xt7cjs9h4p4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h4p4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2012 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2012-02-21 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2012-02-21 2012 2012 true xt7cjs9h4p4m section xt7cjs9h4p4m Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, February 21, 2012. The Board of Trustees ofthe University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower. A. Meeting Opened Dr. E. Britt Brockman, chair of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and announced the swearing in ofthe newest faculty trustee, Dr. John Wilson. He acknowledged and thanked Dr. Hollie Swanson and the faculty senate council for an outstanding job of organizing an election with the departure of Dr. Peek in December. Dr. Brockman stated that Dr. Wilson came to UK in 1977 with a PhD from the University of Michigan. He is a professor in the Department of Behavior Science in the College of Medicine. He served four tenns in his college’s faculty council and he chaired it on two occasions. Dr. Brockman invited General Counsel Barbara Jones to administer the Oath of Office to Dr. John Wilson. The Oath was administered. At the conclusion of the Oath, there were congratulations offered and applause. Dr. Brockman asked Ms. Sandy Patterson, secretary of the Board, to call the roll. B. Roll Call The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: William C. Britton, E. Britt Brockman (chair), Sheila Brothers, Jo Hem Curris, William S. Farish, Jr., Micah Fielden, Oliver Keith Gannon, Carol Martin "Bill” Gatton, Pamela T. May, Billy Joe Miles, Terry Mobley, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Erwin Roberts, Charles R. Sachatello, C. Frank Shoop, John Wilson, Irina Voro, and Barbara Young. C.B. Akins Sr. and James W. Stuckert were absent from the meeting. Dr. Brockman announced that a quorum was present. The University administration was represented by President Eli Capilouto, Provost Kumble Subbaswamy, and General Counsel Barbara W. Jones. The University faculty was represented by Chair ofthe University Senate Council Hollie Swanson, and the University staff was represented by Chair ofthe Staff Senate Mike Adams. Members ofthe various news media were also in attendance. C. Consent Items Dr. Brockman called attention to the three consent items on the agenda. They included the minutes for the regular meeting ofthe Board on December13, 2011, PR 2 which deals with personnel actions and FCR1 which is the extinguishment of the Dale Edward Albers and Doris McNeal Seeley Research endowment. Dr. Brockman asked for a motion to accept the consent items. Mr. Mobley, moved approval and his motion was seconded by Ms. May. Dr. Brockman asked if there was any discussion on the consent items. -2- Ms. Patterson noted that there is an amendment to page 13 ofthe December 13, 2011 minutes in section 0. "It passed without dissent” was inadvertently left out and is now added. Dr. Brockman stated that the record should reflect that the change will be enacted on the minutes. There being no further discussion, a vote was taken and the motion in favor of the consent items carried without dissent. (See consent items listed below on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.) Minutes — December 13, 2011 PR 2 Personnel Actions ECR 1 Extinguishment ofthe Dale Edward Albers and Doris McNeal Seeley Research Endowment D. Resolution Honoring Ms. Peggy Way Dr. Brockman then asked for Ms. Peggy Way to stand and be recognized. Ms. Way is the senior administrative staff officer for the President’s office who has been the liaison to the Board of Trustees since 1981- 1982. She has served the University for 41 % years. Dr. Brockman noted that in 1981-1982, the year Ms. Way began working in the President’ Office, it also happened to be the year that he served on the Board of Trustees as a student, as the student body president. Dr. Brockman asked Ms. Way and Board of Trustees member Ms. Shelia Brothers to come forward for a special presentation. Ms. Brothers read the following resolution: WHEREAS, for more than 41 years, Peggy Way has ably served the University of Kentucky in its mission to provide quality education, service, and outreach to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Way, graduate of the former UK Community College System, received several certificates from the former Lexington Community College’s Cooperative Education Program, and WHEREAS, throughout her career at the University of Kentucky, she has served many departments, including the College of Education and the former College of Joumalism, as well as the Office of Human Resources, and WHEREAS, in 1982, she began her tenure in the Office of the President and continued there until her retirement, admirably executing her role with great diligence, intellect, and unrivaled loyalty, serving several members of the University’s Board of Trustees and five university presidents: Otis A. Singletary, David P. Roselle, Charles T. Wethington, Lee T. Todd, Jr., and Eli I. Capilouto, and WHEREAS, having gone above the call of duty, she quietly served numerous individuals and causes across the University, most notably, her unmatched effort and time devoted to the recent Presidential Search process, and WHEREAS, she continues to support the University as a UK Fellow, and -3- WHEREAS, because of her skilled support to Vice President Albert A. Gore, Jr. during his visit to the University of Kentucky in 1996, she received a commendation from the White House Communications Agency; and WHEREAS, l\/Irs. Way has voluntarily served the Lexington community and Bluegrass Region as a past Chairperson of the Lexington’s Annual American Heart Walk and UK’s liaison for the United Way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the University Of Kentucky Board Of Trustees does hereby adopt this resolution on February 21, 2012 and express, on behalf of the University community, our individual and collective gratitude to l\/Irs. Peggy Way for her exemplary service to the University of Kentucky, the city of Lexington, and the Bluegrass Region. On behalf ofthe Board of Trustees, Ms. Brothers also presented a Wildcat Alumni Plaza paver noting that its dedication and unveiling would occur on April 20th. There was a long round of appreciative applause and a standing ovation for Ms. Way. Ms. Way stated that it had been an honor and a privilege to work with everyone. She will cherish the memories of her work at the University and wished the Board well as they make the important decisions for the future ofthe University. E. President’s Report (PR lg Before beginning PR 1, President Capilouto wanted to join everyone in saying hello and saying goodbye. He welcomed Dr. Wilson and commented that though he has now heard the Oath of Office on several occasions, he has never heard "dueling” mentioned so many times in just a few sentences. He extended his thanks to Ms. Way and credited her for him being a quick study. She had taught him quickly and well so that she could then leave the university. He thanked her for everything she had done. President Capilouto was pleased to again spotlight some ofthe tremendous work by the faculty and students and wanted to draw everyone’s attention to the lists in PR l. He noted the range of terrific staff members to alums that have been singled out for well deserved recognition. He stated that he would like to introduce a few people today that are remarkable assets to this University. President Capilouto recognized Mr. Vince Kellen, the Chief Inforrnation Officer at the University. Mr. Kellen has been selected as a Dell Transforrnational CIO. He was one of four CIOs selected globally to receive this honor by the leading computer manufacturer. Mr. Kellen was recognized at Dell’s Field Readiness Seminar in Las Vegas on February 9th, where he met with senior Dell executives and other IT professionals to discuss emerging trends and challenges facing the world of higher education. President Capilouto commented that technology is an increasingly critical part of virtually everything we do at the University. Most critically, is the important part technology plays in learning and classroom instruction. He acknowledged that Mr. Kellen has been one ofthe true leaders in the University’s efforts in this regard. President Capilouto thanked him for his great -4- work and for bringing pride and recognition to our University. The Board gave Mr. Kellen a round of applause. President Capilouto next stated that the University of Kentucky‘s Martin School of Public Policy and Administration had presented its inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award last month to a familiar face, Mr. Bob Wiseman. Mr. Wiseman is the UK Vice President for Facilities Management, who eamed his Master‘s in Public Administration degree from the Martin School in 1984. President Capilouto explained that Mr. Wiseman oversees the University‘s entire physical plant and capital projects management, another very critical component of what we do at UK. He noted that Mr. Wiseman had a distinguished public policy career before he joined the University nearly 10 years ago, working in both city and federal govemments in key leadership positions. President Capilouto acknowledged Mr. Wiseman’s tireless work on facilities throughout the campus and also in his work with the housing initiative. He thanked Mr. Wiseman for his wonderful efforts on behalf of his alma mater. The Board gave Mr. Wiseman a round of applause. President Capilouto next noted that today marked the last board meeting for Mr. Len Heller, the Vice President for Commercialization and Economic Development. Mr. Heller is retiring. President Capilouto commended him as being a stalwart the last several years in helping cement relationships with local businesses in our community and in advocating successfully for the increased commercialization ofthe intellectual property being developed on this campus and at Coldstream. He asked the Board to join him in thanking Mr. Heller for his service. President Capilouto offered that he had told Mr. Heller that the University was going to celebrate his retirement in the future in a more fun way. He recounted that over the Christmas holidays, Mr. Heller was a guest at Maxwell Place. There was a pianist and Mr. Heller decided to sing and accompany the pianist. President Capilouto asked him if he would do the same at his retirement celebration. Mr. Heller said "yes, he had already picked out his song, I did it ‘My Way’”. President Capilouto thanked Mr. Heller for doing it "your way”. It was "our way” too. The Board gave Mr. Heller a round of applause. President Capilouto next fonnally noted that one of our fonner board members and proud alums, Mr. Dennontti Dawson, was recently named to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Mr. Dawson is a graduate ofthe College of Education and a fonner UK Wildcat stand-out. Mr. Dawson is widely acknowledged as one ofthe greatest centers to ever play the game. President Capilouto went on to say that after his long and distinguished career with the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Hall of Fame induction is a greatly deserved honor and that the University is very proud that he is a member of our family. He stated that the University will be inviting Mr. Dawson to join us at a Board meeting sometime soon so that we can properly recognize such an important achievement by one of our own. President Capilouto updated the Board on the search for the replacement for Mr. Frank Butler, the recently retired Executive Vice President for Financial Affairs. A search committee has been appointed and is ably chaired by Dr. Scott Smith, Dean of our College of Agriculture. He also advised the Board that the University has retained the national search consultancy, Witt/Keiffer, to assist the committee. He invited those with suggestions of people who would be good candidates to contact Dean Smith, as we move forward in filling this critically important position. President Capilouto was also pleased to announce that April 24, 2012 will be a special day in -5- the life of the University of Kentucky. The University will be officially naming one ofthe new residence halls on the north end of campus for our ninth president, Dr. David Roselle. He stated that Dr. Roselle proudly and forcefully led the University of Kentucky during a tumultuous period in our institution‘s history. President Capilouto stated he was so proud to be here as we move forward with this appropriate recognition. He recalled that about three years ago, he had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Roselle. Dr. Roselle was given as a reference for two faculty that he was trying to recruit and the two had a delightful conversation. President Capilouto recounted that it was indeed a joy for him to call Dr. Roselle back to share with him the news of the Board’s decision to name this residence hall and he is very much looking forward to meeting him. Dr. Roselle will be here on April 24th and the Board will be receiving an invitation shortly and it will include a luncheon. President Capilouto moved on to introduce Dr. Margaret Szabunio, who is a relatively new member ofthe team at UK HealthCare. He stated that she is another exciting addition to the team being assembled by Dr. Mark Evers at the renowned Markey Cancer Center. She is the associate medical director for its Comprehensive Breast Care Center and Division chief of Women‘s Radiology. Her area of focus is the early detection of breast cancer using Elastography and Tomosynthesis. Tomosynthesis is a 3-D mammogram technology that can find cancers earlier and help prevent false positives. Dr. Szabunio was recruited to the University because of her experience and expertise and is playing a big part in getting this type of technology to the campus. He noted that we will be the first in the state to have this technology. President Capilouto asked Dr. Szabunio to come forward and tell The Board a little bit about her work on this critically important health area. Dr. Szabunio thanked the Board for inviting her and expressed her excitement to speak about this exciting technology. She noted that the CBCC, Comprehensive Breast Care Center does actually have the technology and that it has been used with multiple patients. Dr. Szabunio stated that one of the advantages of this technology is that it will be able to decrease the number of recall appointments for additional imaging. Many women who have a mammogram often have to retum for additional views because the Radiologist sees something that requires further study. This recall visit causes anxiety to women. Dr. Szabunio also noted that as breast tissue is extremely dense, Tomosynthesis is able to produce 15 projections of images, and then a computer reconstructs it at one millimeter sequences. This allows the physician to see the breast as a ball with the ability to peel back layers of the breast individually. This gives the physican the ability to detect cancers early. She stated that these are the two main reasons why Tomosynthesis is the future of mammography. Because this is the best tool currently, she is hoping that this will make a difference. Dr. Szabunio also praised the team of breast experts in oncology, radiation oncology, surgery, pathology and radiology at the CBCC. She praised the team approach to treating patients. She also shared her big hope to one day be able to bring this technology to eastem Kentucky. Though she is just leaming about Kentucky, she feels that eastem Kentucky is an area that is under represented and she hopes one day to have a mobile Tomosynthesis unit. Dr. Szabunio reiterated that currently Tomosynthesis is used as more of a diagnostic tool. She advised that employees of University of Kentucky are given the option of tomosynthesis, should they have dense breast tissue. The current units are located at Kentucky Clinic South, which is on Harrodsburg Road. Dr. Szabunio is hoping to add another tomosynthesis unit to the Lexington -6- campus. She was graciously unapologetic for having a wish list and thanked the Board for inviting her. The Board gave Dr. Szabunio a round of applause. President Capilouto thanked Dr. Szabunio. He commented that one of the delightful things he discovered in Kentucky when he arrived, was the commitment made years ago to make sure everyone could have high tech, high touch care in their own back yard. He acknowledged that Dr. Szabunio’s comments and plans is another testament to that commitment. President Capilouto reported that he had the privilege of hosting the leadership team for the seventh annual DanceBlue dance marathon. Through the efforts of thousands of dancers and countless student volunteers, DanceBlue had successfully raised nearly $2.7 million for the Kentucky Children’s Hospital Pediatric Oncology Clinic over the last six years. He stated that it is the largest student-run philanthropy in Kentucky and across the Southeastern Conference. He remarked that these students have tremendous passion and commitment to a cause larger than themselves. They understand that service to others is an important part of leadership. He said the Board will be very proud to know that they are part of this precious UK family. President Capilouto asked Student Government President and Board of Trustee Member Micah Fielden come forward and introduce the DanceBlue leadership and the video about this tremendous initiative. Mr. Fielden thanked the Board and stated it was his honor to introduce to the Board and guests, Mr. Clay Stanley, the overall chair for DanceBlue and a senior Kinesiology major from Louisville, KY. After graduation, Mr. Stanley will be a core member with Teach for America where he will be working and teaching Biology in New Orleans, LA. Mr. Fielden also introduced Ms. Logan Sparks, the public relations chair for DanceBlue and a junior integrated strategic communications mag or from Mayfield, KY. In addition to her responsibilities with DanceBlue, she is the president of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Fielden stated that it was truly his honor to call them both friends and he believes that they are the epitome of servant leadership and the University is lucky to have both of them at the University. The Board gave them a round of applause. Mr. Fielden then introduced the DanceBlue video to provide a history on DanceBlue. The video of DanceBlue was shown. At its completion, there was an appreciative round of applause. Mr. Clay Stanley thanked the Board for the opportunity to share something that he feels both the students and the University are very passionate about. He explained that the video is the promotional video that is shown to new students as well as high school students. He believes it epitomizes how the students feel about DanceBlue and the cause that it supports. He noted that it is something that every student at this University has an opportunity to participate in and it is something that Ms. Sparks and he, as well as the rest ofthe leadership committee, feel strongly it is a crucial part ofthe experience at the University of Kentucky. He announced that the DanceBlue marathon in will be held in Memorial Coliseum on March 2"d and 3rd, starting at 8:00pm on March 2"d and until 8:00pm on March 3rd. He wanted to personally invite each and every one to come and experience this wonderful event. Mr. Stanley called the Board’s attention to a infonnational sheet that he and Ms. Sparks would leave with the Board that gives an overview and a history to help answer any questions. President Capilouto thanked Mr. Stanley and Ms. Sparks. -7- The Board gave Ms. Sparks and Mr. Stanley a round of applause. President Capilouto invited the UK Cheerleaders to make their way up front for recognition and a photo. Calling them a very special group of student-athletes, he related that they recently won the national championship. President Capilouto noted that this was not the first time that particular statement had been associated with these incredible athletes. This year was their l9th national championship. He opined that a common occurrence should not undennine what is an uncommon and extraordinary display of excellence on a sustained basis. President Capilouto acknowledged that the University is known for having the greatest program in all of college basketball. But, clearly, we also are known for having the most significant program in all of cheerleading. President Capilouto introduced the coach, Mr. Jomo Thompson and their sponsor, Mr. T. Lynn Williamson. He asked the Board to join him in recognizing these student athletes, their coach and sponsor, for their commitment to excellence. He continued that when you are around this group, you realize that, yes, they are here for their activities regarding cheerleading, but they are here for each other. They are part of that support network that builds student success. President Capilouto commended them and thanked them for their tremendous effort. The Board gave the group a round of applause. President Capilouto shared that he had the delight of being with the team when they were recognized on the floor ofthe House and Senate earlier in the week in Frankfort. He commented that he had never gotten so much attention in Frankfort and vowed to take them with him often. In closing, President Capilouto reminded the Board of that on Wednesday aftemoon, February 22, 20l2, the University would celebrate its continued excellence during the Founder’s Day Awards Ceremony. Held in Worsham Theater, this ceremony is a special opportunity to honor our colleagues and the heritage of this great land grant university. F. Report on the Results of Alumni Member Election (PR3) President Capilouto asked Secretary ofthe Board of Trustees Sandy Bugie Patterson to report on the election. Ms. Patterson reported that the recommendation is that the report ofthe Secretary of the Board of Trustees on the results ofthe election authorized by the Alumni Association be received and put to record and that the Secretary be authorized to certify to the Govemor the name of three persons receiving the largest number of votes, from which list a successor to Sandy Bugie Patterson, whose tenn expires June 30, 2012, will be appointed. Ms. Patterson stated that the background of her tenn as alumna member ofthe Board of Trustees expires June 30m. An election has been held among the graduates of the University of Kentucky as prescribed by statute and in accordance with the rules and regulations ofthe Board of Trustees. The attached letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to the President of the University reports the results of the election. -3- The three candidates are Kelly Sullivan Holland, Frank Harris, and Tim Skinner. Ms. Curris moved for the adoption of PR3, with a second by Mr. Mobley. It passed without dissent. G. Proposed Revisions to the Goveming Regulations (PR4) President Capilouto began by stating that as part ofthe SACS review, the accreditation review, there were going to be recommendations for some stylistic changes in our Goveming Regulations. He asked Provost Subbaswamy and Vice President for Institutional Research Heidi Anderson to make a presentation first regarding SACS, before the forrnal motion and action. Provost Subbaswamy yielded to Vice President Heidi Anderson. Vice President for Institutional Research Heidi Anderson thanked President Capilouto, the Board of Trustees, Provost Subbaswamy, and guests for the invitation. She explained that she would like to try to do two things: l) give a refresher on accreditation and SACS, and 2) roles and responsibilities ofthe individuals here at the University. She explained that the goal of accreditation is to make sure institutions assure quality along all areas ofthe accrediting body. It is done to ensure that students and parents are aware ofthe standards that the institutions have met. There are four different types of accrediting bodies in the United States. The University of Kentucky complies with standards by the regional accreditor, Southem Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), as well as, over 80 different programmatic accreditors. These are individuals who look at specialty groups such as Pharrnacy, Engineering, Business, etc. Another role that accreditation does is to make sure that the University is able to receive federal funds and our students can receive federal financial aid. In addition, as our students graduate, it allows employers to have the confidence that the graduates have come from a quality program. It also smoothes the transition process of individual students who transfer from different universities. Vice President Anderson then reviewed some ofthe mandates that SACS expects of the University. The first being a commitment to key areas such as student leaming, thus we have student leaming outcomes. SACS also wants to ensure that the University is enhancing quality throughout all of our programs and that we engage in a continuous improvement system. Finally, SACS reviews the University by having us prepare what is called the Compliance Certification Report. This report has three categories: Core Requirements, Comprehensive Standards, and Federal Requirements. There are over eighty (80) of these particular standards and the University must supply, not only a written narrative of how we comply with those, but documentation. SACS uses a multi-phase process. The first step is the University’s preparation ofthe Compliance Certification Report. The University is in the middle of that preparation and it will be submitted on September l0, 20l2. After SACS receives our report, they will give it to an off-site committee in November of 20l2. That committee will review the report, where it may find certain areas not compliant or compliant. -9- The second committee, the on-site committee will visit our campus on April 9-10, 2013 and their duties are to examine our second report, which is called the QEP, the Quality Enhancement Plan. While the committee is reviewing the Compliance Certification Report in November, the University will be polishing the Quality Enhancement Plan and submitting that report in January 2013. Dr. Anderson emphasized to the Board that principle 1.1 is very critical, and that is the principal of integrity. When the Board approves this document in December, President Capilouto and the SACS liaison (Heidi Anderson), also have to sign of`f that is a truthful document. SACS also wants the Board of Trustees to be aware of approximately eleven (11) standards that impact the Board directly. SACS wants every Board to understand the difference between govemance and administration. The Board’s govemance roll includes the oversight of establishing and evaluating the policies of the mission, hiring someone to manage the University, the evaluation of that individual, and approving policies and monitoring the University toward success. It is the responsibility of the President and the President’s team of individuals, to ensure that he or she fulfills these activities. More specifically, in Core Requirement (CR) 2.2, SACS requires that the Board have a goveming body, a certain number of individuals, and that this particular body is an active policy making body. Dr. Anderson pointed out that the Board of Trustees is an active policy making body, as is evidenced by the review of the Goveming Regulations at this meeting. In Comprehensive Standard (CS) 3.1.1, SACS requires that the Board is aware ofthe mission, that the mission should guide the University, and that the mission is reviewed periodically and approved by the Board. In CS 3.2.1, SACS requires the Board to hire one individual who is responsible for all of these particular activities. CS 3.2.2 covers a host of areas over which the Board has control. Dr. Anderson noted three in particular, being the institution mission, fiscal responsibility and institutional policy. CS 3.2.3, 3.2.4, and 3.2.5 state that the Board must adopt certain policies. First is a policy that discusses conflict of interest. In 2004, the Board adopted an ethical and principal code of conduct. That was an example of how the Board is adhering to CS 3.2.3. CS 3.2.4, states that the Board cannot have extemal influence and 3.2.5 requires the Board to have a policy whereby members can be dismissed for appropriate reasons in a fair process. CS 3.2.6 refers to the Board’s responsibility to have a clear written distinction between the Board goveming responsibilities and the University administrator responsibilities. Dr. Anderson provided the example of Goveming Regulations and Administrative Regulations oversight that is reviewed and approved. Another example she provided ofthe separate responsibilities from Administration and Faculty, was in 2006, the Kentucky Legislature House Bill 55 passed the smoking cessation policy and asked all Boards in the state of Kentucky to add that particular policy on the campus. -10- Finally, in CS 3.2.7, SACS requires that the Board has the responsibility for the organizational structure. An example of this was in 2005, the Board approved the move from the Chancellor system to the Provost system. Another example is in the Goveming Regulations that the Board reviewed today and will approve at the next meeting. Dr. Anderson reviewed the time table ofthe SACS Accreditation process, emphasizing the September l0, 20l2 report deadline, the off-site review during November 6-9m, the January 20l3 final QEP report submission, and the on-site SACS visit on April 9-ll, 20l3. Dr. Anderson offered that SACS prefers and the University prefers, that during that visit they focus only on the QEP and not on anything non-compliant. The team is working very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen. However, if there is something that is non-compliant, they give the University a second chance when the team visits in April 20l3. Then we have a chance before they make a final decision, December of 20l3, to clarify or to correct anything that might have been mistaken as non-compliant. Dr. Anderson thanked Dr. Jen Skaggs and Dr. Mia Alexander- Snow for their assistance with the presentation. The Board gave a round of applause. Drs. Voro and Wilson expressed concems regarding the process of the goveming regulations and its presentation to the Board. Provost Subbaswamy, General Counsel Barbara Jones, and Senate Chair Hollie Swanson explained the vetting process for these changes. Provost Subbaswamy and General Counsel Barbara Jones explained that proposed changes in the GR’s were cosmetic and not substantive. Ms. May asked that the issue be referred to a committee that could meet to discuss the issues and answer any questions before the next Board meeting. Dr. Brockman motioned that the Board accept PR4 as the first reading and stated that before the next Board meeting on March 27, 20l2, which will be the 2nd reading and the vote, the Academic Affairs Committee ofthe Board of Trustees would review these GR changes. The motion was approved and passed without dissent. H. Petition to Address the Board of Trustees Dr. Brockman reported that one petition to address the Board was received. Under the Goveming Regulations, part II, the petition was found to be relevant and was referred to the Finance Committee for the March 27th meeting. The subject matter ofthe petition is a follow up regarding a presentation at the October Board meeting on renewable energy on campus. I. Candidate for Degree (AACR l) Dr. Gannon, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported that the committee welcomed Provost Subbaswamy, who presented an overview of scholarship and recruitment efforts and also Dr. Heidi Anderson, who gave an assessment of programs and their effectiveness and relevance. -1]- The committee had one item of business, which was AACR1, related to two Candidates for Degrees that were left off ofthe previous request due to administrative errors. On behalf ofthe Academic Affairs Committee, Dr. Gannon moved approval AACR1, and it passed without dissent. (See AACR 1 on the Board of Trustees website, www.ul