At a meeting of the:xecutive Committee of the State Univer-

sity, held at the Phoenix hotel, November 21,1911, there were

present L essrs. C. -'. Nichols, Cassius --?. Clay and C. B. Terrell

    The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, President

Barker Was authorized to accept the donation of $40,000., made

by the Trustees of the George Peabody Fund of Sew York, the

income of which is to be used in connection with the School

of education of the State University in accordance with a

resolution adopted by said Board of Trustees.

    President Emeritus Patterson had indicated, in a letter

written to lMr. C. B. Nichols, that he desired to be heard

before this body. On motion made, seconded and unanimously

carried, he was invited to address the body. He was then

communicated with over the phone, but declined to be heard.

    On motion made and seconded, President Barker was empowered

to expend a sum not to exceed $100. in the payment of the

expense of students of the Agricultural Department who will

to to Chicago to act as a judging team in a saddle horse juedg-

ing contest.  The said motion was adopted unanimously, upon

a yea and nay vote.

    In consideration of extra services performed by Dean Ham-

ilton and Miss Aubyn Chinn at Patterson Hall., begin:i'ng with

September 1st last, each of them is allowed their board in

Patterson Hall, on account of aaid extra work, this being

work done over and above what they are required to do under

their employment by the University.

    On motion made, seconded and carried unanimously on yea.

and nay vote, the salary of Miss Aubyn C)iinn, as Instructor in

Domestic Science was fixed at $900* beginning September lst.