xt7d251fn12r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn12r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19101201 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 13, December 1, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 13, December 1, 1910 1910 2015 true xt7d251fn12r section xt7d251fn12r \ Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 1, 1910 No. 13 I WE LOSE ` line, Central returning the punt 10 Second Quarter line. To Central, punt returned 12 A .... yards. Central used a forward pass by Giltner. Central offside, 5 yard pen- ‘ wud t U b B t , for a gain or 45 yards and on the next T""°l‘”“’ld "““°d 5 y“'d“ f°' stm alty. Gamer poured to conn-ars 10 ‘ C. · M Ie to nt can nl n Dlwy they made a gain of three yard! on a right and nm' Shuklm mum yard line recovering ball State no Annual Gar"' on a line kick, but Central was of! not gain °u a right and run and uw gadn through line. Central penaliz- *"' _ side and was penalized ilve yard!. gall went ogy hw Cfzgaltgs 33:;; ed 5 for oflslde playing. State no . · Cardinal And Blue Outcla•••d in the ball resting on the 40 yard line. amseg mi)°k wavy Seslbwh lost 3 gain on left end and penalized 15 [ Flnt Half. Louis Seelbach punted to Stlate’s (mg °° TCH; ‘ if C1 k lost pushing. _ , 2 ‘ _+ 25 yard line and cumer returned the ;;‘rd‘; sn fnfigi: gm :1 n and Shanklln out, Naylor rn, Thteldkeld t Once again it has happened, and ,puntn4 yinrda. Ssianklln v;ent against thebau went Over to State on downs. lgighgmend, Giltner fails on drop Once more history has repeated iuem the ne or no g n. On t e next p ay Smmklm made a sensational len and c . tral punts to 45-yard line, F"` me mm ***6 P‘“°**l°•* bm °’ E.‘Z?“.‘i$L‘$J....““t”’?? ZT &L°;"é’”,§‘2§ "ii‘.I’E’ M- mh f¤¤<>~¤¤ by ¤ are ed ‘é‘;.2`?.§`{i?"15S‘?Z$d2 li’.?."`i$I.‘;, "“§‘.I.’i..E° wlldcats that ever went on a Held of H hh t d 30 d d Gm mn by Thmldkeld for 8 gum of 20 to .t C tr I . 1 Y h 8 G ·». Mme, went down in defeat at the e en pun e yarsan ne yards, put the ban on Commrs 50 re urn. en a no gain t rough G hands of the men who represent the recovered the ball. State could make yard mw. Shaukun pumyed to their line. punted to 40 yard l1ne.,Centra1 o °¤*m* M Bm- “‘***· um “*° ?.i’.‘2L‘; °3..T..E§EZ ‘i}Z¥§"2§.‘“.€§‘i‘;`.i’$; 25 M MM wd ¤<·¤¤=<>¤ Y ecovar ed £§?f.IL“§"n.§° f..f§Z$“§..°°3§2“§ .2 ¤<=<>r¢ was 12 te 6» tW<> ¤>¤<>¤d¤W¤¤ 1 M d me ban on Clark’s summa of me 1 ’ °‘ and two goals for Central, and one was ·penalzed teen yair s. C catch. cover ng for State. State punts 40, muchdow a d D goal f 1, State' It was on the next pay that en- Clark gettilng fair catch. Clark no Game um; jmfmosgod Oby lugm tml made their ilrst touchdown, Shank eniugsfun lost three yard, on a‘ right gain right end, L. Seelbach failed on md M Sm on me Sm M- E§..‘l‘;3‘i‘}..2°..’i?‘2$.f‘I.‘1..i’.‘“§°°J.‘.Z§f Hr M pm M me 5 wd me- Z‘§“Z2‘;3 ‘i?.?Z’ ?.‘;"§Z?.i?.S‘“‘°'° c°¤**`*l $°°'°• Fl"•*· down. Louis Seelbach kicked goal. $;km:°mm°td the baudu; yirgm ;:dm` State 3 yards tight end, no gain on with the bal] on Kcmmckys 10_ Shanklin again kicked on to the L Seelialggx ag Zsd it si buck. Gaiser punts 40 yards, Clark re· . ymd Hug, Shaukliu puntgd but wind East, the ball going to their 5 yard bgmnds and itpwas 1_€00v €’;_9g?, °Smt° turning 10. Duffy 10 right gud Bal] carried the ban to the an side or the line, Duffy returned the punt 15 Shmkun wm mma h me gm fst center- Time up- ueld and it tau in um Waiting arms ym`ds` Central lost 5 yards Ou E len two yards and Johnsin followed this Fourth Quarter , nf Pldgeon, who raced across the goal end run and lost 15 more on a penalty by going uhmu h for a gain of fom G · ‘ ‘ for the nrst touch-down. Louis seep for holding. leaving the ball again on yards Threldkgld went through the Sh¤¤k1¤¤ 1¤ for N¤Yl¤¤‘· Central ne _ back kicked gOal_ the 5 yard line. L. Seelbach punted ‘ _ gain tllfnnsh line, Duffy 10 left endl. ¥ out to the 45-yard line. Giltner re- Hue ml a mnt b°°k which gaimd 8 Central no gain, fumbled and rec0v· f State Scores turning the punt 5 y.a;·dS_ Gaiggr {Ogg, lsmig triedrfordai f°??’r‘; p°iSS" ered. No gain right end, forward pass _ _ _ a. w penanze or ner err ng -, qid ban State. -0 1. W bb The Wildcat, oamo back m me 5 yards on a right end run and Oen tmc . S ¤ yard me. e Second quarter and fairly gwgpt gon. tral was penalized 5 for off side. 3;;: a' State man catching th`° mrward blocked punt, Central recovering on Q` tml on their feet, making end runs State made 13 yards on f0¤r <>0¤· SA H ,, ’ States **0 Yard ll¤€· C€‘¤¤’&l 110 sein l went through Ce·utra.1’g lime for touch- B€0l1llV® Bild l`ll¤S. Slltiilkllll 0¤»1‘l`Yl¤8 tw91jskyglrdd0u;:rd;t:';•;uudu;$;;€dm(;’ OD buck, penalized 15 for pushing, é down and Shanklin kicked tho gOa.1_ the ball on three or the attempts. Offsideo Threldkéd 8 lénfud Shank: State o for ottside, Clark lost 8 lon, ; From was time on it appeared that Senklln and Threldkeld try fake place lm gained 2 yards Mound lm wd endl L- Seelbach 10 right end. Cen- too Boom would be o no, but in the kick forward pass, but the ball hit ban on me yard une Shankuu twé tral punted 40 yards, Gilmer no re- last quarter Comm] rooovoood an oo. the ground and was recovered by Cen- yards on buck To QM foot une on tnfn. State punted 40 yard line, safe ¤¤¤¤ kick ¤¤¤ R¤¤¤¤<=>v W =¤¤¤ thm ‘“" °“ "“° 2° """ ““°· ”““" ‘°" buck Threnkeid Om Shanklln ack. °“°“ °°‘"°‘?‘ °°“"“‘ “° ““‘“ '*"“ for a line book but. mmolootho ball 3 yards on a left end run and L. Seel- ed gémi Score 6 to é end, Duffy 5 left end, Central onslde mo it rollod ove,. the goo] uno whom bach punts 50 yards, holding State Central kickéd on 2;; yards Shank. knck recovered on States 15 yard line, will Swlbach fell Ou it wcuriug the to D0 l‘8l’,\ll'l1. lin through une for 2. No gain on ?§lll8€Y 8l;lI'l·€*d through 11119, carried last touchdown- Louis. Seelbach Threldkeld was sent through the line bunk Four on buck Central 4 yam. I yards. umbled, ball rolled across kicked me goal, making the oooro, Goo, tor a gain ot 4 yards. shanklin punted Img ‘Smt8 no gain Eight and Con. lme, W. Seelbaoh falling on ball. Ball ww 12· K°“t“°kY 6- to Cautmys 25 yard mw and holds tral’s ball on downs Central lost 3 kicked out to Cmk L` Seelbach kick. Coach E_ R_ Sweeuand of mo Sato Central to no return. Central could on buck No gain right end Penal Bd 808l- Score: Central. 12; State, 6. toam, mid amor tho game that mo had not gain through the line. L. Seel- ized 15 ior pushing C€mm1·putS 40 Webb kicked so yards, Central re- _ - _ mg;] · ·c rg en, on cen er. p“b“‘°· Th°“ “'°*'° his w°*`d“· 3 ilpuu yar S mhiildl E ized 15 hurdllug. Ball on C‘entral’s Gaisol. out G Shaukuu in Central UWB W°¤t in t° carry the iight w yu B on an and mm W G place forty yard line Time called ball · ’ I ’ C8'l1—l1‘8l8.¤d We carried it there. And Ou tha c€¤t9l`» S’h9·llkllI1 D\l¤l6d 40 statin ' ’ Dllnled 35, State returning 6, Qtdg although our men were outweighed by Y°"d“· may "°t“"‘°d uw mnt 5 · p}mt°d 30* Qark camug Sam °°'t°h• fought o good ugmy interfering with a call for fair catch. Shanklin kicked 50 yards, no re- Fight end. State penalized 5, Central _ The gomo by oumoro wu oo fol. L. Seelbach punted to State’s 25 yard turn after fumble. Central punted 30 no gain through.,L. Seelbach lost 7 low.: line and Glltner returned the punt 5 yards, State returning 5 State fumb- left end. Centrals punt blocked by , yards. State lost 4 yards on a left led snap, losing 5. Threldkeld through Webb, recovered on State’a 41 yard .— Flat Quan"' end run and tlme was called for the for 12, time out for injuries of Sbank· line. Duffy 10 right end, Central 3 At 2 o’clock the game started. Shank- quarter with the ball in possession or lin and Threldkeld. State through left end, penalized iltteen holding, ball lin kicked ol! for State to the East, State on their 27 yard line. Score, for 3 yards. Watkins for 7, forward on ilfty yard line. L. Seelbach punted the ball going to Central': 20 yard Central. 6; Stat•, 0. pus put ball nn Central'! ilve Yard 30» Gllllwf f°l¤¤'¤l¤8 10- ‘ D 2 ‘ T H E I D E A l Time up, Final score: Oentral, 12 penalties from ol! side play but in tb• A.; you 9,-;,,,, go,. S¢3;[,g, 6, last lhalf play was almost constantly _ The Llne-Up in Notre Dame territory, the galmo The llne·up of the two teams and ending wlth the ball on §0tl`6 Dmmes DMN Forget HM cu. unl 4 · the offlclals were as follows: 15-yard line in Marquettes possession. l CE CO. K. U. C. U. Syracuse, 6; St. L¤ul•, 0. _ M·d° BY cumer wake: syracuse University aezmea st. Lexmxrton ¤¤¤~¤· Mills 00. THE LEADING Left End Louis University foot ball team here, —·—···"`l"·¢-————-—-—···—·· ~~ SPEGIALTY Hogs] Earle Todd 6 to 0. The Eastern team made three Loft Guard points in tlrst period and three more M A R C H I ° Harrison, L. Seelboch, (Oarpt.) in the last. The points were made by EXCIUSIVC Log; Tackle goals from the field. GOOD ]·U·RN·I·]_•URE_ ‘ { Webb, (Capt.) Wingo Pennsy, 12; Cornell, 6. center 1¤ a lwrd and mst same in which Carpets, Wall Paper and Stoves. ‘ Qgmpbgll Audpowg there was a mixture of good and bad _ IN HIGH GLASS mgm Guard playing, the University of Penusylvan- v· OUTER. A-ND Johnson w_ geelbach la foot ball team defeated Cornell on A K ADOQOK _- 1V.lILLIN`ERY. Right Tackle Franklin field 12 to 6; the Quakem: ' ‘ Babb Duuy score being two touchdowns and two QI(}AR$ and TOBACCO FOB Gai G 8;;;*;; EM C1 k g°°l“‘ wmstow a s. LIME ‘ ser, . n ar "—"‘;_""‘ . - Quarter Back FOOTBALL RESULTS. Lumgtom ' ` ° ° Kmtucb Watkins White "‘—— ` ' . . Legg Ha]; Pennsylvania 12; Cornell 6. ,’ Fulll Ilme Now on Display B_ Shawn Na M Pi em Umwmy of Pittsburg H; Sm BILLY BAILEY y y g . P mgm Half cgllggg 0_ “'1`he Tulor That S•tisies" ‘ Thwldkeld R*¤¤¤¤°Y 1;*;:18:;*:1; ;2I;““;‘°“l85· 6 STEAM and DRY CLEANING. Full Back P Z ew Hee - MNB Street Balt. .1 LaFayette 41; Dickinson 0. 159 SOHC]! Lim¢8t0I10 N Note. of the Gam. Alabama 9; Washington and Leo 0. Z '"'_”*"i_*"_"_;`_` To the Vi0t0¤‘ b€l0¤8 the SDOHS 8-Hd Eigcxgglsiti 2$?V?"’¤”i:°? 3-1 it UNIVERQITY LUNCH QTAND Central got the spoils. In every Y 0 rgiu , uvers y First Class Lunch and i. game the element of chance is one Of North Carolina 0- Hot Meals T , that must be O0nSid0,.9d_ In looking Agricultural and Mechanical 5; Vlr- AT ALL HOURS back on the game or lost week it can Si¤i3» Pvlytéchnlc Institute 3. ( S be Seen “if" certain St. viIIC€’D€S E3.St£I`l'], 0, A. B. · h med ight M W Cor. S. L1me and Colfax Sts. 2 FALL LINES SDD W6 m Ve W0¤. e ;`“'i"*“ _ OF do not wish to take the sweetness or cl-lean Lnnzn. EVERYTHING FOR TH] U-RN-ISHING Gocx victory from Central and Kentucky is ———- KODAK! J QATS and ’ game enough to acknowledge their de- M"· D'm°‘m· wh° was wlled h°m° Develo ' ' pmg and Pnnting. SHOES feat. It was not through {hg pom- 0El account of the illness or some or • y Now IN playing of our men that we were de- h·s mmuY· has r°t“m°d· Mu Duncan 1·•xmz¤¤¤ Ph°t•° 8uPP1y co- h _ {gated, but according to me words of was missed by more tran one friend. our Kigbyy Ten gent Stor. J- & M- and FIOTS wm Shwv a Yale football player, who Saw me We all missed him in our yelling. Stetson HMS. game ··Luck was against Kentucky}- There was some class to it, but not GRADDY8 BRADLEY After we game many enthusiasts ;;“°hw;;“*§";· fI"’t‘;1m “‘° Waylghz Y:“‘ AIIIIIII “II‘I 2 will tried to place the blame of defeat on g u °" °n° w°“ “ ge one man`but this is not justice to the that it is time for some one to fall in ICE CREAM PARLOR M ME Dunn SI player, as he did his best and tihat HM ::11* ¤¤¤ ·i¤¤¤¤¤ Bzzig ¢<;l1;¤d AND LUNCH STAND was all Kentucky expected of him or *1 ye °r °°x Ya"' 8* u° , · I any man on the ,team_ respect to the yell leaders, one would South uma and Wmsbw Str°°t° _ • r In au the newspaper accounts of say that the yelling last Thursday was ‘ Junior athletic contests, allusion is made to "punck." The leaders did all they J, [_ HTZQERALD Amr waving, LEx°LINE V Some of the contestants as ..Stam..· could, but they lacked experience. PLUm3ING will be found delightfully cooling and This "starring" would be impogsiblg S°m° °¤° Mm uw junk"` cl"' antiseptic. Ir proud: again: wind were it not for the help of their mam should be falling in line, so that he Sham and Water Heating ind ‘w¢¤¥b¢'·P'¢V¢¤'i¤£ ¢h¤l’Pi¤8 Md mat€S_ might take charge ot this important ggg W_ Short _ _ Ixxington Kb ormzu. ’ ' Bryan Shaukliu, Thrgldkgld, and position every man on the team did the best li CADEN DRUG C0- wm nm on mm bt.; , ¤¤·‘¤¤·¤ ¤¤·¤· ¤<>¤¤·m l N W Cor Main and Limo they could an-d no more was expected QF GOVERNORSJ °”ICE Wd YARD- Bouh Ph(m€—1%· O 6m' The first "H0use ot Governors" meet N°· 157 N- Br°°·dw&Y• y ** at Frankfort this week. Governors RAILROAD YARD-C. S. Freight D•· °"'ER "°°T°A*-'— °°N"’E8T8- wave 1>ee¤,·· "would be·· and ··w¤u1d pot, S_ Broadway and Ohmty Sm f ' '_` have been" Governors from most of T V°"d"b"* wl"'- the States meet there to discuss the t L} thviauderbuz ;’(;£t°1;Si;’d S€W¤¤B6 i¤ vital questions concerning the States rl., , G Y mmua 8- 8¤#m°· Wi¤¤i¤8 and National Governments. The tlrst l by a S°0¤‘€ OY 23 to 6- Séwauee was session will be held in the new State ·cHANGE,8 CANDY KITUHEN I uname *0 CMS we Vaudcrbilt goal capitol, at Frankfort. The second ses- 119 South Upper St. l HUG- her Six I>0i¤¤¤ being due to two sion will be held in Louisville on No- Lexington, . . . . Kwgucky field goals kicked by Glllem. vombgr 29. "At this this se¤si0u." l § N:"q*·'°**°· 5i N°*¤ D¤m¢. 5 says a prominent New York polllti· · e ` ard Game at Milwaukee. eign, "political dyamite is to be ex- J ‘ CLIFTQN BEDFORD M8·¥`(lU€tt9 and NOUG DRHIG Univer- jloded." Perhaps it would be better ° M' ` |%1¤·1¤s¤ s%1¤.m;¤ sitles played a 5 to 5 tie in a hotly to say that the fuse will be fired in me New contested came. The teams were ev- Louisville. The detonations are ex- • NMC,. C Gnly matched and it was a.nybody’s pected afterwa,rds." r W uu-. cl P M game until the ilnal whistle wu blown This body can not lezislste, but it - Mallquette suffered seriously from is second only to Congress in its study $05 H•¤’i¤¥ LOGIC Bllildlllt { 1 < g .2 * t T H E I D E A 3 and dlscusslons of the pivotal points ~———;—- ... _ M concerning our National Government. _ ro Some of the speakers and questions to St d t be discussed are as rollows: I ` Governor-elect Woodrow Wilson, of l u ••• New Jersey, will talk on "The Possl- Boor in mood that tho Lox_ bilitles of the Governors Conference" · . Other features will be: * nngton Drug Co. is the most ,, __ o on V ooi out plooo for you The Governor His Power and Re- o ond Hmotod omouot of io' sponsibilltles—Short Ballot"—Address [ f o zoo will ontoé by Governor John Burke, of North Da- h ou And toot it io thgr 1 kota; address by Governor Herbert S. S { glo oo our el p acc Hadley, of Missouri. I. y y "Th0 Governor-Hls Powers and Re- , sponslbllities"—Address by Gamaliel j B]'8_df0rd_ '_['AB]_,EF]•8, "Conservatlon from the Standpolnt ,. of the State"—Address on "The North- ` PF·N¤H-8 and west Idea or Conservation," by Gover- STATIONERY nor Edwin L. Norris, or Montana; ad- ° dress on "Conservation Within the if also cosh your ohooko State," by Governor-elect John A. Dix, { , when they are good. Come in °f,};°w Ylma f H Lu ,, ` lz and we certainly do tlhe Onserva on 0 , uman 8 _· r, boot Wo ooo for you Comprising employers liability law, », Roo ootfoll ' child labor, pollution of streams, P y’ health, tuberculosis and other phases d { B t · h { Y sq • of the conservation of human life. Cy an Or C CS IH Ot CS Or Oung ° LB t D C "The Income Tan Amendment"— o. 0* Shzxll the Statestsugrender to the Fod- MBR and MER who Ygung Fi · · era Governmen t e power to tax n- `; Corner MMD & lame" comes without apportionment among Phoenix Hotel Building, the States? It lt snould be deemed ’ n wise to grant this power, should it be conveyed under the terms and phras· - ing of the proposed sixteenth amend— l ment to the Constitution" "Direct Primaries"—Address by V _ a Governor John Franklin Fort, of New I C Jersey. on - 5 114_116 North Upper St' There wlll be 3 meetlhg of the staff 274 WEST MAN LEXINGTON Aw g Friday at end of fourth hour In The L: nu . LEXINGTON. KY ea r°°T_.._,.,........_ erring children spare. _ _ _ In order that the University of Mis- HL P to ol ; e souri might Gbtaifi m01‘€ 8DD¤‘0D1`i&· The sun no more gives forth his rays 2.,2 Woo M. . I g y tions next year. moving pictures of to drive away tho gloom, “ am . . . _ KODAK FINISHING — thé college sctlvltiss M9 bemg ¤h0W¤ And silence hedges us about as dread- AND PHOTOS ` B1 ook to throughout the State. fo] ag tho tomb; Brio our Kodak t bl ‘ y , 8 To Prove That The Wlnd Can Not See. Yoa moupaap walk about tho Stpootg, g y mu ° t° m°• + ll oh to Z€DhY¥' ls Yam- Far mindful of their awful fate, their S & °° A Yam is 8- t¤l9· graves they do prepare. Pillow co". A tale is an appendage. {v_ HOME-MADE CANDY o An appendage is an attachment. For when the gods ordained to war FRFQ 7 Y . FOR THE COLLEGE GIRL Attachment is affection. on Tempe’s lovely vale, to scale, 16* To EW ERK DAY · Affection is love. In vain they piled the mountains high 7 ast Mlain St. · Handsome Tailored Button But love is . , L , - gh OlylIlpl3,I1S péak, Y G1°v°s’ and anything du sho www at The wind is hlmd (Axiom I·)· So Pluto bribed old cerberus to hold I ' special prices Hence the wind can not see (Q. the wm-ld at bay, 2 E. D.)- ——(Excha¤se.> wnus no unleashed two or Hsu that "*""°‘°‘°—"" th i ht l th d . `I I- czN·rnAl.·s EX-COMMUN|CAT|ON8- ey mg zu 9 ay www yo it _ I o · ur p c ure since you e · • • l L So when the gods ordained to war on nnm6_S0 does your l From Danville’s Olympus there comes Smws m““t"l°““ Mm? g and awful mo They knew it ns, not in tnsu power SWEETHEART L ), The Gridlron gods have so decreed to force bm" men to yi°ld· OCALL I E that State Bnnu nnvnrmnm So then they bribed Cerebus to hold . l ° Permitted to be worship at the Seel· the World at ba·y• S Inportcr and Doolor in bach’s golden shrine, While they unleashed two hounds of 4 Or sacrifice or incense burn to Dui'Iy’s H€ll» Wim l¤€kUY» 8;1;¤`€d,14th6 and let mm help you make mother . CHINA CUT GLASS, SILVER BRASS name divine. day. C. E. BLEV S, . happy ood oloo oolo you to wm I H- — your AND PLATED WARE Before thy throne we humbly bow, P o The author made no excuse ,4 LAMPS ELEUPROUERB. FANCY Dove 3;*; (‘:§';’(;;’ ;;’§ll‘;r;fk opoo mo rot- writing this poem, not- does the with soma og [hggq ' ’ k it f l or DISI-IES NOVELTYS kc. com ooo borroo show. editor for publishing lt, so ta e or what lt ls worth, and apply the tlgure . Oh. merciless soda. pray. pity take. I _Eoool_ sposlsl rates to stu-tents. . 117 W MAIN New Phone 986 ood doom oot to oooooio as you p ease. . an WEST MAIN ST. Fayoophom www ` YOUR TRADE SOUUITED Recall the Edlct thou hast sent; thy ....--.•··----- .1-———————-·—-——-1-——-* l . . t ‘ .2 * t 4 T H E ID E A . t a bod r se.: U 1 sn or Kentucky. F at "“""’}},°,"t§Z°&..2`»}‘t“3'!°"é‘»¥'s‘Ll¤§*L%tZ.‘l¤2“}scutt’§ °m" °n..?nX§2, in that , , U rnstttuuon. I' i- lt, d 1 .4 id wekly t .,..,{£§‘E‘h£D.§E.fte;i ‘J‘§&£“"i§‘;' J‘h‘iZ'f”°$‘b‘3i2t°€S ‘32fg.<·2 ¥§Z”ahe§2 0f“§s......,t.,. and Pennants In addition thereto lt gives items of interest concerlng other unlversltien and ig colleges in the United States and Canada. '___ i onrowa ¤ou.An Pen YEAR; FIVE CENTS PER CGPY .» suasczéstgred M Lexington Post Omceas second class mall matter. III I}€W€St (l¢SigI`l8 Rnd We _ _ _ Sizes, it p1'1C€S fI‘OIIl it · TIYSI EY {gf ......... Assistant Editor OHGTS f7`U€ tuition In all depart' J gf 1Y "mntix T...IZZZZC`ZZ ...... ( .............. Aéiéiéht ments exeeptejiew to graduate; of ta. L. rmcxmt ........ . ................... . Kentucky Hlgh SchO0isFwh_; am c • i ausmzss s AFF rcs mm -_ B S- s BBERT · %*·t*·;·At*st*tt;*A... Adv Mg. ‘駧E§"°“ “’ °‘“°’ “‘° t F_ L, MARX, Asst. usiness anger- · · . . . . . _ _ _ 1 gi. 1*330, SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURI'P·Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. t_t%?.gcl; coungy irhglg Sggteulizigg- Now 011 display at i _ L, DUWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. 1 e . 0 sen , _ . ]‘_ngt]•]('gu]3t]()]], 18,b0l‘8tOl'y and oth- Q This issue of The Idea W3! DFG- T`h8 next issue of The Idea will be er fees, one Oy more gppmutggg, pared by the f0ll¤Wi¤8 m°mb°” °t p*"’p"°°d by *h° f°n°'i“g m°“'b°" °! Necessary expenses moderate. 8 . The Idea S‘·¤¤¤ TM m" it"¤° · For full information regarding Y N' G‘I;°°i°St°r’ appointees, courses of study, cost ` .; J‘ M‘ W S· of board, ew., apply to J M. M. Harrison, G J • ’ rw,. ;iis‘;"C2’;;bag°’ Acting Preszdent, , “ · Lexington, K7. ! Thanksgiving is now past with all enlivened faculties and mm resolu- The _Col1e§e Mig 8 dOut· the freedom, the pleasure and enjoy- tions to make the most of the time htters rom ea ment that it brought. We had been from now until Christmas. CO Foot i deep in our studies for nearly three ...._ months and were V€"'Y wllll¤¤ to w°1` The class in Freshman English is Th. mac. tm Suns cam. from l come the short respite, when we could mvmiiug the fact that some of its mm Ou, thoughts my som work w members have is décidéd sbllltv M IN BOTTLES E ° revél lll lh? $05* Of One of °“r m°°t writing verse. A number of poems of ` g tim€··h0¥l0l‘<>d C“S**0mS· Nm muy did considerable merit have been handeedl il ` we glory in the moments free trom in as part of the class-work and a 7 HE COLLEGE MAN’S STORE :‘ care and labor. but we *6*9* ¤°" that few have been pnbttshed in the mes. _ We have complétéd 8. C€l’l»&i¤ D9-rt of The following is Ono that shows the Chu. L. Steam. 98 - - • Mmtltt _ uw mst °°rm’S w°rk‘ Thanksgmég som type or work that is being done: Call for the Genuine is one of the important events og 'tlie He Sowed a Thought and reaped im · 6 in the fact that then we feel we have An Act and a Habit appeared; 0g 1.. accomplished Someubing and °·"° g“" While Hnbtt a Character rua oontmct, If You Want Gu The mlit OY Our well “*m°d Va°°" And Character a Destiny reared. . . UODS It is ver romisin to see the Pmnted Matter ' h · The _ v n S _ LEXINGTONS There was much w !‘€j0i<>6 US- Freshmen entering upon their career Whlch Compeis Attention GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE great Thanksgivlllg Same WM at hand in college with ideas of this kind in ( · and we were tingling with l¤t€l`€¤t their minds. This ought to be fos- WG know where you can get It —— ; ‘ and excitement aud l0Y¤lfY to the tered and all the latent talent develop- t h gamest team in the South. The bulk ed_ Thg University has need for ai COLLEGFNCOLORS of the first term’s work has been done. high Standard in eu phages eg its THE · Some of us th·aVe acquitted 0l11‘S6lV€6 work and just such as this is what lt _ ~ creditably, while others have unfor- takes to gx that em¤de_pd_ Sq, Fresh. 8 C0. tunately not done so well. But now men, do your best i we have an opportunity to redeem our F , 3 failings. If W6 have b€€¤ weak hi THE IDEA would like to take tihe ’ Q SOIIIQ S\1bj8CY.S, W9 still l13.VC tlmé QD- time and pleasure and gnswgr a few ough to stnengthen our knowledge of of the charges mede against State by D0 Only That Kind them before ilnlal examinations. Yet the new-ew mindgd faculty men of Cen- • we must realize that they are not by tm], but it does ngt like to ap_p€&r im. Decorations any means in the far distant future. It Sportsman-like and stoop to such puer· s ws have been studying faithfully. we tunes. The Lexington papers have Oi all kinds iurnishcd {0, Speciai ' IIBVG t,h€ knowledge before US in very ably taken our position and have d a narrow sense we will Soon be re- answered 3,11 the charges very Sams. 0i' Us Wartled; in a nar‘l‘0W SGDSG. b€‘0&¤$9 Yhé factorlly, and in such a way that there °` consideration or a more grade is not is ng way eg reply from Cent/gig K f 8 C ia the t.hing we strive for, but only one we were defggtgd by Central, and Everything firsbeiass to eat 0• ¤ that fades into the unimportant when dgfpatgd fairly. We have no kick French Drip COEGE; Oysters any i sg;] oigethii iiréstfrand COIIllXlg. \\'€ B·8.ld WG to Say at H m0m€¤t’S notice. The ` Selft b O Y 6 Om B y b€f()l`€ the gilllli}, and Bltick to Our Only Lunch Counter in ‘ “; _ Plans- “’<· l¤l<>¤<=<>¤¤r>ly wml the the south end of the City. Open n.§kJ§5I»I}.g“" lf ..Z0$Li‘1?.f EEE F§}‘SK“°¥“Yi""i ‘2‘;l§‘ " ."‘ if °“"tE’ ‘**y **** ****5***- **··*·* ”·**·····* *’···** i » .. · . nocanges from all our duties. But now when rules in regard to the eligibility of mg W' S' 8 ""‘ l our short vacation is over, we must players, State will p1a.y no Kentucky Gower Mill and BOIIVKY Finest Hair Cutting and Shaving be back in our accustomed places to team in basket or base ball this year. Parlor in the (jity enter upon the same duties, only with We feel that this is the wisest step to t T H E I D E A 5 be taken, as the University is becom- posed to go to print, eg 5 o’elook_ lng one of the leading schools in the The editor does not wlsh to knock l 0 South. For this reason, we should re- on the members or the stat, but would ‘ eooe W t ‘ ‘ " 4/ main in the S. I. A. A. llke for them to know and feel the hm L ______ necessity of their being on the staff. Q "Sweot are ltllze uses of adversity, In order that the work may be light- S which,. like the toad, ugly and veno- ened each week for the flve members { ` % __ molls, wears yet the precious jewel on that are on, lt will he necessary to ln- rh hg its head." crease the staff. lf there are any _ J The defeat we had on Thanksgiving news-mongers or any who desire to C D Iv '— was ugly and venomous, yet we take write for the paper, the editor would · • ` lt llke men. Such adverslties make be glad to speak to them about it, and us stronger. Life ls not to live alone give them an assignment if they de- jt and not suffer defeats. We alre pro- sire to he OH the staff. —. parlpg ourselves for life, We wwrlt The stat ls divided into four squads, , to bewme leaders and in order to do and each squad is on every fourth ’ so, we must meet with adversltles. week. This ls heh €0ll1I>8l'ed to what C I l One must learn to take defeats as well some of the other members of tho 0 6 € as gain vi(;|;0rigg_ When gdvgpgifjgg stat h8.VE to do E&Ch WEEK, that thE · show us up to be manly in our affairs, Pelle? might be 8 ¤ll¢¢e¤¤- and wise ln our serious, let them Shell we place e picture cu the (Successors T, come, we can only profit therefrom. fl°0¤t cf the Dhpel'? Shah we make to T. B. Dewhurst.) ~ But we are sorry that our Opponents the paper smaller Or shall ge stop T 6 won and yet are receiving the sting the P“bh°¤U°¤ €¤m'€lY? This Publi' HEADQUARTERS ¢= of the m,,_d_ We mah that which we cation ls one of the college activities, FOR ALL ...., S0w_ It is hetwr to have played and means as much to the school as vi Square and lost, thyan ho have played any other activity, and there is no we will forget about our defeat, but tuck? Stmutd “°t put °“t tt g°°d pubtt ’ We hope not to deviate from the path $)&t§°?· §€°Pli dc nrt; tmhkghag Y°°; , , al steonyactvty,an wen X Ot right conduct. is over everything is done. The Supreme Court of the newly born D° t;°t think that tgt; W°:kt;”` tg: _ paper s an accommo a on o e e - FOI` hhE mtecsgitg1k1:t;8_0Em;,;u;i_hd€:£di}dut;1t;ia; tor, for lt is not. Your work is a duty For college Men. __ and not be moved to Oklahoma City as we? attgh? imtheitegcg is htthghlhg —- ¤ 66 •• as Con-gross had deemed. The ehlls any ° ““ ° °“ ° · " ‘”" " 2 at H°m° is having trouble with its head, the make the best of that possible. FOOT BALL GOODS, trouble seems to be developing into The editor ahh hhhtstttht make hh brain sever. n ls strange to muse Zpzggtmsu;g;h“t’;’;;h*;t"i:;h;’“i1;;x‘;: GYMZNASIUM SUITS, Trcet Yourself lc e sift cf £Z.I.".`I.i.?Z`.`.1§'.. Thi SEht{E°rlE.t§;..”K Wm ¤ Squad ’¤*l· to md l¤ my suoas, eclts md *¤ the me 0* e <=¤¤¤ §Z`.Y§‘...Z`3.‘°..?§§’.Z.$ .“.f§‘°J§. `ZZ§‘l‘§..‘€§§ __&_ sometimes relieves the irritation of helped to edit this issue BASKET BALL ·- both parent and child, would it be ad- ° I vlsable in this Case? OH. YE pggpgg All ye preps who are not of sulfl- BASE BALL GOODS —‘ A TALK WITH THE 81-AFF' cient strength and size to shoulder one t , _ ..·—-—--——- —_— of Uncle Sam’s guns must answer the and- i Digi;}hghttiglitztghhtttgethihhthzehsazgz roll call in chapel each day. Harken COLLEGE I tt Special Values just now in but since the season is over there will yi if tgt; “;‘;f,'°;‘t";j V: :81 tgehtg; PENNA-NTS- _ , be space not filled unless the stat gets Shih shud fhmver :1 or 8 cat ti?) dclock ’ busy. Some articles handed in by the Oh each day of each week. FLAG8, y associate members were not published e on account of lack of space, but the A dance was given ih honor of the PILLOW COVERS, ?I editor dtd his best to make hh the football squad by the students last httgizi m ms r iv t h Thursday evening at the Merrick P0STER'S’ ETc’ I T l·¤’8¢$* Dl$Pl¤Y °l uhm! wsa. tinceitaln Zlgmgeriuoroghs xr. §°"g° "“}Q"‘“g·t Attff ,1* jay Q; “" ... Qoodg ip [hg city. Up until this week each has done huge Esc ethtt-tu ' tm hr WO Ou good work, and the paper has been E tt hah ht t tt thhhh tt h eashht even- \Vill always be glad to seo ng was spent ln tripping the light ~ thirty good' Mistake. have hhhh made fantastic and joining in the chorus you' .· ——-————— and the editor has been to blame, of the hiehh {hahah The dance was but this should not keep the stat Y ` well attended, and all forgot our de- · from doing its worth feat enjoyed the evening and appre- The editor relies upon each asso- ’ _· v date for so much mathrm]. heh each ciated better the work done that day. G. nl _—-.-4#—-4-Q-5 -·——-—· ; . does his duty there is a full paper. A RE.UN|gN_ & COMPANY Z , Let one fall, and that means more ..1.. » work for the others. And when they At a meeting of the Union Literary (SUQCQSSOYS all fall, that leaves the work on the Society last Saturday night many old to T- B- D€Whlll‘$l3-} _ editor and assistant. They can flll members were present. An address & the paper, perhaps, lf they are given was delivered by R. M. Holland, an WEST MAIN STREET , Q tlme, but when the box ls opened on ’08 graduate. After the rendering of T Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock and the program a table was spread with ··· · s ·· ; found empty that means there are fruit. After partaklng bountlfully of mh: tut mt: ==== === eighteen columns, or 9,000 words to the fruit, cigars were lit and all en- be wrltten before 8 o'clock, which ls joyed the aftermath. except one or { an impossibility. The paper is sup- twotl who smoked their tlrst cigar. ...._....__;.............._.. i 6 T H E I D E A t 4 • About $18.75 will be received at the ut Notncns &l'\d F&I'\C)’ Goods end of the year from the .m¤¤ W » . . · i k t h d b th t d t • . We are headquarters for H0s1ery, Underwear, Notncms and all kmds flgpssstspurc "° Y ° ' " °° ° °° ~ p · w w ' Of N Vemes hd P ancy ('°°dS· . This is the best condition the asso- FOR SALE_Dre" Suit in good wudi- · ;mt£:";lh“°° bee? in °'t thi enisot um tion. Fine chance to obtain a. Glee __ - oo a season or severa yea . tm. Add K. Th _. Center think. ahg got the Ou re-. caro G • • end or the bag on nuance. It is true ° ' - .; I she did rmt make as much as we did- WANTED—A nice 0<>N¢8¢ WY •• The wml €XD€¤¤€ ¤f the 881116 e. roommate. Nicely furnished, ele- ·'j Was ...................... $1,310 13 ggm; room, only 4 squarei from (116 4 The cash received at the gate University, Audrey, ‘‘·V f ' * »»··· =·."" !,l_ Im mum m u “* 1 1 was ...................... 4,196 10 ELMER REMBOLD, [ gf I · www mq ¤n~,·; __ _ ····—·· 376 Transylvania. Park, ¤ Q, nunnu n ununsnnnnnu x Leaving for us • • · · · . • ····· • - $2.885 87 L " Had it been a bad day the gate rc· R ¤ °*` wm °° ceipts www hav