xt7cnp1whg7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1whg7c/data/mets.xml United States. Department of the Army United States United States. Department of the Army 1986 recipes D 101.11:10-412/985 English For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws U.S. Military Recipe Collection Cooking for military personnel Armed Forces Recipe Service, Appetizers, 1986 text image 1 v. (various pagings), col. ill, 13 x 21 cm. Call Number: D 101.11:10-412/985 Armed Forces Recipe Service, Appetizers, 1986 1986 1986 2022 true xt7cnp1whg7c section xt7cnp1whg7c B. APPETIZERS B. APPETIZERS No. 0 Iuice Cocktail Cranberry and Apple ....... Cranberry and Orange ...... Lemon Fruit Shrub .......... Orange Fruit Shrub ......... Tomato ..................... Spicy ..................... Vegetable .................. Nachos ....................... Pizza Treats B. APPETIZERS No. 1 CRANBERRY AND ORANGE IUICE COCKTAIL YIELD: 100 Portions (31/8 Gallons) EACH PORTION: 4 Ounces INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Cranberry juice cocktail, canned Iuice, orange, frozen, concentrated (3 plus 1) Water, cold ........ 62/3 qt (5- No. 3 cyl cn) 12/3 qt (12/3-32 oz cn) 43/4 qt. . . . . 1. Combine juices and water; stir until blended. Cover and refrig- erate. NOTE: In Step 1, 5—No. 3 cyl cn canned orange juice may be used for frozen orange juice. Omit water. VARIATION l. CRANBERRY AND APPLE IUICE COCKTAIL: In Step 1, omit frozen orange juice. Use 12/3 qt (12/3-32 oz cn) frozen apple juice concentrate (3 plus 1). NOTE: 5-No. 3 cyl cn canned apple juice may be used for frozen apple juice. Omit water. CH—Z B. APPETIZERS No. 3 TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL YIELD: 100 Portions (31/4 Gallons) EACH PORTION: 1/2 Cup (4 Ounces) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Iuice, tomato, 31/4 gal 1. Combine tomato juice and canned (9—No. 3 lemon juice; cover; refrigerate cyl cn) for several hours or overnight. 2. Stir well before serving. Iuice, lemon ....... 3/4 cup . . . NOTE: I. In Step 1, 1 lb 2 oz lemons A.P. (4—5 lemons) will yield 3/4 cup juice. 2. In Step 1, 3—36 oz cn canned tomato juice concentrate and 21/4 gal water may be used. VARIATIONS I. VEGETABLE IUICE COCKTAIL: In Step 1, use 31/4 gal (9-No. 3 cyl cn) canned vegetable juice for tomato juice. Follow Step 2. 2. SPICY TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL: In Step 1, add 3/4 cup hot sauce. Follow Step 2. SHRIMP COCKTAIL B. APPETIZERS No. 4(1) B. APPETIZEBS No. 4(2) SHRIMP COCKTAIL YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: 4 Shrimp plus 2 Tbsp Sauce (ll/3 Ounces) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Shrimp, raw, peeled, . Place shrimp in salted water; deveined cover, return to a boil; reduce Water, boiling ...... heat; simmer 5 minutes. 4% tbsp .. . Drain. Place in refrigerator to chill for use in Step 5. Seafood Cocktail 8 1b 2 oz . 31/3 qt . . . . . Prepare one recipe Seafood Cock- Sauce tail Sauce. (Recipe No. 0-11.) Cover; place in refrigerator to chill for use in Step 6. INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Lettuce, fresh, shredded 41b ...... lgal . Line individual serving dishes with lettuce. . Arrange shrimp on lettuce in each dish. . Place sauce in a souffle cup. Serve With each serving of shrimp. NOTE: 1. For other types of shrimp, see GUIDELINES FOR USING SHRIMP, Recipe No. L-G~2. 2. In Step 4, 4 lb 5 oz lettuce AP. will yield 4 lb fresh lettuce, shredded. 3. One—No. 30 scoop may be used for sauce. See Recipe No. A—4. NACHOS B. APPETIZERS No. 5 YIELD: 100 Portions EACH PORTION: Sauce: 2 Tbsp (1 Ounce) and Chips: 10 Chips (3/4 Ounce) INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Water .............. Liquid, drained from jalapeno peppers 3 cups . 3 cups . . Combine water and jalapeno liquid in steam-jacketed kettle or stock pot. Bring to a simmer (170°F. to 180°F.). DO NOT BOIL. Cheese, American, processed, shredded 11/4 gal .. . Add cheese to hot mixture; stir . Remove from heat; keep hot. constantly until melted, about 3 to 4 minutes. or until smooth and creamy. DO NOT BOIL. Tortilla chips ...... 41b802. 41/2-1 1b bg . Ladle 1 oz (2 tbsp) sauce over 3/4 oz (10 chips) tortilla chips. B. APPETIZERS No. 5 In Step 1, 4 1b 6 oz (2/3-No. 10 on) jalapeno peppers will yield 3 cups jalapeno liquid. . In Step 1, for spicy hot product, 8 lb 5 oz (1 1/3—No. 10 cn) jalapeno peppers will yield 11/2 qt jalapeno liquid. Omit water. . Reserve drained peppers for use on salad bars. . In Step 2. DO NOT use Cheddar cheese. It will not produce a smooth, viscous product. . In Step 3, sauce may be held in a steam table pan (12 by 20 by 4—inches). . In Step 4, l—AA ladle may be used. See Recipe No. A—4. B. APPETIZERS No. 6 PIZZA TREATS YIELD: 100 Portions (4 Pans) EACH PORTION: 1 Slice (13/4 ounces) PAN SIZE: 18 by 26—inch Sheet Pan TEMPERATURE: 400°F. Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Cheese, pizza blend 4 lb ..... 3 qt 1. Combine cheese, tomato paste, (l—No. salad oil, olives, onions and 10 on) peppers. Blend well. Tomato paste, 15 oz . . . 13/4 cups canned (1/2—No. 21/2 cn) Salad oil ........... 4 oz . . . . 1/2 cup . . . Olives, ripe, pitted, 141/2 oz . 11/2 cups sliced, drained (l-No. ‘ 300 on) Onions, fresh, green 8 oz .. .. 22/3 cups with tops. finely chopped cH—a (OVER) B. APPETIZERS No. 6 INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Peppers, sweet, 12 oz . . . 21/4 cups fresh, chopped Bread, French, 61b 100 slices . Spread about 3 tbsp (l-No. 30 sliced, 1/2 inch scoop) mixture on each slice of thick bread. . Place on ungreased pans. Bake 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. In Step 1, pizza blend cheese may be firmly packed; break apart before use. . In Step I, 4 1b cheese, Mozzarella, shredded may be used. . In Step 1, 1/2-36 oz cn canned tomato juice concentrate may be used. . In Step 1, 10 oz fresh green onions with tops A.P. will yield 8 oz chopped green onions. . In Step 1, 8 oz (11/2 cups) dry onions, chopped (9 oz A.P.) may be used for chopped green onlons. . In Step 1, 15 oz fresh sweet peppers A.P. will yield 12 oz chopped, sweet peppers. . In Step 2, 50 sandwich or frankfurter buns or English muffins, cut in half, may be used for French bread. . In Step 3, if convection oven is used, bake at 350°F. 5 minutes on low fan, open vent. B. APPETIZERS No. 0 Card No. Egg Rolls Chinese ....................... B-2 Fried ........................ B-2-1 Philippine Style ............... B-2-2 Fried ........................ B-2-3 Juice Cocktail Cranberry and Apple ........ B-1-1 Cranberry and Orange ....... B-1 Tomato ..................... B-3 Spicy ..................... B-3-2 Vegetable .................. B-3-1 Nachos ........................ B-5 Pizza Treats ................... B-6 Shrimp Cocktail ............... B-4 B. APPETIZERS No.2 CHINESE EGG ROLLS YIELD: 100 Portions (2 pans) EACH PORTION: 1 Egg Roll (3 Ounces) PAN SIZE: 18 by 26-inch Sheet Pan TEMPERATURE: 400°F. Oven INGREDIENTS WEIGHTS MEASURES METHOD Egg rolls, Chinese, 18 lb 12 oz 100 egg rolls 1. Place 50 egg rolls on each pan. frozen 2. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until browned. NOTE: 1. In Step 2, if convection oven is used, bake at 350°F., 20 to 25 minutes, on high fan, closed vent. 2. Chinese and Philippine style egg rolls may be served with Sweet Sour Sauce (Recipe No. 0-8) and Chinese Mustard Sauce (Recipe No. 0-22). 3. Other sizes and types of pans may be used. See Recipe N o. A-25. VARIATIONS . FRIED CHINESE EGG ROLLS: Omit Steps 1 and 2. Fry frozen Chinese egg rolls in 350°F. deep fat 7 minutes or until golden brown and heated through. DO NOT OVERCOOK. (Note: egg rolls will rise to the surface when cooked.) Drain well in basket or on absorbent paper. CH-4 (OVER) B. APPETIZERS No. 2 2. PHILIPPINE STYLE EGG ROLLS: In Step 1, use 12 lb 8 oz (100) frozen Philippine style egg rolls. In Step 2, bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and heated through or in convec- tion oven at 350°F. 10 to 15 minutes on high fan, closed vent. EACH PORTION: 1 Egg Roll (2 Ounces). . FRIED PHILIPPINE STYLE EGG ROLLS: Omit Steps 1 and 2. Fry 12 1b 8 oz (100) frozen Philippine egg rolls in 350°F. deep fat 4 to 5 minutes or until golden brown and heated through. DO NOT OVERCOOK. EACH PORTION: 1 Egg Roll (2 Ounces).