xt7crj48sh51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sh51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1979 1979 1979-10-02 2020 true xt7crj48sh51 section xt7crj48sh51 “kW/h.
0 Go, “or KENTUCKY
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Vol. LXXII. No. 33 University of Kentucky
‘ TM]. 0505“ 3. "79 i an Independent student newspaper Lexlngton. Kentucky
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By NANCY GWINN drove a tank fueled with gasoline " . WWW... mf . ., I, -i a: -- :5” V . . . I I
Staff‘Wrtter converted from coal. “I don't think we " " ' " ' ' . 3?. . ,4?» him . = - .l» .. / . ”‘3' 9 5 I '
have improved our process of turning . I 4.2-... II " W-- »» .. "j . .. - I . if”
‘ ' Arnold Miller. two-term president coal into gasoline substance.“ he said. , 4“ '- 4.. I II ' WW»: » .t I , ‘ . ,II: \ a
of the United Mine Workers of adding that coal conversion has been ffl,fi’éa 4 9, ' ~ ' ' I I' ' ‘ - ' =f 4‘ i '
America. told a crowd of about 46 feasible. . . . » , {KI-,1“ ;.,,_ I ‘5 .3!
people that UMW is leaning toward He said he thought oil companies . f v ' " I- . . a. '-» . -_é
Sen. Edward Kennedy. D~Mass.. for which own large portions of the coal 445:: ‘ .. ' 9 -’ ' / ~:‘ ‘ I ,IgI.ro.tt I II _
president in I980. industry are holding back production. js’wwfl - ,. ». . .. - "i if” ‘I 3 ., _-' ' 33' fit fill}-
, Miller was speaking as part of the “The oil companies have got us in a I ' - I " ' ‘ ' I. 4.4. I»% ‘ $134" _ ’.- "(I
Student Center Board‘s lecture series strangle hold and are reluctant to let ' " .... ’” " ' ’ 4‘ ' " i 1' “Ma. -* 1
at the Grand Ballroom last night.“The go." he said. -, j ' '.Ij.' WW” M a-t’,‘ A W; -
quicker we get someone in the White One of the problemsthe UMW faces 9‘?” ' ':Iff‘*"‘3“' ”m ’ r T .a Se :3; I'flse .:4. ~ 4 ,
House who understands (the energy in labor relations with the coal ‘3 : W3?“%Moxwo /' » ' " 4.. f ?I. ' fl M534 Ifléigw __ ‘ .
situation). the quicker our energy industry. Millersaid.isthat“too many WWWW ' . I . 9'.'35é:;;:‘.-;;= I I"s,tii~9”'t‘ . . .. )Mrfu »~ .
problems will be solved." he said. companies poor mouth and distortthe . I 4”“, . W. .’ 4 .~ ‘ " m . "w a. .
"We are not going to support the amount ofprofitsthey actually make." " ‘ ' ’ ’ I_::. ‘; ..» ‘ " W»- a-;. . , . , . I
present administration, and we are not The UMW is fully aware that even III .I », . __ , . m } W 7"
going to support some of the guys who small coal mining operations are 2523’ i. 3 % 3 ’ ‘3
are in office now.“Miller said.“l don‘t highly profitable. he said. I B W... a? ’ .. ’I
think any of them offer an alternative. Nearly half of all prof its made by the I- ' .g g‘ . :4 g .I ’11.: IIII' II I
“We want someone who has some coal companies goes to labor costs. . '/ 33$ : % ' -
viable programs and some plans,“ he Miller said. Although the wages of a , '
. said. “we‘ve given some thought to miner ought to be as high as anyone ' g, cm Lupus/Km... 5.," '
\ Senator Kennedy because Of his health ClSCI'S 1“ the work force. miners are Metro detectives Sgt. Andy Carter and Capt. Fred Kelly survey the ear where afternoon scuffle. Three bullet holes can be seen In the car's windshield where
. insurance program. . facing problems otherthansalaries. he a Scott County sheriff and his prisoner were injured yesterday in an early a Metro detective apparently shot into the car to break up the struggle.
“We think that‘s something that‘s said.
necessary and vital to this country." Although safety standards have , , . , , , , , .
Miller said the UMW cannot im roved during recent years. Miller Sh fi 1' / d 1' ft b h 1- fi/ _
support the Carter administration sai‘d he saw no reaon why both surface er, In crl ’08 can I [on 8 er elng S 0 In scu 8
because it “has not done enough for and underground mines cannot be '
the coal miner and the industry.“ made completely safe. He said state
The UMW favors John Y. Brown laws have not adequately enforced By STEVE MASSEY those charged with being persistent felons are fire and was recaptured. He is currently listed in
Jr. for governor, he said, “because of mine safety in the past. Associate Editor normally housed in the Fayette County jail rather satisfactory condition at University Hospital.
his past record." and because the During his speech. Miller received and RICHARD McDONALD than in Georgetown.) A police spokesman said Humphrey will be .
miners feel he is working forwhatthey opposition to statements concerning Com Editor Humphrey had been charged with rape in charged with assault and “probably numerous
want. I . I I I I . what benefits he had brought to the Kernel photographer Rit'lt' Parker also gathered December 1977‘ Heescaped fromthe Scott County other Chaig°s'" . . .
Miller said his unionisdiSilluSioned union, espec1ally during strike information for this “or“ (ourthouse in April I978 while awaiting trial on According to The Assomated Press. police Will
with the present administration. and negotiations nearly one year ago. ' ' ‘ the rape charge. launch an investigation into the question of
added that the Department of Energy General Studies Junior Gary Scott. Scott County Sheriff Paul Wainscott was Aceording to witnesses of the shooting. whether Wainscott was shot with his own gun or by .
“has not done anything in the last ten who worked as a union member in critically wounded yesterday afternoon in Wainscott wasdriving his cruisereaston East Third Metro Police gunfire. The police spokesman
_ years except spend money.“ mine construction for five years before downtown Lexington when he was shot while Street. with Humphrey in the rear seat. The car declined to comment on this issue when questioned .
The union leader voiced opposition becoming a full-time student. said he transporting a prisoner to the Lexington-Fayette stopped on Third between Limestone and Walnut by the Kernel.
to the utilization of nuclear power. and fellow workers were dissatisfied County Metro Detention Center. streets when the two began to scuffle. Wainscott has been Scott County sheriff since
stating. “l don‘t think we should with their contract. the organization At midnight. Wainscott. 67. was listed in critical At least three shots were fired during the scuffle. January I978. He had been a sheriff‘s deputy since
V support an energy program that can and leadership of the union. condition at Good Samaritan Hospital. He had Wainscott received penetration wounds in the neck I970. ‘
' kill [00 thousand people in one fell Scott said he believed workers been in surgery from 4 to 8:30 pm. and arm and abrasions on the stomach. The wound to Wainscott‘s neck involved one of
swoop. accepted their latest contract because Wainscott was taking Donald Humphrey. 40. Lexington Metro police officers. responding tea the two jugular veins. the main vessels that drain
“Someone in government has got to the strike last winter lasted so long back to the Detention Center aftera hearing in the distress call the Scott Countysheriff‘s office relayed blood from the head. The wound also apparently
understand that coal is the only many ofthe Appalacian workers were Scott County Circuit Court in Georgetown. The from Wainscott at 1:34 pm. came onto Third caused nerve damage.
alternative fuel." Miller said. adding starving. Scott‘s biggest complaint was Covington native was sentenced at the hearing to l0 Street from Walnut and fired at least three rounds One source at Good Samaritan. who asked not to
that there is currently a 400-year the lack of union support of worker‘s years in prison for being a “persistent felon.“ (A into the sheriff‘s cruiser through its windshield. be named. said Wainscott appears to be paralyzed
supply of coal in this country. grievences. especially those spokesman for the Scott Countysheriff's office said Humphrey was struck in the head by the officers‘ on one side of his body.
During World War II. Miller said he concerning discrimination and safety.
3 t 7/ h th h 7/ ft d S G f
By THOMAS CLARK Brown said. “I'll try to make it. butl conflict made Brown's participation Metcalf met with Brown after the people." Brown said. answering a and-mortar work at our universiticsi
Associate Editor expect UK to support me anyway. I uncertain, conference and said Brown has question regarding faculty at the state “Brown said. "l was at UK last month.
have a long allegiance to UK » lwas Former Gov. Louie B. Nunn. promised a final decision by Monday UhiWTSlIlCS. He added after a later ll is a beautiful campus. but lWOthl’ ‘~ -
' LOUISVILLE — Democratic the youngest man ever elected to the Brown‘s Republican opponent. has on Whether he Will take part in the question that he WOUld also appoint how 300d the education is. 1> .-
gubernatorial candidate John Y. Hall of Fame. But it is a matter of also agreed to take part in the forum. forum. younger members to education boards “WC'VC 80i ‘0 keep our programs
Brown. Jr. said yesterday he is still priorities.” The two candidates would be During the conference. Brown said such as the Council on Higher 888““le Brown said.“lwould like '»
unsure whether he Will attend the Brown is a graduate of UK and the answering questions posed by a panel he favors a more Vocational Education and C°ll°89 boards 0f '0 5°C our colleges specialize "”th ;
Student Government Gubernatorial UK Law School. of students. faculty and media orientation in higher education. trustees ”6 stopped short. however. "icy 3" be“ "1- Lamb “lladlllmm
. Forum to be held at the Student 56 received confirmation of representatives, “Higher education should be of agreeing to appoint a student segment. “Ch 35 pharmacy. etc. l '~
Center on Oct. 25. Brown's appearance at the forum in a Brown said yesterday the conflict committed to business and increasing member to CHE. WOUld like 10 39‘ Kentucky have a ' .
Answering a question from UK 50 letter from his campaign headquarters arose after his campaign scheduler had economic production. I want to He also said the state needs ‘0 business 5°h°°l'“ 3
President Mark Metcalf during a last July. But two weeks ago. Brown him appearing in several places at the emphasize education that you can concentrate on building programsand The broadening Ol Kentucky‘s "i
conference with student reporters and headquarters asked 80 to postpone same time. Brown said the campaign use.“ faculties. rather than new buildings. economic base through business has ‘
leaders at his campaign headquarters. promoting the forum. as a schedule has since switched schedulers. “I want to find and hire the best “There has been too much bricks- Continued on page 3
7 State EAST KENTUCKY POWER COOPERATION the immediate conversion. fromI oil to coal. oi .‘ I. 4 ~ .
INC. was granted a Sl0.8 million rate increase electrical generating plants Md "1310’ m‘lUSlmS- oston crow greets pope . '
esterda b the Kentuck ' Ener ' R ul . Carroll said Carter was in trouble with Kentuck ' .'
/ THE NATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH 3(i‘ommisiion.y y 3) eg atory voters for administration postures on tobacco. guit 7 _ ’
INSTITUTE in Bethesda. Md. is studying possible The commission's action will boost average control and abortion. HARRY F- ROSENTHAL 1' V
links between cancer cases in Madison County and a monthly residential bills in a large area of Central and ASSOC'alCd PMS Will" l":
wood preservative used Ion ammunition cases at the Eastern Kentucky from $32.50 to $35.l3.Theincrease world -.
:1: 3:3: :LTIIyylzifcoinIny Richmond. Kyuthe depot is Effective imtiwiimly' . aosrox ~ Pope John Paul II opened a pastoral visit to his divided
Col. John Munnelly said his office had not been millfgh l‘i21urceviiouidizzrgs forfaSl‘7u71cm'lls'c Of 'SU'IX THE P V N‘ ' ‘ ‘F AmerIcan flOCk Monday. ratsmg a shepherd's owner to bless a (“1““th b“! ‘
.. commed by the institute or by the Environmental M 1978 P c 0 m' ‘0" “S l" . . A. AMA. lAN . FLAG . “AIS ““5 :D ecstatic Boston. He had words of praise and friendship but warnings. too. for '.
. . 3y - over the former canal zone yesterday as \ ice PreSIdent - . -
Protection a h h l ' hav' - - this rich and troubled nation. .
geney w ic no is ing a study Mondale looked on. .. . I .. . _ ,
, prepared. I . . Thm were no reports of me Mime some t'.S. | greet you America the Beautiful. the pope toldacheertngthrongtn Boston -
But he said he understood the institute had been EXPLORATION OF A LARGE l NDER- d ‘s h d f d n “-m t d m of Common in the first mayor address of his six-City US. tour. “I want to tell -
looking into the matter f0, some time. GROUND STREAM has led to a discovery Of a [nailing Pariaamgigns :iiraedctolwaardc a 33:: airfield everyone that lhc pol” is your friend.” ' i l
ml" llnl‘ mm" ca" sts‘ems' “dill? '5 mil” ‘0 for a ”amt" ceremom, 8 He hailed America as a free and generous land. but said its youth was being .
THE SUPREME COURT REFUSED yesterday thecragtresifrxfr?mzhifa;; me most si mfimm l‘nder the treaties President Carter and former lured from religion to the empty“escape"of sexual pleasure.drugs.violenoe and -
. . to kill a lawsuit filed against the Blue Diamond Cori‘ discover ~ I972 h l g . Panama chief of state Omar Torrinos signed in I977. indifference. . '. ' .
Co. b ISw'do of it'll d' [9768 ‘ ' » y 5m“ w e." a ”mum connecuon the zone overnmcnt also went out of existence and “l t th 0 tion of love which is the o osite of esca ." the 2
. y l “ men ' e "u cotiarr established the then l97-mile Flint-Mammoth Cave 8 . . propose 0 you c p ‘ pp PC
d'““" I“ Own Fork. KY system as me ions“, in the world. the 35.000 Americans lmns In What was the 1006 now pontiff said amid a downpour that had turned the historic common intoa sea of .
’ arthi‘therlilam‘bey" B‘l‘ii‘ehoDiarftzlh‘dmlTwyrgmihataih: The discovery resulted from exploration 0f the ari'hudlyfc‘llt: Paszgdzigtlilorhlagzlnamanians charged mud. . k ' n b i.
_ corn h Id ”*1. bl f d T Amos Hawkins River. a large underground stream w' h 0 i'iktin time the lone w relsub’ect to As many as 400.000 people crowded the par . wavmg ags. aInners. .
,' pany ’ on m l'. ‘ .°' "“3“ he ca.“ found May 27» 'l. C mm" ll c s m c l handkerchiefs and whatever else was available as the pope. dressed in white and
_-_ now returns to US. Diatnct Judge H. Dawd Us. laws. » ~ . - ‘
} Hermansodrfer Jr. in Pikeville for further ' gold. raised his arms tn blessing. . - - -
t proceedings. naflon weather The crowds had stood under umbrellas. singing while they waited for the
t? Fifteen miners were killed March 9. I976 when pontiff. wholanded at Boston‘s Logan Airport in mid-afternoon. His motorcade .
. . . l; methane gll exploded in Scotia Coal Co.‘s mine at AT THE SOUTHERN covcnnoas' THE RAIN THAT HAS DISAPPEAREDfor the "0'“ ”W “"90” '3" “b0“? 40. minu‘“ "“- ”P" “h" l" “mu" ”pmcm . .
: I. 0"“ ,F°'k l“ ”"l Lml‘" Counly- ASSOCIATION yesterday In New Orleans the last mum days. looks as though I, may reappear W along Beacon Street. standing in an open car. his arms outstretched. the throng .
i Beginning its l979-80 term with astorm of activity. governors supported the deregulation ofoil prices and another day or so. There is a chance of Showers this broke "“0 shouts and COW“ a
‘ ' ' I "l“ ““0“" ”the" court "turned from I three- the wider use of coal. morning. but otherwise, the mt of the d...» shoutd Umbrellas were lowered as the stirring hymn “Praise to the Lord. the ; .
I | month recess to issue orders in more than 800 legal Gov. Julian Carroll said President Carter was in partly sunny. hreely and cooler with highs in the Almighty"signaled the pope‘sarrival. He stood onthe altar. brightly spotlighted 5.
. °°“"°"°"'e‘- "O“blc in his ¢°'l°P'°d“Cl“8 “I“ for not ("duo‘s upper 605 against the dusk. and began the mass: “In the name of the Father and of the Son t '
. and of the Holy Ghost. Contllllted on p... 3 :
i "' "" ~I-rwrw-‘0vwa—ov-av-"W“““I "~' ~w-g.........~u...........—..'... .. ~>t - . 44:, . , .. ., ',v. >. »..«. ‘IIII .._ , _,I --. . . v:

mey Me New Jay Fo-att see" Money Mart Green M Chet Gary Land-I i
r “410' in “WI ”WWI Edum Tar-a V0"! M Man- . Entertainment Editor Director 0/ Photography ‘
Assm‘i’ole Izklitor Item Manon-Id
e ”e Cary Wlh Lha Dull Cindy McGee J.“ Ch, 0"“ Maynard
Managing Editor Editorial Editor K“, St” Sports Editor Photo Manager I
‘ t
, \ O - ('upl' Editors m “M.“
ed ltaials & Comments Assistant Spoils Editor 3
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Brown satten ance at orum - 3
- . .3 i
would help students vote Wise/y « .
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John Y. Brown Jr., the Democratic gubernatorial for the political importance of the 22,000-plus UK 3, 5’ 33 m 33 h a r; . 3
candidate for governor, says he means business. population — a substantial voting bloc. 3 3 $3 3 a 3333 Q l \ r
if he is elected governor. he says he will: help bring Yesterday, Brown said he expects to carry the UK \ w m m i.
' business to Kentucky‘s coal industry; keep the votes in the gubernatorial election. But as of yet, he Q 3 33
3 business in the state; and build a state government has not given students any reason to vote for him. -33 . ' “a .
which can deal with Kentucky's problems in a Simply being a UK graduate and a Incmber of the 3 O. ' . ,t. .-‘t 33* 3 ' 3 3i
business-like manner. school's Hall of Fame does not entitle him to a fi 3’ O. 3» V 3 “’3 \9 * 3 3
But a method of business which includes delaying student‘s 3vote. ResponSible votes are {“‘d‘ on the i .3“ 3.3. 3 “it-v, 3N. 33,,fitbi'v ' _ t
matters which theUKcommunitydeems important, is .bas” 0f issues and a candidates opinion on these -,, riot"? 1, .. ‘M '
a business UK can do without. issues. . . . . ‘ . - .» "3,. 3 .5 ‘ 3 .
3 The issues in this campaign are not whether a o. d‘ ...: , V ‘3
More than two months 88.0‘ UK 5 Student ' former boxing champion supports a candidate \ ..3“ ‘ “J “ , ”I
Government received a confirmation from the Brown because he believes in “truth and people" or whether ft [ , j“ k‘
campaign headquarters stating that Brown woutd the school will have championship football and ...7 It 0 '
appear with Republicantcandidate Louie Nunn m basketball teams if he is elected. The issues are deeper If I 3 t ‘ 3\
SC” Oct. 25 Gubernatorial Forum. than the superficial aspects of college life which no I - “ ' it"; ' 3H,. .334;
Consequently, members or 80‘s political affairs Brown has seen fit toemphasize in his brief encounters ‘33 5'37} CD “iii-9‘ '
committee put to long hours in trying to set “P the with the UK community. The issues revolve around .3 I 9/ ’
debate. They had to contact students as well as faculty the purpose of education and its role in the state. i 3 3 :3
and media representatives to serve on the panel which In his press conference yesterday. Brown said he L LP" 1:. u
would question the two candidates. They had to favors many ideas that students have advocated. He Ce ,, mxm. :
secure a place where the forum could be held. They also said he differed with student opinion on others. it i “NE A W...
had to, deCide how and when to advertise the forum. is these differences which demand his attendance at
In a nutshell, they spent precious time and money in the 80 forum. '
trying to put together a good. representative debate. lf Brown doesn‘t attend the forum, he's not only _ 3 , l 3 t
Then, a little less than two weeks ago, Brown's leaving 80 in the cold, he's foregoing a valuable n A i3 ‘ i i i i i it ‘3‘ 3
campaign headquarters called 86 and said to hold opportunity for UK students to hear his views on 3, “F \_ 3' 3 i - ' L A» ""2
back on promotion of the forum. They cited issues they consider critical. Brown‘s absense would ‘ d it i l l i \ l l P i . k
“scheduling difficulties.” leave students with only Nunn‘s opinions and K“ ¢ 1 3 ii j i i i 33‘ J i
Still citing “scheduling difficulties,“ Brown answers, but at least they will have a candidate‘s \ — g, LS‘ .. 3 33“ ” " J x l
promised 50 President Mark Metcalf at yesterday‘s opinions and answers. “WEN .
press conference in Louisville that he would give 50 John Y. Brown‘s supporters should convince him / ‘ SH S D t ‘ ~ - ~ ‘ ‘E ‘ 3 " . .
an answer Monday as to whether he can attend the that he is not a shoe-in for UK‘s support. Ignoring HeYhC‘L‘FB ... .RK 3 FEDE 3:“ a 3
Oct. 25 debate. students during his campaign is not the way to ,‘ CURE? CECE) Lg ' 3 '\3 R AL R . “ 3
Although Brown may actually have a scheduling convince them that he believes in young people and fijR’fN‘ ‘30 . I ' ‘N a ‘ ‘ x “x .\ 3 E SERXI‘ ';
conflict that prevents his presence at the forum, it wants to make the state a better place for them or L;‘3\§‘ Tr‘i‘ 3,33 2 W33 ‘ ‘ 3 33. \\ , \V ' E ii
appears that he doesn‘t have an extremely high regard anyone else. 3 1815359“.- 3'3 '3 . , . 3 ,' __\3 i ‘ \\ \333 ',=
' 1 r27 Nave! a”... 3 . 3f F ‘* t [7 \\ :
86 t ' ' t t' d ' l was " 3 ’l f ‘ ‘ * " “
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. v r s regis ra I n rive ! .33 3,3. s33 33 3 fl 3 3, >
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eaves writer ee ing apat etlc . , \i. w i. fl
. .. , it _ U" ' 0,, t“. l 32
By NANCY GWINN Republican. But no, I was Just a carefully superVismg my apprentice- 3 . “h ilk/"2" .3 33V): ‘3 , 3
volunteer SG worker. So were they ship. «a C)” , ,847‘5- 3:? 3 3 .
At four o‘clock it was raining. The and one was probably a Young 3A few people welcomed us, a 3 3' 3‘ 33 /1 " 3 ’ r w“. i t 3 3
voter‘s registration table I was Democrat. besides if I was the third distraction to the never-ending - 3 n ‘\ g. Q; h; v ‘ j M
supposed to sit at was there in Blazer. personh then 1 was supposed to be cafeteria line: Some were enthusiastic °‘ - (,5 3!. Q .3 ‘12,: 7 3, K '
So I walked across the street to the Republican. but then there seemed to enough to discuss the gubernatorial ‘ “HM \. K 33-3-1: ~33 .3331: .
Student Government office. John be a shortage of them too. elections, and talked about who they ‘ '
Stocker and Lori Fuller were idle in were soins to vote for. M9“ needed
. me,gm::rficggeirgnsgheurbrilla staff 32°.sidizzzwszsisistzmts; .
W1! 00. as ,ieteunamllar ‘ ' .
soulhwherre‘ the two peoplle ahsigiied to column fizdgsryand turned away, or were too Letters to the Edltar
wor wit me were. t in one ~ ______________________.____._—__
m: “‘4‘“ .. m ——.—.—— ...;z:.::::‘::: si’féf‘ibiilefi'iifilfi c. h 22:21:; .{thatassists as”: 3.2:: “32:32:? 222:: '
i. t W en an . mun I .m., t C ‘ t . 9 .
3&3]:er “3:23.33 arey the forms?” I beganto line upforpwhat smellitdlliitltii: the usual question and one of them Ban up t e gorge also. something about the gorge, enjoy the .
asked. could bedinner. The ling in front of“; hostilely told me he wasn’t 80m8i0 ii" On any given Sunday, the number So until we demand a tough anti- fallcolors, and help pick up some trash .
“There aren‘t any, we ran out this seemed almost oblivious to our out any form where you had to write 0t stickers 0“ parked cars in the Red litter law from Frankfort, volunteers — YOU'dJUSt sleep late and waste most .
afternoon” was something like the presence. I soon found that a closed your color to a little squarebox. The River Gorse make some places l°°k are needed “Ch year to help clean up Of the day. anyway. >
answer. I went to the bathroom. mouth meant an empty booth (as any words “b“t [had my too,"trickled out like small UK parkinglots.Those 0t us the gorse after the summer‘s barrage .
weighing the pros and cons of giving camic knows_) Heck, who reads signs Of my mouth» bttt it didn't SOUDd like who use and enjoy public lands in the of trash. The Sierra Club and the Ken Vessels '
up and going home.Whenlcame back unless they‘re red octagons? So the "we" 0‘ a" "8mm" When One 8“! some need to help keep them clean Forest Service have organized aclean- Entomolos! Junior =
lspottedasmall stack of the forms on sign didn‘t really do much for our saw the box labled “color“ he asked t00- UP 0‘ the Red River Gorge each {3" {0' UK Outdoor Club -‘ i
the table. cause. it was like campaigning, only “of what?" Your skin, '10! your Pot-bellied beer guzzlersand luxury ten years now. Everyone interested in . . '
A paper strike in the land of voter‘s this time it wasn‘t for my 50 roomie. it underwear - must have been a car “nature-cruisers" bring millions 0f helping with this year‘s clean-up Englnearlng facts
registration forms had caused such a was for voter registration. All kinds of Yankee 0' something. “N0 Deposit-No Return" bottles and ShOUId ShOW UP at Whittleton Arch .
severe shortage that the voter‘s people filled out the tedious forms It there had. beenababy around, i cans into Powell County each year, Campground in Natural Bridge State The article 0“ enrollment on the .
registration office wasn't doling any asking them to declare their party would have kissed "3“ ‘t would have but since there‘s no chOSil. there‘s no Park this Saturday morning. Oct. 6, front page Of the Sept. 25 issue °t the
out to private groups. John Y.Brown‘s affiliation and all that stuff, after I spurred some of the line-waiters to fill return home of many of these between 9 and ID a.m. it‘s off the Kernel contained a quotation by Dr. ' 3.
people had been very generous in continually mentioned what a good “3‘ a form. containers. The small words “Dispose Mountain Parkway, Slade exit, 2 Ockerman, dean of admisstons and
sharing their forms, but the will of idea it was. :Wanna 3'8" uP ‘0 V0te?" of Properly” printed on each container miles south on KY ll —anystate map registrar, Wht‘th is misleading. The
Student Government could not Form filling is an exact science. I don‘t even read the newspaper,“ seem to magically absolve our will show you how to get there. So quotation implied that the ShSht
overcome a paper strike. Some guy at the Political Affairs was one answer. _ 3 wasteful, trash-breeding brewers and shove your chemistry book back under reduction in enrollment in the College
Anyway, I reached for the last few, Committee meeting had passed the “How about registering t° V°te7 lt‘s of Engineering this fall is due 10 an
when Lori told me that a girl with word that the man downtown threw a good idea, you know.” ' admissions policy designed t0 restrict . 3
brown hair had just left with some to the forms away if they were not filled “No my. l’m apathetic!“ bragged Leflers pallcy enrollment in the College and reduce . i
take to Blazer. So I grabbed a sign, out properly. I had to be alen while one3curly—headed dormie. The fat guy overcrowding. In fact, the Collese 4
borrowed two pens from Lois the scribbling hands went through boxes behind h‘m assured h'm “tot he didn‘t Letters, opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple- d0“ have limited resources and it is
secretary and waded back. and blanks. I had gone through a know sucha braggart. But the fat guy spaced. and must include the writer's signature, address and ' conceivable that enrollment could
Pam Spencer and this guy were practice drill of filling out my own dtdo‘t 5'3“ up either. phone number. UK students should include their year and major increase ‘0 the point where I.
sitting sheltered comfortably from form while Pam, who had the Feel apathetic? Frankly, so do 1' ' and University employees should list their position and overcrowding would "Shit- However.
rain Just outside the cafeteria door. experience of many previous Nancy cm is IKenId reporter. department. our main reason for introducing an ‘.
They were both hoping that l was the registration tables behind her. She ll I JO'II'IIOMJIIMOI’. admissions policy was to improve the
quality of the engineering profession
U - —. ' ‘ h in
WWW“ ttte‘l'o‘t' WW @WIICIIINL B/Alttal‘r van—i: .. o mu misstatements. 1
ti WANT T0 CHANQE l HOU (C if iniERE l5 lN. MR. Above placed on thenusberofstudentswho ‘
- L9 UKE To NECK ONE FLEASE may enroll in the College of
‘ 3"“ ”he T° , RUN FOR GOVERNOR /o‘ W'N‘ 6* A “”5”“ Engineering.
None OF THE MOVE or ammo“ GOVER NOR y Engineering enrollment in the ..
6 , ‘ nation‘s universities is higher than it '
. ® 3 / Pmt NAME 3 . has ever been. The demand fort| . 3
I : en 'neerin is such that even wit :
, . i I - JOHN Y' BROWN ‘ _ 9‘, the“; highgnrollments. there are more 3 3
__£ { I! I LOUIE 53 NUNN ’ - jobs than there are engineers to fill ' ;
. h b V ., t ' them. We are committed to offering a . ;
Im NONE. 0F HEM/E . | ' fine educational experience in g .
s ___._.;. l l‘ ‘ engineering to all of Kentucky‘s young 3 l
. 1 "a. i Y 1' . {i I 1‘ | men and women who can sustain the , 3 I
'. I. 3.3 rigors of our program.
i l ', ‘
‘ 5' i —“ 'T ”memo" _‘— 2mudflmmm
f3 3- . .... .. 3 ..3. .3...~~.ra,33...3 ...a.‘.'.., , . . - ._.w-‘.‘~~W¢w~3.‘.~y~-r./a" - -v-«~. >3. . . ‘3 '..~"" ..,._33_ 33 3'33_3_,'_ , . 3333“ “"13"“ 33 33
,' H _ ' 3‘ 3 33 hi 3 ' 3 . '. .. '3 . 3 > I ‘ ' {mm---.. ... _. ..~._, _____3_____ __3._‘3 3 ,

 I i . . _ _
THE KENTl ('KY KERNEL. Tuesday. October 1. "79-3
" S ' h Cart ' t I ' d dd ess
owet troops pose no t root, or says I“ e GVISB a l‘
l, FRANK CORMIER ment” that the troops are SALT ll. signed by Carter and said Soviet officials had were dealt with in a personal . "i think we can salvage the said he was disappointed that ‘
Allocated Press Writer manning a training center in Soviet President Leonid indicated.“they will not change exchange last week between SALT ll treaty. and l'm (arter did not win a
Cuba and offer no directthreat ' Brerhvnev. its function or stature as a Carter and Brezhnev. looking for a way to do it “ commitment to remove or
WASHINGTON — Presi- to US. security. In recent weeks. Carter had training center.“ Carter sent a message to (hutch said “i don‘t think dismantle the brigade and he
dent Carter reported to the , said the United States would “We understand this to mean Brezhnev last Tuesday. it was that SALT is scuttled. I believe said the issue could not be
t l nation last night that the Soviet INevertheless. the president act on its own to change the that they do not intend to learned.and the Russianleader that a way can be worked out separated from SALT Ii
1 Union is not removing its “"1: “We shall not rest onIIthese situation if no agreement could enlarge the unit or give it replied on Thursday. that is satisfactory to the dellbcraltons,
i troops from Cuba. but he said sow" statements alone. fwd be reached with the Soviets. additional capabilities.“ Carter Earlier yesterday. SC". Senate. Sen. John Tower. R-lexas.
the controversy “is certainly no .hc announced that the US '5 On one such occasion. he said, said. Frank Church.Ichairman ofthe Reaction to the (‘arter said. "I don‘t think the
I' : reason {0” return to the Cold increasmg its own military “The status quo is not The president also reported Senate Foreign Relations address was mixed on (‘apital president is domg anything to
' War“ and should not block presence m the Caribbean. acceptable." assurances that the Soviet Committee. met with the Hill. but it was clear that show that we mean business...l
’ Senate approval of an arms The president said a far In his nationally broadcast personnel on the island “will president for a ’33" hour Carter‘s SPCCCh did “0‘ We“ ”Wk many Americans Wl“ be
treaty. greater threat than the Soviet speech last night. Carter said not beathreat to the US. orto briefing on Carters speech. Senate concernsI . disappomted and l thIiInk very
' Carter said he has received troops in Cuba would result if Soviet officials insisted to him any other nation.“ The Idaho Democrat said he Sen. Richard Stone. [)-Ha.. few will be reassured.
' “assurances from the highest the Senate refuses to ratify the that the brigade is a training it was understood that the thought SALT ll could be
A levels of the Soviet govern- strategicarms limitation treaty. unit. and notacombat unit. He SoViet assurances Carter Cited salvaged.
‘ ' h Pa I I] U m i“
i O A
. Boston/ans greet POPE JO n U we
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§ Continued from page] jet in a brilliant red robe. and Mrs. Thomas P. “Tip" POlISh "WSW” , . , ‘0 t e "0 en“ "‘3‘ has '0'“ ' ' ‘34
_ E The motorcade had changed kneeled at the bottom of the O‘Neill Jr.. former Speaker The P0Pcs U-S- IVIS" ‘5 a Northern Ireland apart.
. its route to avoid a ramp and kissed American John W. McCormack. Sen. continuation S“ a trium