A Publication bv the LexngtonGN and Lesbian Servnce/Rfifirfieshglrl
“Don't ask, don't IQ". don't pursue." Maybe Clinton is just being very shrewd and
1 is actually planning on this proposal not working.
_ Don t bother. . _ _ Maybe Clinton has thought about all of this, and
President Clinton has finally made ["118 dCCISlOI'l on realizing hOW constitutionally weak [his proposal
where he stands on the 188116 0f gays m the is, he is hoping it will go to the Supreme Court and
military. After much political pressure and 21h eventually become a springboard for gays being
overwhelming drop in the approval P0115, Clinton given nation—wide constitutional protection.
has decided to propose a POIiCY OdeH’t ask don’t Whether this is the case or not I don’t know, but
tell, don’t pursue. I do know that it’s more important than ever that
Under this plan homosexuals Will be able to you call your senators and state representatives
march in gay pride parades, go to gay bars, Of (Wendell Ford opposes lifting the ban) and let
attend 83V churches. Unfortunately, they WOUIdh’t them know how you feel. This could be just the
be able to have relationships, tell friends who they beginning.
really are, or be free of unreasonable witch—hunts.
This new policy doesn’t ask gay men and . -
lesbians who serve in the military about their . Kate S comlng!!! .
sexuality, but it also doesn’t allow them to talk Internationally famous lesbian comic Kate Clinton
about it either. The new proposal suggests that by is coming for a Performance here in Lexmgton.
not talking about homosexuality, gay men and Hosted by UK LAMBDA and INS Events, Kate
lesbians can continue to serve honorably and Clintonw1llappearSeptember'18thattheSingletary
amiably just as they have done for centuries Center for the Arts on the UniverSIty of Kentucky
before. campus. Tickets are on sale now and gomg
Unfortunately, it isn’t about being able to quickly. Prices range from$13 (seniors/ students),
serve, it’s about not lying about who we are. This $15 (advance) to. $17 (at the d090- FOF tleketS,
law would force people to lie and be dishonest. please can the T1Cket Office at Singletary: 257‘
How can anyone think that simply by not talking 4929-
about something that it will not exist?
This policy is dysfunctional at best and grossly
unfair at worst. Clinton’s- plan would still allow CLNTOW? SPEctgL Cow if" 3394 .
people to be discharged 1f1t IS even suspected that 0N 6N5 IN Tim M'“
they are gay. Anyone who is suspicious or has a fix, 1,: ”m“ {A ..
grudge against a gay service person could out him ' ',0 ,. 1:" [F ,;'_ t2! . ‘32
or her and have him or her discharged, destroying <1 ~- I W" :1, j” {mfg/5'1? 4 , " r: ‘9' ‘7;
a career and sometimes, a life long dream and /, f5 "' 'Iiijifig" ‘74P; “t .' ,_ ; n ,
career. If someone reads your private mail and v; ., ;,l_‘3‘,"% u (3%; 0 a Pam
discovers you are gay you can be discharged. It (' "\i: fig} ‘5; g " ., It} ,3“
isn’tsimply about gays announcing theirsexuality at; , i.;.-,-_",/,"'j' it? “4% XL... 2/
in the military (which is very rare). It is about not QW/l. “.433 éfi‘fld “‘;fl:&( Dye
doing anything wrong and having your career D’Btl'T 45K Dort’r‘vgéi 790”" $.34“;