xt7crj48sd2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sd2m/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1990 1991 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Stands Out!, 1990-1991 text UK Stands Out!, 1990-1991 1990 2019 true xt7crj48sd2m section xt7crj48sd2m 5
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_ A Tradition of Value
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 UK EClCCCtes s7% ECCC Sruolettrs , 333‘ g]
Cf tire CCllege SCCCleCts il'C (GaraClCate SCECCCl "’ . ”r 3i“; ' -
r . tM . - “7'“ a. ”L ‘3 "s ' e ’ v. . . . ‘
Ulfll KQWEMCC'U] ~ Graduate school enrollment in the Fall 2.1-; " 2w} ' ' , . p ' ... " _b t 1 sQ/‘flf' .,
1990 was atarecord high of about 4,600 ' W f. ,, . 4% "I; ’ z. -‘ , ’
5 deS- “4' 7 ‘ W ¥ >
-With more than 63,000 students — tu “ " Ml. ,. " . 1’8" a”; m 1
23,000 on the Lexington campus and . Included in the graduate school , " _ ~ 1.9”“ “if? “C,
40900 at the community colleges across offerings are 86 master's and 58 doctoral *4 ' ,1 ' 1 fl ’le f :9 M
the state — the Unrversrty of Kentucky programs , 4' . I, ‘3
now educates 37% of all students in ' 1 ,9 3.3"?” 1, w " 3
Kentucky 6“?“de a DUth or private ' The University awards about $15 ,7 7 '« 1 ‘x‘; , 7;"; i c ] ‘ .
college or untversrty. million annually in graduate fellowships ’\ 3,, f 7”" {41%; . t y.
and teaching and research assistantships. ’ 1% :w'i , ‘34;- vi \/~ ' 4"", . E '
mmmmmw CClleges UK ‘ti'Ckmg tCi‘ti’ative » ' . i , 6" ~ ‘g
Set filmmfirlm @wfd TC ACCCCC lvtiCCrtlty . / x, , » , . _
' . c " l' 791" “Mtg “A . a
mil MW mum SCCCleCCs CCCl ECCCle .__,., C, gem ., .

. , . . . - Thanks to initiatives in minority affairs, ‘ ”wsgf - . C " ,

W5 community colleges, “0“.de there were 10 new minority faculty at the T *4 V?“ W ' V *7 * ' “ l' , ..
max1mum access to higher education University as it opened in Fall 1990 7* - 6 . «i’ . ' 3 2”...”
across the state, have enrolled more than including the first Afro— American dean ,8? ~'~*-, 5 7 ‘ _, ' km.
40,000 students in the Fall of 1990 — the (College of Education) at UK % «é .. . ,,, ’ 1% .- ‘11“ _
most ever in their history. There are . » a '_ f” 2 Ag, - , i
fourteen of the two-year colleges making Si 7 #3.; n '\ ‘Ffifi
up the UK Community College System. ._ d g a. . , ., ”i” -
Enrollment in the system has grown by 71% UK N®W @Wflg / ‘\ , i . ‘ _ fl
1n the past five years. 35177 l‘VlllMllCi‘Jlll ‘4 . :77: /

lliil Merit SChCDllCEShfipS '4 °"
UK @610 “(ED ,,, m I -Scholarships to UK students based on 1‘??? s I
NCl'fllfDlfilCll MCflillll SCEHE‘DHEJES merit now total some $1.7 million a year. §t f.
v s r , is \ The most prestigious are the Singletary . .-- .. 3»;
llll’l EFQSflmdfl @ng Scholarships which provide students four . ; 3% 5 E * 1“ "
years of college at no cost In the 1990—91 ‘ g “g;

- There are 26 National Merit Scholars in acladlemtc y 226; Phi? are E14 Singletary d '" g a, I g ‘ : ;.« .; \i
the Fall 1990 freshman class on the SC 0615f— f in he re}: man cass an , , . , \f; ' W}?
Lexington Campus, an all-time record. Mfi trans ers romt eU community as ‘ £31 I ; 3“.
They come from-all sections of the C0 9995' ‘* ’ “j? _ § g
Commonwealth including Lexrngton, . The University also awarded $500,000 _, g . ,.. Mtg] ,/ ,
LOUIS/1112' Pine Knot, Peiiyvlkl Murray, in 1990 in new Commonwealth r ’x f ,
Beaver Dam, and Hopkrnsvrlle. Scholarships, made possible by Governor ”’2‘ i V 5 _

. Wilkinson and the Kentucky General . .‘w . -- «m

° There are 77 high school Assembly 3‘7! ’ w 1,
valedictorians and 99 Governor’s Scholars ' w” "2/
in the 1990 freshman class. UK FCCMH’W Eli’mg ' w - m:

l to . 357(1) illi'lliC‘C iC Grants,
"W ,C' o . _ , » '
ilC Three CCllege CCiCle
B©©k$ UK’s faculty brought in some $70 million in was MW
grants, contracts and gifts from outside \ x . ,

° UK is recommended to students sources in the 1989~90 academic year. The / . x , if“? j f; _.
seeking a college for their higher record amount was 17% greater than the g “”7"!” . \
education in three prestigious nationally— year before and marked a 70% increase in yy’. ., “W - ”" pf, ‘
circulated college guide books — How to the past five years. ' '.-‘ . ' . figs”? '

> Get An Ivy League Education at a Public " . g :3
Universiy, Best Dollar Values in American ' As further indication of UK’s faculty .5 "“ " f -
Colleges, and Barrons 300 Best Buys in expertise, 98% of them have the highest
College Education. degree attainable in their fields.

 :s I W, U65 NQW lC©HdSW @611th RQSQQH’CEW. -Paul Warner, Sociology,_received_ the
- f} w- 9 Caraptrs @ets its First 919fig09939116919“:giggcferggttclfeggfnswn
. ‘- MA” 2,. 1W. ©ccuioanr Sociological Society.
5 /“’ 7 w , , , 'Bob Hardin, Civil Engineering, won the
51.? m K‘ A gmfme ' Hughes Aircraft ‘5 the em company to American Society of Civil Engineers Croes
2 2M 9 locate on UKs new Coldstream Research Medal, the second highest award given by
9 :9 M ' O . . Campus located on the north Side of the organization
;’~ : g. .11.... 9 . . '
9999 1, 9 . ,, Lexrngton. Hughes Aircraft CEO Malcolm
. '9! ‘ 9 ' 7* Currie called the new operation, which . Theodore Tauchert Engineering
z W” employ some .250 993(50th many 0f Mechanics, received the Henry Lutes
, l 9_ them in high tech jobs, a center of Award forteaching
} . - excellence."
' “V Private Fartdfiaisirrg UK S‘trrolertts Wm.
_ _ At RQCQTd RRQQ Marty Prestrgrous
.. ., . _ M“ " l1 ’ O'F
2,999.99... 49959999119999}, , , ,The Dummy attracted over $20 Awards artcl Horrors
»%§WW “ million in gifts in 1989 and in 1990 was . The debate team took second-place in
, . .. 5 . ’5' already aheadof the pace. UK Fellows the nation’s largest invitational collegiate
, 9.9:; 2.2.... ‘ a (people who 91V?” pledge at least debate tournament in 1990.
; _, :- W 99991 I .QVfiW 9 ‘ $10,000 to the UniverSity) were setting
9,1..3‘ i ‘ "9 :9 Lag --* 1 new records in 1990 over all previous . For three consecutive years, the
~ ‘ fie 2 ,, .3 i- 2 years. College of Law moot court team has been
- w : .Kr .- . . . . .
9 -\ 343% . V I 99,-“ ~33» in the national finals of the intercollegiate
‘ " Meta K E ’19 UK Faculty Witt Awards m°°tcourtcompetmon
I a .x 5' ' 3‘5 ~ ”F” N Atari Mortars ué A 1{155 n’msmghsmdetn t $165582: 35 (1121
2 _ . _: q ...9 *cf’r, _ . .co egians c osen or e o ay
{13 F“ MW 2% 2%: Ha [lflflrty FEMS All-USA College Academic Team.
I I 5 - g ‘ 5.pr Davenport, English, wasa 1990 'UK’s cheerleaders finished second in
f , .9 recrpientof the prestigious MacArthur 1990 for the second straight year in the
i -. it; ' .9 5222,; ,: Fellowship. College Cheerleading Championships. UK
Q“! _ "5 - n; . was national cham ion in 1985, ’87 and
5.9 9 - 15%. '9. W , -John NWalter,Agricultural .889 p
9 9 99 \32.’ Engineering, is president of the American 9 C , ll . 9 d
2, fi _ M9. Soc1ety of Agricultural Engineers. 9ommunity C0 ege 655006 _e egree
2. as“ 92.3 m. 4., nursrng grads who took the National
9 9.. 39:" . Gary Cromwell, Animal Science, is Council Licensur9e Examination in July 1989
9/ ‘ 2/“ 5’5 . 3w g9. president of the American Society of achieved a 90-4/1 pass rate.
' Animal Science.
T ; 1m3§7 9.. 519 °The UK yearbook won first place
W99 2 W999, ‘9 9 ' . John R van Nagell, Obstetrics and nationally in competitions sponsored by
9 f”: Gynecology, wasselected’as one of the the Assocrated College“? Press end the
... 2 - -- ~ ~ outstanding medical specralists m the National Scholastic Press Assoc1ation.
,, ., , , count b Town and Count ma azine.
.: .4, ._ ry y [y g ' UK’s student newspaper received the
$5 ' . . ~ 1“ f, " 9 ' Linda Chen, Nutrition and Food All—American honor Tath and five marks
. " .99 ;_ '- ‘55: . .9 ' Science, won the national Borden Award 0f d15thh90hr 9160119 h m the top thlrd 0f
9922.3; 55‘" ”~ if“ _ for exceptional research in nutrition. the hahOhS best student newspapers,
«2 123%. ‘5 ‘53 “:92. ,,,-. -- ’ _ 9 9 s 9
M99, 99... I .: MW s: - Ramona Rush, Communications, was ‘ The UK 1571 Ensemble was voted most
_ 9 ~ ’ 5 “:5 .21.; ,4; ‘5 named the outstanding woman in the field Outstanding among 14 student combos 0T
3%? ‘ , g, 9 by the Association for Education in blg bands thlted T0 perform at the Notre
5 _, ‘5 i, 2‘ Journalism and Mass Communications Dame COUGQQ Jazz Festival, the most 9
\ ~92 #9 2: 99, 999 status of women committee. prestigious event of its kind in the nation.
D - 22.2. g— 35.3235225- M. - '
‘2’-" 2-224: - Tim Stahly, Animal Science, won the - The Livestock Judging Team was the
”“ " 5 - ”j, 2 ’ ‘“' 1990 American Feed Industry Association top team among 19 unrversrty teams 1“ the
,, 2 award for research on non—ruminant Southeastern-Northeastern Livestock
nutrition. Judging Contest

 ”"mkedmmgm" lCK FACTS
Research Universittes
In the Nation
- The Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching ranks UK '
among its top research universities in the HlStor-y . . . .
nan-m UK is the only university in UK was founded in 1865 as'a land-grant imttmttomTook present
Kentucky, and one of only 45 public name in 1916mCharles T. Wethtngton Jr. ts the tenth presrdent
universities in the United States, to be
classified as a Research University of the The Campus
FITST C1655 UK’s 673-acre campus is located just south of downtown Lexington
in the heart of the beautiful Kentucky Bluegrass region
UK u’brary Has More Enrollment
Than 2 Million Volumes There are about 23,000 students on the Lexington Campus and
over 40,000 students in the UK Community College System
° The UK Library System with 15 _
specialized library collections on the Academlc Programs
hfl‘gfi‘oggfigfiszafilfiidfihég‘ter There are 17 academic colleges and a graduate school There are
including a valuable collection of ram 108 undergraduate majors from which to choose.
books, manuscripts and photographs. Library
- The library is interconnected by UK’s library system contains more than 2 million volumes
computer with the libraries at the 14
community colleges and with the US. Research
library 0f congress- UK ranks among the Top 100 research institutions in the nation
. An important Milton collection and one Last year, UK faculty expertise attracted $70 million in research
of the top 19th century American and grants, contracts and gifts from outsrde sources.
English literary manuscripts and autograph
letters collections in the country is housed Faculty . .
in the UK Library. There are 1,566 full-time faculty on the Lexmgton Campus, and
some 1,050 faculty in the community colleges.
' The library ranks 55th among . .
university research libraries in North Tulthfl
Amen“ The 1990-1991 undergraduate tuition on the Lexington Campus is
$854.75 a semester for Kentucky residents, and $2354.75 for non-
. residents.
UK Among Nation’s Top
Universities In Computing Student Ftnanc1al Aid
About 55 percent of UK’s students receive financial aid which
- Thanks to a $4.9 million gift from the amounts to some $41 million annually. More than $1.7 million in
lBM Corporation, UK continues its role as scholarships based on merit is awarded each year to UK students
one of the leading computing universities
in the nation. The gift helped UK upgrade Alumni
its IBM Supercomputer that is now being . - -
used at UK by both faculty and students. The Universrty has 100,000 alumni around the world.
UK ranks in the top tier of public - . t
universities in the nation in computing community Colleges .
capacity. There are 14 two-year community colleges in the UK system ,
located across the state.
Critical Care Center Is MTehdical Center m f
- ' ere are 2,700 students in the ' e colleges 0 the UK Albert B.
Opened At University Chandler Medical Center —— medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy,
HOSpltdl and allied health professions
.' .A highlecmdogyv 250'000'§quare'f°°t The Medical Center also has a 461-bed hospital as part of its
critical care center, complete w1th surgical teaching and service programs
suites, intensive care units, clinical '
laboratories, and a heliport on the roof, has
just been opened at the UK Albert B. campus Tours,
Chandler Medical Center, The UK There are free, guided campus tours at 10 am and 2 pm
helicopter brings in more than a thousand weekdays from the Visitor Center in the UK Student Center. Saturday
people a year for emergency care at UK walking tours are available at 11 am September through April only.
{ii/1;:‘JKZ’ / 7 (775;: ,- .«f/‘ij'iigjf'