xt7cvd6p2n64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p2n64/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1940 34 p.: map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.200 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Runnels County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 200, Runnels County, Nov. 30, 1880 - Jan. 16, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 200, Runnels County, Nov. 30, 1880 - Jan. 16, 1939 1940 1940 2019 true xt7cvd6p2n64 section xt7cvd6p2n64 7 * ,; , * Hlflllvi‘flllvmlhll‘slflHflflWfllfl‘lflN! i ; INDEX 1 ? T0 ; PROBATE CASES ‘ FILED IN V \,°“E STA” a r V ’ I Mi. My)? No. 200 V j RUNNELS COUNTY . _ TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT 1 INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS No. 200. RUNNELS COUNTY November 30, 1880 — January 16, 1939 Prepared by The Texas State—wide Records Project Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences ' The University of Texas, Official Sponsor San Antonio, Texas State—wide Records Project November 1940 PREFACE The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases filed in Runnels County, Texas, is No. 200 of the Texas series of counties. The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day—to—day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the preper conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealo— ' gists to obtain references to unpublished source material. The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are arranged alphabetically, with reference to filing date of the case and the case number. Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate numbers is accomplished by the addition of a letter following the case number. Case numbers preceded by "0" were assigned to previously unnum~ bered cases. The letters "L" and “E" were sometimes used by the clerk to indicate lunacy and epileptic cases.- The following numbers in series 1— 1600 were not used as case numbers: 2—11, 1%, 22, 25, 28, 31, 32, 38, 39’ 1+7, 56: 58! 6M, 70, 71': 83x 82'!" 881 9—),» 959 97: 989 105’ 116’ 118’ 121, 122, 127, 129, 139. 1116, 1119, 156, 163, 177, 187, 19kt, 199. 200, 217, 361+, 37s, 11115, 501, 585, 5911, 650, 83 , 90h, 911+, 9811, 1026, 1556. In Runnels County all probate records are in the custody of the county clerk. Case papers are filed in numerical sequence in separate file jackets in plainly marked steel file drawers in the vault adjacent to the clerk's office on the first floor of the courthouse. Upon the creation of Runnels County in 1858 from Bexar County, the territory was attached to Brown County for judicial purposes until such ’ time as Coleman County might be organized. Although Coleman County was organized in 1867, no probate records of the period 1867 to August 1876 were found extant in that county. Both Runnels and Coleman Counties were ‘ attached to Brown County for judicial purposes as late as April M, 1871 (H. P. N. Gammel, Laws 2: Texas, VI, 921). Probate records originating in the territory now Runnels County may be found among the probate records of Bexar County to 1858; for the period 1858 to 1876 probate jurisdiction was in Brown County, but all Brown County records were destroyed by fire in 1880. From 1876 to the organization of Runnels County on January 12, 1880, records are extant among probate records of Coleman County. Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has affected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the probate case should be filed, a map and table of territorial changes are included herein. , > , ,7 I - , - , 5* " "W '7'” 1,, 7/ 1 BAIRDo 1 1 I 1 . 1 ' 1 1 BUFFALO BAP 1 I 7‘ - 1 T A Y L 0 R 1 N o L A N I CALLAHAN s. oncLAN l ”‘9‘ I " 001.: 1 6‘ A‘ I "ARNE‘LO (m 1 owscou 1 ”(I 1 c4. I V ‘ m 1 I 1’44, : mmuo I UM" I E 1 \ a, 7 I 1 onunsmw ___._______ __ 3 _____ ____ 1 D4 6"". flaw; 1 mm cumaounuzo . ”to I OSILVEI 11».st wmznso ck: t. 4‘ 1 1,. 4r 1 ‘1 05mm 2 I 'r 1 "I 1 , ROBERT LEE 0mm * 1 ca ‘0 C o K E . unvsmcx “one, * 1 R U N N E I. S COLEMAN 1 7 5 . 1 1 g "7 Damon 1 c, ~ We 0 L E M A N 1 . o 1 0 sum mu 7 ‘rzuuvsouo 5,4 , O BALLINGER EU, I 6‘ 7 a I ——-————————— — " 1 .. ovoss 7 x 1 1 I o I 1 1 f 1 '“ ‘ I F 1 1‘ 1 , A 1 ,“ nocxwoono 4’ 0’5’7- v E ~ 1 \ ‘ H 3‘ I _ . ' A o 1' . o , 1 29+ 95“ 1 {_ emu-r ROCK _ ‘ - -7 1 0° Maine I ‘fi _ < 1 SAN ANGELO e, c. . . ..f 0mm ‘ 7. 5‘ 5 " “’ -/ ‘ T 0 M G R E E N g ‘ 0““ e ' ‘ 1 0mm. 2° ouILLGswsw 1 vmcoun‘r ' 2" 000°“ 1 0“ I g I 1 i A: 1 C o N c H 0 1 Drama...“ I | I I 1 o " ‘ D Y c “-5,, 1 1 | 1 °‘°"‘ 1 MC CULLOCH ‘ cum/m 1 . . 1 . MAP OF sour” from BRADY 1 RUNNELS COUNTY ____-___, ; SHOWING THE PROBATE AREA 1 _ .2. ,_.__._ I I I —— AREA IN MUNICIPALITY AND COUNTY OF BEXAR T0 2/I/I858 1 AREA IN RUNNELS COUNTY FROM 2 / I / I858 TO DATE (I) I 1 __— COUNTY LINES OTHER THAN RUNNELS COUNTY. 1— ‘ fi \ V E R 1 . ‘1 S A : 4—I—_ _ _ _ s V‘ (I) H.F.N. Gammll, Ii" o_l luau, Vol. IV, p. 959. I 1 I , PREPARED BY W.P.A. 03554-56464. IO/30/I940 I INDEX TO PRORAEE CASES RUM-EELS COUE‘ITY COURTHOUSE, BALLINGER, TEXAS Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed . Case No. . _ A _ Adair, Mrs. T. 1., tubercular Aug. 15, 1928 1028 Ademi, Frank, deceased Jan. 4, 1925 891 ' Addmi, Herbert et a1, minors Aug. 25, 1928 1029 Adams, A. F., deceased Sept. 29, 1916 457 Adams, Gracie Hazel et a1, minors‘ Jan. 6, 1927 996 Adams, Horace, minor Dec. 17, 1922 745 Admns, J. D., deceased Sept. 17, 1952 1208 Adams, J. M., deceased March 5, 1919 . 581 Aguilar, En., deceased . Nov. 18, 1922 758 Albarado, Consuela, tubercular Jan. 11, 1959 1596 Albarado, Julian, tubercnlar Jan. 11, 1959 1595 Aldag, Fred, non ' ‘ May 26, 1902 115 Aldng, Fred, NCM finrch 14, 1904 156 Alexander, Mrs. Alice, deceased June 22, 1955 1255 Alexander, Crews and Lois, miners Aug. 27, 1925 . 929 Alexander, L. 0., deceased April 24, 1928 1012 Alexander, Leis Viola, minor Nov. 14, 1927 988 Alexander, Nell, tubercular Aug. 7, 1950 1111 Alexander, S. L., deceased Nov. 7, 1918 568 Allen, Charley, deceased Nov. 1, 1920 675 Allen, Frank, minor March 51, 1886 . 24 ’ Allen, Helen, deceased May 27, 1955 1255 Allen, J. D., tubercular Dec. 51, 1958 1595 , Allen, L.E., tuberculer Dec. 9, 1955 1585 Allen, Mrs. Lee, tubercular Oct. 5, 1956 .1440 Allen, Mrs. Margaret, tubercular Sept. 7, 1956 1458 Allen, Marguerite ct a1, minors Aug. 5, 1955 .1565 Lllcn, Mattie M., deceased Lug. 51, 1957 .1501 Allen, Nathan J., deceased June 5, 1950 . 1102 Allen, Mrs. V. D., deceased March 11, 1951 1144 Allen, W. 3., deceased Dec. 15, 1927 995 Allen, W. G., deceased ” Nov. 22, 1950 1127 Allen, Willinnlfiranklin, miner Feb. 12, 1887 29 . Allen, wm. Franklin, minor Jan. 10, 1895 . 65 Allison, C. 9., deceased June 11, 1926 910 Allison, Jeff, epileptic Nev. 50, 1907 206 AlliSOn, Jeff, epileptic Dec. 2, 1907 207 Allison, firs. P. 8., epileptic June 24, 1929 1055 Allison,Mrs.S.A.and S.N., deceased Dec. 26, 1902 . 119 Allman, A. L., deceased June 24, 1891 . 42 Allred, Anna, tuberculnr May 7, 1919 - 555 Allrcd, J. L., deceased Jan. 25, 1917 . 474 Allred, Willie A., tubercular May 7, 1918 ~ 552 Andrac, Friedrich, deceased Jan. 10, 1924 790 Angle, Mrs. Ella, NCM July 19, 1921 , 699 Applequist, ________, deceased Nov. 8, 1910‘ , 299 11V :41 fl - 113.21:219.831. 10 . Date Filed Case No i Armbrecht, Caroline, deceased Ma 50 1999 g Armbrecht, F., deceased 1aZ 7’ 15:9 1052 g fgfitrogg,GClagenco and.Frank, minors Oct. 80: 1909 Iggé g 1131:;30; Eiovezoagfd- - .- . . .march 10, 193: V _. ,1556 1 1mm (1 ’w {a ’ fceased NOV“ 50’ 1880 01 3 Athll, P. W.’ Nggeasofi ' April 25’ 1928 1011 51 itwoll’ 1” 6-, c11 . _ March 50, 1954- = 1290 1 - , . ., occasod Dec. 30, 1956 n 1455 . g . ‘ B ‘ - . g Baca, Frank, deceased ' m t .' , I ;“ _‘ uarch 10 ' ' - -' Merriam“, Mrs. Allie; Jeffooa'bs, l ’ 191] 484 , Ms. , NCM ’ . ‘ ' " 1 r . 110v. :- 1926 . A- _ E Baégott, Maurine ct al,lmin0rs Sept. 15’ 1957 - $421235 j Bailey, mary A. decoqsnd win ’ 7 :1 B. . n .1 a _ “_V Poo. 4—, 1956 1502 , alloy, Wyaot, op110p+ic ‘ ' A 1 ~ J g B 1 fi . J1 .11.qu 19, 1907 205 1 acer, D. M., doooasod 597 P6 1951 1 Baker, Eugene ct a1 minors lib. , , r b 1167 I Baker Mrs 11 A or 's’«‘ 3 1 mg. 15’ 1955 ’ 1568 BakorrJoo .1151” 1101-9115.,‘1711001'011131- A June 21, 1932‘ ' ‘ 1200 1 Baker, Vntfiloom w' JU1Y 25’ 1905 ' 151 v- , .ij. 411, £1an1? Doc. 28 1910 r51 1 Baker, Nina, tuborculfir ' V ’ ‘ l 3 Baldwin, B. E (19001931 _ 1:111. 16, 1939 1600 " Boldwin E ’ ‘ ’U hov. 10, 1932 1209 1 1 . i, vmma, minor ‘ a B 1d . q ‘ . Jan. 7, 1926 ' 892 5 a Wln, Jesse, deceased ' W - B 1d _ .1 . 110v. 18, 1925 ' 888 1 a Wln, Signoy 1., deceased Julv 10 1026 915 1 Signaling Mar%C§/_rnd 11m, deceased Feb“. 14;: 1919 - S78 ' i a : on, i .1 ‘ ‘ Juno '1: - E Baléow, 1rthur, John and Root. 0’ 1918 j ‘ 555 1 E ., minors ' - ' n 1 Ballew, John deceased ‘ '{flfl' “0’ 1911 ‘ 87(3) S ‘ . : bob. 14 1919 5 1 Bailou, Enoch deconséd ' ’ I 77 g s u Juno 4, 1917 405 . 4 Banks, Lena D. dooeafiod * d 1 Bank t' 1‘ a u ; March 31, 1919 589 F Bark: on&r1orma Joan 0t o1, minors Jan. 19, 1958 1550 E Ezrbe:, T s. Jooophlno, NCM July 17, 1926 . . 917 E m ' , Losophino, NCm Au? 4 1926 g} Baring, MI‘S. J00, NCM ' F D. 0' r 926 b Baring, Eosa, NCM hay 1d, 1965 1231 1 Baring hosn NCfi JUIy I 5’ 1953 1242 E Burke}, L013: tuberc 1 . Jan. 4, 1934 - 1268 1“ Barker, 111211 d u ar' ' June 10’ 1958“ 1549 1-" Barhoté 11r H'fiCOtfiSOd ‘ OCt' 5’ 1935 1376 1 , 1 o. A loo, MGM Doc. 9, 1922 , 779 % Barnett, Alice, NCM Inril 16 11925 U 5: 13a1‘ne‘g’c:I Bgtty Sue, Cap” Kathryn L 1 ' . . . ' 758 ; ano u. ., minors Nov 8 . , ~ 0 1923 1 g4:n:::: fora, Fuller and Mattio,minors June 11: 1906 . :3: '1 L n' 4 F 1 B1 . , 1, D.,L., deceased April 6, 1920 ‘ 638 1 Barnhill, W. A., deceased April 30, 1957 1495 1 4“ a “0 '3 VCCGQSOd April 16, 1923 -759 5 293E of Deecasedigpmmrwgfljfiggticmwu'_M_mpatc Filed Case NO. Barton, Francis M. and Wm., minors April 2, 1894 76 Bass, Georgia and 1.1. 1..., deceased HarCh 1, 1930 1089 Batla, J. F., deceased harch 5, 1505 1 145 Batts, Mrs. M. 2., NCM Dec. 14, 1891' 57 Bauman, H. C., deceased Hay 11,91054 - 1295 Beck, Joe Jones Jr., tubercular Nov. 25, 1958 ~- 1582 Becker, E. F., NCM “Feb. 8, 1921 - 684 Beekhusen, John, epileptic ., April 18, 1927 . 959 Bedford, Maggie L., deceased May ‘16, 1906 .171 Bell, Charlie, deceased E Jan. 26, 1928 1001 Bell, Josephine, deceased March 26, 1909 . 250 Bennett, Julia E., deceased Feb. 26, 1010 282 Berman, E., tubercular Aug. 22, 1950 - 1115 Berry, firs. S. F., deceased March 4, 1955 ~1558 Berry, T. 8., 1311 . _ Oct. 5, 1904’ 158 Best, Mrs. Sallie, deceased Dec. 18, 1924 ' - 841 Bettengeuh, Alexander, HEM Log. 26, 1015 - v 571 Biggs, Ora, NCM ' . Lug. 10, 1914 ' . 596 Billips, Desmond Earl, Hettie Robe ’ ' and haydeo Margaret, miners Sept. 21, 1021 , 704 Billups, Desmond, J. T. Jr. and V “ ' - Truitt, niners Lpril 7, 1919 592 Billups, J. T., deceased . July 25, 1955 1248 Black, Rev. James, deceased July 25, 1914 505 Black, Lillie P., NCh 4 ., D00. 8, 1524 - 858 Black, W. D., HUM _ . . Aug. 21, 1906 176 Blackwell, Mary, deceased March 5, 1019 = 582 Blair, Edna, deceased Oct. 29, 1915 ‘ - 425 ' Blair, Tracy 8., deceased . may 7, 1955»\ 1546 Blanchard, Henrietta, epileptic Aug. 24, 1925 ' - 878 Block, Frank Sr., deceased July 22, 1916 ‘148 ' Block, Melba, miner Dec. 28, 1956 1454 Block, Ursula, miner E July 21, 1926 ' 020 Blumentritt, Augusta, deceased April 18, 1921' 692 Blumentritt,Lugusta and Gertrude,minors Jan. 10, 1025 ~ 847 Blumintritt, Augusta, George Lester, . Gertrude and Martin, minors Dec. 29, 1922 745 Beatright, E , deceased - June 28, 1055' ' - 1256 Boatright, 373213771 tubercular May 11, 1930 ~ 4 , 14-1-10 Boatright, L., deceased . Herch‘l5, 1926 ' . 900 Beatright, Luther D., NCM Oct. 51, 1954 1515 Bogart, Charlie, epileptic Feb. 5, 1915 - 406 Booth, A. J., deceased . Oct. 27, 1057 1514 Boothe, J. H., deceased I March 7, 1925 , 856 Boothe, L. 3., deceased Lpril 12, 1012 542 Boozer, Susan, deceased. . Jan. 5, 1922 715 Borders, Rachel, deceased . Dec. 5, 1005 157 Boswell, Hrs. 01a, tubercular ' 854 Bounds, C. D., ECM‘ _ Aug. 6, 1952 1204 Bounds, C. D., NCM ‘ March 1, 1951 (.1280 Bounds, Hrs. Rosa, NCM Jan. 17, 1955 1529 Bowen, Dan, deceased Feb. ‘10, 1009 245 E 3 4 :1 Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic_;nn.w_nmflDatenfiinnl~“-h~_ Ca§e_Ne. 1 Bowen, Dan, deceased‘ ' _ July ‘21, 1909 259 l Bewen,Elliet,Eve1yn,Hewe11,chel ‘ , g and William s., miners July 24, 1902 5 218 g Bowen, Evelyn, Howell, Jewel V. and " v 1 wm. H., miners _ July 2d, 1902 115 y Bowen, Evelyne, Howell, Jewel V. _ _ d and Wm. Humphrey, minors ‘ April 11, 1910 . 288 :1 Bowen, Evelyne, Hewel L., Humphrey 1 Wm. and Jewell, minors May 14, 1909 255 g Bowen, Howell, HCM * ‘ Feb. 20, 1931 I 1132 d Beyer,.fiay et a1, minors March 11, 1931 1145 g Foyer, Sam, men A Jar. a, 1921‘ ,, '7c8 é Beykin, E., deceased ' March 3, 1915' . , 407 E Bezzell, chh 9., tubercular Eev. 1, 1927 v _ ‘ 986 3 Bradley, H. L., deceased ’ nug._ 28, 1912 . 351 3 Bradley, Ems. Jane, deceased‘ Jun. 10, 1898 89 g Bradley, Mrs. M. 1., son ' . 262 31, Bradley, Richard, deceased July 5, 1894. . 78 1 Bradley, Rinda, men July 25,-1a91 so g Branch,Charles W. and John 3.,mincrs Nov. 26; 1920 676 1 Branch, Charlie W., deceased may ‘ 26, 1928 1017 3 Branch, Charlie Weaver and John ‘ E Stell, minors ‘ Jan. 12, 1917 > 469 g Branch, w. 3., deceased Oct. 7, 1920 1668 1 Brandt, Frank, nincr ‘ Dec. 15, 1885 ‘ 23 E Branhan, Doyle and Louise, miners Nov. 15, 1926 ' 94% % Branham, Mrs. Inez 3., NCM Nareh 29, 1938 ' .‘ 1539 g Branham, J. R., deceased. May 13, 1929 1050 1 Brashear, Alta and Jessie, minors June 10, 1932 _ 1199 E Branch, Chas. W., tubercular ' May 31, 1925 909 1 Bredemeyer, Frederick, deceased Aug. 13, 1932 1205 E Brewer, Bettie, NCM » June 8, 1955 ‘ 1554 r Brewer, Bettie, NCM ' ‘ June 25, 1935 1355 § Brewer,_ Della and J., deceased Oct. 3, 1931 1171 E Brewer, George, non ‘April 27, 1905 , ' 144 1 Brian, Arthur, deceased ’ Jan. 5, 1928 995 i Briley, Mrs. D. R., deceased Lug. l, 1929 1061 g Briley, G. W., deceased April 5, 1919 591 E Briley, G. W. Jr., Inez, Lorene and ' ‘ é Robert, miners ' Dec. 11, 1924 840 % Briley, J. J., tubercular ” . " 769 g Briley, Linzie Clyde et a1, miners Dec. 7, 1938 v1589 E Briley, S. L., deceased Nov. 1, 1938 1577 ; Brimberry, Mrs. L. E., NCM Hay 12, 1923 762 f Brock, James Ellis et a1; Cotton, , Mary Sue et a1, miners Feb. 27, 1934 1279 Q Brock, John, deceased « April 5, 1928 1005 1‘ Brooks, Francis 0.; Keuntz, mellie . ' 1 m., miners Oct. 19, 1910 508 1; Brooks, Jeff P., deceased Jan. 10, 1925 8&6 E Brookshier, Jack et a1, miners Jan. 25, 1928 , 1000 g Breekshire, Hrs. L. 2., deceased June 30, 1928 1020 1 h . R)- ‘ ; 5 Ease cg Deceased, Miser er lfipatie Date Filed Case No. Breekshire, Sam, deceased Feb. 27, 1916 552 Brcwn, Blanche L., Grace 9. and Hollie L., miners July 14, 1686 26 Brown, Carrie, Daniel, Earshall and WE. Frank, minors Harch 6, 1919 585 Brown, Clifford and Evans, miners May 15, 1926 867 Brewe,Dennic L.and Reginald H.,miners Sept. 21, 1916 456 Brown, Ellen 0., Jancs T. and 'William 0., miners April 1, 1906 225 Brown, J. M., tubercular Jan. 8, 1952 1182 Brown, John T., deceased Nov. 20, 1950 1126 Brown, Key and Ruth, miners Nov. 1, 1921 655 Brown, Rey Lee, epileptic Oct. 25, 1915 421 Brown, Sallie E., deceased , April 11, 1924 805 Brown, Sarah, 1301-: ' Lpril 16, 1907 196 Brown, Sarah, NON 1925 866 Brunson, A. E., deceased June 6, 1955 1552 Brunsen, A. W. et a1, miners July 10, 1929 1056 Brunseu, H. 0., deceased June 50, 1957 1991 Brunsen, H. 0., deceased July 15, 1957 1695 Bryan, Charlie, NCM . July 6, 1958 1555 Bryan, Guy, tubercular July 16, 1957 1&97 Bryan, J. H., deceased June 27, 1922 728 Bryan, J. 7., deceased .July 26, 1916 449 Bryan, Kory Leena, tubercular March 22, 1956 1557 Bryan, Robert, tubercular Harch 22, 1958 1553 Bryant, A. F., deceased 50v. 5, 1919 625 _ Brysen, Tommie Jane ct a1, miners Feb. 20, 1950 1086 Bucek, Edwin John, deceased Dec. 10, 1950 , 1151 Buchanan, Ernest, tubercular 925 ' Buchanan, Eudulus, tubercular 925 Buckingham, Mrs. Sarah, MGM Jan. 7, 1927 . 950 Buffingteu, Earnest B. ct a1, miners Jan. 15, 1906 ‘ 215 Burk, George, NEH Lug. 11, 1928 1027 Burk, J. B., HCM Feb. 27, 1955 1216 Burk, J. D., NCM March 4, 1955 1217 Burns, Hrs. Rilla Angela, deceased Feb. 28, 1914 565 Burrows, Mrs. V. L., deceased Doc. 17. 1929 1079 Bursen, Joe, deceased Oct. 6, 1921 705 Busheng, Lula Fay, tubercular Nov. 21, 1954 1525 Butler, A. R., deceased Sept. 22, 1291 55(B) Butter, Francis and Frank, minors Sept. 24, 1919 616 Buttery, Hrs. M. 6., deceased March 22, 1918. 559 Buttery, W. P., deceased ’ Oct. 8, 1914 599 . Byers, Mrs. 11. 17., NCM Sept. 8, 1913 373 Byers, J. 9., deceased ‘ Dec. 24, 1926 969 Byers, firs. A. W. or K. 6., NOE April 21, 1914 . 566 r. d .. . Cady, Henry A., deceased July 16, 1919 ; ‘ 561 Caffcy, Hugh, tubercular Oct. 10, 1955 1577 1 Name of Deceased, Minor or_EEEE§EL.-111._1_333313213§"au1 Case No: 1 ' ‘ ' 1 Cameron, D. A. Sr., deceased SOPt- 6: 1950 I . l. 1116: 3 Cameron, Flora 3., deceased July 26, 1957; _ - 1499_ . , § Campbell, , tnbereular March 21, 1955 1 '_ 1220; 5 Caipbell, ClarEEEe 5., minor April 21, 1915 . :565l , g Campbell, Lula, tubercular , 00%. 25, 1926 _, ' 940. 9 Campbell, Mrs. Ora, tnbercular Sept. 15, 1955 , 1257 S Campbell, Stella, NCM , , Aug. 19, 1951 - .f 1165 § § Campbell, Mrs. W. J., tubercular Lug. 21, 1952 .. 1207. . {1 Carlton, J. B., deceased _ . Aug. 21, 1951 ‘. 1156. 9 Carpenter, S. J., miner . . Aug. 5, 1885 20; . § Carriger, Margery, tubercular .- Sept. 15, 1957 1506, 1 Carter, Ethel, deceased, * Nov. 25, 1926 , _916, _ E Carter, J. L., deceased _ . March 15, 1955 . 1219: 9 Carter, J. T.,Sr., NOE f Aug. 51, 1929 , 1066, E Carter, S. F., NCM , Dec. 8, 1919 _. 'r625 , E Caruth, J. L., deceased April 10, 1905 ‘» . 125 i Cary, W. 2., deceased , April 5, 1918 . _ 545 1 Casper, Dora, NCM . _ Dec. 28, 1907 ‘_ , 209 1, Gates, 155. Mattie, NCM May 27, 1911 '_ , - 519, 5 Gates, Mattie, deceased’ . July 15, 1912 ' .1516, . 3 Cathay, Rufus et a1, minors' June 11, 1929 : ‘1055j ? Caughren, Mrs. L. W., tubercnlar June 2, 1919 505_ § Causey, Celsten, NCM . Jan. 27,—1957 , 1165; 1 Cavanaugh, Jennie, NCM . Dec. 15, 1911 , 555, ; Chamberlain, Jane, NCM‘ , . July 11, 1911 ,. ,522‘ fi Chanceller,31aine and Bebort,n1nors Feb. 25, 1950 ' 1082 a j Chapman,Charles Horris,David Hall, . , 'C ‘ E Howard Lee and Robert Earl, minors Jan. .21, 1925 , _ 950 - {5 Chapman, M. R., tubercular Aug. 4, 1928 ' 1025 13 Chapman, Mattie, deceased, . June 5, 1922 _ | 724 1: Chapman, Nina, deceased' . , , ' Aug. _ 4, 1921 - 702 r E Chapmond, T. L., deceased March 1927 , I 954 . F Chestain, Grady, NCM . Jan. 29, 1917 175,570 a ; Chastain, Merit Grady, NCM Lpril 21, 1951 , 1152 . E Chatman, Andrew, NCM, . ‘ Kay 16, 1905 " , 124. f Chavez, Genardo, tubercular . ' Dec. 2, 1955, , , 1587' ,5 Cheeck, Clyde, tubercular, _ Nov. 12, 1956, ., :.1446 5 Childers, l"fiery Alda Batey, deceased Oct.' 22, 1954 , . 1517 E Childress, H. 1., dccoascd“ . Aug. 9, 1915 a, .555 3 Childress, are. Minnie Sue, 1. l » - , _-- , . j tubercular . ; . ' . July .21, 1955_H ~ , -ld27. - i Christa, Hrs. Estelle, NCM , Aug. 11, 1916 _ 455 1 Chumbly, Mattie L., deceased . Sept. 15, 1905 ,,- , , 128, . i Cidwell, J., deceased , Oct. 19, 1956 _, 1542. L _ Clampitt, Callie M., deceased June 25, 1917 _499,500 1, Clark, Rubin, NCM ,, Sept. 4, 1915 417 1 Clarke, 5, J., HCM Aug. 7, 1955 1561 1 Clayton, are. de10, deceased Jan. 11, 1951 . ., 1271, 1 Clayten, B. J., deceased . . Lpril 9,-1928 1006 _ 12 Clayton, F. 3., deceased Nov. 6, 1954 1521 g Clayton, James, deceased Jan. 2, 1956 1590 F Clements, J. T., NCM Dec. 3, 1929 1075 7 92212-23-Diseases.flisgngaluesfoig.-_...__~m_,,_12sie,.3:ilg§_-_ -. .__.£ss§._1_\12; Clinger, Cecil E., Hortense Helen and John 0., minors' - Dec. 11,.1922 " ' 741 Cobb, Beulah May, Billie, King I ’ I and Skip, minors Jan. 20, 1904 134(8) Cockrell, Ruth, tubercular 751 Goals, Jessie Bell, tuberculsr March 10, 1921‘ 687 Coker, Eddie Melvin, minor Aug. 19, 1927 " "974 Coker, Edward, minor Aug. 6, 1885 ' ~ '1(B) Coker, Jno., deceased June 28, 1886 ' ' 17 Colbert, Code and Fuller, minors Feb. 14, 1921 ' '685 Cole, Luella 0., deceased June 28, 1911 ' ’321 Collins, Jesse Sylvester, deceased Oct. 24, 1923 ' 779 Condre, L. T., deceased Dec. 13, 1922 _" ‘ 742 Condrn, Leonard M. and Marvin G.,minors April 25, 1916 i ' 437 Conn, C. B. and Dorris E., minors Jan. 24, 1921 " 682 Cooper, Jack, minor ' April 28, 1919 584 Cooper, Lizzie, deceased Jan. 10, 1919 574 Cooper, R. H., deceased Jan. 15, 1906 161 Cooper, W. Y., deceased March 31, 1930 1094 Cottelle, Simeon, deceased April 11, 1938 1542 Gotten, Mrs. R. N., tuberculer 740 Cotter, Gladys, tuberculer Oct. 6, 1928 1032 Cotton, Claude 8., deceased Sept. 8, 1926 931 Cotton, Mary Sue et el; Brock, ‘ James Ellis et al, minors Feb. 27, 1934 ' 1279 Cotton, R. D., tubercular March 11, 1937 ‘ ' 1472 Counts, Richard F., deceased July 7, 1894 ' 79 Coupland, Thomas D., deceased Feb. 17, 1938 1534 ' Cousins, J. B. Jr., minor Sept. 22, 1930 '1121 Cox, A. J., deceased - April 9, 1920 642 Cox, Birdie Lee, minor April 6, 1920 641 ' Cox, Neomu, tubercular July 18, 1932 ' ' 1203 Cox, T. A., tuberculer Oct. 29, 1918 - 567 Cox, Winnie, NCM Dec. 8, 1927 ‘ 991 Cranford, Chmrles, minor April 13, 1920 '644 Crawford, Nettie Louise, tuberculer Sept. 4, 1933 1253 Crockett,Ketio,Lucy and Wm.Clnrk,minors Dec. 23, 1911 ' 337 Cross, Billy Jean, minor Oct. 10, 1933 1261 Crume, Cloud, NCM 7 May 17, 1920 ' 653 Crunk, John, epileptic Jan. 31, 1910 280 Culwill, Juanita, minor July 2, 1931 1159 Cummings, Henry, NCM July 30, 1926 . 924 Cummings, W. R., deceased June 20, 1934 1298 Cuniiff,6. L., tubercular July 13, 1929 1058 Cunningham, Hettie, deceased Jan. 5, 1932 1181 Cunningham, M., deceased Feb. 22, 1907' 193 Curfmnnn, Annie M., minor Aug. 14, 1908 230 Curington, W. T., deceased April 26, 1909 253 Currie, J. B., deceased Dec. 18, 1911 - 336 Currie, J. F., deceased Aug. 26, 1930 1114 Curry, A. E., deceased - Sept} 10, 1927 977 Curry, F. 17., mm June 15, 1929 ' 1054 8 J Eligilespfizssd. Minor 3LE1I1¢211L___:_ . 111917.33110.d_._._;;-_ " .' 91.8.0 _N. 0.: ii a 31 a . 1 Curry, F. M., NCM Jan. 21, 1932 ' .1181 1 Czerkus, Anna, deceased - Jan._ 29,-191O. - 278 § _ ,. , . . 3 Dale, J. W., deceased ~‘ May v 2, 1916 ' — -4§8 2 Dale, M. 0., tubercular May ‘ 7, 1930 ‘ I Gui 1 Danford, 1&9. Inez, tubercular Sept. 13, 19:8 - - .157 1 Daniel, 1&5. Mattie E., deceased June 20, 1900' 1 1104 1‘ Daniel, Pearl, minorgvv - ’lbrch ~5, 1089 59 13 1 Daniels, John Irvin et-al, minors Jan. 9, 1906 - Zle 1 Dark W 0 deceased . June .2v,.19101 290 :1 u 9 in 0—3 .. a 1 ~ 1 , . - ‘ . 501 : Davenport, 1W3. h. M., deceased July. 16, 1954 1 . g Davis, A. Do, tubercular ' ‘ _ ”t - Z24 ‘ 1 Davis, Carl Lesta, miner ' ' Jan. - 7, 1907 '1:09 i 'Dovis, Eual, minor Jan. 24, 1911 - j 315(9) % Davis, J. V., deceased" gen. 1, 1939 1 11039 , 1 Davis, James AleXandcr, deceased Dev. lg, 1930' .‘ ‘Eo? 1‘ Davis, Lula Smith, tubercular cot. 32,11917 -- - :015 1 Davis, Thelma et a1, miners spril 21,119EG 1913 _ 3 Davis, William Randle, deceased Day 21, lQDS ~ 1050 3 Davis, William Sampsen, deceased fiarch 2e, lDfS 104% ? Day, Mrs. Hattie V., deceased key E’ 133% _ 129? y i Deon, D. H., NCM ,_ see. lg, 1991 71e 1 Dean, D. H., NCM .’ ' ' ‘ Dev. 10, 13§&- 4 ' €36 . 1 Deon, D. 9., NOE - - Oct. 21, lee7 1 § loll 3 Deathernge, Mrs. Ruth, tubereuler Doe. 14,11911 - e05 , é Denton, Beatrice, Harold Edward, ‘ ' . V 1 Margaret May, Robert 1., Viola, -0 P - E Virginia and William D., miners Jan. 20, 19,0 1‘ - , 329 E Donton, G. V., deceased Harch 1, 1919 oso E Donton, Margaret et 31, minors July 10, 1027 .‘ 967 E DeYeung, Mary, DOM ' Oct. 7, 1059 1071 i Diez, Dorothy L., tubercular Sept. 1s, 1eo7 1908 g Dickenscn, C. F., deceased _ _ Lpril l&, 1010 e09 3 Dickensen, R. A., deceased‘ June 30, 1D§2 ‘ _729 5 Dietz, 1&5. S. 3., tuberculer FebT %, 1305 .. 1 ' 1215 E Dillard, M. 1., deceased 1pri1 9, 1910 _ 287 i Dotbs, Harry, miner Dept. 29, 1929. - 1069 f Docse, Anna, deceased Nov. 19, lela 4' 5§4 i Deose, C. A. Jr., miner , ‘ Sept. 29, 1926 ' '~ 9e5 5 Decse, C. A.‘Jr., Cellis, Harguerite _‘ . n {E and Perry, minors “ Lug. 31’.1914 ~' ' 29: .3 Doosc, Emma, deceased Dev. 29, lD11 0E0 i E: . Doretik, Hrs. Anna, deceased hureh 5, 193% . 1201 15 Derotik, Carrie, Lend, Simon, Tony , E and Willie, minors Day 8, 1921 809 {T Derctik, Frank, decenSed - Lpril 19, 1921- - - 093 y 1 Dorotik, Frank, deceased ‘ Kay 8, 1994 - ols £1 Dersett, Theodore Rusk, deceased dune 1, 13e6 .1416 V 5 Boss, Ivy, tuberculer " ’ Dept. 27, 1?39 ' 1' 1079 E Doss, Ivy, NCM Jan. 14, 1951 11e0,111o H} ' 9 Nmne of Deceased, Miner er lumetic Date Filed Case No. Doss, Louise, MGM Hay 29, 1951 1155 D088, Lwise, 1:011 July 9, 195:2 "1156 Drn.1glas, Jack, miner ' Oct. 26, 1927 985 Dnuglass, James 9., deceased Nev. 7, 1901 10% Downing, Mrs. Celestine, tfibercular Aug. 8, 1929 1062 Drake, Ploy, miner Jen. 11, 1927 . 951 Drake, Hrs. Kathleen, tubercular Dec. 3, 1930 1150 Drake, L. 9., deceased Lpril 17, 1925 865 Drake, Mary Lou, tuberculmr June 6, 1951 1158 Drake, W. T., NON Dec. 22, 1927 991 Drenfian, Cey'2., epileptic. Hench 50, 1955 1223 Brewery, Mrs. J., tubercular July 6, 1921 ' G97 Drell, Jescph, deceased_ July 2, 1931 1500 Dudley, Cyrus et a1, miners Feb. 26, 1894“ 71 Bugger, Ltty May, Elrey and 0mm ‘ Lee, miners June 27, 1918 557 Duke,Billic Ruth and Bobbie Joc,mincrs July 10, 1929 ‘ , 1057 Duke, J. D., NCM DOS. 2%, 1906 189 Duke, J. D., NON Feb. 17, 1915 . 557 Duke, J. 11., epileptic n 17, 1915 ' E 563 Duncan, Catharine, deceased July 1, 1137 34 DunCQn, Mrs. E. 6., Qcceased Eareh 25, 1809 249 Duncan, Elie 1nd Seett L., miners Lpril 6, 1920 659 Duncan, W. 3., deceased Sept. 21, 1912 552 Dunn, Hrs. Esther, tubercular April 30, 1956 1407 Dunn, John, deceased Jan. 26, 1910 , 279 Dyess, M. L., deceased Key 11, 1909 240 V . - E - _ Edwards, Mrs. Beulah, NCM June 5, 1919 ‘ _ 60% Edwards, G.E.anfl Eargarct,deceased Aug. 22, 1952 ' 1206 Elliot, 1. 2., deceased Oct. 25, 1915 422 films, J. H., deceased July 11, 1910 ,291 Blskes, Mary Augusta, deceased Jan. 20, 1929 619 Buman, Al, deceaScd June 12, 1919 605 Enser, Robert, tubercular Aug. 19, 1929 4 1065 Eoff, Jchn and Mrs. K. J., deceased Lpril 20, 1926 905 Epperscn, J. 9., deceased July 21, 1926 919 Ernst, Carl, deceased July 20, 1925 873 Ernst, Emil, 99% Nov; 13, 1937 ‘1517 Ernst, F. 19., deceased ‘ Dec. 13:29 1076 Ernst, Ida, deceased Lug. l, 1930 1109 Erwin, Jaims J., deceased Oct. 10, 1927 965 Eskridgc, 9erl, Cerinne, Lavisa and > Willie, miners Lpril 25, 1905 .145 - Esquivel, Temcsa, tubercular Harch 2, 1958 1555 Esquivel, Triniflad, tubercular Dec. 1, 1956 1586 Estell, Gee. P., deceased Feb. 25, 1919 579 Eubank, C. 3., deceased Jan. 15, 1925 840 Eubank, T. L.,'deeeased Jan. 9, 1924 I789 Bubmflcs, 1-1100, tuberculal‘ Oct. 5, 1959 1579 1 $1 1 10 1 Name of Deceased, Minor or LQHQEEZ__11.H,”"12§E§u§31?§;__ 1- wmmgkffiLEEE: 1 g Bubnnks, Lliee Louise, deceased Kay 1, 1950‘ 1096 § Eubanks, fiery Earl, tabercelar Aug. 10, 1958 ' 1565 i Eugstrem, P. G., NCM : June 28, 1905 _ 150 g Evens, James Garfield, deceased Nov. '16, 1925 4 915 1 Evans, W. 0., deceased j Oct. 29, 1954 , 1520 § Ewing, James H. and Jeshua F., miners March 28, 1906 ' u165 1 — F - = ‘ « 1 . , .- 5‘ 1 Farmer, Mollie, deceased , Oct.‘ 5, 1905 179 ? Farmer, Nerthie, minor _ March 14, 1004 ‘ ' 157(A) % Farrar, Ruth 3., minor _ April 18,'1899' 94,105 1 Ferrer, Ruthie 5., deceased Feb. 25, 1905 - 112 1 Farrar, 1. 5., tubereulsr Dec. 15, 1929 1078 ? Farrar, 15s. Vera, tubercular ,, Oct. 7, 1958 . = 1575 g Feist, Anna, deceased Oct. 2, 1955 1575 3 Feist, M., deceased : j Dec. 18, 1025 1 1080 E Fenwick, W. 3., NCM , ' Oct. 29, 1928 " " 1055 1 Fewell, J. 1., new Maren 18, 1911 2‘ « ~514 'g Fields, J. M., deceased June 15, 1055 > 1254 1 Fitzgerald, c. 0., deceased eat. 15, 1850 , 14 g Fletcher, Irene, tubercular Sept. 10, 1955 ' 1572 1 Flint, Johnie 5., minor March 10, 1917 ~ ' - 485 1% Flippans, Imogene, tubercular Jan. 28, 1958 ' 1552 i Flippin, Alma, miner ' Sept. 15, 1915 - .418 1 Florence, Tulles, deceased June 5, 1956 “' ' '1520 5 Flowers, Preston, minor N ‘ Jan. 25, 1017 475 E Flowers, Prestnn, miner Aug. 28, 1917 504 - {Q Flynt, T. 3., deceased April 16, 1916 156 j Flynt, T. 3., deceased Kay 15, 1916 ' 459 3 Flynt, W. F., deceased ‘ H07. 2, 1956 “ 1144 5 Forbes, Mrs. Irene Mary, tubercular Oct. 25, 1950 ‘ - 1124 E Ford, Bob, tubercular ' ' 765 E Foreman, Eula Mae, miner ‘ Feb. 5, 1956 1 1595 E Foreman, 0. 0., deceased Feb. 12, 1956 = 1505 1 Foreman, Ollie Flora, mifior June 5, 1956' = 1417 g Fergey, M. L., deceased Jen." 7, 1957 1160 g Forgey, Martin Luther, deceased Dec. 22, 1056 ' ‘ 1455 j Foster, Chas., NCM _ Nov. 22, 1909 8 - 269 E Fowler, Clyde, Ieslie 0., Mabel and ‘ ' - g Tom 5., minors . . Jen. 25, 19021' , . 110 E Fowler, Graham F., minor May 16, 1929 ' 1051 1 Francis,J.Wallaee,Kathleen,Lordelia, , " ~ E M. G. and Minnie Guien, miners Oct; 25, 1902 ‘ 117 L Franks, Mrs. Lueeal, tubercular March 5, 1922 ' V _1001 t Frazier, D. E., NCM Feb. 1, 1928 '1002 5 Frazier, D. 5., NCM May 5; 1952 1197 1 Frazier, D. E., NCM Feb. 19, 1955 ‘ 1552 E Freeman, Jewell P., miner Jan. 22, 1925' ’ 855 1 Freeman, Mrs. M. 3., NCM April 1, 1924- ~ . 801 g Freeman, Samson Grady, thbereular Feb. 2, 1920 ' 651 E Frenzel, Theresa, tubercular 822 £1 E ___ , 11 Name of Deceased, Winer fflllhlniific Date Filed Case No. Frey, H. H., deceased Jan. 12, 1935 1328 Frierscn, Josephine, epileptic Oct. 26, 1934 1319 Felcher, W. 3., deceaéed Oct. 19, 1909 263 Fuller, firs. A. G., deceased Sept. 10, 1920 662 Fuller, Isreal, epileptic June 16, 1917 , 497 - G - Gallant, Alma, tubercular June 28, 1933 1237 Gallant, Golda, tubercular June 28, 1933 1238 Gallant, Joy, tubercular March 14, 1932 1192 Gallant, Laura, tubercular June 28, 1933 1239 Gallant, M. F., tubercular July 12, 1933 1244 Gallant, R. 3., NCM Ana. 13, 1923 772 Gallant, 11. 11., 11011 ‘ Oct. 50, 1925 595 Gallant, R. 3., NON lhy 18, 1928 01016 Gallant, R. H., NON Feb. 12, 1931 1141 Gallant, R. H., NCM July 6, 1932 1201 Galloway, Jewell 2., minor May 14, 1916 ' 551 Ganaway,1rcnc,Lctha and Newman,minors Dec. 13, 1907 208 Gannaway,1rene,Letha and Newman,minors June 27, 1907 198,208 Gannaway, Irene and lmvmmn, minors Aug. 2, 1920. 658 Gannaway, Newman, tubercular July 5, 1922 . 730 Gannaway, Zilpha, deceased Dec. 30, 1908 237 Garcia, Antonio, tubercular Dec. 1, 1938 1585 Garcia, Juan, tubercular Sept. 19, 1928 1572 Garrett, Wm. T., deceased Feb. 9, 1891 49 Gartflnn, Eva, tubercular Lug. 30, 1919 613 ' Gaston, Lonnie R., deceased April 28, 1932 1196 Gaston, S. 1., deceased July 28, 1916 451 Gee, Mrs. Willie, deceased Oct. 11, 1919 618 Geistmann, Ben, deceased Feb. 11, 1926 897 Gentry, Charles, Liner July 23, 1912 347 Gentry, Reuben, deceased Sept. 20, 1905 153 Gorhart, Edna et a1, miners Nov. 10, 1927 _, 987 Gerhart, Fred rad Louise, deceased Jan. 3, 1920 626 Gibson, Ollie, deceased Oct. 15, 1936 . 1441 Gicseckb, Edward A., deceased July 7, 1925 872 Geisecke, Hedwig, minor Dec. 29, 1929 1081 Gilbert, Herbert and Orville, minors Jan. 14, 1908 214 Gilliam, J. 3., deceased July 15, 1912 345 Glascock, , NOE April 10, 1931 1151 Glass, Addie Lcu, minor Dec. 20, 1926 948 Glass, Edward, Frieda, Katie, Lucy and Raynend, minors Jan. 14, 1918 528 Glass, Henry, NCM April 16, 1907 195 Glass, Mary Lucy, deceased Earch 30, 1936 1402 G1ass,3t3., deceased June 8, 1912 349 Glass, Wm., deceased ‘ June 30, 1913 4 . 343 Glen, James, deceased ' Sept. 12, 1907 204 Glenn, Annie, NCM March 29, 1915 409 Glenn, James, deceased Sept. 12, 1907 205 g 12 i Name of Deceased, Miner or Lunatic 1__n-1__£%EEQ;E£EE1 _.“6ase No. i Goats, Harvey, deceased . April 6, 1906 y 167 i Goetz, Gard, deceased ' - Dec. 1, 1920 ' 677 § Gectz, John H., deceased ' Aug. 5, 1950 . _1110 : Goolsby, A. 2., tubercular June 4, 1926 y 911 g Geolsby, Dale, tubercular 1