xt7crj48q16v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48q16v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1876038 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-03-jun8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-03-jun8. 1876 2011 true xt7crj48q16v section xt7crj48q16v 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th 1876

Session of
June 8, 1876

Bank Stock
to be sold

Report of
Finance Con.
taken up

Curator Wilkes

Report of
the Finance
Com . rea d.

Main question
moved &

Motion adjourn
made & with-

Report of Com.
on the preser-
vation of the
property of
the University

                                       Thursdiay Morning

     The Board met at 8 o'clock
     Session opened by Prayer by Dr. Chinn. The roll being
called and quorum present the minutes were read corrected and
     Moved by Curator Allen that the Extive Committee be in-
structed to sell the Commercial Bank Stock belonging to Ky.
University at the best price they can get with the advice of
the Committee of three appointed by this Board composed of the
following gentlemen w Dr. L. Goodloe - Henry Bellesy, J. P.
Trbi tt..

     Ivoved by Curator Worthington that the report of Finance
Committee be taken up-

     A letter was read from Curator Wilkes tendering his resig-
nation which was accepted.-

     Curator John F. Payne came in and as he had not seen or
heard the report of the linance Committee it was read by the
Secretary -
     Moved by Curator Bowman as an amendment that the consoli-
dation of the Chairs of Nat. Science & Modern Languages be
stricken out of both reports - adopted.
     Curator Wi. E. Rogers came in- Curator Z. F. Smith also
came in. /347/
     Curator Worthington moved the main question WhIich was
waived, until Curator Tibbs should have been heard-

     The Previous question was called and sustained

     Curator Worthington moved to adjourn but afterwards be con.-
sent of Second vi thdrew until President Patterson and White should
be heard on the subject of consolidation of Professorships.

     Report of special Committee on the preservation and utiliza-
tion of the property of Ky. University _
     Your Com-tee respectfully report that as far as possible in a
limited time we have looked over the buildings, machinery and
farm belonging to the University.

     As regards the buildings we would recommend that such under
repairs be made as will prevent them from going to decay. We
found some material and valuable machinery which from disuse is
evidently suffering in value which we think should be sold, if
not likely soon to be needed - We believe the best interests of
the University would be promoted by seeding to grass all the lands
now in cultivation, except such portion as may be needed for Hor-
ticultural purposes and sorting out all the lands in grass reserv-



Keatucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8tb, 1876

Tott on
the Minor-
ity report
of Finance
Con. lost.

Majori ty

Cos. on
arsr report.

lefered to
Izec. Cos.
with instruc-

Curator Wells

Moaer to be/349/
iorreved on

limit of

Col. to
iSport upon
reduction of
facu 1 ty.

Sibsti tute
for the
bove .

hli tary
hDill to be

ving such portion ther, of with the Ashland Mansiou & Woodlsad
buildings as the Extive Committee deem proper - Should th. Club
System be abondoned we r*commend that the disposal of the build-
ings refered to Extive Comtee.
     Signed J. G. Kiunaird, A. Steele, JA.J. Loe Coute*e
     The question on the Universithy report of the Finance Committee-
uas then takeo3 and lost  by a vote of 21 to 4.

     The vote oz the Majority report was then taken report -d&opted.
     On motio. the Board. adjourned to 3 o'clock.

                        Evening Session

     Board net at 3 o'clock pursuant to adjournmet -

     Tk. roll was called and a quorum found present =

The report of the Committee on the Farm was called up and dise-

Curs tor Withers moved that the report be refered to the Extive
Committeo with instructions to rent out all of the land except
what it necessary for Horticultural and experimentJl purposes.-

Curator Wells was excused on representation of Curator Bowman.

Curator T~rbitt moved that the Executive be authorized to borrow
enough money to pay off the floating debt in whole or in part at
a rete of interest not exceeding 8 % and secure the payment of
sane mortgage executed on a part of the Askland Estate.

Curator Sloan moved to amend so that the amount borrowed shall not
exceed tkirty.thousand dollars - Adopted . The original motion an
amended was then adopted.

Curator Withers moved that a Committee of three be appointed to
confer and report which of the Professore shall be left out of
the Faculty.
Curator Sloan offered the following which was substituted for the
above- Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed as an
advisory Contee. to act in concert with the Extive Comtee. is
adjusting the consolidation of the Chairs to the plan recommended
by tke Finance Committee and adopted by this Board.

The report of the Committee on the Fars made on yesterday and reo
fered te the Finance Committee was colled up and ox motion of
Curator Bowman so much of that report as recommended the Military
Drill and discipline of the A. & 14. College be voluntary be hereby
Also by Same m adopted.



Kentucky University, Loxington, Ky., June 8th, 1876

Club System.

Report of
the Exec .
Cos. adopted.

Report of the
Curator Elley
re si gns.

Commi tt ea
of Conference

     Resolved that somuck of the Report as refers to abolishing
the Club System be refered to the Extive. Committee in conference
with the Faculty of the A. & M. College - Adopted.
     On motion of Curator T,0rbitt the report of the Extive
Committee was aoiopted.-
     On motion the report of the Treasurer was taken up and

     Curator Elley offered his resigntation as Curator   whick
wars on motion accepted.

     Curator J, B. Bowman moved that the By Law regarding the
electiou by ballot be suspended in this election and electicon be
gone into - adopted.

     The following Gentlemen were nominated and elected Curetors
of Ky. University -
     James P. Metcalfe - Lexington, Ky.
     James G. Law . Fayette Co. Ky.
     Geoo C. Castleman   N New Castle, Ky.
     R. A. Hoeadley - Lexington, Ky.

     R. M. Bishop was elected President of the Board
     D. S. Goodloe elected Treasurer
     Jas, L. Woolfolk, Elected Secretary.

     W. T. Withers - J8s. L. oolfolk, Elected ) Extive
     B, Gratz. J. P. Metcalfe                   ) ComXmittee

      Committee of Conference for consolidating Prof6ssorships-
 P. C. Bicktts t- D. S. Goodloe and Z F. Smith*

      Moved by Curator Sloan
      That the Extive Committee and Ge.l. Agent be requesrted to
collect notes & pledges outstanding and due the University-
      The minutes were read over and on motion are approved.
      Jas. L. Woolfolk Sec.
                                     E. M. Bishop Pres.
                                     Board Curators
      Benediction by
      Curator Ricketts