xt7cvd6p2s7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p2s7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1999 1999 1999-12-06 2020 true xt7cvd6p2s7x section xt7cvd6p2s7x  

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w“ Mn”? '2.





1) What occurs more
often in December
than any other


2) Only 14 percent of
Americans say
they've done this
with the opposite
sex. What is it?

Skinny dipping

3) What separates "60
Minutes" from every
other TV show?

No theme song

4) Half of all Americans
live within 50 miles
of what?

Their birthplace

5) Most boat owners
name their boats.
What is the most
popular boat name


6) More women do this
in the bathroom than

Wash their hands

7) What do 100 percent

December 19996,

of all lottery winners

Gain weight

8) In a recent survey,
Americans revealed
that this was their
favorite smell.


9) If you were to spell
out numbers, how far
would you have to go
until you would find
the letter ”A"?

One thousand

10) What do bulletproof
vests, fire escapes,
windshield wipers
and laser printers all
have in common?

All were invented
by women.

11) Married men
revealed that they do
this twice as often as
single men.

Chan e their
un erwear

12) This stimulates Z9
muscles and
chemicals causing

A kiss

13) This is the only food
that doesn't spoil.


14) There are more
collect calls on this
day than any other
day of

the year.

Father's Day

15) What trivia fact
about Mel Blanc
(voice of Bugs
Bunny) is most

lie was allergic to

16) 0f the guys who die
while having sex, 85
percent are doing

Cheating on
their spouse


Compiled by:
Samantha Essid and
Ron Norton

woa titer

5,0 2.8

Sunny and cold


VOL. 38105 ISSUE I871


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:




Basketball museum could be history

Searching for answers: Attendance
lower than anticipated, debts mounting

By Chris Markus


The new millennium
may be tnore of an end
than a beginning for the
UK Basketball Museum.

The museum. which
houses exhibits that docu-
ment the history of Ken-
tucky‘s “Team of the Cen-
tury." is trying to find a so-
lution to solve its money
and popularity problems.

Faced with a debt of
about $2 million and lack

ing the anticipated number
of visitors. the museum is
meeting with city officials
to try to solve its financial

Mike Durham. the mu-
seum's executive director.
said that although discus-
sions with city officials
have yet to produce any
specific proposals. he
hopes that at least a partial
solution may be found by
early 2001).

Susan Straub. press
secretary to the mayor’s of-


Pam Miller about the meet-
ings between the city and
the museum.

“We're still in the pre~
liminary stages and are
just now starting to take a
hard look at the numbers.“
she said. She added that
the city is “very active and
interested in the museum
being a success."

Durham said the muse-
um needs to promote itself
better in order to connect
with the community and
tourism officials, so the
museum can become a big--
ger tourist attraction.
While the museum attract—
ed about 2.000 people on

which pitted the 1996 team

against the 1998 team. the

museum may only play
host on slow (lays to about
24 visitors.

“We need to try to find
a way to get the word out."
Durham said.

Although meetings be»
tween the city and the 11111-
seum are the latest result
of the nonprofit museum‘s
financial woes. Durham
said that money issues
have been a problem since
before the museum opened
last February.

“We‘ve been somewhat
behind the eight ball for a
few years now." he said.



Turmoil at the
Student Center


UK students and members of UK Lambda clashed with a minister
from Newark Ohio yesterday when the minister demonstrated against
homosexuals at the Free Speech Lawn' in front of the Student Center.

Bystanders said at one point the confrontation turned violent when
Masten C hilders a history senior confronted Charles Spingola a mem-
ber of Unashamed and Associates “ a religious group based in Newark.


Childers said he was outraged by signs Spingola displayed that read
“Friends don‘t let friends he homosexuals" and “Gay.. Got AIDS yet?"
and by the minister s decimation of 1115' righteous hatred" f01 homosexu—


Childers said the minister responded to his defense of homosexuals
by saying. “Obviously you didn’t have a father figure to spank you and

teach you what‘ 5 right "

The discussion then became physical as Childers knocked the Bible
out of Spingola’ 5 hand. Spingola returned by physically hitting Childei s.

“I did something I probably shouldn‘ t have done. He made a complete
jackass of himself I made my point and he looked like a jackass,"

Childers said.

Childers filed only verbal complaints at the UK and Lexington police


spoke on behalf of

the day

“I really didn‘t want to press charges I just wanted to get the guy off

campus,‘ ‘Childers said.

The Kernel was unable to contact Spingola for comment.


of The Game.

Durham said that the


A look at th

first sign of nione y tioublo
became aware nt when [111
museum. originally expect-
ed to (‘tisi around $3 mil
lion to construct. ended up
costing met“ $5 million.
Despite the financial

threats to the c\.istcnce of

the museum Straub said.
“The museum being closed
is not an issue right now "

Both Durham and
Straub said that there 1s no
specific deadline by \1 hich
the museum must settle its
outstanding debts

“We‘re trying to move
along as quickly as [hissl
hie. but there are a lot 1111s
sues to deal with." Stiaub



olidays 1 8



UK Basketball

$5 to anyone five years and
older. A one-year pass is
available for $25.

Lexington Civic Center

Sunday: noon-5 pm,
Monday: closed. Tuesday
through Friday: 10 a.m.-7 pm.



BRIAN GRANGER | main 51m

A student offers Charles Spingola of linashamed and Associates a dollar to be quiet. Spingola took the dollar,

put it In his pocket, and continued preaching.

Professor named president of national
higher education association

John Thelin becomes first UK
representative to head organization

By Amanda York

The Association for
the Study of Higher Educa
tion recently elected UK
professor John Thelin to
serve as president of the

The association is a
national organization that
consists of all the doctoral
programs and research
centers in the nation that
are focused on the study of
higher education.

Thelin said the nomi-
nation took him by sur-
prise because he hadn't
sought the nomination.

“It was totally by sur-
prise because I got the
phone call from the person
who was president at that
time. I thought he was call-
ing to remind me about a

book I had borrowed from
him a couple of years back
and he asked me if I would
be willing to stand for the
election." he said.

Thelin is the first fac-
ulty member of UK to
serve as president of the

He said the organiza
tion consists of many
prominent doctoral pro‘
grams from across the
country. including UCLA.
Harvard. Big Ten univer-
sities and researchers
from the Carnegie Foun-

The organization has
around 2,000 members and
about 60 doctoral pro-
grams. he said.

“Every year the board
sends out their national
newsletter and they solicit
nominations. The board

members have a nomina-
tion committee and they
tear down the ballot to five
or six choices and the
members send in their
choices." he said. "You are
being chosen by your fel-
low members."

While in office. Thelin
will plan and organize the
annual conference in Cali-
fornia next November
where members partici-
pate in symposiums. dis-
cussion groups and pre-
sentations on a variety of
issues dealing with higher

Thelin hopes his role
as president will assist UK
in its attempt to gain na-
tional recognition. and
that UK has already made
a step in this direction by
becoming a Class I
Carnegie Research Univer»

This method of catego-
rizing is relatively new

and will affect UK and oth-
er universities. Thelin

“It‘s a technical
change but it will have im-
portance for how a univer~
sity measures itself. de~
fines itself and how we
compare ourselves." The-
lin said.

While in office. Thelin
hopes to bring the impor-
tance of higher

education to a variety
of disciplines.

“We are trying to real-
ly expand discussions
where we bring discipline
such as history, econom-
ics. law and political sci-
ence to look at the serious
study of higher educa-
tion." he said.

Edward Kifer. a pro-
fessor in the department of
educational policy studies
and evaluation at UK. said
he thinks Thelin‘s role in
the organization will also
bring attention to UK.

“It certainly is a posi-
tive reflection on the per-
son and that reflects posi-
tively on the organization
as well.“ Kifer said.

It was totally by surprise because I got the phone call
from the person who was president at that time. I
thought he was calling to remind me about a book I
had borrowed from him a couple of years back and
he asked me if I would be willing to stand for the





ACLU restarts
chapter at UK

They're back: Recent debates spark
interest and need for organization

By Andrea Noe


The first undergraduate
chapter of the American
(‘ivil Liberties Union at a
Kentucky university has or
ganized at l'K. in the wake
of debates over mrnography
at the Kentucky Theatre and
the posting of the Ten (‘oni
mandments 111 schools.

17K chapter co-COordina
tor Kristina Talbert said
that she wanted to restart
the group. which (lied out 111
1997 under the guidance of
the (‘ollege of Law. after be
coming involved 111 the (‘en
tral Kentucky (‘ivil Liber-
ties Union.

()ne important role of
the ACLI' is as a monitor of
the government‘s power and
the laws it passes. Talbert

“Sometimes there are
acts taken that infringe on
our civil libeities so it‘s im-
portant to have a watchdog."

In addition to working
on issues that are important
to the community. the group
also wants to focus on civil
liberty issues that affect UK.

Freedom of assembly on
campus is limited in places
like the Patterson ()ffice

'l‘ower plaza. 111 which 1111-
landscape doesn‘t ettct 111121;.“-
studoiits and faculty to 1 on
gregatc. chapter 1‘t)1‘tiivttIl
natorcasey Holland si'd

‘If you yy 1111 to gather
up a bunch ot Il'lt‘llil\ in
front of the Patterson Ht'licc
'I‘ovvt‘i'. there‘s nonliv-i‘1 11‘

1t " he \ztld.

Students are also .o-t
corned about demotisti i
tioiis and spt‘t't'llt‘s on 1.1111
pus being confined to the
tree speech area. said chap
ter liaison to student groups.
Stephanie Blessing

“It reaches a small pop
ulation 1|1.\Ill(It‘llI\ because
It‘s way over on North (211n-
pus and It's away from
11 here classes are." she said.

The chapter hopes that a
free speech area that doesn‘t
interfere with the movement
of students can be created on
South (‘atiipus. Blessing

(‘anipus groups such as
the UK chapter of .A\(‘l.l'. the
Leftist Student l'nion and
Amnesty International hope
to work together oti issues
that they have in cottimon

“()n campus. there‘s a
progressive movement
that‘s starting to come to-

See ACLU on 2 ~13 ‘1



. .


 z i notion.



The Low-down

Labor leader welcomes VITO collapse

WASIIINti’I‘liN The head of the nation's
largest labor federation welcomed the collapse of
World Trade Organization talks in Seattle and
the failure to agree on a new rotind of negotia

Ijust tions. "No deal is better than a bad deal.“ Ali‘l.
w - ~ v . . . . - ) . .'
love him (It) chief John Sweeney said yesterday. I test
Th If ' dent (‘linton “yioultl be of the same opinion." re-
a ace sponded t'ommert-e Secretary \t'illiam lialey.
—that adding the administration never would have
face 18 so signed a deal that did not benefit the llniteil
hard to States “\te think that what was tloiie in Seattle
wra as far .is some progress on issues was positive.
011? Ilaley said "Iiiit I would agree with (Sweeneyi a
g . hundred percent that we were not going to do a
rank bad deal.”
a 0 .
soft, agd No word from Mars probe for 3rd day
never. I AS \I)ll.\ \ (‘alif. lot a third straight
thmk hls (lay N AS \‘s I)eep Spite Ni twink :zintenn is lis
face was tened in y tlll yeste itl 1y lot i sign: il troin thi
SO ” Mars l’olar Lander. NASA officials said that a
' communications window opened at 1:30 pm. PST
_ anti closed )0 minutes later without any apparent
3?:‘5'3?’ transmission from the surface ofthe Red Planet.
"Hanging Up" Mission comtnentaior [layid Seidel at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory said illlill)\l\ ofthe data
costar. Walter
was continuing. but there appeared not to have
Matthau, 79, . ,
to Redboolt been any linktip with the lander.


AJ McLean, left, of the pop group "Backstreet Boys" helps Britney
Vlilmot, 14. of Seattle, pick out a television at a store In Citrus Park,
F la.. Friday. Wilmot and four other girls who won a 30-minute, $2,000
shopping spree at the store were escorted by the five members of the
"Backstreet Boys."



Madeline Kahn,
famed for her
sexy vamp roles
in Mel Brooks'
hit comedies
Saddles' and
and twice nomi-
nated for
Oscars, died
Friday at age
57 after a long
battle with
ovarian cancer.
Announcing her
death at a New
York hospital.
her husband,
John Hansbury,
said. ‘Vle all
suffered a great
loss today."



A top 0.5. eye
institute Friday
offered to eval-
uate musician
Stevie Wonder
for an operation
that may
restore vision
to some blind
although it said
the operation
was unlikely to
help Wonder.


GOP candidates gear up for debate

WASHINGTON GOP presidential candi—
date Steve Forbes said yesterday he has been
clear in letting voters know what he stands for.
unlike front-runner George W. Bush. and hopes
for “a real interchange" among the six candi-
dates in today's debate so people can judge for
themselves. Scheduled to join Forbes and Bush
in Phoenix are Gary Batter, Sen. ()rrin Hatch of
lltah and Alan Keyes. The state‘s senior senator,
John McCain. will participate via satellite from
New Hampshire. where he is campaigning. Mc»
(‘ain led Bush 39 percent to 31 percent in Arizona
in a late October poll by the Media Research Pro-
gram at Arizona State University. but 18 percent
of the voters were undecided.

IRA meets with disarmament panel

BELFAST. Northern Ireland , The Irish Re—
publican Army said yesterday its representative
met a Belfast-based disarmament commission
another step toward the arms handover vital to
the survival of a new I’rtitestant-(‘atholic admin-
istration. The outlawed IRA did not say where or
when it had met with the commission. which is
led by Canadian (len. John de Chastelain. Nor
did it identify the representative. according to a
brief IRA statement released to British Broad-
casting Corp. anti the Irish broadcaster. RTE.
The statement said the IRA anticipated further

AT&T pledges to share lines for Web

WASIIING'I‘ON AT&T intends to give
competing Internet providers access to its high-
speed cable lines, The move could quell fears
about the telecommunications giant gaining too
much control over what information reaches
consumers‘ homes. In a letter the company
planned to send federal regulators tomorrow.
AT&'I‘ pledges eventually to give its customers a
choice of Internet providers over AT&T‘s cable
connections. according to sources close to the
discussions. The letter to the Federal Communi-
cations (‘ommission spells out the framework
AT&T will use in negotiating future contracts
with rival Internet providers that want to share
the company’s cable lines. said the sources.
speaking on condition of anonymity.

No. 1 Connecticut 87, Penn St. 74

Abrosimova and Shea Ralph led five players in
double figures with 17 points each and No. 1 Con-
necticut defeated Penn State. 87-74. in the opening
game of the Honda Elite 4 Holiday Classic. Penn
State got within three points in the first half but
never threatened Connecticut’s lead again. The
Huskies led by at least 13 points throughout the
second half and by as many as 23.

From desktop to
bank account

Money on the web: Studentmarket.com
offers student loans over the internet


By Melissa Little

Student Market.com has
figured out how to take ad
vantage of two big businesses:
the Internet and student

The website offers stu-
dent loans without the hassle
of paperwork and conve-
nience of the web, a combina-
tion ()ren Milogram. director
of student affairs at Student-
Marketcom and one of the
original founders of the com-
pany. thinks will payoff.

“Millions of students are
wanting to go to college. and
this was a way to support
that.“ Milogram said.

Melissa Chapman. an
agriculture communication
senior. has taken out loans
from UK and a rotary club to
pay for college. and admits
the loan process is confusing.
Chapman said her parents
complete the paperwork.

“I just sign the forms."
Chapman said.

Despite the confusion
over student loan process,
Chapman knows one thing for


“I know that if] don‘t pay
I will be reported to the credit
bureau." she said.

Students. he said. face
two problems when applying
for loans: They take out too
much money. and they don't
pay on time.

Milogram hopes the goal
of the company to make the
loan process easier while em<
phasizing the importance of
credit and savings to students

~ will catch on.

The accessibility of the
Internet has helped the com-
pany gain popularity with col-
lege students, he said.

While searching the In-
ternet. the student can be pre-
approved for a loan in just
minutes. They will receive
the application form from the
lender in the mail.

Besides loans. Student
Marketcom offers students
test preparation software. in-
flatable furniture. casual
clothing. picture frames and

“I am always looking for
solutions to calm problems."
he said. “We are pooling re-
sources online and bringing
everything in one place for
college students.“





Continued from paqet

gether for a common cause."
Blessing said.

Recent events in Kentucky
as well as in the nation have
concemed the ACLU.

“When we see things like
the Ten Commandments in

schools. I really feel that is a
strong ACLU issue." she said.

Like the national group.
the UK chapter wants to be a
voice for people whose rights
may be abused.

“A lot of times we repre-
sent the underrepresented
women, homosexuals and peo-
ple who have been discrimi-
nated against because of race."
Talbert said.






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filh r—‘fi

I wa

to It

the t
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can .
it's r
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 Robert Ouan
Scene Editor
Phone: 2574915 I E-matl: kernelart'eyahootom











A Flawless

Singing lessons from drag queens: Despite
an odd premise, Flawless works well

By Matt Mu_lcahey


)‘ sce ' to en ~- ~; - - - . viii . r-
glfshflgfif’emhat 331.195.31.11; man decided to do the movie. lessons as a form It inr't‘t‘li ( H" ”RA I IN" (N R ' \ LAR
()ne's a tough. alpha-male directed and written by (1091 De Niro (guess whichoiieof therapy. lintei Rusty tlte drag - I .., I \Mxk ( ouisc
New York (‘ity security guard "the guy who ruined Batman" this Big Apple odd couple he queen. gr - it.“ \l l .tiiiii;-t in.-.
who divides his time pretty even Schumacher, there's not much plays) has the rare. intangible l’liilip Se; inour llotlnian q\ -t he; tts' I'iact-uieiii suite“

ly between poker, handball and
womanizing. 'l‘he other‘s a flam-

boyant. outlandish drag queen like usual Schumacher decided DOI‘U‘HleIR This time. De Niro IlIIIII IlliIIHl litre/mutt and III. I .
who's pinching every penny to af- to return to writing original enters the skin ofsecurity guard Ill/WINK] 11"] l{Ill/VI I tIII" ”III ~ BARTENDING "Olmalzmy?f°.‘flt;8?yem
' ‘ V ’ ‘ ' I r l ‘ i . -' t I I u I It .i
lord a sex-change operation. scripts for the first time since Walter koontz. who s forced to IIIIII \‘= I” II” Mist I III IllI (IN . SCHOOL ‘
How many times is this the pompous St. Elmo's Fire. seek help from his dragoueeii ”I“ ”II“ I" ‘I IN “\"I ”It I”it l.c\:netou Baitcnding School

tired formula of polar opposites
learning to accept each other
going to get churned out?
They‘re getting to be as tire»

some as Julia Roberts‘ roman- the superior As Good As I! (,‘gfs. stroke victim. from the slurred Niro and Sm mm”. ”UH-“m“
tic-comedy vehicles or Will This leaves one alternative: speech to the unusable limbs. actually make H,” l'ot'get the THE'BESTSELECTION OFOLDSNEWTOYSINLEXIN TON!
Smith's summer blockbusters. The acting is 50 splendid it should serve as a blueprint for lack (if mum‘hmhh hr mp .— ~

There are only two faint glim-
mers of hope that exist for this re
tread. regurgitated formula.

One would be that the char-

acters are so lovingly and care»
fully sculpted that they make

chance of that. Instead ofjust
being mediocre as a director

Well. actually, to call the
story an original script is some-
what misleading. being that it‘s

pretty much a blatant rip-off of

brings the mundane storyline
to a new level. Luckily for the
makers of Flawless. Robert De
Niro and Phillip Seymour Hoff-



Hoffman and De Niro star in Flawless. Their acting makes the movie work.

ability to crawl inside a t'hui'uo
ter and become the person he's

neighbor after a stroke renders

him partially paralyzed.
Watching De Niro capture

even the tiniest details of a

all method actors. After initially
drowning in a vast pool of self-
pity and contempt. Koontz
bottortis out and seeks singing

‘ionscliold n. tine
lll :lily

may not be a
now but diet the

person tliiy lie le lltls Rush is. i
per It‘ll
\lltl s‘

lit a ll'lll\

mirth it ll! Ill lot lie
coli'. insensitivi-


direction and story by turning
in I)(‘l'itil‘lll.’tllt't‘.\ that are. well.
Rating: B



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L ‘- 4
her in your own words Just got dumped and can’t ° ' I ‘ b q a-
how She makes you feel. deal? Dad finally cut off EDISOde I on the blq screen 0'" Y Dec. '
The more nervous you that allowance? I
Z are. the cuter She'll think A“ Abbey. our 0W" By Robert Ouan iiess on par u ith the P3Y NO Reg. Fee ($50) .
I you are. Girls are suckers Kernel adV'Ce columnist. mm En mp theater's other top
for that kind ofthing. lwas 59"“ e-mail t0 ASI’ movies. Il'uet Mention This Ad
tempted to just put your abbs@yahoo.com or drop Not that Lucas
name in the Kernel and let offa letter £0716 Grehan How much hype won‘t turn :1 profit
' Your girlfriend read it for Journalism BUIIGIIIO i docsouo mm It" really t‘rom the re renal... oi‘
Abbe lile herself. but that is far from 1 rteed.’ tor the tor‘cc The Phantom l]t’/i‘(l('t.
—-————1———— romantic. Plus. I didn‘t ‘ . . ., 3 .lUIIkIP-N “III lhf‘I‘fl With the explosion of
KERNELADVICECOLUMNIST want to “steal your last thing your want‘io j here‘s _\'UU|‘ final ”HM “m“ ”1}“..le
Dear Abbey. thunder" (as Phoebe from heir. bl” t-hf) Fest $18112: i l chance to see liucas‘ things Wig-mg h.
'3 I‘ve been thinkinga IOI “Friends" Says) and take Egfilglééexselllilg: ashyl'ou l \‘i)(.‘(‘.l.’ll t‘lll‘t'lS liliillslt‘l' “\'t‘l'sli.’i(lii\‘=' lllt‘ (Am.
’ about my girlfriend lately. the pleasure 0fthe moment want toisee him. , don't. 3 on the big screen. “WIN.“ em. \\':ir~ eeS
lwarit to let her know that away from you. Tell her Think about it this way: if I IIIIS I't'lWISI‘ “W” stuft for llll' holiday...
she is ”luilbeSt glll‘lfl‘leli}? a you love her. Tell her shes you stay around. he is I “”5 ”It‘lb-‘IIIII‘ (iII'tS‘II-Y is it really a t‘tiilit‘l
guy COUt iave. want er beautiful. Tell her you getting the benefits of ‘ élI‘I (1W III III“ “P dence that the movie * ' '
to know that she is Ms. can't live without her. Just having a girlfriend that surrounded the was i-iLi-r-Imwd llli‘ AerOb'C Wfighl Training Skid“) if JUICE 53F
Right. The problem is I‘m be sure to live up to these without the attachments . first release of The fire-1 “Hi .,i mph,“ 30! W. Shogrt-Et:753—600Y 1
not sure how to tell her. promises you're making. (llke a commitment). I Phantom Menace in ber‘.’ Or could “o be
Could you give me some otherwise they willjust be ”115v the_more X01} stay I May. One week only setting A final Iiiilitluy
advice on how to bring up meaningless words. around him the stronger l anti all proceeds go to driy o to ~i-pi:..-.» that
the s‘llblt‘Ct" - Abbe your feelings for mm “1“ l Cli'li'it‘.‘ il‘l‘ll‘lilll” lit‘le liitvlist-
‘ ‘ y grow. Guys (and girls. I L l "“1 l vtt' . j, . f "'4
- In love too) have this problem I ma tit .i ll thing whb . i.tt llil
Dear Abbey. with trving U) have lllf’ll' i ()V\'ll(‘l'.\ IIl' llll‘ll' l‘l‘ Iillllljg' .l Il' .l.‘ll‘ lllllb‘ APAR M EN S
Dear LOVC- My boyfriend ofthree cake and eat it. too. For 1‘ SIM'IIU' itIII‘cut coin thing A. m.- i..:; i... I I
I've been thinking yearsiust told me that he some reason. they don‘t . parties choose tie your lllllt' brother
. this one over and over “needed his space." l un- isecidahything wrong Willi I charities benefiting and sisti-i ..:.v st‘l'i'illli is now leaSing
again. l can only come to derstood and told him that 1." mg onto an 0 ‘ i from IIII> i'I‘I It‘I IIItI Ittl‘i‘
one conclusion: just tell was fine. But not three glilfifjffldmfilf; willy)?“ I martce [II I“ \I'I"I”II- 5’”? -”“"‘l"""r' I" 1 bedroom apartments
2. her. There‘s no way you days later. he was hang- ‘ ‘ ‘ I 3011 HI“ (”II II “I" II I ' tt' III "
i , -= .= . it bli n . . .. _
; can Just start a conversa- mg all over a girl he had $33.15.”... Shirl 331th lizhtlitd l ({lI’I’Il’lt’Il") illm’a‘” "‘ 2"“ "7' " ’l‘ I“ "“M 3 bedroom apartments
lion like. that. except for sworn to me was just a “mi about as asingleguv. l but ti _ . owes to. It‘ Mm. igisi .- in“... .
“Will you marry me?" friend while it“ were (la: lfthis guy truly cared l ym‘lht'” 5] I’l'lt’wwl‘ {I ‘3 "fl” lfulfl'l'i “ “l' " 50 feet from UK Med center
.; l have a feeling that ing. l was urious ant about you. he would be “'m H,“ V m" VD?” ,. ”'7" 'l , " . '
:3 it's not quite time for that hurt. Nl‘iw he wants me to nice enough to I It‘ll”) \ll‘lll To to llllI‘ I ’MIII‘" III-5‘ j] OFree Park|ng
.' yet. Do you want to make £10 ‘0 is hOlISO just 10 understand that you need ; IIN'II iII‘ ’N-‘II‘IP I» I““ "“" 1“" ""4""
El: telling her special? Here's hangout and be friends] your space. and that I ASNII‘IIIIIII‘IL' MINI ”I“ {li‘l‘l‘ "*‘l I" ”"i‘ ’24 Hour Laundry
.‘é what U) do: Take her to don't think I can do that. being his friend is [00 i (‘hl‘lS Nll‘Illlll'l‘. «"ISSlS lllllli lli|\\ IIlLI‘ sin-t tit
=2 dinner. Then take her for my feelings are too strong much right now. lfhe, gets 1 taut manger oi the "Ilt‘t'l‘s *I‘t‘III’J II I‘I-I I’II‘ CALL TODAY 254-01 01
a walk somewhere nice for him still. What do I do? upset that you Won‘t be at i theater. bit—j ‘ st i‘ct-it llit the
'3 and quiet. After you‘ve -To be or not to be his beck and call I Mctluire said IIIS wUIIII Is itt'ttltit
found a place to sit. tell (Friends) anymore. then he is not i that the weekend has “IV [III‘ “I“. I“ .‘s'II,
her everything about how WOI‘ih .VOUF time and I been slow overall. but but It > 'IIlI IIII II ELECTRONICS MUSIC FURNITURE
You feel. Don i try to be a Dear To Be, ammo“ 1 Hit) Phantom .Ilenucc good new IIIIt‘t IIII
poet if you're not. Just tell Stay away! That is the - Abbey I has been doing bust Rlfllil'.’
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