\ Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 1, 1910 No. 13 I
WE LOSE ` line, Central returning the punt 10 Second Quarter line. To Central, punt returned 12
 A .... yards. Central used a forward pass by Giltner. Central offside, 5 yard pen-
‘ wud t U b B t , for a gain or 45 yards and on the next T""°l‘”“’ld "““°d 5 y“'d“ f°' stm alty. Gamer poured to conn-ars 10
‘ C. · M Ie to nt can nl n Dlwy they made a gain of three yard! on a right and nm' Shuklm mum yard line recovering ball State no
Annual Gar"' on a line kick, but Central was of! not gain °u a right and run and uw gadn through line. Central penaliz-
*"' _ side and was penalized ilve yard!. gall went ogy hw Cfzgaltgs 33:;; ed 5 for oflslde playing. State no
.  · Cardinal And Blue Outcla•••d in the ball resting on the 40 yard line. amseg mi)°k wavy Seslbwh lost 3 gain on left end and penalized 15
[ Flnt Half. Louis Seelbach punted to Stlate’s (mg °° TCH; ‘ if C1 k lost pushing. _ ,
2  ‘ _+ 25 yard line and cumer returned the   ;;‘rd‘; sn fnfigi: gm :1 n and Shanklln out, Naylor rn, Thteldkeld
t  Once again it has happened, and ,puntn4 yinrda. Ssianklln v;ent against thebau went Over to State on downs.  lgighgmend, Giltner fails on drop
Once more history has repeated iuem the ne or no g n. On t e next p ay Smmklm made a sensational len and c . tral punts to 45-yard line,
F"` me mm ***6 P‘“°**l°•* bm °’ E.‘Z?“.‘i$L‘$J....““t”’?? ZT &L°;"é’”,§‘2§ "ii‘.I’E’ M- mh f¤¤<>~¤¤ by ¤ are ed ‘é‘;.2`?.§`{i?"15S‘?Z$d2 li’.?."`i$I.‘;, "“§‘.I.’i..E°
  wlldcats that ever went on a Held of H hh t d 30 d d Gm   mn by Thmldkeld for 8 gum of 20 to .t C tr I . 1 Y h 8
 G  ·». Mme, went down in defeat at the e en pun e yarsan ne yards, put the ban on Commrs 50 re urn. en a no gain t rough
G  hands of the men who represent the recovered the ball. State could make yard mw. Shaukun pumyed to their line. punted to 40 yard l1ne.,Centra1
o  °¤*m* M Bm- “‘***· um “*° ?.i’.‘2L‘; °3..T..E§EZ ‘i}Z¥§"2§.‘“.€§‘i‘;`.i’$; 25 M MM wd ¤<·¤¤=<>¤ Y ecovar ed £§?f.IL“§"n.§° f..f§Z$“§..°°3§2“§ .2
¤<=<>r¢ was 12 te 6» tW<> ¤>¤<>¤d¤W¤¤ 1 M d me ban on Clark’s summa of me 1 ’ °‘
and two goals for Central, and one was ·penalzed teen yair s. C catch. cover ng for State. State punts 40,
muchdow a d D goal f 1, State' It was on the next pay that en- Clark gettilng fair catch. Clark no
Game um; jmfmosgod Oby lugm tml made their ilrst touchdown, Shank eniugsfun lost three yard, on a‘ right gain right end, L. Seelbach failed on
  md M Sm on me Sm M-  E§..‘l‘;3‘i‘}..2°..’i?‘2$.f‘I.‘1..i’.‘“§°°J.‘.Z§f Hr M pm M me 5 wd me- Z‘§“Z2‘;3 ‘i?.?Z’   ?.‘;"§Z?.i?.S‘“‘°'°
c°¤**`*l $°°'°• Fl"•*· down. Louis Seelbach kicked goal. $;km:°mm°td the baudu; yirgm ;:dm` State 3 yards tight end, no gain on
with the bal] on Kcmmckys 10_ Shanklin again kicked on to the L Seelialggx   ag Zsd it si buck. Gaiser punts 40 yards, Clark re·
. ymd Hug, Shaukliu puntgd but wind East, the ball going to their 5 yard bgmnds and itpwas 1_€00v €’;_9g?, °Smt° turning 10. Duffy 10 right gud Bal]
carried the ban to the an side or the line, Duffy returned the punt 15 Shmkun wm mma h me gm fst center- Time up-
ueld and it tau in um Waiting arms ym`ds` Central lost 5 yards Ou E len two yards and Johnsin followed this Fourth Quarter
, nf Pldgeon, who raced across the goal end run and lost 15 more on a penalty by going uhmu h for a gain of fom G · ‘
‘ for the nrst touch-down. Louis seep for holding. leaving the ball again on yards Threldkgld went through the Sh¤¤k1¤¤ 1¤ for N¤Yl¤¤‘· Central ne
_ back kicked gOal_ the 5 yard line. L. Seelbach punted ‘ _ gain tllfnnsh line, Duffy 10 left endl.
¥ out to the 45-yard line. Giltner re- Hue ml a mnt b°°k which gaimd 8 Central no gain, fumbled and rec0v·
f State Scores turning the punt 5 y.a;·dS_ Gaiggr {Ogg,   lsmig triedrfordai f°??’r‘; p°iSS" ered. No gain right end, forward pass
_ _ _ a. w penanze or ner err ng -, qid ban State. -0 1. W bb
The Wildcat, oamo back m me 5 yards on a right end run and Oen tmc . S ¤ yard me. e
Second quarter and fairly gwgpt gon. tral was penalized 5 for off side. 3;;: a' State man catching th`° mrward blocked punt, Central recovering on
Q` tml on their feet, making end runs State made 13 yards on f0¤r <>0¤· SA H ,,   ’ States **0 Yard ll¤€· C€‘¤¤’&l 110 sein
l went through Ce·utra.1’g lime for touch- B€0l1llV® Bild l`ll¤S. Slltiilkllll 0¤»1‘l`Yl¤8 tw91jskyglrdd0u;:rd;t:';•;uudu;$;;€dm(;’ OD buck, penalized 15 for pushing,
é down and Shanklin kicked tho gOa.1_ the ball on three or the attempts. Offsideo Threldkéd 8 lénfud Shank: State o for ottside, Clark lost 8 lon,
; From was time on it appeared that Senklln and Threldkeld try fake place lm gained 2 yards Mound lm wd endl L- Seelbach 10 right end. Cen-
too Boom would be o no, but in the kick forward pass, but the ball hit ban on me yard une Shankuu twé tral punted 40 yards, Gilmer no re-
last quarter Comm] rooovoood an oo. the ground and was recovered by Cen- yards on buck To QM foot une on tnfn. State punted 40 yard line, safe
¤¤¤¤ kick ¤¤¤ R¤¤¤¤<=>v W =¤¤¤ thm ‘“" °“ "“° 2° """ ““°· ”““" ‘°" buck Threnkeid Om Shanklln ack. °“°“ °°‘"°‘?‘ °°“"“‘ “° ““‘“ '*"“
for a line book but. mmolootho ball 3 yards on a left end run and L. Seel- ed gémi Score 6 to é end, Duffy 5 left end, Central onslde
mo it rollod ove,. the goo] uno whom bach punts 50 yards, holding State Central kickéd on 2;; yards Shank. knck recovered on States 15 yard line,
will Swlbach fell Ou it wcuriug the to D0 l‘8l’,\ll'l1. lin through une for 2. No gain on ?§lll8€Y 8l;lI'l·€*d through 11119, carried
last touchdown- Louis. Seelbach Threldkeld was sent through the line bunk Four on buck Central 4 yam. I yards. umbled, ball rolled across
kicked me goal, making the oooro, Goo, tor a gain ot 4 yards. shanklin punted Img ‘Smt8 no gain Eight and Con. lme, W. Seelbaoh falling on ball. Ball
ww 12· K°“t“°kY 6- to Cautmys 25 yard mw and holds tral’s ball on downs Central lost 3 kicked out to Cmk L` Seelbach kick.
Coach E_ R_ Sweeuand of mo Sato Central to no return. Central could on buck No gain right end Penal Bd 808l- Score: Central. 12; State, 6.
toam, mid amor tho game that mo had not gain through the line. L. Seel- ized 15 ior pushing C€mm1·putS 40 Webb kicked so yards, Central re-
_ - _ mg;] · ·c rg en, on cen er.
p“b“‘°· Th°“ “'°*'° his w°*`d“· 3 ilpuu yar S mhiildl E ized 15 hurdllug. Ball on C‘entral’s Gaisol. out G Shaukuu in Central
UWB W°¤t in t° carry the iight w yu B on an and mm W G place forty yard line Time called ball · ’ I ’
C8'l1—l1‘8l8.¤d We carried it there. And Ou tha c€¤t9l`» S’h9·llkllI1 D\l¤l6d 40 statin ' ’ Dllnled 35, State returning 6, Qtdg
although our men were outweighed by Y°"d“· may "°t“"‘°d uw mnt 5 · p}mt°d 30* Qark camug Sam °°'t°h•
fought o good ugmy interfering with a call for fair catch. Shanklin kicked 50 yards, no re- Fight end. State penalized 5, Central
_ The gomo by oumoro wu oo fol. L. Seelbach punted to State’s 25 yard turn after fumble. Central punted 30 no gain through.,L. Seelbach lost 7
low.: line and Glltner returned the punt 5 yards, State returning 5 State fumb- left end. Centrals punt blocked by
, yards. State lost 4 yards on a left led snap, losing 5. Threldkeld through Webb, recovered on State’a 41 yard
.— Flat Quan"' end run and tlme was called for the for 12, time out for injuries of Sbank· line. Duffy 10 right end, Central 3
At 2 o’clock the game started. Shank- quarter with the ball in possession or lin and Threldkeld. State through left end, penalized iltteen holding, ball
lin kicked ol! for State to the East, State on their 27 yard line. Score, for 3 yards. Watkins for 7, forward on ilfty yard line. L. Seelbach punted
the ball going to Central': 20 yard Central. 6; Stat•, 0. pus put ball nn Central'! ilve Yard 30» Gllllwf f°l¤¤'¤l¤8 10-