xt7cz8928g3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz8928g3v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19610317 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-03-mar17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-03-mar17-ec. 1961 2011 true xt7cz8928g3v section xt7cz8928g3v 

         Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentucky, March 17, 1961.

         The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President? s Office on the campus of the University at 2:00 p. m., EST, Friday,
March 1.7, 1961, with the following members present: Robert P. Hobson,
Chairman; Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Robert Hillenmeyer, J. Stephen Watkins
and Harper Gatton. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D.
Peterson were present.

         A. Apprdval of Minutes.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the
Executive Committee of February 17, 1961, were approved as published.

        B. Financial Report.

        Financial Report for the eight-months period ended February 28,
1961, was submitted to members of the Executive Committee ten days prior
to the meeting of the Committee and members having read the report and so
stated, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Financial Report
was authorized received and filed.

        C. Lease Approved for Land at Throckmorton, Texas.

        Mr. Peterson submitted lease between the University of Kentucky and
Jim Bob Daws, Throckmorton, Texas, for the lease of 316 acres of land in
Young County, Texas, for a period of three years, beginning April 1, 1961,
for an annual rental of $474. 00 per year.  Mr. Peterson stated that this lease
was known as a grass lease for grazing purposes. The oil rights are already
leased. Mr. Peterson stated that this is a continuation of an existing lease.
Our relationship with Mr. Daws has been good, and Mr. Peterson recommended
the lease be approved and authorized; whereupon, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the lease was approved.

        D. Agreement.s with Fischer Packing Company Approved and Authorized.

        Mr. Peterson submitted Agreements between the Fischer Packing
Company and the University of Kentucky Experiment Station which provide, that
the Packing Company will furnish cattle and feed for tests in cattle feed. The
cazttle will be pk.ced on Coldstream and West Kentucky Farms.  They will
be cared for by employees of the Experiment Station and sold at the end of
thte experiment. All profit from the operations will be given to the Experiment
Station as a grant-in-aid for beef cattle research. Mr. Peterson recommended
that the contracts be approved.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contracts were
:approved and authorized executed.



         E. _  

         Mr. Peterson reported that the Agricultural Engineering Department
has a Farm-All H 4 cylinder engine which is surplus to their needs, and re-
quested approval. for sale by receipt of competitive bids.  Upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the request was granted and approved.

         F. Application for Loan from Federal Housing and Home Finance
Agency Approved

         Mr. Peterson stated that application had been made to the Federal
Housing and Home Finance Agency, Community Facil.i':ies Administration,
for a fund reservation of $300, 000 for a loan to construct: housing and dining
facilities for two small dormitories to house 96 men students.  Mr. Peterson
requested approval of the Executive Committee for making the application
to the Community Facilit~ies Administration, Housing and Home Finance Agency,
Atlanta, Georgia, for a. $300,000 loan which will be a.t the rate of 3a% per
annum, if granted.

        Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, submission of the application for a loan of $300, 000
was ratified, authorized and approved.

        G. Student EploymentX Guide Manual Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted a recommendation for determining rate of
pay to University students given part-time employment: while attending school.
He stated that the purpose of the Manual was to provide University personnel
who have authorization to employ student. workers a guide as to prescribed
rates to be paid for various kinds of work assignments.  He stated that it was
his hope that the Guide Manual would result in a. mor-t uniform rate f pay to
students employed to do various work assignments.  The Guide Manual
sets forth five qualifica.t-ion levels of work and the appropriate rates for eacb.

        Members of the Committee examined the Guide Manuall and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the request and authorized
the Guide Manaal madde available for all persons having authority to employ
student helpers at the University.

        H. Injuries,

        Mr. Peterson submitted the following report upon three injuries to
employees of the University and recommended that the expenses incurred
be paid, with the underst anding that: this does not admit negligence nor liability
and neither does i: establish a precedent through action upon these cases.
The letter was read.



                                            March 6, 1961

Mr. Frank D. Peterson
Vice President
Basiness Administration
University of Kentucky

Dear Mr. Peterson:

We have the following accident cases which have been referred
through the department heads with recommendation that they be
considered by the Executive Committee and the expenses involved
be approved for payment. The cases are as follows:

1. James Washington, an employee at the Northwest Center,
    Henderson, Kentucky.
    James Washington, janitor at the Northwest Center, was in-
jured on December 16, 1960, while moving crating material on
the loading dock at the Center. The material slipped and his
hand was cut by a nail. The following bill has been received and
is recommended for payment:

        W. B. Blue, M.D.                     $7.00

2. John R. Sheffey, an employee at the Northern Center, Covington,
   Ke-ntucky .
   i    i  Sheffey, custodian at the Northern Center, was injured
on January 6, 1961, while moving a piano at the Center. The
following bill has been rendered by St. Elizabeth Hospital, Covington,
Kentucky, in connection with the back injury involved:

        St. Elizabeth Hospital               $15.00
           X-ray             $10.00
           Emergency           4.00
           Pharmacy            1.00

3. G. T. Perkins, an employee in Department of Dairy Science,
    University of Kentucky Experiment Station.

    G. T. Perkins was injured on February 6, 1961 while climbing
into the silo barn on the Dairy Science portion of Coldstream Farm.
His left side was injured near the lower ribs, and he was advised
to report to the Dispensary for X-ray and Urinalysis.

        University of Kentucky Health Service, $11. 00.

If in order, please present these accident cases for consideration
by the Executive Committee.  My recommendation is that approval
be given to pay the respective charges made for services rendered
in these accident cases, on the usual condition that the University avs.'
sumes no respznmibility of negligence in connection with these acc.1-
dents, and that such approval establishes no precedent.
                               Sincerely yours,

George R. Kavanaugh

( Signed )



          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $7. 00
in connection with the injury of James Washington was authorized paid; the
sum of $15. 00 in connection with the injury of John R. Sheffey was authorized
paid; and the sum of $11. 00 in connection with the injury of G. T. Perkins
was authorized paid, with the expressed understanding in each case that the
University does not admit negligence nor liability, nor does it establish a
precedent by approving the payment of these three items.

          I. Lease Agreement for Dwaf Testing Herd of Beef Cattle.

          Mr. Peterson submitted an Agreement between the University of
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and Ralph Masters.  Mr. Peterson
stated that the University will furnish a herd of beef cattle under controlled
experimental conditions to Mr. Masters, who will feed and care for the cattle
and make periodic reports on their production with emphasis on dwarf calves.
The offspring calves will be divided between the party of the first part and
the party of the second part on a one to two basis. The Agreement will run
for a period of three years, beginning March 14, 1961. President Dickey
explained that Dr. Garrigus thought it desirable to have this dwarf experiment
conducted in this manner.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Lease Agreement
was authorized approved and executed.

          J. Free Fee Scholarships.

          President Dickey submitted a recommendation from the Chairman
of the Committee on Foreign Students to grant free fee scholarships to the
following foreign students:

          Miss Renate Fischer          Germany
          Mr. Kwang-soon Chun          Korea
          Mr. Asraf Ali                Pakistan
          Mr. Jimmy Beshai             Egypt
          Mr. Kulbhushan Kothari       India
          Mr. Adwait Majmudar          India
          Mr. Ali Paydarfar            Iran

          The Chairman of the Committee on. Foreign Students also recommend-
ed that the scholarship awarded to Miss Nirmala Udani of India be transferred
to Miss Emi Naniwa of Japan and that the scholarship be continued.

          The President concurred in the recommendation, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the free fee scholarships and -he $600. 00
plus free fees scholarship were approved.


          K. Lexington Chamber of Commerce Resolution Received and Filed.

          President Dickey read the following communication:

                                       February 20, 1961

          Dr. Frank Dickey, President
          University of Kentucky
          Lexington, Kentucky

          Dear Doctor Dickey:

             I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of the
          Lexington Chamber of Commerce at its last meeting unanimously
          adopted the following resolution:

             Whereas, President Kennedy has appointed as Assistant
          Secretary of Agriculture, Frank J. Welch, Director of the Kentucky
          Agricultural Experiment Station and Dean of the University of
          Kentucky College of Agriculture and Home Economics; and

             Whereas, Mr. Welch is one of the noted agricultural experts
          and advisors of the nation, particularly well informed on the farm
          problems of the South and of Kentucky; and

             Whereas, we believe that his knowledge and experience can be
          applied, and of broader value to the Nation as Assistant Secretary
          of Agriculture, and at the same time be in a stronger position of
          influence in this high office to bring greater attention and help to
          Kentucky? s agricultural and livestock problems, therefore be it

             Resolved, That the Lexington Chamber of Commerce commends
          Dr. Frank Dickey, and the Board of Trustees of the University of
          Kentucky for granting Dean Welch leave of absence from the uni-
          versity to devote his full time, interest and effort in the United States
          Department of Agriculture as Assistant Secretary; and further

             Resolved, That we take this occasion to express our deep appre-
          ciation to the President for this appointment, and to wish Mr. Welch
          the greatest success and satisfaction in his new office.

          This resolution has been included in the minutes of the meeting
          and copies mailed to Secretary Welch and the press.

                                       Sincerely yours,

                              (Signed) Ed Wilder, Secret.ary
                                       Lexington Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the communication
was authorized received and filed.



          L. Appointments to Graduate Faculty Approved.

          President Dickey concurred in the recommendation of Acting Dean
of the Graduate School, Dr. Lyle R. Dawson, to appoint the following persons
to the Graduate Faculty:

          Morris B. Cierley, Professor of Education; Chairman, Division
                 of Administration

          Paul R. Johnson, Professor of Agricultural Economics

          Juan G. Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Entomology

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and Morris B. Cierley, Professor of Education and Chairman,
Division of Administration; Paul R. Johnson, Professor of Agricultural Economics;
and Juan G. Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Entomology, were appointed to
the Graduate Faculty of the University.

          M. Increase in Stipend for Home Management Course Approved.

          President Dickey stated that he had received a recommendation from
Dr. Abby Marlatt, Head of the School of Home Economics, concurred in by
Dean Wall, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, that the resident
Home Management course (563) fee be increased from $80. 00 to $90. 00 for
the eight-weeks period. He stated that all of these funds were used to pay
the household expenses for students residing in home m anagement houses
for the course, and because of the rise in household expenses, it seemed
appropriate to increase the amount each student was to pay. He stated t.i
he concurred in this recommendation.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Com-
mittee concurred in the recommendation and approved the increase in cost.

         N. Grants-in-Aid to Students in Music, Radio, Television and Films,
and Debate Approved.

         President Dickey submitted a request of Dean M. M. White, College
of Arts and Sciences, to continue for the fiscal year 1961-62 grants-in-aid
as follows:

         Department of Music         60
         Department of Radio, Television and Films  16
         Debate                       4

He stated that these grants-in-aid had the effect of waiving the University fees
other than the Activities fee.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the recommendation
was approved for the year 1961-62.



          0. Change-of-Work Status for Floyd E. Hull Approved.

          President Dickey submitted a recommendation for change-of-work
status for Floyd E. Hull, Professor and Department Head, Animal Pathology,
in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. He stated that Dr. Hull
would reach his 65th birthday on July 25, 1961, and has been employed at the
University since August 26, 1925, a period of 36 years and one month. He
recommended that the assignment of duties under change-of-work be as
follows: Consultant to the members of the staff of Department of Animal Pathol-
ogy, to include assisting with certain committee work, such as The Regional
Committee for Veterinary Medicine, the State Brucellosis Advisory Committee,
the State Mastitis Prevention and Control Committee, etc.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and Dr. Floyd E. Hull was given change-of-work statusr
effective September 30, 1961, with the assignment of duties as recommended.

          P. Consultive Services Approved.

          President Dickey concurred in the recommendation of Dean C. C.
Carpenter that Professor-William A. Tolman of the College of Commerce be
permitted to do outside consultation work for Beta Nu Alpha, a professional
fraternity in transport traffic management. He stated that the work would
require a-bout eight hours per month from March through June, 1961, with a
compensation of approximately $150. 00 for the period.

         President Dickey concurred in a recommendation of Assistant Dean
J. R. Meadow of the College of Arts and Sciences that Mr, Frederick R. Smith,
an instructor in the Chemistry Department at the Ashland Center, be permicted
to do consultive work in the field of analytical chemistry for the Ashland Oil
and Refining Company. He stated that the work would be done atOdd times
on a method of estimating benzene exposure by employees in the ne'w petrc-
chemical plant, at a remuneration of approximately $10. 00 per sample.  Do xe
work would extend over a period of one or two years.  The Director of the
Ashland Center approves the arrangement.

         President Dickey concurred in the recommendation of Dean M. M. Wliite,
of the College of Arts and Sciences, for Dr. Thomas R. Ford, Professor of
Sociology, to do consulting work for the U.S. Public Health Service, Hospit-al
in Lexington. He stated that the consultation sessions would be irregular and
in no case would require more than three hours a week.  The stipend would
not exceed $500. 00 a year.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendations
were approved and Professor William A. Tolman, Mr. Frederick R. Smith and
Dr. ThomaL R. Ford were authorized to do outside consultation service as



          Q. Disposal of Meteorite Collection Approved.

          President Dickey reported a recommendation from Dean M. M.
White, of the College of Arts and Sciences, stating that the Department of
Geology had built up over the years a collection of meteorites, that the Uni-
versityhad made use of the collection, and that it seemed to be no longer of
use to the Department. He recommended that the meteorite collection be
turned over to the Smithsonian Institute to be used for research and exhibi-
tion purposes. President Dickey concurred in the recommendation, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
app roved.

         R. Electric Kitchen Equipment Accepted.

         President Dickey read the following letter.

                                      March 13, 1961

         President Frank G. Dickey
         University of Kentucky

         Dear President Dickey:

         You may recall that members of the Kentucky Inter-Industry
         Electrical Council have been interested in seeing the Home
         Economics building equipped with modern electrical equiprrent.

         During recent weeks, Dean Wall and Dr. Marlatt have been
         meeting with this group to make final plans for equipping the
         laboratories and to install a modern electrical demonstration
         kitchen in one of the basement rooms. Members of this
         group have offered to provide us with funds and equipment
         to complete this project. They have agreed to the following:

             1. Kentucky Utilities Company will provide $1400 to
                be used in installing the kitchen. In addition,
                they will provide us with three pieces of electrical
                equipment, namely, a built-in oven, surface unit
                and a water heater.

             2. Union Light, Heat and Power Company has offered to
                contribute $650 toward the expenses of installing the

             3. The H. J. Scherich Company has offered to provide
                approximately $1200 worth of cabinets to be installed
                in the kitchen.

4. Kitchen Planning Center has offered to furnish the
  labor to install the cabinets.



              5. The Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative has offered
                 to provide 11 electrical appliances on a loan basis.
                 This would consist of four 40 inch ranges, one 30
                 inch range, three 12 foot refrigerators, one portable
                 dish washer, one washer and one dryer.

              6. Kentucky Power Company has offered to furnish 11
                 electrical appliances on a loan basis. This would
                 consist of four 40 inch ranges, one 13 foot refrigerator,
                 one upright freezer, one washer, one dryer and three
                 portable dish washers.

          It is our understanding that RECC and Kentucky Power will want
          to replace their equipment with new models each year. We also
          understand that Kentucky Utilities may wish to replace the items
          they are furnishing when it seems appropriate to do so.

          Title to the appliances furnished by these companies remains with
          the company.  There is no cost involved in replacing the equipment
          each year unless the replaced equipment has been damaged as a
          result of accident, or has been abused or misused.

          I recommend we accept these offers as a basis for completing the
          project of adequately equipping the Home Economics teaching
          laboratories with electrical appliances.

                                                       Sin e rely,

                                         (Signed)     William A. Seay
                                                       Acting Dean and Director

          The President recommended that the equipment be accepted.  Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was approved
and the equipment referred to was accepted under the conditions stipulated.

          S. Mr. Harper Gatton Excused.

          Mr. Harper Gatton asked to be excused from further deliberation
of the Committee in order that he might attend another engagement.

          T. Gifts.

                         From: Mr. Jack Farley, Gettysburg, Ohio--$20. 00.

          President Dickey reported that Mr. Jack Farley, an alumnus of
the University, had given to the University his check for $20. 00, to be used
by the University in its work. He recommended that the gift be accepted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee concurred in
the recommendation and requested him to thank Mr. Farley.



                         From: Dr. C. E. Morrell-$75. 00.

          President Dickey presented check for $75. 00 which Dr. G. E. Morrell
had given to the Kentucky Research Foundation in support of the M. H. Bedford
Scholarship Fund. He recommended acceptance of the check, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the
President was requested to write a letter of appreciation to Doctor Morrell.

                         From: Kentucky Utilities Company, Lexington,Ky. --
                                      $375. 00.

          President Dickey presented check for $375. 00, made to the Kentucky
Research Foundation by the Kentucky Utilities Company, in support of their
scholarships for the second semester of 1960-61. He recommended that this
grant be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
check was ordered accepted and the President was requested to thank officials
of the Kentucky Utilities Company.

                         From: Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York--
                                      $1,500. 00.

          President Dickey reported receipt of check of the Borden Company
Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $1, 500. 00, given as a continuation of the
Borden Agricultural Scholarship Award in the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics. He recommended that the check be accepted, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee concurred in the recommenda-
tion and requested the President to thank the Borden Company Foundation, Inc.

                         From: Mr. Wolford M. Ewalt--$25. 00.

         President Dickey stated that a check in the amount of $25. 00, made
payable to the Kentucky Research Foundation by Mr. Wolford M. Ewalt, had
been received by the University, to be used in support of the M. H. Bedford
Scholarship Fund. He recommended that this be accepted, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the
President was requested to thank Mr. Ewalt for his generosity.

                        From: Distillers Feed Research Council, Cincinnati,
                                      Ohio--$5, 000. 00.

         President Dickey stated that the Distillers Feed Research Council
had given to the University two checks, for $2, 000. 00 and $3, 000. 00, respective-
ly, covering an extension of the grant-in-aid program for the calendar year
1961. He stated that these grants would be used in support of two projects,
"The Effect of Oxytetracycline and Diethylstilbestrol Additions on Fattening
Steers Being Fed an Economy Supplement" and "The Effect of Distillery By-
Products on Roughage Utilization by Ruminants" and recommended that they
be accepted.


          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee con-
curred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to thank the

                         From: The Bluegrass Trust for Historical Preserva-
                                       tion, Lexington, Ky. -$1, 000. 00.

          President Dickey reported that the Bluegrass Trust for Historical
Preservation had given to the University its check for $1, 000. 00 to be used
to subsidize the forthcoming publication of the University of Kentucky Press,
The Ante Bellurm Homes of Fayette County, by Clay Lancaster. He stated that
the publication of this book would add much to the prestige of the list of books
published by the University Press and recommended that the check be accepted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of the Blue-
grass Trust for Historical Preservation was ordered accepted, and the President
was requested to convey to the organization the appreciation of the Executive
Committee and the University.

                         From: Kentucky Holstein Cattle Club, Inc. , Bowling
                                       Green, Ky. --$25. 00.

          The President reported that the Kentucky Holstein Cattle Club, Inc.
had given to the University $25. 00 to be added to the Kentucky Dairy Education
Fund and recommended that this be accepted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check for $25. 00
was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank the donors.

                         From: Covington Business & Professional Women' s
                                       Club, Covington, Ky.-$81. 00.

         President Dickey reported that the Covington Business & Professional
Women' s Club, Covington, Ky., had given to the University check for $81. 00
to be credited to the scholarship fund of the Northern Center. He recommend-
ed that this be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
check was ordered accepted and the President was requested to write a letter
of appreciation for the same.

                         From: Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo.
                                       $500. 00.

         President Dickey stated that he was in receipt of check for $500. 00
from the Monsanto Chemical Company, which represents a gift to the Department
of Chemical Engineering. He explained that this money is to be used for the
improvement of the over-all program of the Department and recommended its


          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was
ordered accepted, and the President was requested to write a letter of appre-
ciation to Monsanto Chemical Company.

                         From: Mr. Allen S. Kenyon--$25. 00.

          President Dickey reported that Mr. Allen S. Kenyon had given to
the Kentucky Research Foundation his check for $25. 00, to be used in support
of the M.H. Bedford Scholarship Fund.  He recommended that this gift be
accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was
ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank Mr. Kenyon.

                         From: Mr. Gelu S. Stamatoff-$50. 00.

          President Dickey reported that Mr. Gelu S. Stamctoff had given to
the Kentucky Research Foundation his check for $50. 00 to be added to the
M. H. Bedford Scholarship Fund. He recommended that this be accepted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee authorized ac-
ceptance of the gift and requested the President to thank Mr. Stamatoff.

                         From: Kentucky Brown Swiss Breeders Association,
                                       Burlington, Ky. --$25. 00.

          President Dickey presented check for $25. 00 from Kentucky Brown
Swiss Breeders Association, given for use in connection with the Kentucky
Dairy Education Fund.  He recommended that this be accepted, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and
the President was requested to thank the Association.

                         From: Ohio Valley Milk Producers Association,
                                       Evansville, Indiana-4 100. 00.

         President Dickey reported that the Ohio Valley Milk Producers Asso-
ciation, Inc. , had given to the University check for $100. 00 for use in connection
with the Kentucky Dairy Education Fund. He recommended that this be accepted,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted,
and the President was requested to thank the donors.

                         From: Southeastern Graded Milk Producers Association,
                                       Somerset, Ky. --$25. 00.

         President Dickey stated that Southeastern Graded Milk Producers
Association had given to the University check for $25. 00 to be used in connection
with the Kentucky Dairy Educational Fund.  He recommended that this be ac-
cepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered
accepted, and the President was requested to thank the donors.



                         From: Cashman Leghorn Farms, Webster, Ky. -
                                       300 White Leghorn Chicks.

          President Dickey stated that Cashman Leghorn Farms had given to
the Department of Poultry Science 300 white leghorn chicks to be used in con-
nection with the nutrition experimental work of the department. He recom-
mended that these be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the gift was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to
thank Mr. R. A, Cashman.

                         From: Senator Thruston B. Morton--Recording of
                                       the 1953 Inauguration of President
                                       Dwight D. Eisenhower.

          President Dickey reported that Senator Thruston B. Morton had given
to the University a recording of the 1953 Inauguration of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower. He recommended that this recording be accepted, and upon inotion
duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was ordered accepted and the Pres-
ident was requested to write a letter of appreciation to Senator Morton.

                         From: Various Citizens, for Northwest Center,
                                      Henderson, Ky.

          President Dickey reported a list of gifts to the University of Kentucky
Northwest Center which had been received during the year.  The list recorded
some 32 or more donors in varying amounts, aggregating approximately $7, 100.
President Dickey recommended that the gifts be authorized accepted and the
list filed with the Secretary, since each donor has previously been written and
thanked for the gifts, and this report was primarily for record purposes. He
indicated the purposes for which the various gifts were made and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee authorized ac-
ceptance of these gifts.



          U. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

          President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other
staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.



          William Fitch Axton, Assistant Professor, Department of English,
beginning September 1, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.
