xt7crj48qp0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qp0t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1950 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1950 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1950 1950 1950 2013 true xt7crj48qp0t section xt7crj48qp0t f" Y " / Q"? _   V   r QL? "__ "iLZ"._.-;.;·w;- F ‘   ;»-.   ,1 V         ` 
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Bulletin 0f the
Umvcrsuy of Kentucky
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` June 19 to August 12
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1950 °j
Ex Officio Members  
Earle C. Clements, Governor if
Boswell B. Hodgkin, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Harry F. Walters, Commissioner of Agriculture
From the State Board of Agriculture
George M. Cheek, Frankfort, 1951 ` `
Dr. W. M. Coffee, LaCenter, 1949 , ?
Carl Dempewolfe, Henderson, 1950  
Members at Large
Paul M. Basham, Hardinsburg ...........,........,.....................,.,..,.................,..,...,.,....,.. 1953
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Ashland ................,......,..........,...........................,................. 1950
John C. Everett, Maysville ........................................................................................ 1951
Harper Gatton, Madisonville ........................,............................................................. 1954
R. P. Hobson, Louisville ........................................................................................ 1950
J. Woodford Howard, Prestonsburg ................,,..,...,..,..........,..........................,.... 1951
Alumni Members
T. H. Cutler, Frankfort ....................................................,............................,............ 1949 ,
Guy Huguelet, Lexington .......,.............,........................,............,................,.......,..... 1951  
H. D. Palmore, Frankfort .........,..............................................,.......,......,...,.........,,. 1950 `
Officers of the Board
Earle C. Clements, Chairman
Frank D. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer l
Executive Committee
Guy Huguelet, Chairman
John C. Everett
Harper Gatton
R. P. Hobson
H. D. Palmore

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t Summer Sesszon, 1950 . g
June 19 to August 12 i
Published monthly, January to September inclusive, by the University  
of Kentucky, Lexington. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post  
` Office, Lexington, Ky., under the Act of August 24, 1912.
, Vol. 42 APRIL N0. 4 l 
• J

Calendar ........,......,..............,...........4..................................................................,.,....,..... 4
Administrative Organization ..................,...,..................................,................,......,.. 5
Part I. General Information ..................,........,...,.............,......................,,....,......, 6
The Summer Session for 1950 ........................................,........................,......,. 7
Accredited Relations ..........................,......................,,...........,............,...,............ 8
The Environment of the University ........................,.....,.4,.........e.4...,4........... 8
Student Union Building ..........,..,..,.........................,......,4.4,..........u.....4............. 9
Placement Service ............................,..,......,................................4.......,....,........... 9
Recreational Activities ....................................,..........,....,,...........,...,.......,.....,..., 11
The University School and Student Teaching ..4,.... . ,.4....... . 4.,,.4..,........... 12
Summer Session In Mexico .................,......,...............,......................,..,.........,. 12
Length of Session .....,..................,................,......,............4....,....,........,..,......,,.... 12
Admission .,...........i...............................,......................,...4,.,..,,.....4..4,....................., 13
Numbering of Courses ..............................................,......,.4..i..i.,.....,..i....4..,...   15
Student Load ................................,..4....................,..,......,.....,......,.........i,....,,,....,... 15
Fees .................,..,...i..................,..........................,...,....,...,..............,.......,....4......,...,. 15
Refunds ..................,....,........,.......,.........,...................,...,.......,...44.........,..,.............,. 15 E
Late Registration .,.................t.........t...,.........i...............,.,.................i...,.4.......,4,.. 15
Marking System ......................,.,...... . ....................,..,.............,............................. 16
Room and Board ..........................................................,.4....,........,.4......,.............4 16
University Health Service ...........,...........................t......,,..,.....4....4.................... 18
‘ Requirements for Graduation ..............................,.....,... .   ........4.................. 19 `
College of Arts and Sciences ....................................,,..,.................,................. 20 .
College of Agriculture and Home Economics .......,..,.4.....t...,...............4.   22
College of Engineering .....,...................................,........,..,...,........,..................,4. 24
College of Law ..,.............,.....i.i...4......................,..t,.. . ..,...r....,.. , .4,....,,.......,.,......, 25
College of Education ...............................................,....................,,............,......... 25
College of Commerce ..................,............4.............................,.,.......................... 28 .
College of Pharmacy ...............................,..............4..........,,...4,...........,.............. 28
Graduate School ......................................................,........,........,..,,.......,...t......... 28
Part II. Schedule of Classes .........................., . ................................,...................... 31
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< June 19 Monday, 7:45 a. m.—C1assification tests and physical  
examinations for all new undergraduate students f—
June 20 Tuesday, 8:00 a. in. to 4:30 p. m.--Registration and class-
ification of all students, according to an alphabetical
schedule '¤
June 21 Wednesday—Class work begins
June 24 Saturday-Last date one may enter an organized class {
for the summer session V $
June 29 Thursday-—Last date one may drop a course without a  
grade _  
June 30-July 1 Friday and Saturday—Period for filing application for i
July 4 I‘uesday—Independence Day holiday  
August 11 Friday—Summer Session Commencement  
August 12 Saturday noon—End of Summer Session L
; i
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June 19-—Monday, 7:45 a. m.-All new students, except those entering the ;
Graduate School, will report to the Memorial Building, for classifica- ‘_
tion tests and physical examinations. These must be completed before  
registration. ‘?
June 20—'I‘uesday, 8:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.—Registration and classification .
of all students, according to the following alphabetical schedule: ‘
~ Tuesday Forenoon Tuesday Afternoon i
8:00 to 8:50-—M through P 1:30 to 2:20——D through G  
9:00 to 9:50-Q through S 2:30 to 3:20-H through L g
I 10:00 to 10:50-T through Z 3:30 to 4:30—Miscel1aneous i
  11:00 to 11:50-A through C A through Z Y
3 June 21—Wednesday—Class Work begins.
; ,

. Herman Lee Donovan, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., President 1
I Leo M. Chamberlain, M.A., Ph.D., Vice President
" Maurice F. Seay, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the University
§ Frank D. Peterson, A.B., University Comptroller
Albert Dennis Kirwan, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of Men  
i Sarah Bennett Holmes, M.A., Dean of Women i
Y Lee Sprowles, M.A., Ed.D., Registrar ?
John Sharpe Chambers, M.S., M.D., Director of University Health Service
Louis M. Clifton, M.A., Director of University Extension `
A Lysle Warrick Croft, M.A., Ph.D., Director of University Personnel Office
Lawrence Sidney Thompson, M.A., Ph.D., Director of Libraries
Bart Nixon Peak, A.B., LL.B., Executive Secretary, University Young Men’s
Christian Association
Margaret Wilson Durham, A.B., Secretary Young Women’s Christian
» Thomas L. Hankins, M.S., Director of Northern Extension Center
  Elmer Griffith Sulzer, M.S., Director of University Radio Station
  Raymond Wesley Wild, A.B., Ph.M., Director of Public Relations
  Martin Marshall White, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
  Thomas Poe Cooper, B.S., D.Sc., LL.D., Dean of the College of Agriculture l
  and Home Economics and Director of the Experiment Station
, Levi J. Horlacher, M.S., Assistant Dean in Resident Teaching, College of  
  Agriculture and Home Economics  
  Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering I
  Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., M.A., A.B. in Jur., B.C.L., Dean of the College of Law
  Frank G. Dickey, M.A., Ed.D., Dean of the College of Education
  *William Septimus Taylor, M.S., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the College of
Q Education
  Cecil C. Carpenter, M.S., Ph.D., M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of ‘
  Earl Platt Slone, Ph.G., BS., Dean of the College of Pharmacy
{ Louis Arthur Pardue, M.S., Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School A
  ' Died August 26, 1949. ,
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The course offering during the 1950 Summer Session will be almost as
extensive and varied as during the regular school year. As indicated in a
later section of this bulletin, courses will be offered for graduates and un-
dergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Agricul-
ture and Home Economics, the College of Engineering, the College of Law,
the College of Education, and the College of Commerce.
In particular, the needs of the following groups have been kept in
mind in planning the Summer Session program for 1950: ,
1. The high school boy or girl who graduates this spring and wishes
to begin college work without delay.
2. The veteran who is eligible for educational benefits under Public
Law 16 or 346. It will be desirable for the veteran recently dis-
charged to begin his college studies at the earliest date possible.
Those already enrolled will find it desirable to continue in school
through the summer, in order that graduation may be achieved
with the least loss of time.
3. Teachers, principals, supervisors, and superintendents who wish to `_
further their preparation for educational work. The in-service edu- 4
cation of teachers lagged greatly during the war, and it is expected
that hundreds of teachers and other school officials will now wish ‘
to continue their summer studies. I
4. All students, women and men, who are in college and wish to accel-
crate their programs of study.
. A Summertime Class at U.K.
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i 5. Other persons who need certain courses to advance in their specific
  vocations, and to meet the requirements of the postwar economy.
I Over and above its program of liberal education, the University Sum-
· mer Session provides numerous opportunities for persons to prepare for
  specific occupations. The extent of the opportunities is indicated by the
following vocational areas in which summer courses will be offered; In-
dustrial Chemistry, Journalism, Medical Technology, Pre-Medicine, Pre-
1 Dentistry, Pre-Nursing, Music, Library Science, Public Service, Art, Bact-
  eriology, Geography, Geology, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Agri-
; culture in its various phases, Pre-Forestr,y Pre-Veterinary, Home Econo-
l mics, Architectural Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engin-
,, eering, Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Law, Ble-
mentary Teaching, High School Teaching, Educational Supervision and
Administration, General Business, Commerce-Law, Industrial Administra-
tion, and Secretarial Work.
The University of Kentucky is on the approved list of the Association
of American Universities, and is a member of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Kentucky Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools. It is accredited in its respective colleges or de-
partments by the Association of American Law Schools, the American
Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, the American Association of
Schools and Departments of Journalism, the American Library Associa-
tion, the National Association of Schools of Music, the Engineer’s Council
, for Professional Development, the American Chemical Society, the Na-
, tional Association of Schools of Social Administration, the American Coun-
~ cil on Pharmaceutical Education, and the American Association of Colleges
` of Pharmacy.
” The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington in the center of
{ the Bluegrass, a delightful country of scenic beauty and of great historical
  interest. {
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? Many of the famous horse farms, some individual establishments con-  
` taining more than a thousand acres, are open to visitors throughout the §,
i year. These farms, with their broad pastures, sparkling streams, wood-  
  lands, and paved roads provide Fayette County with a system of parks ·‘
, which is unique. Elmendorf; Walnut Hall; Calumet, home of Citation; .
Z. Castleton; Hamburg Place; Dixiana; and Coldstream, are among the
ij beautiful horse farms in Fayette County open to visitors.
j— Points of particular interest in Lexington, other than the nearby Q
ia farms, are Ashland, the home of Henry Clay; General John Hunt Morgan’s  
ig home; the home of Mary Todd, wife of Lincoln; the vast tobacco ware-  _
  houses; the Keeneland Race Track; the track of the Kentucky Trotting Q
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A scene on the campus. `
Horse Breeder's Association; the United States Veterans’ Hospital; and
the U. S. Public Health Service Hospital.
Within a relatively short distance from Lexington are Frankfort, the
Capital City, with its many historical features; Herrington Lake; Shaker- *
town; Fort Harrod and its adjacent Pioneer Cemetery; the Old Kentucky ‘
Home; the Palisades of the Kentucky River; and many other points of »
historical and scenic interest.
The Union Building is the center of student activity on the campus.
Various rooms are available for the enjoyment of students during leisure
hours. One may meet friends or read leading magazines and newspapers
; in the Great Hall; engage in pool, billiards, or pingpong in the Game Room;
play cards, checkers, or chess in the Social Room; and hear the works ·
  ; of great composers in the Music Room.
  For the convenience of students, the building maintains an informa-
{ tion desk, telegraph and telephone service, a modern barber shop, a cafe-
¤‘ teria serving foods of quality, an attractive soda grill, conference rooms
and comfortable lounges.
The Student Union Board is eager for all University students to take `
advantage of the services and facilities of the building. `
There is a constantly growing demand for the services of the gradu-
ates of the University of Kentucky. Placement services are maintained by `
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 several colleges on the campus and every attempt is made to procure for
the students and for the graduates of the University the type of employ-
ment which will enable each one to achieve the best results.
In the College of Commerce is the Senior-Commerce Employment As-
sociation which is self-supporting and is headed by a permanent secretary.
The Association has been ver successful in lacin graduates with na-
tionally operating industrial concerns, credit investigating and reporting
companies, wholesale houses, banks, insurance companies, chain store com-
i panies, governmental agencies both federal and state, and in teaching po-
6 sitions. These positions included secretarial work, accounting, advertising,
selling, personnel, and statistical work.
. The Teacher Placement Bureau of the College of Education is designed
to assist in the placement of superintendents, principals, and teachers.
· Each student in attendance at the University who desires a teaching po-
sition should register with the Placement Bureau, Room 115, Education
Building. Superintendents and college administrators who desire capable
teachers should write directly to the bureau for recommendations and
. credentials.
The lon list of successful Alumni of the College of En `neerin is
indicative of its reputation for educating men for careers in the engineer-
ing and industrial world. Its graduates are continually in demand and
contact between industries and the College is maintained through an Em-
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Lexington Provides Many Recreational Facilities.
ployment Placement Service. This service is considered as part of the
College’s obligation to its students and every effort is made to give each ,
graduate the opportunity for a position of his preference. ‘
The summer months are vacation and recreation time. Provision is
made for Summer Session students to participate in numerous recreational
activities and to learn the fimdamental skills and techniques involved.
The Physical Education Department is offering recreational courses for
men and women students in archery, badminton, tennis, social and folk ,
dancing, volley ball, bowling, swimming, camping, and intramural sports.
This is an opportunity for every summer session student to receive expert
 1 instruction in any or all of the above mentioned activities. If you are a
  novice it is your chance to learn; if an expert performer, it is your chance
 - to participate under wholesome and enjoyable circumstances.
The primary purpose of the recreational courses is to provide pleasant
and profitable leisure time activity for all students and to improve their '
performance ability. Teachers and supervisors of physical education and ‘
classroom teachers will find the courses valuable in organizing teaching
material and methods. Recreational leaders and directors will get new
ideas on promoting leisure time activities.
‘ During the summer, many features will be added. The weekly movies `_
will be continued. Musical programs, faculty recitals, lectures, summer 1
l .
' i

  opera in Cincinnati and Louisville, Blue Grass tours, picnics, dances, re-
  ceptions, and teas are examples of some of the extracurricular offerings.
q In addition to the overall program, departmental programs are many and
 M varied. All Summer School students will find these activities profitable
j and enjoyable. The fourth annual Family Life Institute will be held July
" 18 to 20, with headquarters at Memorial Hall. The Institute will be open
  to students and other interested citizens. Programs may be obtained from
A the Department of University Extension.
  The University Elementary School will be in session from Monday,
Q June 12, through Friday, July 21. Classes in the school will meet five days
1* a week from 8:00 to 12:00 o’clock. No tuition is charged for the summer
` session. Summer school students who have children of elementary school
age have an opportunity to place them in the University School. The
Elementary School maintains a modern program of education that should
be of interest to parents attending the University of Kentucky summer
session. Persons desiring to avail themselves of the opportunities of the
` University School should write the Director requesting reservations for
their children.
Students desiring to register for student teaching should make appli-
cation on or before May 31, to Professor Lyman Ginger, Director of the
University School. Students are urged to file their applications for this
, course as early as possible as time should be allowed to check the pre-
[ requisites before registration.
Z. Student teaching during the summer session will be limited to per-
  sons who have had previous teaching experience. Student teaching at the
Y secondary level will be provided through the facilities of public schools
3 within the area of the University.
Q The Third Summer Session in Mexico for students and teachers of
  Spanish will be held in the ancient city of Puebla, beginning June 19 and
  closing August 12. The objectives of the session are to develop proficiency
ji in the oral use of Spanish, furnish a first hand knowledge of Spanish-  
Q American life, and make possible an interchange of cultural ideas. It is ,
  organized for undergraduate and graduate students and offers exceptional l
‘ opportunities for teachers of Spanish to improve their knowledge of the  
Q language. Work taken in the Summer Session in Mexico will be recorded Q
{ as University of Kentucky residence credits, transferable to other insti- `
. tutions by transcript upon application to the Registrar of the University
  of Kentucky. Application should be filed, not later than April 15, by writing
  Dr. Alberta Wilson Server, of the Department of Romance Languages.
  The Summer Session of the University of Kentucky for 1950 will be  
  eight weeks in length, six days a week. The session will open June 19 and  
  close August 12. Classes during the Summer Session will begin at 7:00 a.m.  
iz; ¥
  U2] I

Students will be admitted to the University as their previous education  
warrants. They will be admitted to the freshman class, to advanced stand-  
ing, as special students, as graduate students, or as auditors. `
Applicants for admission should write the Registrar’s Office for forms ·
on which to submit their applications, stating at the time whether they ·
wish fomis for admission to the freshman class, to advanced standing, or
to the Graduate School. Applications and transcripts of credit should be {
filed in advance. Students entering with advanced standing and those §
entering the Graduate School should present transcripts from each in-
stitution they have attended.
To the Freshman Class. Applicants who are graduates of accredited gi
high schools will be admitted to the University on certificate, provided 3;
they have at least fifteen units of acceptable high school work. A unit Qi
represents the study of any subject for a school year of at least thirty—two ,  
weeks, with five recitation periods a week, each of at least forty-five min-  
utes in length, or the equivalent thereof. Double periods are required in ,
shop, drawing, typewriting, and all other courses which demand no out- . ,-
of·class preparation. One unit is the minimum credit accepted in any  
foreign language, and one—half unit the minimum in any other subject. li
While the University does not prescribe a pattern of work for admis— lj
sion, it recommends that at least ten of the units presented be chosen from [l
English, the social studies, mathematics, the foreign languages, and the il
laboratory sciences, and that within these ten units the student offer at |
least three units in English, one and one-half in algebra, and one in plane Al
geometry. Should a student lack these courses as prerequisites for any of {
his college work, he will be required to take them in college without credit. l
Applicants who have graduated from unaccredited high schools and ‘
those not graduated from high school may be admitted as freshmen, if, _
in addition to presenting the fifteen acceptable units, they successfully =
pass the University classification examinations.   '
Admission to the University does not necessarily qualify a student for :
admission to a particular college. In every case the student must meet  
I the admission requirements of the college in which he is to enroll. ‘
  _To Advanced Standing. A student who applies for admission with ad- `
, vanced standing is expected to present evidence that he i