xt7cfx73xx8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73xx8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1999 1999 1999-09-10 2020 true xt7cfx73xx8j section xt7cfx73xx8j «yrs-'Vrm‘f 1.. 4_

Attention hopeful
graduates! Thursday.
September 23 is the
deadline for applying
for a December 1999

What he
he means

We all have trouble
understanding the
opposite sex. Here
are some tips to help
the female gender
understand the
complex language of

"it's a guy thing."

Really means: “There is
no rational thought
pattern connected
with it, and you have
no chance at making
it logical."


z a

.1; w... .. KENTUCKY




loves Ally
Get the inside

scoop on
TV’s hottest

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hazing at UK

By Brianna Sanders

More than [too i ii eek students were given a ('Iliillt e to dis

. i . . , ,

r}: g cuss the I l\ Ira/ma; |)Irlll_\ ill a forum yesterday at .‘iIeinoriaI
"it would take too long I Hall,

ii to explain." All new members ot sororities and fraternities were re
t’ Really means: “I have no i quired to attend the I‘i‘tlit‘l‘llli} Iixecu

ye idea how it works." I tive .-\ssociaiioiis Statement on [Ia/-

g. 1‘ ing.

5‘; "Takeabreak,honey, I “I knew liiiisi oi the information

széfiE it!) are?" 72:}. fes’igfLiS-‘a; .3

you’re working too

Really means: “I can’t
hear the game over
the vacuum cleaner."

"that's interesting,
Really means: “Are you






coming into this meeting. Ijust didn‘t
know the depth oi the problem." said
.It‘lilllit‘l‘ Xliiitiick. a new member of
Sigma Kapp r sorority.

l)tli'lli.i Recruitment Week. for
mcrh known as Itusli Week. fraterni-
ties and sororities sold perspective
members by telling them of the posi.
tive aspects about the chapters. so the


:3 still talking?" main focus of the forum was to show
~ liow lia'xingdetracts from the )ositives
2" “Hey. I've QOi m‘y’ oi(}t'eel-; life. I down
: reasons for what I'm ; “51'5“ PATERSON l KERNELSI‘" ‘ "New members [it involved in
5 doing." i ._ so? . a lia/iiigl feel like they have to fight or to
2;, Really means: "Andi I ‘ ' . . _ struggle 'l‘hat shouldn‘t be the case."
I sure hope I think of i The UK Art Museum is presenting the Vii" ”95“!" said 'I‘onv lilanton. fraternity advisor h '
I some pretty soon." ; Museum's “100 Giants of Chair Design" through “You are the ones that have the 82ng
fi October 24. The exhibit ties in with the second power.“ he said. “I implore you to use
" "You know I could never annual Design on the Edge symposium on Septem- it!" or
love anyone else." her 17. The symposium festures a juried student Students were encouraged to re
‘ Really means: "I am design exhibition and lectures by renowned interior port incidents of lia/iiig to the Greek
'1. used to the way you designers. .\tiairs Office. 1101:.
f . yell at me and realize (ireeit organizations found guilty
‘ it could be worse." oi ltd/int: lace stitt' penalt les, Ther
“ t it's up to the I'tiivei'sity to de
"l'm not lost.lknow cide on the issue. it comes down to '
exactly where we hazing or not. 'I‘here is no gray area.“ IS no
are." Itlanton said. Several fraternities and
Really means: "No one i ‘ sororities have been kicked off cam gray
will ever see us alive ; pus iii the past due to infractions of
again." WAI— RACL ; the hazing policy. 99
' i Blanton went op tolexplain a Wt area,
t cent situation at tie 'niversity o~
Here are . . ‘ 'I‘exas tliatgenerated a settlement for — Tony Bianton,
' 7 . 81.6» liilllltitl. The settlement was fraternity adVlSOV
awarded to a victim of a hazing Ilit'lr
:1 some Other DI e or I n e . l dent. 'I‘lte ["lj fraternity will not only
'. th'nqs to i be watching its budget for the next 2o
th. k b t . . _ . \t k N mo t “mph \icw W I years: those charged with the ailega
in a nu t Allegations of cocaine use by Presrdential vainomm,301.015,), than mm“ ; (illicit: 'I‘lil‘t.lii”nifl) ‘13.: :‘igltiztiiigtittth nth,“
‘ ' ' ’ ' ‘ “I‘prernnentatton is experr 3 other 30 iercent. ’
If you thmk nobody candIdate recewmq mlxed emOtlonS on campus lllf‘tltii'lf’Il-N “WI lllll"l‘.‘"“1l' Phil“ I "It cIin lead to extreme monetary damages to you and
“NS about you, try I _ ‘ ‘ ‘ . mac) student Jason Ilumphet'ies. your {rung-”11y." “imp,” said.
mtssrng a couple 0f By Chris Markus MRI Mill‘k l’t‘llll‘fi'. [H‘UIWSUI' ”1 I“ "The time period of the expet‘inieii 1
payments. 1 go’mmym'mfgg ’ litical science. "Bush has beeti do mtion is what makes, the differ-- ;
I ing a decetit job in maintaining his ence." I , 7
It may be that your sole ‘ . credibility But. llumphries conceded. the ;
purpose in life is . l‘OI‘ tht‘ lth‘l‘ElL’f‘ CONN“? USW- Students attd faculty members average voter may be a little con- I
simply to serve as a 3 the cost can be between 5451) SW for at [K represent a (mom.(11,55,506. ccrned Whether “MU allegations
warning to others. I it llilll‘gl'lllll- I“01‘“lil‘t‘o‘l‘lt‘niiill can- tion of voters eligible for the good cost Bush voter support is an issue '
:’ didate. the cost can he creililillliil election. Some see nothing wl‘tmfl that Bush‘s campaign staff now a a o n S
4 Living on earth may be I l’l‘i'sidt‘mléil (‘iilltlitliltt‘ (it“il‘k’t‘ with the strategy used by Bush and megs. '
expensive, but it i W. BUSII J11 15 facing (ICON-filth)!“ his campaign staff. others feel that “This could influence the wav
includes an annual ‘ by Ilif‘ [WW-a 11ml I‘iV’ill P1111105 “f (70' an admission ofguilt is in order. tnoral or social conservatives view .
free trip around the (111110 1158;!“ during his MW} in (“’l' "Assuming Bush was not deal‘ him." Pet‘flev said. I
sun. legit. H0 iS 110' the first Pl‘t‘SHlt'mIill ing cocaine. to confess now and get ()n the other hand. (‘annon felt
candidate t" have to deal with ”‘7' II 0V” With WOUId probably "121k? most voters would have little colt
iwo wrongs don‘t make (311811110118 ofdrug 115839. the issue fade away." said Bradley cent over the issue,



<——-—.—-.. .. ”w...- ~.... .. m

a right, but three
lefts do.

Therapy is expensive.
Popping that bubble
wrap is cheap. You

A clear conscience is
usually a sign of bad

Source: Mikey's Funnies

Complied by Samantha
Essid and Ron Norton

“I did not inhale.“ was the re-
sponse, used by President (‘Iinton
when questioned about marijuana

Bush's response has been of
neither continuation nor denial.
leaving voters to decide for them-
selves whether he used. and
whether that matters.

"There is no perfect response."

Walk and talk


Cannon. chairman of the Political
Science Department.

“Although Bush‘s situation is
reminiscent of (‘Iiuton's 1992. ‘I did
not inhale.‘ incident. cocaine is a
different drug than marijuana. (‘o-
caine use is seen as much more se-
rious than marijuana use." (‘atmon


A drug user who is “found out"
is left with a stigma that may be
cleansed with time or in some cas
es. may becotue a permanent scar.

“Voters are more likely to re
member something that differenti

ates the candidate from the rest of

the field. whether it be positive or
negative." (‘annon said.

Is there a difference between Bush (supposedly) doing

cocaine and Clinton smoking pot? Does it matter?


By Alan Stone

containc' tin WRiiER

(in Sept. 7. Papa John‘s Inc. showed its heart to the but
versity of Kentucky attd to cancer patients everywhere once

\Vhile iii town for the opening ofa larger store oit the [K
campus. (‘I‘lti John Schnatter ttiade a presentation ot'Sliioo to
the Markey (‘ancer (‘enter froin Papa .Iohn's. Itetli Williams
atid Dr. Phil Mctirath were on hand front the i'niversity to
accept the donation.

“The [K Markey (‘ancer (‘enter is dedicated to providing
the best treatment atid care for our patients." .\lc(}raih said.
"(iifts‘ such as these enhance our efforts in the tight against

Papa .Iohn's relationship to Market t‘ancer (‘enter start
ed about eight months ago. said Karen Shurinan. senior di

3 “It does not “I would Still rector ofcomuiunity and public relations for Papa .lolins Inc.
1 - Shurman. Schnatter and a group from Papa .lohn‘s. toured
3' m matter .What he Vote fOI‘ hlm ; the center with Dick Vitale, who does advertising for the

. 1 g In hls (311811), but d9- Now. iti addition to the gift. Lexington-arm stores will
I I .. 4 1311811 S) past, 38 In cocalne ls donate a dollar froin each pizza sold during March of zone to

i ong as he is not - the cancer center through The \' Ii‘oundation.
i - d1 ferent from The \' Foundation. named after Jimmy \‘alvano. was


7.3 5:1

Fully sunny or just
3’3va 3 tittls‘V
.. j [(3





domg it now.”


“I think that
it is different
but I would stili


doing pot.”

- SARAH R033.

I think
there IS no

founded iti 1993 to promote cancer research. Jimmy \'al\'auo
was the head basketball coach at North (‘ai‘olina State t'nl
versity frotu 19811-1989. leading them to an NCAA cliatupi
onship iii 1983. Valvano died of cancer in 1993.

Schnatter and Papa John's are no strangers to philan-
thropy. The most famous donation iii Kentucky was the large
$5 millioti donation that Papa John‘s made to the l'niversity
of Louisville. earning its name in the title of the field. Papa
John's Stadium.

Papa John's also donated $1 tuiliioti in 1997 to [’K for the
basketball museum. soccer and softball programs. Together.
Schnatter and Papa .lohn‘s have also given nearly $7511.01k) to
the Kentuckiana Institute for Developmental Services.

VOL 83105 ISSUE 3313

“.___.. BOSSIQJ‘Y VOte for — BROOK "AYES' Schnatter gave $100.1“) of that personally. His daughter.
ESTABLISHED W 1392 11811. MARKUMG SOPHOMORE Danielle. received treatment frotn the facility for cerebral

,_____ M__, SCIENCE/ ELECTRICAL "Lexington is a very important city to us due to the fact
Mews tow»? ENGINEERING SENIOR that it was our second major area of business." Shurman

Call: 257-1915 or write:







‘ flirt; .

 .. s..- .7,



The Low-down

thrilled to
be picked
as a
...but this
is going to
need some
shoes. and
I've got

-Jane Clayson.
ABC correspon-
dent , 32. who
come November
will be Bryant
Gumbel's conost
on CBS’s new
morning news

program, "The
Early Show."

Clinton: Indonesia Must Keep

\\' \SlllXii'l‘llN l’resident (‘lititon today
insisted that Indonesia accept international
peacekeepers it it can't uuell violence lll liast
’l‘unor “It Indonesia does not etid the t admire. it
must lll\ili‘ it .\lliS'l‘ invite the international
t'ttiillilliiilH to assist in restoring security." (‘lin
ton said Speaking to reporters on the White
llililst‘ I.t\\n. he said he is reluctant to embrace
turthet et oiioinic assistance to lndont si.t it it
eontuiu.» to resist liast 'l‘intor's "t'legu‘. unanr

bigtotis' mo tor independence

Danforth Opens Waco inquiry

‘d.’ \Sllthi'l‘tix l‘dil'lilt‘l' Sen. .lohii Dgui
tor“ ll \ln . opened an independent liltgtllH to
tl.l\ t:.'o whether the l‘lil started the deadly ttre
.t: the Wino siege .tiitl later tried to «out its ac
tions \'o\\mg to pursue the "dark questions."
limilortl: pledged .t thorough mount that t'oultl
ant lude «tin-Jim li.‘ oi .-\ttotiim (it‘ill'l il Janet
Reno and l‘lil lti'w 'toi l.tilll>l‘1"l‘ll l'lze only
thing I would .I‘»l\ is that he coudut t a thorough
.uid prompt tnyestiguiott.” said President t‘lin

CIA Wary on N. Korea, Iran

\\'.-\.Slll.\'(i It 1‘s limr the next If} \e u‘s.
\‘or'l‘: Korea and ll ii] are likely to develop nus
siles potentially ruiptltle oi lkilling millions ol'
.\i:‘:et: arts. tlv ll“ \'lll fo/ln In to int-it
.lt'llt't‘ report who iuaiot nopiications tor {to
l‘ 'lliili'itli's elioil- to ill-rt lop defenses :ig‘tiiist
I; ‘ll.\li<' liliSslit'S, tlwt l\ \Ctill liar] posed an ad
:iitrtit o‘ more distuit
threat 'l‘ht report is a stunni uy ol'a classified
.\.ttion;tl ltztellieent e l.stiitt.ue. the lust the l‘lA
has done on lt-tllistit- missile llil't‘zils \lllt't‘ 35th.")


ilwugl: ~ouiv wlia'.

GOP Leaders Won't 0K Bud-
get Summit

\\'.-\Slll.\'(l'l‘( ).\' 'l‘op t‘t iligt‘essitiiiiil Ri‘tlllli»
lit'ans said today they will ttot engage l’resident
(‘lintoii in budget summit talks lllls year he
t'ause he would insist on higher spending in ex!
change tor the (i()l"s cherished tax cuts “We‘re


But first:
ning French-
Canadian pop
dlva Celine Dion
said Wednesday
she plans to
tahe up to a
break iron the
music business.
but not before
issuing a new
guage album
and hosting a
big year-end
concert in






film distributor
Lions Gate
Wednesday said
it bought rights
to director
Kevin Smith's
film Dogma for
release in North
America. The
movie by Smith,
whose films
include Chasing
Amy, stars
Matt Damon
and Ben Affleclt
as two fallen
angels who
believe some
religious laws
are fallible, and
they try to
exploit a legal
loophole to
reenter heaven.

just not prepared to trade with the president with
the American people‘s money. a spending buck
i'or me. a tax reduction tor you." House Majority
Leader Dick Armey. R 'l‘exas. said. Armey re
newed the (}()l"s pledge to use Social Security
surpluses solely to redtice the 5.3.0 trillion nation
al dcbl.

Clinton Offers Gun-Buyback

WASlllNU'l‘UN l’resident (‘litiloii today
introduced a 81;") million lederal plan to buy back
guns. The new program will give local police (1...
partments up to 8500000 to buy guns in and
around public housing projects tor a "suggested
price" ol'850. ’l‘hc guns will be destroyed. Clinton
said Ailll’l'll'uil children under 1.3 are nine times
more likely to die by accidental shooting thatt
children in the othe ‘ 23 industrialized nations

9-9-99 Goes Smoothly

NEW YORK The dreaded highrtech date 9-
9-99 arrived today with no reports of any major
Y2K like computer trouble. There had been tears
that Sept. 9. 1999, might cause some computers to
misread the (late as an old command to end a pro-
gram. liut those concerns appeared to be largely

Hasbro Buying Pokemon
Cards Seller

PROVIDENCE. RI l’okemon trading
cards. so popular that stores are finding it hard
to keep them iii stock. are joining (}.l. Joe and
Monopoly in the toy lineup of. Ilasbro Inc. The
nation's second-largest toy maker said. in a $325
million deal. it is buying Wizards of the Coast. a
games rompany that also owns the bestselling
game Magic: The (iathering as well as Dungeons
& Dragons.

Dow Ends Up 43.06

NEW YORK Stocks closed higher as a late
rally lil'ted a market. The Dow Jones industrial
average rose M06 today to end at HD7940. lnterv
net and technology firms were strongest. (in the
NYSE. gainers led losers 148071.178. The Nasdaq
rose 131.29 to 2.85203.


“.«llll ti,tt.iit it e .


“.iiK'lMJH ..itt mat Haiti t liviti \lni'ttl l “mini

’\ Ht "t.” ‘ il. wt ltx'lt‘

Busrness Aft/re + Resumes


“M‘ t‘l 3min O ‘r Itllttt ttt