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October, 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service :
M 3* iimfi‘itvn l " Ma-
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KPA KP B d i .
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031' MM» Mr Mi 1*! il' Hll“ l’lihuif"*wl‘nuH'ihiilz MM . ;
Scott C. Schurz In, nephew of 2, ‘5 _> . M M .. , as; “r ‘
M 7 KPA Past President Mary Schurz, @3‘ ~ .. ”grew 4‘ I” . I ' ' E
has been elected to the KenkaY - . ’ 5* > ,_:‘ z 3
Press Assoc1at10n/Kentucky Press A . .. ”M,“ M ”U: - -
Serv1ce Board of M“ ‘MMCME, , 3 ~ v . .1,
Dlrectors. He M ”nga w” '
fills a POSIUOH . = M; J?" ‘-= 3.
0n the Board fiiM 3’23; My. ' ‘ 1
Wlll serve on the :WJ ., , ,
Board through 3"”, " ' ””3 ’ 3
the Winter wif . .
C 0 n V e n t 1 0 1’1 E .- Jéfi‘ ‘ J 5. ' PM; , l9‘% . '3 ' . »
when a new SCOTT C r“ ‘i‘ .. _
three-year term SCHURZ Jr m . '. M ' '
begins for Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson wsza ‘{ s»:- . 3 ,1
District 14. 1aanrdtounces genie of the finding}? from the , , . . 3 * i
Schurz is publisher and editor of e lscovery emocracy rePort w 1C, is the result MM ' ' I ‘é‘ — r” 1' ‘
The Advocate Messenger in of the Kentucky summit on C1V1c theracy. ’ i ‘
.. Danville. After serving since Working w1th Laura Wllhams of the Knlght ”HEM ‘ .. M . . .'
January, 2005’ as assistant publisher, Foundation and Rebecca Bush of the Secretary of 234M; .. - jg; fly; My» .
he was named to replace his aunt as State's Office, The Kentucky Press Association “gar/$755M? . 53%;? «k - ;
publisher and editor in June, 2006 developed a Constltution Quiz to offer students ”gig: ? 3: f .
His father, Scott Sr., has served a short quiz about the Constitution. KPA Director ’2: K’
twice as president of the Hoosier of Member Services David ~Greer developed 15 A; i
State Press Association. Mary questlons and KPA New Medla Admmistrator , ”’
served as president of KPA/ KPS in Davrd Spencer designed the online test. 4 g, g;
Scott In, 37, was hired by Schurz .
Communications Inc. in 1993 and M
. has held positions at the South Bend ‘. .
See PEOPLE on Page 10 ’ i