xt7cc24qns7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cc24qns7v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-11-18  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 18, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 18, 1942 1942 1942-11-18 2020 true xt7cc24qns7v section xt7cc24qns7v  




















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Minutes of the Faculty of the University = November 4, 1942

Zoology 108a.b 9 Principles of Zoology - changed from 2 quarter
hours to 3 quarter hours each. @

Anth. & Arch. 101, Principles of Anthropology: Anth. & Arch. 105,
Ethnology“ moi the Old World: Anth. & Arch. 106. Ethnology of "Europe: and ?
Anth. & Arch. 107, Ethnology of the New World a changed from 2 quarter hmug
to 3 quarter hours each.



Psychology 126 e Mental Eygiene and Hygiene and Public Health 120b
Mental Hygiene, changed in title to Mental Hygiene Observation.

On recommendation of Dean COOper. the petition of James Porter was
approved. Mr. Porter asked permission to carry 24 hours during the current
quarter in order to finish his requirements for graduation by the end mfthe
quarter. He stated that he is now in the Army Air Corps Reserve and expeon
to be called around January 1. Mr. Porter has a standing of 2.

Similarly, on recommendation of Dean Cooper, Mr. Roy Hunt was given (ha.
permission to carry 24 hours during the fall quarter. in order that he may ' ‘
complete his requirements for graduation by June and enter into active
service in the Navy. Mr. Hunt's standing is 2.9.

President Donovan and Dean Cooper reported briefly to the Faculty
on the recent meetings of the National Association of State Universities
and the American Association of Land Grant Colleges. They interpreted
the trend of thinking of the heads of American institutions of higher
learning, with respect to the part that these institutions could and
probably would play in the war effort, and the bearing which the pending
amendment to the Selective Service Act will have on the future of colleges
and universities. President Donovan particularly emphasized the impore
tance of keeping alive during these times the cultural aspects of a
university's program as opposed to the demands of the immediate and



November 18, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office Wed»
nesday, November 18, 1942. President Donovan presided. Members present
were Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. COOper. Alvin E. Evans. W. D. Funkhousor,
Frank D. Peterson, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamber=
lain. Professor D. V. Terrell was also present. a

The minutes of November 4 were read and approved.





Minutes of the Faculty of the University - November 18, 1942

The Faculty heard the report of the special committee appointed
by President Donovan to suggest revisions in the calendar, with a
view to soaperating to the fullest extent in the solution of the
transportation problem. The recommendation of the committee was as

That the Christmas recess begin after the last class on

, Wednesday, December 16, that registration for the winter quar-
ter be held for all local students and others who may be on
hand on Tuesday afternoon, January 5, that all other students
register according to an alphabetical schedule on Wednesday.
January 6, and that all classes begin on Thursday, January 7.
The committee also recommends the elimination of the spring
vacation, which would mean that the winter quarter would end
Saturday noon, March 20. and that registration for the spring
quarter would begin on Monday, March 22.

This recommendation was approved by the Faculty, and the Secretary
was asked to give the matter the necessary publicity.

Upon recommendation of Dean Funkhouser. the petition of John S.
Kookogey was approved. Mr. Kookogey asked that he be allowed half
credit in the courses in which he was enrolled and passing, although
forced to leave for military service two days before the close of the
required eight weeks' period.

On recommendation of Dean Wiest, the petition of Charles B.
Richardson Was approved. Mr. Richardson asked that he be allowed full
credit for the courses in which he was enrolled and passing, although
forced to leave for military service two days before the close of
the required eight weeks' period.

Also on recommendation of Dean Wiest. the Faculty approved the
petition of Howard J. Bilharz. Mr. Bilharz was inducted into the
Army on November 14, which was five days before the close of the ree
quired eight weeks' period. He requested that he be allowed full
credit in courses in which he was passing at the time of leaving.

In response to a question from Dean Wiest, the Faculty again
discussed the factors that should govern in preparing an application
for outoofestate travel. Attention was called to the fact that Dean
Evans and Mr. Peterson had been asked to prepare a statement that
would serve as a guide to members of the staff making such requests.

Dean Funkhouser reported that the Southern Conference of Graduate
Deans had discussed the question of giving offecampus courses with
residence credit and had gone on record as approving this plan, at
least for the duration of the war emergency.

Mr. Peterson asked for guidance in his efforts to reduce the
mileage on the University trucks by certain changes in the delivery
of campus mail. The proposal submitted by Mr. Peterson was approved
by the Faculty.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd, the petition of Oscar W. Sellers
































Minutes of the Faculty of the University - November 18. 1942

was approved. Mr. Sellers asked that he be allowed to complete three _, .
courses by correspondence, in less that the minimum time prescribed. (”3,
Mr. Sellers is in the Army and hopes to complete these courses and

thereby his requirements for his degree before being called into

foreign service. He indicated that his Battalion Adjutant had given '
permission to spend his entire time on these courses as long as he was

at Camp Edwards.

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November 27, 1942

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office f
Friday, November 27, 1942. President Donovan presided. Members
present were Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, James H.
Graham. Frank D. Peterson, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest. and Leo M.
Chamberlain. Professor L. J. Horlacher was also present.

The minutes of November 18 were read and approved.

The Faculty heard a petition from Gamma Tau Alpha, a local
fraternity, in which permission was asked to install a chapter of Zeta
Beta Tau, national Jewish social fraternity. Dean T. T. Jones recon-
mended the approval of this petition. After some discussion of the
membership of the fraternity and of the amount of dues involved for
each member. the request was approved. fig!

The following report from the Rules Committee was adopted by
the Faculty:

"On April 28, 1942, the Faculty of the College of Arts
and Sciences made recommendation to the University Faculty
concerning procedures for preeclassification of students and
on the classification of junior transfer students who score
less than 25% on the University entrance tests. These matters
were referred to the Rules Committee by the University Faculty
for study and report. '

The proposals on preeclassification seem designed especially
to meet the problems of the College of Arts and Sciences. They

concern principally the extension of the advisory system so a
that every student will have a private conference with his ad: 0
visor before registration. The committee recommends, therefore. (

the following; I

1. During the present unsettled times it will be unwise
to make radical changes in our registration and