xt7cnp1whc16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1whc16/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1998 1998 1998-10-29 2020 true xt7cnp1whc16 section xt7cnp1whc16 - :l'
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Tonight at 9,
RHA is sponsoring
an outdoor showing
of I Know What You
Did Last Summer.
The screen will be
placed in the Kir-
wan/Blanding Com-


Pacts of the body

All true and
about you

The adult human
brain weighs about 3
pounds (1.3001400
grams). The elephant
brain weighs about
6,000 grams. The cat
brain weighs about 30

The human brain has
(100 billion) neurons.

The world record for
time without sleep is
264 hours (11 days) by
Randy Gardner in 1963.

Unconsciousness will
occur after 8-10 seconds
after loss of blood sup-
ply to the brain.

Neurons multiply at a
rate 250,000 neurons
per minute during early

A total of 400-500
ml of cerebrospinal fluid
is produced every day.
It is normally clear and

The human spinal
cord is 45 centimeters
long in men and 43 cen-
timeters long in women.

Humans can hear in
the range of 20 Hz to
20,000 Hz. Rats can
hear in the range of
1,000 to 50,000 Hz.

Pain occurs when
sounds are above 130
dB. Hearing damage can
occur if people are ex-
posed to sounds above
90 dB for an extended
period of time.

- Source:

Wild wildlife

Never would
have guessed

Crabs have hair on
claws and other parts of
the body to detect water
current and vibration.

Like bats, dolphins
use echolocation to
move and to locate

Each eye of the
dragonfly contains
30,000 lenses.

Blow flies taste with
3.000 sensory hairs on
their feet.

The frog has an
eardrum (tympanic
membrane) on the
outside of the body
behind the eye.

The silkworm moth
can detect pheromones
up to 11 kilometers away.

- Source:

- Ron Norton



7:} 5501

Cloudy - mostly - to-
morrow and Thursday.


VOL 3104 ISSUE 13046


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UK lends its support to KSU's student media

Cincinnati court to hear arguments from two
former student journalists early next year

By Andrew O'Neill

UK has given its support to
two former Kentucky State Uni-
versity students who allege their
First Amendment rights were vi~
olated by KSU administrators.

The administrators refused to
distribute the school’s yearbook,
The Thorobred, because they did
not approve of its content or ap-
pearance. The U. S. Court of Ap»
peals for the Sixth Circuit in
Cincinnati will hear the students’
arguments in early 1999.

The case, Kincaid 11. Gibson.
raises the issue of whether or not

the administration at a public
university has the right to censor
the information in school publi-
cations. The case has been in the
court system since 1995.

UK has joined the plaintiffs,
Charles Kincaid and Capri Cof-
fer. along with 15 universities
within the jurisdiction of the
sixth circuit in signing a friend of
the court brief. which formally
recognizes UK‘s support of the ap-
peal of Kincaid and Coffer.

Kincaid and Coffer are chal-
lenging the KSU administration.
Kincaid, a former student at
KSU. was a contributing writer
to the student newspaper, The

Thorobred News.

Capri Coffer was a staff
writer at The Thorobred News
and the editor of The Thorobred.
They argue that students have a
right to receive their yearbooks
because they paid the mandatory
$8 student activity fee.

Professors in the journalism
school are glad UK has voiced its
support for the plaintiffs.

“I can't imagine any court
upholding this decision." said
Elizabeth “Scoobie” Ryan. an As-
sistant Professor of Journalism.

“This case should concern
everyone. especially people in-
volved in any college publication
~ including a web page that is
not totally independent of a uni-
versity.“ she said.

Ryan said the most troubling
part about the case is that the

state is attempting to tell adults
what to do.

"High schoolers are children
under the law. but your typical
KSU student is a taxpayer, a vot-
er and is eligible to get married.“
she said.

The two students say the
KSU administration has attempt-
ed to control the newspaper with
the intent of preventing anything
negative from being printed
about the university.

The KSU administration was
dissatisfied with the book‘s con-
tent and presentation. including
the color of the yearbook's cover.

Kincaid and Coffer argue
that the administration‘s ban of
the yearbook and control of the
newspaper violated their First
Amendment rights of free speech
and association. The U.S. District

Court for the Eastern District of
Kentucky disagreed.

Judge Joseph Hood, who
heard the case. based his ruling
on the 1988 Supreme Court case,
Hazelwood School District v.

Although the Hazelwood case
upheld censorship of high school
publications. not college publica-
tions. the judge decided Hazel-
wood could be applied to the cen-
sorship of college media as well.

“If college students are treat-
ed like high school students. and
college professors are treated like
high school teachers who must
adhere to the rules and regula-
tions of a central administration.
you are going to feel the conster—
nation.“ said Buck Ryan, director
of the journalism school.




Jewell Hall puts its scariest foot forward, gives Lexington
kids a chance to party among clowns, monsters, others

By Andrew O'Neill


Witches. princesses. superheroes and
clowns were in full costume last night as
students gathered in the lobby of Jewell
Hall for a Halloween party.

Jewell Hall. which usually looks like
an ordinary residence hall. was decorated
with orange and black balloons.

Jack-o-lanterns decorated the walk-
way at the front of the building. and a
woman dressed as a clown greeted all who

The party, sponsored by the Office of
Residence Life and the Residence Hall
Government. brought faculty members.
their children and people from the com-
munity together for a night of playing
games and trick or treating in a safe

“We wanted to do something for the
community." said Nida Khan. an inte-
grated strategic communication senior
who was in charge of the evening‘s festiv-

“This is a safe environment where
kids can go trick or treating." she said.

The more than 20 children who at-
tended were able to go trick or treating on
all three floors of the building.

When they were not busy asking for
candy. they Were bobbing for apples.
eating popcorn. pinning the nose on a
pumpkin and getting their faces paint-

"1 came here to have fun," said
Michael Persler. a sixth-grader at Win-
burn Middle School.

Others had more to say about the

"I‘ve been going around and getting
candy and prizes.“ said Ariahn Barnes. a
fifth-grader at Breckinridge Elementary

Although she had not yet gone trick
or treating. she said she hoped to get a lot
of Skittles. her favorite candy.

She seemed more interested in watch-
ing her friend get her face painted than
being interviewed.

The parents of the children and the
students who live in the building were
glad to be taking part in the festivities.

“The kids are really enjoying them-
selves.“ said Candice Wallace. an unde-
clared freshman.

“Having a Halloween party for them
was a nice thing to do." she said.

Wallace herself was dressed as a god—
dess. in a long. flowing emerald gown.

Parents were relieved they did not
have to worry about whether or not their
children would be safe.

“I like this because Jewell Hall is a
safe environment." said Joyce Brown.
an employee at the UK Parking and
Transportation Plant.

She brought her daughter and two of
her daughter‘s friends to the party.



The following are some results from a survey by Professor Tim
Cantrell's political science classes at Lexington Community College.

mozz- 3”

i, “ By James Ritchie



locum cook I ktnuti. surr

Creatures. like this Michael Myers look-a-like, leapt out of the darkness during the haunted house
put on by residents in the Boyd-Patterson complex. More halloween events are continuing this week.


had \oted at least six times in the

Poll: Voters back Clinton

to 40 percent Almost 11 percent

In general, how do you feel Bill Clinton

If the election for U.S. Senator were


has done in his job as president?



Meter» r" 7

If the Urban County Mayor's race were
held today. who would you vote for?


\ Other
S Undecided



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held today, who would you vote for?

If you had to decide President Clinton's
fate. what result would you want?


President Clinton's approval
ratings are higher now than ever be
fore in Central Kentucky. according
to a poll conducted by Lexington
Community (‘ollege students.

Seventeen percent of frequent
voters surveyed in Fayette and sev-
eral surrounding counties sa1d
they believed Clinton had done an
“outstanding" job as president so

That number is up from 7 per
cent in fall of 1996 and spring of 1997
and 13 percent in spring of 1998. said
Tim Cantrell. who has his political
science classes conduct a survey
every semester.

“He is at the highest level of sup
port he‘s ever been. or that any pres
idem has been since I started polling
in 1971.“ (‘antrell said.

Students in his American Gov
ernment and Political Behavior
classes surveyed 2032 Central Konr
fuckians from Oct. 14— 22.

The sample was taken from a
list of frequent voters, most of whom

1 1st 12 elections.

The margin for error was 2.2

Residents were asked 13 ques-
tions dealing with their political

Students typically learn that
they are more informed about issues
in the news than the average resi»
dcnt. (‘antrcll said.

With less than a week left before
Election Day. the student pollsters
will be watching the Lexmgton-
Fayette l'rban (‘ounty Govern
ment's mayoral race closely.
(‘antrcll said.

Their poll put incumbent l’am
Miller in the lead. with about Iii per
cent of Fayette County residents
saying they would vote for her 1f the
race were held today

l’ortyone percent would vote
for (‘huck Ellingcr. while just over
12 percent were undccnlcd,

Those results differ from a
llcraldlmader WKYT~T\' poll re-
leased Tuesday That poll of 501
Fayette (‘ounty voters had
Ellinger leading Miller 46 percent


were undecided

The Herald-Leader WKYT-TV
poll was conducted by TMR Re-
search in Parsippany. NJ. from
Oct. 157 21. It had a margin of error
of 4.4 percent.

“It's going to be interesting to
see how the race plays out."
Cantrell said. “Frankly it puts the
poll on the line. I'm a little worried
about 11.”

He sa1d he makes no claims that
his poll is purely scientific: “A pro
fessional pollster could probably
shoot holes in it."

But they would be minor holes.
He said his classes used a goodsized
sample and that his polls have his-
torically been quite accurate.

In the l.(‘(‘ poll. nearly 61 per-
cent of respondents identified them-
selves as Democrats. and almost 35
percent said they were Republi-
cans. Four percent had other affilia-

Almost half of those surveyed
said their number one source for po
litical information was television.




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Est mama.” emu-m 3;.


The Low-down


LOUISVILLE -—— Democrat Scotty Baesler
and Republican Jim Bunning are locked in a vir-
tual dead heat heading into the final days of their
campaign for the US. Senate, according to a poll
published yesterday.

Baesler was supported by 44 percent and
Bunning by 43 percent of those surveyed in the
Bluegrass State P011 in The Courier‘Journal. The
1~percentage~point difference was statistically in-
significant because it's within the poll's error
margin of 4 percentage points.

Baesler‘s support grew by 7 percentage
points from the last Bluegrass State Poll pub-
lished last month, while Bunning‘s support rose 2

The latest results are based on interviews
conducted from Oct. 20 to Oct. 25 with 589 regis-
tered voters who said they were likely to vote.

J.B. Poersch, Baesler‘s campaign manager,
said turnout will be “absolutely critical“ in decid-
ing the winner in next week‘s election.

Turnout could hinge on a host of factors,
from voters‘ feelings about President Clinton to
the weather on Election Day.

Dave advocating adoption

FRANKFORT -— Dave Thomas, who pitches
his Wendy’s fast foods on television, also is pitch-
ing child adoption.

It worked in Kentucky, where state employ-
ees adopting children soon will get financial help
from state government.

“This means so much for kids who don’t
have a home. Everyone deserves a loving home,"
Thomas. himself adopted at six weeks, said yes-
terday at a news conference with Gov. Paul Pat-
ton and other officials.

Patton announced that state employees can
be reimbursed thousands of dollars for direct
costs of adoptions that become final after Sunday.
Eligible expenses would include legal and med-
ical bills and adoption-agency fees, Patton said.

The limit would be $5,000 for adoption of a
“special needs" child, who typically is more difii-
cult to place. and $3.000 for adoption of any other
child. The money is to be paid from existing
funds of state agencies.

Humane accused of welshing out

FRANKFURT State lawmakers accused
Humana of failing to fulfill its promise to expand
its insurance offerings to restore some competi-
tion to the individual insurance market.

“I’ve been getting calls from people saying.
‘Where is Humana?"‘ Sen. Bob Jackson, D~Mur-



ray. said at a Banking and Insurance committee

As part of a compromise made during the
1993 General Assembly on health-insurance laws,
Humana agreed to ofl'er individual policies in ad-
dition to group policies.

But Humane said it has sold only 5 individ-
ual policies since the law passed. in a market that
had about 100,000 people at the end of 1997.



m CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. _ Everything

m for seemed to be in NASA’s favor heading into the fi-
nal hours before today’s shuttle lifiofi‘, including

I”! ' Issue the weather. Sen. John Glenn, returning to orbit

“l 'l the after 36 1/2 years, spent today reviewing flight

Chloe- plans and greeting well-wishers from the launch

[subtly m pad. Up to a quarter-million people are expected

h a new. to watch the launch in person, including Presi-

m dent Clinton and 70 members of Congress.

dolor ed

m Democrats criticize Lewinsky eds

WASHINGTON - Democrats lashed out yes-
terday against a new $10-million Republican ad
campaign that makes an issue out of President
Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. House
Minority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.) called it,
“a sign of what they intend to do if we leave them
in charge of the Congress, and that is continue an
open-ended, noneending impeachment investiga-

IBM releases fastest computer

WASHINGTON — IBM has developed the
world’s fastest computer, dubbed “Pacific Blue,"
which was being touted by the White House yes-
terday at an event highlighting technology devel-
opments. The machine can perform enough com-
plex calculations to maintain reliability of the na-
tion's nuclear weapons without conducting actu-
al bomb tests, US. officials say.

mm” I" Stocks end mostly down

“'5 PEN? NEW YORK # Most stocks fell yesterday,
Actor Michel but Bellwether technology stocks rose and the
beagles, lbs Dow industrials edged higher. The Dow rose 5.93
recently starred to 8,371.97. On the NYSE, losers led gainers 1,530
in A Perfect 1,458. The Nasdaq rose 19.72 to 1,737.35.

Herder, has

:33" “ Douglas romances joumallst

WW m ' NEW YORK — Michael Douglas' latest girl—
“ V“ friend appears to be journalist Maureen Dowd.

“I” The actor and the New York Times columnist
have been seen around quite a bit since their first
date a month ago at a party celebrating Art Car-
funkel’s 10th anniversary. They were sited most
recently having dinner in Washington, before at-
tending another anniversary party — this one for
former Washington Post Executive Editor Ben
Bradlee and his wife. writer Sally Quinn.






Lost a battle, but
still fighting war

First man to take legitimacy of same-sex
marriages to court discusses their validity

ly Nettie- T. Patten

He was the first man to
file a lawsuit to legalize same
sex marriages. He lost the
case, but the fight hasn’t

Craig Dean and his part-
ner were together for more
than 10 years before his part-
ner’s death. At the time of his
death, there
were no pro-
tections ex-
tended to ho-
mosexual cou-
ples, and
there still
aren’t, Dean
said. Dean lost
on a split
Court of Ap been
peals decision
in 1996.

“It’s not as if we want to
create gay marriage and
straight marriage," Dean said.
“The marriage, or institution
as this country has defined it,
has about 100 to 125 protec-
tions and rights, but zero for

Dean has spoken about
the samesex marriage issue at
university campuses across
the nation. and came to UK’s
Memorial Hall last night. He
was invited to speak by the
Contemporary Affairs Com-
mittee of the Student Activi-
ties Board.

Philosophy and psycholo-
gy junior Hendrick Floyd,
chairman of the committee,
compares extending rights to
gay and lesbian partners to
the African-American move-
ment of the 1960s.

“It’s important to discuss
this issue because 30 years
ago, African Americans were
in the same boat. It’s far more
prevalent in our society than


we think," Floyd said.

“It’s not about what‘s
morally right, but about what
is constitutionally right,” he
said. Floyd said President
Clinton’s stance on afi‘irma-
tive action for African Ameri-
cans will help the gay and les-
bian community.

Albert Burks, assistant di-
rector of student activities,
said same-sex marriage is an
important issue for Kentuck-

“With Lexington being
more of a diverse culture
when it comes to different peo
ple and differences among peo-
ple, it's important to bring this
issue to the forefront,” he said.

“We planned this before
the Wyoming gay beating
death tragedy. It will make
people more aware.”

Dean said same-sex cou-
ples are not offered the same
opportunities extended to het—
erosexual couples, such as
having a say in the medical,
legal and financial aspects of a
marriage. He said in a same-
sex marriage, even the deci
sion to stop life-support of a
dying partner cannot be made

And Lexington Communi-
ty College kinesiology fresh-
man Barbie Russell thinks
things should stay that way.

“I don‘t believe in same-
sex marriages." Russell said.
“It just goes against every-
thing I was taught.”

Integrated strategic com-
munications junior Maggie
Rechtin disagreed.

“I think that people
should be able to do whatever
makes them happy, whether it
be in Kentucky or anywhere
else,” she said. “Gender or ori-
entation should have nothing
to do with it."





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Caddyshack’s Batu. I

3650 boston road
(in millpond shopping center)

Halloween Bash Tomorrow
. 8:30pm - ‘Iam
Prizes for best costumes
let place $50
2nd place $25 gift certificate

Dart Garlic Pool Tables



Dr. Chuck Ellinger

o In 1965 became a professor of
Prosthodontics in the College of Dentistry
at the University of Kentucky, where he
continues to serve as a full professor.

o In 1981 was recipient of 'The Great
Teacher Award," given annually by the
University of Kentucky Alumni

0 Served two years as Academic
Ombudsperson for the University of



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Student Affairs, Campus Recreation officials
say process for new facility still in infancy



Responding to concerns
that UK’s recreational facili-
ties are out of date and do not
offer enough opportunities for
students, a proposal has been
made for a new $15-million
recreational facility.

It would be built near the
Seaton Center and the Lancast-
er Aquatic Center.

UK Vice Chancellor of Stu-
dent Affairs Jim Kuder said
many of the current problems
are due to Seaton Center’s role
as a “shared” facility.

“The Seaton Center is also
used as an academic facility.
so students can only use it for
limited hours. And even then.
there are problems.

“It’s an aging facility,“ he
said. “(It‘s) not even close to
being state-of—the-art."

Bill Pieratt, director of
Campus Recreation. agreed.

“There is no question that
(currently) we’re substandard
to other comparable bench-
mark schools," he said.

Some of the ideas being
proposed for the new center
are: a multipurpose gymnasi-
um with about 38,000 square
feet and five multipurpose
courts, a suspended four-lane
indoor track, a 12.000 square-
foot fitness/conditioning cen-
ter, two 3.500 square-foot aero-
bic activity rooms, five 20foot-
by40-foot racquetball courts
and a new climbing wall.

A health bar and deli is be-
ing proposed. as well as a pro-



mm | rcnmsurr


shop and outdoor rental center,
a wellness resource center and
a training and first aid room.

Pieratt and the rest of a
Student Recreational Task
Force, set up by Kuder, spent
nearly a year examining new
facilities across the nation,
and did research over the In-
ternet in order to get ideas for
a new center.

David Stockham, dean of
students, said he thought the
center was a very good idea,
especially in light of the new
dry campus policy.

“It's a constructive use of
time." he said. “Socially. cul-
turally, it’s a good place to go.
It’s the best thing we could do
if we‘re serious about being a
dry campus."

Kuder said at this point.
everything is just a proposal.
A big concern of is whether or
not students really want this.

“Without student interest

and support." he said, “I don’t
think that this facility will


Kuder said that so far, the
entire proposal has been
planned under a worst-case
scenario of no outside money;
it would be funded only with
student fees, which would cost
about an additional $50 a se-

But Kuder said he hopes
UK can find some benefactors
for the new center. to decrease
the cost for students.

Student Government Asso-
ciation President Nate Brown
said this proposal will be
brought before the SGA Senate
next Wednesday.

Senators will then talk
with their constituents and lat-
er bring a resolution as to how
much they will support the




Crystal meth popularity growing

Drug usage increasing among universities
because of better access, some officials say

By Matthew T. Patten
surr mum

Some college students see
it as the ideal drug. They use it
to stay up late and study or to
lose great amounts of weight.
It produces a general sense of

But the side effects include
paranoia, itching, erratic be-
havior, depression, addiction,
even death.

The drug, methampheta-
mine, is a powerfully addic-
tive stimulant that dramatical-
ly affects the central nervous

The drug is made easily in
makeshift laboratories with
relatively inexpensive over-
thecounter ingredients. These

methamphetamine a drug with
high potential for widespread

It is becoming increasingly
popular among college stu-
dents, said Kelly Smith. a drug
information specialist and clin
ical assistant professor at UK.

“A lot of the signs and sys-
tems are very similar to co-
caine and they can be equat~
ed." Smith said. “Meth usage
is increasing because it's easi-

er to get."

Methamphetamine is com-
monly known as “speed."
“meth" and “chalk.“ In its

smoked form it is often referred
to as “ice.“ “crystal." “crank"
and “glass.“ It is a white. odor~
less. bitter-tasting crystalline
powder that easily dissolves in

caine, it can be snorted. inject-
ed or ingested orally.

Like amphetamine, it
causes increased activity. de-
creased appetite and the feel-
ing of well-being. The effects of
methamphetamine can last
from anywhere from eight to
24 hours. After the initial
“rush." there is typically a
state of high agitation that in
some individuals can lead to
violent behavior.

Smith said there are thou-
sands of recipes for the “meth
cook" available on the Inter-
net. which would only take a
few minutes to find.

The chemical process in-
volves separating and concen~
trating on the basic ingredi-
ents of over-the-counter cold
remedies to produce the

Some chemicals involved
in the process include ether.


Det. Ronnie Long, an agent
with the Pennyrile Narcotics
Task Force, said because of the
knowledge and information
available w particularly
through the Internet — meth
will replace cocaine as the
drug of choice in Kentucky.

Long said he and other de-
tectives have been involved in
about 19 lab busts within the
past six months. In one bust. a
trailer exploded and neighbors
called the police.

“People who ingest this
stuff don‘t realize the ingredi-
ents," Long said. “Everyone
has their own ideas and ways
and methods of making it. Two
of the products we've seen
used in this area are lithium
stripped out of batteries and

“At some point in time. the
user will just fall over because



factors combine to make water or alcohol. Similar to co alcohol, lantern fuel and drain the body cannot handle it."
”‘59:?“ MABilLL'ELV .1 T E12 Q
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9 stints? mm? . MM . . ;
asset‘s» 5w“ 21m ,. W V A.
‘5‘ goings“ H lN BOWL Q:
Vivi ‘ ‘
N‘ 11:30 PM / MONDAY we .





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.1. -;x .1. .

the .


You know that sreat costume you have for Sam
What about the sreat photos from last year’s
. Halloween Party?

Brine those photos back from the dead and

keep all your memories from collection dust


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to. \

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mm] monomeric-cane” I a




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Hall Director/Assistant Hall Director
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” will , .li . mi: _

, You’ve read about it in the
papers. You’ve heard about
it on the radio. You may have
even seen it on TV. It's the
. ' new 1998 UK Hockey Poster
‘ with Ashley Judd. Want one?

' '” 00 TO THE GAME
. Midnight-LexingtonlceCenter ,


All dessed up and no place to go this Halloween?
Spend a fright night with the Cool Cats at the
Lexington Ice Center. Win dinner at DeSha’s, an
autographed Brett Favre poster, and other great
prizes in the costume contest.

Midnight - Lexington Ice Center

0‘ as











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Matt May. Aaron Sandertord


Phone: 257-1915 | Email: minuyO®ooo.uky.edu. sanderlordOnotrnoilxom


4 I WINNIE” I mm


llldut soccer. Ills
kl hull-o all:
an mood-to-
m. This wool-
ond, Giovanni and
UK wrap n MAC
regular season
play with Ila-l
and Northern Ili-

would occur I

UK’s one-name wonder

Giovanni gives Wildcat men's soccer Brazilian flavor,
consistency; looks to lead with brains, work ethic

By Richard Cool



All great Brazilian players are
known by their first names: Pele. Ronal-
do. Seco and now Giovanni. Several
words describe the 20year~old Brazilian
transplant to UK‘s men‘s soccer team.
and those words are confidence. reliabil-
ity. beautiful. respected. consistent.

But Giovanni Fernandes is much
more humble about his identity. He
describes himself as simple.

Scott Sersen. a midfielder who
plays along side Giovanni. said he has
the typical Brazilian touch. And team-
mate Ryan Grady. a wandering de-
fenseman. said Giovanni's ball-han-
dling has the Brazilian flare.

“Giovanni takes a one or two
touch pass. turns and does something
tricky and clever." Grady said. "He
just pull