4 -—-—-——-—-—""‘ ~
. l l

 . __ ' f.‘ .
5' " "UM, .
. I
KENMKY Debi. McDaniel Jay Foaastt Steve Massey Mari (lrssn Thomas Clark Gary Landau if“? .
‘ Mum in (‘Iuej (‘umpui Ediiur Teresa Young Paul Mann Enierininmeni Ediior Dimior of Photography .53
Aiimmie Erlilur KM MM .
(‘ary Willi Lisa Dos-lard (‘indy McGee John (by David Maynard ‘i
Managin‘ um" Editorial lz'rliim t (“,In' L'iliiurr Sports L'diior Photo Manager 5 Q“
. a y .
0 0 Irish licked xiv '
edltalals & commnts Amman! Spam Edilor a;
, Mandatory retirement a
and w% M llAlB new fl) M‘T WT "
New WNW To spur Tile PAW.
Board of Trustees should change yum”?- PRWESW wow... 1 -
I a I? . . K -’ . '
policy on forced retirement ~> \i’... r.
, ,- . ii
V Mandatory retirement needs to be retired. could be the proper body to decide on extensions for h f At}; M / \ h. , . ‘
On Monday, the UK Board of Trustees established candidates who normally would be forced to retire. (r , i ._.— L4 5
age 65 as the general or normal retirement date for But first. legislation permitting exceptions must be "‘ -- I- ~ x , x I l ‘ {
employees hired after June 30. 1964. In addition. the passed. l h .. h ‘ i . w :3: K’- . f .- \ i . i .
board said that employees who decide to continue to Col. Harland Sanders. who was on campus ,r .U i '
work after their normal retirement date may be Monday to dedicate the new Sanders-Brown Tl-b Gil), Wilkes 'b . ‘ g “
required to retire before reaching age 70. Research Center on Aging, had the right idea. Be “@le WHY (5 l l ‘ f ’I,
in Americatoday. people are living longerthan ever Sanders. who started his fried chicken chain when he DON’T Ydl WNTANV lo - - —- ' I ‘5
before. and for many. their careers and life, in general. was 69 years old, said “The age of 65 is not a time to , , P 96 , 1' .
arejust picking up steam when they are forced to retire slow down, but a time to put all ideas you have formed RUN N 84 dz 88 - 1 - ILL ' l ' 5
at 65 or 70. And the UK campus is no exception. over the past 65 years into use. to keep you active and \ ‘ ° T. . fl 7 W i,
The intent of mandatory retirement is reasonable, living." ' f? ‘3’" h‘ V W 3
because many employees should be retired when they As the situation stands. the mandatory retirement fig ‘ / Ii". .- l ‘ IT'” i
become too old to fulfill obligations that a younger law is a cheap way of unloading people without telling mice ,- fl [(#d“ 'k \ é
person would be more capable of doing. But it should them they can't cut it anymore. and an effective way of - 1 ‘ ”T‘T'l '. ) 5 , . £9 '. L, ' g .
not be automatic for all employees. terminating the tenure of professors past their prime. ‘ 'TJKET ,/ ’ «isassolm‘ war A i
What is needed is some provision for allowing But for those whose experience and abilities continue "“"", I // T-g- < ,n.‘ r ’ , Tl?- . -
exceptions to mandatory retirement. A review to be valuable — even after 65 or 70 # exceptions ' I ‘Nl‘ 17 A III” " '1’ l E. ' '
committee of administration. students and faculty should be made. gov-9 '
”Nun/«x2113 dawn“ g
_______———-————————————————————————-————————-—-— . :- .-'
-——-——————‘——_—‘———T‘ . i,
l i
Letters to the Editor “E
___________________________—_______————————————-——————————-—— i it '
PerSOna| ChOice stands for._ including that mental disorder. and homosexually opponents in the primary. That a gubernatorial race. Sincclhave been the person who “doth protest too ‘ f
. homosexuality is wrong! related crimes occur less often in candidate is now one of his most loyal at UK. all I have heard is whatJohn Y. much?" g
This is in reply to a reaction to a [know you most probablythinkl‘m proportion to other sexual offenses. followers. Brown does and whatabad person he Well, Ray. 1 hope you stick to ' %-
commentary written by Ray Kues. an trying to avoid the error that I made Mr. Kues is forcing his OWn narrow is because he is a millionaire. One has studying animals and sparethe human l
admitted Anita Bryant fan. in about animals not being“gay.“butthe moral views onto nature and the Darrick McCally to watch out that they don‘t get hit by race. However. even the animals may 5
Tuesday‘s Kernel. Kues was at least fact is, l‘m not. i just wanted to hear personal lives of people he has no Business Administration sophomore slinged mud. not be so fortunate to have you as an ' Z I
refreshing l: hi; tc‘hoice of criteirion‘i whal Joe Linclolnhhad to say about the business judging. He mentions that If Nunn would stop this nonsense. observer of their behavior. for unlike : ‘~ ,
avoi ing t e i e — quote a w oe issue. t ink you missed the homosexuals must be messed up ' he mi ht ain some votes, but most you. I have seen many same-sexed 3 . '
nauseum — and referring instead to whole purpose of my letter. Richey. I simply because they are gay. They More RhOdes Info people8 getg nauseous hearing all this animals try to “do it.” '. t
the lack of animals (dogs. cats. was stating that gays could use some aren‘t the only ones confused. Y0“ (M “0‘ S°°f 0“ the number 0f bull. if I were a Kentuckian i know As to where your baseball bat is, l .
bunnies) which exhibit homosexual help. psychologically. Also that Joe lagree with Mr. Kues in one respect. Rhodes SChOIa'S from the Unwehlty. who i would vote for. think i know. _ i
tendencies. While 1 am not debating (the gay who started the whole The campus newspaper is indeed 5m“ l dOUb‘ that ‘he information '5 A W 2.
this advocation. it is also true that controversy in his article that “nowhere to tell everyone about your available in any one place. The correct Greg Scott SN“ Smith {I i ' I l
animals have failed to explore various appeared in last Friday's Kernel) personal problems.".loe Lincoln may 5”“th 0‘ the two names you gave is Accounting freshman Educational Psychology and l I ‘
positions which humans employ to should keep his problems to himself or have been mistaken in discussing his EMS Stahr and Floyd Cammack. . Counseling graduate student i
enhance intercourse. and are totally thosecloseto him. instead of searching personal life in print, but he lWhen l him heard “84"- Cammack. StiCk t0 anlmals .3
lacking as well in the discovery of oral for support in a school newspaper; reco nized the roblems he faced. and e was a ibrarian "1 60'8“. - . . '
sex. which you have tried to do. dealt8 with then? rather humorously in The first RhOdCS Scholar from the thWht‘l!f ”th: RTay :UCS Sleutcrltiio Fears Vlews l l
Now if we are to “follow the rules of his commentary. Mr. Kues made his University, ‘0 my knowledge. was Mr. Kc e l or m e ues ay.’ ep ' ' it's obvious to any newcomer atUK * .
n - . . ernel. l was struck by the ignorance . .
nature. as Kues puts it. by patterning Ray Kim own problems obVious to all campus W- ““8“ PM about “’21 Mr. Peal that can Sm, remain ammo“, cmof that this campus represents the most -
our behaviors after animals. then Zoology senior in a way i doubt he realized «through '3‘" had a distinguished career as an .. d t' .. W'th d y d conservative 0f views by SWdeS- The ,' 5
clearly these acts should be labeled ignorance and hatred. and I doubt if attorney in New York and is now e ucauion.b ' . gra es.d an. views expressed intheSept. 18. Kernel '
perversion. And if we‘re going to be I very many were amused by either. retired near Leesburg. Virginia. He is eventua y ’0 5‘ resting on Tea emic by Ray Kues on gay students, and _‘
serious in Pursuing this course, the gnorance also one of the best known book learning. many. 10th“ earning Doug Hoffman on Iranian students. ‘, .1
standard “man-on-top” should be The “expert “opinions of Ray Kues Anthony W. Ska": collectors in the ”med States and has esperiei‘ijces essentia {.0 ”$.0ng an are hostile prejudices that can only .
abolished from the bedrooms of (who is after all a zoology major) on Russian senior given many important and valuable e ucate- person 'are'given m c or no provoke anger. animosity. hurt and E
normal. well-adjusted and proper the causes of homosexuality would be - books to the University Library. emphasis. Flex'blmy inthought.good frustration. The students once again 5?;
individuals. and be replaced bythe less laughable nonsense if it didn‘t seem to Poor sound interpersinal relztion‘s. . “men. are bringing up the gay controversy :3:
. popular rear entry. commonly be based ona blind hatred concerning ' Lawrence S. Thompson making a lllty‘ an . ot er important that has been prevalentthroughout the I! .
nicknamed "doggie-style.” a subject that he apparently knows Last Saturday I saw the hhh‘ “Ah Classics 9'0“"0' and essential skills are usually PMt six years, if “0‘ longer. Iranian ‘3 - '
I agree that the majority of nothing about. His mentality is Unmarried Woman.“ at the Student disregarded. or at least not directly students have been publicly attacked V's" '
heterosexuals find homosexuality reminiscent of the anti-Jewish Center and although the admission fee Free of ewersion? rewarded WI-thm the academic setting. during the past three years for various é; »
repulsive. as i do. But within the full hyperbole thrown about by the Nazis was only a dollar. I left thinking I had p One result .5 a statement .1]? Rays, political reasons and now CCOHOMlC "g "
range of sexual activities are various in the thirties. or the racial slurs slung been overcharged. The movie seemed What's all this hoopla 0y" demonstrating his inflex1bility and lSSUCS- 5‘2? i -
acts which might be considered at blacks by KKK types. rather than a good, but h was difficulttobesure due homosexuality? Some people seem ‘0 probable lack 0f exposure to people l honestly am afraid of the future l":
normal or kinky or sick. such labels reasoned commentary on an to the very poor sound quality. The be bothered with the idea that this and their beliefs. ' when these students. my peers, will .3 .
varying from one individual to the important issue in current events. And same problem was When! some form ofsexuality maybean act against "- is suprismg that such «ll-dual!“ someday encompass all factions 0f 1 5
next. Choice of engagement in sexual his openinglines.thatthe commentary months 38° when l 53‘" “Hearts and nature “d therefore immoral per 50- posnion‘of whether gays are right or political. economical and social "4 }
activity IS of such a personal nature (by Joe Lincoln in last Friday‘s Minds there or l‘d have assumed the Terminal gorks laboring under these wrong 1"th" behaVior WO‘hd CV9“ ‘ occupations and will have to deal with g
that what is more repulsive than Kernel) “about gays . . . was gross. problem was whh the him How 1 am thought processes should consider be debated by Mr.. Kues. It is humanitarian issues. 1 fear fascism. [’3 l V»
anything homosexuals do together. is uncalled for. and totally inexcusable“ convmced l have been the "Chm ofa 'h‘h drinking. strip-mining. and inexcusable that an alliance would be P la C t % ; ..;
that consenting adults who do not (totally inexcusable???) was poor sound system. “doing h classic-style“ Wllh your taken Withneitherviewand behdefended Ah!" “um" .5; _‘
attempt to push their beliefs on others particularly disturbing. since every Why the theater was {"htl do "0' girlfriend are in 50"“ relative sense as truth. Whats that saying about ccoun ng or g t '
but merely share the enactment of person in this country is freetodiscuss understand, but I do “0‘ intend-to “against nature.” For those 0‘ “5 h“ p.
those beiefs, should in any way be his opinions in the press, even if they sumo} myself to. that husmhhg 0f any Pervml‘ms may 1 “WNW“ . :5
persecuted for that choice. be it are unpopular or absurd. (Mr. Kues‘ expenenoe 333'" “h“ the Kentucky you 8“ together and form a 10°31 4-
homosexual acts. a blow job. or letter was. 1 feel. definitely of the latter Theater charges °th 50 cents more chapter 0f Anita Bryant Ministries? 3 I "'
making love in a bathtub. type.) and {golwdes 1: larger screen 1nd better g ‘
u ,. . . soun . wou encourage ot erstodo Ro er L. Newber . . . . -‘ ‘
Judy Carney regTiitiflinLatha: utghofhhdmfisusuzllfy likewise until necessary improvements Fir: year law stuElent Letters. OP'mOhS .ah‘lj commentaries'must be typed (1an triple: . "
.loumallsm Advrtlsing senior are tired old cliches that uninformed are made in the Student Center I spaced, and mu“ ‘hc ude the Wm?” signature. 3 ":55 “I“ ;.
Theater. Thanks Kennedy 8 phone number. UK Students should include their year and major
P°°Pl° bandy about amongst . and University employees should list their position and .
Kues responds tfhemselves. but which real scientists Larry Grannfs L8“ Friday I ate lunch at the department. . "
or at about ion a 0. Th ' Student Center. I laid m ook w - - ' -
Okay. Dizney (are you by any sciesntists have nosreflanswiizitsltsoll‘i: Education training associate on the table while I waityeld in liniobuti The Kernel maycondense or reject contributions. and frequent
chance related to W l ,, . writers may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit forcorrect . .
. a ") you‘ve causes 0f homosexuality, any more when I returned. my ‘26 textbook was s llin rammar and clarit and ma delete libelous
”“5th your CEO by applying tactics than they have been able to cure the N | our b0 gone. 5: 8' t g y. y
learned throughout your four years in common cold. The k ow h ' 0 9 am y After re ortin the incid ‘ to s h emen 5- . . .
. . I . y n t at it P 8 en Contributions should be delivered to Room "4 Journalism
Philosophy. lm sure you re proud of was. not just in man. but in other The September It! column in the campus P°ll°¢» l went ‘0 Kennedy‘s University of Kentucky Lexington Ky 40506 , '
yourseli‘. ' forms of life as well. (for example, Kernel (by Cary Willis) about John Y. B°°k 5‘0" ‘0 3°C ifsomeone had tried For legal reasons cohtributors must presenth UK lD before
but let me 35k you this: were you there was an article in the New York gets a big nod of approval from me. i ‘0 5‘“ my 500k “Ck ‘0 them. 5“" the Kernel will be able to acce t the material '
tbreying to suppport homosexuality just Times not long ago called “Extensive share the same view as the managing enough. someone had 50“ my 500k p . ~ ‘
a‘ggzttzz'fi‘r‘t‘mls 33‘: Plants are homosexuality is. found among editor: a glamour boy is not needed in back 3° Kennedy‘s. Since I was able ‘0 ~
that I am not a hilt? .h'wl admit seagulls off the coast of California"). Frankfort. John Y. has consistently identify my bOOlK. Kennedy's returned Letters: I. . . ,‘
. (at least “0‘ as anCh (:5 ma person and contrary to Mr. Kues' beliefthat avoided confrontations with his it to me free of charge. . Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200 words. They ; ,'I‘
Thank God') but on m yfudare f dogs and cats are not attracted at times opponent (such as a series of debates). I would like to say thanks publicly should concern particular issues. concerns or events relevant to .' '
. the processthiit ouydo "0:13": "1:1: to others of the same sex. it is comnion He seems to have the ability to tell ‘0 Kennedy: {0" being 30 honest and the UK community. ‘fi
. the moral mu: at hand Yotinwge enough to seea dog in heat. when large audiences just what they want to savmg me $26. . .
_ . : mm‘y capmnlm on philosophical ”its? 10 wow on anything. hear. such as his. statement that in Opinions: ‘ . ' .. '2 ‘ x;
,’ errors. “0‘ about the “‘5th "“7 ml'dOgofitsownsethwould effect said that if he‘were elected Llsa Gannon Should be90linesorlessandshouldgiveandexplainaposition f i
.i In the Bible God stales that m I zoology major might know :KgrhoLkatg‘l’rlddTn 3er Education senior pertaining to topical issues of interest to the UK community. 1‘ J .‘
t .. . . - iin se an 00 . t o - i
. :j 2:23;:333055'32iogrfhggyf‘: hocomemjl‘.‘ ML Kues' belief that does he tell other college crowds? GUbematonal CIrcus Commentaries . .
'3. Now you may not beareligious mg“ . T31: Ir: mlentally ill, be is An interesting analogy. was h:s last Why didn't. Cary Willis take out a _ Should be 90 lines or less. with no more than 800 words. These
5» and could care less about what God vi“ b ‘ I no ony an unscrentif'ic name in the column. Green also pg‘e ad with “vote for Nunn“ articles are reserved forauthors who, in theeditor‘s opinion. have ' .
g h” stated about the in“: but I d Aew. . u an uninformed one. The happens to be a nickname for money. bhzoned .cfou it? special credentials, expenenoe. training or other qualifications to l I
. . i: believe in God and eve . h' H0 merican l’sychiatric Association He used some of his money (he has I am an out-of-smte student and address a particular subject.
' g m m‘ e d” not h" homosexuality II I lO‘) ‘0 P‘y 0“ one 0‘ hi! Democratic have neverseen suchacircus regarding ‘ .
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