xt7cvd6p1178 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p1178/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1896 journals kaes_bulletins_062 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.62. text Bulletin n.62. 1896 2014 true xt7cvd6p1178 section xt7cvd6p1178 L K E N T U C K Y L
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N, l BULLETIN NO. 62.  
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  I. V • A • •
y.   Agricultural Experiment $l&ll€Jl‘l.
Y I A A A. P. GOO.l)lNG, Chairman, Maysliek, Ky.
t M I . J. K. PATTERSON, President 0f the College.
~ M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
.‘ i M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
t l A. M. PETER,   A
f ,_ -Cheinists.
‘ ll H. E. CURTIS, S
;» .·· .
IM ,   H. GARMAN, Entoinologist and Botztniet.
· \ C. VV. MATHEVVS, Horticulturist. `
R. J. SPURR, Suptwintt-ndent Field Experiineuts.
il _ J. N. HARPER, Dniryinan. _
Q`!. V. E. MUNUY.VVc·utlw1· Observer. y
·|   MISS ALlCE M, SHELBY, Steiitigiapher. I
Addr; ss of the Station; LEXINGTON, K Y. -
  NOTICE.  i
A The Bulletins ol the Station will be mailed free to any citizen of  
Kentucky who sends liie name und addreas t0 the Station for that
. purpose. .
Correspondents will please notify ilu- Director of changes in their
I post-otiice address, 0r of any failure t0 reetsive the Bulletins.
KE1<·rU01&Y Aumcnnwnicm, l‘]XPERlMEN'l` S*r.vr10N, _
· Li2x1NuT0N, KY.
‘ ~ 44

{ I
~ BULLETIN N0. 62. L ,
. 1
STRi\WBERlitl`ES NEW ANI) OLl>_ ~  
__ y L l
ev c. w. )IA’l‘Hl<]\\'S.
There is probably no other single horticultural subject
. concerning which inquiries are more frequently made of t.
L the Experiment Station than that of strawberries and
their varieties. Questions relating to the value of any
variety for a given locality are very ditticult to answer
with precision, for several reasons. Little or nothing is 1
, usually said as to the purpose for which the fruit is to be ‘ . `,
grown, the character of the soil under cultivation, or the .
kind of culture which will be given the plants when set. 3
 ‘ Even if these facts were known, there are stilllother '
causes which occasion variable results in the cultivation L
of any variety of strawberry, as well as of other plants, L Q
.. so that it is impossible for the lixperiment Station to
prescribe with certainty the " best " variety for any given 1
locality. i
i by its tests of varieties, and a study of the conditions “
O; and results of their culture throughout the state, the i ‘
at Station may be able to give helpful suggestions regard- i
ji? ing varieties, but these suggestions should be supple-
i mented, when possible, by observation and inquiry in
the grower’s own neighborhood, where the conditions
p most closely resemble his own. lf he produces berries
for market, he can well afford to test for himself the

  K 1 I g ~#
2  i
  " ` A ‘ 46 Bulletin N0, 62l _‘
  S most promising new varieties, as they are brought to his `
f`. 1 notice.
Z While it is true, as intimated above, that the
f best variety, or set of varieties, for one grower may not l
l · ° be the most desirable for another, it is also true that »
i _ _ certain varieties are found to give fairly successful re-
L J f sults over a wide extent of territory. The variety
I v_ l "Bubach No. 5" is a good illustration of this fact, for
2,   l Y . not only is it almost universally commended by growers
_ in Kentucky, but it is also a favorite in many other
Y states.
, It is found also by inquiry that the behavior of any _
`· i variety upon our grounds usually agrees with the gcncrctl
; t consensus of opinion regarding it in other parts of
`   the state.
5% W   S It is therefore believed that a variety which is notable »
\ f for vigor, productiveness, or other good qualities upon
f the Station grounds, is very likely to be of some value .
,, elsewhere, and especially if its good qualities are
[ _ endorsed by the experience of growers in other parts of ·
  the state, it is reasonable to suppose that it may be found j
7 __.‘ T" quite generally valuable throughout the Commonwealth.  V
l ln order to obtain such a general estimate of the value '
of different varieties, to supplement our own observations, V
an effort has been made to gather the experiences of
Iv strawberry growers from all ptrts of the state, by
r ` addressing to them letters of inquiry. E
> About forty of the largest and most successful i
_ growers have kindly responded to our inquiries, and the
L information thus obtained has been incorporated with
the results of the comparative tests upon the Station
grounds, in the report upon varieties.
_ In making use of such records and opinions as apply .
· _ to the newer varieties, it should be remembered that a
single season’s experience is not sufficient to conclusively

, i'
` Strtzwbcrrics. 47
establish the merits or demerits of a variety. One which T
may seem very promising under the conditions in which
it is first grown, may prove utterly worthless under less ‘ `
, favorable inliuences. l i
T The usual methods of strawberry culture are now so Y W
» well known, and are so commonly outlined in the eata- E T
 » logues of dealers in plants, that it- is not necessary to   I
devote space to adescription of them here. y -
All the varieties upon which this report is hased,  
, V fruited upon the variety plot at the Station farm in 1895,
 , and were set in the spring of 1894.
, The plants (usually two dozen of each variety;) were
[ i obtained from various sourees, some having been trans- p
{ planted from our older beds, while others were purchased
- from nurserymen, or donated by them or the originators
3 to the Station for trial. , »
1 I They were set in rows ·-ile feet apart, and allowed to Q
G _ run together, forming matted rows about- 2k feet wide. , l Q -
9 A good stand of most varieties was ohtained, although it T l
if was impossible to seeure this as perfectly as when the  
d · stoek is all received from one eareful grower and packer, g
L i or transplanted from our own grounds. ,
LB New varieties are reeeived at iut-ervals during the A
S, V spring from widely differeiit sourees, and sometimes
of L arrive in had eondition, owing to improper pzirkiiig or I
)y delays in transit 1 eonsempiently some plants die, and some,
 _ owing to late setting, drought, or individual <·hara E~·lip<4· 1*. ...... 9
‘B0y11Lr¢•ll, 1* .. ...,... , ........... ..- _ 9
<¥zmdy.... ..,,. _ _ __________________   5
»~   11.11* _
"‘l’.—I’istil1:1t001‘i111p•e1·Im·cL I1¤»w¢~1·<·:rox’s Eemrsn, P. A moderately firm berry oi" _
i‘ good size and productive, but somewhat irregular in
, _ , = shape, and discarded by some of our correspondents on
Q L account of rust.
i i A BED ER Woon. An early, perfect-{lowered variety,
` . , L which is quite productive. First berries are of fair size,
‘ l ‘~‘- ‘ r _ but they soon become too small. Foliage is very subject
' to rust on our grounds as elsewhere. Of some value as L
Z i an abundant producer of pollen. g
. BELLE. Not productive or otherwise valuable here ;
·. it the only report received is also unfavorable. L
. BEVERLY. Plants strong and perfect-{lowered. Berries.
l Q, of medium size. We have received several favorable
gh igl . comments upon this variety, although only moderately
` 1 · ' productive here and in Woodford county. p
‘ Bis1·1L, P. (Dan Bisel) Appeared like a promising
market variety upon our grounds. Berries of good size L
  and fine looking, dark red in color and For the most part
  regular in shape. One of the most productive varieties
Q _.‘- fruiting here the past season, giving its largest yield
Q A June ll., The experience of others in the State is not g
so decidedly in its favor, although apparently not gen-
erally fruited yet. Somewhat aliected by rust.
. Borxrox, P. Small to medium in size, evenly colored ’
" ` and fairly regular: productive; considerable rust. Much
  like the Crescent, if not identical with it.
Biciisnvwmic. l<`rom reports, apparently not Fruited
i much in lientucky as yet. lteports upon plants are
i very l`avoral>le, and reports from other States have quite
highly commended it, hut upon our own grounds it has
_ not shown any superiority in l`rnit to other vaiieties; »
, _ moderately prodnctiv<~ of medium to large berries, which
with us were often rough and mis·shapen.

. SIt7`Gwb6T7’iC$. 5ll
BUBACH, P. A standard variety new laigely grown Y i
· for market over a wide extent of country. Owing to local
causes we did not secure as good a stand as usual of this I.  
variety, but in previous seasons it has been one ot the ` ,
best, the plant being vigorous and productive; berries  
large, regular and beautiful, and firm. enough to ship a i  
short distance; a favorite almost everywhere in Ken— <
tucky. A minor fault noted by several, is that it some- , P
times does not produce runners enough to ensure a good l
stand of plants.
_ BURT. A symmetrical berry of medium size , not very
productive or good in quality. Plants dwarf, with abun-
dant foliage, which, however, is badly affected by rust. _
Canimonrau. Berries inediuin to large; rather ir-
V regular; not productive. _
Cnrnns. A rather pale berry, low conical in form, and `
quite attr ictive in appearance upon the few plants which. .,
fruited in 1895. Apparently only medium in productive- · f 1 `_
ness. _
Cl{A\\'l·`<>l{D, With us. as in most places, not very ·
productive, but the berries are of superior quality, and i
large and regular in size and coloring. Considerably i
_ subject to rust. Best adapted to the 2'tl]l£lCL*lll` who will ‘_
give it extra care.
(}ui·:sci·;x*r, l’. This old variety is stil} evidently one ,
of the favorites with many Kentucky growers, especially
with those who ship their fruit, on account of its hardi— ·
ness and productiveness. It will endure neglect better . »
than any other kind, but nrany are dis<·arding it in i’l
· favor of the larger and more showy varieties.
lh wrox. Of good size and fair quality, but only
Q moderately vigorous or productive, and its season was-
- Very short here, lasting only eleven days.
l>owxi>:¤a. One of the older varieties whi<·h was long
ZL general favorite, but while still grown considerably

  . » A — A
fl; { ‘
  i__ B . 52 .BItff(’f}-')'l N0. G2.
  " for home use and near market, is now being
·"‘-     supplanted by more productive varieties; is used by
  some to pollinate Crescent, Bubach and other pistillate A
A varieties; generally reported as suffering a good deal
A _ » from rust.
lv A Eoeiiu Quicnx, P. A variety which has been culti-
i i vated a number of years, and concerning which
  A reports have been quite conflicting. Only moderately A
= E. — i productive here, and its large berries are frequently  ;
‘ A green—tipped and cox-combed.
. E1.>\v.xm>’s Fixvoitirrz. Medium to large berries; not l
4 very productive; shows considerable rust.  ’
·_ `V ENie1Ax<;i·:. Produ<·tive here; of medium size and i
, somewhat irregular 1 not high in quality ; valued by some
  ;; as a shipping berry, because of its firmness. By several
gg ai correspondents rated high, f`rom one or two season’s
‘ X   observation.
· Exonxioiis, P. \\le received in 1894 afew plants of
this variety in had condition, so that only one or two
i- survived. A correspondent in Gallatin county writes
  concerning it, "lf you have none of these try a few by
  `]».. all means; I believe the variety equal to Bubacii, and
; if 1irmer." A,
llrrixu, P. Plant vigorous; moderate in productive-
ness; has not done as well as in previous seasons.
  Berries the past seasons were very irregular with many
" · green tips.
  E. P. Rein. A failure here as nearly everywhere.  i
Eizimxii, P. Shows no valuable characteristics here. .
’ Berries irregular ; not productive. A
i Fixitxswowru. Small to medium berries; regular and
of fair quality, but not productive, and had considerable
_ i GANDY. Second only to Bubach and Haverland as a
V i favorite in Kent.u·elu>A1¢:]`m·o plmztiziy
l¢m·ye/_1/ of t/mm; Beverly, Bisel, Greenville, 'l`imhrell,
Mztrslmll, Muskingum, Princeton tlhiei`, Rio. ’
Amateurs should beztr in mind that it pistillaite vairie- .,
ties like Buhztch and Haverlztnd ztre selected, ut leztst · l `
. . . l *
one-third us many plants of at perfect llowered vatriety ot ,
corresponding seeson should be plztntcd with them, to ·
ensure proper fertilization. l
NOTE.—The Horticultural Department of the Experiment Stattion ,y
is seeking to obtain us complete at directory as possible of the fruit ‘
growers of the State, in order to secure their eo-operation in the
study of Kentucky fruit growing.
Will you not kindly send to this department the names and ad-
dresses of such persons of your acquaintance usztrc interested in
fruit growing, together with the kind of fruit grown and the urer.
under cultivation, if large'?