xt7cfx73xs65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73xs65/data/mets.xml Wisconsin United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects Historical Records Survey (U.S.) Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1938 v, 181 leaves; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.3/no.48 books English Madison: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Wisconsin Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Treasury -- Archives Archives -- Wisconsin -- Catalogs Wisconsin -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III. The Department of the Treasury. No. 48, Wisconsin, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III. The Department of the Treasury. No. 48, Wisconsin, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7cfx73xs65 section xt7cfx73xs65 5 Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 46 destruction of certain records dated prior to June 50, 1929. The functions of the collector's office are carried out by these office , units: Cashier and Liquidation, Entry, Mail Importatiens (established in 1925), and lbrine. ' With the abolition of the subports of Kencsha, Oshkosh, Kewaunee, Sturgeon Bay, and La Crosse within the past decade, the archives of these subports were transferred to the Milwaukee office, which is headquarters port for District 57. A number of these records were lost in transit. Cashier and Liquidation Division Records _......_.___u_.....__.._....__...__.._.__ 226. CASHIER'S COLLECTIONS ADD DISBURSEYEDTS, thy 15, 1861 — Sept. 50, 1868. Record of receipts on imported goods, giving amount an? article on which duty was paid, and disbursement of salaries to employees. (Never.) 10 x 15 vols. (2), 2%-in., on , wooden shelf. Damaged by water, brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. N. 3d floor (Bldg. A). (1050) 227. TONRAGE DUTY COLLECTED, Juno 4, 1367 — Apr. 10, 1869; Apr. 5, 1871 — Aug. 22, 1882. Record of tonnage duty collected, giving date of entry, name of vessel, by whom paid, where belonging, number of tons, amount collected, and total. (Never.) 11 x 16 and 9% x 1%% vols., lfi-in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1041) 228. RECORD OF COLLECTIONS, MILHAUFRD AMD SUBPORTS, July 5, i 1867 — Nov. 1873. Date, name of vessel, marine hospital, money I collected, tonnage, fines, penalties, and forfeitures, inspection I of steamboats, miscellaneous collections, admeasurements, enrollments t and licenses, arrivals and clearances, total official fees, and total currency. (Never.) 12 x 17% vols. (2), 5 in., on wooden shelf. Damaged by water, brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1045) f i 229. CASHIER'S ACCOUNT, Nov. 12, 1867 — Sept. 16, 1868. Cashier‘s account, posting money received as a guarantee of payment l of duty on imported shipments, including record of deposit of money received from all sources and disbursements for all purposes. (Never.) 9 x 14. vols. (2), 2 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. 1‘1. 5d floor (Bldg. A). (1064) i 250. RECORD OF DAILY COLLECTIONS, say 5, 1868 - mar. 51, 1895. 1 Record of official emolwuents, expenses of collection, marine [ revenue storage, warehouse tax, and steamboat inspection fees. ~ l (Never.l 11 x 16 vols.(5), 6 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty, in: faded. R. 204. (Bldg. i). (10:30) 231. ACCOUNTS CURRENT, Mar. 1, 1871 ~ July 30, 1889. Record of - miscellaneous accounts: cash received, deposited, and disbursed; ' itemized record of disbursements for medical services, cigar stamp account, liquor stamp account, imported distilled spirits, and tits 5 ‘ Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 47 , reimportcd American distilled spirits, cigarette stamp account, , wine stamp report, record of vouchers for payment by check, and ' certified vouchers for payment by check. (Never.) 10 x 15 vol., I 1% in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1052) ' 252. ACCOUTT FOR DISBURSEEEKTS, Ehr. 1, 1971 n Apr. 50, 1893. ’ Ledger of accounts current of the Collector and Disbursing Agent : for the district, giving, on debit side, the amount paid inspectors, . weighers, gaugers, measurers, official expenses paid the above, ' amount paid for revenue boats, and Collectors’ comnissicns at 3% on customs; on credit side, balance due the U.S. from last account, Treasury draft number, warrant number, expenses of collecting the i revenue, by amount received for storage, drayage, labor, by amount ' received for weighing, gauging, and measuring, by tax retained from - salaries paid in this account. (Hever.) 11 x 15% vol., 1% in., on wooden shelf. Binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1059) . 235. RECORD OF MONEY RECEITZD ALD PAID, 1hr. 1, 1871 — Mar. 51, Q 1892; thy — Nov. 1893. Record of collections and deposits of 1 duties, fines, and penalties. (Never.) Si-x 13 vols. (3), 3 in., on Wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). i (1065) , 254. RECORD OF MERRY RECEIVED ON ACCOUTT OF STORAGE, LABOR, AND : DRAYAGE, Nov. 25, 1872 ~ Jan. 11, 1911. Name of consignee, vessel, 1 foreign port, description of merchandise, date of delivery from : public store, number of months in storage, and cost of storage. (Never.) 8 X lOi-(d) and 9 x 11 v01s,(5), 9 in., on wooden shelf. 2 R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1058) y 255. OFFICIAL EMOLUMEFTS, Dec. 1, 1875 — June 50, 1908. State— ment of commissions on money collected to cover payment of salaries j and contingent expenses. Filed chronologically. (Dever.) 9 x - lO vols. (2), 2 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, bindings broken, . ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (sec) 256. ACCOUHT, Dec. 31, 1875 — June 50, 1905.- Ledger account 1 current of Collector and Disbursing Agent for the district, for , excess deposits refunded. (fiever.) 8%‘X loi-vol., 1 in., on _ wooden shelf. Bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1044) v 237. DAILY RECORD OF EDNEY RECEIVED FROH ALL SOURCES, Jan. 5, 1374 — May 14, 1913. Name of payor, number of stub receipts, ‘. ' immediate consumption, warehouse withdrawal, rewarehouse withdrawal, I storage, labor, and cartage, total fees, and total duties. (Never.) 1 15 x 18 vol., 2 in., on wooden shelf. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1059) . f 238. DAILY RECORD OF DISBURSEMEYTS, ch. 1, 1876 — June 5, 1900. Form d22B, giving date of payments, to whom paid, for what service, WM ‘ "' Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 48 ‘ expense of collecting the revenue from customs, Karine Hospital Service, excess of deposits, debenture account, Revenue Thrine Service, official emoluments, and fuel, light, and water expenses. (Never.) 8 x 14 vol., 5/4 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1040) 259. DEBEETURE ACCOUHT, Jan. 25, 1885 - Jan. 7, 1902. fienthly ' record of account current of the Collector and Disbursing Agent for the district. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) si-x lOg-vol., 1 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (881) 240. RECORD OF EXCESS DEPOSITS FOR UNASCERTAINED DUTIES REFUND, Dec. 51, 1889 — Mar. 28, 1907. Monthly record, giving name of importer, number of manifest entry or bond, name of vessel, unascertained duty, date of receipt, liquidated duty, and date and amount of refund. Filed alphabetically by name of importer. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (5), 4 in., on wooden shelf. 1 Brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). ' (944) L 241. RECORD OF SALARY PAYEENTS, Apr. 5 — Oct. 1, 1891. State— ment of paid salary vouchers, giving name of person to whom issued, how employed, and amount paid. (Hever.) 8%‘x 15% v01., 1 in., . on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). A (1057) 242. RECORD OF PROTESTS AND AFFEALS FDR REAPPRAISAL, July 24, _ 1897 to date. Protest number, name of importer, date of entry, duty paid, date of protest, consumption entry, date of liquidation, 1 character of protest, decision, and authority. Filed alpha— ‘ betically by name of importer. (1897 — Nov. 1915 records never; other seldom, official.) Variously sized vols. (5), 1 ft. 2 in., on 5 Wooden shelves. 2 vols. brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. Rs. 204 (Bldg. A) and 5280—550 (Bldg. B). (942, 945) > 245. RECORD AND SCHEDULE OF REFUFDS 0N DRAWBACKS, Dec. 5, 1901 — : Apr. 1915; 1926 to date (no drawbacks claimed 1914 ~ 1925). Date, amount of payment, to whom paid, and number of drawback entry. . (1901 — 1915 records never; others frequently, official.) 8 x 15 vol. and 9 X 12 loose—leaf books (2), 9 in., on 2 Wooden shelves. Rs. 204 (Bldg. 4) and 528 (Bldg. B). (999, 1000) 244. CHECT REGISTER, 1902 - 1925. Monthly record of checks for personnel, services, and miscellaneous expenses, giving date of issue, amount, payee, and service or account. (Never.) 15 x l 17 vol. and 849 bundles and pockets, 24 ft., in metal cabinet, on steel shelf in vault and in metal transfer case in vault. R. 550 (Bldg. E). (1055) d ' I 247. REGISTER OF COLLECTIOIS AID DEPOSITS, May 1, 1915 — July 51, 1925. Ledger of duties, giving amount paid, entry number, receipt numbers, miscellaneous charges, and daily deposits. (Never.) 15 x 18 loose—leaf books (2), 5 in., on wooden shelf. R. 204 (Bldg. A). - (1045) c ' 248. CASHIER'S DISBURSEHERT ACCOUIT AED RECORD AHD SCHEDULE OF . DISBURSEMERTS, July 1914 to date. One type of form for 1914 - Mar. 1919, indicating date, number of entry, payee, amount, and monthly balance of cash on hand; another for Apr. 1919 - Feb. 1954, in— dicating date, voucher number, authorization number, payee, amount, check number, and adjustments; duplicates and triplicates sent to Comptroller at Chicago; another for Ear. 1955 to date, district voucher number, bureau voucher number, payee, symbol of appropriation . or fund, date, and amount; originals and duplicates sent to Dis— bursing Officer at Chicago, triplicates and quadruplicates retained. : Filed chronologically Apr. 1919 to date. ‘(1914 - Feb. 1955 records never; others daily, official.) 9 x 12 and 11 x 10% loose—leaf ' books, 9 in., on wooden shelf, on metal shelf, and on wooden shelf. ; Rs. 204 (Bldg. A) and 530 and 528 (Bldg. B). (1056 — 1058) 249. ISTATEMEETS OF CHECKIRG ACCOUIT AID CERTIFICATES OF SETTLENERT, 1915 to date. Statements of cancelled checks drawn upon . the Treasurer of the U.S., certificates of settlement, originating in the General Accounting Office, certifying settlement of trans- ' actions with the Dcpts. of Commerce and of Labor and with the L Office of the Treasurer; file discontinued shortly after her. 51, - z 1955, when disbursing duties were transferred to Disbursing Officer ' at Chicago. (Never.) 8%-x l7 folders and 9 x 16 packages, 5 ft., 1 on two metal shelves. R. 550 (Bldg. B). (1056) 250. SCHEDULE OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, 1919 to date. Form 7 1515, report of deposits, cash being deposited in the First Wisconsin National Bank at Milwaukee and checks in the Federal Reserve Bank ' . of Chicago; itemized report of deposits at each depository and a ' 1 consolidated report, prepared in quadruplicate; originals go to . 1 Washington, two copies to Comptroller at Chicago, and one remaining. . (Monthly, official.) 9 x 14 loose—leaf book, 2 in., on wooden _ shelf. R. 52 (Bldg. B). (1062) ‘ Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee , 50 3 251. RECORD AND SCHEDULE OF NAVIGATION FEES, FEES ON ACCOUNT OF DECEASED RASSENGERS, AND TONNAGE TAXES, Oct. 1919 to date. Commerce Form 1101, indicating date of collection, voucher number, catalog number, fees, name and nationality of vessel, tonnage taxes, and ‘ notations; copy to the Director of the Bureau of Navigation and ' Inspection at washington; also Commerce Form 1007, record of navigation fines, 1926 to date. Filed chronologically. (1919 — Sept. 1926 records never; others daily, official.) 10 x 14 ‘ envelope and 9 x 12 loose-leaf books (2), 5 in., on wooden shelves. Rs. 204 (Bldg. A) and 5:50 and .326 c (Bldg. B). (918, 919) 252. DAILY RECORD AND STATENEZT OF COLLECTIONS, DEPOSITS, AND BALANCES, 1921 to date. Form 5207B, giving total collections and deposits from last statement, total collections for current month, balance brought forward, collections, deposits, balance carried to next return, and number of certificate of deposit. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf books (5), 2 ft. 5 in., on V wooden and on metal shelf. R. 350 (Bldg. D). (1061) i 255. PROOF OF DEPOSITORY BALANCE, IHIHAUKEE, Jan. 1, 1922 — lmr. 1954. Form 5215, monthly statement of disbursing account, with certificates of settlement; this account kept by headquarters in Chicago since 1.1ar 1954. (Never.) 84 x 14 envelopes and 9 x 12 bundle and folders, 5 in., on wooden shelf, in metal filing case ' drawer, and in steel cabinet in vault. Envelopes, brittle, dirty, : torn. Rs. 204 (Bldg. A) and 528 and 550 (Bldg. B). (1066, 1067) 254. LIQUIDATION CORRESPONDENCE RITE CONPTROLLER AT CHICAGO, Nay 1925 to date. General correspondence of an explanatory nature, : with Comptroller in Chicago, and confidential correspondence; corre— spondence concerning verification of entries and letters of trans— , mittal. (Earlier records never; current daily, official.) 8 x 10% bundles (5) and 9% x llfi-folders, 5 ft., 1 in., on wooden shelf, in 5 wooden filing case drawer, and in metal filing case drawer. Rs. 204 (Bldg. A) and 650 and 552 C (Bldg. B). (1102, 1103, 1101) 255. RECORD AND SCHEDULE CF SPECIAL DEPOSITS COLLECTED, REFUNDS, TRANSFERS, ETC., 1924 to date. Information as to deposits in lieu of bond, overtime service, proceeds of sales, and compensation taxes (discontinued as result of Supreme Court decision regarding the ' Agricultural Adjustment Administration): voucher number, vessel or , other conveyance, name of purchaser, class, date, and amount; ‘ information as to refunds: date, voucher number, particulars, amount, and remarks; copies of schedules sent to headquarters in Chicago. ‘ (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf book, 5 in., on wooden ‘ shelf. R. 328 (Bldg. B). (1065) ‘ 256. CHECKS, DUPLICATE, 1925 — lbr. 51, 1935. Form 2220, checks : for the operating force, public buildings, expenses of collecting revenue, excess dep0sits, debentures, and Coast Guard and night , service; prior to 1955, checks reported in material described in ”mu ; Bureau of Customs, Nhlwaukee 51 3 Serials 1055 and 1054; since 1955, disbursement functions carried ' on by the Disbursing Officer at Chicago. (Seldom, official.) 9 x i 16 bundles, (16), 8 ft., on wooden and on metal shelf. R. 550 (Bldg. B). (1055) f 257. MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS, 1925 to date. Form 5159, for i collections billed on Form 5109; Form.6161A, for services of 7 officers; Form 5155, for increased, additional, or supplemental ) duties; Form 51618, for miscellaneous collections; duplicates in ' custody of Comptroller, Chicago. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose— A leaf book, 5 in., on wooden shelf. R. 328 C (Bldg. B). (1047) 258. COLLECTION RECORD OF OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, June 50, ' 1926 to date. Form 5259, quarterly record, giving entry or voucher number, date, account, name, amount due, reasons for nonpayment, recommendations of the Comptroller regarding further action, action f taken, subsequent status, amount recovered, date, and authorized 1 disposition; in triplicate, original and copy sent to Comptroller, Chicago. (Quarterly, official.) 9 x 12 loose~1eaf book, 6 in., on ‘ wooden shelf. R. 528 (Bldg. B). (1046) ‘ 259. CONSUMPTION AND IMMEDIATE TRANSPORTATION OF IMPORTED AND - EXPORTED DUTY FREE MERCHANDISE, June 1927 — Dec. 1928. Forms 7501, 6417, 158, 7501A, 7512, 60456, and 60438; records prior to June 1927 ‘ destroyed. Filed numerically. (Never.) 8%-x 11 folders, 4 ft., in L two steel filing case drawers. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (985) ’ 260. MONTHLY REPORT OF TRANSACTIONS, 1928 to date. Form 5065, : giving foreign vessel number, treasury receipts, commerce receipts, 1 labor receipts, expenses, number of entries, and examinations made 5 for appraisal; in duplicate, originals sent to Washington. (Monthly, 2 official.) 9 x 14% loose—leaf book, 4 in., on wooden shelf. R. 528 c (Bldg. B). (1054) f Collector's Files 2‘ 261. INDEX TO ALL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1911 to date. Filed , alphabetically by subjects. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., " T in 2 wooden filing case drawers. R. 352 C (Bldg. B). (967) 262.} CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO PERSONNEL AT MILWAUKEE AND ‘ SUBPORTS, Jan. 1911 to date. Confidential correspondence with L washington, record of classification and retirements, and oaths . ' of office. (Daily, official.) 9%-x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel ‘ L filing case drawer. R. 352 C (Bldg. B). (1099) 263. CORRESPONDENCE, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, Jan. 1911 to _ date. Confidential correspondence with the Department, relating to \ regulations, decisions, reports, circular letters, and general ; matters. (Daily, official.) Qg-x 12 folders, 10 ft., in wooden , If drawer and in 4 steel filing case drawers. R. 382 C (Bldg. B). (1095) ? Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 52 i 264. INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1915 to date. ¥ Correspondence and regulations relating to entry of merchandise, ‘ letters of investigation, Customs Information Exchange letters, ‘ and circulars; correspondence with the Customs Court, Department ' of Commerce, Civil Service Commission, Treasurer of the United States, Department of Justice, Government Printing Office, Tariff : Commission, and Coast Guard.' (1915 — 1950 records inactive; - others confidential.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 ft. 6 in., in 2 filing 1 case drawers. Rs. 550 and 552 (Bldg. 5). (1092, 1095) 265. CORRESPONDENCE WITH TIE BUREAU, CONFIDENTIAL, 1925 to date. V Confidential correspondence, relating to bonds, bonded warehouses, , customs brokers, cartage contracts, cartmen’s licenses, investi- ations, and law enforcements; records prior to 1925 destroyed. , (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in wooden filing case ' drawer. R. 552 (Bldg. B). (1094) ‘ 266. IDENTIFICATION LETTERS TO CITIZENS TRAVELING ABROAD, COPIES, f 1924 - 1950. Letters of identification issued to citizens, giving length of time permitted abroad, description of citizen, where born, . and purpose of traveling abroad. (Never.) 9% x llfi-folders, 2 in., 1 in wooden filing case drawer. R. 550 (Bldg. B). (805) ' 267. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM INDIVIDUALS, 1927 to date. Chiefly relating to discrepancies betwoen duties at different ports; records prior to 1927 destroyed. (Rarely, official.) 10% x 11% > folders, 6 ft. 6 in., in 4 wooden filing case drawers. R. 550 _ (Bldg. B). (1105) ‘ 268. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, KISCELLANEOUS, Jan. 1927 to date. - Correspondence of a routine nature with private individuals; records 1 prior to 1927 destroyed on official authorization. Filed alphabetically. . (Never.) 9%~x 12 folders, 5 ft., in 2 steel filing case drawers and in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 550 and 552 C (Bldg. B). (1089, ; 1090) ' 269. CORRESPONDENCE WITH COLIECTORS, Jan. 1931 to date. 1 Confidential correspondence with other districts, relating to entry 1 of merchandise; records prior to 1951 in same file as material ; described in Serial 1092. (Daily, official.) 9%-x 12 folders, ‘ 6 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 532 C (Bldg. B). (1097) t 270. CORRESPONDENCE WITH PORTS DE ENTRY WITHIN TRIS DISTRICT, 1951 : to date. Letters of instruction, transmittal, and general information, ' 2 to Deputy Collectors; records prior to 1951 described in serial : abstract 1092. (Daily, official.) 9% x 11% folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in Wooden filing case drawer and in metal filing case drawer. Rs. . 550 and 552 c (Bldg. E). (1098) YFRNR ’ Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 53 I 271. CORRESPONDENCE WITH POSTMASTERS, Jan. 1951 to date. Relates f to inquiries and protests on dutiable importations; 1927 — 1930 L records in same file as material described in Serial 1089. (Never.) ; gé-x 11% folders, 1 ft., in metal filing case draWer. R. 550 . (Bldg. B). (1104) a 272. CORRESPONDENCE'NITH DEPUTY COLLECTORS, Jan. 1936 to date. 5 Confidential correspondence with Deputy Collectors, relative to “ entry of merchandise; records prior to 1956 in same file as material described in Serials 1092 and 1095. (Daily, official.) 9% x 12 ' - folders, 6 in., in steel filing case drawar. R. 532 C (Bldg. B). . (1096) . Entry Division 1 273. INDEX OF DRANBACK RATINGS 0N MANUFACTURERS AND COMMODITIES, s 1919 to date. Index of drawback ratings, for all ports of the United States and insular possessions, listed by names of manufacturers ‘ and by commodities; the Customs Information Service began sending ; out this index in 1926, and at that time HE. C. J. Spanaus, Clerk, ' , prepared a typewritten card index for the seven preceding years on » the basis of information derived from Treasury Decisions, and 2 combined it with the Information Service cards. Arranged alpha— “ betically. (Seldom, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 ft., in 5 drawers 3 of metal card cabinet. R. 528 (Bldg. f). (993) f 274. RECORD OF ENTRIES OF MERCHANDISE FOR TRANSPORTATION IN BOND, July 5, 1853 ~ Oct. 1, 1858. Includes Weekly report of merchandise ' warehoused in Milwaukee; also receipts for merchandise under bond, - for District 57 and other districts. Filed chronologically. (Never.) , 8 x 13 vol., i-in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, ink faded. : R. 204 (Bldg. A). (955) ' ; 275. GENERAL BOND ACCOUNT, Aug. 26, 1856 - June 1866. Record of t bonds, giving number, date, and character of bond, names of principal f and security, amount of bond and duty secured, amount for trans- . portation and exportation, and date of withdrawal. (Never.) 11% x - 17 vol., fi-in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, binding broken, ‘ ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1129) 276. WAREHOUSE LEDGER, Dec. 21, 1856 ~ Oct. 5, 1925. Name of importer, date of importation, date of entry, name of vessel, where ’ from, bond number, character of merchandise, quantity, rate of duty, , total value, by whom withdrawn, and date of withdrawal. May 1, 1913, ‘ the Bond Register was combined with this ledger; June 50, 1920, ' transfer from bound vols. to the loose—leaf system; and Aug. 19, - 1924, an entirely different method of keeping this ledger was adopted, 1 as described in Serial 957. Arranged chronologically. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (54), 8fi~x ll loose-leaf book, and bundle, . ; 5 ft. 9 in., on 2 wooden shelves. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (956) 53788 T Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 54 . F 277. RECORD OF GOODS'UITHDRAUN FROM EAREIOUSE, July 9, 1860 - . Oct. 29, 1870; July 1, 1886 — Feb. 29, 1896; June 6, 1908 — Sept. 16, 1911. Date of entry, bond number, name of importer, description of merchandise, name of consignee, amount of duty, and date of with— . drawal. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (8), 9 in., on wooden shelves. Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 . ‘ (Bldg. A). (950, 951) j 278. LEDGER OF ACCOUNTS, Jan. 10, 1865 - July 1, 1866; Apr. 5, ' 1875 — July 51, 1876. Revenue marine, emolument, suspense, light- house, marine hospital collection, steamboat inspection, revenue cutter, and cash accounts. (Never.) 11 X 15% vols. (2), 4 in., p on wooden shelf. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (855) 279. DAILY RECORD OF FEES COLLECTED, July 1866 — June 1867. ‘ Name of vessel, destination, duty, tonnage, admeasurement, imp ' portation, entry, permit to deliver, certificate fee, endorsement - . license fee, recording enrollment clearance, license, affidavit . - fees, and dates of arrivals and clearance. (Never.) 7% x 18 v01., _ fi-in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (104.2) 280. ACCOUNTING RECORD OF UAREHOUSE AED REYAREHOUSE BOEDS, Dec. 12, 1866 - Aug. 10, 1870. For bonds guaranteeing the payment of duties on warehoused or rewarehoused imports; open account for ‘ each bond, total entry value debited, withdrawals credited until account balances. (Never.) 10 x 15 vol., 1 in., on wooden shelf. Binding broken. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1011) ' 281. REGISTER OF REWAREHOUSE BONDS, July 1868 — July 1875. Number of bond, date registered, principal, surety, amount, duty 1 on entry, date due, and how Cancelled. (Never.) 16 x 16 vol., 1% in., * on wooden shelf. Brittle, binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1157) 282. IMPOST BOOK, May 10, 1869 — Sept. 1911. Abstract of duties on imported goods, wares, and merchandise, showing date of entry, ~ name of vessel, number of entry, importer, description of merchan— dise, percentage of dutiable values, value of goods paying specific . duties, specific and ad valorem duties, and total duties. Arranged chronologically. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (22), 2 ft., on . wooden shelves and in wooden bin. Older papers brittle, bindings : broken, ink faded. Rs. 204 and 208 (Bldg. A) and R. 355 (Bldg. B). (819n821) = 283. ACCOUNT OF FINES AND PENALTIES, 1hr. 1, 1871 - Dec. 31, 1900. _ ; anthly record of fines and penalties collected, giving date, amount , deposited, amount of fine, net proceeds of seizures released, and . amount paid. (Never.) 8 x 14 vol., 1 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, ; binding brdken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (922) ’_ Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 55 ' 284. ACCOUNT CURRENT OF CUSTOMS, Mar. 1, 1871 — Jan. 50, 1892; . July 1, 1892 ~ July 51, 1912. Monthly record for the district, an j itemized account of expenses of collecting customs revenue, debentures : and drawbacks, repayments, customs receipts, fines, and penalties, ; and storage, labor, drayage, cording, sealing, and night service ? fees, abstract of Customs Collector's compensation earned, and 1- statement of balance at close of busineSs on last day of account. . Filed chronologically. (Never.) 10%'X 16 vols. (5L 5% in., on 1 wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 i . (Bldg. A). (856) ' j 285. DAILY REGISTER OF REWAREROUSE ENTRIES, Far. 1871; Dec. 1913 ~ ’ Jan. 1914. Record of all merchandise brought into this district 1 for rewarehousing, giving date received, from what district, shipper, consignee, marks, numbers, description of goods, quantity, value, 1 amount of duty, time of bond, and date of certificate to cancel bond. 1 (Never.) 8 x lSfi-vols. (4), and 15 x 17 vols. (2), 7%-in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. 1 R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1014) ‘ 286. RECORD OF INVOICES AND APPRAISEEENTS, Apr. 22, 1871 — f- June 26, 1877; Mar. 1898 ~ Oct. 27, 1911. Entry or invoice number, ‘ date of entry, date of appraisement, name of importer, vessel, where > \ from, marks and numbers, description of merchandise, amount of duty 2 entered at and appraised at, advanced value, advanced duties, rate of allowance for damage, date of report to Collector, and remarks. _ (Never.) 9%—x 12%~vols. (5), 9 in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1084) . 287. WAREHOUSE RECORD, May 27, 1871 — June 6, 1908. Two 1 separate files of statements of goods received, permitted, and delivered, indicating date of receipt, bond number, description 2 of article, receiver of permit, and amount of storage charges; , ‘ material covering Aug. 1882 ~ June 25, 1886 in both files. Arranged . alphabetically by name of importer. (Never.) 10% x 15% and 12 x . 16g vols. (5), 9 in., on wooden shelves. Brittle, dirty, torn, ink g faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (954, 955) . . 288. RECORD OF CONSULS’ CERTIFIED INVOICES, July 1, 1871 — ' « Sept. 30, 1926. Record of shipments certified by Consuls in port 1 of origin, showing name of Consul and Consulate, invoice number, 3 designation, date of certificate, name of shipper, and Consuls? , fee for invoice. (Never.) 14 x 20 vols. (6), 1 ft. % in., on } wooden shelf. 'Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. ‘ R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1085) § 289. RECORD OF LIENS FOR FREIGHT 0R IMPORTED GOODS, Oct. 12, . 3 1871 — Jan. 17, 1898; June 25, 1919 to date. Compiled from Forms 651, 1 5481, and 5213 and showing date of lien, description of goods, owner, \ importer, 0r consignee, amount of lien, storage location, lien V claimant, date of receipt of notice to hold, and date and manner of ' release of goods. (Older records never; recent occasionally, of— 1"9 Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 56 - ficial.) 15 x 18 and 9 x 12 vols. (3), and o x 12 loose—leaf book, ' 5 5% in., on wooden shelf and on steel shelf. First vol. brittle, V' 7 dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A) and R. 528 A ' ‘ (Bldg. B) (1075, 1076) 290. ILPOST CASNBOOK, Nov. 1, 1871 — Thy 29, 1886. lbnthly ’ 1 record of receipts and deposits, giving date, number of manifest, ' amount of imposts, warehouse and rewarehouse imposts. Filed ‘ alphabetically. (Never.) 12 x 17 vol., 1 in., on wooden shelf. - Brittle, binding broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (818) i ‘ 291. RECORD OF WAREHOUSING BONDS, Sept. 1872 — thy 1922 (thy E 1898 — Apr. 1900 and Aug. 1902 — Oct. 1905 missing). Record of ’ surety bonds signed by importers guaranteeing payment of all ' duties and obligations. (Never.) 8é-x 15i-vols. (7), 2 ft. 4 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. g R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1139) . 292. ENROLLMENT BONDS AND OATHS, Sept. 9, 1872 — Nov. 3, 1880; ' 1hr. 5 — June 18, 1881. For owners’ oaths not to use the vessel , in violation of the Customs or Navigation laws and enrollment : bonds guaranteeing compliance. (Never.) 10 x 14% vols. (4), 6 in., E on wooden shelf. Brittle, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 2—4 1 (Bldg. A). (1152) _ 295. ACCOUNT OF TRANSPORTATION ENTRIES FROM OTLTR DISTRICTS , RECEIVED AND ENTERED FOR RENAREEOUSING IN DISTRICT 57, Oct. 1872 — 1 Aug. 1875. Accounting of money obtained from duties for reware— ? housing merchandise in the ports of New York, Detroit, Boston, } Chicago, Portland, and Port Huron, giving date of transportation l entry, port, amount of duty, and place of transfer; somewhat similar record for 1919 ~ 1925 in a separate file and described in Serial i 949. Recorded chronologically. (Never.) 9 x 14 vol., 2 in., on 1 wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, bindings broken, ink faded. R. 204 j (Bldg. A). (948) i, 294. RECORD OF ENTRIES AND LIQUIDATION, 1875 ~ 1919. Record 1 of the arrival of vessels, names of importers, number of packages, description and value of merchandise, total estimated duties, f liquidated duty, and date of liquidation; continuance of this record, in a modified form, reported on Serials 868 and 869. See I addenda for list of vols. and dates. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (21), 2 ft. 7 in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. R. 204 (Bldg. A). . (867) w 295- TRANSPORTATION BONDS, 1hr. 29, 1875 — Apr. 25, 1915; > June 6, 1913 w Feb. 6, 1917. Bonds for the transportation of f merchandise which entered the United States at any other port and ' is to be reshipped to Milwaukee, assuring that duties which have ~ ,‘ not been paid at port of entry will be paid at Hilwaukee; show number of entry, marks and numbers, description of packages and merchandise, 1 value, and date of cancellation. (Never.) 10% x 15% (5) and 8% x ‘ . 15%‘(5) vols., 7 in., on wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, bindings 1 broken, ink faded. R. 204 (Bldg. A). (1155, 1156) Ms J‘ ' Bureau of Customs, Milwaukee 57 § 296. BONDS TO PRODUCE VERIFIED INVOICE, May 51, 1876 — Sept. 24, 4 1914. (Never.) 9% x 14% (5) and 9 x 14% (2) vols., 5% in., on ; wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn, bindings broken, ink faded. , R. 204 (Bldg. A)- (1121) 297. RECORD OF GOODS RECEIVED ON T AISPORTATION AFTER ENTRY IN 1 OTHER PORTS, Aug. 2, 1879 - Nov. 1911. Record of original importation f and transportation into Port of Milwaukee, giving port of first arrival, date of import, name of importer and vessel, where from, 5 marks, numbers, and description of goods, invoice quantity and value : and estimated duty, date of entry into T