xt7cnp1wh95f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wh95f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1984 1984 1984-04-05 2020 true xt7cnp1wh95f section xt7cnp1wh95f  


Vol. LXXXVl, No. Ms


Established l894


21’ n

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Independent Since I971

Thursday, April 5, 1984



f of SGA

Ih “\RHlle (l.l'.\l


l'lit- 'liii-i' t'aliiliitiles seeking the

position oi Studi-iit tioxernment .\s
smiatioii pi'eside'i' said the_\ here
plum-t1 Allll tiii'noiit
(tat il‘. thi‘ Iii‘st round ot the t‘lH'ltlll‘i
'l’lii» candidates l‘il‘lW ltisig
1m. 14 i‘eiideiitwrg and limit tirimm
also cil't‘ satistii-d uitti their steer
A1; ittlfl’2..llm‘\ aid credit iniich ot
'itr i stici css llili.‘ t iz‘ to the 'iirnou!
ltisie saul tii- .~ pleased \Hlli \otet‘
“or: vi‘i' and his steering

'|" li.3'ii't'

\o'i-r _‘.t‘.\l('l"


tin-z: are iizdicators on
'iia' Hisig
it ‘l‘Al pinl skill'kt'l'\ liii‘.i'

'llr H‘\p‘tl‘ist' has heel.

i't'l 'ttll‘i

.iliiiois ‘llt‘ (.11‘. ill lt‘»

is the most e1
wet; .." .1 stii
Hitl‘ 1.1m
i’N't" t Him" 'tiv people

"iv tlt'st.

".r rari‘
’lr' \ciill

l'it 't til“ {Ht


1. ;ilt"\"l. \llli .is

1.,21na. a» < tiit‘ 'it m" “as

t , . ' lit' I3 ltt'



Program provides students with professional

ll\ ~sill l \\ lll‘t‘\l\\

l't‘t't'i'.t"l ,1
[)ep ,"'

mi vi; .iliii 'l‘ii' t '-

:..i.g and


'lh' l. \

1" tip i'tiiit‘ti'llciht.’
.s il'!..'.isit‘t'i*i1tv\
'r‘fl's .\i'l‘i l.

. .. .n


T ieas' tni'ee

H! Iii.i'.lim t'iiiss

Candidates positive ~.
after first voting day 5

cumheiic). is giving his t'aiiipaigii a


'\.i.'ltt‘ l't‘i'ULllil'lUll 1‘ it real léit‘lttl‘

tll this race he said l'w

putilic iii the actirities that

tributes tr namerecognition ‘
Freudeiitwrg said his

torts today

has uttered ‘his year and that con

committee mlf he stepping up e1
\tr have ;i lot of sup

porters who haw-n? \et been out to

\ ole

'\\e re gettin’

d iot oi good re-

sponse tron; people '.\lltt haw- tieen

iii\ol\ed on
The} knmi

campus he

.itmiiY us our


and a lot of the good things that

\M‘H' llt’t'li tlttlfifi Ylli‘ iii\V


l‘it'titlt'nlwl‘g‘ it",;..i."i‘ti
ni/ations and \11.

Ht! 'iie s'i'iw' '11 "i: ‘fvzr

\iit‘iirifit-s 1m ' ._m'

\ iti’ 1'!
iogii applies

and t".t'll niot'i st

liltl‘. twine! .i‘.i it'l's

i-wii .- ”him. 'he

gowrnino-n' to l'tiil,;lli,\ geek oi‘gii
‘ Fraternities

s" .1 ..- ~wrnnici:'



hl‘t‘tiiit‘i‘ilk‘lgh . alliuiii't‘

.itio said rain. w.

‘oni'l‘it'l' llii' . liT'ZP"

then. the “it“ o 'i Nit:
111‘ 'he
not liaH til;

‘\ _.it


.: "lit‘t '

song i' ‘hv
'ti.i' 1:.iicti it

‘ii if irt'sitilci "

‘tl people I‘. urn"

Itiano' lieuitt ('Httt‘tifliii'itl o: tiii
pl‘ttLIl' or the-
illit.if"l1itl1' s.i:42
N'lid‘i i
pimping. 'it

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.i.i l...o

mi' tvrritiiiti-i' V

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H‘iics the...”

i‘l't re: a:

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pat" firm

:i»' iwt‘r‘n; w!

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"illit'" ‘ .‘.i"i
li.iil\ ill 'N’ I"

t'i'l ~ Th1: ilit

lie: ‘ '
st'it-iii'i '< ' ~'

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'he s‘. «mus :i-pat‘f

l-‘wi‘ti’ani a sopiion‘mit :-\;u.i:'.z~1

A true statesman

A . B. ‘Happy ’ Chandler and his ('(mtri‘buti'om


\..ilT “3' 't‘.’

l‘l'i'lii tat-ts Happy i‘hai‘.
tllm" s “so totes pontii's and ath
lctas to his heated gowrnorship
t'liat‘lz-s itiifcititl shouts .illiios' MPH
Kentucky s "authentic


’iiii1g .iiioiit

ltoiar‘ui a professor oi history
\illi’l he .s urititig a biography oi the
rCi'st‘til'Wl'i \ihei‘t itenianiiii ('han
-1li-i' tiecaiise he ‘ got to see what it
coloi'tui and dynamic person than-
diet is

l: 'lii’l‘t‘ is such a thing as a na
'iw Keiituckiaii. he is it. said Pres
‘i'lt’lil Htis .\ :singletary. who has
ktioun t‘handler tor several )ears

llt‘ is ot this place "

Kentucky is the greatest home
slate iii the norm." ('handler said
' l \‘e had a great experience in
Kentucky liver) time I hear "My
ttltl Kentucky llome.‘ l get tears in
my eyes "

t‘liandler. \\ ho greu up in Hender-
son (‘oiinty was born into a family
o1 severely limited means “His
boyhood “as extremely hard." Ro-
land said

When he was four years old. his
mother left him and his younger
hrother Wllh their father Thirty-two
years later. when he was lieutenant
governor, he located his mother in
Florida and brought her back to his
home in Kentucky. Roland said

“He grew up to believe he could
do anything he set out to do." Ro-
land said That belief has led him to
become a man of many roles. Not
only was he a lawyer. but he has at
one time or another served as Ken-
tucky‘s governor. its lieutenant gov-
ernor. major league baseball com-
missmner. a coach. ['8 senator.
and a I'K Board of Trustees mem-

.ii A '




A.B. “HAP!“ " ('H \VlHlZR

During his freshman year in col
lege. friends gave him the nickname
“Happy." which still often precedes
Chandler‘s last name. sounding as
natural as the laughter that Just as
frequently rolls from his mouth "A
nickname denotes a quality or quan-
tity people see in a person." (‘han-
dler said

During his childhood. he was nick-
named “lrish.” either because of
his presumably Irish dispOSition or.
as he believes. because he reminded
his acquaintances of the young boy
in Horatio Alger's novel. Only an
Irish Boy. Roland said

After graduating from (‘orydon
High School in 1917. Chandler at-
tended ‘h‘ansylvania University and

studied history and English ltolaiid

In 1922. he attended Hufliil‘ti lam
School tor only two years I ran out
of money. he said t‘haiidler then
returned home to attend l'K s ("at
lege of law from which he grad
uated in 1924 Even though he did
not actually graduate from Harxard
lax; School. he is listed as a them
her of the t‘lass of 192-1

(‘handler worked his “a; through
college and law school by coaching
high school athletics tie also took
on the duty of scouting college
games for the (‘entre (‘ollege l’ra)
mg (‘olonels (‘handler also “aired
on tables and carried newspapers to
earn money

In 1925 he married Mildred “at

\it M“:

V!" {‘0' .
arm-i: ‘ti-

has lI-t't‘ 7H;

.\t?ci . ‘ indie-i - ' . "
ended it.
challengr \vi: ,\ tw‘
Stale Items "atti \-‘
i‘y t‘li.in«t.i~
lttll at‘tii.ii..
ti‘om 19331111‘41

lle challenge-.1 it t:
lti-rt (‘onihs 3H: ‘llt
l‘fit‘t HUI”) Illit' i'flit'
1R1“ “as electul '

"handler said

\lthough hc Til? gum-trait
threw more iiisiii
t‘t’ssltil llt eat'l‘. .iti‘i
been out of politic-at vittzce
1939 "I made it inotc littit iii' \kllt‘l‘:
I left oftice to hec me the tuisetiall
t‘UlllmlS>ltin9r,' he ‘itlil “her.
nominated by the llciiim'ratii purl)
l alnays “on. but 1 hat liiil‘t‘ pi'ot»
lems \kllh the Demon i's than the
Republicans "

t‘handler unsuccesstiilh rat: 1.
1971 as an independent ('clltllltlilli‘ I
spent $5.!!!) and got 44H“) \oti's
he said "I never spent motim llkt‘
these fellows do




iltiivs 71. .\,is

.it'i-t'itt has


le) experience


.\ lust {at n
‘Z-ts' 'f ‘f‘..i' llt'
, "t‘ftit'l‘ilk't‘t‘t‘l as

sci n. .iants'

.ii,«.1'.s swirl . .. i" 't timer'x
‘ ‘ illo-
\‘i'sf‘. t‘

. “Hindi“?


'l‘l' it'llit‘Wi"
semi-it .is litisetiail tom
tron. Wt 'o 19"”. Hes
snow; lilitli' as .1 player s L‘Hll‘iliils
sztilit'l‘ lilitli .in “\llt‘r > L‘tlllilillsslllll
ir' .singictat“. said
\s comntissiotier (‘hatidlei‘ estah
"shed pension tunds tor players
l1i~ plinetl .i main role in integrat
no: the maior leagues Roland
said He has a letter from Jackie
ltohiiison thanking him for the role
he played He also has been rec
omniended tor the National Merit of
Honor tor that decision
chandler “as inducted into the
Base-hall Hall of Fame in 1982 As he
proudly showed off his ring. he dis
cussed his being one of only three
Kentuckians in the Hall of Fame
l-Iarl i‘omhs and I played on the
Irvington Reos together." he sa'd
\ec‘l AIFSVI\\, page ‘

s 117KO‘

SAB looking
for chairman
for Jazz Series

l1 ll?‘\‘-~ll .I. ..t


The lniversity‘s Vudcii' l’iil‘lita
lions Board has iii‘f‘i‘ll‘i't‘ii ‘11; cth'c'
of the WX.‘ Kcntuckxu. \caz‘mos

For details. see page:

l'K will establish a l’cllglt‘” i‘itlitt
for next lrali See page?




TOdIy should be cloud) \th periods
of light rain or drizzle With highs in
the low to mid 505. Tonight Will be
mostly cloudy With some lingering
light min or drizzle and lows around
40. Becoming partly cloudy tomor-
row with highs near 50.










2 - THE KENYUCKY KERNEL Thursday, April 5, 1984




Publications board names yearbook’s top editors

m k\ t Hill I \II It III I I ll .-4 .4: ’ " 7“!" ‘l’t‘l ‘IW'L‘ “till"l‘ ‘WIHL‘ \I‘HH'W‘I ”1 uuut‘v vw are here and about the lour‘nnltsrn sophomore. rumpus .nul
\.\.~t>!..'.‘ I .1 ' I .4 gm. timing}. NH! .in41 ~t..t: m 4m I ..l. wimwtt't‘ serum-\wprovtdvtorthvrn " organizations editor \Iurt) livpnvr.
\ . 44.1: M n... at Mil Muen- nlso wants to continue tln- a Journalism junior, sports minor
[n.y'ixhl'i; \ ., .~ mam; l‘lu- .\>l1l.m4l l\\ 1:..rm- wwl lu‘l' Kt-ntmkmn‘s award mnning truth Maura A'Ht-rn. .1 l'tK‘I‘t'ullUtl 111mm
.m .m..:.! .x 4: it. “ 4 ‘ 4 Int-LIAN l'll-tllt‘H-B‘ -\=4- "t‘ "HHHNHL’ tion portrait HIIIUI‘, Nanci .‘ssktns .tII
gunk .4: in.- istm‘ w '44 .. 'l I ’44 ‘ humming '“t' “I ”I444 k \ uh" ”I“ “dil- i115" N'IWMI l’.‘ ”I“ undecniml trmhrnun .tt‘.‘ttit'iilll‘\ t'tll
\Izmm \lt‘t‘\l .. . . 4. . .-44.4:4..4r.mt l ”h ,M g N ,>...-~4 "I! now Board. “Ill be an exix-rwnt'wl one. [or untlSullimnmin minor
..1 w. \ \ ., mm. 4“ , \ ”A. 3h“ ‘ accordingtnMuX't‘
4‘ I A 4-~‘*- ‘ " l ‘ ll‘i\ liltl ’ill ‘.i'.i' I‘ll h .x 4 mu- '4\ ll' . 4 ,
4.- -- \4 .'r4-- x .\ ‘ n ' I \I ‘ [hunks to (wnn' Stillman who
‘ ' ‘ ‘ \I II: ‘.I,r\\ 4, 4» ‘. ." nw i‘t‘t" , ~ ,,
'I\ V4.1." 4, . ‘ »., , ‘ a ”R“ "' l t ' 'I ‘ ‘ .. N t.\ currently kwnttulmm HIIIUI Hu- twurtl It‘ll \umm Ilh‘ pm;
. . {'1. 'I. -I .l\ .\ L14":. t4. ' ‘
”H l“. ,\~,. , v“, 4. .4 ”Y ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' . ' m k lt‘.ttlt'l‘.\lllp is going to be upon IIUII> wt IIllsllltNx HMHIJLLI'I .m4l pl...
\. ax .4 I" “441:: . .3. . . .- _
t...» tilIlL ‘~ \\«~ .. 4 , .4.~ 'rm ‘1' ' "H k .I k ”1 m‘ t‘Ilt‘t‘tI. Nit-«cu mnl “t' lmw .il logmplu ulitor (.rm-r'r mm! llw
' . .in no l'\".. 4-4- 4.” .t,. x ,. » _
. I.» H R l ' ‘ l l lmst tunuwplvuhoutll IK' nun litmnl t.\ sttll hiking .tppm .tll‘tll~ 14:1
. ' x \'..:f~ \\.4 lt‘ ILLLII'I‘M .t. .4 I" l.ik'i\ 44! Iii-sulw naming the editor and those ptlsilltlns »\pplr.-,.i|.n. mm 1\
’ " ‘ n- 0:" t .~.'..4::\ .4: .m 1H max» In 43.4. 4 .. ' tn an‘r'm' editor Nisttltrns, tho .tl't‘ .t\.lll.tl\lt' in 11-:\ lutitri..lt~n.
A . h k . L F I
\ll( l\l \ \II I( l x." \\4 ‘ 4. . xx f..n' .14..“ “in .\ . m \'*.4lt'!'l\ Mum minted Mimnnt- Arnold. .t Building;

First religious studies minor offered in

lh st ltl'l It \t-.i|

lu'lh‘” ‘ ~
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Training Opportunities
\1-\l[ HMAH





\.\()Rl\ i\PERII\(I

«We wt li‘filtJl kt'ntmln ~ lt-utlnm


_|( .. pun; \IIIIIIHJHINH .iml \(llt'lillllitg .I: w=4 ’I‘!

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5 I VS


Friday Midnight'

"D.C. Cab
.- IadmsA
: Mr (“-4 :8
w 7% 4 0

Saturday Minmgv '
"Pink Flayd,
The Wait



upcoming semester

‘4 .i‘ -\.’4\ \tkl.1l\ll('llt‘t‘.\
.: 1 14'... Mlu‘llt .tl .tpllli
”tr '4' ".17'rl' \kIMl [II'H

L' .1»!
'r "l‘l i‘\\.1t“» {Ii ’lit‘ \itnh
.:‘\ .m It‘IX‘YItIt'lll an It'll
.H prmtmwr at .n" lllxlu

It‘ltdnltb 01141} l\ m.

‘ t

' .4'1. .». .II'.\'ll‘.£I14III.tl
' -.1\~‘~ ll.t'»t l'lllt'il 1' WI!
The Konrad; y Kernel, 2 70
Journalism Building,
Unrversrty of Konrad: y,
Lsnngton, Ky. 405060042,
606 257 2871, is Wished
class days during the
madam“: year and weekly
during the $1!"an session.
171m! clams immge paid a!
lexmgmn, Ky ((51 1
Subscription rates: $30 per
year, $15 per selnoster
null/94 The Kentucky
Kernel Is printed by Scrlpps
Howard Web Company, 473
l mlIsw/Ia All Park,
i rmrsvr/Ie, Konrad: y 40213.







ri-a hys-te‘ri-a :4er .-





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‘J ."' ' B. 'r' 51 59 App-v ' ' w .1‘,-:

84’; Ly» .n ' $1.49 84;; C44 If“:

C we‘wrufifit” $.60 DRINKS

Hart“ 3’4”“ $.50 ... t

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BIG“ ,m' 8‘44" $1.69

“'2' Ha“ ” "fer-M $1.49 Dr. F’GDD‘B'~

Few” ar 5 F4444” $1.49 Mello Yelto 50::

Ref; Roas‘ Br-w‘ $1 29 Milk 42C

IUTI'Py L .t. $1. 79 C arge} .. 4 4‘34:

255- 8322

¢1{1‘-‘[l“llv$‘w )4 ‘rr

g: ti," ”4””. z.V 44


it out


B 8. E College
The Business Student Council

Elections Board
is now acepting applications for:

1 President
ctcxinbiw :44 In (“Hie
. : TLJtL‘5CLJy Aw " - z
t'w; L>:“..'L,\"e..‘. . "‘~. ‘z, .

;~.',u\} .nr‘ tr, 4. . .. f‘ _.




Southland 68 Drive-In

Two Full Length Features
"Animal H0use”



Cost: $1.50 per person
Starting Time: 7:00 p.m. (Dusk)


Polling Hours
April 4 s 5 i984

LOW S(hOOI I100 noon 2 00;) m

Med Center 3:30....“ 1230p...

M L King Library ‘0’3°°‘"‘ ““0“ m

Part lime]

Student Center

Lexington Technical ‘°=°°a-m

. 5:00 . 7.
Institute ”m °°"'“

Blaler II:00a.m. 1.009...

Donovan 11:00 am. 100p m



Commons 11.15am. l'iSp m




Blazer Hspm 6.159m


Donovan tlSpJn. 6:15pm

Commons 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m


King Library


. (n-rQIble the
' BUSI"855 Grid

if»: Fall 56— i


Anderson Hall IO-OOa m 7 UUp u. Engineering MalorsOnly
Ag.5(ien(e Norfh 9 30a m I 30 p in Agriculture Malors Only
( iassroom Building 9:00 a in 3-00.. m an run Time MainCampus Students

Lrfirflf‘ncl (9 Building 9:00a m 3 00 p m Business And Economic MalorsOnly

Law School Students Only

Allied Health. Dentlstry,
Nursing and Pharmacy Malars Only

All Main Campus Students (Full And

’0 305"" ‘ 00 P "I Full Itntu Main Campus Students
.S'udents who Have Lost IU Ur Activity
Card Mun Vote At Student Center)

I) 00 noon Lil Students. Full And Part Time

All hall rtma Main Campus Students

A II Full Tlma Main Campus Students

A H full itma Main Campus Studants

All Full Ylma Main Campus Students

All rull Tim. Main Campus Studants

All Full ttma Main Campus Students

Part Time Main Campus Students Must Vote At M.l.

Validated LD. and Activity Card Required to Vote.










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, .I .



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Soft Contact Lenses

$59 Complete


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Georgetown may not be popular, but the Hoyas are winners

A to“ liniil lll'lllpl'u" r' :i' .i:
Four no pi‘olili-in Idling ”lt‘ Ling»

The tit-s? Hum, il '.\" .' i Mlckey li'u-n lhuiigl. l'l\' KIM lli iiii .
doubt .lulin l'liurziiiw ~ Hm i‘ ii! nun lllt‘ \kii‘iiiuih tinni- nn :i-i
maligned iiiiii-i: milieu ,1 i n .i,. _ PA I IERSON ‘


to lii- .l\hiilllt‘ll 'l'nm minim: "



t'\t'r\ \li‘p n! 'lzv .i i' In 1‘ \t‘l'd‘s i-xi'i‘plmngii‘j iwii in «l: inn;
Kingdonii awn-‘1‘. .i .iitli lllt‘ nii-dm liiirili- 'lltn mv.
.inrl inviliwix ii: »11\ ' w ' I :i ll unis ii trenk happening. illi AM" the! 5-“! wwpu-ri \' 'rii- [mi
illlll ”Ulb'v-liY ~ ' i.. «:v: 'i. in-xonri mmpar.~on " ill'lliillit'l' pro->- it’llll'rt‘lll w 't»
It xvii; '.\i'l'~' ' >‘ ' \: ‘xt“llL‘t‘l‘l‘~\ll ~.Ulll the national luvdic‘iinéviir':‘.i'.i-~- illl’ii".t‘.’ l' .

mnnul “with rum/r i w ‘ Mirniiiiinship \iitli Vt‘l‘Sillllll) and rip "ii-i: t'lli'l..l"iii'ltili l K « pm wz»
aim {or err‘vV ' H ' r' f . ‘I wivrnl pl.i_\f‘r\ ulio i-oulil .H-r'r rxw'i; .iiti-il:ai-ii' inn: viiiqiii-v'
\llll‘li .ili 'inii ‘v ' '« ; i i. '5‘. tron. position to position Tllt’ 'llii-z 'rrii‘i-xi'n’i-ii 'lll‘lli~t“‘.t'~ .4:
«wk int: ‘. 3:3, ‘~~ , ‘ ' ‘Y :i‘ r. i awn .-.1ili Yh(‘ll' rlvtonse Bu? '~,.»l i ‘.t‘l'~.'. .wii

«1“ l‘t‘tt‘ih“! .~..i::' .. ' . - ‘ i. ' i»! .ilE the} min because of 1"» l l\ tiinx sliiixiwl 'nriz‘
mini uppimr‘i.‘ t ' ‘ 1w llllillt‘ .inil that goes back .x‘ .‘wi. 'I’ni-a rm ri-pi‘wsi-r '-~: 'v
Hm.» 'ml. 'ln ' - ‘v. , min 'l‘liiiinpwn l!1.\i-i'~1'5 xii-.l \i'i'r ‘r“‘t,"L‘t"4r'.'
riwiiiJi-lwi '.‘\ rt ' r ‘ l‘ i iwi. klill\\\ xihiil it lakes ll: ‘~-.;' I K 'nw. ‘mini 'riin: «giigw'


fil'mlli'll Iii: \

lane-L 'lawigri Y'-

llll'llhlllf“ Ho unis l’iill ”mm H mm” (in: M il'l‘lf' ii




Phipm +9.11,- ;, m , 'i V in; Ii ”‘1' Boston (‘oltics ’wr.Ln‘.iiL.~'.\
“mm” W...“ ' pwr \ i-niunintii personal”) "I: .i ltIlHlil'i rig «n. \i-ii‘w
.-H,-.' q. ., Guru). rvlnliunsliip with Yill‘ «inn-r} w .i ' ‘ .
'lt'l'.ili11‘.t‘-1 . ~~ i ii! -1 '::~ rx-i'mniil pom-hunt tor i undyinqn l:.y-.- ,.;. ;, w

ln-irruw‘i , r “,pw Hrdiinimliiin i‘i-iiitii-il ' - ' .'it'\ u-UieutnrH

”Wm,“ x '3- 'nxizr - po-i‘wizm ’l'hi- ”(Huh '3'

wind. liii\r\"’T-‘1 -, ,- l : . WNWHIUH’ ii \ll‘iilll iii‘ni} .-\ni: rigs,” Hi ..
3,.“ ”Hi1 ;;_ g. ., t .. w .i av. min-Ami l'lzriixpwi: \ lll.\!l‘llL‘ izic‘ v .

., 'i y- ' ;- '-~' ' .'~ 'ii 'TA' li"'i-!‘ iil‘iii'ht‘!‘ lnlllli :ll
, .. ,~ . 'i i Fl‘(illl\" ltiiimpwh is ii.“ '1. .
. l . i . mu pi w .' .
m j ' ‘ii'if,v"‘v.\3, itw ‘iH'lfi' .-,:.i he} i. : , u ' ~

‘t"r"'\t '(W will .\.'!‘ “it"x' lini!‘ Ilii ‘ “ ."m!" -
mh ' i. ' _ y ‘ '2‘ vrl'. ‘l\"fi1£ii"1>l"."’t‘(i“l‘ll‘.\.‘ ’ ' ‘ 14‘ 1\;: w; i »’ - \o
crm' " ' '-. ' ' ‘» ' \rri'l. i’ 1' ,u-s'w 4,,

V'i' rxn ,c' t'fiit4
\.”l't' . I ' ii ll ‘1‘.

. - ’ 7hr .‘.,. ’w '2. \u-If fm' 'lii V ' F
New UK volleyball coach learned

0 o a o o
‘ v V

highs. lrm s of coaching in Hawaii
l€\\ltl\\lill|il '\~ ,"':‘.i:i _ l::.fi;’i:'h
\hir' .t-



”mimwm a... m 5’ .




,. ,
c”, l
\l‘t' s
l ' ‘l‘ n
“gt.“ r, i
\Y‘n .i ...«i i"
1 Pi t c '

tun! El't'\" .
i.i-\‘ “21'

l:‘ weir: 'n
l‘Q'll‘l'VlIi \: 1 , ‘ , -- ’ ‘ "H‘
lilt'l‘i law'ii

“lie-L ' 4‘ '. v.
\llphttff_i‘l't ,t r i '
li‘li" l":t'l " ' ' l . 1' "
.iilil " \ \iit‘ ‘W' ri' ' »
llt‘\\ .lllllt'li' l‘- _ l"‘i""
)llll\i‘ pixiu’zww - ' ' ' .ii'iiui
ln-ziii'i l‘ll' "- " ‘ ‘ v _i
Fr'wrn Hm? I .~ ~- 1|

llii' I’li‘rtr .\~

20w! lam \l.lIilll\L'll you up ll‘l ii \l‘lhi’ illll'lii' lily \i‘ilLWi‘il'w Your

‘ \wiimiii tor new coach \lmmn l’czciwi;

llll .iiw - .c'


The'l‘l7th Annual "'
Commencement Exercises

will be held on Sunday,
May 6th at 4:00 o'clock

A pomphlei containing intormation about Commencement activities was re
cently mailed to degree candidates for whom correct addresses were avail»
able. Students who did not receive this pamphlet may pick up a copy at Pat.

terson Office Tower or at any colle e dean's office. For specitic details regarding
individual college ceremonies, p ease contact your college dean's office,



r-nlllt-ss (rt‘t)l";.‘,t'lll\\li twirl 1. ii

'ign'kiip t't‘llll‘l' during: the 'i 'tiw '.Iil!.‘.'Y.i- i: 'lii- li‘L in: ii , .-



THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Hiurujuy April5,1984 3

M rhey Pa‘Veuun


"-7" Wm__-fla_n. .. M .


\'(~ \ x x rites down shot clock tor m at? war

. #-



Womigin in Buddhism

i'rr'quy i‘.p!lib,7f3o p.m.
' $31in Center
to: the Arts

" .4 3' x
R! a W «A.







1K5 Day Returns to UK
am? Show tine“ you‘re here for the“) iji‘wréi‘mat

‘ thunsbay, Apnil 5th


A ,
4 .

C reigns Starting
“;)4 9,1. ~

pvf‘é‘k 0‘
’,‘-n r 77%.



Corner of Euclid 8. Rosel Taco
: Burger
Eat in or... I &
Carry out


‘ Weekendsl‘lAM Shiv .\ J .. 84
Weekdays HAM 2AM

0 Green Pabst S; a Prtc’ner
0 Irish \r’VhlSht‘\ N,“ a Shot
0 Plus Favors. Games Songs










a. x. “in“





 4 - THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Thursdav.April5.1984




“9.5““ 1.94 Indopondom Slnco I" I

Andrew Oppmonn
Edd» n

Llnl 5. Kodak

tlexut ye Edb'Ot

James A. 500”
Ed 't" a kttttot

SOophonio Wollnor
News: 3




eneral Assembly
snubs opportunity
to help education

It was Um Martha laxne t‘olltns \\ ho summed up
the 1984 General Assen hl} hes! The legtslature. she
satd “Ill be remembered not tor tts aceompltshments.
but for tts opportuntt} lost

Her much-touted package ot’ edueattonal retorms “as
\xtthdrawn. laektng the support ot the legtslators wear}
0! approachtng the eleenons \Hll‘t a ~\es vote on tax tn-
creases And she clatms that edueatton onee agatn has
been tenured h) the assemhl}

Whtle lamnakers adnttt than} ot then: proudl} so
the} dtd not ratse taxes in $334 ztxtlltor. over the next
mo sears the) dtspu’e the amernor s eontentton that
the} dtd nothtng tor ettueattoti tn Kentuek} durtng the
1984 sesston

But “as the zeal to :tttt'. the .a\ .nerease the best
thtng tn the long run“ \\':fhour ’tte addtttonal re\enue.
l‘nn‘erstt} emplO} ees and other people tn educattoh \xtll
only reeene a homtnal therease tr: salar;

The compromtse budget new; the Leutslature sets


ratses at tuo percent the trst )eat‘ ,tflt‘l three pereent the
second. “fill the possthtl: _\ o: Lat‘L‘er :‘atses‘ tn 1983-86 It
the state budget has a surplus

Hur state untverstt} ml; eon:
ucators and adttitntstrators to t.
d\\£i_\' by better salartes and henet;'_s

We tare another tum _\ea:‘s xxtthout addtttonal taxes
Bu: Ae also are tactnp.’ another \\tthout the
needed retorms tr. Kertuek}. s edstxtttottal system.
aatchmg the prohletns grmt tron: Laek ot sertous atten-

The tssue. oddl) enough ts uke 'tte on ttlter eommerr
cat Pa} the non or pat the The tteneral Assem-
hl} has ehoser. '.l(‘l.1[.§‘l~ alltl the toll ts aetiun‘. “wit:

to lose qualttted ed
"mate 'tt;tt'ket_ lured









Minorities don ’t exist in absolute sense

lt‘eadtttg ,l.t.‘t-
East ueetx l
tdetttmett as par' t‘?

Ht \‘ttttt‘se l

‘t It‘\\



t‘tttttese “he"
the poputa'tor.
\Khtt'lj .s otztx
has ‘..
Regardless , :
(tons ot



ttl't “At"
sz'les the» M‘ P
17“”) ttfll'ltit't
.1lt'~ tttteres‘
.1 lt".\
lttb .«e
people Attire.

skllt‘.’ \‘ttlltllttlt'H

- ,tt's ut‘ " t\





Titles may have created misunderstanding

“\LZLet‘. .-‘ . t .. .- ~ ':t »\v' _t;>‘ttrt&t.r't' It'!
upper' j. ‘t , " 2,. ”earn;


’ll.\ {Tr

U'ftem'o't‘. A flex.



' . e. tt'v1tzttes than}
‘1)edlcated senators s W.

.xould haw


4o t ‘_ . . . or.“ b
‘ttttCt’fi 'tl


Apr." 3‘ ttltG " " HH' Its-V
NH representatne
should he xep' tn mtttd
Dotsor ,lor. Lamos and

These senafors u’
dates are ":ttintnu or. tt pt_t'to."rt ' ’ T t ' '. "
strengthen 'he 'tes lit",\e-9‘t‘. i K rtt at
at'} and students ant: ‘nrougr. ‘tte' ' , " ' te:
senators ‘: pt sttev: tn
.7“thth\Ihr‘llfill:.1n£t'd‘t‘b " : ' ' w. e: nature the
sr.. 'pT'iiLIsQN ot 'ne:r re
lttp‘tt’o-lt's to get :tour \ote

net'essa r_.
St ;.-\ \ljt

tadtes and


Threw ‘t rims ' ' ,s
Ham-v" ' :xttzt' :ne\perzettt'e nttt
\lorr s tarnpus and

". {now-1’


E- t‘lt‘lllttJL' ton: 'ttllt and
at . 'dflplblk'd thetr
an: :or thts electtor.
platforms to ullttt
'he tuture

ttxfu' t'ttfui

ettorfs ts 'Ytt" *1‘l
e ;r
\tt 'ttret are «*apattte .3 'tt"‘.L '.
.deas ’t stutter: itl‘n’r't't‘nn"
:tt prone to he hart tum.
. s'twm;

O‘Xt'rt‘,so‘ ms t‘:;{"
xktses' Ad}

ll?‘ 1‘

‘ 'ttm u ‘TY'.tt."tt" tndtt ates

tn; terttea'ed senators at: 't'ttrv pltlt‘tllld:
'o "e ‘t‘. 'he

at‘tt‘. t‘J‘t" these thee t‘aftltztia‘es

t-n-rxotte 'tt iota: latt, tilHi

:nusstltn ' ' " ttttH‘ >lJU't’\\ttll

r‘ 'tt't‘s ".w ":o'

\ttsm \'..v’ro"'

l‘Itlattt‘e at. \lttrn Zerot

\Jn treshtttar.

.\o pie-m-the-skr . .
H ell Informed

\“udents of [K you haw ft: up
pnr‘unt’} to Net," a slate ot :» t. '
moms The ttt'ket of Ttm l-‘reulto-r I - It , '
hurz tlohn (am and .11m Pus'tnget
for Student t‘mxernment .~\ss«x'tatton
prestdent sentor \‘tee prestdent .tttt:
exet'uttte rtce prestdent respet
met) have prmen thetr manage '. t:


L00 v v

;s 't) thtK)S(’
t'l‘L’l‘ out ot a held of

the ttt‘ket whose
and present enthu
.ttt It,.mn‘ them tdeal tor
l'hex are r‘tsh. ”wk
and “uddt‘l.

T-xvl.‘ mu eut
‘ttt-tr ,s
pus‘ “xpo-r I-ttt'

mttslt .kt»

Theft lttt‘n

1.". MIN” 'tt'L'ut.
tilttl'tl' FM“.
Ytt;s'.\tt1 hel',‘


we» rot wt
«til; at. ‘ttez' st

‘he ttpeottm

Demanding job

iahdith'es v ts, .-\ptess
t'lt’sfl't‘ 't st'l‘.» ‘ 'to'- Whats
ltll: pwtttttv‘
the unutatttorotts :vt'ttses tt httrd
uork ion: .:-
Aettons spear. mm»: frat:
The ltil
dent ts .t \t-tj. tte' t: a; one
reqtnres ttuttmt‘rttts :tottrs ot t-oortt;
natton \ot.
asked 'n tw tt t'ep'ese' 'tt‘t‘w t iotu

Zn' tr; .tdttttrzs

v .

tlt'lftti’ultttt't‘t'. ‘v .. L'l'd.’



.‘.."lt t:

H? 'llt' .s' . ‘t'.’ ttttti‘s

tttul tttxtwt- 's a.“
tnts'. ttt‘

Yratot' tx

lemte: .t: ::t\et's
rules t. ttld'dtfn s' I“. :n
.standtttg \éaw
'tttte start rt;




‘11 ttt-

\\l]t'l1'.’l~"‘ttlt'l.’ tt-vxerntttetfl \,
stX'tattot. :tteets utttt ':
press lttm-rs '3. tttttttttttsttutors 'd
gmerttttti'tt? wt: llllll‘l".tl.
that he he n; at”. \
sues ittttuv‘YItn-t.
secure tn hts t9'.lllt‘l\l:1‘\

Whett the mewrwn ot
presldettt t'wqut-s's not.
the student
counetls and eottttth'tm-s ‘
ulate ytttt‘ rtuhts tees
tttes tt 1s unpor'artt thtt' w sl,t\
president turnts‘tt tlte mules t: dual-
ltted students uhtt tan e\' ' ' sound
tudgement and (it'll'xi‘fl.
dent tnterests

(ml) one ot 'ttv- '.l' I
SGA prestdent has 're:

, .ett.“
r)It tun .
:lltli‘ t? '

v t

‘ltlllltl l t'l.~

shat: . ’ .' r I.»
‘, “it,
“.9 \

pt ‘w' stu

netted tn





\\ 11111;;

tndtx'tdutth mt,
alcohol .s
:\t‘n't‘e.ts others ttnnk itttle ot 'tl\lltL'
at drugs There are also hn; t:
;t1tltese\tttti mores helt

l' or

sutttpttot: «tt


.tl‘tt t’s
'l 3.11mi Status

lithe" ll'n'st' «tlltt‘l‘t‘ltt't's ;? .

' . cave ts sznuled out
people l’t-t'ltttps
.s llnt' t: pl‘t‘sutt

’u' «‘tttsstttwl tltltl .1

met" w
to! 'Ptts ttsttam.
l'dk .tt,

or Ms sat‘t

t y t

. ,, - ‘4 t, tt t
‘ \.tt\\tfs .th lltnmnltmt to

'ttsts at t‘ ‘l; ' on tntet'es's or \.t.‘
,, . t t
NH ttsttatt} tttts ln‘t'vttttt' tttltttttfl
'. sonte stztal' «1th 't..t' lltll.\ t:

. '\\tt\
he deurte o: ,tevttntit’

‘.t" tt\

utons. t' twt‘otttes more 1.?"

. .

etppijt t. s‘eret'xp. ‘t

t t

tttjl- ‘tj

rumpus uttte eleettons Uri},
'tm tandtdtttes has heet: 1t: 'tte st.
t-:';t e at least 2o hours tt men .2. :l‘
'.L. eteeotnphstt the man}
\ti\ ttt‘ouuht tttmtg'
war «tnt; one ot the eandtda'es has
tt‘ttteal puhnt "u'zrz',

oxet' 'h:s \ettr tttttt prox 'tt .'
atlatt‘. to he httrdnorletzg

and ,oxttt The

tins 't.ts
'ttm- and
‘tt-tttt‘a'ed ttifer’ests
nt students

l’zttt rreudetitwru has done at. or
lllll.t_‘s more R". Pl")\.l:g
tuttnsel: to the u. bent}: the tttost atute
net-son to help the studettts
~;.o\e Nd. ttzto .t posthw dtreettot.
Attll dettntte tneasurahle
Lle .tnd hts t'unntng mates.
and .lltt. l’usttnuer.
rusted to proteet _\our best tntet
v-sts and not had out \kltett the L‘ttlllL‘
gets tough

I dont regret ehoostng Tun .ts lll_\
runntnu tnate last )eat‘. and I Let
”.ttnl} wmt regret \‘ottng tor htttt
todajt You \wtt't etther Please \ote
tor proten sound Judgement. dedtea
'ton and tntegrtt} \'ote lr‘t‘eudett
tn'l‘L‘ (ant and l’usttnger

these and



‘.ttlt t't’tl, hot

lttmd'l‘ Bradtord prestdettt
student Hon-rttntent Assm'tttttot

‘Special issues '

\s ehatrman ot the ttttrt‘atnpus
\tudent Board I am ver} pleased
that so than} ot the candidates run
ntng tor otttce tn student (Huert:
tttent ,\>stl‘litt10n ha\e stated a eon
eertt tor the untque Interests ot
eotntnuter students In partteulat
Kell} Hern and Brad DIXON seem
both tntormed and concerned about
the speetal Issues taeed h} otteatn
ptts students

Kell} and Brad hau- proxen thetr
utlltngness to uork on these Issues
through thetr Imolvement tn Stra}
t‘ats and the Ht't-(‘ampus Student
Board The} have pledged to vmrk
ttmat‘d an Improved campus hus
s}sant. tncreased ttsststant'e to stu
dents 1n search ot off campus-hon»

By Don Clifford BLmM COUNTY

Its ttr\ tenorttnee. .tnotner reason
‘ltttl illu‘ .tlt
tt.t\e tt tut) ot
l-‘or e\.tntplt
frttet "w! lllt'
\st.tt_ \ntet’u‘ans .tt‘e
trgltt “the l .wutdttt
of ttt‘. .HJ'H‘lltlL .tdus

."m \"'

{ms pp: sis? ;\

‘t totts them
It'ltttt slet't‘vt


tugsttmgs tnwddxv l

:t‘. t':~_:t' \t'l‘ttNt.

{thtsst'ti murse

.I l A‘Ltld ttn‘te 'ltt