xt7d251fn229 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn229/data/mets.xml Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1913 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports English Louisville, KY: Westerfield-Bonte Co., Incorporated Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Report of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Louisville, Kentucky, November 20, 21 and 22, 1913. text Report of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Louisville, Kentucky, November 20, 21 and 22, 1913. 1913 2019 true xt7d251fn229 section xt7d251fn229 ‘ . _ , ' - * ‘ .' :115.‘ ' ‘- I i l- ; “if i ' UNIS/mime. L: i , gm . .. v:-.,.v,_»“i l i . R E P O R T ‘ or THE , Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention or THE ' Kentucky Equal Rights A s soc1at10 n HELD AT A Louisville, Kentucky ' . November 20, 21 and 22, 1913. ._ "Ii ye abide in my Word 'A I A ye shall know the Truth, and A I the Truth shall make you Free." W . I " GENERAL OFFICERS -. . OF THE I \- Kentucky Equal Rights Association. g a ‘2 f'; PRESIDENT. Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Linden Walk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lexington l FIRST VICE PRESIDENT. ‘ Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson..................................Lexington } SECOND VICE PRESIDENT. Mrs. Charles Firth.....................................Covington ’ ; THIRD VICE PRESIDENT. j Mrs. J. B. Judalr......................................L0uisville I CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Miss Laura Clay, 189 North Mill Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lexington [ RECORDING SECRETARY. ‘ Mrs. R. A. McDowell, lst and Magnolia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Louisville ‘ TREASURER. l Mrs. Warfield C. Bennett................................Richmond I AUDITOR. 1 Mrs. Lucy A. Nield.....................................Louisville MEMBER EX. COM., N. A. W. S. A. Mrs. T. J. Smith.......................................Frankfort Al HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS. I Mrs. Mary B. Clay.....................................Richmond 3 Mrs. Susan Look Avery.................................Louisvi]1e l 5 - I 'l . . . .} { , _ z .7 , PROGRAM. l i \' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20thflMasonic Theater, 8 P. M. ‘ Addresses of Welcome: " For the Citizens of Louisville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. R. P. Halleck For the Woman Suffrage Association of Louisville, l f‘ Miss Emma J. Woerner, Pres. ‘ ‘ Response for the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, , Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Pres. , Address: “The Importance of Woman Suffrage,” Mr. Max Eastman, New York ! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER letASeelbach Auditorium. . 9:30 a. m. Plan of Work Committee. ‘ 10:30 a. m. Convention opens. _ Report of Executive Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Laura Clay . Reports of General Officers: ‘ i; Vice President, Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson. ‘ 1 Second Vice President, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer. ‘ r Third Vice President, Mrs. N. S. l\'IcLaughlin. ‘ l Corresponding Secretary, Miss Laura Clay. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck. : Treasurer, Mrs. VVarfield Bennett. : l Auditor, Mrs. Lucy A. Nield. . ,l N. A. W. S. A. Executive Committee Member, Miss Belle H. Bennett. 5 Appointment of Committees: ; On Credentials. 2 On Courtesies. l On Resolutions. : Subscriptions to Woman’s Journal. 1 Reports: Plan of Work Committee—Discussion. Constitution Revision Committee. From Local Leagues. FRIDAY, 2:00 P. M.—Seelbach Auditorium. . Minutes. " President’s Report and Recommendations. ‘ ; Reports: Prize Committee, Mrs. Ira L. Smith. Education Committee, Mrs. Lee Bernheim. Peace and Arbitration, Miss Laura White. ‘ Church Work, Mrs. A. M. Harrison. State Fair Tent, Mrs. R. A. McDowell. [ Suffrage Parade, Mrs. John B. Castleman. Fraternal Delegates. 5 i . 'l i 4 i FRIDAY, 8:00 P. M.——Seelbach Auditorium. i Work of Louisville Women for School Elections, i Mrs. Harry R. Whitesides 1 Reading: “In War Time,” by the author, Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain I Introduction of Miss Harriet Vittum, Head Resident of Northwestern 1 University Settlement, Chicago, by the Rev. W. W. Landrum. . 1‘ “The Illinois Victory and Women’s Use of the Vote”. . . . .Miss Vittum A Suggestion .........................Mr. Robert McDowell Allen Y SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22d, 10:30 A. M.——Watterson Hotel Auditorium. Minutes: ' Report of Credentials Committee. 1 Reports from Institute Speakers. 1 Election of Officers and of National Delegates. ! SATURDAY, 2:00 P. M.-——Watterson Hotel Auditorium. Minutes: 3 Forward Movement—Work of 1914. Miscellaneous Business. . Report of Resolutions Committee. I SATURDAY, 8:00 P. M.—Watterson Hotel Auditorium. Minutes: “The Home Woman and the Ballot”. . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Laura Clay “Why Woman Suffrage”. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Desha Breckinridge Adjournment. .t l E l s! l I i I 1, l . ;l , l, L I l l TWENTY-FOURTH CONVENTION l l OF THE . 4 Kentucky Equal Rights Assoc1at10n. l l The Twenty-fourth Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights l Association, meeting in Louisville, was called to order Friday, Novem- “ ber let, at 10:30 a. m., with the President, Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, . in the chair. In the absence of Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck, Mrs. C. B. Semple was ‘ appointed Recording Secretary pro tem. . “NEWPORT, KY., November 19, 1913. j “My Dear Miss Clay: 3 “You can never know how very sorry I am to have to tell ‘ you I can not attend the convention. I had not given up all hope of going until today. Have been better for several weeks until just a day or two ago and now I must keep quiet again. I was particularly anxious to go, as this is my last convention when I should be Secretary. I hope you will give my dear love to all my suffrage friends and tell them all my thoughts and prayers will be with them during the convention. I think it is 12 years since I was first elected Recording Secretary and I want to say I have enjoyed every bit of the work. I want you, please, to . thank the Association for me for the confidence they have shown j in making me their Secretary for so long and for the unfailing kindness I have ever received from them all. “I am enclosing two letters which I received in reply to some ' I was instructed to write at the last convention. They will ex— ? plain themselves. The one from dear Mrs. Farmer is very in- " teresting and I thought that perhaps some of the older members who knew her would be pleased to have it read to them at the convention. - ‘ “I can not say what the Newport Association has done, as I l have not been able to attend their meetings. I usually collected i most of the dues, but, of course, have not done so this year. I * know we have about 150 enrolled members. ‘ l “Won’t you please write to me after the convention and tell {I me What was done, as I am Just as much interested as ever and I hope in a short time to be able to take an active part again. l “With a great deal of love and best wishes for a successful v convention, I am, -: “Very sincerely, ‘ “EMMA M. ROEBUCK.” l _ “Thanks for the minutes and leaflets. May I have a few ; more copies, please? I vote ‘1/es’ for Mrs. Freeman.” l l 'l ’1 1 _ r: ; ~ l 4’ ; <55 ’ .r l l . l r I l 6 i ! Miss Clay presented the report of the Executive Committee, which ‘ upon motion was accepted by the convention. The reports of the I Second and Third Vice Presidents were presented verbally by these ofiicers and accepted. E : Report of Corresponding Secretary was as follows: i . The work of the Corresponding Secretary was principally in the I . lecture field. She and Mrs. Breckinridge Were at the Mississippi Val- ‘ ‘2 ley Conference at St. Louis in April as representatives from Kentucky. ;, At the conference the Kentucky representatives purchased a share of ‘ 1' stock in the Woman’s Journal for $100 for the Kentucky Equal Rights ‘ 1 Association, the money to be raised by personal subscriptions. This ‘ has been done, the contributors being Mrs. Breckinridge, Miss Laura 4 Clay, Mrs. Jas. Bennett, Mrs. John D. White, Miss Laura R. White, 1 the Ashland E. R. A. by Miss White and Mrs. Lida C. Obenchain. l During the summer and fall Miss Clay made a series of addresses partly under the auspices of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, : the Federation of Woman’s Clubs and the Woman’s Christian Temper- i ance Union. In the tour the places reached included Richmond, Shel- i byville, Cave City, Bowling Green, Russellville, Adairville, Hopkins- ; ville, Owensboro, Henderson and Hawesville, also Georgetown, Car- ‘ lisle, Morefield, Cynthiana and Mt. Sterling. At Shelbyville, Cave i City, Henderson and Owensboro she was able to organize leagues or I I committees and she obtained names of suffragists at other places. Respectfully submitted, : LAURA CLAY. Report ordered received and filed. 5 .1 The report of the meeting of the Mississippi Valley Suffrage Con- l - ference in St. Louis in April 2—4 was made by Miss Clay. At this ,‘ meeting $10.00 had been pledged by the Kentucky representatives, 3 . Mrs. Breckinridge and Miss Clay, towards the expenses of the confer- '1 ~ ‘ ence. On motion of Mrs. Castleman this amount (ten dollars) was i £ appropriated to meet this pledge. . i . The following committees were appointed by the President: Mrs. A Halleck, chairman of Committee on Credentials; Mrs. Judah, Mrs. g Hubbard and Mrs. Miller, the Committee on Resolutions; and Mrs. : Louis Becker, a Committee on Subscriptions to the Woman’s Journal. 3 ‘ Mrs. McLaughlin presented the report of the Plan of Work and Execu— .5 i tive Committee meeting held at 9:30 a. m. as follows: § It was decided that vacancies in the Board occurring during the year were filled by the Board only till the meeting of the convention l and this convention should fill existing vacancies; that the Board rati« F fled the payment of the expenses of Institute workers. J Miss Clay, chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Consti- i i . tution, made a report of the amendments suggested by Mrs. Leech and 7. Miss Laura White to bring the Constitution of the Association into ‘ i harmony with the Articles of Incorporation of the Kentucky Equal i i4 , Rights Association. Miss Clay suggested that since a new Constitu— : I t SJ . l 3 l . l l l l I l l 7 . i tion was proposed for the National American Woman Suffrage Asso- ‘ ciation which might alter its present terms for auxiliaryship and offer V to its branches several forms of alliance to itself the convention should l empower a suitable committee to act for it in choosing the form of this [ alliance after the National Convention in Washington, and incorporate i, the resulting changes, if any, in the Constitution of the Kentucky “ Equal Rights Association before the printing of the minutes. Action ‘ upon these suggest-ions was deferred until a later time. , Reports of active work and of propaganda in the Teachers’ Insti- tute and churches were made by representatives from Hardin, Meade, ~ Shelby, Warren, Franklin and Mason County associations. ‘ The morning session adjourned. l The convention came to order at 2 p. m., the President in the l chair. i The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as ‘ corrected. I A report of the Campbell County League, presented by Mrs. l Breckinridge, was followed by the motion that a vote of thanks be i sent Miss Alice Nealans and the Campbell County Association for the writing, printing and distribution of the leaflet presented by this Asso- ; ciation and written by Miss Nealans. : The President’s report was made and accepted. 1 REPORT OF THE KENTUCKY EQUAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION 3 FOR THE YEAR 1912-13. The attention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association in the ,3 previous years of its existence has been devoted to obtaining better ‘1 laws regarding women and children. When it was organized in 1888 ; a married woman had no rights in her own children. She could not i . make a will. Her husband could collect her wages and came into prac- ] tical possession of her property on marriage. The husband and wife . l inherited, there being no children, unequally from each other, the hus- i band, of course, being more tenderly regarded by the law. The age ‘ of consent was twelve years. We have now a co—guardianship bill, ‘ a married woman’s property bill, making husband and wife practically equal; the age of protection has been raised, women physicians are ’1 required in the women’s wards'of State hospitals for the insane, and ' many other excellent laws for the protection of women and children have been passed. A woman’s dormitory, a dean of women, a depart- , L ment of home economics and other things have been obtained for the A 1;. girl students at our State University. Kentucky obtained practically ; the first compulsory school law and the first juvenile court law of any . { Southern State, as she has the most advanced child labor law. She i has a law limiting the hours of women in industry. She has gotten 1 . school suffrage for women able to read and write. This and many ‘ l other laws have been obtained by the women of the Equal Rights Asso— ciation working with the women and men of other organizations. I . l . l l ‘ l .1 {1 8 l i l 1 ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP. : i In the past year the Association turned its attention to organiza- 5 ’ tion and membership. We are in the “pink tea” stage of suffrage as . g’ compared to the work our predecessors had to do, but in organization 1‘ ‘ we are as yet very new. At the animal meeting of 1912 we numbered 1 , 11 local leagues with 1,779 members. At the annual meeting of 1913 i l we were able to report that we had fully organized leagues in 20 i " counties, chairmen in 21 and membership in 24 others; a total of 65 i ’ counties entered out of the 120 counties of the State. The total of the i l membership report the day before our meeting closed was 4,452. Sev- '1 eral hundred have been reported since. We confidently expect to have i 5,000 by the first of January. 1} PUBLICITY WORK. i Our most important publicity work has been getting out and pay- 3. ing for a plate page on suffrage. Supplied to one hundred newspapers 1 through the State, there is little doubt that in almost every case this E material will be used, because it is in such convenient form. Addi- i tional news items have been sent out in plate form without expense to j . us. The city papers have been pretty well supplied with suffrage j’ matter, some of them printing weekly columns devoted to suffrage. I SUFFRAGE PARADE. 1 At the Perry Centennial Celebration in Louisville in the fall our 1 suffrage organization availed itself of the privilege sought and given ,5 / to have a suffrage section. The parade was not large in numbers, but i ' it was beautiful and very effective. I believe it was the first sufirage i parade south of the Mason and Dixon Line. { FAIR TENTS. 1 i We maintained tents at the State Fair in Louisville, the Bluegrass 1 ‘ Fair in Lexington and the Germantown Fair in Mason County and a i rest room at the McCracken County Fair. Literature was distributed " , at several other fairs and Chautauqua meetings. Nearly a thousand ; new members were gotten at our tent during the week of the State i ' Fair. 7 ‘ OTHER ORGANIZATIONS REACHED. ‘ An address on suffrage was made at the annual meeting of the i ‘ Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs. The Federation thereafter 1 gave its endorsement to woman suffrage. Speakers on suffrage were afterward offered to the local clubs of the Federation, and a number , _. have availed themselves of this privilege. Addresses on suffrage were i “ made at the meeting of the State Press Association and of the State ‘ ‘. Farmers’ Institute, both important bodies of men to be reached, and i i at the meeting of County Superintendents of Education and School . ‘ . l l l l 9 ’ f i, Supervisors. We failed to get on the program of the Kentucky Edu- cational Association, but a tent was pitched in an adjoining yard in l . , Louisville. Suffrage addresses were made by prominent men at every E recess hour during the meeting; suffrage supplies were sold and much 3 literature was distributed to the teachers. We are already invited to i appear on the program of next year’s meeting. 1 An especial effort was made to reach the teachers through ad- 1‘ dresses on suffrage to teachers’ institutes. Nearly 50 counties were l reached in this way, some of them remote mountain counties Where i there was no railroad connection to the town at which the institute I was held. I SCHOOL SUFFRAGE LAW. 1 Our right to vote, under the law obtained in 1912, on all school i questions, except that of State Superintendent of Education, a consti- i tutional office, was questioned by the Attorney—General. A test suit I was brought by the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs, but it l was thrown out by the Court of Appeals and the right settled only i for the women of the county in which the suit was brought. A second I suit was brought in Anderson County, backed by the Kentucky Equal i Rights Association, and, just a few weeks before the election, it was i settled by the Court of Appeals that the law passed over a year and a I half ago gave us every right it had tried to give us, and a much fuller measure of school suffrage than is possessed by the women of most 1 other States that have not the full suffrage. Some results were that I five more women county school superintendents were elected than ever i before, and that a million-dollar bond issue for school buildings was I carried in Louisville. i LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES. 1 Between the primaries and the November election a letter was i sent to every candidate for the Legislature and to all hold-over legis- i lators stating that a bill asking a constitutional amendment granting lI full suffrage to Kentucky women would be presented at the coming ‘7 session, January, 1914. We asked that these gentlemen consider the subject and stated that through the kindness of Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, 1 of Hickman, Ky., each would receive the Woman’s Journal during a 7 period of four months. A letter to those elected and other literature i is to follow this. I EDUCATIONAL WORK. ‘ , Ten-dollar prizes have been given by the Kentucky Equal Rights ‘ Association in five of the colleges of the State for the best suffrage ‘ essay or address; and in many of the high schools and secondary . schools of the State these have been written in response to a sugges- ‘: tion from our Educational Committee. In both cases we have supplied i, the necessary literature. . E E E E 10 , E . E DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS FROM ABROAD. EE We were especially fortunate in that the Peoples’ Forum, a men’s E ,1 organization for educational and cultural purposes, brought to Louis- E ‘E ville our distinguished president, Dr. Shaw, for an address on suffrage. E .‘E During the year we have had also addresses on suffrage in Louisville ; ‘E and Lexington from Mrs. Philip Snowden, London, Eng; from Mr. E Max Eastman, of New York; an address in Louisville from Miss Har- ‘ riett Vittum, Head Resident Northwestern University Settlement, Chi- ' cago; and two addresses from Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Lex- - E ington. E v E HOME SPEAKERS IN OTHER STATES. E The officers of our Board have made more than two dozen speeches .E on suffrage in other States: Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, , etc. ‘: Our Association participated in the Mississippi Valley Conference E at St. Louis. It also subscribed $100.00 for a share of stock in the E‘ Woman’s Journal. PRESIDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS. I should like to recommend the following things to local leagues , y for the coming year’s work: , That each league should have a Press Committee of one or more persons to see that frequent suffrage items appear in the local news- 3 papers. E‘ That each league have an Education Committee, one of its duties . E being to see that there is a competition for the best suffrage address E . or essay in the local schools. This committee should co-operate with E the State Education Committee; but as the State committee furnishes literature only for high school students, the local league might offer E~ small money prizes both in the high schools and in the grade schools, i . and furnish literature to the pupils of the latter. E; That each league furnish a speaker to the teachers’ institute in ‘ its own county, and to other counties in the neighborhood, if possible, C‘ notifying the State president, however, that this will be done, since E she will again try to supply speakers for all institutes not covered by .‘ local leagues; that in any case the local league furnish literature for ,‘ distribution at teachers’ institutes. E E That each local league maintain a tent or booth at its county fair E or, at least, distribute literature and get membership cards signed. . Good missionary work may usually be done at fairs in adjoining coun- E ties. : That every possible effort be made by each league to get every . é qualified woman elector in the county to use her ballot in the school ‘ elections. This is possibly our most important duty at present. If there are federated clubs in the county, it should be done in co-opera- E E tion with the federated clubs, for this was primarily the work of the 1 \ . 7 E, i l l , 11 . , 5 Federation, and it is hoped that it will continue its interest in the 1 school work. i The non-dues-paying basis of membership is advised and a house i to house canvass, trying to get every adult man or woman in the 1 county to sign a suffrage card. Literature should always be left whether or not the card is signed. These two things, non-dues-paying ‘ basis and personal solicitation of every person in. the legislative dis- ' trict, are the vital methods of the Woman Sufi’rageParty plan, which is hereby warmly recommended. MADELEINE MCDOWELL BRECKINRIDGE. , 5 Committee on Education, Mrs. Bernheim, chairman, reported the », work of the committee since its formation in February. 283 letters had been sent to the high and secondary schools of the State. Fifty- : seven replies were received asking literature and expressing the inten- tion of introducing the subject of suffrage as themes or debates in the schools. The financial report of this committee is as follows: Received from State Association. . . . . . . . . . . .$30.00 Expenditures .. 17.36 , Balance . . $1264 This balance, used for further work in meetings where speakers ‘ on suffrage could be heard, was increased by contributions received : at various meetings to $29.04. Of this $22.69 was expended for litera- ture, printing, etc., leaving a balance of $6.35, which was turned over , to Mrs. McDowell for use in the State Fair booths. 2 Miss Vittum, of Chicago, was asked to the platform and the cour- tesies of the floor extended her. \ The motion was made and carried that the courtesies of the floor : be extended to all fraternal delegates. ‘ Miss Laura White, chairman of the Committee on Peace and Ar- bitration, presented a report of the progress of this movement. C- Mrs. R. A. McDowell reported the work at the State Fair tent, which resulted in the signing of 1,100 new members. , The financial statement of this committee is as follows: ' Receipts.........,..............$75.72 5 Expenditures....................73.02 Balance. . ‘S 2.70 which has been returned to State Treasurer. l l i 12 l l REPORT OF IDA W. HARRISON, COMMITTEE ON CHURCH i . WORK TO KENTUCKY EQUAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. . ' Addresses have been made before the following education agen- f l cies: ‘ . Eastern Kentucky Normal at Richmond. , ‘3 State Institute of County Superintendents at Frankfort. “ lg. Institute of Breathitt County Teachers at Jackson. l Institute of Fayette County Teachers at Lexington. ‘ ; Young Women’s Christian Association at State University. 9 Young Women’s Christian Association at Transylvania Univer- , sity. Woman’s Club of Central Kentucky at Lexington. Frankfort’s Woman’s Club. ‘ Covington Woman’s Club. ‘. Suffrage Banquet at Covington. ? Mason County Suffrage League: 4 At Maysville. l At Dover. f At Washington. i ' At Minerva. l At Beasley. I Four of these meetings were held in Christian churches. Shelby 3 County Suffrage League at Shelbyville. } In addresses before churches and religious conventions, I have . emphasized the essential and fundamental unity of women’s organiza- , tions, and that all came into existence from the same impulse, and all i; are a part of a general and world-wide movement. I have therefore ‘ urged a recognition of the nobility of their mutual aims and a closer i co-operation between them. 5 I have conducted for two years a page called Modern Womanhood in the Christian Century of Chicago, a widely-read, weekly paper in the church to which I belong. During the past year I have written fully twenty articles for it on Woman Suffrage, besides a number of Q other articles bearing on the social, educational and economic condi— ‘ tions of women and children. . . Mrs. J. B. Castleman reported the Suffrage Parade of the Perry ’1 Centennial in October. The expense incurred had been met by indi— i ‘ vidual members of the Louisville Association. ‘ Reports of local associations were presented by representatives i from the Louisville Association, Bell County League, Ashland Asso- ciation, Harrison, Madison, McCracken and Daviess counties. . Announcement was made of the appointment of Miss Flexner as . correspondent of the Woman’s Journal. Miss Linda Neville announced that the Social Hygiene exhibit I may be borrowed by any local association upon application to Dr. I, Trawick, Atherton Bldg, Louisville. l w l is ' ‘tfi § l l l 13 . l The chalrman presented a letter from Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont ‘ expressing her regret at her inability to accept an invitation to be 1 present at the convention and enclosing a check for $200.00 for use s in the State work. i The request was made that the names and addresses of all officers be sent State headquarters, together with information as to number ‘1 of members, meetings, etc., and subscriptions to the Woman’s Journal. Submitted, K. G. SEMPLE, . Recording Secretary pro tem. ’ A meeting of the Convention was held Friday evening, November :, let, at 8 p. m. , The following program was presented: i Work of Louisville Women for School Election, . Mrs. H. R. Whitesides ; Reading: “In War Time,” by the author, 1 Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain , Miss Vittum, head resident of Northwestern University Settle- l_ ment, Chicago, introduced by Rev. W. W. Landrum, spoke g on “The Illinois Victory and Women’s Use of the Vote.” ‘ The meeting then adjourned. The convention was called to order Saturday, November 22d, at 1 10:30 a. m., the president in the chair. The minutes of the meetings 1 of Friday, November let, were read and approved with one addition. 1 The Committee on Constitution Revision made its report and . recommended that in order that Article IV, Section 4 of the By-laws . of the Constitution may be in accord with the Articles of Incorpora- % tion, it is moved that Section 4 of Article IV be stricken out and the , following substituted: 1 “ARTICLE IV. “SECTION 4. Counting from the convention of 1913, the terms of office of the President, Corresponding Secretary, Treas- urer and Auditor shall be extended one year, making a term of 4'“ three years from their election; and the term of all officers elec- ‘ ted at the convention of 1913, except the Member of the Execu- ‘ tive Committee of the National American Woman Suffrage As- , sociation, shall expire in 1915, in order that the term of office , of the seven officers which the Articles of Incorporation of the l Kentucky Equal Rights Association specify as officers of that ‘ Corporation shall be three years in multiples from 1908. ‘ “The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, ,1 Third Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Sec- , retary and Treasurer shall be elected in 1915 and every third * year thereafter; the Auditor in 1914 and every third year there- ‘ after and the Member of the Executive Committee of the Na- tional American Woman Suffrage Association in 1913 and every third year thereafter. “No officer shall be eligible for the same office for two con- secutive terms.” On motion the recommendation was adopted. ' i t i l a I E E 14 E Mrs. J. B. Castleman moved that a Committee on Nominations be E appointed. Carried. . The Chair appointed the following Committee on Nominations: Mrs. Castleman, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Lowry and Miss White. 3 Mrs. Rudy moved that the convention instruct the Secretary to ‘E apply at once to the Kentucky Educational Association for a place on EE their program for a suffrage speaker. Carried. - EEE Miss Clay offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: E M That the Kentucky Equal Rights Association request Kentucky United E . EEE States senators and representatives in Congress to endeavor to secure E‘ EE to women citizens the right of voting for United States senators and EE representatives by appropriate national legislation. The resolution E was adopted. E1 The Fayette Equal Rights Association reported for the past year E- 788 members. 3 The president supplemented this report by the statement that this Association has assumed the rent of the State headquarters for a year. Mr. R. McD. Allen addressed the meeting and outlined several plans for furthering the work for equal suffrage. Emphasis was laid upon the suggestions that 100 members be secured who would agree to give . $25 each to secure financial and other support from physicians and school teachers, the establishment of a central bureau and to petition ', legislative representatives. Following a discussion relative to the motion by Miss Clay, Mrs. . R. P. Halleck moved that letters be written to Kentucky Senators and Representatives in Congress explaining that the resolution asking for ‘ power to vote for national representatives is urged because this power ! . resides now with them and a constitutional amendment would require ‘ E time. And further that all opinions setting forth the power now resi- E dent in our representatives be sent them with the letters. . The motion was carried. E Mrs. Bennett stated that she would pay all expenses of printing 5 and sending this resolution to the Congress. Mrs. R. P. Halleck pre- , sented the following report of the Committee on Credentials: 1“ *1 y/ E E z E , E E E E EE' , E ‘1 15 Credential Committee County. Votes. Present. Madison................. 10 5 Warren.................. 2 2 Jefierson................. 12 12 Meade................... 2 1 Mason................... 2 1 ,3 Franklin................. 2 2 ‘ Shelby................... 2 1 ,E Fayette.................. 11 6 ' Kenton.................. 11 . 2 E Hardin.................. 2 1 Boyd.................... 3 2 Daviess.................. 2 1 Anderson................ 2 1 Woodford................ 2 1 14 65 38 Ofl‘icers.................. 5 Committees............... 3 73 The Committee on Nominations, Mrs. Castleman, Chairman, pre- sented the following list of nominees: First Vice President, Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson; Second Vice President, Mrs. Charles Firth; Third Vice President, Mrs. J. B. Judah; Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. B. Semple; Member National Executive Committee, Mrs. T. J. Smith. The report of the Committee on Nominations was upon motion accepted. Mrs. Semple expressed her regret at her inability to serve as recording secretary. The motion was made and carried that the nominee for Recording Secretary be elected, and in the event of her resignation, the vacancy to be filled by the Board. Miss Ballard and Mrs. Bernheim were appointed tellers. Mrs. R. A. McDowell was nominated Recording Secretary from the floor. 1‘ The motion was made to reconsider the motion to elect Mrs. Sem- ' ple, Recording Secretary. Carried. The tellers reported the following nominations: Mrs. Hutchinson for First Vice President. '-’ Mrs. Firth, Second Vice President. Mrs. Judah, Third Vice President. Mrs. R. A. McDowell, Recording Secretary. Mrs. T. J. Smith, Member National Executive Board. The motion that the informal ballot be made formal and the nom- inee declared elected followed the announcement of each nomination and was carried. The election of delegates to the N. A. W. S. Assoc