xt7cz8928h8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz8928h8b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1936 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 07, 1936 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 07, 1936 1936 2012 true xt7cz8928h8b section xt7cz8928h8b = Y   ( t
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lu Cum- , \1<> UWC LEXINGTON, KY., ]UNE, 1936 Number 4  
use, Ky_, '  i
:1 ivmmn, 1 _ {
  Alumni R t ` t C { R '  
G UI'I’l O ampus OI' €UI"IIOI`IS 1
-  - _%_  g
, is prlll.   More than 600 strong, University Q
d Public '1`HESE HELPVED TO NB , ,, alumni —- old—timers, not so old- i
Ky, M_r_ RING EM BACK timers, and many comparativel I
. . Y l
»a1 of the new—t1mers—made their way back { »
an, Ky, ` _ . ._ . ., _ . _ V . V W to the campus June 4 to indulge in [
{ ·~ . ~ 2 * ‘ ’ 3 · . .’  ‘ gloried reminiscence and shake the l
. ) ` . why., · _ _ [
» . .·_, * _ , *{.   · is • — hands of friends, old and new, m , _ 
,5,,, is th - ` ` ’ ~‘ " JQ?   .   the most successful alumni reunion .
E . I `   ‘ . ·~ - .~ ‘ ” ” ‘ in many a year
1 c ‘ . » . g.,·•/*9,.. I', rw   ·__.· · 2
I Sfemmj , t · {Av, -·t · •" .r R it Thursday of commencement week
we I   * .. ·#‘€°&` ‘ f   ` ·.» was the day and in traditional  
5, profes- . ‘ W   ,5,*; · i -"  ~ ~ _ ·. 1 , , ·
. · . ,  ·_ l 4,r_ ,» . A   1,, . ,,.9  4,, . . Kentucky fashion, it dawned bright
science at _ __  , . .—   . ._ . ,_ r   . . , , {
,g€V Wm_   :     . 1    l {jeg   , V· and sunny. Events off1c1ally began t
he Whose = V .,4 ,_V**   yy,   - with registration at 9 o’clock in i
_ hy the r { .5 **3  . ~    *?§;‘§.g;g, :;_¢;f the Alumni Office. Grady Sellards, [
ipany at ° " 2r,.__ _  '   ’·  ·'fb ¢{;_» " Lexington, of the reunion class of E
tts of the   `   ,~    _` EQ2  5 ’2l, was the first to "sign on the l
. z .» ·    r  {V   ·• i ‘ v
His SOUV _   - VM _ ' VV,__ ~   ,,2 as dg).  dotted l1ne,’ and was only a few i V
received t   V _ ,   { L       Vi! mmutes ahead of Howell Spears, .   ·
1934, and . V _ ,      sgi , 9 V class of 07. The Alumm Office - ,
d at the · 1 . ·  *‘*}E`/ *  ,L§*2·’—_ ` lounge was soon f1lled with re- I »
  Dipin_ -    — r,    _     turning grads renewing their r ¤
‘ `   ‘   " 4  Y_,,.zyr_.f  J friendships and connections, and {
V .. V _   tigrf tj   ;_   talking over old times. {
_ . ,       _ Annual Class Day exercises, giv— _   E
vvnnnsnrr, is  ~‘·,   QV   ‘   en by the class of ’36, were held in t ;
{Ogg,   .     __   f 2 ° Memorial Hall at 10:30 a. m. Elvis  
2, 2     ‘ ` . V ‘ J. Stahr, president of the class, was   ·
‘ &"‘ , in charge, and a delightful and 5
led quarter- _ i
aber 1, 1935, . V amusing program was presented. . 2 ’
Fayetreé { . ‘ __ Noon brought reumon class mem- l
lll All Ol` - — 4 `
. _ = bers together in reunion luncheons. i
xg;) gigxgg Ijleretgre tive of the reunion secretaries whose loyalty and earnest work made the Classes celebrating this YES.)? WSIB
’ - reunion is year so successful. Left to right, above, they are: Ernest L. B lc , 1 ~ · _
lggvtigelggsai cl 'll; Hazel Nollau, class of ’34; Frances Lee (Mrs. Allan D.) McLean, clgssrofcgiii those endling m ,01 and ,06 and the 1 '
foiiomig is Eileen Lary (Mrs. W. s.) Webb, class or iol; and Robert o. Terrell, class gf »06_ other class of 34. Attendance at the ;
md bene!-V it Sigretaéies who were not present when the picture was taken are: Louise Michot various luricheons was the largest g
· _ ~. rs. . T.) Proctor, class of ’16; James Carnahan and J. Irvine Lyle, class of ’B6; · · i
fsgghlgiicgxtilgii Lillie Victor Cromwell, class of 21; and Buena Mathis, class of ’3l. In manx years arid secretames re- i
0,.,, capn0,,_ — _ ___ ported a good time was had by _ j.
lst 24. 1912. Q all." Permanent class secretaries
11 LMS wd . ii ,, ,, ,, and college representatives in each i
Classes End|[]g In 2 and 7 Arg class were elected at the luncheons. ;
fesggjoyf  The afternoon pgogram incliildig  
annual baccalaurea e exercises e 1
R. K. Sel- _ Dr. A. W. Fortime pastor of the ;
lging Editor. . _W1th a tentative program includ- Alumni events will include the Central Christian Church in Lex.,
g’é;0§V“;‘;‘jss IDS Special celebrations in connec- class day exercises, reunion lunch- ingtony delivering the bsccsiaursatc i
mu Associw UGH with the 70th annual Com- eons, baccalaureate serv1ces, a spe- ssi-ni0n_ Foiinwing the Services, j
V, Lexington · m€¤G€ment festivities and reunions cial tea at Maxwell Place and the President and Mi-s_ Mcvgy were j
ers =¤¥¢§‘5°;‘ · GY Glasses ending in "2," "7," and the alumni banquet 1n the evening. hosts at Maxwell piacg for ai tea,
;·""é€c1;€ml;yf NESS of ’35, alumni can look for- Greater plans are being made f01` in honor of the gyaduatggy alumni i
’ Wd to a great reunion in 1937. the reunions next year. Special at- and friends  
.lrlel~s, mort- Thursday, June 3, will be Alumni tention will be devoted, during the Cvsr 350 ainnini, guests, and I
ldfersogwxxg . DW and also On that day annual year, to class organization and class i·i.isndsV an s_ii_tiins record, packed i
‘%, other se- bmalélureate exercises will be held. (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued nn pass TWO)  
· i
.   ' ` V
5. Edmm _ Omcial organ of the Alumni Association of the University or Kentucky published quarterly on the campus of the University, at Lex— `
gfore me this   Subscription Lo non-members, $1,00, to members of the Association, 50 cents. Membership in the Association includes sub- ,
{ D lon to the Alumnus.
UCHOLS Entwed as Second Class Matter at the Postofflce at Lexington, Ky., May 22, 1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879.  

   »; `   .
 P i, é   s I `
1   I E  
  · { »
  3    E ‘ C F R `   ’
  I  Alumnl R€{ZUI'I’\ {IO 8I’T\pUS OF GUl’\IOn$ _ 
  f Q  : `   I
 is  ? Q - - p Que) throughout the dinner, presentmg V
  4 E (Continued hom age special numbers featuring Mary SPEAKER AF BANQUET))~
W ? .   aumom for Louise McKenna, SODPB-H0, and   Wi
E A ; the Lafayette hotel b _ _ _
I-  J   Z thi? annual banquet at 7 p' m' to Gentry Sh€ltOn’ ba'r1t0n8’ In .c1asS1-   ‘`‘`' ‘   ···-·  --:=nf:;=;=;=;=;¢ser:=:=¤=;=;¢;=s;=;iEi$§5$I¥A$$mwm SECOI
~   = i · enjoy an interesting and lively DTO- cal and SBmi—CIaSSic9.I SBIBCIZIOIIS.   ‘ ‘  }   ····   9561-
  3 E W gram, Lieutenant-G0ve1·n01· Keen The principal address of the eve-   ¤·‘  - . - sy   __`.   _v»_ _ V  ·;v~-·¤ 1 ;j_;;;-Ve{;i;;i_i ¤ -
  F l Johnson, *22, president of the As- ning was delivered by Hon. A. B.   -. · —       ;,_ I  -   coun
y i ¤ socmuou, presided and intwduced "H¤PPY" Chandlerv ’23» G°"€m°’   ,   ;,.:.   .;.;; E.T:¥i»; :’=&   · first
  ¤ ` the toastmaster, Mr. Harvey Babb, of Kentucky. Governor Chandler       ».,, E   mm,
; § —. ’11’ president; of Morehead State expressed smcere hopes for greater     ·.___· E ,·;__d_·_V·     war
 ii; ` E Teachers College. Accompanied by things in the University Alumni     ‘r=_,, L 12;;   : ii;;:z.i._E , ~
 T  Q appropriate remarks by M1'. Babb, Association during· the coming     4\-V       - ;;»_i;V_,-ii r&11g<
 f§ _ the program moved along in en- years, and pledged h1S wh0le-hea.rt-  _.   _ _    A   as w»
.  E! § ; jgygble fashion, Greetings were ed support of all its undertakings.     _;j13   =;=2 =¤ -  ·.·..__,_· E V’,r_ i EE mq:
  ‘ 5 Extended by Dr, Frank L. McVey He lauded the graduates of the      gil -   -···· _ gi ,V,_ Egg; Th
  “   for me Univmiw,Pf<>f€SS<>1‘M€”>’ University WM have ¤·=¤¤m¤ lead-   —:».:.....-     ’‘‘’i=  W Y   me
$?  2   L, Pence, ’81, Professor Emeritus of ers in State and Nation, and ex-   ,,.· A   V I
  i   Physics at the University, repre- pressed the hope that University    _ _: #2;;;   v_ I11¤€
W ¥ 5 ‘ e oldest of the reunion men and women will continue to     2;EliVi;·j~;5_=;zg;:g{g; { mad;
~‘ — : I sentmg   . .  .-.»·»:-.-:—2·.->.-.;.>;.;··.;,;·:.;>  »g~,-.;$    - -.  
$-21 · I   classes, and Elvis J. Stahl', Rhodes- take the lead in pub11c affmrs.    ._‘· »_{ij;;:;j:¤i£¤2i§ mlm
U X   ? 4 Schgmr-elect, representing the class Closing event of the program was   »‘‘`‘_    » __;j;jg,;Qg;;g;;_=; ;i,;   — [O H
Q ' E   of *36. announcement of ofiicers of the As-   :__   ‘· ‘   " ;.é;i;jigg;{: .,;,‘ gi; .:;,&   __
3 ,:·   A unique feature of the p1‘0gI‘B.m scciation for 1936-37, made by L. 1¤  ,i—i»   _____   _,EV;g;j;;:  »_._   _ I0 fh
EQ ;§   Q   was a fantasy dedicated to the 1‘€- K. Frankel, ’00, member of the : ";=.;_, _  "‘‘‘   =·‘ · {gj;_i2»f_; ‘‘_‘. Q gi ‘_‘·:   · spam
HL ·   union classes, entitled "BackW&1‘d, Alumni Executive Committee. Mr. L, =3:·:.Q;=_=;.v§_£:     } yew
 E3   Tum Bz.ckwa.rd," presented by Upi- Frankel introdgced Keen Johnson, i»;__.j—·  .   i  ;;__;i.i·-i. ‘‘·—     last
Qj Q V   versity students under the directwu re-elected pres1dent, and Mxss Hel-    -‘,.,.     _,,_=   _
ji E   of Helen King, ’25, of the Univer- en McC:md1ess, ’06, of Louisville,     “ mf
%J s jg sity Publicity Bureau. A parade newly-elected vice-president,   · glu   _ Sess1
s   ¢ ¤ of beautiful girls, attired in the Many alumni remained until Fri-       Seem
  ‘_ fashions of each respective reunion day to attend the commencement G A B NH3) vu Cmmdm _23
A  : class period, passed. ac¥OSS   program,   includcq cxercisgs 8bOV§,vE5;3(;;€1'€·d ihe p;`iI;l~Ci])i11 E1ddI`€éS iii 1
A Z Stage while the Unlverslty radlo at 10 2*- m- In the Alumnl gYmU3$i· the annual Alumni banquet held June 4 —
* » orchestra, under the di1‘€Cti0I1 of um, with Dr. Thomas Parrzm, sur- in the Lafayette hotel. ~ -.
’   Elmer G. Sulzer, director 0f 1‘&di0 geon-general of the United States, V4ir _ _
E §j and publicity at the University, delivering the address, and the an- , ·
‘ “1_ played appropriate music. The 01:- nual commencement luncheon at _ “
11 "Y qhestra. also fmnished mUS1C noon in the University Commons, their Contacts at Kentucky h€ad“ _ —
‘_ “’i ‘ The annual meeting of the Alum- quarters to be established at At- ,
A f 1*;   ni Association was held after the lama, Georgia}, for the Georgia-
V   GLASS OF ’8l 1“‘?°h€P“ in the F¤~<=¤1*v Club ’°°mS Tech game New York any for    
_ » ` 3 adgoimng the Commons. L. K. ’ 1 Hd
_ i   ···1""""_" ' Frankel, of the Alumni Executive the Manhattan <><>1€g¤ gan"; a
L _ · j   ;_,__ Committee, presided. Reports of at Knoxville, for the Tennessee
~·     ·;_1:   the secretary and treasurer were gam€_
· *   hwrd and ’°“““" business d*$· Location Or the neadquarcm-s will ‘ ».
A . 1   cusse be announced 111 your weekly KGY- _
` » !     nel, in dmly newspapers, and 111 _
`· `I I! _   Brlnglng U K to You letters to alumni I1V111g ns tesu `in
·_ ` I ‘ ,     tones where these games me bémg _ 
    I Q     -1* p13,ygd_ Make your plans to arrive »
`   _gg   A highly successful phase of the m town Saturday morning and  
    . Q 3   Associations program last; year spend a ume mms at Kentucky _
·  I   A       was the maintenance of headquar- headquarters before going to the L
" — · “ ¢   ters in cities where me Wildcats game, Representatives or me AS- y 
, ~ — `[     I _ . . f . —
. · T   played durmg the football season sociation and of the U¤1V€i`$lW» 0*  
. ;1¤'·_·.1‘¥_’.=1iE¢1_Z:2¥Q:=f;·,ti,.:·';..,;‘.·;"  , 4iE:}? T,,‘  qv
! . [  4 and at the Southeastern basket- ficers, of local alumni clubs, and  
    ·     ball t01l1‘Ham€niG in the spring. of com-sg, other alumni, will be OI?  ·~_
· ·     Hundreds of alumni who are un- hand to greet YOu· _{1¤€j;;g;§Qq§€  
, _ E ?   able to get to Lexmgton were com- glggnabgqgsgtggs ggecgw Kentucky Q
` " E     `,`i   bacted and their associations with alumni club th€1.€_ Plans we a1.
2 1 V       l.V,   other alumni and the University ygady undgy way my a big ¤€l€j `_
  I `S ;;1§;a:§;:t;;1t_;:t-;;‘  ‘_;:»   :i~·:z\—:1·:2··,.··n· . I           Yorla   V
»‘·` '? - . . , 11
 so   ` ' Dr. Merry Lewis Pence, Pjrofessor Emu- This plan Wlll be continued dur- Cmb in g°V°§Ins§gatzan`Vé§11€g€_ Tw
"F itus of Physncs at the University repre- . . W1}dC2. S D Y Sln,
. 3 i   sented the class or -81, of which hre is me mg the °°mmg f°°tba“ S€9~S°“· vvhm you mib town," 1<>¤*§ M  F.;
`* # T ¤¤¤v Hvmg g*¤d¤¤t¤» mis wan ¤¤¤ ¤><— Alumni and former students will K ntuck head uglyiggrs .. well be
s   · tended greetings from his class at the , , C . y q
..  ‘ QQ A · mmques. have the opportumty of renewmg lookmg for you!

1 ° *   ,
A nnua ummer essnon Opens With Second  
> fl S i
` Largest Enrollment ln lts History [
gUET)°   j
_; With a total enrollment of 1,654, the same proportion as that of the for the benefit of the socially- {
  seoelid leieesi lll ile hlSi°lY» Yep- first period. minded. For the first time in six l
  resentliig U6 of Ke¤l¤llekY'$ 120 Features of the first term in- years, the Kentucky Kernel was l
 »,·,..,._._,_.,,,....... . , _ , l
  ii-·- 1   Z counties elle fhlF'¤Y—fW° states, the eluded an opening convocation with published during the summer, ap- I
  , first term of the University Sum- President Frank L. Mcvey as speak- peering weekly, Campus news, as {
  mer Session Started another big er, a series of band concerts in the well as interesting articles, edi-  
  year June 15. featuring a Well—ai‘— amphitheatre behind Memorial Hall, teilelsr and feetllfe stories were § .
    , mused curri<=ul¤ni of sneeial courses an All-University Picnic at LeXins— °a1IQfQ€§;§;g§Z;hf§S§ ufge Second term l
*1 ’.‘’‘   , is well as a delieliiiiil series of ex- ton reservoir. weekly teas in nonor bgggii Jlme gd Extraeumeuier  
;.{ 2 =%=i 4 $=g-g_{_jg,Qg§g;;§g _ tra-Cu1‘I`1CL1l3rI` 3·0l?1VlUe$· of the VaFi011S colleges held at activities of this term include a. °
 ,  ‘‘‘ _   _ The enrollment this year fell a Maxwell Place with President and series of Little Symphony concerts
5;-:»· §s;;;g;g;g;g;g _ d th d. . f C 1 L
    little short of equallmg the all- Mrs. McVey as hosts, two perform- ul}; er S 6 lreizgnf rim mag? [
  .V»‘   time summer school record of 1,716 ances by the famous Coffer-Miller igrggl giauyertwo cglergimgnces by [
..,,, [
ig,   - made last year. This record en- Players, presenting Shakesperian the Chamber Opera. Company, and
    _ mllment, however, was attributed drama, and a presentation of Gil- a program by Herman Ivarson, Nor- ’·
  ·V:,   _ tothe necessity for many teachers bert and Sullivan’s "Pinafore" by Weglan lie$S‘beUf0¤e· h 1 C .
  to iill the new requirements of the the music department, under the mgglggim suvlyflnelgegii Ogvith Og;
  standard certificate set up last direction of Professor Carl Lamp- Commencement dimer Wednesday, I
  year, The second term enrollment ert. August 19, in the University Com-  
  last year was 1,028 which also was A series of ballroom dancing les- mens- t The uilnfguaa fxicepgon dfof {
  i record number. Officials of the Solis Wes elise offered bv Popular iilgcxi zi) Znd egmnfeneerllnelqrii gg, l
:25*5 if     _ , , i '
  _ session estimated that this year’s request during the term, and two Bmises Friday, August 21, in M8_   I
  second term enrollment will run in Saturday night dances were held morial hall. . { i
thandlcr, ’23,   —
1 address at _ _- ..    i
held June -1   4
  l_ A
icky head— rw A U   J   — 
led at Ai-»   ` , »   ` . · je 1. —- 2; A i . -
e Georgia- · _ >:*— J. ` . ’ .  ,_·~;` Ei  
·   Q? rv   ‘ ·» - ·' i' »   .*3* ii ·   .
; City f0l`   ..4 r .   _ -· 5 . _ · y , · - .»··____ L E
nd   0 ,_   ‘   y _ .'i ··jY:;.·'   ’”   ‘ ' ‘- »' _· \ " I - _ ~f'—·}$-pj___ {__;   .
g3,I11€, 9. A ` tit ll     *"· ` 5 _• 1; \\ V`.] v` v Ps . 3- ia-'r§.;_€?¥_»
T"““ iiSi° ’   " .. .ee »  .  ey, . -. in    li    , l. e   a   F at  i.  »    i .
· ·   j   ._», F I .     ” » “Q   if   - · ., "   . R  , E
.lleife"S vii     if? '   i,  f si .  r   \   .,..   ~ »·   —     ,
veei-ly Ke`- Fi i `           " j “ `         i i   » “   ·     ·
WS, and in     {wav S    =.·   - \ { x _ J         V   ire   ·  
e in iiiit  Ti S .‘l’       Y `\ " ‘ it °               r  
is are lieine   i ‘ e’’‘     . E “ P; @~     ,   ei ’*r · ° z
ns to arrive  · l..··e‘     `   `   ‘     e- ·¥ ’ ..`i- ·   . -4 i l · 
mine wd           ..,,             ett          
t K<=¤i¤°*‘l ? iii?   ii ' l         ¥·   -5:*  in  · f       ~?     1
nine te the       `     .   if              i   ·     l
of ine Ar  it     ,’  e        R   l 6    i [T   · E
llvefsityi °f”   if `       l “ A   A .   l       if Q   { 1 -.~-r .. U I
clubs, and       _     s I 5 » 2gb- ··‘     I   .   ‘ gf   -`·   _ , `  
i, will be °“            l   ?‘ as `     ¥ T l f si     . ·
n several Of ., »      , ’ * 1;-%, . ,   , Z   ·e         =#·  ..  i
events have-      ll,   ··             .   ss   »· 3 . I 4
e Kentueliv   , . P      ,   *      P  ,    . , ..  - fe   ir- .. ;
,,,.9 a. _ A _ __ y _ _,   `.__   g g;»—,i_—_,,,,~;,j·_3,»     .     ··         ;
lzllsbig cglee ` . `_ i,—A_   ' T _   —` V ; ?*;Kt·i`*f,§l;?°     ky  ` ,  L-{I;   .»•. ., •.2'•*·  
York Alumlll . ._ _ . _ _ f ·
, tl .,, . ., . . . · Y · ‘ f ’1l-ith 25—yenr class-—tnke11 after then reunion luncheon ni the   ,
i "’h€H€ sm  ra5Tl§Fi;r.fT‘°T}.1$‘§ii1,?§_"§’Ci‘r°2Y,‘¥f§,J}"iOi,"iI,,JT‘£"E_"}§f§‘k§i, wss.? s,.mtss·. s. C. sues, L. N. were-. A, JB. igiisgysr. s.
lan C0 gfbl, Slade G_ C_ Route A_ Carlton Bai]; from i-gw, F, T_ Miles, Dean Emeritus C. R. Melchci, H. G. Lytlc, Ebbert, r., . . man, _
’l'l,” lfigliu be F- R. Naylor, A. B. Haswell. l
s -— l ·

__—-   ? ·
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'  inter
Lieutenant-Governor Keen Johnson, president of the Alumni Association, is shown above receiving a check for $400 {min   Ofiii
Elvis J. Stahr, president of the class of *36, in payment for Association memberships for one year of the 400 graduating mem- i ._
hers of his class. For the first time in the history of the University the graduating class joined the Association as u unit. Len 3  WED
to right in the picture are; Robert Hensley. treasurer of the class of ’36; Francess Kerr, vice—presidont of thc class of ‘36; Mr.  1 uf U
Johnson; Mr. Stahr; and R. K. Salyers, secretary of the Association. _  ih
.._..é———;——— -—-—-——»—~ me- 4 i  the .
 ·. prox
»   ii C   if .__ University. Each issue sent active   this
BHS or urrent ii THE ALUDINI FUND { members will conta.in a column de- _3 it tl
  ___ 1 voted exclusively to alumni news.   ing
Year Announced   Alumni dues were reduced tot As was the case last year, the I  been
i$l_00 to meet the cheiiehee of alumni officeiwill devote a great I The
, ‘_""‘ depression yeers ehd to bring deal of attention to revising alum- . of tj
i An increase in the number iof Assooietioh membership Withiri ni records. Keeping up with thou- ;  19363
active members, special attention · sands of former Kentucky students t been
__ _ the reach of all. Occasionally _ _ 3 ,
to revision of alumni records and someohe esiis, ··Hovv ceh you do is no easy matter and requires tue   oils
classreunions, and continuation of itgn To be oerfeotiy frehk, it cooperation of ialll concerned. BY  i; paid
the liberal membership plan will be costs the alumni office pi.ec_ keeping the office informed of your  ·: ferr;
features of the Alumni Association vtically the ehtire emouht i.e_ correct address at all times. you   min;
i during the current year. ceived in dues just to hey for can help it to keep in touch with   Fe
` The membership plan, which · . 4 ou, As usual the Association will ·  of t
_ _ sending the Kernel and other Y 3 i . . . . 3
proved so satisfactory during 1936- Communications to ective mem_ sponsor various activities in COD- =, grad
37, will remain this year, with dues i bers nection with the home - COIIUUE   ciati
at $i.00.thAct1ve i1;1iemlie1·s will Steam i You eeh heh) soive this pi.eh_ game, including thie aiuiualilioligi; , $111
receive e wee y aumni Ie 1 ion iiem bv hiekihe e echtrihutioii coming dance in tie Aumn gl . iro
of the Kentucky Kernel during the `to the eiumhi fuhu, which is nasium. Headquarters will be · Glas:
regular school year. You know the used for the fui.thei.eiiee of geh_ maintained in Lexington hotels fvr i mei;
‘ Kernel—one of the outstanding erei eiumiii ectivities end sX_ registration of alumni whO 1'€tUm ' to s
college publications in the nation-— 3 tehsioh of eiumhi offioe Services. for the event. -- 111%
full of mterestmg articles about iqihis is eutireiy voiuhteriiy ehu Alumni who are unable t013€tii_i§ .3 Tl
sports, campus activities and infor- hes ho reietioh to the reeuiei. for the game at Lexingwll . that
mation that keeps you in close Iuues have an opportunity to renew COW figu
touch with all that goes on at the t___1_ V (Continued On page Eight) - this

 l { .
Ei ·
  ' °€
- ° • • • • • ii
r1;A1iP _ Doubhng ot Membership, Improved Financial Condition i .
O O [
  ___  Features ot I935-36 Association Year i
:;. ¥?:;;;;=? :¥$‘¤
- = “ ’z Liz. ;  i
  I A membership more than double Day for the mailing of the Kernel tinued during the remainder of the ¥ e
 5  ·r‘‘’ r   the 1934-35 total, improved finan— and other communications to active summer, i
  chi condition, headquarters in cities members. During the past year, The Association met with great  
  ` where the Wildcats played, class the University has furnished the success in the sponsorship of its {
  ‘ reunions, and home-coming festiv— services of the secretary and a fum- various activities during the past r
in  iiies were features of bh€ D9·St Yi-19·1"S time Stollographer. The office has year. The annual home-coming i
  work of the Association as set out also had the help of several stu- day was celebrated November 9 in i
  iii the secretary’s report approved dents working under the National connection with the Florida-Kem i
  at the annual meeting June 5. Youth Administration. A fund of tueky game. Alumni headquarters  
  ~ During the year 1934-35, accord- $368.98 was obtained from the class were set up in both down-town  
  ing to the report, there were 353 Of 1932. Proceeds of two dances hotels, and several hundred alumni i
i i n iéiliigi active members in the Association, $1V€¤ 111 COOD€}`3tl0I1 with the Lex- registered during the day, The =. `
  including 56 nie memnern HnW_ mgton Alumni club, netted $500, annual home-coming dance was  
  ‘ wer, with adoption of a new mem- and 3 basketball game, $49.6_5. held in the Alumni Gymnasium in  
  bership plan at the begirmihg gf In order that the Alumni Office the evening. Headquarters were l
   _;   ji V me