xt7cvd6p080h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p080h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1979033 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-03-apr3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1979-03-apr3. 1979 2011 true xt7cvd6p080h section xt7cvd6p080h Minutes of the Meeting of t-he Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesuay, April 3, 1979. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular statutory session at 2:00 o'clock (EDT) on Tuesday, April 3, 1979, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Professor Michael Adelstein, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. L. D. Gorman, Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer, Dr. David A. Hull, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, Mr. W. B. Terry, Mr. Eugene Tichenor, Professor Constance Wilson, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Absent from the meeting were Mr. William R. Black, Mr. George W. Griffin, and Mr. Zirl A. Palmer. The University administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, Raymond R. Hornback, Jack C. Blanton, and Donald B. Clapp; Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel- and Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research. Representatives of the various news media were in attendance. A. Meeting Opened Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m. Following the invocation, pronounced by Mrs. Hermansdorfer, the Chairman requested Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the following: Mr. Tracy Farmer, appointed by Governor Carroll to replace Mr. John R. Gaines for a four year term ending December 31, 1982; Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, reappointed for a four year term ending December 31, 1982; Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer reappointed for a four year term ending December 31, 1982; and Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, reappointed for a term ending June 30, 1982. The Secretary called the roll and reported sixteen members Dresent and three absent. The Chairman then declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:09 p.m. B. Minutes Approved Without discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee on March 5, 1979, was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. President's ReDort to the Trustees (PR 1) President Singletary called attention to his monthly Report to the Trustees, copies of which had been distributed earlier, and recommended its acceptance. Without objection, it was so ordered. -2- D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) After noting that the personnel changes in PR 2, Recommendations of the President, were routine in nature, President Singletary recommended its approval. Without discussion, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed, PR 2 was approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3) President Singletary said that the two items in PR 3, had been received in his office too late for prior distribution and, therefore, suggested that the two parts be considered and acted upon separately. This being agreeable to the members of the Board, President Singletary recommended approval for transmission to the Council on Higher Education, of three capital construction projects as follows: (1) a parking lot on College View at a cost of $165,000, (2) additional chiller capacity at Cooling Plant #1 at a cost of $864,000, and (3) additional chiller capacity at the Medical Center Cooling Plant at a cost of $700,000. Without discussion, Mr. Homer Ramsey moved approval of the three capital construction projects. His motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 3-I at the end of the Minutes.) Before recommending approval of PR 3-II, Administration Appoint- ments, President Singletary explained that the recommendation that Dr. David L. Cowen be named Acting Chairman of the Department of Medicine did not represent the expressed preference of the faculty in that department. It is, however, the recommendation of the Search Committee, the Dean of the College, the Vice President of the Medical Center, and the President of the University. President Singletary then recommended approval by the Board. Governor Chandler moved that PR 3-II be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 3-II at the end of the Minutes.) F. Budget Revisions for 1978-79 (PR 4) President Singletary indicated that Mr. Carter, Budget Director, was present and would be pleased to answer any questions relative to the proposed revisions in the 1978-79 Budget as recommended in PR 4. There being none, President Singletary recommended approval and, on motion duly made, seconded and passed, the Budget Revisions for 1978-79 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.) G. Naming the New Fine Arts Building (PR 5) President Singletary said that the Committee for Naming University Buildings had given serious consideration to suggestions made to it relative to names for buildings and rooms in the new arts complex being constructed at the corner of Rose and Euclid and had submitted its recommendations to him for transmittal to the -3- Board of Trustees. The names, as recommended in PR 5, have his concurrence and President Singletary recommended approval. On motion by Mrs. Hermansdorfer, seconded by Professor Adelstein, and passed, PR 5 was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.) H. ProDosed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 6) President Singletary indicated that the proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations as recommended in PR 6 had both faculty and administrative support. He then recommended the proposed amendment be received for consideration and put on the agenda for Board action at its next regular meeting. Without objection, it was so ordered by the Chairman. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.) I. Appointment of Dr. James E. Funk as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Coordinator of Energy Research (PR 7) President Singletary said that the appointment of Dr. Funk as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Coordinator of Energy Research would be tremendously important in coordinating and promoting the expanding programs in energy research and education being carried on on the University campus. Dr. Funk is very knowledgeable in this field and is the logical person for this assignment. He will continue as Director of the Institute for Mining and Minerals Research but will resign as Dean of the College of Engineering as soon as an Acting Dean is appointed. On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey, and passed, Dr. Funk's appointment was approved. President Singletary noted that Dr. Funk was present at the meeting and Mr. Sturgill expressed the thanks of the Board members for his willingness to undertake this important assignment. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.) J. Kentucky Transportation Center (PR 6) After briefly outlining the need for the coordination and management of the academic, private, and governmental sectors in addressing the broad range of transportation related problems on an interdisciplinary basis, President Singletary recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the establishment of a Kentucky Transportation Center in the College of Engineering. Governor Chandler so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.) K. University Research Professorships (PR 9) President Singletary said it was with much pleasure that he was recommending approval of four University Research Professorships for 1979-80 to be awarded to Professor William Y. Adams, Department of Anthropology, Professor Syed A. Nasar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Professor Kurt Niedenzu, Department of Chemistry, and Professor Donald Ringe, Department of English, in recognition of their outstanding research achievements. He concluded by noting that this was the third year that Research Professorships have been given. The four recipients were present at the meeting and were - 4- introduced. After acknowledging their contributions to the University's research program, Mr. Sturgill called for a motion for approval of the naming of these individuals as University Research Professors for 1979-80. Mrs. Wilson so moved. Her motion was seconded by Professor Adelstein and passed without dissent. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.) L. Honorary Degree ReciDients (PR 10) President Singletary recommended that approval be granted for awarding the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Mr. Carl D. Perkins, Doctor of Letters to Mr. Lyman T. Johnson and Mr. James Still, and the Doctor of Science to Mr. S. M. Shah. Mr. Clay so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed unanimously. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes.) M. Faculty Retirement President Singletary reported that, in lieu of the necessary guidelines from HEW relative to the Age Discrimination ini Employment Act as it related to faculty retirement, the University administration had taken steps to solve the immediate problem with those scheduled for retirement by July 1, 1979, by allowing these individuals to apply for a ole year post-retirement appointment. At the end of the year those accepting such appointments will have the option of accepting or reiecting the University's program which will be applicable for those reaching age 65 in 1979-80. N. Affirmative Action Through the use of charts, President Singletary and Dr. Clapp reported on the University's current status in respect to the number of black faculty members and women faculty members presently at the University and the plans which are being made to increase these numbers. It was noted that the University has made progress during the past few years, but it needs to improve even more within the next five years. 0. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1) Mr. Clay reported that the University was "on target" and moved that the Interim Financial Report for the seven month period ending January 31, 1979, be accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Gorman and passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) P. Student Code Committee ReDort (SCCR 1) Mr. Clay presented the Student Code Report for Mr. Griffin, the Committee Chairman. He indicated that the proposed revision in the Student Code had been received by the Committee after going through the prescribed procedures prior to its transmittal by President Singletary to the Committee. The revision proposed would bring Article V of the Code into conformity with Sections E- 19-1 and E-19-2 of U.K. Business Procedures as they relate to financial delinquency. - 5 - The Student Code Committee recommends approval of the proposed revision to Article V as set forth in SCCR 1 and Mr. Clay put that recommendation in the form of a motion. His motion was seconded and passed without dissent. (See SCCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) Q. Meeting Adjourned After determining there was no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Betty Pace Clark, Secretary Board of Trustees (PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10; FCR 1; and SCCR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.) Office of the President April 3, 1979 PR?. Members, Board of Trustees: RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT I. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appoint- ments and/'or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice president through the President and have his concurrence. Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval. BOARD ACTION New Appointments Alvis, John M., Instructor, Department of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. Boxill, Bernard R., Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/79 through 5/15/81. Dougherty, Charles T., Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, 12/1/78 through 6/30/80. Fay, Charles, Instructor, Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. Fenichel, Carol Jane, Assistant Professor, College of Library Science, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. Godshalk, M. Fredrica, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Hyde, Gordon L., Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Jacques, Robert Mark, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, 3/12/79 through 6/30/80. Kubert, Daniel S., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 8/16/79. McMillin, William Douglas, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. *Special Title Series -2- Maris, Terry L., Instructor, Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. Martin, William C., Instructor (part-time), Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. Meeker, William R., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Depart- ment of Surgery, College of Medicine, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Milward, Hendree Briton, Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, 8/15/79 through 5/15/80. Orf, James H., Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, 3/1/79 through 5/30/80. Potter, Daniel A., Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Shafer, James W., Associate Professor*, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, 3/15/79 through 6/30/80. Thom, William O., Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, 4/l/79 through 6/30/80. Yokel, Robert A., Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Administrative Appointments Bryans, John T., Professor, (with tenure), named Reappointed Chairman, Department of Veterinary.Science, College of Agriculture 7/1/79 through 6/30/85. Non-Academic Appointment Kashmiri, Rafiah, Senior Chemist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, retroactive 2/1/79. Lefevers, Jerry W., Coordinator STIP Program, Southeast Community College, 3/12/79 through 6/30/79. Lewis, Charles, Electronic Engineer, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive 3/1/79. Mueller, Jennifer, Associate Director of Nursing, University Hospital, retroactive 2/7/79. Promotions Baber, Joseph W., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), School of Music, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/79. Berdine, William, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Special Education, College of Education, effective 7/1/79. Brooks, J. Michael, from Assistant Professor & Director of Under- graduate Studies*, (without tenure), to Associate Professor 9 Director of Undergraduate Studies*, (with tenure), Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Carpenter, Ralph S., from Associate Professor*, (with tenure), to Professor*':, (with tenure), Department of Clinical Pastoral Counseling, College of Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/79. *Special-Title Series Clayton, Richard R., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. DeWalt, Billie R., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. DiMartino, Vincent, from Assistant Professor of Music-Applied*, (without tenure), to Associate Professor of Music-Applied*, (with tenure), School of Music, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/79. Eberhart, Carl A., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Foreman, Walter C. Jr., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Galla, John H., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 6/1/79. Giannella, Ralph A., from Associate Professor, (with tenure) to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/79. Henderson, Gordon, from Instructor-Applied Music*, to Assistant Professor bf Applied Music*, School of Music, College of Fine Arts, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Hendrix, Melva Jo, from Associate Professor*, (with tenure), to Professor*, (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/79. Jessop, Alyce, from Assistant Professor*, (without tenure), to Associate Professor*, (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/79. Kingston, Richard D., from Associate Professor*, (with tenure), to Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/79. Lindsey, John, from Assistant Professor-Applied Music", (without tenure), to Associate Professor-Applied Music* (with tenure), School of Music, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/79. McConnell, Anne Y., from Assistant Professor, School Librarianship*', (without tenure), to Associate Professor, School Librarianship', (with tenure), College of Library Science, effective 7/1/79. Maultsby, Maxie C. Jr., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/79. Mingst, Karen, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Mostowycz, Leonidas, from Associate Professor*, (with tenure), to Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/79. Musacchio, Marilyn, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor*:, (with tenure), College of Nursing, effective 7/1/79. *'Special Title Series I -4 - Omvig, Clayton, from Associate Frofesscr, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Vocational Education, College of Education, effective 7/1/79. O'Reilly, James E., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/l/79. Prizer, William F., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), School of Music, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/79. Rea, John A., from Assistant Professor, (with tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of French Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Rothgeb, Terry D., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Human Environment: Design, College of Home Economics, effective 7/1/79. Stevens, Truman, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, effective 7/1/79. Yates, Steven W., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Yoneda, Kokichi, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/79. Tenure Demski. Leo Stanley, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Fiedler, Theodore, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of German Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/79. Walton, Linus R., Associate Adjunct Professor*, (without tenure), named Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, retroactive 12/4/78. Reappointments Baumgartner, R. Paul Jr., Associate Professor', College of Pharmacy, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Brown, Gerald P., Associate Extension Professor*, Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, College of Agriculture, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Elliott, David G., Associate Professor (Applied)*, School of Music, College of Fine Arts, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Foster, David Edward, Associate Extension Professor*, DeDartment of Entomology, College of Agriculture, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. James, Eric, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, 7/1/79 through 5/31/80. Harkless, Necia, Associate Extension Professor*, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80. *Special Title Series -5- Lee, Gwendolyn, Associate Professor*, College of Nursing, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. - Mazzoleni, Alberto, Associate Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Porter, William H., Associate Professor*, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Timmons, Edward H., Associate Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of Physiology S Biophysics, College of Medicine, and Department of Veterinary Science, College of Agriculture, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Uthe, Elaine, Associate Professor, Department of Vocational Education, College of Education, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Joint ADointments Fosson, Abe R., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pediatrics, and Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, effective 3/15/79. Changes Cabe, Carl, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, to be placed on inactive status for the period 7/1/79 through 1/31/84 at which time he will apply for retirement status. Frazier, Donald T., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Physiology S Biophysics, College of Medicine, change salary base from 10 months to 12 months. Sady, Helen, from Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, to Coordinator of Planning S Development, Office of the Dean, College of Dentistry, effective 2/15/79. Shafer, James W., Associate Professor*:, Department of ODhthalmology, College of Medicine, to change beginning date from 3/15/79 to 4/1/79 through 6/30/80. Spohn, Eric C., from Associate ?rotessor%-, (with tenure), Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, and Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, to Associate Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, and Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive 7/1/78. Retirements Banta, Robert S., Refrig. Mech., Physical Plant Division, after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Benton, Robert S., Professor, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, after 19.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Binger, Norman H., Professor, Department of German Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences, after 30 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. 'Special T it le Series -6- Binkley, Harold R., Professor, Department of Vocational Education, College of Education, after 33 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Black, Ben W., Assistant Professor, and Assistant Dean, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences, after 32 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Brown, William R., Professor, Department of Geology, College of Arts and Sciences, after 34 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Calhoun, James E., Cabinet Maker, Physical Plant Division, after 31.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Dutt, Raymond H., Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, after 31 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Field, Thomas P., Professor, Department of Geography, College of Arts and Sciences, after 31 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Hargreaves, Mary W. M., Professor, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences, after 21 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Harrison, Evelyn M., Staff Assistant, Public Information, after 26 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Jansen, William H., Professor, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences, after 30 consecutive years of service, 6/30/79. Larson, Robert S., Assistant Dean, Admissions 6 Registrar, after 18 consecutive years of service, effective 7/31/79. Levy, Albert S., Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education, after 19 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Lytle, Catherine, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, after 18 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Oberst, Paul, Professor, College of Law, after 33.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Miller, Fannie, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, after 19 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Riley, John D., Agricultural Technician, Management Operations, after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 4/3/79. Smith, Madge L., Food Service Worker, Auxiliary Services, after 17.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Stewart, Orville W., Professor, College of Engineering, after 25.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Sudduth, Martha, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, after 21 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Washington, Leonard D., Custodial Worker V, Physical Plant Division, after 25.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/79. Early Retirement Jett, Louise B., Clerical Assistant V, Diagnostic Radiology, after 16 consecutive years of service, effective 4/27/79. - 7 - Post Retirement A4Oointmenzs Deaton, Logan, Maintenance and Serviceman (part-time), Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, 2/1/79 through 6/30/79. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION New A-Dointments Cash, David M., instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), (part-time), Ashland Community College, 1/29/79 through 6/15/79. Frasure, Jerry E., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 3/1/79 through 6/30/79. Lewis, H. B., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), (part-time), Ashland Community College, 1/29/79 through 6/15/79. Pearson, Dale W., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary) (part-time), Somerset Community College 1/1/79 through 5/31/79. Pursley, Douglas, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary) (part-time), Lexington Technical Institute, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Reynolds, L. Raymond, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine. 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Traughber, Sam H., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Depart- ment of Medicine, College of Medicine, 3/l/79 through 6/30/80. Wiggins, Alfred W., Instructor/Counselor in the Community College System, Jefferson Community College, 3/5/79 through 6/30/79. Gavere, Ann Kilkelly, Assistant Professor, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/79 through 5/15/80, contingent upon completion of doctoral requirements. Mudd, Captain Charles L., Assistant Professor of Military Science, Department of Military Science, College of Arts and Sciences, 4/79 for three years. Schaplowsky, Alan, Librarian IV, Cataloging, Library, 3/1/79 through 6/30/ 80. Studlar, Donley T., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time), DeDartment of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/79 through 12/31/79. Taylor, Major Stephen M., Assistant Professor, DeDartment of Aerospace Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, 7/1/79 for three years. lion-Academic Appointment Englert, Lizabeth A., Information Specialist, Office of Public Information, Medical Center, retroactive 2/26/79. Changes Coyer, Jack, from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), to Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79. Fischer, Jean, from Administrative Assistant to Clinical Manager, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, retroactive 1/1/79. Guzzardi, Lawrence, from Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, to Assistant Professor, Department of Family Practice, College of Medicine, 3/1/79 through 6/30/80. Holle, Bruce Frederic, from Visiting Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 7/1/79 through 6/30/81. -8- Koch, Michael, Instructor, Department of Family Practice, College of Medicine, to change beginning date from 4/l/79 to 3/22/79 through 6/30/79. Popkin, Jeremy David, from Visiting Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor, DeDartment of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 7/1/79 through 6/30/81. Sjogren, Staffan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, to change beginning date from 1/1/79 to 7/1/79 through 6/30/80. Reappointments College of Agriculture Allen, George P., Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Science, 7/1/79 through 6/30/