xt7crj48sf6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sf6h/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 v, 69 p., [1] p. of plates: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.94 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Guadalupe County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no.94, Guadalupe County, Mar. 22, 1846 - Aug. 11, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no.94, Guadalupe County, Mar. 22, 1846 - Aug. 11, 1939 1941 1941 2019 true xt7crj48sf6h section xt7crj48sf6h . ' -   - ; 11111111111111; '
' ' 1 ’ INDEX
7 .7 9? TO
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, No.94


No. 94. Guadalupe County
March 22, lBhévAugust ll, 1939
Prepared by
The Texas State—wide Records Project
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration ‘
Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences ‘
The University of Texas, Official Sponsor
San Antonio, Texas
State-wide Records Project
July 1941


The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate caSes
filed in Guadalupe County, Texas, is No. 9A of the Texas series of coun-
ties. The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to— -
day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and
other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the
prOper conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by histori-
ans and'genealogists to obtain references to unpublished sOurce material.

The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals
are arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the
case and the case number. The following numbers in series 1 to 3398
Were not used as case numbers: 103, 183, 221, 347, 527, 763, 815, 851,

‘ 862, 933. 9&1, 965, 970, 1009-1108, 1122—1221, 1221, 124A, 1293, 1294, .
1396, 1397, 1411, 1652, 1659, 1655, 1770—1779, 1838, 1925, 2309, 2337, .
236962351, 2361, 2745, 3314. ;.

.In Guadalupe County all probate records are in the custody of the
County Clerk. Case papers are filed in separate file jackets in steel
file drawers. Cases filed from 1826 to 1894 are arranged in 36 file , .‘.

' drawers alphabetically by names of principals. Cases filed from 189h' ' 1
to August, 1939, are arranged in 68 file drawers, numerically by case.
numbers. .

Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af-
fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the
probate case should have been filed, a map and table of territorial
changes are included herein. Notations concerning present location and '
availability of records pertinent to Guadalupe County follow:

‘ Benar, San Antonio, all probate records extant.
‘ Gonzales, Gonzales, all probate records extant.

 Blank Page(s)

 d1 — iv —


$41 (:) Area in Municipality of Bexar to ll/l2/l832

1 H H H and County of Gonzales from ll/l2/1832 (l) H 3/30/1816

% 1 H H Guadalupe County H 3/30/1816 (2) H date

% (5) Area in Municipality and County 0f Bexar . , . (to 3/30/18h6 /
d1 H H Guadalupe County. Vfrom. 3/30/1816 (2) H date K
g; 1 , ' f

E (:> Area in Municipality of Bexar . 1 to 11/12/1832

E - ” " ” and County of Gonzales from ll/12/1832 (1) " 3/30/1816

fl 0-,. H H Guadalupe County ‘ , H 3/30/1816 (2) H 2/l2/1858

My ,.»; H H Comal County 1 H v2/12/l858 (3) 1' date

1&1» <:) Area in Municipality and County of Bexar to 12/18/1837 :}‘\
p; v; . H Bastrop (Mina) County* . . from 12/18/1837 (A) " 1/25/1810

1 H 1 H Travis County ,1 -H .,l/25/l810 (5) H 3/30/1816 get?
8 H r" Guadalupe County _ 4 H 1 3/30/1816 (2) H 2/12/1858

% ” ” Comal County 1 "- 2/12/1858 (3) " date

% (:> Area in Municipality of Bexar to ll/12/1832

% H H H and County of Gonzales from ll/12/1832 (l) H 3/30/1816

1‘ . H . H Guadalupe County H 3/30/1816 (2) H 2/12/1858

% ”H ” Hays County " 2/12/1858 (3) " . -.date

§ <:> Area in Municipality and County of Bexar 1 to 12/18/1837

% H H Bastrop (Mine) County*1 from 12;18;1837 11) ‘1." l;25;1842

; H H Travis County H l 25 1810 51 H 3 30 186

a " " Guadalupe County ” 3/30/1866 (2 ” 2/12/1858

g " ” Hays County v _ - . ,“. 2/12/1858 (3) ” date

F ,1. .. a. ,., . . ;

J -, 1.

d .H . ____"n_m___.._______il_ ,, .

E (1) Neither the date of the establishment of the Municipality of Gonzales

1 nor legal definition of its boundaries is available. The date shown

1 is that of the first meeting of the ayuntamiento of Gonzales (Eugene

1: C. Barker, Readings in Texas History, p. 108). It is assumed that

g the boundaries were approximately the same as those of De Witt's. \\\
1‘ Colony as described in his empresario contract (General Land Office, '
1* Translations of Empresario Contracts, p. 19). The western boundary

2 line of Gonzales County as ShOWn on the accompanying map, running

g through present Guadalupe County, was defined Dec. 11, 1837 (Gem.

1 LaWS, I, 1384).

E (2) Gem. LaWs, II, 1339.

1 (3) Gem. LaWs, IV, 1070.

1 (1) Gem. Laws, I, l133.

E 1 (5) Gem. Laws, II, 628.

11 * Name changed to BastrOp Dec. 18, l837 (Cam. Laws, I, l132) _

1 .

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1 “Vivi/ll .7,‘ .. 1 — PRESENT BOUNDARIES or GUADALUPE couun.
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V V ' I \\ PREPARED av [P.A. on ca-u-u-m also/mu

 .- v on
Probate Areas (continued)
(GD Area in Municipality and County of Bexar to 3/30/1846
H " Guadalupe County from 3/30/1846 (2) " 1/19/1869 ‘
" " Wilson County " 1/19/1869 (6) ” date
® Area in Municipality and County of Bexar to 3/30/1846
~ " " Guadalupe County from 3/30/1816 (2) " 1/19/1869
7 H Wilson County " 1/19/1869 (6) " 3/13/1871.
" " Guadalupe County " 3/13/1871. (’7) " date
(1) Area in Municipality of Bexar to 11/12/1832
, n n n and County of Gonzales from 11/12/1832 (1) " 3/30/1846
n " Guadalupe County " 3/30/1816 (2) " 3/13/1871)
" H Wilson County v 3/13/1874 (7) " date
CI) Area in Municipality and County of Bexar to 3/30/1816
" " Guadalupe County from 3/30/1846 (2) " 3/13/1871.
" H Wilson County " 3/13/1871. (7) " date
(1) _S_e_e_ footnote (1), p. iv, supra.
(2) Gem. Laws, 11, 1339.
(6) Gem. Laws, VI, 87.
(7) Cam. LaWs, VIII, 23.

made of DéEEEEEET‘MYHSE‘EE‘EHEEEic Date Filed Case No._
’ ' , ' -- A - , .
Abbott, Chas. W., deceased Dec.. 11, 1957 5281 ., -
' Abbott, Dorothea Vaughan and
Mary Azalee, minors .. Jan. 51, 1955 5061
‘ Abbott, Fannie A., deceased V Jan. 29, 1950 . 2786
Abbott, J. M., deceased Jan. 18, 1919 . 2197
Abbott, J. M. Jr., deceased ' Aug. 29, 1952 gglg
Abner, E. W. D., deceased , Sept. 12, 1955 . 5096
Abner, Harris and Mary, minors may 8, 1848 -‘ 54—58
Achterberg, Albert, deCeased ' Oct. 29, 1952 - '> 29561 -
Acker, Marie, minor, (no,papers) Dec. 28, 1858 - . .258(B) w
Acker, Phillip, deceased Jan. 4, 1855 ,‘ ,165 ',
Adams, Cleveland, crippled child April 1, 1956 .', 5144 -
Adams, Isadore and Marcus, minors June 8, 1922 .' . 2576
Adams, Jacob, deceased ' Jan. 5, 1915 .,‘ . 2020
Adams,_Lonie, NCM July 20, 1926 . ~L.2547
Adler, Dan B., deceased . March 17, 1920 "A 2269
Adolph, Walter, deceased " Aug. .18, 1917 2155
Afflerbach, Chas. H., deceased April 50, 1926 . 2545 -
Aguirre, Rita L., minor, (no papers) March 51, 1921 ' . 2516
_ Ahlert, wm., minor ,. Feb;. 26, 1865 . ' 542,
Alberthol, Ed and Elsie ‘ June 27, 1918' 2175
Alberthol, Eddie, minor Sept. 16, 1918 . l 2180’ .
leana, Antonio, deceased Feb. 25, 1957 5221
Alexander, Annie, deCeased Feb. 11, 1956 5127
Alfara, Estevan, HEY, (ne,papers) . 1722
Allen, Carrie 0., Eva M. and . . .
William S., minors June 18, 1905 . 1588
Allen, Edgar, Luke and Willie, minors April 1,-1889 V 940
Allen, George, NCM, (no papers) May 25, 1894 1265
Allen, Guy E., deceased, (no papers) July 21, 1958 5520
Allen, Jacquelyn, miner July 7, 1958 5517
Allen, Nathew, NCM, (no papers) 1705
Allen, W. H., deceased April 21, 1866 509
Alrant, Maggie, NCM, (no papers) July 18, 1959 5588'
Altenhof, Wilhelm, deceased March 8, 1916 2076
thenhef, Harry Gus and Robert
Lee, minors -, , , Oct. 1, 1956. 5190
thenhoff, Anna, Gustave, Otto
and Willie, minors .July 50, 1894 1275
Altwein, Edward, deceased Jan. 12, 1900 1475
.. Altwein, Emilie, deceased May 12, 1905 . 1595
Altwein, Etelka, minor , June 24, 1921 2551
thwein, Etelka, minor March ,5’-1924- 2448 ,
— Altwien, Goothelf, deceased, (no papers) June 29, 1855 85
' Alves, Ernst, NCM, (no papers) July 20, 1959 ., 5590
. ' Alves, Olga, NCM, (no papers) 2616

 ,r‘ ?

a, 2


' Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic ._ . . Date Filed Case No.
5 Alves, Mrs. Olga, NCM May 4, 1955 5079
Amacker, Melchoir, deceased . Aug. 10, 1885 854

A Amonett, Mrs. H. E., deceased Sept. 5,1854. 105(A)
s ; Anderson, Mrs. A. E., deceased ’ April 5, 1905" ' 1651 '
3 Anderson, E. 0., deceased . Jan. 25, 1858 24.2

32 Anderson, Mrs. E. P., deceased March 12, 1892 1116

, ’ Anderson, Dan M., deceased Feb. 2, 1922 3 2565

)5 Anderson, Glenn M., deceased, ‘ _ ‘

5 (no papers) . 3 ,. June 29, 1959 5582 ‘
Anderson, Isaac, deceased ‘ - Sept. 2'7, 1869 5'76

3,, Anderson, J. M., deceased , Dec. 16,1868 565

3? Anderson, J. R. 3 _, 956 '
1333 Anderson, John and Mary. Virginiaminors Dec. 5, 1919" ‘ 2242

3, w Anderson, John 0., minor Jan. 26, 185'? '-‘ 215-215

43 3 Anderson, John D., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 1", 1848 55
Anderson, L. W., deceased ‘ July .1, 1954 5055

$3 Anderson, L. 2., minor ' ‘ Nov. 50, .1855 155

.; Anderson, L. 2., minor ’ ' May 27, 1869 , 5'75

3 1 Anderson, M. 13., deceased Jan. 4, 1889 950(B)
,{ Anderson, R. 13., deceased , March 25, 1956 5157 a
3'3 Anderson,-R. 1., deceased .' Nov. 25, 1888 950(A)
3 Anderson, Z. M., deceased Dec. 25, 1855 95

,; Aneclito, Vera, NCM, (no papers) _, ' 2552

$3 Antony, Arthur and Helena, minors Sept. 18, 1911 ' 1904.

3a Antrim, John 8., deceased ., Oct. 20, 1896 ' 1548
Appling, B., deceased ‘ ' Oct. ~ 10, 1861 524

33$: Appling, Claud 1)., Frank M. ," John 12.,

Leo A. and William A., minors July 27, 1897 1575 .
Appling, Collie, minor \ April 2, 1881 ’785

9 Appling, David, Jennie Mae, Mary Jane '

3 ‘ and Raymond, minors Oct. 1'7, 1954 5048 ‘
Appling, Mrs. Jessie, deceased April 15, 1897 1565(B)

‘ Appling, John R., deceased Aug. 6, 1895 1511

"f, Arbuckle, Eznily F., Rache M., Sabina . ,

c. and Sarah 1., minors Jan. 17, 1870 584

, Armer, Rosa, deceased Jan. 15, 1956 5125

.1 Armond, Katie, Mary and Mattie,

‘ minors, (no papers) Sept. 8, 1885. 818
Arnold, Lizzie, minor ', .1 ., Sept. 26, 1904 1655

3;: 3 Aronson, Ika, NCM, (no papers) June 15, 1958 ' . ‘ 5515 '
, 3 Artega, Andreas, deceased May 28, 1956 . ' 5157‘

. i Ashby, John, deceased March 26, 1926 ‘ _ 2545' '
: Ashby, William Clarence, minor Nov. 26, 1924. 2480: .‘ "
f3 Atzger, Geo., deceased ' Oct. 24, 1928 . [26'82 ,
' - B - ' .
Babel, Sam, NCM, (no papers) May 26, 1905 L 1584 '
3 Bading, Adolf, deceased Oct. 25,1869 ‘ 605 ” ’
1 Bading, Adolf, Bettie, Clara, Hedwig 3 3 :1 ' ' _ ,
3; and Wilhelm, minors ’ July 8, 1871 , 609
f . Bading, Herman A., deceased May: . ‘16,. 1952 2951 f

- Mame of Degafloflngor or Lflaflil;_’___2ate Filed; Case No.
Bading, Hermann, Sr., decaased Sept. 1, 1921 ' 2547
Bading, Leslie and Norman,.minors Jan. 26, 1955 2967
- Baenziger, Albin, Sr., deceased I ‘
(no papers) . ’ Jan. 14, 19:37 ’ 5210
Baenziger, Mrs. Martha, deceased May ' 7, 1956 5150
Baer, Henry and Josephine, minors May 16, 1887 895
Baese, Henrrietta, deceased 'Sept. 4, 1902, 1567
A Bagley, D. R., deceased Dec. 5, 1912 . 1949
Bailey, Laura, deceased Jan. 5, 1924 . 2457
Bailey, Laura, deCeased v Feb. 19, 1924 2446
, Baker, Agnes, minor , ’ Feb. 2, 19027 1558
Baker, Bennie, Carrie, Franklin, '
Martha Ann and Willie, minors June 25, 1886 ‘ ‘882(A)
Baker, Blackstone, minor , Nov. 5, 1857 '255
Baker, Frank M., deceased Nov. 50, 1895 " ‘. 1525'
Baker, J. M., deceased Jan. 1, 1904 '. ' 1951
Baker, John, deceased, Jan. 1, 1857 " 252
Baker, Jos. A., deceased July 7, 1874 647
9 Baker, M. E. and S. M., minors, ‘ ‘
(no papers) ~‘ . ., Feb. 28, 1870 ” 586
Baker, Maggie E. and S. M., minors Oct. 19, 1868 , 558
Baker, Willie, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 5, 1891 . ,1109
Baker, nun, deceased . .. Dec. 16, 1892 ' “882(13)
Bakowitz, Franciszka, deceased June 11, 1956 ' .5160 V
Balensuela, Eldita and Maliana, minors Jan. 2, 1915" V 1957
Balmarez, Paula, NCM, (no papers);" . ‘ 2678‘
~ Barber, Geraldine, minor, (no papers) Feb. 22, 1959 ' 5561
Bargfrede, Mrs. Anna, deceased Oct. 15, 1952 ' 2955
Bargfrede, Hermann, Sr., deceased Oct. 50, 1917' 2144
Barker, E. A., deceased July _19, 1869 568
Barnes, Hattie J., deceased Aug. 19, 1955 5094
Barney, Stephen A,, deceased Jan. 16, 1847 . 6
Baronsky, Martha, deceased July 7, 1881 ’ 792
Barrientes, Guadalupe, minor, '
(no papers) . Jan. 6, 1920 2507
Barrington, P. 0.1,? deceased ,July 9, 1925' ‘ 2415
Bartols, Daniel, deceased June 16, 1956 5161
Bartcls, Fritz, deceased .‘ Sept. 18, 1950 2825
, Bartcls, Ida, deceased . May 21, 1925 2407
Bartels, Ruby, minor . ’ Nov., 11, 1957 ‘ ‘ 5276
, Bartels, VML Sr., deceased July 15, 1915 " 2046
.. Barth, E., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 24, 1899 1440
Barth, Ed and Lydia, deceased, , . 9
(no papers) , . .M _ June' 15, 1898 1408
Earth, Edwin, minor, .(no papers) Jan. 22, 1899 11147
. Barth, Edwin, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 25, 1899 1449
. Bartholomae, Albert and H. Julius, minors May . 21, 1877 ’ 720
Bartholomae, Ida, deceased March 51, 1951 ' 2864 .
H Bartholomflo, Julius,,NCM Mfly ' 12, 1954 ‘ 5025
' Bartholdmae, L. A., deceased ‘ July 25, 1958 ' 5521
‘ Bartoskewitz, Bruno,,deceesed, ‘ L
M (no papers) July 24, 1959 5592

 21‘ '
g 4

.51 Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic .Date Filed Case No.

1 Bass, Minnie, minor , 3 April 7, 1875 652

§ Batey, A. W., deceased' . March 10, 1956 ' 5154 .
g 1 Bauer, C. A. Sr., deceased Dec. 51, 1920 2504

g J Bauer, Henry, deceased, ,, May 25, 1909 ' 1825

E Bauer, Maria, deceased Feb. 18, 1955 5070'
§ ; Baumert, Erma and Frieda, minors Sept. 5, 1925 ' 2424

% Baumgartner, Martha, deceased Jan. 16, 1955 , 2965

2 Baumgartner, Nicolaus, deceased Dec. 18, 1955 5114

Q Beard, Benet, Milam and Thomas ’

g P., minors . 1 , Dec. 1, 1847 ' 16

g Beard, Margaret, deceased _ Jan. 21, 1847 ’ 8

§ 1 Beard, N. B. Lewis, deceased Feb. , 4, 1856 3 180

1 Beard, 8., deceased . March 29, 1852 62
d-“‘ Beard,11n., deceased _ Jan. 16, 1847 5

fl 1 Beard, Mm. 2., deceased , - Feb. 27, 1852 65
§.j Beasley, z. 2., deceased Jan. 26, 1909 " 1815
§[‘ Becerra, Juan, NCM, (no papers) May 11, 1959 5570
$1 Beck, Alma and Lolett, minors March 24, 1909 1818
$41 Beck, M. N., deceased March 18, 1921 " 2517

% Beckwith, J., deceased . March 25, 1867 528

g‘ Beckwith, Tom, miner - March 26, 1881 786

2 Bee, Joseph, deceased .1 Dec. 20, 1924 2484

%~ Behrendt, Albert, Alvina, Ida ‘
$.14 and Theodore, minors Feb. 15, 1876 ' 2529(A)
9-1. Behrendt, Chas., deceased , Sept. 26, 1910 “1878

p 1 Behrendt, ones., deceased Oct. 20, 1911 1906

g ‘ Behrendt, Cvelyn, Grace and Lorene,minors Dec. 50, 1957 5282

i Behrendt, Emma, deceased _ April 16, 1952 2924

% ‘ Behrendt, Ernst, NCM, Sophie,deceasod July 10, 1918 ‘ 2175
$31 Behrendt, Hermann, deceased March.25, 1927 2585

2 Behrendt, Max and Parall, minors,

% (no papers) ‘ June 25, 1890' 1002

t 1 Behring, Henry, deceased 3 Aug." 19, 1914' 2000
1’3 Beikirch, Mrs. Augusta, deceased, ' ' '

1 ‘ (no papers) ‘ ‘ Aug. 7, 1959* 5597

g : Beikirch, David, deceased May 25, 1951 2875

E Bell, Frank, Lola, Mary and Wm.,minors March 19, 1920‘ 2270

9 Bell, Frank, Lola and William,minors Sept. 15, 1922 ' 2585
E,. Bell, Walter, deceased’ July 18, 1951 2884
$11 Benefield, Ed, deceased ' Feb. 6, 1920 2262

p 1 Bennett, J. M., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 50, 1897 1565(A)
g‘1 Bennett, Jno. M., deceased _ March 50, 1868’ 552

d 1 Banning, Herman, deceased Oct. 51, 1916 2094

E 1 Bone, Alice and Cardwell, NCM,

E‘ (no papers) __, 1651

6. Benson, Frank, tubercular Dec. 15, 1919 2250

E‘ Benson, Frank Wilson, tuberbular June 1, 1920 ‘ 2286

g . Benson, Harry, tubercular ' Oct. 22, 1919 2254 '
g ' Benson, Harry Howard Jr.,tubcrcular June 1, 1920 ,2285

E: Berbig, Lena, NCM Feb. 5, 1900 1465
11?. Borbig, Mrs. S., NCM, (no papers) Oct. 11, 1899 ' L 1465 '
1 Bergfeld, Arthur, deceased Dec. 6, 1957 5280




-. Name of Deceased, Minor orég£§g§£1_fiu,~fi,“Date Filed .;'> ,fin;lflasc.Nc.
Bergfeldt, Christian, deceased March 11, 1889 ~ ' {951'

' Berman, Sam, deceased ~ - ' Sept. 22, 1926 4 2556 '
Bernhard, Agnes, deceased , June 25, 1891 ,, 1246
Bernhard, Lee, minor Aug. 27, 1924 '1 2471
Bernhardt, Louis, deceased . . Feb. 25, 1950 c» a ' 2793
Berry, Green, deceased NOV.- 18, 1907‘. .' :3 1741(B)
Bettge, Friedrich, deceased July 7, 1908 1 1796
Bettge, Martin 1., minor April 6, 1910.. , 3'1861 ~
Betting, Tony, deceased, (no papers) Feb. 22, 1897 ~ y ' 1568
Beutnagel, Christine, deceased Sept. 1, 1951 :. , .2895
Beutnagel, Louisa, deceased- Nov. 19, 1927 ' ‘ 2620 '
Beutnagel, Walter A. H., deceased March 5, 1920 2267
Beyer, H. J., deceased ' ' March 9, 1924 ' - 2450
Beyer, Melchior, deceased - Jan. 50, 1910 - 1855
Bibbs, A. 0., Franklin, Gertrude, 2'

Lofton and Sallie, minors May :50, 1925 > 2507
Bibbs, Frank Jr., Lofton and '5 ~ - ‘
Sallie May, minors Sept. 4, 1950 . 2824 .
Bibbs, Frank L., deceased Jan. 4, 1917 2108
Biegert, Anna, minor - Nov. 26, 1867 541
Biegert, Caroline, minor . v~ Nov. 26, 1867 545,602
Biegert, Erich, minor Nov. 26, 1867 - 4 .540
Biegert, John, deceased - Dot. - 5, 1867 - 558
Biegert, John, minor, (no papers) Jan. 21, 1868 , « 542
Biegert, Ludwig, minor, (no papers) Jan. 21, 1868 544,611
Biesele, Leopold, deceased ~ Dec. 4, 1905 ~ .1675
V Bingham, Elizabeth M. and Frances, , - ~
minors, (no papers)- ~ Fmrch 29, 1847 . 11,15
Bishop, B. L., deceased ' Nov. 28, 1864 . - -'572
Bittner, Fritz, deceased : Jan.% 15, 1928 , 2655
Blanks, J. M., deceased , Sept. 11, 1907 z. 1757
Bloch, Aug. R., deceased -- . Dec; 2,-1891 - 1' 1114
Block, Otilia, deceased -' June, 20, 1956' ' 5166
Blumberg, Bruno, deceased ' March 11, 1958 5298 .
Blumberg, Carl F., deceased Feb.» 24; 1854 98 '
Blumberg, Emma, deceased, (no papers) June 12, 1959 5578
BIUmberg, F. A., deceased may 22, 1912 < 1929
Blumberg, Fritz, deceased 1" June 27, 1954 5032
Blumberg, Gustav, deceased June 5, 1907 —m 1728
Blumberg, John R.,'deceased July 27, 1922 2580
Blumberg, Margaretha, deceased i'Feb. 19, 1929 ' 2711
Blume, Eugene, deceased Sept. 19, 1892 - . 1226
Blume, Max, deceased July 17, 1955 ~ 5086
Blume, Rudolph, deceased Doc. 5, 1894 1289
Book, Emil Jr., minor Dec. 24, 1954 ‘ , 5051
Beck, Emil Sr., deceased ‘ Dec. 24, 1954 5052
Beck, Mrs. Mattie, deceased Nov. 17, 1951 , '2905

' Bode, Johanna, deceased March 5, 1954 5011
Bode, Wm. Sr., deceaSed ' March 7, 1917 i 2116
Bodeman, Paul, minor Jan. 7, 1902 1555
Boecker, Frederick, deceased Aug. 18, 1881 795
Boecker, H. 0., deceased May 1, 1900 1475 ,,

 fit‘ ‘
2» Name of Deeeased, Minor or'Lunatic - 1 ' ”-Dgfie Filed V .., » ~=CaseNo}:~
s21 ‘ . . 1

%, Boenig, Helena, deceased July 21, 1927 ' 2602

2 Beetcher,Herm, NCM, (no papers) March 15, 1957 ' 5229

E Boettcher, Hermann, NCM_ April 24, 1924 ‘ 2455

5 Boettcher, Louis, deceased, Herman

gin I-: and Phillip, minors ' Aug. 19, 1915 ' 2050

p Boettinger, J. C., deceased . March 8, 1889 - 950,952(A)
E . Boettger, Fannie, deceased. Oct. 16, 1906' f n l7o7_'
fl Boettger, Hermann and Ledia, nfinors Dec. 25, 1907 1' 1751f”f
$7 Bond, Jessie, deceased' Aug. 11, 1875 ‘ 687"f;
E Bond, L. C. et a1, minors, (no papers) Nov. 26, 1877 ‘ 751ff.
g Bonner, Catherine, minor ' NOV. 28, 1911 ‘ 1912’_f
% Bonner, Jnc., deceased April 15, 1862 ‘ 551

in Boone, Joe. B., deceased March 8, 1852 ' ‘ ‘64

E H, Boer, Wm., deceased ’ Oct. 18, 1865 590 .
EE‘ ' Borchers, Alwin B., deceased Feb.’ 16, 1955 5069

g : Borchers, Christian Sr., deceased Aug. 17, 1921 2544 f
d“’ Borchers, Mrs. Conradine, deceased Jan. 28, 1951 2858
2:3 Borchers, Will, deceased ‘ Nov. 26, 1915 1975
5': Borgfeld, Caroline, deceased May 29, 1902 1557

1? Borgfeld, Christopher, deceased Sept. 8, 1905 1598

% Borgfeld, Fredericka, deceased Aug. 10, 1885 855 'f
§ Boring, I. J., deceased April 15, 1920 . ‘2275

g Borman, Aug. and Bertha, minors , Sept. 17, 1888 , ’ 866(8)
E Bormann, Alvin, deceased f ‘ Sept. 26, 1925” “ , '2520(B)
p- Bormann, August,.deceased ' Dec. 10, 1927 ' ' '2622

E ‘ Bormann, Chas., deceased " Jan. 15, 1925 ‘ 12488

E Bornemann, Alwina, deceased Oct. 24, 1921 . '2555

E ‘ Best; Mattie A., deceased . June 22, 1954 t 5050

i : Bowdoin, Mrs. B. F., NCM ' April 15, 1916 f-wf L 21

% Bowen, Jane, Terruse and W. H. E., ’ ."

g minors, (no papers) ' Aug. 17, 1895 " 1514

a Boyd, Louise Fredericke, deceased Nov. 4, 1957, ‘ ' ‘ 5269

f Braden, Anton Jr., deceased Dec. 5, 1896 1590

E Braden, Margaretha, deceased March 25, 1910 1860

E; Brahan, Annie J. et a1, minors July 22, 1887 901

g Branch, Rebecca, deceased Nov. 29, 1852 7?

E Brand, James, deCeased Nov. 28, 1849 55(B)
E1“ Brandt, Christopher, deceased July 1, 1907 1755

E Braune, Adam W.,,Dobinka and

fit: Dorothy, minors Sept. 20, 1957 5275

E“ Braune, Carl, Christine, Emil, Hugo, '

E: Martha, Meta,”Rudolr, Walter and

2 Willie, minors, (no papers) Jan. 17, 1901 1501

E Braune, Mary Sophia, deceascd' nov. 10, 1908 1804

E, Braunholz, Emma, NCM ' ' Jan. 16, 1957 ' 5211

g Braunholz, Valentine, deceased Dec. 16, 1950 2848

g Brawley, Dewey, deceased March 51, 1954 - 5017‘ g
E ; Brawley, Ella and John, minors,

i; (no papers) 1" March 20, 1906 fl f‘ 1691

Eli Brawley, Willie 8., minor ' may , 9, 1954 rv‘ ; ~5024

£1 Brawner, Jopthu W., deceased Dec. 28, 1956 "_ 5204

E‘ ‘ Brawncr, Lula Joan, minor Aug. 12, 1957 '- - 5264



E14 Name of Deceased2 Nggggiiglliggtic, zmjkafl.Date Filed. e.' ‘54- Case No.
Brenner, Henry, deceased June 5, 1954 . '1 5026
Bretzke, Annie Mae, Evelyn, Harold, '." .
Leslie and Mildred, minors, " ,
(no papers) Dec. 15, 1958 ~ 5548
Bretzko, Herman, deceased < Aug. 8, 1955 , 5092
9*) Bretzke, Martha, deceased . ' Nov. 8, 1912 1944
., Breustedt, Andreas, deceased Nov. 1, 1911 r - 1909
.~ Breustedt, Andreas, deceased Dec. 4, 1911 ‘ 1916
-~ Brewer, Joel 8., deceased - Dec. -22, 1909 5 ~ 1848
.' Brietzke, Irene, NCM ' ' ~ - 5109
: Brietzke, Irene and Raymond, minors Aug. 14, 1929 .. . 2745
Brietzke, Johann C., deceased June 15, 1905. . , 1587
- Brill, Mrs. H. C., deceased Nov. 21, 1916 ‘ 5' 2098
Bringezu, Leuisa, deceasedv > March 6, 1916 - 2075
Brinkkoetter, Ella, Frehda, Lena, . v . ‘ ,
v Lydia and Paula, minorsv' June 12, 1895 . 1255
Brinkoeter, Gilbert 0., minor, ‘ ,
(no papers) . . -2186
Brink0eter, Raymond Wr, minor Sept. 19, 1950 2828
Brinkoeter,lhn. H., daCeased Nov. 15,.1918 . -2184
a Brinkoetter, Alice and Lena, minors Jan. 27, 1927 2581
‘ Brinkoetter, Henry, deceased May 7, 1881 997
Q Brinkoetter, Herman, deceased -Jan. 24, 1919 2198
” Brinkoetter, Raymond Wm” minor Dec. 2, 1918 ~ 2187
Broaddus, Marcellus, deceased, : . . .
(no papers) June 29, 1859 258(A)
. Broaddus, S. J., minor - Aug. 2, 1862 .550
Brodt, Bettie, deceased , Dec. 10, 1956 , 5205
Brodt, Herman, deceased, (no papers) Feb. 22, 1954 5019,5009, -
. ' A 661
Brook, J. 2., deceased . - April 28, 1864 566
Brooks, Julian D., NCM - Feb. 25, 1958 5295
Broth, George, deceased . May 27, 1852 69
Brown, Clara C.,Jas.D.and Mary, minors ' Nov. 27, 1857 ~257-240
Brown, Eissie, NCM ., - 2644
Brown, Frances, NCM, (no papers) ' 4" , 1690
) Brown, J. D., minor Aug. 30, 1858. 251(B)
Brown, Mallie D., deceased» , ' . Feb.' 28, 1956 . 5150
Brown, Norma, minor ~ . March 17, 1958 . 5500
Brown, Ruby Elenora,minor,(no papers) 2457(B)
Brown, Ruby Elnora, minor ' ' Nov. 17, 1926 2567
Brown, Tom,a1ias Williams,Dan, NCM June 5, 1955 5085
Browning, A. F., minor— ' 'May '28, 1859 150
BrueStedt, Walter, deceased Oct. ‘5, 1929 ~2762
Bruns, Albert, deceased ' Nov. 19, 1909 .1842
Bruns, Albert, deceased ’ Jan. 4, 1924 . 2459
' Bruns, Arthur, Charles and ~
A Harry, minors - ~ - Dec. 25, 1907 1749
Bruns, Bina, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 2, 1905 1 1644
Bruns, Chas., deceased June 29, 1956= 5167
Bruns, F., deceased, (no papers) Dec. 50, 1898 1457
Bruns, Fritz, deceased‘ June 5, 1901 . » 1517

 :3! ‘

E ,

Q' Name of Deceased, Minor ggmggnatlc Date Filed _13331311;
2 Bruns, Jee, minor April 5, 1924 2455,
a Bruns, Mamie, deceased July 14, 1910 ~ * 1867
% Bruns, Mrs. Marie, deceased Nov.‘ 9, 1922 2587_
E Buch, Edgar, Ella, Eugene, Kindina, “ ’
E “ Lenora, Rosa and Walter, minors Jan. 11, 1900 1478
g Buch, Fritz, deceased ‘ Dec. '7,_1905 1676
g : Buch, Louise, deceased”, ’ Nov. 9, 1916 ' 2096
a Buch, ne., deceased , f; ”, march 15, 1907 ‘ 1720
g Buchanan, Bettie ErSkihe, deceased Dec. 50, 1956 5206
Q Buehring, William Henry, deceased Sept. 28, 1955 *' 5099
$1 Buerger, 5., deceased Sept. 12, 1898 1451
% Buerger, Mrs. C. E., deceased “ Aug. 4, 1952 2942
g Bulgerin, Herbert, minor Dec. 6, 1917 2148
g... Bulgerin, Herm, deceased " Dec. 7, 1907‘ -1746,1747
fl , Bulgerin, Herman, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 11, 1908 1762
%,T Bulgerin, Wilhelm, deceased Nov. 25, 1910 1880
33‘ Bulgerine, Herbert, minor, (no papers) Dec. 6, 1917 1816
5 > Bulgrin, Otto, deceased May 24, 1919 2214
g ‘ Bulgrin, Pauline, deceased Nov. 16, 1922 2588
5‘ Burges, B., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 1, 1898 1421
E Burges, Bettie, Mattie and Rusk " ’

g Jefferson, minors _ ' Jan. 15, 1895 ' 1450
g Burges, Fannie Ashby and Rich S.,minors May 24, 1909 1821
g Burges, Mrs. Gray, doceased' Nov. 29, 1952 < 2958
$7 Burges, J. J. and M. B., minors, ‘ ' _ ,
é (no papers) June 15, 1895 91257 ‘
g Burges, P. 1., deceased Aug. 15, 1911 1901
g Burges, R. J. Sr., deceased” Oct. 17, 1925 “* ‘ 2525
g Burges, W. H., deceased , ‘ . June .29, 1898 1411,1412
g Burgin, Ray Irvin, minbr ' ' Nov. 7, 1924 2479
9. . Burks, James, deceased ,_ Oct. 11, 1858 265
3 Burns, Wm. 1., deceased ‘ j " Oct. 6, 1867 , 556
E , Bush, Albert, NCM, (no papers) ,___. __, ., , 905
g“ Bush, Lane, deceased, (no papers) _ ‘_ Oct. 17, 1890 979
9 Bushy, N., deceased " ’ ' Nov. 16, 1855 157
g Butler, Frederick, deceased may 25, 1889 955
E ‘ Buttler, Heller, Joe, Mary Elizabeth ' ‘

p and Michie Clay, minors; (no papers) Sept. 15, 1958 .5527
F Byorly, Wm. et al, minors “ Dec. 21, 1855 164-172
, ' ' - C .. r a L

g 1 Cain, Charles and Clement, minors Aug." 29, 1929 2747

E Calvert, Priscilla, deceased, (no papers) July 9, 1888" - 911
E Calvert, S. R., deceased ‘ Dec. 27, 1888 927

§ Campbell, Anthony Dibrell, minor Jan. 25, 1929 ~ 2704

2 Campbell, Athe 1., deceased‘ Dec. 21, 1927 2624

1; Campbell, Charles L. and Peter E.,minors Oct. 15, 1892 1228(B)
E . Campbell, E. W., deceased . Nov. 17, 1874 658

R Campbell, George, minor Dec. 50, 1865 455
$5,, Campbell, Gracie and William ,' .

t. 1 Harris, minors ' March 15, 1954 .- 5014

L Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed :_ V.,,. Case No.
Campbell, J. J., deceased , March 22, 1876 . 702»
Campbell, J. J., deceased, (no papers) March 22, 1876 I . 712
Campbell, J. J., deceased Aug. 12, 1904 . - 1626
Campbell, John Henry and Mammie, minors Feb. 12, 1950 2790
Campbell, Maggie, minor , March 10, 1885 841
Campbell, Peter E., minor, (no papers) Oct. ,15,.1892 I 1555(A)
Campbell, W. R. Jr., deceased March 28, 1918 2165
Campos, Rosa, NCM _ Dec. 29, 1915 , L 2
Canncdy, Toy, minor July 29, 1875 ‘ 686
Carboch, F. R., deceased June 12, 1956 . 5126
Cardenas, J. M., minor, (no papers) > ,Nov. 8, 1848 I 24(B)
Carmona, Catarina, :minor . - Sept.I 9, 1926 . 2555‘
Carpenter, Nancy, deceased Dec. '16, 1914 . 2016
Carrion, Gabriel, Jesephine, Manuelita, . .
Simona, Teodoro and Vincente, minors March 7, 1921I 2515
Carsdn, William E., deceased June 27, 1955I . 2985
Carson, Wm. 1., deceased . Oct. 29, 1854' I . 204
Carter, Amanda, Henry and Tom, minors Oct. 24, 1870 597,599,600
Carter, Anne, Ruth and Walker, minors July 25, 1925 .I I 2514
Carter, Darles, Elberda, Elva Dorsey, 5
Katie and William, minors Jan. 25, 1891 992
Carter, FMma, deceased Oct. 25, 1928 . 2680
Carter, Estella, NCM ,, , Aug.- 22, 1916 L 26
Carter, Ethel, Fred, Oscar, Ruby _1'
, and Willie, minors March 27, 1950 2799
Carter, Eugene, Harvey and '
, Riley, minors Dec. 50, 1915 , I I 2066
Carter, Farris and Mary , ..,"I . . , j“
Megaline, minors . . April 18, 1952 I, .«29251< -
Carter, Ida, NCM Dec. 19, 1915. - I L 1 -.
Carter, Ida, NCM . April 15, 1918 2155
Carter, Ida, NCM __ I' 2756
Carter, Ida, NCM .- Oct. 15, 1954 I 5044
Carter, Milly, deceased Oct. 8, 1870 ' 596
Carter, Noah, deceased . April 18, 1952 I ' 2926
Carter, W. A., NCM, (no papers) May 6, 1902 . . 1548
Cartwright, A. P. and L. E., minors Sept. 29, 1862 , 555,556
Cartwright, A. PL-and L. E., minors NOV. 6, 1865 , I419,420
Cartwright, Isora-L., minor July 11, 1855 I . 140
' CartWright, Jessie 0., deceased May, t29, 1848 . 21
Cartwright, Joana, minor,.(no papers) Dec. I__, 1864 a 571
Cartwright, Joanna, minor . Dec. 26, 1864; I 421
Cartwright, JOSiaSvGou deceased Sept. 5, 1862 . 555
Cartwright, N. D., minor Oct.“ 50, 1848 1 28
Cash, Claud, minor ‘ . March 15, 1897,. I 1519
Cash, John, deceased, Aug. 25, 1851 . 57
CaSh, John Irland, deceased May 25, 1922 L2572
Castello, Martin, deceased Jan. 20, 1881 781
Cavanaugh, James, minor Doc. 2, 1895 ,. 1524(A)
Chambers, Josephine and Julia, , -' ' -
minors, (no papers) Jan. 5, 1895 I,-{ 1252
Chapman, F. 1., deceased, March 22, 1911 _ I ‘ 189.2.

 :1 i
,E: .10

Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic _ Date Filed ~. .. Case No..

2. Chase, Fred and Johnnie, minors Aug. 50, 1929 - 2748

1 Cherry, R. F., deceased ' July 19, 1880 ~ 465,766

L; ‘ Cherry, W. 0., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 18, 1894 1277

f: 7 Cherry, W. G., deceased - .Aug. 18, 1894 1281
Chesher, Delia, NCM Jan. 15, 1956 3122

i f Chesher, .T. B., deceased, (no papers) June 9, 1958 5512

HE Ciliax, Berthold, deceased Sept. 25, 1872 619
Clack, Ella, NCM, (no papers) ‘ June 17, 1901 1519

* Clack, Henry, minor, Lem, NCM, Oct. 4, 1915 . 2055

it Clack, Jeff, minor ' . Aug. 28, 1929 1 2744

E Clack, Join: A. and Margaret A. ,minors Feb. 10, 1852 ~ 60,61

1" Clarner, Annie, deceased, (no papers) Feb. 18, 1959 5557

: Clarner, Louisa, deceased - Aug. 5, 1951 .2889

1 ”i ' ‘ Clary, Mattie, minor 1' April 2, 1879 750

3 Claudt, Pauline, NCM ' Sept. 25, 1914 L 9

in Clay, Hardin Sr., deceased Jan. 18, 1905 1579

:E‘ 3 Clay, Walter, minor . Jan. 2, 1924 - 2460

n Clay, Walter, minor . ' June so, 1925 . 2511

,3. Clayton, J. B., deceased Oct. 15, 1952 2954
Clemons, J. M., deceased Dec. 19, 1867 548

‘ Clinton, Charles, minor, (no papers) July .9, 1889 945

n Cockran, J. H., deceased July 11, 1871 - 582 ;
E: Cockrill, Donal Lee, Dorothy, J. B., - v 5 - ' 'f '
§ ‘ Jewell Frances, Mary Dell, Noma . , f
:2: ' 1 Jean, Robert Clinton, Wallace and ‘ z 54 ‘ '

, Warren, minors Dec. 51, 1955 51.18 .
3 Cockrill, L. L., deCeased Dec. 51, 1955 :- , .5117 .

f? Cockrum, W. B., deceased Nov. 1, .1865 ' ' 406 ‘

3 Cody, Lucin F., deCeasad. Sept. 9, 1879 , j A 758 '

5’: f ; Coe, Coll