Marlow Cook moving image and audio recordings


The Marlow Cook moving image and audio recordings (dated 1969-1974, undated; 1.25 cubic feet; 1 box, 2 items) consist of color and black and white 16mm films, reel-to-reel audio recordings and one 2-inch quadruplex videotape documenting the family life and political career of Marlow W. Cook (1926-2016), member of the United States Senate from Kentucky in the 91st, 92nd and 93rd Congesses (1969-1974).

Descriptive Summary

Marlow Cook moving image and audio recordings
1969-1974, undated (inclusive)
1.25 Cubic Feet
Public policy and politics
Political campaigns -- United States
Finding Aid Author
Jason Flahardy
Preferred Citation
2012ms085: [identification of item], Marlow Cook moving image and audio recordings, 1969-1974, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Marlow Webster Cook was born in Akron, New York, on July 27, 1926. After serving in the United States Navy during the World War II, he graduated from the University of Louisville Law School (1950) and practiced law in Louisville until his election to the Kentucky House of Representatives in 1957 and 1959. Cook served as a Jefferson County judge from 1961 until his election in 1968 to the United States Seneate were he served until his unsuccessful bid for reelection in 1974. After leaving office, Cook resumed the practice of law in Washington, D.C. He was a resident of Sarasota, Florida, when died on February 4, 2016.
Scope and Content
The Marlow Cook moving image and audio recordings (dated 1969-1974, undated; 1.25 cubic feet; 1 box, 2 items) consist of color and black and white 16mm films, reel-to-reel audio recordings and one 2-inch quadruplex videotape documenting the family life and political career of Marlow W. Cook (1926-2016), member of the United States Senate from Kentucky in the 91st, 92nd and 93rd Congesses (1969-1974). These films and audio recordings have been digitized. The collection mainly consists of campaign materials for Cook's unsuccessful re-election bid in 1974.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
This collection is only available electronically.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans, Louisiana featuring a billboard to re-elect Victor Shiro (55th Mayor of New Orleans); private plane; family beach vacation scenes (outside of the United States); jet skiing; easter egg hunting, undated

  • Item 1
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio track, playing time: 24:28


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View from an airplane window, airport, herd of unidentified animals seen from a helicopter, children playing in the snow, children diving into a public pool, swimming in the ocean, a parade, waterskiing, beach scenes, undated

  • Item 2
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio track, playing time: 23:54


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Vacation scenes, swimming, crabs on beach, lighthouse, undated

  • Item 3
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio track, playing time: 30:12


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Beach scenes, waterskiing, yachting, undated

  • Item 4
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio track, playing time: 33:38


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Opening Christmas presents, children at bedtime, children swimming, possibly a confirmation ceremony, scenes shot from a low flying plane, yachting, scenes from a moving car going over a large bridge, croquet, undated

  • Item 5
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio track, playing time: 32:05


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Interview with Marlow Cook during his campaign for re-election to the United States Senate; announcement of intention to seek re-election; statement on Project Safeguard, on use and safe handling of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) pesticide replacements; noted on reel case: "Announcement Project: Cut #1 - 2 Questions and Answers; Cut #2 Formal Statement 2/16 - Recorded 2/12/74"., 1974 February 12

  • Item 6
Included note

Reel-to-reel audio recording, playing time: 7:20


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Campaign advertisement for Marlow Cook re-election to the United States Senate; noted on the reel case: "Candidacy", 1974 May 16

  • Item 7
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio recording, playing time: 3:12


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Duplicate of item 9; noted on reel can: "Re: Cook Annc. 2-16-74", 1974 February 16

  • Item 8
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with magnetic stripe audio track, playing time: 2:01

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Interview with Marlow Cook during his campaign for re-election to the United State Senate; noted on reel can: "Re: Cook Annc. 2-16-74", 1974 February 16

  • Item 9
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with magnetic stripe audio track, playing time: 2:01


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Duplicate of item 11; noted on reel can: "Silent/Color, Senator Cook with President Ford, 8-21-74, DC File Copy", 1974 August 21

  • Item 10
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 2:01

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Senator Marlow Cook with President Gerald Ford in the Oval Office of the White House; noted on reel case "Senator Cook with President Ford, 8-21-74, Silent/Color", 1974 August 21

  • Item 11
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 2:01


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President Gerald Ford addressing the World Future Society at the behest of Marlow Cook; label on reel can: "Sen. Marlow Cook", undated

  • Item 12
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with magnetic audio track, playing time: 5:56; audio cuts off at 3:33

Included note (two pages, staples removed)


During a national forum in Washington last Thursday, Vice President Gerald Ford had this to sa about Kentucky's senior Senator:

Marlow Cook is certainly one of the most farsighted and effective members of the United States Senate, and he is no newcomer to the energy community. He has long associated himself with all facets of energy production and consumption... Whenever energy legislation is being considered on Capitol Hill, Marlow Cook will be on hand and will make a contribution.

Vice President Ford's remarks about Cook came during a two-day session conducted by the World Future Society on the topic of energy.

Second Page: From the office of Marlow W. Cook of Kentucky


(NOTE TO NEWS DIRECTORS: Congress reconvened on April 22. This issue renews the weekly recap of Senator Cook's activities)



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CBS News story on incoming Senate members of the 91st United States Congress; label on reel can: "The Honorable Marlow W. Cook, United States Senate; Meet the new Senators, Sheraton-Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C. January 5, 1969; The CBS Television Network", 1969 January 5

  • Item 13
Scope and Contents

16mm black and white film with optical audio track, kinescope, playing time: 9:34


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Marlow Cook on the Red River Gorge Dam project, interview with residents to be affected by project, label on reel can: "A Roll, Red River Gorge, 4-cuts - 5:50", undated

  • Item 14
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with magnetic audio track, playing time: 4:59


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Marlow Cook on the Red River Gorge Dam project, interview with residents to be affected by project, label on reel can: "Outs, Red River Gorge", undated

  • Item 15
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with magnetic audio track, playing time: 11:16


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Marlow Cook touring the Belle of Louisville, label on reel can: "River Gorge Outs and Belle of Louisville", undated

  • Item 16
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 1:30


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Marlow Cook touring the Belle of Louisville, label on reel can: "Cook on Belle of Louisville - 1:00", undated

  • Item 17
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 1:40


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Narration over edited footage of the Second Annual Great Steamboat Race, featuring the Belle of Lousiville and the Delta Queen; label on reel can: "2nd Year of Belle of Louisville Delta Queen Boat Race", undated

  • Item 18
Scope and Contents

16mm black and white film, magnetic audio track, playing time: 4:06


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Cows walking across pasture, a field of immature tobacco plants; label on reel can: "Farm Outs", undated

  • Item 19
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 2:48


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Pipes and earthworks in a rural area, possible Red River Gorge or environs; label on reel can: "(For airplay) Chairlilf [?] - 1:14", undated

  • Item 20
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 1:36


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Marlow Cook canoeing on an unidentified stream, label on reel can: "Cook A :30", undated

  • Item 21
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 0:50


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Marlow Cook canoeing on an unidentified stream, label on reel can: "Cook B :30", undated

  • Item 22
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, audio track, playing time: 0:48


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Marlow Cook hiking and camping in an unidentified area; label on reel can: "Cook B :60", undated

  • Item 23
Scope and Contents

16mm color film, no audio track, playing time: 2:10


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Inaugural ceremony and swearing-in of President Richard M. Nixon, label on reel can: "The Inaugural Story 1973; Richard M. Nixon, President; Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President; January 20, 1973", 1973 January 20

  • Item 24
Scope and Contents

16mm color film with optical audio track, playing time: 49:13


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"Kentucky -- The Moment of Truth" Paid program that aired on WAVE television on behalf of Marlow Cook during his campaign for re-election to the United State Senate; the program utilizes various footage from items 14-15 and 21-23, 1974 November 1

  • Item 25
Scope and Contents

2-inch quadruplex videotape, color, playing time: 28:41


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