xt7d251fjp5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fjp5f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1939044 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-04-apr4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-04-apr4. 1939 2011 true xt7d251fjp5f section xt7d251fjp5f Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, April 4, 1959. The regular April meeting of the Board of Trustees, Universi- ty of Kentucky, was held in the President's Office and the Student Union Building, Tuesday, April 4, 1939. The members of the Board present were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of the Execu- tive Committee; H. S. Cleveland, Judge John Cooper, Marshall Barnes, Harper Gatton, Louis Hillenmeyer, H. W. Peters, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Lee Kirkpatrick, and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer of Ashland, new member, this being her first attendance. President McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were present. Mrs. Blazer was cordially welcomed, and she graciously assumed her duties as a Board member. 1. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of December 13, 193e, and the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Commit- tee of January 18, February 17, and March 15, 1939, were approved as published and corrected. 2. Board of Trustees - Membership. The membership of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky is now made up as follows: Ex-Officio Members: A. B. Chandler, Governor of the State of Kentucky Harry W. Peters, Superintendent of Public Instruction Garth Ferguson, Commissioner of Agriculture. M1embers from State at Large: Harper Gatton, 1940 John S. Cooper, 1940 Richard C. Stoll, 1942 R. P. Hobson, 1942 Lee Kirkpatrick, 1944 trs. Paul G. Blazer, 1944. Alumni Members: James Park, 1940 Louis Hillenmeyer, 1942 Larshall Barnes, 1944. State Board of Agoriculture members: Tohn Newcomb, 1940 D. D. Stewart, 1942 H. S. Cleveland, 1944. 2, 3. President's Quarterly Report. The President made his regular quarterly report which, on motion and second, was accepted and ordered recorded in the min- utes. Quarterly Report of the President This is the third quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the year 1938-1939, The membership of the Board has been changed since the last meeting by the addition of two members, the Honorable Robert P. Hobson of Louisville, Kentucky, and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer of Ashland, Kentucky. ts. Blazer is the first woman to hold a place on the Board of Trustees. In that respect her presence here today is the beginning of new history, that I am sure will prove to be of profit to the Board. Without ques- tion, I voice the feeling of the Board of Trustees in extending to these two new members a cordial welcome in carrying on the great work of the University of Kentucky. The most important matter ta come before the April meeting of the Board of Trustees is the budget. Some years ago the Board passed a resolution that the budget for the coming year must be presented at the April meeting. This is a wise regula- tion, and it has been followed now for a decade. The amounts available for expenditure in the operation of the University and its different activities do not vary much from the previous year. The appropriations of the State are on a biennial basis, and this is the second year of the biennium. Other items of income, such as receipts from the federal govern- ment, are about the same, and in the opinion of the Business Agent and myself, it is not advisable to increase the estimate of student fees. This amount has been advanced slightly over last year. Some changes in the income statement will be found in the budget now in your hands. One is the elimination of the residence halls, cafeteria add dining halls from the general fund. These expenditures have been set up in separate budgets as will be seen in the budget arrangement. In the income an item appears this year that has not been included before. You will note, therefore, that the total receipts from the general fund amount to $1,349,446.50, and the expenditure set up against this income is $1,314,052.18, leaving a balance of $35,394.32. An attempt has been made to show all the activities in which the University is engaged, so there appear in this budget the income and expenditures of the Department of Athletics, the income and expenditures of the Student Union building, lie Post Office, Book Store, and commitments. The commitments under which arc placed the expenditures for the payment of the amortization charges of the two bond issues, the men's dormitories, and the warehouse occupied by the Department of Buildings and Grounds, amount to 864,700. Against this amount there are offsets amounting to $18,773.58. 3. Practically no expansion of funds has been made in the budget for the coming year. A few changes in minor salaries have been made, but nothing further has been done in adding to other salaries due to the necessity of balancing the budget. Members of the Board of Trustees are familiar with the building program that has been carried on during the past three years. The construction provided for in the first issue of bonds has been completed and the buildings occupied. They will recall that this program included a Law School building, a heating plant and underground connections, the erection of two new Engineering College buildings and the remodeling and enlargement of a third, the construction of a Student Union building and an addition to the Experiment Station building. The second bond issue nrovided for further construction in the erection of a biological sciences building, a new residence hall for women and a home economics building. The residence hall for women is rapidly approaching completion and the second part of the biological sciences building is under construction at the present time. The rise in prices in materials and labor has delayed the placing of contracts for the home economics building. Efforts are being made to secure additional funds from the PWA in order to construct a building on the original plans. For many years there has been considerable agitation through- out the State and at the University itself for the construction c a field house in which basketball and other activities may be housed. Suggestions appearing in the newspapers and in the con- versation of many people call for a very large building for the different activities which are to be given a place in the new structure. To do all of that is impossible. More recently Governor Chandler has stated that he would be willing to provide 850,000 from his contingent fund and from other sources it may be possible to raise fifteen to twenty thouBand dollars. The best that might be done would be to set up a project under the provisions of the WPA, the WPA furnishing the labor, the University the materials, for a building 150 feet by 300 feet at an approx- imate cost of 8200,000. Furnishing the building would cost from $30,000 to $40,000 more. In all this discussion there is one point that I have insisted upon, and that is that the Uni- versity cannot and must not go in debt for this building. I si sure that the Board of Trustees would welcome this construction if amounts could be found without increasing the indebtedness of the University. In saying this, I do not wish to be regarded as unsympathetic toward the project. I am, in fact, glad if we can have it, but this is a fundamental consideration in any pro- posal that might be made regarding the now structure. 4. As the women's residence hall nears completion, it is neces- sary to keep in mind the fact that furnishings will be required to make this building useful and effective. A committee is now studying the needs of the hall and is asking for unofficial bids on the cost of providing equipment which they think necessary. 'hen these have been fully tabulated they will be presented to the Executive Committee or the Board for their consideration, The cost of equipment will amount to a considerable sum of money. As things look now, it may be possible to take care of all, or the major part, from the accumulated surpluses arising out of the operation of Patterson aond Boyd Halls in the past years. It is hoped that the proposal presented to the Executive Committee in January to enlarge the facilities of the ments res- idence halls may be carried out. That proposal included the modification of the basement rosms in the three ments dormitories at a cost of aporoximately $o10,000-`12,000. This addition to the facilities of the buildin-'s would increase the number of places in the buildings by 50. The income from the occunants would take care of the loan negotiated for the purpose of making the changes in the buildings. The legislature at its last session in 1938 provided an ap- propriation of $30,000 for two years with whrlich the Library might purchase books. The Library has been at work making necessary lists and issuing the orders for the purchase of these books. It might be said here that this money has Materially enriched the University Library, The University Library has nowr something over 250,000 volumes, which makes it the sixth along libraries in the institutions of the South. The General Educa- tion Board in its grant for the betterment of rural and social economics allowed 44,000 for books in these fields. Some books are now being Durchased under the grant. It might be interesting to stop at this point and state that the University has been in receipt of a considerable number of gifts in the past twenty years. Among the gifts, the Ja.:les K. Patterson Fund, amounting today to $286,7?l7.76; a grant of. $}50,000 from the General Education Board for the erection of the buildings of the College of Education: the legislature an- propriated a similar sun. Gifts of the alumni in building the Stadium band Frading the grounds amounted to 8102,265.65. Gifts of citizens, alumni and friends of the University for the erection of the Memorial Building amounted to $114,816.50, A grant of $20,000 for two years from the General Education Board was made to increase the facilities in the field of rural and social economics. A grant of $10,000 for each of two years, and now to be extended a third year, from the Carne-j'ie Corporation was made to carry on a community music study in the State. The gift of an art library--photographs and the like, from the Carnegie Cor- poration is valued at $so00. The gift of the Carnegie Corpora- tion for the advancement of the study of music includei records of the works of music masters and a fine phonograph amounted to 82,.000 A gift of :2,000 from the Carnegie Corporation for the 5. purchase of materials in the field of the graphic arts was re- ceived two years ago. The largest gift was received in December last from Mrs. Margaret Voorhies Haggin, under the provision of the Margaret Voorhtes Haggin Trust established in memory of James B. Haggin, her late husband. The amount of this gift, since it is in the form of income from trustes set aside for the University, is one that I am unable to estimate, but it will prove of very great value to the University through the years. This list of gifts and bequests to the University is highly interesting, because it points to the possibility of the Universi- ty coming into a larger appreciation from the people of the State. It may hope to come into other gifts in carrying on the work of the University. The university of a state has the advantage of living through the life of the State. There is every indication that it will last while the state lasts. Consequently, the university can look forward to not a few years, but life that may well extend into the centuries. The advance and growth of the University in the eyes of the public is measured by two things: first, the number of buildings which are to be found on the campus, and second, student atten- dance. Both of these evidences of growth are apparent to all observers, but not so apparent are the many developments in the University that go with a larger student body and increase its usefulness. Departments, bureaus and offices are called upon to do more and more things with the passage of each year, and under the philosophy that a state university ought to serve the Common- wealth, these requests and demands reach an impressive point. In writing this paragraph I had in mind emphasis upon the increase in the amount of business which the University does, most of which falls in one form or another, upon the office of the Business Agent. The methods used in that office have not been changed since the inauguration of the present plan. A few adding rna- chines have been placed there and two more people have been given positions on the staff of the Business Agent. The time, however, has come when the work of the office should be speeded up. This might be made possible through the use of business machines, Two studies have been made of the work of the oflce, but no satisfactory conclusion was brought out from these studies. I think that the coming year might be very well devoted to some changes in the office, so that the heavy burden resting on the Business Agent might be lightened, and the work of mcounting speeded up. It might be, too, that the whi-ole organization of the Universi- ty should be reviewed, since the plan of organization set up some twenty years ago was written at a time when the University was comparatively small. Since then the situation has changed greatly and problems arise which are delayed in their solution by the procedure that we now have. Certainly, the re-studying of the University organization might well be undertaken in vi-lv! of the increased activities, operations and expenditures which the University now carries on, 6. 4. Financial Rcport. The Business Agent stated that he was unable to complete the financial report for March, 1939, in time to submit it to this meeting. The President then read the financial report for Feb- ruary, 1939. This was published in the minutes of March 15, 1939. 5. Budget for Year, July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1940. President McVey presented the proposed budget for the Uni- versity for fiscal year July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1940. This budget showus the income appropriated and estimated and the esti- mate of expenditures in the aggregate to be for the Division of Colleges (General Fund) income $71,349 446.50, expenditures $1,311,156.23 reserve not allocated t38,390.27; Experiment Sta- tion, income 8404,937.O0, expenditures, $404,937.00; Extension Division, income, $723,553.18, expenditures, $723,553.18. Service funds (dormitories and cafeteria), income $124,362.51; expendi- tures $110,496.85; balance $13,865.66. The budget was carefully examined by the members of the Board, the items therein being explained and commented on by President MbcVey. On motion of r.' Peters, seconded by Ljr. Gatton, which motion carried by unanimous vote, the pronosed budget was adopted, subject to future modifications by the Board or Executive CommIt- tee, and the following endorsement was made thereon: Action on the Budget Budget accepted as basis of expenditures for the year 1939-40, and provision for income and expenditures approved. (Signed) Richard C. Stoll Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees (Signed) D. H. Peak April 4, 1939 Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The budget is made a part of these minutes. See Volume, Budget Records, 7. 6. Organ - Radio Studios. President MicVey reported that Hillgreen, Lane & Company, builders of Organs, Alliance, Ohio, had made quotation. In course of discussion, it was stated that an electric organ could be installed at much less expense and that maintenance cost thereof would be very small. The Hammond and Orgatron electric organs were mentioned. Mjrs. Blazer stated that she has a Ham- mond organ in her home, that she preferred it for home use, but that, on account of greater volume, the other make might be more desirable for the Radio Studios. President McVey stated that a pipe organ is preferred by the Radio Department. Action was de- ferred, pending further consideration of the cost of installation of an electric organ, and the practicability of its use in the Studios. 7. Furniture - New Women's Residence Hall. President MoVey stated that it is necessary to take action at once in the matter of purchase of furniture for the new Women's Residence Hall. He presented a letter from the Dean of Women in regard thereto. The question of availability of funds lwas then discussed_. The Business Agent stated that requisition for purchase would have to be placed with the State Division of Purchases with re- quest that the order be made at once and the charge deferred to 1939-1940 budgeted funds; that on the first of July the only funds available in entirety for that purpose will be the State appropriation for general expenditures of the University; that during the year balances and excess income from the Halls may be diverted to use of general expenditures in lieu of the expendi- ture for the furniture. Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Peters, duly seconded, the fol- lowing resolution was passed: Resolved, that the Business Agent have prepared and submitted to the State Division of Purchases a reouisition for furniture and equipment for new Women's Residence Hall in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 and that request be made to the State Department of Finance that the charge therefor be made to the General Approprifaion fund of the University. The requisition should give definite specifications as to kind, char- acter and quality of the furniture and equipment desired. The names of concerns qualified to bid thereon may be submitted with the requisition. B. 8. Insurance. The Committee appointed to revise the fire and tornado in- surance schedule under State Division of Insurance, consisting of President Frank L. McVey, Dean James H. Graham, Dean Thomas P. Cooper, Superintendent M. J. Crutcher, and Business Agent D. H.. Peak, made the following report: The Committee on Fire and Tornado Insurance reports the fol- lowing changes on College property: Certificate #510. Neville Hall -- Contents reduced from $10,000 to $5,000. Certificate #511. Memorial Hall Contents increased from 820,000 to 840,000. Certificate #t513. Service Building -- Building increased from $20,000 to p25,000. Contents increased from k2,000 to t40,000. Certificate #514. Teacher Training Building -- Building decreased from $150,000 to S"75,000. Contents increased from 820,000 to $30,000. Certificate #515. Teacher Training Building Gymnasium -- Building decreased from $20,000 to 810,000. Certificate #516. ivIcVey Hall - Building decreased from 8150,000 to $50,000. Contents decreased from $50,000 to $25,000. Certificate #519. lvining Laboratory -- Contents increased from $2,000 to $5,000. Certificate #521, Library Building -- Building decreased from $250,000 to $125,000. Contents increased from $100,000 to $12,000. Certificate #522. Bradley Hall - Building increased from $50,000 to $75,000. Certificate #528. Presidentts Residence -- Contents de- creased from $1,700 to $1,000. Certificate #529. Transformer Room #1 -- Contents increased from $500 to $1,500. Certificate #532. Agricultural 7hnfineering Building - Building increased from $25,000 to $40,000. Certificate p534. Transformer Room #2. -- Building decreased from $1,000 to $500. Contents Increased from $1,000 to "3,000, 9. Certificate #733. Old Law Building -- Building increased from $20,000 to $30,000. Contents increased fronm $5,000 to $10,000. Certificate #784. Lafferty Hall. Building decreased from $20,000 to $10,000. Contents decreased from $49,000 to ZlO,000. It is recommended that insurance of $10,000 be placed on the new Biological Sciences building and lO,0O0 on the contents of the building; that $10,000 builder's risk be placed on the new Girls' Hall. It is also recommended that the proner insurance, fire and tornado, be Dlaced on the Engineering Camp now in process of con- struction at Robinson Station at such time as may be recommended by the Dean of the College of Engineering. The Committee further recommends that the following changes be made in insurance schedules of Experiment Station pro ;erty: Fertilizer Building, size 24' x 321, one story, gable roof, frame construction, concrete foundation and floor, roof covering prepared roll roofing ----- Fire, $500. Tornado $500. Remodeled Heifer Barn, at rear of Dairy Barn, size 30t-91 x 86X, two-story frame stricture having a gambrel roof covered with asbestos shingles. Barn used for young heifers and storage of feeds and hay -Fire 1500. Tornado $1500. New Feed-Mlixing 11achine and Storage Building at Poultry Farm, size 20' x 20', one-story frame structure on concrete founda- tion, roof covered with asphalt shingles - Fire 8500.Tornado $500. 36 one-story frame structures roofed with built up asphalted roll roofing consisting of 20 small laying houses 12 x 12, worth O100 each - - - - - - -Fire 81500. Tornado $1500. 9 brooder houses, 10 x 12 average value 850 each. Fire $300. Tornado 8300. 7 range shelters, 8 x 8, average value '20 each. Fire $100. Tornado l)00. Add to Item 433 - One smiall dwelling. Thi-s is a five-room frame cottage, composition roof, front and back porches, brick porches, brick pillars. The cottage is built in the shape of a T, three rooms in front, two rooms in back, all rooms 14 x 16. This makes for Item 433 - 5 small dwellings, 81200 each, Fire $6000. Tornado 83000. On motion and second, which carried, the changes and in- creased insurance recommended by the Committee were anproved and authorized. The revision of the schedule other than new insur- ance to be made as of July 1, 1939. lb. 9. Housing Men Students. At the March meeting of the Executive Committee, Dean Graham was authorized to develop and to report Vossibilities for financing the renovations of basement space in Men s dormitozisin order to provide for more facilities for housing men students (Ser,. 11). He reported as follows: That he had taken the matter up with Mr. W. R. Springate as representative of the Security and Bond Com- pany, Lexington, and that Mr. Springate had submitted the propo- sition to raise $12,000 for the purpose of remodeling the dbrmi- tory space. He presented to the Board the letter of i.Tr. Springate setting forth the proposal. The proposal thus submitted was studied and discussed, and it appeared doubtful that the proposal comes within the legal re- quirements of loans to the University. Therefore, on motion of Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Gatton, this matter was referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. 10. Field House. President MlcVey presented the question of erection of a field house, stating that it presented two major problems; first, that of financing the project; second, that of location of the build- ing. Comments of M. E. Potter, head of the Department of Phys- ical Education, were presented, in which he pointed out the need of the building and made suggestions as to its location. It was stated further that the question of financing the project has been discussed with the Board of Commerce of the City of Lex- ington, and suggestion has been made that the City of Lexington aid the University of Kentucky in the erection of a building that might be used also as an auditorium for the City and University, as well as a field house for athletic events and University use by the Department of Athletics and the Department of Physical Ed- ucation. It was the consensus of opinion that consideration may be given to such a plan, when presented to the Board. There being no definite proposal for securing funds for the project, no ac- tion was taken by the Board. 11. W. P. A. Work on the Camus, Report of Campus Committee: 11 . March 22, 1939 Dr. Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear President McVey: Pursuant to your instructions to the Cam7pus Committee, I am submitting a report on the various sections of walk to be considered for construction under W. P. A. project. I have listed these by num- ber and if you would kindly designate the order in which you would like to have this work done it would be very helpful to the committee. The apnroximate number of square feet is 27,000. In figuring the amount of money necessary for the University to nut up for material believe that 81,000.00 would enable us to operate until the first of July. This is figured on the basis that vwe already have some sand, cement and stone that can be charged to thds project. This amount of work, namely, 27,000 square feat of walk and the 81,000.00 for material will not use all of the fund that we have in this project for la- bor. That amount as it stands now is apjoximately 8l2,800.00. I will await further instructions from you con- cerning this. (Signed) N. R. Elliott Chairman Campus Committee Sections considered: Various sections considered. Approximate number To be concreted, of square feet No. 1 - Armory Building 2,100 No. 2 - North Adm. Building 3,485 No, 3 - Rose St. to Library Steps 1,900 Library Steps to Dr. McVey's drive 300 No. 4 - Pence Hall Area main walk and connecting walks 9,930 No. 5 Rose St. to drive back of Kastle Hall 2,040 No. 6 - Rose St. To Nursery school (Washington Avenue) 1,450 No. 7 - On Rose St. from Washington Avenue to Rose St. entrance to University 1,200 No. 8 - Maxwell Place to Rose Street Ent. 3,825 27,000) 12. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was ordered that President McVey may authorize the Committee to proceed with work on sections Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 12. Use of Gymnasium for Negro Choral Festival. President McVey presented the following request for use of the Gymnasium: WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION IN KENTUCKY Louisville March Twenty-fifth 1 9 3 9 Dr. Frank L. McVey, President, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Dear Dr. 1McVey: We are planning on conducting a Negro Choral Festival in Lexington on Sunday, May 7th, with groups from eiytlt towns taking part, and are expecting an attendance of at least 2,000 persons. No admission will be charged. Dr, Willem van de Wall of your university has been as- sisting us in organizing the event, and he has suggested that we might be able to secure the use of your Alumni Gym on the date mentioned - from 3:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. The Festival will be broadcasted, and the amount of in- terest already displayed by negro groups would indicate that there is even a possibility of a national hook-up. The affair will, ve hope, become an annual one and do much to stimulate interest in negro folk music. We are hoping we can secure your support in our under- taking and trust that you will see fit to permit us to use the gym. If you desire, our programs will state that the University of Kentucky and the W. P. A. are sponsoring the event. Very truly yours, WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION IN KENTUCKY (Sis'ned) Austin J. Welch State Director of Recreation. 13. The President stated that the Community Music Program being carried on by Dr. Willem van de Wall, under the Carnegie Grant, has been assisting Negro groups in the State, and that results appear satisfactory. After discussion, it was deemed consis- tent and advisable for the University to help forward such a worthy project. On motion and second, which carried, the use of the Gym- nasium was granted to Austin J. Welch for the purpose of holding a Negro Choral Festival, Sunday, May 7, 1939, from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. President hbVey was authorized to take such steps as he deemed proper and necessary for arranging a stage and seats for the occasion. 13. P. W. A. - College Docket - 1305-F. a. Extension of Time of Contracts. President McVey stated the regulations of the Public Works Administration require a resolution covering an extension of time for the completion of all contracts. In lieu of separate resolutions for each contract, it seemed advisable to request an extension of time for certain contracts under Docket No. Ky. 1305-F. Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was re- solved that the, completion dates for the following list of con- tracts, now being executed upon the campus of the University of Kentucky, and under P. W. A. Docket No. Ky. 1305-F be extended, as noted below, and that the Secretary of the Board is authorized and directed to furnish authentic copies of this resolution to the Regional Director. Original Approved Contract Particulars Completion New Completion No. Date Date 1000 Women's Dormitory (Gen- eral) 4/26/39 7/1/39 1030 Women's Dormitory (Heat. & Vent.) 5/24/39 7/1/39 1040 Women' s Dormitory (Electrical) 5/24/39 7/l/39 2100 Bio. Sciences Bldg. (General) 6/14/39 101/39 2130 Bio. Sciences Bldg. (Heat. & Vent.) 6/31/39 10/1/39 14. 2140 Bio. Sciences Bldg. (Electrical) b. Statius of Docket 1305. 10/1/39 F. CONTRACT TOTAL CONTRACT PARTICULARS CONTRACTJ C1AN GE AYI`.PLUS BLDG. NO. _ AMOUNT OYDERS CHG.ORD. COST 1000 Dormitory-General 161,700. -9,597,56 152,102. 00 44 1030 " -Heat & Vent. 8,400. 8,400. 00 00 1040 -Elect.Work 12,395. 12,395. 00 00 1050 " -Elevator 7,560. 7,560. 180, 00 00 457.44 2000 Bio.Sciences - Piers 6,020. 6,020. 00 00 2100 -General 242,600. -13,236. 229,363. 00 95 05 2130 -Heating 17,350. 17,350. 00 00 2140 " -Elect.Work 19,98