xt7crj48sm8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sm8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-07-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 24, 2008 2008 2008-07-24 2020 true xt7crj48sm8f section xt7crj48sm8f Fall Fashion

Get ready for a new season with feathered
accessories and bright floral patterns






JULY 24, 2008





Demolition continues for CentrePointe block



Lexrngton reSIdent KeVin Daringer, center, watches as the Rite Aid Pharmacy budding is demolished yesterday evening Daringer talked with Pdil'le Keilv 'iatt

Michaels about the block's demolition to make way for the CentrePointe project

Dy Blair Thomas


Demolition of the remaining
buildings on the downtown block
where CentrePointe is planned to be
built began. last night.

Bulldo/ers worked to tear down
the Rite Aid Pharmacy building while
crowds of people gathered to watch
and cars drove by honking. fists wav-
ing out the window.

“I can‘t believe the people. such a
contrast." said Gary Michaels. Le.»
iiigton resident. “For some people it's
a spectacle. for others it‘s a loss."

Thc demolition went into the
night until the entire pliarriiacy was

Circtiit .ltidge Pamela Goodwine
ruled Tuesday that no provisions of
the law allow for a halt of demolition
to the block and gave the go-ahead to
rare the remaining buildings.

She ruled against an initinction
filed by Preserve Lesington to stop
demolition until a September meeting
with the Planning Commission. with
whom they filed an appeal.

Preserve Levington. a historic
preservation group. filed the appeal
against the unanimous decision


Sheila and Judson Ridgwav of Lexmgton watch with their family as the Rite Aid ”my

macv Building on the corner of timestone and Main Street


made in late lune by the Courthouse
.-\rea Design Review Board to grant
permits for the demolition of the

.-\ city ordinance. which estab~
lished the Courthotise Area Design
Zone. allows for an appeal to the
Planning Commission but does not

.\' l£\\'S‘ Butters

KET examines Kentucky,
China connection

While the world looks to China for
the upcoming ()ly'mpic (iames. Ken—
tiicky can explore its connections to the
country Sunday night when Ciliren
Ki'iirm'lcv/Cilimn ('hr'nu.‘ Hope for (I
New Century airs on KliTl ,

'lhe imignmi. airing at I030 pm. is a
result of a two-year exploration of the con-
nections between Kentucky and China
through commerce. education and the arts.
religion. adoptions. health came and news
and sports. said Executive Producer and
UK p'ofessor Buck Ryan in a news release

Dispelling misconceptions. con-
fronting fears. improving schools and
selling opportunities are the four main
focuses of the program.

UK solar car team crosses
finish line

After 24.000 miles and I0 days on
the road. the UK Solar Car team and the
(iato Del Sol lll crossed the finish line
yesterday in Calgary. Alberta. Ctuvada.

The team finished llth in the race
with a final standing time of “10:33:24.
after facing obstacles that ranged from
heavy cloud coverage to potholes.

By crossing the finish line. the UK
Solar Car team achieved their goal of
finishing the race.

rad crowned Miss
enucky, heads to national

Last Saturday. UK graduate limily'
(‘ox was crowned Miss Kentucky and
will go on to represent the state at the
Miss America pageant. Cox. who
plans on earning a doctorate in phar—
macy. w as crowned Miss Bowling
Green before the Miss Kentucky
pageant. which took place at the Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts.

Cox was selected as the Kentucky
representative out of 3| other girls in
the competition.

Cox‘s platform. “Ur“quely Me."
promotes self-esteem in adolescent

As a recipient of an $8.000 scholar-
ship. Cox will go on to study at UK's
College of Pharmacy and will serve as
the spokesperson for the Kentucky De-
partment of Agriculture‘s “No lfs. Ands
or Butts It‘s the l aw" program edu
eating the (ommonwealth about the
laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco
products to minors and the penalties for
breaking the law.

Cox will travel to Las V‘gas to
compete in the Miss Amenea pageant
on Jan. 24. 2009.

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

5 two down yesterday

provide fora stay of action tiiitil the
commission meets. The Planning
Commission tentatively set a hearing
for Sept. IX.

“Even though we still legally can

meet for the appeal in September.

since the judge w ouldn't stop demoli
tion there w ill be nothing torus toapv


flyAllie Garza

agarza@kykernel C (W

Nathaniel Edwards was tired. ltllllr
gry and smiling. As he asked his peers
of different mas
matched recycled items with
their source during a checkpoint on

about the "life-cycle"
terials. he and his teammate.

campus yesterday.
They were racing

Edwards. (iudc and H other mid-

dle school students were

against two other lS-pei'son teams
around Lexington to complete The

. and Gary


peal." said Hay word \‘i'ilkirson. presi—
dent of the board of Preserve Leving

Dev elopcrs Dudley and Woodloi'd
Webb can move forward with con-
struction of the S‘SVSlOl'). $250 million
luvury high»rise hotel. condominium.
retail and restaurant protect. (iood
vvinc said. However she is "totally
d‘ appointed" that the developers
were not in court to answer questions
about their development

.»\ccording to court
(ioodwiiie said she hoped to ask the
developers about the concept oi their
design "and \\lt_\ there was no corny
iiiuiiity involvement."

'()ur downtown belongs to all cit
i/cns. not rust the developers of this.
project." (iotxlwinc said l‘tiesday

(ioodvviiie said that while the dc
vclopers purchased the block and it is
now private property. the l\\og\c.tl
planning stages of the proicct could
have included community input in
stead of taking place behind closed

Phone calls to the \Vebbs were not
returned by press time.

\Mlkiisoii s nd the C ollcge ot Dc

t‘s‘ci ii‘ils.

s‘: 9 Demolition l‘ in 6



for block

E_miy Convert


The UK College of Design hosted
a discussion and presentation on alter-
native design strategies for Lexington‘s
proposed CentrePointe development
Monday. featuring ideas brainstormed
by UK students.

Three teams of four UK architec-
tural design students gathered to create
altemative concepts for CentrePointe
Monday after a weekend-long design
"charrette." a workshop focused on a
design solution. The teams. led by de—
sign faculty members from the Univer—
sity of Illinois. the University of South~
ern California and UK. put together fu—
turistic concepts for what the block be—
tween Main. Upper. and Vine streets
and Limestone could look like.

The current plans for the block
consists of one 35»story tower that
would host a hotel. condominium. of—
fice and retail complex. The design.
which could cost $250 million. would
raze all the remaining buildings on the

While the students~ designs were
conceptual and not full—scale. they of—
fered ideas about creating more public
space and changing the design to mul—
tiple towers. said Michael Speaks. dean
of the L K College of Design.

“All three teams‘ designs keep
much of the evisting buildings that
have been deemed historical. including
w licrc lhc Dame was. Speaks said.
"They also find a place and keep the
farmers market "

During the 48-hour workshop, stu~
dents worked to analy/e the site and
the problems facing it. Then. during a
presentation to the community on
Monday. students revealed models and
.iniiiiations of their ideas to an audi-
ence of about ()0 people. including
Vice Mayor Jim Gray and several other
city officials.

"In order to hurld. developers want»
ed to tear down important. historical
buildings and the farmers market."
Speaks said “It‘s paradosical that this is
at a time w lien Levington is concern: l
with keeping creative people here. It‘s
good to have these social and cultural

Speaks said students were selected

‘92 c Design or page 6

green for Amazing Race


rac i ng


Amazing Race' (loing (ireen. By gor

ing “green students
foot around [.eviiigton.

traversed on
including .i

walk from Rupp Arena to the Student


The “racing" concept stems from
the CBS reality show~ l'lir' rimming
two must race across the world. \l‘lll-
plete challenges and oiitw it their com-

Lesington‘s Ania/mg Race asked
these middle school students to do iiist
that on a local level.

Hosted by Levingtoii liay'ette l‘r—
ban County Government Parks a:
Recreation and partnered with l'K
Student Affairs and Homing. 45 nud-
dle school students from the REAL
(Recreation Enrichment And Leam»
ingi Middle School Summer Camp
started their day at the Lexington Her-

in which contestants in teams of

Shane, ladder director of sustainabilitvt


or Office of Resrdence Lite, introduces the

Recycling t hiitlenec to the second groi in from the Aniaiing Race Going Green chal

cone on lllPStler r the Student Center
.ild-l.eadei' on Midland Avenue and
were on campus near noon.

Shane Tedder. sustainability coor
dinator for the Office of Residence
Life. met each group of students and
challenged them to the recycling “life—
cycle" game Students had to CUIll'
plete the game in order to advance to
the nest checkpoint: lunch.

With lunch complete. students had
to locate Baldwin Hall and find the
one door that was unlocked in the

three—story building.

Overall. the students were on cam-
pus for almost three and a half hours
before they departed to Calvary Bap-
tist (‘hureh Front there. they had
more tasks to complete until the Win-
ning team arrived at the Courthouse
and were given the title of winners in
the Amazing Race.

The winners won a pizza party for
the rest of the camp. and ice cream
sundaes for their team.

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 2572872

| l


 PAGEZ] Thursday July '24 soon

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the day’s
rating 70 is the easrestday, 0 the
most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 _., Y0ur luck has just changed
for the better it'll be that way for a
while. Better hurry and start new pro
jects now, while you’ve got the edge
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 6 — You’re gomg to be getting
pressure from a very assertive per-
son. You may want to tell this jerk to
back off. Think twice before you do

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is an 8 — The hard part is just about
over Soon, the celebration w-ll begin
Better pick up a few extra chips and
dips. Be prepared for dropin company

4puz com

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 w Get ready to make the next
big career leap You have a hidden
advantage, and you don't have to say
what it is. You don't even have to
know what it Is

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a 9
-2. You're anxious to make things
happen. Don't disappornt your fans
They're waiting to see an excellent

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today is
a 6 4—7 You don't have to tell your
friends how you're amassing your
fortune it's better it you don't, actu-

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 rrrrr Your Social life is more
active This WIII not be a burden; it'll
be lots of fun Better get 3 new out-
fit, or two or three

Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 By now you should know
what needs to be done to achieve
your goals You'll have to make last-

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Keme' ‘ Q|

minute adjustments, but mostly
you'll follow your plan

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 9 ~--— Your enthusiasm
knows no bounds. If your resources
are limited, zero problemo You'll
get out and have a great time any-


Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19)
Today is a 5 # Give your household
a little extra attention now
Something needs to be changed or
fixed, and you know what it is

Aquarius (Jan. 20 ~ Feb. 18)

Today is an 8 w A person who's
provrding assistance can aiso pro,
vide a few valuable tips Ask ques
tions and learn as much as you can
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) Today
is a 7 ~ The money should start
showing up any day Projects you
begin now pay better than usual, and
bring in even more later, in residuals

(Ci 2008 Tribune Media Services, lnc


Today’ 5
' Sponsored By:



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Aniston jets off to Europe to
meet her musician beau!

‘I'Ile Di 8H


Is Jcnnifcr Aniston. 3‘). go—
ing from actrcsis to groupic'.’ A
(cw wccks back. a sourcc told
Us shc was “unsurc about
building a rclationship with a
musician," But hcr rcccnt ac—
tions show s'hc's anything but
hcsitant. Aftcr John Maycr. .10.
left L,A. for (‘opcnhagcn on
Junc IX hc will be on tour
and away from LA. for six
weeks ~~ it was a mcrc thrcc
days bcl’orc thc actrcss flew to
Europc‘ to be closer to the

Whilc Mayer performed in
The Hague in thc Netherlands
on June 22. Aniston hung out in
London. where she got a marti—
pcdi in hcr Dorchcstcr hotcl
suite. thcn dincd with pals at La
Famiglia, The next day. the
couple rcunitcd in Amstcrdam.
and at presstimc she was cs»
pcctcd to join Maycr on tour.
As for thcir continued chem-
istry, “Jcn fccls \cry safe with
him. and hc enjoys taking carc
of her." says a source. And pal
David Arqucttc thinks the pair
are a perfect match. Hc told Us
on Junc 2i . "Thcy'rc great?"


When it comcs to parenting.
thrcc can bc a crowd. Just ask
cxcs Bridgct Mo} nahan and
Tom Brady. 3i) -. who arc
clcarl) liming issucs ovcr thcir
custody arrangcmcnt and
Brady ‘s currcnt gal pal. (iisclc
Bl'ndchcn. 27. “Tom kccps
changing plans at thc last
minute. and Bridgct is bcnding
ovcr backward to accommodatc
him." a pal of thc actrcss tclls


1 Professor in Clue
5 African master
10 Tom War here
14 Notes after do
15 Loop-the—loop
and flame
16 Toothpaste
17 Buttertingers s
18 405-505
19 What the nose
20 Start of a

4 Planted a red
hemng. say
5 Uncle Remus
6 Flying things
7 A word before
you go
8 Semimonthly
9 Computer text
to The gamut
it Act ol betrayal
that appears
12 Blood-typing

55 An Allman

56 First name in

58 Super stars

59 Sch at Amherst

60 Koran taith

62 Fired

63 The lady s

64 T-shirt Sizes.

65 A word bet ire
you go

37 Bill. the “Somme

38 Guerrilla

39 Greet the Villain

4‘. Wade 7

45 Missmg GI.

46 Looker

50 Schulz beagle

53 Folder for

54 Beatnik's “Got it'


nstorante order
for the famity
23 Shippers chores
24 "Wake Up. Little

25 Fr holy woman
28 Drivers lic
30 Shed tools
32 Folk Singer
35 More 01 the order
40 Boxing venue
42 Greet casually
43 “The Thin Man”

44 More of the order

47 Bashful

48 in any way

49 Part of CBS

5t “Wheel of
Fortune" buy

52 Rust. 9 g

57 The blahs

61 End of the order

64 PlayStation 2

66 to say II'llS.
but .


68 Singer Lovett
Cmise ship

70 your. , , 7'

71 Watermelon

72 Farming swords

73 Tom Sawyer

1 Logic exermse
2 Sierra
3 Called the game

t3 690- baby
2‘ Cell impulse
22 Goose egg
26 Pearly whites
27 English test
29 Pear variety
31 Actress Gardner
32 Boxing venue
33 lke's veep
34 Where an ace

might be

36 Sound of relief




I 2 3 4
















67 Presidential office



























i "Stop iii"
5 Nails may cause
10 Shipboard shoot
14 .- thendly
15 Plan again. as
t6 Victor Borge. e g
17 Hodgepodge
t8 Verse units
19 Gem mined in
20 Where to stand
23 Lulu
24 Madeline of
25 Bacchic
27 Shoncircuit
30 Short rest
32 Collect tor a
33 root
34 Tell just about
37 Unit of energy
38 Reps
4t Wonder
42 Uptignt
44 Short-bird
45 Mexican last
47 Narrow
49 Spins on the ice
50 Wobble
52 Certain
s4 Where to reiax7
60 Hyped-uc
62 Impoirte looks
63 Follow orders
54 Lummox
65 Gambling game
66 Poke larOundl
67 Rope fiber
68 Promise
69 Jazz sessions

l Pairs
2 KonTiki
Museum site
3 Diamond who
sang “Sweet

4 RUSSian
5 Scare
6 Hear of
7 Arsenal supply
8 Cologne that
9 Never—maimed
10 Big flap
1 t Where to enjoy
12 Broadcasting
13 Cries from a
21 Throws caution
to the Wind
22 “Dangerous"
McGrew of
26 Soda can ring

27 Arboretum Sight

28 Unyielding

29 Where to

30 Picks

31 Eve‘s second

33 Game With a
library and
billiard room

35 Mil noshow

36 Mrs Truman

39 Chinese

40 Kick oil

43 Up to now

46 Mythical women

48 Yr end month

49 Arrow on a

50 Instruct

51 Colonel's

52 Line from the

55 Siamese sound

56 Gala

57 Orchestra

58 Cheep digs

59 Gives the once-

61 Econ. yardstick

‘1 v


2 3 4


















































Ilot Stuff. "It’s hard for hcr to
go on with hcr lilc and go on
auditions and cxplorc ncw pro-
_jccts.“ [:vcn morc frustrating?
"Hc changcs his plans based on
(iisclc‘s schcdulc. like when
shc has to bc in LA. to do a
shoot!" Perhaps the Ncw Eng—
land Patriots quarterback had a
solution in mind when he
lookcd at houscs in Bcvcrly
Hills Junc l6. Says a witncss,
"The homes sccmcd vcry fami~
ly-l‘ricndly and 'Iikr: they would
be good for kids."


thn a pal pulled into
Kevin chcrlinc‘s driveway rc~
ccntly, hc rcvvcd his engine to
announce his arrival. But it was
nap timc..and “Kevin worried
thc boys would wake up." a
source says. chcrlinc. 30. re-
taliated after 3 arm. that night.
rcvving his truck outsidc the
house of thc pal, also a dad.
"Hc wantcd him to sec how it


Spencer Pratt and Heidi
Montag have their sights set far
bcyond The Hills. “We‘re going
to Africa this year ..... WC want
to do all we can to hclp fight
hunger." Pratt, 24. told Hot
Stuff at the Boost Mobilc
RockCorps LA. concert. The
pair who voluntccrcd last
October for World Htingcr Rc—
Iicf chk ._ arc making a dif»
fcrcncc at homc too. "Wc turn
off the lights and watcr." Mon»
tag. 21. says. Dcspitc thcir glo»
bctrotting plans. Montag is still
focusing on licr singing carccr.
Produccr —Rcd()nc. who has
worked with Shakira. is writing
music for her next CD. Rchnc

tclls Us. "Hcr voice is rcall)


Jcnnifcr Hudson has landed
a Harvard hottic! The actress.
26. who split from her longtimc
bcau. maintenance cnginccr
.lamcs Payton. is getting serious
with Chicago lawyer (and Har—
vard Law grad) David ()tunga.
28. who appeared on I Love
Ncw York 2. “She wants to get
cngagcd." a sourcc tclls‘ Hot
Stuff. For his pan. Otungu tells
Us, "Jcnnifcr is a wonderful


Even with her millions of
dollars, Kathy Hilton still has to
do some dirty work. Thc fa-
mous mom was spotted in
L.A.’s Fred Segal store on June
lo returning hubby Rick‘s Fa-
thcr's‘ Day gifts from Nicky
Hilton: a $134 robe and a $285
jewelry box. Seen in the bou-
tiquc a day earlier? Salma
Hayck. 4]. who was dealing
with a curb craving in the
shop‘s Mauro’s Cafe. “Shc orv
dcrcd pasta. but thc kitchen was
closed." a source tells Hot
Stuff. “Shc said. ‘Arc you scri-
ously telling me there‘s no way
you can find some pasta?” th
anothcr awkward cncountcr: A
sourcc says that a clerk rcccntly
struggled to find ncwly split
Liv Tylcr‘s storc rccord until
thc actress, 3l W rcfcrring to
hcr marricd namc , said. “Oh.
I‘m still using Langdon." Who
kncw rctail could bc so rough?





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lhursday o
July 24, 2008 .
P890 3 teaturéstykeinel Lam


Features Editor
Phone 257 l9l5


Accent tall with flowers and feathers

Just yesterday I returned front a little (and my
\ery first I know. can you believe it?) trip to
THE New York (‘ity. and am only too excited to
impart the knowledge I
gained there to you. my fel-
low fashion mavens.

Because the summer is
coming to an end tin the
fashion world. that is -. the
fall lines are already outl). I
thought it would be appropri~
ate to give a heads-up on the
fall fashions wonh taking a

MAGGIE look at and those that really
LANHAM aren‘t worth your time.
Kernel The first trend 1 took no-
tolumnist tice of is leathers. Yes. feath—
ers. They‘re popping up all
over the runways (and the
streets) as a bodice to a fomifitting dress or as drop
earrings matched with turquoise and bumt red beads.
Though it could verge on the side of costume. this is
a style worth taking a second look at. trust me. Your
best bet for strutting this style would be in the acces-
sories. A feather headband is my favorite and gives
an ezuthy tutd natural yet unique twist to your every-
day outfit that will keep people curious.

Another fashion I noticed (and loved) was flo-
ral prints. which I saw in many manifestations. 0n
Seventh Avenue. 1 found that florals were abound‘
ing in bold patterns splashed across dresses that
reached just below the knee. ln Greenwich Village
1 found florals were displayed in softer. vintage or
vintage~inspircd prints on breezy chiffon dresses
and necklaces with an antique gold chain.



Whichever way you choose to wear them. florals
are definitely an investment worth making.

A style I wasn‘t so keen on was the slouchy
pants look. Though it looks fabulous on the runway
and on stick-figure models. it isn‘t a style that‘s as
accessible to the everyday woman. The most diffi
cult thing about slouchy pants is that they have to
fit just so. or the whole look is off. And to find a
pair that fits right. you need to be willing to fork
out the dough (which I found sadly. does not, in
fact, grow on trees). I‘d say stick with your boot-
cut. slim-fit. skinny jeans or even belled jeans.
which I heard are making a comeback! Can you
say Cher circa Sonny and C her?

The second trend I noticed I wasn‘t too fond
of was the return of the black pointy—toed high
heel! Yes, we all own a pair (I know I most cer-
tainly do). but 1 was really enjoying the round—
toed heels. flats and boots. and didn't wish to re-
turn from my hiatus from black pointy heels for a
long while. While they are sleek and professional.
let's have some more fun with our footwear? For
this reason. I would suggest. if you do love spon-
ing pointy heels. making them colorful? A deep
crimson or a rich royal purple are all colors for the

fall. so don‘t be afraid to step out in them. And if

heels aren't for you at all. look into brown leather
boots .4- they are all the rage and so comfy!

And again. whatever you do. whether you
agree with my fashion ideals or not. make sure to
wezu what makes you feel best and most fabulous.
Because it doesn’t matter how many runways strut
whatever styles. real fashion mavens (such as
yourselves) all know that true style is about just
being you.

no ms 70 cuss



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Itilv .‘4 3008

Page 4


As buildings fall,
accept potential
with new design

The bulldozers arrived. the build-
ings fell and with them went the last
hopes for an appeal to stop the demo-
lition of the CentrePointe block.

We knew it was coming _. the raz—
iiig was unanimously approved at the
end of June. The Dame and Busters of-
ficially closed nearly a month ago;-
but still we held tight to the thought
that someone (hopefully historical
preservation group Preserve Lexing-
ton). somew'here would win an appeal
and prevent the 35-story monstrosity
from climbing into the downtown skies.

But with the block being leveled
we shouldn‘t pause too long to wal—
low in defeat and nostalgia. instead it
is important to look ahead for ways to
make the best out of the new hotel.
retail and restaurant space.

Circuit Judge Pamela Goodwine
said during her ruling Tuesday. which
gave the go-ahcad for demolition of
the remaining buildings on the block.
the economic impact for the Lexing-
ton community would be “incredibly

"The economic benefits for years
to come are absolutely and indis—
putably tremendous." Goodwine said.

So if this is true and the city will
benefit economically. even if not cul«
turally‘. maybe there is something to
look forward to... but please let it be
in a different package.

The Kernel commends the efforts of
the College of Design in hosting a de—
sign workshop to generate alternate con—
cepts fora hotel: however the designs
were far—fetched and hardly realistic.

While we complain that the cur-
rent design by Dudley and Woodford
Webb is out-dated. unattractive and
unfitting with the rest of the buildings
in Lexington. the newly-generated al—

Court to FCC:

The/oilowing editorial appeared in the
Chicago Tribune on Tuesday. July 22:


Whatever Janet Jackson does in
the remaining time she has in this
world. she probably can't alter the first
sentence of the obituaries that will run
when she departs it. Unless she be—
comes a serial killer or a Nobel Peace
Prize winner. she will forever be re-
membered for her bare right breast.

It inspired the now-universal temi
“wardrobe malfunction a creative way
of describing the incident at the 2004
Super Bowl halftime show when fellow
pop singer Justin Timberlake yanked at
her costume. providing a brief. partial
glimpse of her upper torso.

We do mean brief ~— the flash of
skin was over in exactly nine-six-
teenths of a second. But for exposing
football fans to that momentary image.
the Federal Communications Commis»
sion came down hard on CBS. which
broadcast the event. It found the net-
work guilty of airing "indecent" mater—
ial and levied a tine of $550000.

As a federal appeals court recog-
nized Monday in throwing out the
fine. the decision was a gross overre‘
action to an obnoxious but unscripted
display. The fine punished the wrong
party. since CBS had no knowledge
of Timberlake‘s intention and. in fact.
had sent representatives to rehearsals
to make sure nothing was out of line.

In imposing the fine. the FCC
retroactively applied a l)raconian new

tematives lit in. if possible. even less.

Paul Preissner. faculty member at
the University of Illinois at Chicago.
and his team designed a set of high
rises that bend and curve into the sky.
somewhat resembling french fries.
and stand in awkward comparison to
the rest of downtown's architecture.

The team led by Heather Flood
and Ramiro Dial Granados. faculty
members at the Southern California
Institute of Architecture didn't come
close to achieving practicality either.

Even Liz Swanson and Mike
McKay. faculty in UK‘s College of
Design. and their design team failed
to come up with designs for the block
that mirror the culture and history of

Having an influence on the con—
cept for the up-scale high rise this late
in the game is “awfully small." Hayv
word Wilkirson. president of the
board of Preserve Lexington. told the
Kernel. With this in mind. architects.
designers. students and community
members should be thinking of practi-
cal altematives and realistic hotel
plans that are both better than the cur-
rent design for CentrePointe and
something that will still belong in
Lexington in thirty years.

It was an honest effort by all in-
volved to host the design competition.
We only wish it had come sooner in
the project.

The buildings are falling. now it‘s
time to accept the potential this devel-
opment has to offer. jobs and revenue
to Lexington and come up with a de—
sign to case the economic growth that
embodies the history and personality
of the city.

Even if we were satisfied with
what we had.

Get real

policy on words and images that are
indecent but fleeting. which the agency
had previously tolerated. It was “arbi-
trary and capricious." the court said.
for the agency to “change a well-es-
tablished course of action without sup-
plying notice of and a reasoned expla—
nation for its policy departure."

The FCC penalty also greatly ex-
aggerated the harm done by the inci—
dent. No one was scarred. For anyone
who merely saw the show live on TV.
the flash was over before it had even
registered in the brain.

The court spent much of its opin—
ion refuting the FCC claim that Jack-
son and Timberlakc were the func—
tional equivalent of network employ—
ees. which it said made CBS liable
for their conduct. It concluded that. in
reality. they were independent con-
tractors. If the govemment is going to
punish the network for their expres-
sive conduct. the court found. it has to
pro\ c CBS knew what they were
planning or recklessly ignored the

l‘cderal action was not needed to
protect viewers. because CBS. embar-
rassed by the episode. promptly took
steps to prevent a repetition.

By the 2005 Super Bowl. a video
delay was in place to catch anything
inappropriate. and the halftime per-
former was 62-year-old Paul McCan»
ney. who is famous for keeping his
clothes on. And even he had to submit
his song lyrics for rigorous inspection.

Goodnight, and Good luck UK professors

I'm leaning against Obama because

he's Musli