xt7cfx73z15z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73z15z/data/mets.xml Oregon Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration University of Oregon Angelus Studio (Portland, Or.) Oregon Oregon Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration University of Oregon Angelus Studio (Portland, Or.) 1940 v. 77 p. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:Or 3/3 books English Portland, Or.: Oregon Historical records survey project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Oregon Works Progress Administration Publications Oregon -- History -- Pictorial works -- Catalogs Photographs -- Catalogs A Guide to the Angelus Studio Collection of Historic Photographs, 1940 text A Guide to the Angelus Studio Collection of Historic Photographs, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7cfx73z15z section xt7cfx73z15z UHWLHSH (01 YL HfUCK Y‘ T0 THE ANGELUS STUDIQ COLLECTION, GE PH‘TQGRAPHS PUBLISHED DY HEDHHHL WQRKS AGENCY WQRK PmJEcTs ADMINISTRATIDN OREGON HESTQRICAL RECORDS SURVEY PQRTLAND LQKHGQN A GUIDE TO THE ANGELUS STUDIO COLLECTION OF HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS Prepared by The Oregon Historical Records Survey Project Division of Professional and Service Projects WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Sponsored by The University of Oregon **************** Portland, Oregon The Oregon Historical Records Survey Project Official Project No. 65-1—94—25 April 1940 The Historical Records Survey Program Sargent B. Child, Director David M. Maynard, Regional Supervisor T. J. Edmonds, Acting State Director Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner June J. Owen, Regional Supervisor Gladys M. Everett, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION . ' F. C. Harrington, Commissioner H. E. Smith, Regional Director E. J. Griffith, State Administrator PREFACE The Historical Records Survey, under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, was initiated as a Nationwwide undertaking in January 1956 as a unit of the Federal writers‘ Project of the werks Progress Administration. In November 1956 the Historical Records Survey became an independent unit of Federal Project No. l, and until August 31, 1959 was operated solely under the sponsorship of the Federal Government. However, in September 1959 the project was localized, the University of Oregon becoming the legal sponsor for the program in Oregon. Dr. Dan E. Clark, Chairman of the Department of History of the University of Oregon, is the sponsor‘s repre- sentative on research and editorial procedures and Dr. DonakiM. Erb, Pres- ident of the University, is the sponsor's representative on administrative matters. In March 1940, Sargent B. Child was appointed National Director of the Historical Records Survey, replacing Dr. Evans who resigned to become Director of the Legislative Reference Section of the Library of Congress. The chief purpose of the Oregon Historical Records Survey is to com- pile inventories of the historical materials in the archives of local governmental agencies and in public and semi-public records and manuscript depositories. Such guides make available the basic research data contained in county, city and state records, in church minute books and registers and in those collections of letters, diaries and miscellaneous papers held by libraries and historical societies. In presenting a Guide to The Angelus Studio Collection of Historic Photographs, the project departs slightly from its usual program. However, in the course of doing research in Oregon history, the Oregon Historical Records Survey found that the Angelus Studio, 420 S. W. Third Avenue, Portland, Oregon, had a collection of more than 10,000 negatives, many of which are of permanent historical value. With the permiSSion and coopera- tion of Mr. Fred N. Clark, owner of the Studio, the project selected a list of 598 photographs of definite historical interest. The list, preu sented in this volume, classifies the negatives by name, place and sub— ject matter, gives the actual or approximate dates when the pictures were taken, and accounts briefly for the picture's historical significance. Angelus Studio call numbers for the photographs are, of course, indicated. The volume is indexed and a bibliography of the historical sources con- sulted in the preparation of the entry descriptions has been included for the convenience of users of the book. The work of preparing this guide was done under the supervision of Margaret Clarke, superintendent in charge of production. The original survey of the Angelus collection was made by Dorthea Towne, John Anning and Roland Elliott. Thomas Imper, Ralph Collett and Kaye Land are largely - iii - responsible for the final form of the entries. Cecelia Woodruff completed the research for the historical data included in the entries. The mechan- ical processes involved in publishing this volume were supervised by Hildegarde Enke, executive secretary of the project, assisted by Joan Gerrits, Gordon Heitsch and Elmer Bailey. Mrs. Margaret S. Eliot of the National Office of the Historical Records Survey edited the volume, and the Oregon project gratefully acknowledges her helpful and constructive criti- cism and counsel. The Librarian of Congress recommended that this volume be approved for publication. This guide and other publications of the project will be issued for free distribution to state and local officials, to public and school libra- ries and historical societies in Oregon, and to a number of important libraries and agencies outside of the state. Requests for information regarding this volume or other units of the publication series of the pro- ject should be addressed to the State Director, Oregon Historical Records Survey, 614 S. W. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. 3 T. J. Edmonds State Director April 1940 Portland, Oregon ed 5 I n- E EXPLANATORY NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS E Each entry contains: (1) key (subject) word, with explanatory word the ‘ when necessary; (2) an exact or approximate date when the photograph was 1— taken; when the photograph is a copy, date both of original and copy are 3 given whenever possible; (5) geographical location as known; (4) the sig- nificant feature of the photograph; (5) secondary subjects; (6) a brief historical statement concerning the subject when data for such was avail- Ea able or of interest; (7) size of the negative; (8) call number of the negative at the Angelus Studio; and (9) a bibliographical reference. 1. The classifications used by the Angelus Studio and the number of )' negatives in each classification are as follows: 1. Agriculture 510 17. Livestock 260 2. Alaska 20 18. Mallory 100 3. Amusements 200 19. Manufacturing 925 4. Art Slides 500 20. Mining 25 5. Bathing 6O 21. Miscellaneous 260 6. Bridges 160 22. Multnomah Hotel 75 7. Buildings 1625 23. Old Portland 125 8. Cemeteries 70 24. Oregon State College 15 9. Cities 150 25. Purcell 900 10. Fish 100 26. Railroads 100 11. Flowers 150 27. Scenic 1400 12. Historic 570 28. Ships and Harbors 700 15. Horses 50 29. Timber 400 14. Indians 130 30. Transportation 60 15. Larry 100 31. University of Oregon 20 16. Liberty 45 52. Wild Life 50 2. Since this Guide lists a comparatively few of the great number of photographs in the studio, it was necessary for the Oregon Historical Records Survey to make a new group of classifications. 3. The new classifications are listed below, with the abbreviation for each category as used in the entries. The abbreviations indicate to the reader the original classification of the negative in the Angelus Studio. 1. Agriculture ........................... Ag. 2. Amusements ............................ Am. 3. Bridges ............................... Br. 4. Buildings 0...l.OOIOOIOOOIOO'OICOO‘IOIO Bu- a) Historic Iii. b) Old Portland . o. P. 5. Cities ................................ Ci. a) Historic ......................... Hi. b) Old Portland . o. P. 6. Domestic Articles and Implements -‘Vu Explanatory Notes and Abbreviations (continued) 7. Indians coo-coo.-ooouon-ooooooooooooo-oo In. a) Historic ‘IIIIOIIIIIQOOOO'OOOOOOOI. Hi. 1 8. Industry ' a) FiSh IOOIOOOIII'IIII-IOOOOOCOOOIIIO Fi- b)1{ist0ric non-oat.ooo-o-ooooouoo-ool Hi- 6) LiVeStOCk outsoon-onuuoaoo-couo-coo Lin d) Mining conoouco-oooooouonooooo-oo-o :Min. 6) Ships and Harbors OODOOOIIOOOIOOOO. S: 86 H. f) Timber .00.Coinoooooiooolidoontoool Ti. 9. Memorials a) Historic a...oooooocoo-nooo-ooonooo Hit 10. Naval a) Ships and Harbors ................. S. & H. 11. Persons 6.) Historic ‘QQOI-Ioooolocoa305000-001 Hi. 12. Scenic ................................. So. a) Historic goooo-ooo-soooooo-oooaoop- Hi. ‘ b) Ships and Harbors nooo-o-oo-o-o-ooo S. 8: H. j 13. Transportation ......................... Tr. 1 2 a.) Historic oooocolnooIOOUIOCOQIIOOOOC Hid : b) Old Portland o. P. ? c) Railroads ......................... R. R. 3 d) Scenic Onion...bud-analloocotclouno SC. e) Ships and Harbors ................. S. & H. 14. Miscellaneous .......................... Mi. a) Historic 1-11. 1)) Ships and Harbors s. 86 H. 4. This volume is indexed by the following types of key words: name of photograph, place, and subject of photograph. Numbers in the index re— fEr to entry numbers. LIBS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. INDEX 22 PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE ANGELUS STUDIO AGRICUL1 mURE FRUIT, Apple tree, ca. 1920, in Vancouver, Wh. First apple tree planted in Oregon country, 1827, at Fort Vencouver, Hudson's Bay Company Post; tree in bloom; wooden fence; military bldgs. in background. Seed for this tree brought from London, England, in 1827 lby Captain Simpson of Hudson's Bay Co. Coast Survey. 6§1'8§ (H1. 519). Bancroft, Hist. of 13. :11. Coast, II (1800-1846), 441. ‘ FRUIT, grapes, ca. 1910, in Grants Pass, Ore. R. C. Pearson, farmer, vending wagon load of grapes on main street of town. Studeu baker wagon with sign on side reading, "Tokay Shay from Tokay Heights." 6%}: &~(Ag. 173). FRUIT, loading, ca. 1910, near Milton, Ore. Fruit being loaded from 2 Mitchell wagons into refrigerator cars; single buggy; horse; menu 6'5 8%:(qu 172)- N GARDEN, Samuel Hill's, ca. 1910, near Maryhill, Wh. Gardens of famr ous Haryhill Castle situated on bluffs above Columbia River. Castle started by Samuel Hill as residence in 1914 on 67,000— acre estate. Recently made into museum. Total cost by 1925 was $1,070,000. 6- x 8-(Ag. 183). HARVESTING, combine, ca. 1910, in Sherman co., Ore. A $2,100, 36- horse team.combine in operation. 65 x 8— (Ag. 86). HARVESTING, combine, ca. 1910, near walla walla, wn. machine drawn by mixed team of 26 horses and mules; also, crew of men at work; straw stackS. 8 x 10 (Ag. 73). HART STING, combine, ca. 1910, near Dayton, Wh. Machine in operation, """ ““ drawn by 56 horses. 8 x 10 (Ag. 81). HARVESTING, combine, 1910, in eastern Ore. Steam combine and men op— eratin it; trees; windmill, telephone lines; fence. 65 x 82- (Ag. 88). HARVESTING, steam baling machine, ca. 1910, in eastern Ore. Crew op- erating machine; wagon and horses; trees in background. $(Ag. 121). HARVESTING, steam tractor, 1910, in eastern Ore. Tractors; haybaling machine; crew of men; 2 teams of horses; wagonl load of hay; hand cart; heavy timber in background. 6: x 8— (Ag. 156). ‘1 Amusements 11. HARVESTING, ca. 1922, in eastern Ore. Threshing machine drawn by 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17° 18. 19. 20° 21. 20 mules; 4—man crew; low farm bldgs. in background. 8 x 10 (Ag. 298a). HOP-PICKERS, ca. 1905, in Willamette Valley, Ore. Two women picking hops. 6% x 832- (Ag. 158). EEOWING, wheat farm, ca. 1910, in Gilliam 00., Ore. Four—gang plows, each drawn by a lZ—horse team, plowing 6,000—acre wheat field. 6% x 8-2—5 (Ag. 72). WAGON, farm, orig. photo ca. 1875, copy ca. 1920, no 100. Small cart hitched to cow being led by old woman; man seated in cart; orchard in background. 8 x 10 (Ag. 379). Al'IUS BMENTS CELEBRATION, Centennial, 1911, in Astoria, Ore. Stadium and crowd; trees in background. On Aug. 10, 1911, President William H. Taft, from Baltimore, Md., pressed a button, officially opening celebration which commemorated 100th anniversary of settlement of Astoria. Governor Oswald West, Archbishop Alexander Christie, 13.13., attended. 6% x 8%.— (Hi. 64). CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, Lewis and Clark, 1905, in Portland, Ore. Panoramic view of fair from.shore of Guild Lake; 5 federal, 13 state and 7 other bldgs. Fair opened June 1, 1905, and during its run received 5,040,000 visitors. 8 x 10 (Am. 165). CLIMBERS, Aug. 19, 1896, at Mt. Shasta, Calif. Group of=6 climbers at summit of mountain; elevation 14,444'. 6% x 8% (Hi. 18). PARADE, automobile, 1908, at Corvallis, Ore. Flag-bedecked automo- biles in parade down tree-lined street. 6% x 8% (Hi. 49). PARADE, Rose Festival, orig. photo, 1907, copy 1951, in Portland, Ore. __.___, Horse and buggy floats in Multnomah Field in first organized Rose Festival in city on June 20 and 21, 1907; old Multnomah Club in background. 6% x 8% (Am. 112). PAEADE, Rose Festival, orig. photo,1907, copy 1951, in Portland, Ore. Close—up of man and woman seated in horse and buggy float in first Rose Festival in Portland; tent; bldgs.; trees in back- ground. eg— x 8%— (Am. 111). PARADE, Rose Festival, June 1912, in Portland, Ore. Floats in parade and crowds lining gaily-decorated streets; bldgs. in back— ground. 6%- x 8% (Am. 14). 10 fins, 165). 1‘5 8)- Ore. .zed 1mah Ore. ; in Jack- irade Bridges 22. PARADE, 23. PARADE, 24. PARK, 25. PARK, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 510 Rose Festival, 1912, in Portland, Ore. Water parade of decorated ships and launches in Willamette River; "Sea Otter" adorned with streamers in foreground. 6% x 8% (Am. 23). Rose Festival, June 12, 1914, in Portland, Ore. "Oregon Dick," oldest truck horse in city; house; trees in back- ground. The 29-year-old horse owned by Fisher-Thorsen 00., paint distributing house organized in 1889, and still in operation. 8 x 10 (Am. 141). Oaks Amusement, July 8,1912,1n Portland, Ore. Carnival park e.t time of Elks Convention. 65 x %(Am. 27d). Peninsula, 1915, in Portland, Ore. Public swimming pool with bathcrs; wooden bldgs.; high fence; trees in back- ground. Park contains 17.4 acres; purchased by City of Portland, March 1909, at a cost of $60,000. 8 x 10 (Am. 125). ROUND—UP, 1924, at Pendleton, Ore. Parade of cowboys on horseback; SPORTS, COVERED, COVE: lED, COVERED, 11111. *Indians in full regalia; crowd in grandstand; tents in background. Annual Round—Up at Pendleton, begun in 1910, is one of most famous rodeos in west. 5 x 7 (Am. 92a). skiing, 1919, near Government Camp, Ore. Five men on skis in front of lodge on Mt. Hood. Snow-covered hills in back- ground. 8'x 10 (Am. 58). BRIDGES “~— ca. 1918, 10 miles south of Portland, Ore. Side view of old wooden bridge over Tualatin River; brush-covered river banks in fore- and background. % x 8% (Br. 81). 1920, near Dillard, Ole. Side view of old wooden bridge over creek with brush—covered oleek banks; dense i‘orest in background. 8 x 10 (Br. 30). 1922, between Tillamook and Seaside, Ore. End View of wooden bridge over Soapstone Creek; timbered hills in background. 8 x 10 (Br. 48). old Burnside St., 1916, in Portland, Ore. Full side View from east side of Willamette River of Span linking east and west Portland; boats; log raft; bldgs. in background. Bridge completed in 1894 at cost of $515,924. Replaced in 1925 by "steel and concrete" type draw bridge. 8 x 10 (Br. 151). Lockley, Hist. gfi Columbia River_Valley, 1, 554-7. Bridges 32. DRAW, 33. pRAw, 54. DRNN, 55. DRAW, 56. Dang, Morrison St., orig. photo 1887, copy ca. 1920, in Portland, Ore. First toll bridge over Willamette River at Portland; opened for traffic in 1887; purchased in 1895 for $150,000 'by City of Portland. Bridge later moved to Aberdeen, Wu. 1 " " ( ‘s A as I, 534—7. Hi. 461). Lockley, Hist. 2£_Columbia River.yalley, Morrison St., 1918, in Portland, Ore. Side view from west bank of river; people; street cars; horses and wagons; house boats. Bridge completed on June 16, 1905, at cost of $100,000. 8 x 10 (Br. 7). Lockley, Hist.2£_Columbia 51X§£.EE123X3 I, 534-7. old Railroad, 1909, in Portland, Ore. Oregon, washington Railway & Navigation Co. bridge across'flillamette River; Broadway Bridge under construction. 6% x 8% (S. & H. 449). old Railroad, ca. 1909, in Portland, Ore. Double-decked bridge; span open to allow passage of river boat; docks on both sides of river; houses in background. Bridge com- pleted by Oregon, Washington Railway & Navigation Co. in p 1889, at cost of $1,000,000. Replaced by present bridge in 1910. 8 x 10 (Br. 128). Scott, EEEEB 25.233. Egpntsy, III, 206~7. new Railroad, ca. 1917, in Portland, Ore. Oregon, Washing- ton Railway & Navigation Co. (O.W}R.&1N.) double—deck bridge (railnxuiunderneath, highway above). Draw raised to permit passage of 4—masted sailing vessel and river boat; street car on upper deck. Bridge completed in 1910 at cost of $1,300,000. 8 x 10 (Br. 115). grggpnian, Aug. 11, 1909, p. 11. 37. FOOTBRIDGE, Indian Jim, ca. 1915, no. 100. Narrow footbridge made of 2 thick planks, pole handrail, over deep ravine; small water" fall; timbered hills in background. 6% x 8fi-(Br. 20). 38. FOOTBRIDGE, rustic, ca. 1919, in washington Park, Portland, Ore. 39. SPAN, Bridge with supports of large tree trunks; ornamental rail- ing of small tree limbs. 6%-x 8%-(Br. 9). Interstate, 1951, at Hood River, Ore. Panoramic view of bridge spanning Columbia River; Hood River Valley south from bridge. This bridge, 2,500' long with 9 spans, built in 1924; first named Waukoma Bridge. a x 10 (Br. 95). 40. SUSPE§§19§, 1919, at Oregon City, Ore. Photo taken from low point on west bank of Willamette River looking toward main part of city. Log rafts tied to dolphins beneath bridge. This bridge built by Pacific Bridge 00. in 1888 at cost of $25,000; replaced in 1922 by present arch type. 8 x 10 (Br. 10). 33353 Shore, Dec. 1888, pp. 642-5, 665. T— I.) dge it e of term E f i 5 i 41. 42. 45. 44. 4:70 48. 49. BUILDINGS ...._.__ ___._.... AUDITORIUM, Chautauqua, 1917, at Gladstone, Ore. Circular bldg. u...— with dome and flagpole; tent; 6 concession booths. 6%; x 8-2; (Hi. 78). .AUDITQEIHE, Chautauqua, 1917, at Gladstone, Ore. Circular bldg. ass BANK, _BANK, BANK, .u——. with dome; tent; 6 concession booths. This auditorium, patterned after Momnon Tabernacle, built in 1917. Seats .: i - about 5,000 yersons. 6-5 x 85 (su. 26). Hibernian Savings, 1918, at Portland, Ore. View from.S. W. corner of S. W. 4th and washington sts.; Spalding Bldg. in background. Bank organized in 1898. 8 x 10 (Bu. 355). .....n, .PE‘Fjsais it: _t “1... I, 52.. Laddeun.Tilton, ca. 1920, in Portland, Ore. At 8. W. 5rd and'Washington sts. with Railway Exchange, Times, Holtz bldgs. in background. Ladd and Tilton Bank opened in 1859 with capital of $50,000 and was first bank doing regular business on Pacific Coast. x 10 (Bu. 222). Gaston, Efrtland, Its Hist. E Builders, I, 514. Merchants National, 1912, at Portland, Ore. Diagonal View from S. W. 4th and Washington sts.; automobile for hire; pedestrians; car tracks. This bank organized under name of Willamette Savings Bank on July 19, 1886. 8 x 10 (Bus 937% Castes senses. iterate sexiness, I, was Merchants National, 1912, at Portland, Ore. Shows flag decorations; pedestrians; automobiles; horse and wagon. 6%vx 8% (Bu. 79). northwestern National, ca. 1914, at Portland, Ore. Bank bldg. under construction at S. W. 6th and Korrison sts.; Selling Bldg.; Baker Theatre; Sherman and Clay Co. store. -8 x 10 (Bu. 526). United States National, 1905, at Portland, Ore. rank on main floor of Ainsworth Bldg. at S. W. 5rd and Ash sts., a 5—story concrete bldg.; British consulate on second floor; horse and buggy; bicycle. 8 x 10 (Bu. 955). Gaston, Port— land, Its Hist. 3°. Builders, I, 521. ”” United States Pational, 1905, in Portland, Ore. Bank on main floor of Ainsworth Bldg., a 5-story stone b1dg.; British consulate offices on second floor. United States National Bank grew out of Ainsworth National, which was organized Oct. 27, 1885, and become U. S. National on Oct. 31, 1902. 8 x 10 (Bu. 955). Gaston, Portlafld, Its Hist. g guilders, I, 521. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Buildings BANK, CABIN, wells Fargo, ca. 1905, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal View of 6-story stone bldg. at S. W. 2nd and washington sts.; horses and wagons. wells Fargo Bank absorbed by United States National on May 31,1905. 8 x 10 (Bu. 853). BLOCKHOUSE, orig. drawing ca. 1850, copy ca. 1918, at Fort Clark on upper Missouri River. Blockhouse and stockade; In¢lia.ns. Erected in 1831 as post of American Fur 00.1 situated 8 miles below mouth of Knife River. — (Hi. 50?). Thwaites, Orig. Journals 2g Lewis é Clark. BLOCKHOUSE, (called Middle Blockhouse of Cascades on Columbia .River), 1923, in Wh. Small log fort on low bluff over- looking Columbia River; trestle; green timber; burned- over timber in background. Built by Capt. Henry D. wallaoe, Commander of Co. B, Fourth U. S. Infantry, while en route to Yakima Indian war. wallace captured large force of Cascade Indians 6 miles below fort, on Bradford Island. 5 x 8 (Hi. 9). Scott, Hist. 2: Ore. Country, II, 120. 1915, no loo. Interior of mountain cabin with fireplace; 2 rocking chairs; antler coat racks; old grandfather clock; guns crossed over mantel; circular stair risers sawed from trees. 6. x 8§- (Bu. 62). CAPITOL, 1900, at Salem, Ore. Shows front View of 5—story bldg. with dome; trees, houses, wooded hills in backglound. This bldg. built in 1876, destroyed by fire in 1935. 6— x 8- (Hi. 2). CAPITOL, 1910, in‘Salem, Ore. Capitol of_L state of Oregon in set- ting of lawns and shrubs. 62 x 8g (Bu. l7). CAPITOL, 1922, in Salem, Ore. Entrance and portion of grounds and trees. 8 x 10 (Bu. 285). CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 1912, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal View from Egress street of 8—story bldg. at S. W. 3rd and Stark sts.; horses and. buggies; pedestrians; wooden bldgs. in back— ground. Built in 1892 of native sandstone; fire destroyed upper stories in 1906; razed in 1955. 8 x 10 (Bu. 704). CHURCH, n. d., no loc. One— ~story wooden bldg. with tall, flat— topped tower; people appioaching steps, fences, other bldgs.; wooded hills in background. ”g x 8: (Hi. 70). CHURCH, Catholic, St. Lawrence, ca. 1920, at Portland, Ore. Shows interior of church with pews; altar, statuary. Built in 1885 at s. w. 3rd and Sherman sts. 6--x 8—~ (Hi. 36). m 3e, 1 E 1 l [ Buildings 60. CHURCH, Catholic, St. Lawrence, ca. 1920, in Portland, Ore. Front 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. View from across street of frame bldg. with high steeple at S. W; 5rd and Sherman sts.; houses and trees. Built in 1883. 6% x 8% (Hi° 55). CHURCH, First Baptist, "White Temple,“ 1908, in Portland, Ore. Houses; horses and buggies; unpaved streets. Church built in 1892-95 at cost of $110,000; situated at S. W} 12th and Taylor sts. 6% x 8% (Eu. 155). CHURCH, First Congregational, orig. lithograph 1851, copy 1920, in Portland, Ore. Smell wooden bldg. with bell tower and steeple. Conmloted June 15, 1851, at cost of $6,400; sit- uated at S. W. 2nd and Jefferson sts.; razed in 1871. 5 x 7 (Hi. 133). CHURCH, First Congregational, 1908, in Portland, Ore. Bldg. of ._ Gothic architecture, with high tower at S. W. Park and Mad iscn sts.; unpaved streets; houses in background. Corner- stone laid in 1891; church still in use. 6%-x 8%~(suo 154). CITY HALL, 1908, in Portland, Orec Four—story stone bldg. at S. W. 5th _M—— and Madison sts.; unpaved streets; trees and houses in back— ground. Bldg. occupied in 1892 and second story comnleted in 1895; total cost $675,000. W} W} Whidden architect; stone from Waterfall, eye, 6% x 8%-(Bu. 147). CITY HALL, 1916, in Portland, Ore. Two-story brick bldg. on Phila— ~M_- delphia st. in Sto Johns(now a suburb of Portland); fountain; St. Johns Lumber Co.; wooded hills in background. Bldg. erected in 1907m8. 8 x 10 (Bu. 590). CLUB, Arlington Residential, ca. 1905, in Portland, Ore. Diago— _.___ nal visW'of i—story brick bldg. with bay windows and balm oony at S. W. Park and Alder sts.; wooden house; brick bldg. Club organized July 1, 1882; erected 1891. 8 x 10 (Bu. 692). CLUB, Multnomah Amateur Athletic, ca. 1905, in Portland, Ore. ————— Diagonal View of large 2—story wooden hldg. at S. “L 18th and Morrison sts. This club, first of its kind in north— west, organized in 1891; clubhouse built at cost of $40,000; burned July 13, 1910. 8 x 10 (Bu. 970). . COURTHOUSE, orig. photo 1872, copy ca. 1920, in Hillsboro, Ore. ._—"-— Twp—story stone bldg. with tower and flagpole; group of people on steps; fences; b1dgs.; trees in background. Courthouse erected at cost of $12,500 in 1871; added to in 1891 and again in 1912; razed about 1914. 5 x 7 (Hi. 526). 71. 3%: 72. iii 74. 75. 1 76. 77. 69. ‘ V; Wt 70. M 1 Buildings COURTHOUSE, 1913, in Salem, Oreo Front view of 4-story concrete b1dg.; horse-drawn van in foreground; part of town in background. This courthouse completed Nov. 1, 1875, at cost of $89,650. 6% x 8%-(Bun 20). (Records of) County Commissioners' Court, IV, 514, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon. COURTHOUSE, 1914, in Portland, Ore° Diagonal view of bldg. at S. W} 4th and Main sts. Started (east wing) in 1909; completed in 1912; cost $1,526,450; architects Whidden and Lewis; alterations in 1926 costing $51,492; built of stone and terra cotta, decorated in Renaissance style; 7th and 8th floors used for Multnomah co. jail; courthouse 200‘ sq. with center light well; 91‘ high on west side; 105‘ high on east side; completely fireproof. 8 x 10 (Bu. 575). Mult. co. Commissioners' Journal, XXXIV, 12; Mult. co. Auditor's Inventory Ledger, 1958, entry 218, ledger 193, objective 60, object 4. CREMATORIUM, ca. 1895, at Portland, Ore. Large crematorium at S° E° ‘"" ”' 14th and Bybee sts.; horse-drawn hearse. 6% x 8% (Hi. 89). CUSTOM HOUSE, 1915, in Portland, Oren Diagonal view of 5-story stone bldg. from S. In corner of So W. 9th and Everett sts.; houses and dirt stso This custom house completed in 1901. 6% x 8% (Eu. 32). STATION, Life—saving, ca. 1895, at Cape Disappointment, Wn. Five- man crew in front of b1dg.; coiled life-line on hand—drawn cart; woman; man; boy. 6% x 8% (Hi. 26). STATION, Portland Railway, Light & Power 00., ca. 1910, in Portland, Ore. Front view of 1-story frame bldg. at S. W} lst and Alder sts.; men; freight on leading platform; box cars on tracku 8 x 10 (Bu. 875)° EIEE STATION, ca. 1910, in walla walla, En. Bldg. at 2nd and Main sts.; horse-drawn equipment. 6% x 8% (Buo 49). FORT, Vancouver, orig. drawing ca» 1845, copy ca. 1915, in Ore- gon Terr. Blockhouses; stockade; gardens; British flag flying; Indians; traders. Original drawing made by Cap- tain'Warre of British Army. Fort built by John McLoughlin, chief factor of Hudson‘s Bay 06., 1825. 6% x 8% (Hi. 266). Gaston, Portland, Its Hist. §_Builders, I, 186. HOMESTEAD, Sneden, orig. drawing ca° 1750, copy 1920, at Sneden's Landing on Hudson River, N. Yo Photo made from illustra— tion in booko First caption reads: "The Sneden homestead at Sneden's Landing on the Hudson River Date, about 1700." Second caption reads: "An old farmhouse at Sparkill, No Y., with a single-pitched roof Date, about 1750." 6% x 8% (H1. 362). V. a v If) I Buildings 78. 79. 80- 81. 82. 85. 84. 85. 86. 87B HOSPITAL, Good Samaritan, orig. photo 1878, copy ca. 1915, in Port- land, Ore. Frame bldg. at N. W} 22nd and Lovejoy sts. surrounded by rail fence. Founded by the Rt. Rev. B. 'Uister Morris; opened in Oct. 1875. 8 x 10 (Bu. 576). HOSPITAL, Maternity, ca. 1910, in Portland, Ore. View of 2—story frame bldg. at N. W. 25rd and Overton sts., taken from opposite side of dirt street; residence; brick bldg. with ornate iron spires and railing on roof. 8 x 10 (Bu. 826). HOSPITAL, Multnomah, 1911, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal view of HOSPITAL, Homeopathic, ca. 1910, in Portland, Ore. 3—story wooden b1dg., with tower, at S. W} 2nd and Hooker sts.; trees; lawn; roadway; bldgs. in background. Hospital opened Oct. 14, 1909. 8 x 10 (Bu. 890). Five—story brick bldg. during construction; started in 1910. Site for hos- pital cost $30,000; bldg. situated at N. E. 2nd and Eultno— mah sts.; cost $70,000; now houses Hahnemann Hospital. 8 x 10 (Bu. 165). HOSPITAL, St. Vincent's, orig. photo 1876, copy ca. 1915, in Port— HOTEL, HOTEL, HOTEL, HOTEL, HOTEL, land , Ore. Two—story wooden bldg. inside wooden fence; pedestrians; horse and buggy. Hospital established Sept. 29, 1874, at N. W. 12th and Northrup sts.; moved to new location 1892. 6 x 7 (Hi. 497). Bowers, 1912, in Portland, Ore. Two-wing, 8-story brick bldg. at S. W. 11th and Stark sts.; horses and wagons. 6% x 8% (Eu. 78). Burnside, 1925, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal view of 3-story brick triangular bldg. at S. W} 3rd and Burnside sts.; employment agency; stores on ground floor; bldgs.in background. 8 x 10 (Bu. 1006). Calumet, 1911, in Portland, Ore. Front and side view of 3~story brick bldg. at S. W. Broadway and Alder st.; store on ground floor. 8 x 10 (Bu. 659), Congress, 1914, in Portland, Ore. Front and side view of 8-story brick bldg. at S. W. 6th and Main sts.; stores on ground f1oor; courthouse; trees and houses. 8 x 10 (Bu. 684). Hoyt, 1916, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal view of 6-story concrete bldg. at N. W. 6th and Hoyt sts.; horse—drawn bus; wooden stable; horses; gas street lights; flag decorations; street cleaner's cart and shovel. 8 x 10 (Bu. 739). Buildings 88. HOTEL, 89. HOTEL, 90. HOTEL, 91. HOTEL, 92. HOTEL, 95. 94. 95. -10.. Oregon, 1907, in Portland, Ore. Diagonal view from S. E. corner of Broadway and Oak st. of 6-story brick bldg.; horse-drawn hotel bus; bldgs.3 houses on site of present Benson Hotel; Oregon Grille Restaurant; corner of City Public Library; unpaved street. 8 x 10 (Bu. 984). Portland, ca. 1895, in Portland, Ore. Bldg. at S. W} 6th and Morrison sts.; Marquam Bldg.; First Congregational Church; 6th st. unpaved. Portland Hotel, designed by Stanford White, begun in 1883; completed in 1890 at cost of $750,000. 6—;— x 8%- (o. P. 37). Scott, Hist. 93:933. Country, III, 211—5; Oregonian, April 8, 1890. Tualatin, orig. photo 1882, copy ca. 1905, in Hillsboro, Ore. Two-story frame bldg. built by Henry waring about 1853; balcony across front; group of people on porch; man driv— ing team. 5 x 7 (Hi. 327). Willard, 1912, at Portland, Ore. Diagonal view from S. W. corner of S. W. Park and Morrison sts. of 7-story brick bldg.; Commercial Trust and Sayings Bank on ground floor. 8 x 10 (Bu. 863). 1900, at Bingham Springs, Ore. Diagonal view of 5-story wooden bldg. with balcony across front; stage coach and horses; children; people on porch. 6% x 8% (Hi. 8). fv INSTITUTE, Oregon, orig. woodcut 1852, copy ca. 1915, in Salem, Ore. Three-story frame bldg.; bell tower in background. Bldg. built under auspices of Methodists in 1843 at cost of $4,000. 6% x 5%: (Hi. 78). lNSTITUTE ANNEX, Dr. John McLaughlin, orig. photo ca. 1890, copy LIBRARY, 1907, at Oregon City, Ore. Three—story wooden bldg. with tower. Bldg. used as school conducted by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 1848-50; structure used as parish school by Sisters of the Holy Names 1860—62. About 1883 Benedictine Sisters reopened school. Present new bldg., using old one as annex, dedicated as educational institute Oct. 6, 1907. Ore. Hist. Quarterly, Dec. 1907, p. 303; Catholic Sentinel, Centenary Ed., May 4, 195;), p. 27. _. MM“ Portland Reading Room, ca. 1905, in Portland, Ore. Bldg. at S. W} Front and Alder sts. Henry Adiss, seated in "White" automobile in front of bldg. Hugh D. O‘Bryant, Portland's first mayor, supplied number of books, period- icals and newspapers in room which he had prepared at S. W. Front and Alder sts. and opened it to public in 1850. Reading room functioned as such until 1856. 8 x 10 (O. P. 98). Lockley, Hist.2£_gplumbia River Valley, 516. 353; (0 [HO com u. - 1} - Buildings 96. .97. 98. 99. 100. 101. LIBRARY, Portland Library Association, ca. 1910, in Portland, Ore. Diagon