xt7cjs9h4k89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h4k89/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1989047 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-04-mar7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-04-mar7. 1989 2011 true xt7cjs9h4k89 section xt7cjs9h4k89 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, March 7, 1989.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1
p.m. Lexington time on Tuesday March 7, 1989 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to
order at 1 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor
Raymond Betts.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes (Acting Chairman), Mr. Ted
B. Bates, Professor Raymond F. Betts, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr.,
Governor Albert B. Chandler, Professor Mary Sue Coleman, Professor
David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy Jr.,
Senator Walter D. Huddleston, Mr. Foster Ockerman, Sr., Dr. Nicholas
J. Pisacano, Mr. James A. Rose (James), Mr. James L. Rose, (Jim),
Judge Robert F. Stephens, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B.
Sturgill, Judge Julia K. Tackett, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent
from the meeting was Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. The University
administration was represented by President David P. Roselle;
Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Art Gallaher and Charles T.
Wethington; Vice Presidents Edward A. Carter, Wimberly C. Royster and
Eugene R. Williams; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel.

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. Mr. Darsie
reported a quorum present, and Mrs. Hayes declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 1:04 p.m.

       C.    Report from Nominating Committee

       Mrs. Hayes, who had appointed an ad hoc Nominating Committee
comprised of Senator Huddleston (Chairman), Mr. Burnett, Professor
Coleman, Mr. Jim Rose, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mr. Wilhoit and herself, called
on Senator Huddleston to present the Committee's recommendations for
Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board.

       Senator Huddleston placed the following slate of officers in
                  Foster Ockerman, Sr., Chairman
                  William E. Burnett, Jr., Vice Chairman

       Senator Huddleston moved acceptance of the nominations. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Jim Rose, and he moved that the Committee's
recommendations be accepted by acclamation. Judge Stephens and Mr.
Sturgill seconded the motion to accept the slate of officers by
acclamation and it passed unanimously.


- 2 -

      Mrs. Hayes expressed her appreciation to the Board, President
Roselle and the administration for their support during the interim.

      Mr. Ockerman expressed appreciation and gratitude to Mrs. Hayes
for the fine manner in which she had carried out her duties as acting
chairman of the Board. He stated that she had done it in a
forthright, honest, conscientious and exemplary manner. Following Mr.
Ockerman's comments, Mrs. Hayes was given a round of applause.

       Senator Huddleston continued his report by stating that the
Committee was not charged with filling the two vacancies on the
Executive Committee; however, he moved that the Board accept the
following names:

             Foster Ockerman, Sr., Chairman
             William E. Burnett, Jr.

       There being no nominations from the floor, the motion was voted
on and passed unanimously.

      Mr. Ockerman expressed appreciation to the members and stated
that he was glad that there was unity on the Board. He commented that
there had always been unity and there should always be unity. He
stated that the Board fully supports President Roselle and will
continue to do so.

       D.    Minutes Approved

       On motion made by Mr. Stricker, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and
passed, the Minutes of the February 5, 1989 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved as written.

       E.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Roselle reviewed some of the items in PR 1, calling
particular attention to the following:

       1.    The University has received a $1 million gift from Toyota
             Motor Corporation to establish an endowment designed to
             increase the quality and quantity of collections in the
             UK library system. The gift is the largest cash gift
             ever received by the library and will greatly expand
             resources available to students and faculty, as well as
             enhance the University's stature as one of the country's
             major research libraries.

       2.    The dedication of the Harry C. Lancaster Aquatic Center
             will take place at 3 p.m. following the Board meeting.

             President Roselle reported that the University would be
             getting two new divers this fall; Mrs. C. M. Newton,
             diving coach at Vanderbilt and former participant in the


- 3 -

             olympics trials and Colonel Mickie King Hougue,
             participant in the 1968 Olympics for the United States
             and gold medal winner in 1972. Mrs. Hougue will be
             heading up the Air Force ROTC contingent at the
             University of Kentucky.

       3.    Private support to the University during 1988 totalled
             $22,267,061 which represents a 22 percent increase over
             the preceding year.

       4.    The UK Alumni Association has begun celebration of its
             100th anniversary.

       5.    The College of Law moot court team placed second in
             national championship competition in New York City.

       6.    A new fellowship program named in honor of Lyman T.
             Johnson will provide up to $7,000 to qualified minority
             graduate and professional students.

       7.    The Singletary Center for the Arts continues to be an
             attractive force in the city and the state. An
             attendance of 103,304 was recorded during 1988.

       President Roselle also called attention to the significant
activities of faculty and staff listed in PR 1.

       Meeting with University Senate

       President Roselle reported that he had made a budget
presentation to the University Senate informing them of a 7T salary
increase for both faculty and staff. He indicated that quite a few
compromises had to be made in the budget in order to reach the 7%
salary increase but expressed that he felt it was the correct priority.

       CHE Annual Meeting of Boards

       President Roselle reported that the Council on Higher Education
is interested in having an annual meeting of the Boards of Trustees of
institutions in Kentucky. He stated that he and Mrs. Hayes had
attended a meeting in Louisville to discuss the agenda and goals. The
meeting would probably be one day in duration. He noted that the
construct of higher education in Kentucky and the construct of higher
education in Virginia are very similar. Each institution has an
independent gubernatorially appointed board with a coordinating
commfiittee. Virgin-a has an annual meeting of all members of all
boards of its publicly supported institutions, and the meetings have
been good and productive.   He commended it to the Board's attention
and stated that if the meeting gets organized, he hoped the members
would be able to attend.


- 4 -

       Information Systems Briefing

       President Roselle stated that he would like for the Board to
understand what the University is doing in the general area of
information systems. He called attention to the IBM brochure about
computing at the University of Kentucky which was included in the
Board packet. The brochure highlights the kinds of computing
activities that are being undertaken at the University. The
University's goal is to be a leader in applications of technology in
education. The strategy is simply to find the best available
technology that the University can afford and put it as far down and
out in the curriculum as possible. He then called upon Mr. Williams
to make a brief presentation.

       Through a series of slides, Mr. Williams reviewed the progress
made during the past year and commented on some goals for the future.
He stated that it had been a very productive year and extended an
invitation to the Board members to tour the Computing Center at their

       Basketball Report

       President Roselle continued his report calling attention to the
basketball matter. He reminded the Board of its motion that the
report submitted to the NCAA be held in confidence. He stated that
the Board's decision had come under some public scrutiny by various
people including the Governor of the Commonwealth.    He asked if the
Board wanted to reconsider its position and release the report to the
Governor. He informed the Board that he had previously attempted to
contact Governor Wilkinson to brief him on the report but due to the
flood, they were not able to get together. He called upon Mr. Darsie
to present an analysis of the legal status and an appraisal of the
declaratory judgment action to determine whether the NCAA Response is
public or private.

       Mr. Darsie reviewed the four factors considered in initiating
the joint declaration of rights suit: (1) the issue of liability,
(2) confidentiality agreements, (3) NCAA attitude, and (4) fairness to

       Mr. Darsie passed out the affidavit of Mr. David Berst, Head of
the Enforcement Division of the NCAA. He stated that in connection
with the declaratory judgment action, he had asked Mr. Berst to give
him an affidavit which he has filed in court. He reported that the
affidavit sets out the NCAA's position with respect to the need to
protect the confidentiality of the proceedings until the Infractions
Committee meets. He stated that he did not know of a case in the
United States where the institutional response had been released prior
to the Infractions Committee report. He directed the Board's
attention to paragraphs 7, 12 and 13 of the Berst affidavit which deal
most directly with the confidentiality issue.



       Mr. Darsie continued with the present status of the matter. He
remarked that most lawyers do not want to predict when a judge may
rule; however, Judge Barker in considering this matter has made
several statements during the arguments which indicate that he
understands the need to resolve the situation quickly. Judge Barker
understands that the issue will become moot if it is not resolved
quickly. Secondly, in past rulings with respect to this matter, Judge
Barker has been very prompt. The legal counsel submitted the response
to Judge Barker in camera for his inspection about a week or so ago
and all sides had submitted briefs. The final reply briefs by all
sides were submitted yesterday. Mr. Darsie then predicted that Judge
Barker would probably rule during the week of March 6. Currently, the
legal counsel is under directions by the Board's actions to proceed
with the matter in court and to appeal if the court rules that the
document should be made public. If the Judge rules that the document
is not a public document and does not need to be released at the
present time, the newspapers will presumably appeal that decision.
Mr. Darsie then stated the question before the Board: If the court
rules the Response to be a public document and that it must be
released, what are the Board's instructions to the legal counsel with
respect to an appeal of that ruling?

       Mr. Stricker confirmed with Mr. Darsie that the University did
not appeal Judge Barker's ruling to release the NCAA allegations when
they were received.

       Mr. Ockerman asked Mr. Darsie to explain his position providing
the Board takes no action at the meeting. Mr. Darsie replied that if
the Board takes no action and the court were to rule that the document
be make public, he would appeal the decision. The Board's previous
direction was not to release the document to anybody, to proceed in
the courts for clarification and to appeal to the highest court that
would hear it. Mr. Darsie stated that if the Board takes no action,
he would proceed accordingly.

       Mr. Ockerman confirmed with Mr. Darsie that the Board was to
decide whether it wanted to review the action that it had already

       Mr. Wilcoxson said that his position had not changed and that
he would make a motion that no action is required of the Board at this

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the motion was negative and unless
someone wanted to make a motion that the Board review its previous
decision, the Board stands as Mr. Darsie had explained. The
University's legal counsel will proceed with the court proceeding and
if it is adverse, the legal counsel will appeal. Therefore, if the
Board takes no action, it is reaffirming the action of the Board at
its previous meeting.

       Mr. Wilcoxson withdrew his motion and asked that his statement
be made a matter of record.

The Board did not take any action.


- 6 -

       Update on Lexington Campus Search

       President Roselle reported that there had been a lot of
interest in the Chancellor's position by many well qualified
applicants, and the list is being narrowed. He stated that the Search
Committee is pleased with the results of the search to date and stated
that he looked forward to bringing a good appointment to the Board for

       Minority Report

       President Roselle called attention to the recent newspaper
articles reporting allegations of a racial slur by Governor Chandler.
In reviewing the situation, President Roselle reminded the Board of
its previous action by reading the May 3, 1988 Resolution. He brought
the Board up-to-date on the progress that had been made in some of the
programs that had been established almost one year ago as a result of
the Resolution.

       President Roselle informed the Board that the University had
instituted a $100,000 fellowship program with the objective of
encouraging black enrollment in graduate and professional programs.
He explained that the program had been renamed the Lyman T. Johnson
Fellowship program and provided some background information on Mr.
Johnson. He reported that during 1988-89 17 awards were made ranging
from $3,500 (plus tuition) up to $10,000. Awards for 1989-90 will be
made in March and April of the current year, and the awards will bear
the name Lyman T. Johnson.

       The University also instituted a minority faculty recruitment
program. This program provides presidential support from Central
Administration for the first year of employment for black faculty with
the respective academic departments assuming the responsibility after
the first year. During 1988-89, these funds were more than fully
utilized to support the first year salaries of four additional faculty
members in the Colleges of Home Economics and Law and the Library. In
addition, commitments have already been made for first year support
for next year for three additional faculty members in the Colleges of
Dentistry, Arts and Sciences and Home Economics -- a total of seven
faculty. Another seven black faculty members have been hired in the
Community College System under a similar program put in place by
Chancellor Wethington.

       A prejudice reduction workshop was held in October for
approximately fifty of the top administrators at the University. The
program has been extended to the residence halls, and it is the
administration's hope to extend it more generally to the student body
and faculty.

       A GED and adult basic education program has been implemented
whereby assistance will be provided to the employees in taking the GED
and adult basic education will be provided for employees not ready for
a classroom environment. This program, in concert with the Operation


- 7 -

Read program already in place, while not directed solely to
minorities, should enhance the upward mobility of minority staff;
develop a larger pool of internal candidates for promotion; reduce the
number of functionally illiterate staff; provide the "missing link"
for staff who desire a college education but must first complete basic
education requirements; and build employee confidence and morale.

      An educational assistance program was put in place this year.
A policy was implemented whereby all full-time employees can take up
to two courses per semester at the University at no charge.

      Minority enrollment is a very important subject at the
University of Kentucky. Black enrollment on the main campus increased
by 2.5% (to 710) this year, a bit larger than the overall growth at
the University. Black undergraduates constitute 3.1% of the total
enrollment on the main campus and 6% in the Community College System.
On the main campus, blacks constitute 3.4% (576) of the undergraduates
and 2.4% (134) of the graduate and professional enrollment. There
were 135 first-time black freshmen in the fall, 4.6% of the entering
freshman class, which constituted a significant increase (43.5%) over
the prior year of 92 or 3.4% of the entering freshman enrollment.

       President Roselle stated that when the Kernel story was
published on February 27, he talked with several people including a
number of students, former Governor Chandler and Governor Wilkinson.
He stated that after having these discussions, he issued the following
statement dated February 28:

       "Today I have contacted former Governor A.B. Chandler about the
       comments attributed to him in the February 27 issue of the
       KENTUCKY KERNEL. Governor Chandler has categorically denied
       having made those comments to the KERNEL reporter. In the
       meantime, the KENTUCKY KERNEL has said that it will stand by
       the February 27 story.

       Whatever the truth of this matter, I believe that Board
       members, administrators and faculty members must respect all of
       the constituents of the University of Kentucky. Those who do
       not, by reason of their actions or comments, should therefore
       not serve.

       In April 1988, this responsibility of membership was discussed
       with and agreed to by Governor Chandler. At that time, he
       issued an apology for the unfortunate remark he made at the
       April 5 meeting of the Investment Committee of the UK Board of
       Trustees. Today Governor Chandler has again agreed with this
       basic obligation of membership on the Board of Trustees.

       I abhor racial bigotry, and as UK President remain committed to
       implementation of programs that evidence this institution's
       desire to recruit and graduate black students, to provide
       career paths for black employees, and to recruit and promote
       black faculty members. I deeply regret that the comments
       attributed to Governor Chandler have served to detract from the
       considerable efforts of the University to meet these goals."


- 8 -

       President Roselle apologized to Governor Chandler for the
discomfort caused to him. He stated that Governor Chandler denied
having made the comments in the article and that there was not a
presumption that he had made them. On the other hand, the matter
achieved some notoriety in the public and any statement of anything
less than racial harmony and conmitment to making the University of
Kentucky the university for all Kentuckians is terribly inconsistent
with the goals of the administration. Therefore, President Roselle
expressed that he thought it would be appropriate to discuss the
matter with the Board.

       Governor Chandler stated that 64 years had passed since he came
to the University of Kentucky to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees
and noted that he graduated from the University in the class of 1924.
He reminded the Board that he was named centennial trustee of the
University by the National Association of Schools and Universities of
Land Grant Colleges and that he is a member of the Board of Trustees
having been appointed by three governors other than the two terms he
served on his own. He expressed that he longed for the old days when
the Board did not have any trouble, and stated that the media had to
go a long way to make trouble for him, all the way to Zimbabwe. The
newspaper took a remark and tried to make something out of it. He
stated that he regretted it more than he could say. He continued that
nobody in this lifetime has made as outstanding and valuable
contributions to the black people as he. He said that he could not
understand why they want to make trouble for him, and that the last
two years had not been fun. Governor Chandler gave his word that he
never has deliberately, purposely or even accidentally said or done a
single dishonorable act connected with the University of Kentucky. He
emphasized that he would not resign from the Board. He stated that he
had talked to Governor Wilkinson about the matter and that Governor
Wilkinson does not want him to resign -- he appointed him to the
Board. He said, "Under no circumstances would I resign unless he
asked me to."

       Mr. Sturgill moved that the Board reaffirm its position of the
Resolution of May 3, 1988. Mrs. Hayes seconded the motion and stated
that she did appreciate the efforts the University has made in making
progress toward improving racial relationships. The motion carried

       Mr. James Rose asked that the Resolution recently passed by the
Student Government Association be made a part of the record. Mr.
Ockerman stated that without objection the Resolution of the Student
Government Association distributed to the members would be made a part
of the Minutes. (See Resolution at the end of the Minutes.)

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 21

       With President Roselle so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Mr. Burnett and carried, the routine personnel
actions in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)



       G.    Appointment to Advisory Board - Lexington Communitv
College (PR 4A)

       President Roselle stated that PR 4A is a recommendation that
approval be given to John D. Barr to the Advisory Board of Lexington
Community College for a two-year term, March 1, 1989 through June 30,
1991. Mr. Barr who is President of Valvoline replaces Mr. Jack
Boehm. The motion, which was made by Mr. Burnett and seconded by Mr.
Stricker, carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       H.    Appointment to University of Kentucky Equine Research
Foundation (PR 5A)

       President Roselle recommended that approval be given to the
appointment of Mr. William B. Sturgill as a Board of Trustees member
of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Equine
Research Foundation for a term ending December 1992. On motion made
by Mr. Stricker, seconded by Governor Chandler and carried, PR 5A was
approved. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Appointments to University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation (PR 5B)

       With President Roselle so recommending, Mr. Stricker moved that
the Board approve the appointment of James L. Rose and Billy B.
Wilcoxson as Board of Trustees members of the Board of Directors of
the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation for terms
ending June 1992. The motion was seconded by Senator Huddleston and
unanimously carried. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Naming of University Center (PR 5C0

       President Roselle recommended that the Board approve the name
Jesse G. Harris, Jr. Psychological Services Center for the
Psychological Services Center. The motion, which was made by
Professor Bette and seconded by Mr. James Rose, was voted on and
passed. (See PR 5C at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Board Appointments. McDowell Cancer Network (FR 6A)

       Acting on the recommendation of President Roselle, Dr. Pisacano
moved that Dr. Arthur Frank be appointed as faculty member of the
Board of Directors of the McDowell Network for a term to expire on
September 30, 1991. His motion was seconded by Mr. Farmer and
carried. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    New Academic Degree (PR 6B)

       President Roselle recommended that the Board of Trustees
authorize the award of the new degree of Master of Health
Administration to those students who satisfactorily complete the
requirements for that degree as approved by the University Senate.
Professor Betts so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Burnett and
passed without dissent. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes)


- 10 -

       M. A-ccptance of Interim Financial Report for the University
.LE.ntucky for the Seven Months Ended January 31. 1989 (FOR 12

       Mr. Forgy, Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended that
the Board adopt the Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Seven Months Ended January 31 1989. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Sturgill and passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the

       N.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 2)

       On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson and
passed, the Capital Construction Report for the six months ending
December 31, 1988 was adopted. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    Confirmation of 1989-90 Tuition Schedule (FCR 3)

       Mr. Forgy reminded the Board that the tuition schedule is set
by the Council on Higher Education, but the statute requires that the
schedule be confirmed and accepted by the institutional boards. He,
therefore, moved that the Board confirm changes in the tuition
schedule as adopted by the Council on Higher Education and establish
corresponding part-time and Summer School charges under the guidelines
of the Council on Higher Education. His motion was seconded by Judge
Tackett and carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.    Adoption of 1989-90 Mandatory Registration Fee Schedule
(FCR 4)

       Mr. Forgy moved that the Board of Trustees adopt the mandatory
registration fee schedule for 1989-90 as specified in the revised FCR
4. The motion was seconded by Judge Stephens, and it was so ordered.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Stricker reminded the Board that last year the fees had to
be raised by a very high percentage and stated that he was under the
impression that in the future the fees would be raised in very small
amounts yearly to avoid any large increases.

       President Roselle stated that part of the charge to the
administration was to develop a plan for construction of a fee
schedule in consultation with the Student Government Association. A
proposal for setting fees is being discussed, and it will be brought
to the Board at a later date.

       Q.    Report of Easement (FOR 5)

       On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Mr. Sturgill and
passed, approval was given for the execution of the easement specified
in FCR 5. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)


11 -

       R.    Quasrtdvwents for the A. Paul Nestor Employee
Creativity Fund (FOR 6)

       Mr. Forgy stated that FCR 6 is a quasi-endowment that has been
tendered to the employee creativity fund of the University and moved
that it be adopted. Mr. Forgy's motion was seconded by Professor
Betts and it was so ordered. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S.    First Kentucky National Professorship in Finance (FCR 7)

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the First Kentucky
National Professorship in Finance in the College of Business and
Economics was approved. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T.    Patent Assignment - Research and Graduate Studies (FCR 8)

       It was the consensus of the Board to approve the routine patent
assignment in FCR 8.  (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Professor Betts noted that the three children of Professor
George A. Digenis, one of the inventors, have been in the Honor's
Program and done commendable work as students.

       U.    External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1988-89 (FCR 9)

       Mr. Forgy moved, and Judge Stephens seconded, that the Board
engage the firm of Coopers & Lybrand to perform an external audit of
the accounts of the University and affiliated corporations for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, for a fee, including expenses, of
not more than $93,550.  The motion carried without dissent.  (See FCR
9 at the end of the Minutes.)

       V.    Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Stricker, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported
that ICR 1 is a routine report and moved that the report of changes
made in investments for the University of Kentucky and its affiliated
corporations for the three months ended December 31, 1988 be
accepted. The motion was seconded by Judge Tackett and passed
unanimously.  (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       W.    Remarks by Mr. Ockerman

       Mr. Ockerman again expressed his appreciation for the
confidence the Board has placed in him as Chairman and asked the
members for suggestions or methods as to how the Board can become more
active and assist in carrying out its obligations to the University.


                                 - 12 -

       X.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:20 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Edythe Jones Hayes
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4A, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, and 6B; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
9; ICR 1 and the Student Government Association Resolution which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                March 7, 1989


Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS
Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved           Disapproved           Other
Date: March 7, 1989



                        CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



             Athletics Association

             Vickers, David G., Grounds Gardener, Athletics, after
                   21.0 consecutive years of service, under AR II-1.6-1
                   Section III.A.l(b), effective 4/21/89

              Controller and Treasurer

              Ellis, Roy B., Systems Analyst, Controller and Treasurer,
                   after 20.5 consecutive years of service, under
                   AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B, effective 6/30/89



                      COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



               Somerset Community College

               Watson, Rollin J., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), 4/1/89.


               Owensboro Community College

               Quisenberry, Larry, Assistant Professor in