xt7cvd6p2r9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p2r9j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-05-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1992 1992 1992-05-01 2020 true xt7cvd6p2r9j section xt7cvd6p2r9j  

Kentucky Kernel

m of Kentmky. tulnaton. Kentucky '






Pistols and Roses is one of 19 3-year—olds participating in the 1 18th Kentucky Derby at Churchill

Downs in Louisville tomorrow.

Only one horse will wear
the Derby’s garland of roses

Senior Staff Writer

tomorrow's Kentucky Derby is
over. one horse will stand alone.
across from the grandstand for
everyone to see. Draped over the
horse‘s inane will be the tradition-
al garland of roses.

Standing where 117 of the
greatest race horses have stood
before. the winning horse will
join the ranks of such famous
horses as Secretariat. Winning
(‘olors. Northem Dancer. Spec-
tacular Bid and last year‘s winner
Strike the (lold.

Nearly 130,000 people are ex-
pected to attend Churchill Downs.
while millions more will watch on
television. All will witness the
fastest two minutes in sports.

The attention will be great. This
is. after all. the most celebrated
horse race of the year.

Automatically. the winner‘s
stud fees will triple. meaning big
bucks for its owners. Besides the
money. the owner receives the
envy and respect of the horse-
racing world.

What does it take to win a race
of this magnitude? To go the 1 l/
2 mile distance. the horse needs
everything its got. Even a horse‘s
name figures into the mystique of
a Derby winner.

“I can‘t see the name Arazi on
a Derby glass,“ said UK senior
'I‘iffzuiy Bair about this year‘s
Derby favorite,

Not that there is any specific
requirement in a name. but there
is just something magical about
each one of those names already
planted on a Derby glass.

(it course. it will take more
than just a name; it will take
heart. stamina arid luck. Yes.
luck. No matter Iiow good the
horse is. it needs luck. And good

luck includes snagging the post
position. a clean break without in-
terference from other horses and
room to make its stretch run.

Many feel it comes down to the
horse‘s breeding. The horse must
have the endurance. heart and ——
most of all ~ the will to win: it
must be bred into its spirit. It
takes a special horse to win the

Some horses will quit mentally
before making it to the final turn.
Others will stay in contention and
try to keep pace with the pack.
paying no attention to the fact that
they‘re stretching their bodies to
tltc limits

l-preits say a horse cart only
spnnt .3/8 of a mile: anything
more is damaging to the horse.
While some begin to tire and
bleed internally and eventually

See DERBY, Page 5



-1. . ”we 1971

Friday. May 1. 1992

Woman upset with
harassment policy

Stall Writer

When Cheryl (‘lark filed a sexual
harassment complaint with the UK
Affirmative Action Office in
March. she thought she would get
help after being rerouted by a num-
ber of UK officials.

She already had been to the ()f-
fice of Student Affairs. She tried to
speak to the ombudsman and had
spoken to the dean of the college
where the professor she claimed ha-
rassed her taught.

After all these attempts. she was
told by Affirmative Action officials
that her case was closed.

There was no reason for the Uni-
versity to take action because the
professor did not teach in the col-
lege of her major and could not al-

Pi Lambda Phi
hopes to join
greek system

Staff Writer

The I’i |.zunbda Phi social frater-
nity is in the process of trying to be
apart of I K.

()n Apn‘l 2f). the Interfraternity
(‘ouncil made the decision not to
invite any other fratemities to cams
pus next year.

.Iay Phillips. adviser of Pi Lamb-
da Phi at UK, said he doesn’t think
II-‘(‘ is being fair.

Ile said the reason behind the de-
cision was that IF(‘ did not wzutt to
include any more fratemities w hen
some of the smaller ones are having
problems with rush now

The fraternity has not has not re—
ceivcd word froin [PC that it \Hll
not be invited to UK. said Alan \'
Wunsch. executive director of Pi
lambda I’lii.

Wunsch said if Pi Launbda I’hi
receives notice. it will try to colt»
iii/e at UK as a student organi/a-


Young and pregnant:
Student opts for abortion

Editor's note: Allison '5' name has been changed in proleci her identi-


A55istant News Editor



Iiight hours before her abortion, Allison. a UK freshman. sat cross-
legged on her dorm-room bed laughing. then crying. explaining what it
is like to be I‘) and pregnant.

She worried when her menstrual period was two weeks late. blaming
end-of-the-ycar stress. But a moming run from the shower to a bath-
room stall to vomit only substantiated her fear. The following day. Alli-
son left the Student Health Service crying.

There was no decision to be made. she said. In two weeks, she would
abort, And in the interim. between making phone calls to clinics and
scrounging for money. she would rub her hand across her stomach.

“In my eyes. I only had one option. There just wasn‘t any feasible al-
ternative. I want to finish school.“ she said.

Two weeks ago. Allison joined more than 20 million women living in
the United States today who have had abortions

According to a report by the Planned Parenthood Federation of Amer-
ica. women IS to 1‘) years old have the highest abortion rate of any age
group. In 1987. .ll percent of women having abortions attended school.

The statistics prove Allison is not alone. but she said she never
thought it could happen to her that riighl she had sex without using a

The emotional responses that followed the confimiation of her preg-
nancy were not uncommon. said Krista Trevathan. director of clinical
services at the lexington Family Planning clinic.

“Younger women seem more anxious about it." Trevathan said.
“They’re young. they think. ‘Nothing is going to happen to me.‘ Most
of the time they say. ‘I have to finish school‘ or ‘I don't want to tell my
parents.‘ "

During the two weeks before the abortion. Allison said she felt mater-
nal. She said she was scared and thought of nothing but the pregnancy.

“I feel like I should be eating the right foods and taking vitamins.“



She experienced nausea turd leg cramps. but her emotional transfor-
mation was what she called a “leaniing experience" that has changed
her life,

Adiunant about aborting. Allison threatened suicide before she would
deliver She refused to tell the man with whom she had sex that she was
pregnant. fearing he would interfere with her decision.

But. through her tears. she said she felt a bond she had never known

See ABORTION. Page 2


fect her grades. (‘Iark said she was
told. In addition. she said she was
told she should have gone to the po-

(‘lark said the process made her
wonder about the University's pn-

“They're more into protecting the
integrity of the institution. They
don‘t wzun it out. because that kind
of thing doesn‘t happen here.
They‘re afraid of losing students."
said Clark. a sociology senior from
Wilmore, Ky.

(‘lark said she was told she
should visit the Rape (‘risis (‘enter
and Student Ilealth Sen ice.

“They (all) treated me like I had
art illness because I was a victim.”
she said.

(‘lark said she often studied out
side of the DllICL' of the professor

with whom she went to Wilrnore to
look into a business venture. After
touring the city. the professor asked
her to sleep with him. (‘lark said.
Sltc never has mm“ a class from
the professor.

llK Affinnative Action officers
declined to comment about the
“N. A request by the Kentucky
Kernel for a copy of the complaint
was denied by [K records cUstodi-
zui Donald (‘lapp. who cited the

Buckley Amendment.~ .
Judith Worcll. professor of edu-

cational and counseling psycholo-
gy. said getting the runaround is
typical for people who bring about
htu'assmcnt complaints to I K.
“Ihcre‘s no may direct route for



Senior Staff Writer

I'K officials announced yester-
day during a noon reception that
a fund-raising campaign \\lllllll
the (Yinsersity 7— including fit»
culty. staff. retirees and students

. has raised 31.071.765 for thc
proposed library, That puts the
fund-raiser at slightly tnore than
SIS million tonard its SZI) IIIIl"
lion goal.

As of yesterday. construction
of the library secmtd destined to
heginhy I‘Ml,

The state legislature allotted
UK to use SIZ itiillioii III prisatc
funds to begin design of the la»
cility. during the next two years
That authori/ation Wlll allow the
University to get everything Ill
order 7— decide on a site. design
a building and do some site prep-
aratioti so that construction
ciut begin in I‘l‘M. assuming .i
promised $46 million bond issue
is approved as promised.

During yesterday‘s reception.


UK PreSIdent Charles T Wethington praised the faculty staff
and student efforts toward the library fundvraismg campaign

Efforts to build library
gaining momentum



it was announced that “S percent
of ' 'K employees donated to thc

lllll Iiiircham. director of dc-
\clopinciit for the coininunit}
collcgc system that \.'I\\ an A"
pcrcciit participation rate. credit
cd \Vcthington \\Illl rallying tlic
I'nocrsity around tltc fund-
i'aising cffort

“He made II a top priority
.iiid tic mat to battle for it If] the
state legislature." Burchain said

lhe IIL‘\I phase of the fund
raising efforts “I” be a last push
to target corporations and foun-
dations for the final 85 million
Ihc corporate drive will haw
323 volunteers across tltc state
contacting mer 400 corporzitc
prospects. said Stic I-camstci.
coordinator of major gifts for
I’K‘s office of development.

I'K officials have filed IX ap»
pllcillions for foundation grunt
lhc results of those applications
wrll not be known until the total
dations meet. some of them Iic\l
fall. I‘cainster said












Pistols and Roses not welcome on Derby
dance card.
Column, Page 5.

The last day of classes is finally here.

Good luck and don’t forget to read the
Summer Kentucky Kernel.


Dead week is over and finals begin Monday.

Kernel forks
campus leaders.
Page 8.


Diversions ..........

Spons ...............
Viewpoint ..... . ,
Classifieds ..................... 9





 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday. May 1.

Continued from page 1

-- and changed “baby" to “fetus"
whenever she said it accidently.
‘l‘m sorry.‘ 'l‘hat‘s what I
would say if I could talk to it.“ she
said, crying.
' With only eight hours until the
abortion. she spoke candidly about
sex. her emotions and abortion.

Aware that Roe vs. Wade soon
may be overtumed by a decidedly
more conservative Supreme Court
than the one that legalized abortion.
Allison says she thinks the country
has tnade it into a religious issue.

“When this nation quits allowing
abortion to be available for women.
they are pushing a religious belief
on us," she said.

While Allison wanted to express
publicly the reasons behind her de-
cision. she said anonymity was es-
sential because beliefs on the issue
run so strongly.

"‘lt's not that I‘m ashamed I‘m
having an abortion. I just don‘t
want it to affect my friendships.“

. Allison did tell a select group of


friends and. after the procedure. her

“My mom cried. She cried be
cause she‘s had on abortion. and
she felt like her punishment was
losing her first grandchild.“ she

“I can't say. ‘No. I don‘t have
any regrets.‘ It‘s not like cutting
your fingernails. but it‘s not mur-

“It could be a baby. It could be a
little kid that cries and wets his
pants and eats baby food. i could
dress him up and take him places.
You could have somebody that real-
ly loves you.“

Allison said there was every rea—
son in the world for her to tenninate
her pregnancy.

“I wouldn‘t be a good mother.
I‘m not a good person." Allison
said. as she cried. her legs still
crossed. “I just don‘t have a really
high set of morals.“

Allison also cited physical abuse
she incurred as a child and said she
feared her “abusive temper."

She slept for two hours.

She woke late and. at 6:15 am.
left with three friends.


/ N .



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They drove l [/2 hours to Wom-
en for Women of Cincinnati. She
handed the attendant $260 in cash
and her UK ID card. As a college
student. she got a $40 discount.

"If you get general anesthesia.
you get hooked up to an IV. and
they inject you." Allison said. “A
man came in. not the doctor . He
put my legs in stirrups and tied my
legs down with white cloths.

“Right before I went under. the
doctor walked in. so I was never in-
troduced to the guy that did it .
As I went under. I said. ‘Oh look.
it‘s the mad scientist' because his
hair was messed up and he was an
older man. He just laughed and
said. ‘liverything‘s going to be OK.
hon.‘ I looked up. and there was a
butterfly on the ceiling.“

She described what followed as
being like dying —— an instantane-
ous sleep without even remember-
ing closing her eyes.

"I was dreaming about being
raped (by several men) . It was
very vivid. and l wasn‘t aware of
the fact that it was a dream." Alli-
son said.

“'I‘hen there was a total change in
scenery. l couldn’t differentiate be—
tween what was real and what
wasn‘t. Then. I started to realize
what happened. and I had already
started to cry because l thought I
was losing my mind."

Allison reached out her hand to



Friday. Moy l

6 30 p m Lexington Canmuniry College Commoner
Mont Moment Coliseum

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mofld Nil

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e 30 a In College at Human Enwonmonul Sconces
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tam floor boardroom Fullerton Office Tower

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2 p or College or Median. Commencement and Ro-
cwhon Concert Hut Smgletary Conbr



passing nurses. but no one held it.
A nurse handed her a bed pan. but
the pressure on her bladder could
not be relieved. She cried and threw
up only bile.

"I needed someone there with me
so bad. You need someone to bug
you and tell you everything‘s going
to be OK.“

She was walked into the bath-
room and was given a paper bag
containing her clothes.

She could hardly put them on.
feeling extreme pain and a drunken
balance. A nurse walked her to the
car and she sat in the motionless ve-
hicle — and vomited for 20 min-

"Everything up to there was so
hard . Everything from there is
just healing."

Allison. like most women. de-
scribed relief after the procedure.
But because of the abortion. she
said. she has learned a lot more
about life than she ever had known

“I learned so much about myself.
I always thought I was such an un~
caring. unfeeling person — really
cold . Relationships (now) are
more thought through: I‘m not as
free about sex."

However. she started a relation-
ship after the abortion in which she
had intercourse eight days before

the medical OK.

“I feel like more of a woman
knowing what a precious creation
life really is." Allison said. “It is so
overwhelming to think that the
junction of two bodies can produce
another body.

“It‘s so unreal the circumstances
that you go through from the time
of conception to the time of binh.
everything is so beautiful . [t is
something I didn't thoroughly un-
derstand before. nor do I thoroughly
understand it now. but I think I
have more compassion for life."

Eight hours after her abortion.
Allison slept again —-— in a fetal po-



Continued from page 1

students to take for something like
this.” Worell said. “It‘s my impres-
sion that it could have been dealt
with very quickly and wasn‘t.“

'l‘erry Allen. assistant Affinna-
tive Action director. said UK deals
with all sexual harassment corn-
plaints fairly and does not try to
cover them up.

“We find it in the best interest of
the University to enforce policy
through the organized channels."
Allen said.

Even when matters are investi-
gated. sexual harassment charges
often are difficult to prove. said
William Wharton. executive direc-
tor ot' Lexington-Fayette Human



Rights Commission.

“Unfortunately. the proof is usu-
ally one person‘s word against an-
other." Wharton said. “And usually
one party has more resources and
power than the other."

But Clark. Worell and others be-
lieve the University‘s harassment
policies need to be changed.

A group of faculty members be-
gan circulating a petition in March
calling for major revisions of the
school policy. About 700 people
have signed the petition.

Beth (ioldstein. assistant profes-
sor of educational studies, was one
of the faculty members responsible
for the petition. which will be sent
to the University Senate.

"i think we have a good sexual
harassment code. but the rules 'for
enforcing the code are quite loose."

____________________________________ .1

Cries Of the Spirit: poetry and prose :

Marilyn Sewell will introduce and read selections

from her dynamic collection of women's writings.
Cries of the Spirit. published in1991.

George Ella Lyon and Jane Gentry Vance will join in
presenting personal works.

Sunday May 24 at 7:30pm $3 Admission
Unitarian Universalist Church
3564 Clavs Mill Road (223-1448)

___________________________________ .1
It's 3 weeks away so cut this out for your bulletin boardl



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she said.

A cormnittee has been formed to
examine complaints about UK‘s
policy. said Nancy Ray. UK‘s Af-
firmative Action director.

The seven-member . committee
made up of faculty and administra—
tors will compare policies of other
universities to see what can be im-
proved. she said.

“There might be some changes."
Ray said.

Another major concern for Clark
and Worell is the language of the
harassment policy. which they said
is unclear.

Current adminisuative regula-
tions for harassment define it as
anything that “substantially inter-
feres with an individual's work or
academic performzuice or creates an
intimidating. hostile or offensive
working or academic environ-

The regulations recomrnend that
if a student has a complaint about a
professor. he or she should go to
the ombudsman. the dean of stu-
dents or the Affinnative Action ()f—
fice. And if nothing is resolved
through those agencies. it recom—
mends that the student pursue the
matter through the faculty code or
the University Appeals Board.

There are other procedures based
upon whether the accuser and al-
leged harasser are students. faculty.
staff members or house officers.

Clark said she can‘t believe no
action was taken in her case. But
Worell said more students should
follow Clark‘s lead.

“Many students are afraid to re-
port it." Worell said. “It‘s impor-
tant for one student to come for-
ward hecause then others will come
out of the woodwork."




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‘ - Knutucky Kernel. Frldly. May 1. 1992











Senior Staff Critic

With “The Babe“ now playing
in movie theaters and the real
game being played on the na-
tion‘s ball diamonds. it's an ap-
propriate time to look back on
some recent — and some not-so-
recent -— movies about the na-
tional pastime.

A good baseball movie. I‘ve
often found. usually hits a grand
slam in tire bottom of the ninth
with two outs. during the seventh
game of the World Series. A
lousy movie swings at a bad
pitch for strike three. ending the
game and destroying the very
spirit of countless fans. In short.
there is no middle ground.

“The Pride of the Yankees"
(1942. directed by Sam Wood) is
one of the genre's best. The story
of Yankee first baseman Lou
(iehrig is furtiiy. poignant and
faithful to the gatne. (iary (‘oop-
er doesn't just play the role of
Gehrig —— in your mind. he'll be—
come Lou Gehrig. in much the
satne way he became Sergeant

In addition to a good script and
great acting. the film has a be-
lievability that is lacking in most
movies about baseball made to-
day. Many of the baseball se-
quences actually were filmed in
Yankee Stadium. giving the mo-
vie a realistic feel few baseball
movies have. Babe Ruth. for ex-
ample. plays himself. I think it
helps that this movie was made
in black and white. mainly be—
cause it wmds up looking exactly
like old newsreel footage of the
real Yanks in action. A must for
the baseball nostalgia buff.

Evidently. I‘m one of the few
people of Earth who didn‘t care
for Ron Shelton’s “Bull Dur-
ham" (1988). I walked in expect-
ing a baseball movie and had to
sit through a love story with a lit-
tle baseball on the side. The love
triangle between Susan Saran»
don. Kevm (‘ostner and Tim
Robbins was only moderately in~
teresting to me. The portions of
the movie that dealt with base-
ball were more interesting. but
there were too few of them.

The idea behind the movie —
showing the trials arid tribula-
tions of a minor league club — is
a great one. Too many movies
deal with the big leagues but ig-
nore what a player has to do to
get there

If you loved this movie. and
many people did. it's probably
because you liked the romantic
zmgle. But. if you were expecting
a baseball movie. as I was. you
probably gnped a lot iii the car
on your way home.

“I"ield of Drczuns“ i1989. di-
rected by Phil Aldeit Robinson)
is the type of movie I usually
hate. In a nutshell. this flick is a
combination of mysticism. out-
landish hyperbole. l9(\(ls hippie
nostalgia and over-rt)mzmticizing
of the game. I expected to loathe
it. But I loved it. It works. and
I‘m at a loss to really describe

The perfonnanccs are genutne.
of course. The movie is well-
directed and looks great. All in
all, I suppose I like this movie
because those involved dircc»
tor-writer Robinson. author Wl’
Kinsella. Kevin (‘ostner and oth-

ers — really seem to love the
game. And that love is evident
throughout the movie and really




Films offer various
views of baseball

pulls in a baseball—loving movie-

And. unlike “Bull Durham."
there is no pointless subplot.
This movie. to me. is about
baseball. Period.

The same is true of “Iiight
Men ()ut" (1989. John Sayles).
The movie chronicles the l9“)
“Black Sox“ Scandal. when sev-
eral members of the Chicago
White Sox agreed to throw the
World Series.

This movie. more than any
other. is the one most purely his-
torical baseball movie. It‘s truly
about the scandal and little else.
It isn‘t really about the players‘
private lives —— except as they
related to the scandal. It’s excep-
tionally well-done and captures
the look at feel of post-World
War I America better than itiost
nostalgia films do. l loved it. but
I sUspeCi that only a ftm of base—
ball history iiould eiiioy it The
layman might find it a little dry.

“Major League" (1989. David
Ward) is inconectly named. for
most of the humor seems to
have come froin a Little League
gatne. A bunch of one-
dimensional. cartoonish players
join the (‘leveland Indians. I
won't ruin the plot for you (as-
suming it wasn‘t ruined from the
start). btit suffice it to say this is
a movie that seems to bear little
resemblance to the real baseball

It's the kind of movie that
makes you wortder who's run-
ning Hollywood. The film has a
good cast. which is wasted by a
bad script that makes no attempt
to go beyond sophomoric. locker
room humor.

My opinion of “The Natural"
(I984. Barry Levinson) has gone
up during the last few years. es—
pecially after seeing “The
Babe." “Major League" and oth-
er turkeys. I used to think it was
too comy. too cliched and too
predictable. But I’ve come to ap-
preciate the fact that it‘s well-
dorte corn.

Like “liield of Dreams." I now
find the romanticism of the
game and the outrageous ex-
tremes somewhat entertaining.
(An example: A ninth-inning
hotner itot only wins the peri-
nant. it smashes some stadium
lights. showering the field with
sparks. Has this ever happened
in baseball history?) It‘s corn.
but it‘s tasty com.

"The Babe" (1992. Arthur
Hiller) tries to be a lot like “The
Natural" and fails .lohn Good-
mzui is fantastic in tltc role. but
the whole movie is tiiiiniolviiig
It also seems fake. I'very “home
run" (ioodinan hits III the movie
looks more like a pop up to the
second baseman. livery stadium
looks the same. The movie nei-
er gets beyond the myths that
surround Ruth. I know no more
about him now than I did when I
walked in.

There are other baseball mi —
vies. of course. But. I know al-
most every vidco store czuries
the ones listed above. except for
the recently-released movie
about Babe Ruth. which l can‘t

If you‘re a baseball fan. you
probably also appreciate a really
well-done baseball movie. It's a
hard genre to capture perfectly
on film. but “Iiield of Dreams."
“Pride of the Yankees." and
“Iiight Men ()ut" do a splendid




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Stall Crltlc

Babe Ruth's life story seems as if
it were written with Hollywood in
mind. Ruth, whose very name con-
jures images of greatness. epito-
mized the essence of the Roaring
‘205 and single-handedly saved
baseball from its darkest days. Dur.
ing his heyday. George Herman
“Babe“ Ruth was truly bigger than

So why hasn't Hollywood come
up with a movie worthy of his epic

'l‘inseltown‘s latest effort. “llie
Babe." comes close. It tries dearly
to convey the spirit of Ruth's legen-
dary tales on and off the field.

But despite an excellent perfor-
mance by John Goodman as the
Bambino. “The Babe“ falters like a
long fly ball that only reaches the
wanting track.

“The Babe“ starts with Ruth‘s
early childhood when he was aban-
doned at St. Mary‘s Industrial
School for Boys. The school is por-
trayed as an evil place where Ruth
is labeled incorrigible — that is un-
til he discovers baseball.

I5rom there. the movie looms
ahead to the Babe‘s early profes-
sional career. While playing for the
Red Sox. Ruth is seen as a burn-
bliiig idiot who has no social grace
and who has no idea how to talk to

Ruth‘s career thrives and he mar-
ries a farrn girl ttamed Helen Wood-
ford iTrini Alvarado). “The Babe"
spends a lot of time dealing with
Ruth‘s sometimes stormy relation-
ship With the reclusive Helen.

It also spends a lot of time with
the Sultan of Swat‘s social prowess.
showing him as a drunkard and an
adulterer In one scene. Ruth shows
tip drunk to a game but belts a home
ruti anyway.

Ruth and Helen‘s relationship
collapses after Ruth is sold to New

York. He loses his wife while at the
same time becoming the toast of
the Big Apple as well as the entire

Ruth remarried and after his un-
believable career comes to a close.
longs to manage the Yankees But
the owner refuses to let him. so
Ruth accepts an assistant manager‘s
job with the near bankrupt Boston
Braves. where he is simply a
crowd-drawer and too old too play.

Goodman probably is the most
suited actor ever bent to play Ruth.
His face. mannerisms and even
stance and home run trot look like
exact replicas of the Bambino. The
best scenes come when it recreates
the old newsreel footage of Ruth
that looks almost authentic. Good-
man does the best possible job
within his script.

Writer/producer .lohii Fusco's
script leaves much to be desired.
You have to wonder if Ruth was as
big a dope and jerk as he is por-
U‘ayed. why ditl he become such a
rtational hero'.’

Iiusco also makes the same mis-
take as last year's television movie
about Ruth. That is. he focuses
much too little on what Ruth did on
the field. Apparently. these produc~
ers forget what made Ruth famous
in the first place. And when he is
shown playing baseball. the Bambi-
no flops around like a big fat oal‘.
Instead of portraying the great ath-
lete who was a star pitcher and the
most prolific slugger of all time.
the movie makes Ruth just look
like a fat guy who got lucky 714

“The Babe“ sags even further
with its contrived. “The Natural"-
type ending Instead of examining



John Goodman portrays baseball legend George Herman "Babe"
Ruth in the new film by Arthur Hiller. Kelly McGillis also st