xt7cfx73xx3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73xx3m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1995 1995 1995-02-24 2020 true xt7cfx73xx3m section xt7cfx73xx3m  

_ l











‘Ifiliy .\ Indira/1. ‘ Rez'it'u‘, page 4.

tonight, lot.“ 2 i- )”0; .1 [only
runny tomorrow, high near 9 i. .
DIVERSIONS ‘Stitnrdiiv Night [.ice‘xttrr ’ ‘ 1'

Adam Smaller/10px at rich lint (Iii/twitter! .


WEATHER illoi't/y runny and

cool today, high 40-4 5; (flair





February 24, 1995

0 (it! Mlltiii 7 [flirting 4

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Controversy to follow lCC students to Chicago

SG/l calls trip ‘Sz'ghtyeemg’

By Sara Spears

.Si'lllt I‘ bill/iii II'IIi'I'

A bill proposed by Lexington
Community College architecture
students built a bit of controversy
among student senators \\'ednes-
day night.

L'K‘s Sttident (iovernment
Association Senate was presented
with the bill during its regular
meeting this week. The bill, which
originally asked for $3,600, was
presented for the group to fund a
trip to Chicago.

The tiioney would have been
used for train fare to and from

Chicago. transportation within
Chicago, lodging. food and totir

The bill's total was amended
twice and finally passed through
the Senate as 590‘).

The controversy arose when
several members of the Senate
realized that the LCC Architec—
ture ’l echnology Association had
done little to no prior ftindraising
on their own, which is one ofthe
Senate‘s criteria for funding a
campus organization's hill.

S(i:\ Vice President Heather
llennel said lack of fuiidraising is
what hurt the group the most.

“I know there are some sort of

rules saying that they cannot
fundraise on LCC's cam ius. but
they could've gone into I e coni~
iiiunity, or onto L'K‘s catnpus to
fundraise," Henriel said.

The sponsor of the hill, Sena—
tor at Large Russell Harper,
argued the members ofthe group
had no time to fundraise because
most of them work full-time and
have families. Several senators
also pointed out that the trip was
lust that ~— only a trip.

The group was not going to
Chicago to attend a conference,
they were just taking an architec»
tural tour through Chicago.

“I can't see the relevance in
them going to Chicago for archi—

tectural purposes,"
Community College
Brian Stafford said.

“If it was sortie national confer-
etice or something I could justify
them going a little easier, but as it
stands now, it is just a pleasure

Stafford also saidvthe Senate
passing a bill for a pleasure trip
proves, once again, how lenient
the Senate is with student money.

“The Senate definitely passes


things too easily for fear of

acctiuntability,n Stafford said.
“They don’t want to be account
able for someone not being able to
do something.”

Senator at Large .-\lan Aia said
that he had a problem with paying

for the group‘s transportatit in. and

that is why he voted to amend the
bill so the Senate would only fund
the tour fees.

“I thought that the whole bill
was my ompletc," '\ln said “I

Windy City Windtall

VOn Wednesday. the Lexrngton
Community College Architecture

wouldn't have voted for the bill it
all, but I voted for the aiiicnd
iiieiit, so I had to."

Also, Aia said he felt the Map
was for pleasure, iitstt ad of (‘illll .l


"I got that saute feeling. but
we've funded things .1 lot \\"'\I' ,
than this before," Aia said l

"l was offended they weren‘t


because I think that ifthey I‘call'.


Technology Assooation asked
the SGA Senate for $2.600 for
train tare. lodging and lood in
order to tour the City's architec—

VThe group did little or no
fundraistng of liSt am. one of the ‘
criteria SGA uses to fund trips i

VThe Senate amended the bl!‘
and gave the group 8909 to: the




wanted to go, they would lI.I‘-i

taken anything they could get." i



Greeley hit pool
for good cause

By Alison Kight
Stuff.” 'i'ncr

\Vet bodies and cheering fans
filled the Lancaster Aquatic Cen—
ter last night as Delta (iamnia
social sorority and Phi Sigma
Kappa social fraternity hosted
Anchor Splash 1995, an annual
fundraising series of water races.

()yerall winners for the corti—
petition were Sigma . Chi, Pi
Kappa Alpha and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon social fraternities, in Iirst,
second and third place, respec—

“( herall, Anchor Splash was .i
great success this year," said DU
member Sterling \Vilder. “\Ve
made over $1,600 in profits."

Proceeds raised this year go to
the Foundation for Sight Conser-
vation and Aid to the Blind.

The stands above the pool
were packed with supporters of
their fraternities and sororities.

“There's tnore people here
than I've ever seen before,“ said
DU nteiiiberjennifer Miller. “All
the chapters have a good time at
this event, and we get to raise
money in the process."

Many sorority and fraternity
members thought the event was
fun and beneficial.

“It's art excellent chance for
the greek community to unite
and support a worthwhile cause,"
said Marc \Vilson, a ParmHouse
social fraternity participant.

Some ofthe races in the coiit—
petition were the Rubber Duckie
Relay, the 50—yard Candle Relay,
and the IOU—yard Sweatshirt

“(Swimming with a sweatshirt
on) felt like a Ill-pound weight
was on my back," said Tricia
Zc‘llin, a marketing senior who
swam for the winning Sigma Chi

Price Atkinson, a member of
both the L'K swim team and Beta
Theta Pi social fraternity, had fun
watching everyone compete.

“Not everybody swims for the
team. so Anchor Splash is a good
time for them," he said.
















ANCHOR SPLASH .‘lam/ntingjtminr Shawn Garrison ofl’hi Gamma Delta concentrator htflirc the ‘Ruhhcr Dut‘hic RUIN)" (trip).
Under/tiredflex/mum Les: Rit‘httrdi'on relaxes before the Lohrter Handy Event (ahoce lift). .Wemheri of Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma .\Il
[ter/invited their .iynchronized m'imming routine hefore a «Tom/ed home at The Lancaster .‘II/Ilflfic Center lair night (ti/tore right.)

Photos by JAMES CRISP lyt-rrii.‘ .mt





lBBTIII‘BI' TBIIS IIDW T0 90 around the Wlll‘lll Ill 34 CENTS



CHEAP tMlEllEll (:11 Wim

affirm mm: tips at [an night} lecture.

By Brenna Reilly
Stuff I! 'rltrr

Instead of traveling around the world in 80 days, students
learned how to travel the world for 84 cents a day last night.

The Students Activities Board brought author and world
traveler Gil \Vhite to campus to share his travel tips with UK
students. “'hite explained many ways to keep travel costs
down while traveling through Europe.

”Travel is the best way to get an education," White said. “It
should be mandatory that students travel."

\Vhite said people may plan a trip for two weeks, but then
change their plans. “People say ‘I love this' and go for si.\
months or a year," \Vhite said.

\Vhite stressed that there is no one set way to travel. He
said that students can et the most experience by traveling in
unconventional ways. 'Phe unusual ways of seeing are also cost
efficient, \Vhite said.

\Vhite explained 28 fun and legal ways get rides around
Europe, and I6 ways to find a place to stay for little or no cost.

One method “'hite explained was staying with people trav—
elers meet on their trip. \Vhite said by (loin a small chore or
giving the host a present, a student can eamiis or her stay for



a day or two.

The best way to learn about the culture is to meet the pen»
ple of the country, White said. Hitchhiking is a good way to
get around Europe, he said. and people will pick up hitchhik~
ers for a number of reasons.

“(The drivers) are bored, or just 'ood Samaritans," \Vhite
said. He said Europeans are general y trustworthy and travel—
ers should not be afraid to take rides frotn strangers.

He recommended that females travel with a friend because
drivers will more easily pick up couples. White said notes on
car windows asking for rides or asking a local radio station to
announce that you need a ride also works.

\Vhite said people often measure how much fun they have
by the amount of money they spend. But he disagrees, “The
less money I spent. the more fun I had."

White advised traveling during the off~season because
prices are lower and not as many tourists are in the country.

Communications senior Nate Adkins said came to the lec—
ture because he's oin to Furope this summer. “I thought
(the lecture) woul be helpful in saving money this summer,“
Adkins said.

\Vhite is currently on a 55—college tour this year to help stu-
dents with his money-saving methods.


Rival disputes UK's
hoekey tourney hid

By Ty Halpin

.lolyitlllf Ham/unit; [list I

The liniyersity of South l‘ilorida hockey team
intends to file a complaint against the Ann-titan ( :ol
legiatc llockev Association today. clauiiir‘g that the
litills. lily! the lilxi ( iml (..it\. should be llll South
ei'n Collegiate llockey Asstit iatioii rcpi'esctttatiye iii
the national tournament.

’I he complaint, which will be filed .it -I pm. today
if no agreement i an be t‘ca-Lllt‘tl, w ill ask for a perm l'
nent iniiinction to stop Illt‘ ACII \Is tournament
llowe\cr, [Sins suit said the team would settle tr it .i
one ~:Iame playoff with Lils in It. Collins. ( .olo , the
site o: the tournament.

['SI'. who plays in thc SCll.-\'s
Southern l)l\'lsi1111St.irk1'ille.

\et the1' can he ”1.1111111111111111 ii11onsisteiit,

'18 t.‘\i

l1111111.\1.1i'111111uiit.1\1\and l’riiicetoii

Jilin/LI 1/ 11'. em 11 11.1..” Ltd/He. [’11/71' 11 1111:.“ .It'i'rrIerIiLr
". ‘1 't1'ill.’.’,\ 11 tonne of} the hent'l'.

ats continue the tradition of stomping Alabama

L 51.. \l ()()S \ W}. .irlier in House 111511-11 ~ Hoops 11lition.
the neck, .1 loolish ltic'll Alter lllestl'.l1' nl1'ht s 73 ‘3
sportswriter 1(11ush) ,. _ c aninL1 111 the 1ide there

can he no doiiht that sortie—
thing inherent in Pitlnos
Ball 111.1ster111111' exploits the
1111t'111alI1'Ae1'1'ecti1'e Baiiia~

l’itino claims 1111 trend
exists, hut men to the casual
ol1ser1'er, that assertion
sounds like .1 hit 111‘ '.1 cha—
M08019" rade.

'l'ruth he known, the
L'K—Alaliaiiia game is proh—

.11111' circled on 1’itino's cal»

sitltl that, “hilt: LiK

was .1 i'til'L‘C to he reckoned
with, it “won’t win points
for st1'le." '1'hc haltlwitted
sci'ihe impi'udentl1'
l.il1elled the \Vildcats‘
ottensive sets “jagged" and :1
“unorthodox." ' 1..~

51111111111111 L'Kpla1'1n Eric
their next game at .'\l.111a—
111.1 '1'uesda1'viiight? .‘s‘pui'ti

\\'e11, 111 course. the L'o/mmmr
\Vildcats strtitted with the v
s‘t1'le otClaudia Schit'fer 1111 ender alongside (1i11rL1111
the catwalk. 111' '1'11111' Bennett on Ariii'ani‘s' hirthda1'.
his third encore ~77 t11e1'pl.11'eda.s 111 1087. l’itino's Providence
il' the1' sold their soul to (Ialvin squad hurled \Vimp Sanderson's
Klein. '1'tisc.tl11tis.i's’Coleman (iol— hest Alahama team in the N(.'.'\:\'s
isetlttt,.1111'thin1111ut '.1 sweet home Sweet Sixteen. Hit—>43.
1'11r .-\l.th;1111.t, was, for L'K. the And since he arrived in [ex-


lietore \1111 could .‘isk1‘\\ hen does
spriiiL1 loothall start
L K pl. 111-d with passion want
1111,: the game like \kipp1 11' 1.1'1t1d
Mallory on "5.11111111' lies" \11111
111.1 wanted the game like .\1.1llor1'
There was .1 time, seems like wanted Skippy.
eoiis ago, 11 hen .'\l.111.1111.1 was .1 hip Sew iiteen itiinutes into 'I'iies'
choice to wear (iinderella's glass 11.11 111L111t's Lilietto he .itinL1 the
slipper come .\1arch. [1111 11.111 .1 111111111 11 points on
they caught Arkansas iiappinL1 their side 111 the ledger and trailed
in 1".11'1'tte1'ille, hut since their star 111' 1.1
has laded .is quick as '1'1111e 1.111"s L'K's /.oiie defense liliiidsidcd
fleeting lame. Bama. renderinL1 the 'l'ide's 11111-114
Against L'K, .'\l.1h'.1111.i put 1111 .1 siie gaineplan .iliout as worthless
[it‘t‘titl'illitnc‘t‘ that was as listless .1 as .\1.1ut'_1' 1’111'11'11 at the sperm

i11L1t11n he 11\\ ns .1 "~_‘ reclort
against lide the \ictoiies coiiiinL1
111' .111 average 111' l>s‘.>s points. 1111'
series, ”will L'K's perspective. is .1
di1'ine comedy, '1'11 .'\l‘.lll‘.llll'.l __- .1

it was wretched. 'l'hc 'l'ide's' hank
letharg1‘ permeated lioth the \:l.'1111mi pl.i1'eis stood thc'r1

shellshoc ked 111' the sight 111 the ..
1 zone as it that 111.1eiise we'tL 111111
t.1tiL1ht iii the S'wiss.\lps'_11111
1'1 ishtd 111.1liL1nant L11.'1111es at the
stands, 111-11r1 the t'ans 11'er1 htts\'

offensive and defensive ends.

'1 he \Vildcat Philharmonic. iii
pert'ect tune {or the first time sitice
le .11inL1 (1' .1it1es1ille in e .1rl1' 1.111—
11. .",111 c.rished the 11111 part1

thinkinLr oi the sc'hool s p ist 1.11111
111111 L1loi"1

'1'he1' were .1 team 111' ~1.111
11rad1's, the dissent and disgust 111
clear View.

(in the other side ol- the 1ourt,
L'K took advantage ot' :\l.1h.1111.1's
pressure-cooker 111' .1 lt‘.tli'~L‘fltlt‘t mind.
deteiise that came into the game “That was .1 little out of con
sittiiiLr in the first 1.11.111' 111' the ti'ol,"1|uipped’1'11111'1)clk.
Southeastern ('.ontei'ence 11.11111, .\1e.1nwhile, Sheppard 11