xt7cjs9h4m05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h4m05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1906026 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1906-02-jun6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1906-02-jun6. 1906 2011 true xt7cjs9h4m05 section xt7cjs9h4m05 



MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jurn-5, 1906 Page 87(cont'd)

     Committee on Minutes of Executive Com.:- Messrs. Metcalfe,
Smith, and Terrell.
     Committee on Minutes of Faculty:- Messrs. McChord, Clay,and
     Committee on Finances:- Messrs. Nichol.s, Clay and Kinkead.

     Thereupon, upon motion made by Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded
and carried, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning, Wednes-
day June 6th 1906, at nine-thirty otclock A. M.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 9:30 A. M. Wednesday June 6,
1906, at the same place.

     Present:- Messrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Nicholas, Carpenter, Brooks, McOhord, Hop-Kins, Kinkead, Clay, and
Smith.-   12.

     Absent:- Barker, Lafferty, Bell and Stout,    4

     There being a quorui present, business was proceeded with.

     The Secretary read. report of the Director of the Experiment
Station, which was referred to the Committee on Experiment Station.

     Upon motion of Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded and carried it was
resolved that the action of the Faculty in prescribing and adopting
a general schedule of class work as shown by the Minutes of the
Faculty, be concurred in.

     Thereupon Mr. McChord submitted the Report of the Committee
on Military Instruction which was read to the Board by the ecre-
tary, and is as follows:-

     The undersigned committee on Military instruction hereby ap-
prove of the  Deoort of the Commandant, and recommend that his



suggestion in his resort be carried out, should. it be practi-
cable to do so.
                          John McChord
                          F. A. Hopkins
                          B. M. Brooks

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly seconded and carried
said report was received and filed.

     Mr. Metcalfe reported for the Committee on Minutes of the
Executive Committee, that the Committee had examined said min-
utes, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the min-
utes were adopted and approved as recorded.

     Judge Kinkead submitted the report of the Committee on the
Minutes of the Faculty, which is as follows:-

     The undersigned members of the Committee on Report of the
Minutes of the Faculty hereby recommend to the Board of Trustees
that same be approved.
                                     John McChord
                                     0. M. Clay
                                     Geo. B. Kinkead

     Upon motion of Mr. Metcalfe, duly seconded and carried,
said report was received and adopted.

     Upon motion of Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Judge Kinkead,
the reading of the Minutes of the Snecial Faculties was dispensed

     Upon motion of Mr. Metcalfe duly seconded and carried the
reading of the Report of the Business Agent, except as to the
summary therein contained, was dispensed with.

     The secretary then read the summaries of the Business Agent's



     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, seconded by President Patter-
son, the Report of the Business Agent was received, adopted
and approved.

     The Report of the Treasurer was read by the Secretary.

     Upon motion of Mr. Carpenter, duly seconded and carried,
said Report was referred to the Finance Committee.

     The Secretary read the minutes of the Board of Control.

     President Patterson submitted to the Board for approval
forms of Certificates to teach in Common Schools, to be issued
by the Normal Department upon the completion of the prescribed
work therefor.

     Upon motion of kr. Terrell, duly seconded and carried, said
forms were adopted and approved for the purposes therein

     Said forms are as follows:-
     The bearer                      , having completed the State
Certificate Course in the Normal Department of the A. & M. Col-
lege of Kentucky, is in accordance with an act of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth approved March 21st, 1906, hereby
granted a certificate of qualification to teach the branches
contained in said course in any of the public schools of Ken-
tucky for a period of two years from this date.

     In testimony whereof the Board of Trustees of said College
directed the President of the College and the Dean of the Nor-
mal Department thereof to affix their names and the official
Seal of the College.
     Done at Lexington, Ky.                             President
       _____ __    19
                                               Dean Noriml Dept.



                  Life Certificate
     The bearer               , having completed the State
Diploma Course, in the Normal Department of the A. & M. Col-
lege of Kentucky, is in accordance with an act of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth approved March 21st, 1906,
hereby granted a certificate of qualification to teach the
branches contained in said Course in any of the public schools
of this State. In testimony whereof the Board of Trustees of
said College directed the President and the Dean of the Normal
Department thereof to affix their signatures and the official
seal of the College.

     This certificate is valid throughout the life time of the
person to whom it is granted unless it sooner be revoked, for
cause, by the Board of Trustees granting it or by the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction.
     Done at Lexington, Ky.
          _____________, 19  

                                              Dean Normal Dept.

     Mr. Metcalfe offered the following resolution:-
     Resolved that President Patterson to appointed a Committee
of one to report to the Executive Committee, at their next
meeting the name or names of persons suitable to take the place
vacated by Prof. Brooks and that in doing so shall take the
assistance and. recommendations of all persons which he thinks
will be conducive to the welfare of the College in making that P.91
appointment; and tnat this resolution is not for the purpose of
precluding the Executive Committee from considering any other
names submitted to them from any quarter; and that the Executive
Committee be clothed with Dower to employ some person for such
position until the next annual meeting of the Board in June 1907.

     Said resolution was seconded by Judge Kinkead, put upon its
passage and carried.

     President Patterson moved that the Resolution of December
made with reference to the relations of Athletics in the Academy
and Normal Department, be amended so a.s to include in its scope
basket-ball and all other athletic field sports. Said motion


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRIUSTEES,Jun-6,1906 Page 91(contt$d)

was seconded by Judge Kinkead, and carried.

      At this point Judge H. S. Barker appeared in the meeting.

      President Patterson moved that the Business Agent be author-
ized to employ a competent stenographer to do his work at a
compensation of not exceeding $500. a year.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Carpenter, and put upon its
passage, and upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows:-

     Ayes:- Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe, Carpenter,
Brooks, Kinkead and Barker.

     Noes:- None.

     The Emotion was carried.

     At this point Judge Lafferty came into the meeting.

     President Patterson makes a statement about various adver-
tising plans.

     Mr. Metcalfe moved that 4300 out of the unappropriated
funds of the College be appropriated and placed at the disposal
of President Patterson for the purpose of advertising the Col-
lege, the same to be expended under the approval of the Execu-
tive Committee.

     Said motion was seconded by Judge Barker, Put upon its
passage and upon the roll-call, the vote stood as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 92(cont'd)

     Ayes:- Iessrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Carpenter, Brooks, Kinkead, Barker, and Lafferty.   9

     Noes.- None

     The motion was carried.

     Thereupon Mr. Clay Chairman of the Committee on President' 8
Report, reported for said Committeeorally as follows.

     In the Report of the President there are two suggestions
calling for action: One is that we change the name of the
institution from State College to University; and the other
is if we have funds sufficient we add two more rooms to the
President's House, for the use of his library. The Committee
recommends the addition to the President's House as we have the

     In regard to the change in the name of the institution to a
University, we did not have much time to consider this question
and the lawyers of the Committee thought there was maybe some
legal question involved as to how it would affect our rights
with the National Government and the various acts of the Legis-
lature, and in the meantime to appoint the President a Committee
of one, to investigate and state the reasons for the change of
name, and also how it would affect our rights.

     (They said they did not have time to properly consider it,
and as the Legislature does not meet in two years, we thought
it would be wise to suspend action on that part of the report
until the meeting just before the meeting of the Legislature.)

     Upon motion of Judge Barker seconded by Mr. Smith and duly
carried the report of the Committee was received and adopted
Judge Kinkead voting no.

     At this point Prof. Jas. G. White appeared before the Board
and made a statement with reference to the work of the Young
Men's Ohristian Association in the College and its needs, and


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 93(cont'd)

ask-ed the Board to make an aonroDriation for the benefit of said
Association to the amount of tRl5.O0

     Thereupon Mr. McOhord moved that there be appropriated for
the work of the Y.M.C.A. of the College, the sum of $150.00.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Clay put upon its passage,
 and upon roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes:- Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe, Nicholas, Car-
penter, Brooks, McOhord  Hopkins, Kinkead, Clay, Smith, Barker,
and Lafferty           4l

     Noes     --none.

     The motion was carried.

     President Patterson made a statement with reference to his
action in extending to the Medical Society of Lexington and Fayette
County the use of the Chemical and other laboratories of the
College in its work.

     Judge Lafferty moved that the action of President Patterson
in tendering to the Medical Society of Lexington and Fayette
County the use of the Chemical and other laboratories of the
College for the use of said Society be ratified and approved.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Smith put upon its passage
and carried.

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, seconded by President Patterson
and carried, the Business Agent was directed to look into the
matter of the closet facilities in the Mechanical Hall, and have
them repaired at once and put in proper order.

    A-t this Doint the Board took a recess until 2:30 P. M. of
same day.


MINUTES OF THRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 94(cont'd)

     Met pursuant to adjournment at 2:30 PM,1.same day,same
members present.

     Mr. Nicholas submitted the Report of the Oommittee ap-
pointed to visit various institutions of learning and Experi-
ment Stations of the Country, and read same to the Board.

     Upon motion of Mr. McChord, seconded by Judge Lafferty and
carried, said report was received and ordered filed.

     Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution:-
     Resolved that this Board ask the next Legislature to ap-
point a Committee of ten from the House, and five from the
Senate to visit the various institutions of learning in other
states, and Experiment Stations, which the members of the Cora-
mittee of this Board visited, as a matter of experience, and
then to come to the City of Lexington and see our college and
its deficiencies, after going to these other colleges and
seeing what they have done.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. McChord put upon its passage
and carried.

     Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution:
     Resolved that the position of Director of the School of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering be created, that the
salary of $3,000.00 per annum be attached thereto, and that
this position be tendered Prof. F. Paul Anderson.

     Said motion was duly seconded.

     Thereupon President Patterson moved that the matter re-
ferred to in Judge Kinkead's motion be referred to the Com-
mittee on salaries, to consider the Proposition an(d reoort
back to this Board.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 95(cont'd)

     Motion of President Patterson was duly seconded, put upon
its passage and carried.

     At this point President Patterson read to the Board a special
report on the matter of a pro-osed Carnegie library, which is
as follows:

Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees,   Lexington, Ky. May 25th 1906
        State College of Kentucky.
     About the latter part of March, or the first of April,1905.
I addressed a letter to 'Mr. Andrew Carnegie of New York City,
setting forth the origin and organization of the College, its
income and expenditures, what it has accomplished and what it
could accomplish with additional needed buildings, equipments
and other educational facilities.  I stated in this letter that
I was in doubt whether state institutions came within the scope
of his benefactions.  If so, the State College of Kentucky would
be glad to be the recipient of his favor in any direction which
might command itself to its judgment. If not, an answer in the
negative would content us. A few weeks thereafter I suggested
to the Chairman of the Board the expediency of addressing a
letter to Mr. Carnegie along kindred lines, which he did. I
discovered, after addressing him, that he has shortly thereafter
gone abroad. He did: not return until late in the autumn.
Several months passed after his return without hearing anything
from him, but in March of the present year, I received from
his private secretary a blank form, with the request that the P.96
questions contained thereon be answered. These related to
the date of foundation, organization, number of teachers, in-
come, expenditures, sources of income, number of students on
the first day of December of each year for the last five years,
average income for the five proceeding years, number of books
in library, annual appropriation for maintenance of a library,
with the request that a statement be made, setting forth some-
what in detail the most obvious necessity of the institution in
the way of a building.

     The blank form was filled up and returned. Some further
correspondence ensued, leaving me in doubt whether anything
tangible would result from the correspondence. Somewhat later
I received from his Drivate secretary a letter indicating the
willingness of Mr. Carnegie to make a donation for the erection
of a library building upon certain conditions which were laid


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TTRUSTEES,Jun-6,1906 Page 96(cont'd)

    At this juncture I thought it best to go New York and
seek a personal interview with Mr. Carnegie, if at home, and
if not, with his private secretary, Mr. James Bertram.  On
my arrival in New York early in April of the present year,
I ascertained from an architect who was evidently in the con-
fidence both of Mr. Carnegie and his secretary, and who had
written to me in advance of my visit to New York, that Mr.
Carnegie was not at home. He, however, kindly arranged an
interview with Mr. Bertram at which he himself was present.
I, in conversation with Mr. Bertram, learned that Mr. 0aflegie's
invariable condition was that in supplying the funds for
library buildings, he required that an amount equivalent to
the suma given by him should be raised by the corporation to
whom the library was to be given, which should constitute a
fund, the interest of which would be applied to the upkeep of
the instution. This seemed to place an insurmountable obstacle
in the way, as I did not see how we could proceed to raise
such, sum as would meet the condition indicated.. After con-
siderable conversation, however, the private secretary agreed
that Mr. Carnegie would waive these condition in behalf of the
State College, Providing that the governing board would guarantee
an annual sum equivalent to ten ner cent oL his Drooosed bene-
faction for the maintenance of the orooosed library. To this
proposition I took the liberty 6f signifying, provisionally at
least, the concurrence and assent of the governing board of the
State College of Kentucky.

     On my return I communicated with the Chaitran of the Execu-
tive Committee the result of the negotiations and suggested
that in as much as Mr. Carnegie was booked to sail for Europe
on the 15th of May that he call a meeting of the Executive Oom-
mittee to consider the results obtained.  The Executive Com-
mittee met on his call on the 26th day of April. I then laid
before this body a detailed statement of the negotiations from
beginning to end. I armi gratified to report that the Executive
Committee promptly ratiLied what I had d-one and passed the
following order:

                                 State College of Kentucky
                    Agricultural and Mechanical College
                              Lexinton,Ky. Apr. 26, 1906
     At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Col-
lege of Kentucky, held on this day, the following resolutions
were adopted:

     Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the State College of Kentucky;


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6,1906 Page 98(contid)

     First that it acceot with gratitude and with thanks the
generous benefaction of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00)
which Andrew Carnegie, Esq. L.L.D. proposes to give to the
Trustee of the State College for the purpose of erecting a
Library Building for tle use of the State College of Kentucky,
on the conditions set forth by him in the letter of his pri-
vate secretary of March 12th 1906.

     Second- That the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the State College pledge themselves to provide Two
Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), annually outside of the exist-
ing income of the College for the upkeep and service of the
Library Building thus provided for by the beneficience of the
                             D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                       Ex. Cop. an. Board of Trustees
                            James K. Patterson, President
                                State College of Kentucky

     It is with pleasure and pride that I make the foregoing
report to the Board of Trustees. I trust that before the ad-
journment you will promptly ratify what has been done. The
amount of the donation for the erection of the Library Building
is $20,000.00. The letter received from Mr. Bertram about the
beginning of May, to notify me that Mr. Carnegie has instructed
his cashier, Mr. R. A. Franks, Home Trust Company, Hoboken,
New Jersey, to honor the calls of the State College of Kentucky
for sums needed to pay for the Library Building as work pro-
gresses. I respectfully request that the Board of Trustees
will pass a suitable resolution, recognizing the liberality of
the donor.

                                                       Page 99
     Thereupon Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution:
     Resolved tihat the whole matter w ith reference to the
Library Building be referred to President Patterson with full
and complete power to act; and President Patterson be author-
ized to frame a proper resolution tendering the thanks of this
Board to Mr. Carnegie for his generous donation.

    --Said motion was duly seconded by Mr. Terrell and duly



    Mr. Smith offered the following resolution:
    Whereas, ProL. J. R. Johnson, a graduate of this Col-
lege and for years assistant in Mathematics here, has
severed his connection with this College.

     Be it resolved that we, the Board of Trustees of the
Agriculture and Mechanical College of Kentucky, hereby say
that said Johnson while employed in this College, as assistant
teacher in Miathemratics, was thorough in his work, efficient
and capable, and that we recommend him to the confidence of
any college in search of a teacher in Mathematics.

     Be it further resolved that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of the Board and a copy thereof be. sent to
Prof. Johnson, by the Secretary.

     Said motion was duly seconded by Judge Barker, put upon
its passage and carried unanimously.

                                                Page 100
     Thereupon Judge Kinkead made a statement with reference
to the work of Prof. Wilson in Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment, based on the Report of Prof. Anderson, and moved that
Prof. Wilson be raised to full professorship,- that of Pro-
fessor of Electrical Engineering, with the emoluments there-
to attached. Said motion was duly seconded.

     President Patterson moved that the matter of raising
Prof. Wilson to a full professorship be referred to the Oom-
mittee on Internal Expansion, and this Committee be requested
to investigate this matter, and make their report to the
Executive committee, with authority and power in. the Executive
Committee to firmlly act.   Said motion was duly seconded,
put upon its passage and carried.

     Thereupon Judge Kinkead made a statement if reference to
the work of Mr. Milligan the Carpenter, who desired an in-
crease in his salary of lOO. per annum, and moved than an
increase of $100. be granted to Mr. Milligan.   Said. motion
was duly seconded.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 100(cont'd)

      Thereuuon President Patterson moved that the matter of in-
creasing ar., Milligants salary be referred to the Committee
on Salaries, which motion was seconded by Judge Lafferty, and
duly carried.

     Mr. Carpenter offered the following resolution:
     Whereas, President James K. Patterson has reported to this
Board his action with reference to a certain donation from
Mr. Andrew Carnegie for the erection of a Library Building for
the A. & M. College, which donation has been accepted, as evi-
denced by the minutes of this Board,-

     Now therefore, be it resolved,
     1st That this Board tender to President James K. Patter-
son, the sincere thanks of this Board for his interest, ac-
tivity and success therein;

     2nd That this is but another evidence of his devotion to
the interest of this college to which he has given so many of
the best years of his life, for which the friends of the Col-
lege should ever be grateful, and can never adequatelt repay.

     3rd That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes
of this meeting, and a copy of same be furnished to James K.

    Said motion was duly seconded, put upon its passage, and
carried unanimously.

     Thereupon Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution:
     Resolved that this Board tender to President Patterson
its thanks for his liberal offer with reference to the Carnegie

     Said motion was duly seconded by Judge Stout, put upon its
passage and carried unanimously.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page lOl(cont'd)

     The following resolution was offered by Mr. Hopkins:
     Resolved that President Patterson be appointed a Com-
mittee of one to renort to the Executive Committee at its
next meeting, the name or names of persons suitable to take
the place vacated by Dr, Chase Palmer, and that in doing so
he shall take the assistance and recommendations of all per-
sons whom he thinks will be conducive to the welfare of the
College in making that appointment; and that this resolution
is not for the purpose of precluding the Executive Committee
from considering any other names submitted to them from any
quarter; and be it further resolved that the Executive Oom-
mittee be clothed with the -olver to employ some person -for the
position of Professor of Chemistry until the next annual meet-
ing of the Board in June 1907.

     Said resolution was duly seconded by Judge Kinkead, put
upon its passage and carried.

                                                  Page 102
       At this point Mr. Nichclas submitted the Report of the
Committee on Experiment Station, which is as follows:

     The Committee appointed on the Experiment Station submits
the following:

     We have consulted with the Director and find the Station
in a prosperous condition.

     The following recommendations of the Director are approved
and we ask their adoption:

     1, That the appropriation of the $15,000.00 from the Hatch
Act, the funds from the Adams Act, the income from the Ferti-
lizer Feed, and Food Control Work, and Farm, and any interest
accruing from these accounts, be appropriated for the use of
the Station.

     2, That all the assistants in the Station be retained for
another year.

     3, That enrjloymrnt of Mr. Geo. Robert, as lst Assistant
in the Fertilizer Division, Mr. Ben R. Hart as 1st Assistant
Chemist in the Feecd Work, and Mr. E. C. Vaughn, as Assistant
in the Seed Control Workbe confirmed.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jun-6, 1906 102(cont'd)

    k, That the Salary of Mr. S. D. Averitt, 1st Assistant to
Dr. Peter be fixed at $1,500.00. This is but justice to him
as he should rank equally with the 1st Assistants who are re-
ceiving $1,500.00

     5, That in accordance with the action of the Board fixing
the salaries of the heads of the divisions and assistants in
the Exoeriment Station, the salaries of the following persons
are fixed for the next year beginning July 1st 1906, as follows:

A. M. Peter
H. E. Curtis
H. Garman
W. H. Scherffins
R. MI. Allen
J. 0. LaBach
J. D. AIurner
Miss Mary L. Didlake
S. D. Averitt
0. M. Shedd
J. W. Nutter
H. Woosley
H. W. Taylor
Miss Lillie Liston
E. C. Vaughn
B. R. Hart
Geo. Roberts

   600. 00

                                          C. B. Nicholas
                                          T. Oarpenter
                                          Geo. B. Kinkead

     Judge Stout moved that the Renort of the Committee on
Experiment Station b, received and adopted. Said motion was
seconded by Mr. Terrell, put upon its passage and on the roll-
call the vote stood as follows:-

    Ayes:- Messrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Nicholas, Carpenter, Brooks, McOhord, Hopkins, Kinkead, and
Clay.-   11


The motion was carried.



     At this point Mr. Nicholas made a statement with reference
to the work and pay of Prof. Davis to the effect that during
year 1904-05 Prof? Davis was employed in the Academy at a salary
of $100.00 per an4ipm; that for the year 1905-6 he was employed
as an instructor"in the College proper, at a salary of $1,000.00
an advance in position but a decrease in salary and thereupon

     That $100.00 be appropriated and paid Prof. Davis to supple-
ment his salaryfor 1905-06, and make it even with the salary
paid him the Drevious year.

     Said. motion was duly seconded by President Patterson, put
upon its passage and upon roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes:- Mlessrs. Frazee, Terrell, Patterson, Metcalfe,
Nicholas, Carpenter, Brooks, McChord, Hopkins, Kinkead, and
Clay.-   11

     Noes- None

     The motion was carried.

     Mr. Carpenter presented the Report of the Committee on
Salaries, which was read to the Board by the Secretary and is
as follows:-

     We, your Committee, recommend that the salaries of the Pro-
fessors, Instructors and Employees of the College remain the
same as at present, with the same gradual increase excepting
the following:-

     First, That the President shall receive, $4,400.00

     Second, Prof. M. A. Scovell shall receive $3,00.00 and
perquisities as heretofore, and additional thereto $300.00
per annum for supervision of the New Commercial Feed Stuffs
Law, which goes into effect June 13th, 1906. Said increase
to take effect July 1st, 1906; and

     Third- That Prof. F. Paul Anderson be appointed Director
of the Mechanical Engineering Department and fix his salary
at $3,000.00 per annum; and Miss Kinkead received $900 per
annum; and that Mrs. Stout receive a salary of $1,000 per
annum; and that the car-nenter emnloyed by the College shall
receive $5o0.00.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-6, 1906 Page 105(contid)

      The increase of salaries shall be effective at the be-
ginning of the next school year, excepting as heretofore
                                  T. Carpenter
                                  C. B. Nicholas
                                  C. M. Clay

     Mr. Brooks moved that the Report of the Committee on
Salaries be received and adopted, which motion was duly seconded
by Mr. Hopkins, put upon its nassage and upon the roll-call
the vote stood as follows:-

     Ayes:- Messrs. Frazee, Terrell, Metcalfe, Nicholas, Carpen-
ter, Brooks, Hopkins, Kinkead and Clay.-   10

     Noes- None.

     President Patterson and Judge Stout not voting.

     The motion was carried.

     Mr. McChord presented the Report of the Committee on Build-
ing and Grounds, which is as follows:-

     The undersigned Committee on Buildings and grounds recommend
that an allowance be made sufficient to put in proper order the
Green-house on the Grounds, which is very greatly needing necessary
repairs. We further recommend that the Board look into the ad-
visability of discontinuing one of the dormitories as such, and
as to its use for class exercises.
                                    John McChord
                                    D.. P. Smith
                                    F. A. Hopkins

                                                         Page 106
     Mr. McChord moved that an appropriation of not exceeding
$400.00 be made for the purnose of repairing the Greenhouse on
the College premises which is to be extended under the direction
of the Executive Committee. Said motion was seconded by Mr.
Hopkins, put upon its passage, and upon the roll-call the vote
stood as follows:-


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJun-6, 1906 Page 106(conttd)

    Ayes:- Messrs. Frazee, Patterson, Nicholas, Carpenter,
Brooks, McChord, Hopkins and Kinkead and Stout.


    The resolution was carried.

      Mr. Metcalfe moved that the Commandant be instructed to
take up his residence on the college grounds and take more
complete charge of the dormitories, and enforce proper regula-
tions; and that for the purpose of carrying this into effect,
and provide suitable quarters for the Col-mnandant, that a sum
of not exceeding $500, in the discretion of the Executive Com-
mittee be appropriated; and further that in the Discretion
of the Executive Committee they be empowered to employ a suit-
able matron to look after and supervise and have properly
cared for these two dormitories.

     Said. motion was duly seconded by Mr. McChord, put upon
its passage, and upon roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes:- Messrs. Terrell, 11etcalfe, Nicholas, Carpenter,
Brooks, McChord, Hopkins, Kinkead, and. Clay.-   10

     Noes.   Messrs. Frazee and Patterson     2

     The resolution was carried.

                                                 Page 107
     At this point Prof. Anderson came before the Board and
made a statement as to the work of Prof. Wilson, a