xt7d251fn366 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn366/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 23 leaves: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.176 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Newton County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 176, Newton County, July 26, 1846 - June 30, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 176, Newton County, July 26, 1846 - June 30, 1939 1941 1941 2019 true xt7d251fn366 section xt7d251fn366 11||1||11111111l1l1111111111111111 _ 4 17/ E, I E 11131336513&3511 x INDEX 7 TO PROBATE CASES 1 FILED IN ‘9‘“2 Sn" 3 E . No. I76 NEWTON COUNTY . TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT s:4_,a éi€§:; . lip INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS No. 176, NEWTON COUNTY July 26, 1846 - June 50, 1959 , Prepared by ‘ The Texas State-Wide Records Project Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences ‘ The University of Texas, Official Sponsor . Published by ' ' Newton County, Texas , March 1941 .7655 a ”'4, 9*??? .419.- T”, 1 1 . 1 1 11 1 1 .- PREFACE » 1 1 A 21 The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases 1 filed in Newton County, Texas, is No. 176 of the Texas series of counties, 1 The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to—day usage 1 by the officials of the'county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citizens 1 who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper conduct 1 of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealo— 1 gists to obtain references to unpublished source material. .. 1 The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are 1 arranged alphabetically, with reierence to the filing date of the casa and 1 the case number. Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate 1 numbers is accomplished by the addition.of a.1etter following the case , . , number, except in lunacy cases the prefix "L” is used. 'Case numbers preev ‘ 1 ceded by "0" were assigned to previously unnumbered cases. The following 1 numbers in series 1—966 were not used as case numbers: 16, 48, 52, 91, 1 104, 155, 159, 149, 157, 161, 162, 170, 175, 184, 196, 211, 251—254, 257, 1 242, 261, 262, 514, 554, 468, 541, 675, 717. 1 , . . i ,, , , M In Newton County the probate ease papers are in the custody of the 1 county clerk, and are filed in his office along the east wall in 52 file . 1 boxes numbered from 1 to 52, inclusive. The case papers are arranged in 4 1 separate file jackets in steel file boxes in chronological order accord- .1 ing to the filing date, ' ' i " 1 Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af—”“ '””' 1 fected probate jurisdiction and?hasldetermined the county in.which the .‘ j 1 probate case should be filed, a map and table of territorial changes-are" 1 included herein. Notations concerning present location and availabi1ity‘ 1 of records pertinent to Newton County follow: 1: .v' 7.. a , 1' 1 Jasper County, Jasper, records destroyed by fire October 28, 1849. '1 Liberty County, Liberty, majority of records destroyed by fire 1876.' 1 Sabine Counmy, Hemphill, records destroyed by fire December,1875._ ,, 1 San Augustine County, San Augustine, records QiiéiP-flifl '~“1:.T11,,_ 1 ‘ $23; Map of Newton County Showing the Probate Areas Ha; . and Their Derivations 3 \ ‘ ® in l/Iunicipality 01:,Liberty from 1851 (l) to 1854 5‘ ‘" "' of Bevil andtJasper County 'p‘ ‘ 1854 (2) " 4/22/1846 1 / , 1' Newton County- _ 9 4/22/1846 (5) w date j (n) in Municipality of Liberty ' ' ‘ ' from 1851 (1) to 1854 j n W of Beviiand Jasper County W 1854 (2) " 4/22/1846 ‘, 2: vv Newton County , ' , " (4/22/1846 (5) n 2/16/1852 *8 , " Jasper County " 2/ 16/ 1852 (4) " date 3 (CD in Municipality ofSan Augustine; from 3/ 6/1854 (5) to 12/ 5/1855 1 ' " ," and County of Sabine _ ,' ." 12/ 5/1855 (6) " 12/14/18-57 , " Jasper County . . ' vi 1.2/14/1857 (7) n 4/22/1846 .‘ 7 Newton County , 9 '4/22/1846 (5) _" date The lower third 01" Newton County was included in the "judicial" county 01" Neches, created January 29-, 1842 (8). It is doubtful that Neches was ever organized, hoWever, for in the same year, a decision of F the Supreme Court of Texas held acts. attempting to create "judiCial" i‘:"-.j,}:::‘f counties unconstitutional (9), ' ' - - \ I," 1. '33}: Texas State—wide Records" Project,- Ind__e_:g t__o_ BEWEKEEES; of; Texas, ' I l -. No. 146, Liberty County, frontispiece 11—1513,. and accompanying map legend, , i’ , _’ p. iv, footnote 1. ' . 2. Ibid,, p, viii, footnote 18. ‘ . , i 5. H P, N. Gammel, papa 9; Texas, II, 1428. 1 _: 4. Ibid., III, 1011., , I \ 1 ti? 5. Ibid., I, 552. " g 6. Ibid., I, 995. . p ._ , _. 7, Ibid., 1, 1597. ‘ r._ , 8. Ibid., II, 754. . -\ ‘ )_ _ 9~ Stockton _v_. Montgomery, James Wilmer Dallam (compiler), Opinions 9}; E ‘j the; Supreme _Court 9_i_‘_ Texas Egg 1840 pg 1844,Inclusive, p. 475, f \ I . r '- 1' .‘ f f L , l. . W, 1 pm 1 . I . =' . I: I a: . I ’I I 2 j." I P I I \ s . I s A B I N E . , I 9. “,1 ~ . fSAN AUGUSTINE I: I I ovmn: cl" / 5' “ I ' ANGELINA EI’ (fl/II I I OWN In OZAVALLA A ”e I: ”00st D / I , / (Li) I my é‘ \ a o “L r I I e. ‘ "4’v Q/r/ IW/ I a I , " " | / \ . . | / g I \~ ’ oIAVFLOWER a" / , / 4 / 0?, L oaRomeL E‘ 0 I " 7 4 , / 2 I , I I 1 , ,I’ I " I , , ‘ ,I > ' onocxuun \, ' 4. = I I 8 Z I I I I: 0 eLox = I MENGATE o . (/f I I S I = -. ' I A s P E - - I /IW\ I V. \ = I!) < I ocoLNEsNEIL / JASPER a Q I 17:" [4,4 II - « = r2 I o a c ‘ , - I “I; 0) I _‘ = I oNEWTON ‘5 1 OWCEYYE L ., - I I I (E I , I: N EI w Ir 0 I2“ r I 1 oWOODV/ILLE ( E I I I I 9,I 17" I E. T Y L E R I .2 I ‘ I f I I °' . E . I ’ ’1. .1 I ‘ _ I I I nownnoo x I I l} I I‘ i. I I ““91. I m I z I I , I _ mun o \ summon I I I I II I | I I I I I. . [I F I I (I II . g 5' I 1 § I’ I? ( I I I’ll | If II " l xIRaWILLE o 0‘ 'I ‘1 'I “I w , , s‘“ I \‘m I I a: 1k 2) o‘m" "H SI I I Iii—J e I = ' I ' Q \ I Y mum: IILLSO , j I I I ’ I J lr/(44, \. I ‘ b) I 3.: '3” ’7; I C Q I I 1d, a 41° a I } ‘5 II I x k ' ouuvu . .G I II 1 “ ' t ‘ ‘ J I I I \' (9‘ (j I II xowrzza , . {J N7 I I i . suns: “MALE ' I‘ o ,r , H A R D I . .. I I I I I I I)EVIEVVI|.LE°S\/i II ’ .FLETCMEI I’ 1 ‘1 I onqums )I I I g ) _ __ _ __ _ _ I. I I , I .. o I I W 0 R A N G E OLEuoNVILLE I II J DTEXLA ' I I r, I 5 am LAKE / Ovom A, I : . % ‘ I] _ N MAP OF , OMAVIMIC ’ —'*" ’ ,m ' , NEWTON COUNTY azAuuoN‘ro I . 1, ~ W I ¢%§\ i |\\“{$§‘3§§>24},3”ll __ PRESENT IOUNOARIES 0F NEWTON COUNTY ' J E F F E R S 0 N \\\\§.§iig¢’¢/I// __ ._ couNn LINES OTHER 1m NEWTON cow" 1 . . I ‘/ (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE THE I I R PRECEDING PAGE.) I I I I | PREPARED EV VLPA ORGb-I-ee-Iu. HIM/IMO I I T. ‘ INDEX TO PROBATE CASES ‘ ‘ FENCE" COUNTY COURTHOUSE, NEWTOI\T, TEXAS ‘ 111.1111”.---__._-__.__._1_1_____1.___. 1.1-1-.--1..--.._.____._.--___ ‘ Name of Deceased, Dylinor or Lunatic Date Filed Case NO. ‘ 1..- w... -_.-_,______-___1_._._.1.-.__..__.___.____,__,_____.___ -________ ____ *____'____ 1‘ .. A .. Abrahams, 31.11., 11cm March 15, 1957 895 ‘ Adams, C. 11., deceased Nov. 30, 1923 590 Adams, Docia, deceased June 50, 1954 808 Adams, Eloise and Verda, minors Sept. 5, 1929 705 ‘ Adams, c. 11., deceased Nov. 2, 1918 471 Adams, Lottie, minor May 15, 1928 679 1‘ Adams,- I'I. D., 11611 Dec. 28, 1955 855 ‘ Adams, u. D., 11011 Feb. 15, 1958 954 ‘ Albright, James 11., deceased May 51, 1859 ’70 3 Allardyce, Katharine and Rosa, minors July 21, 1915 455 “ Allbrig‘nt, A. It, deceased Feb. 12, 1894 285 3‘ Anderson, Taylor, deceased Aug. 25, 1862 115 “ Anthony, Lucile, minor July' 5, 1929 702 , ‘ Arenas, .Toe, minor April 15, 1956 865 1 Ash, Otis, 11011 Oct. 9, 1957 920 ‘1 ‘ - B," “ Baker, Mabel, minor Feb. 28, 1918 464 Ball, B. E., deceased July 14, 1958 946 Barfield, Floyd and Leon, minors June 21, 1928 680 1 Barnett, Irma, minor Dec. 11, 1925 658 1 Barron, Pearl, NCM, (no papers) Jan. 9, 1914 415 ‘ Barron, Fearl, epileptic, (no papers) Aug. 14, 1916 449 ‘ Bean, Charlie, 11.011 Feb. 15, 1927 655 “ Bean,Charlie E.,opileptic,(no papers) June 50, 1959 966 “ Bean, Ira 8., minor Nov. 5, 1888 250 1‘ Bean, Ira 8., minor July 1, 1889 259 Bean, Ira 8., minor March 4, 1889 258 Bean, 3". 13]., deceased Dec. 11, 1919 508 ‘ ' Bean, John D., minor, (no papers) April 4, 1919 485 Bean, John D., minor Aug. 1, 1924 608 5: Bean, Laura, deceased Feb. 28, 1914 417 Bean, LOyd and Otis, minors Jan. 24, 1924 595 3 ~ . Bean, Olga, minor May ’7, 195’? 899 1, Bean, Olga Wanda, minor March 51, 195'? 894 “ Becker, Jacob, deceased. Jan. 15, 1855 25 1 Benjamin, Bessie, Emlye, Lomia, ‘ Maybelle,Rosa1t11a and Sidney,minors June 25, 1910 5'75 , Bennett, Ernest, minor Oct. 5, 1925 585 _ Bennick, l-Ienry 111., deceased April 12, 1955 852 ‘ Benton, E. D., deceased Feb. 5, 1915 429(A) I . Bcscsunp, A., deceased Dec. '7, 1911 554(3) 1 ' Bevins, Mary A., deceased Dec. 5, 1889 265 Biscmn‘p, A., deceased Jan. 21, 1955 7'70 1 E ' 1‘. 2 E Name of Deceased, Minor 03.1113118th Q932§E£i Case No. E E . E Biscamp, Ben, Fannie, Lester ‘ and Lottie, minors March 28, 1916 445(B) E Biscamp, Ella, Homer, J. F. and E Moses, minors, (no papers) June 12, 1902 521 ' Biscamp, F. J., deceased Sept. 5, 1874 186 E Bisoamp, M. M. Mandy, NCM Feb. 8, 1954 794 E Biscamp, Mandy, NCM June 15, 1951 754 E3 ._ Blackmond, M. H. and M. J., minors April 4, 1864 150 E Blewett, William, deceased Dec. 29, 1862 11(B) E . Blewitt, Wm” deceased Dec. 50, 1862 121 1 Blewitt, William, deceased March 25, 1866 140 IE Bloodsworth, Aaron, Andrew, Geneva '€ and Lillie May, minors June 15, 1929 701 E Bone, Leonard, Luther, Minnie EE and Zera, minors March 11, 1911 584 E Booker, E. 0., H. T. and James, minors, (no papers) Nov. 28, 1864 155 l Booker, Eva Carrol, deceased Sept. 29, 1920 527 Booker, Flora Iv‘iay, James Freeman E and l-Iattie Dee, minors March 25, 1920 514 E: Booker, J. 11., deceased April 11, 1955 » 851 E Booker, James 11., minor May 1, 1871 164 IE Booker, n. A., deceased July 16, 1952 755 E Booker, Thomas J.,deceased,(no papers) Nov. 28, 1864 152 Boyle, Patric, NCM May 14, 1900 502 Boyle, Patrick, NCM Aug. 2, 1900 506 Brack, John, son May 4, 1928 678 Brack, Robert, T. J. and Kate, minors June 11, 1890 267 Br'ack, T. E., minor Oct. 6, 1895 282 Brack, William 0., deceased Jan. 12, 1861 96 ' Brailsford, R. J., deceased Sept. 6, 1907 551 1 _ Breckenridge, Ernest E., deceased April 24, 1922 565 E Bridges, B. L., deceased Aug. 20, 1909 567 E Bridges, Maud, minor Sept. 10, 1917 460 'E Brockman, A. 0., Altha, Eskel, Frances E and Juanita, minors June 7, 1954 802 Brooks, Bill, NCM May 25, 1955 854 E1 Brooks,Ella,Luther and Ruthie, minors June 25, 1957 909 E Brooks, Sam, minor April 6, 1885 215 E Brown, Ella, deceased Sept. 15, 1919 497 E Brown, Fred, NCM July 11, 1899 292 E Bryan,Guy Wheeler,tubercular, (no papers) Sept. 5, 1928 682 E, Bryant, G. A. and Mack, minor Jan. 8, 1925 618 E Burke, John R., deceased March 26, 1855 58 Burkes, Willie May; Ray, Archie, Bertha, Birdie and James, minors June 5, 1924 601 E Burnham, Edron, Floidie, Hattie and Mamie, minors Doc. 9, 1915 411 E Burnham, W. T., minor, (no papers) Oct. 11, 1855 26 E Burnham, William D., deceased Aug. 18, 1871 166 E Bush, Charlie, NCM Oct. 51, 1927 572 ; Bush, H. 0., deceased Dec. 18, 1912 598 E E 1 § 5 E: . E Name of Deceasgdflghgr Or Lunatic Date Filed______wease 11c: Byerly, Ella 0., Ilias 11., James F., :1 Lula 7., Martha A. and Nancy 0., : minors, (no papers) Feb. 15, 1892 278 31: Byerly, Francis M., Marguerite H. : _ and William, minors Oct. 19, 1888 254 E , Byerly, Frank, deceased Sept. 17, 1885 214 E Byerly, Frank, deceased April 15, 1951 751 E Byerly, e. 11., deceased May 5, 1890 265 E Byerly, e. 11., deceased June 11, 1890 266 E Byerly, H. T. S. and R., minors, E (no papers) Dec. 51, 1861 107 Byerly, Hampton 0., Lula 1., May 1. IE - and Theresa E., minors April 10, 1890 264 Byerly, Ira, new March 50, 1929 698 ‘ Byerly, Jim Billy, minor Feb. 2, 1959 959 2 ‘ Byerly, John, deceased Oct. 5, 1888 251 3 Byerly, John, deceased Nov. 5, 1888 252 Byerly, John, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 5, 1888 255 g Byerly, John, deceased July 1, 1889 260 1 Byerly, John, deceased hby 4, 1891 272 I Byerly, Martin, deceased Nov. 27, 1848 - 6 Byerly, Matilda, deceased June '1, 1859 72 ‘ Byerly, Matilda, deceased Dec. 18, 1861 109 ' . Byerly, Richard and Sarah M., miners, (no papers) Dec. 51, 1861 108 Byerly, Thomas, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 26, 1861 105 Byer1y, Thomas, deceased Jan. 12, 1874 181 . _ C _ Cade, Cassie, minor Oct. 8, 1915 457 Calhoun, Bevis, Charles Ray, L. D., R. C. Jr., Richard, Verbie and _ Virgil, miners Feb. 15, 1957 888 Cameron, R. B., deceased Feb. 18, 1957 889 E Campbell, R. 11., deceased Oct. 5, 1899 295 E Carver, R., deceased April 14, 1921 540 Gate, Carnelia, NCM Aug. 6, 1955 842 Gate, Nelia, NCM June 22, 1955 857 Chadwick, Mary, deceased Sept. 50, 1861 100 1 Chambers, Selmon, minor Dec. 14, 1910 582 E Cheatham, Mack, deceased , Nov. 9, 1925 588 E Cheatham, Sarah, deceased, (no papers) Aug. 28, 1854 55 E Clack, Alfonso, deceased July 19, 1958 948 5 Clark, A., deceased Aug. 12, 1956 878 1 Clark, Berry, NCM Oct. 5, 1956 885 E Clark, L. B. and Nancy, deceased Jan. 25, 1869 155 E Clark,William, decoased,(no papers) Dec. 18, 1906 2 547 E Clifton, other, NCM 456 E _ Cochran, Abigal, Mahltable and - Sarah, minors Nov. 27, 1854 54 E i 1 X ; 4 ii . flame of DeceasgdLjMinor or Lunatic Dateflgjgfgi Case No. {l _ \I Cochran, Adam 9., deceased Jan. 29, 1878 200 Cochran, Clara, Eliza, Emily M and Laura; Halters, Clark and L Suddith, minors ’ July 20, 1892 222 ' Cochran, Elizabeth, deceased Sept. 4, 1859 74 t Cochran, Henry, deceased Sept. 10, 1852 21 V Cochran, James, NCM, (no papers) July 20, 1927 665 3 Cofty, Cecil, Deney, Samuel and i . Vernon, minors March 10, 1954 797 3 Cofty, Dalton, J. D. Jr., Samuel, Vernon and William, minors June 9, 1957 905 ‘ Cole, Wm. Dewitt, minor July 25, 1921 555 ' Collier,Charles,Edward and Mary,minors Dec. 10, 1915 458 Collins, Celeste, minor July 28, 1957 915 . Colville, Anna N. and J. P., deceased April 24, 1874 177 Colville, Elizabeth R., minor, (no papers) , Jan. 50, 1878 199 Colville, Ora, deceased Nov. 12, 1860 90 * Compton, Florence, NCM, (no papers) Dec. 5, 1928 692 3 Compton, Mrs. H. 0., NCM June 10, 1926 644 Cooper, Earrison, deceased March 10, 1859 ~ 65 Cooper, Johnie, tubercular May 51, 1957 904 Cooper, Rebecca, deceased, (no papers) Jan. 50, 1865 156 Copeland, J. T., Leon, Maggie, Neal and Sudie May, minors July 1, 1957 910 5 Cousins, C. E., NCM hwy 20, 1956 866 Cousins, Fay,1rene and Mattie, minors Dec. 8, 1958 956 Cox, Eli, NCM Jan. 51, 1919 475 Cox, William, deceased Jan. 9, 1864 129 Crawford, A. 9., deceased Feb. 24, 1868 151 } Crawford, A. F., deCeased April 15, 1875 176 Crawford, Mrs. M. W., NCM March 10, 1952 748 Creaghead, T. G., NCM, (no papers) July 17, 1900 505 . Cress, Ocia, NCM March 11, 1958 957 Crow, P. 0., non Aug. 9, 1919 494 , Cumbie, C. R., Elizabeth, Morgan and Q ‘ T. J., minors Oct. 8, 1915 454 Custer, C. W., deceased Sept. 8, 1921 554 - D - Ii Damrell, Peter, minor, (no papers) April 50, 1860 82 , Daniels, Amos, deceased hwy' 19, 1957 905 I Daniels, Dona, deceased Aug. 17, 1957 918 { Daniels, Doyle, Esque, Laurico and l Ruth, minors, (no papers) Sept. 20, 1921 555 l Daniels, J. r., deceased June 16, 1954 806 [5 Daniels, Margaret 33., deceased Aug. 15, 1895 281 1%, Daugherty, B. E., deceased, (no papers) June 15, 1956 870 t . Daugherty, Charles 3., minor May 15, 1855 42 - Daugherty, Charles 8., Julie C. and ' Marshall J., minors Feb. 15, 1855 57 , 1 ' 5 11 M .4 Name of Deceased, Minor or_Lunatic Date;§§Lqi- Case No. 11 ?i Daugherty, Courtney A., deceased Aug. 29, 1855 25 H Daugherty, George, deceased March 28, 1855 41 Daugherty, Harriett, deceased June 50, 1854 52 A Daugherty, Ollie and Woodrow, minors Feb. 2, 1954 795 i A Davis, A. B., G. 5., J. E. 1 and 11. A., minors Jan. 5, 1925 576 ii ,' Davis, Augustus, deceased Oct. 51, 1862 117 W Davis, Bryant, Henry, John Gilchriest, 1 , _ Josie, Lee, Louie, Matilda and N Ollie, minors June 20, 1910 574 ; _. Davis, Cecil Columbus, epileptic March 10, 1927 655 1 H Davis, Chester, deceased April 25, 1920 517 1 ' Davis, Mrs. D. J., deceased June 12, 1902 520 1 Davis, Elizabeth, NCM April 19, 1922 564 1 Davis, 6. 1i. and Palmer, deceased April 18, 1921 542 1 Davis, G. 11. and Palmer, deceased April 14, 1921 541 1 Davis, George 5., minor, (no papers) Nov. 1, 1859 78 1 Davis, George W., deceased Nov. 2, 1914 425 1 Davis, Hazel and Helen, minors July 22, 1921 552 11 Davis, Jesse 1., minor Jan. 6, 1909 562 11 Davis, Jessie 1., minor, (no papers) April 20, 1909 ‘ 565 1 Davis, John N., deceased Dec. 4, 1920 555 , ' Davis, John N., deceased Feb. 10, 1921 557 f Davis, Mary, minor, (no papers) Nov. 2, 1859 79 j Davis, Nancy, deceased, (no papers) June 1, 1857 71 , , Davis, Nancy and William M., deceased May 51, 1859 75 1 _ Davis, P. B., minor April 11, 1862 125 .' Davis, Pleasant, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 1, 1859 76 1 Davis, William, minor April 10, 1919 480 1 Davis, Willie, 11611 Oct. 11, 1954 - 915 ‘: Davison, Horace, minor March 20, 1929 697 Davison, Mary J., deceased June 1, 1920 520 Davison, William,dccoased, (no papers) June 18, 1910 575 1 Deark, Delily, deceased Dec. 12, 1912 556 ; ' Dehart, Winant, deceased Sept. 29, 1862 116 , Dempsey, henry, NCM Feb. 18, 1951 726 1 Denman, Wendell, minor Sept. 22, 1921 556 Deskin, Estella, minor - Feb. 7, 1907 549 Dick, James, Lois, Lord, Mary _ and Virgil, minors Sept. 25, 1929 705 1 Dickerson, Bluit, Glide, J. T., 31 Lawrence, Lois, Louella and 1 Willie, minors March 20, 1908 559 1 , Dickerson, Clyde, NCM Nov. 5, 1954 815 1 ' ' Dickerson, E. 0., NCM July 15, 1891 L 277,286 1 , ’ Dickerson, E. 0., deceased March 7, 1952 747 ,1 Dickerson, J. B., M. E. and ' T. P., minors July 4, 1882 209 I . Dickerson, J. T., minor Nov. 9, 1927 674 1 i . Dickerson, T. P., deceased March 9, 1908 558 1 Dillard, J. 0., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 25, 1860 87 1 Dobbs, Wm. F., deceased March 27, 1848 4 1 a e E '“' Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date 3395311 , Case No. E E E E Doe, Rachael, NCM, (no papers) Jan. 1, 1867 144 E . DOCkeI'y, 111133131318} NCM Dec; 2, 1916 454 EE , Dockery, Mattie, 11011 Feb. 21, 1921 558 EE DOnovan, Ada and Willie L.-, minorS Nov. 28, 1924 616 (1 Donevan,Ada May and Willie 1., minors Dec. 1, 1915 410 E ., Denovan, E. 11., deceased Sept. 19, 1952 785 E _ . Doss, James, deceased Feb. 18, 1859 81 5E , ‘ Douglas, William, 11011, (no papers) 858 Droddy, Dicy, deceased Jam 2, 1885 227 E _ Dryer, w. 11;, 11011 April 18, 1925 625 E Dunkin, F. P., deceased April 17, 1954 798 Durrett, Rebecca, deceased Aug. 25, 1872 171 E Durrett, Thomas, deceased Feb. 10, 1887 240 E Dyer, Francis Ann, deceased March 51, 1894 284 ( Dyer, J. L., deceased Feb. 22, 1869 158(A) .. E .. EE Ebarb, Jesse, 11011 Dec. 19, 1915 415 E Edwards, Albert H., deceased Feb. 28, 1885 229 E , . Ellis, F..P., deceased Feb. 29, 1952 - 746 E‘ Ellis, Rachael, non Nov. 15, 1920 552 ; Ervin, :r. 11., 19011, (no papers) Oct. 51, 1956 884 Erwin, James Watson, tubercular Jan. 4, 1955 824 E Esquivel, Santiago, NCM, (no papers) Dec.1 24, 1919 510 E Eubank, R. A., deceased Nov.. 10, 1870 167 Ezel,vHazell,-minor Feb.' 4, 1927 650 E , — F - E Faircloth, J. 8., deceased July 14, 1920 522 ‘ ‘ Falkner, 17., 1., minor Jan. 18, 1921 592 i Falkner, W.~A., minor Feb. 14, 1924 594 _ Farr, Alfred, deceased Dec. 19, 1872 175 , ' Farr, Clara, 11011 May 4, 1958 958 1 ' Farr, David, deceased Feb.‘ 18, 1902 518 5 Farr, Henry, NCM Aug. 10, 1955 781 1 Farr, Henry, NCM Aug. 10, 1955 782 ' Farr,-Henry, deceased April 16, 1955' 855 _ - Farr,Henry and John,minors,(no papers) March 5, 1902 516 E Farr, Hubert, deceased, (no papers) May 18, 1952 751 E ' Farr, Ida, minor March 5, 1902 517 ;E Farr, Sarah, deceased Oct. 12,-1861 105 . Farrar, A. K., deceased Sept.- 2, 1879 205 E . Fields,Lemuel (Samuel). Nixon,deceased July 26, 1847 » 1 , Filps, Byron, delinquent June 14, 1925 582 . Finch, Sarah, NCM Aug. 50, 1955 785 5 Ford, John, NCM, (no papers) Sept. 22, 1906 545 E Fowler, John W., deceased Jan. 50, 1907 548 ~ . Fox, William, deceased Oct. 18, 1868 1028,180 1 Franklin, Mrs. W. E., tubercular, (no papers) Nov. 10, 1928 691 E u E , 1 . 1 7 1 1 Name of Deceafiwlinor or Lunatic___ D_a_t_e_ Filed Case No. ' 1 Fullen, Annie Lou, Bula Inlay, Burtis 1, and Ollie Fay, minors Jan. 21, 1950 710 1 - Fuller, John M., deceased Sept. 24, 1919 499 h - Fuller, Mrs. Mattie, deceased Sept. 24, 1919 500 H Fuller, W. E., deceased Nov. 20, 1954: 819 ' 1 Gallagher, John, deceased March 19, 1925 579 . Galoway, Albert, NCM, (no papers) March 22, 1916 44:4: 1 ' Garcia, John, NCM, (no papers) June 1, 1956 869 1 Gary, Harry, deceased, (no papers) April 19, 1921 54.4 1 ' Gasoway, Robert, deceased Feb. 6, 1955 7'75 1 , Gassaway, Myrtle 11., NCM Dec. 28, 1918 4'75 1 , Gatson, Lela, NCM Dec. 4, 1957 925 Gilbert, Eddie, Essie, Mattie and 1 Mineola, minors, (no papers) April 11, 1918 4'70 1 Gilbert, 3811119811., deceased Feb. 5, 186’? 145 1 : Gilchriest, Artie, N011, (no papers) Feb. 6, 1915 402 1 ' Gilchriest, David L., J. D. and 1 John A., minors Aug. 21, 1885 - 255 1 Gilchriestfilayne and Walda Faye,minors April 15, 1927 658 1 , ‘ Gilchriest, .T. A., deceased Sept. 24, 1860 86 1 Gilchriest, Mrs. 21'. 9., 110M,(no papers) April 20, 1929 599 1 ' Gilchriest, Mrs. J". D., NCM,(no papers) April 25, 1929 700 1 - Gilchriest, W. A., deceased April 19, 1921 545 1 Gilchrist, America and W. 0., deceased Nov. 5, 1884 226 Glenn, H. V., tubercular, (no papers) Oct. 12, 1934: 814c 1 Goldblatt, Sam, deceased ‘ April 26, 1916 448 1 Goolsbee, Z. L, deceased March 16, 1866 1411 1 Gray, Abner, NCM, (no papers) Feb. 10, 1908 555 Gray, Abner, NCM Feb. 10, 1908 55'? 1 ' Gray, Abner, NCM, (no papers) April 15, 1908 560 1 . Gray, Miss Jessie, deceased June 5, 1955 778 1 . Gray, Lessie, NCM Jan. 11, 1925 577 1 » Gray, Simeon, deceased, (no papers) Aug. 5, 1871 155 1 ' Gray, Simeon, deceased NOV. 1'7, 1879 206 3 ‘ ' Greer, Alice, tubercular, (no papers) Sept. 28, 1956 882 1 - Griggs, Douglas, Fred, Lillie 1 ' and Lyle, minors Dec. 11, 1920 555 1 . ‘ Griggs, Whit, deceased May 5, 1959 962 1 Griner, M. A., NCM, (no papers) July 51, 1905 L 559 11 Griner, Martha, minor Aug. 29, 1882 210 Gunter, Mrs. Alice, NCM April 19, 1926 645 1 Gunter, Annette Jane, deceased Aug. 25, 1958 950 1 Gunter, B. F., deceased, (no papers) July 24:, 1911 331 1 ' Gunter, Etta, deceased July 1, 1951 756(A) _ Gunter, Lela, NCM Nov. 13, 1954 816 11 Gunter,Thomas Elonzo, NCM,(no papers) March 21, 1951 728111 ‘. Guthrie, Ana, NCM Jan. 5, 1955 825 Guthrie, Mrs. Annie, NCM Nov. 14., 1925 655 51 Guthrie, Nancy, deceased Nov. 28, 1859 81 1 1:1 1 1 I v II I II ; 8 ' I Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic pat-,3 Filed Case No. I I Guthrie, Pleasant, deceased April 29, 1850 12 I . _ H - I Hagins, Edna L., Susan 11., T. .5. ‘. and Willie 11., minors, (no papers) March 28, 1865 157 I Hall, Britten, deceased Oct. 29, 1849 8 f , Hall, lire. c. A., deceased Aug. 27, 1909 568 I Hall, Clemmie 11., NCM, (no papers) May 21, 1901 509 11811, D. 0., minor Feb. 25, 1910 571 I‘ . Hall, Edna, Lela, Linnie and . . William, minors Oct. 17, 1924 612 I . Hall, 11. 1., deceased June 6, 1919 489 I Hall, H. L. (Lawrence), deceased April 18, 1919 484 I. . Hall, Hattie, Herman, Hershel and _ I1 ‘ Bessie, minors Nov. 12, 1924 614 II nail, Jason and Thalia, minors Sept. 1, 1856 45 I Hall, John C., deceased . Jan. 25, 1855 50 Hall, John G., deceased March 21, 1910 418 g Hall, John 11., deceased April 4, 1910 572 Hamilton, R. N., deceased Dec. 19, 1921 558 Hancock, Beulah, NCM Jan. 15, 1955 826 I Hancock, Eula Z., NCM Sept. 2, 1924 609 I; Hancock, 0. A., deceased Feb. 4, 1916 442 1‘ Hancock, Catharine, deceased Dec. 17, 1909 569 Handcock, Bulah, NCM Jan. 27, 1927 649 . Hansen, 8. A., deceased Sept. 18, 1861 101 Harding, Ennis, NCM June 7, 1915 406-23- Hardy, G. J. P. Jr., decaased Nov. 14, 1910 576 I Hardy, G. J. 2., deceased July 26, 1910 575;— nerdy, G. 1'. P., deceased Nov. 14, 1910 469 Hare, Alfred and T. 0., minors, (no papers) Nov. 2, 1859 77 I ”dare, Thomas 0., deceased March 28, 1859 62 II Harper, E. 111., deceased . Dec. 15, 1862 120 Harper, 8. A. 22., deceased June 25, 1915 407 . , Harrell, 5. 5., deceased Sept. 12. 1907 552 Harrell, Walter IL, minor Feb. 8, 1911 585 Harris, Lucy, deceased Nov. 6, 1928 690 II Hart,A1vin and Lavis,minors,(no papers) Jan. 5, 1861 95 III Hart, Alvin A., Kezroh, Louisa ' I , and Mary, minors Feb. 22, 1858 9’? I Hart, Claiborn, deceased Feb. 22, 1858 55 III Hart, K. P., minor, (no papers) Jan. 5, 1861 94 II Hart, Mary, minor, (no papers) Jan. 5, 1861 95 I Harvey, Buster, deceased Sept. 19, 1928 685 II Hawthorne, Brice, Christina, II Florence and Joe, minors Aug. 1, 1919 495 III Hays, Emma 11., deceased Feb. 2, 1958 951 “I ' Herrin, James, NCM March 24, 1950 716 II , Herrin, Katie, deceased Sept. 1, 1910 577(A) II Herrin, s. 9., ROM Sept. 14:. 1958 951 I . I 9 III III I Name of Deceased, Minor 31; Lunatic Date Filed Case No. I l ' " ._._.-.._._.__.-_______..1...__. I Herrin, a. E., 1191.1 Oct. 6, 1958 955 TI Herrln, Zadie, deceased Jan. 18, 1911 577(B) I. I Hext, Vera 18y, minor June 27, 1954 807 II I Hickman, Theophalus, deceased Oct. 7, 1848 5 I. Hill, Mittie, NCM July 29, 1919 492 ,I, ‘ Hill, Sidney, MGM Dec. 28, 1952 768 I ; Hill, Sidney, 11011 Jan. 24, 1955 771 ’ I Hilliard, Mary Jane, deceased Nov. 1, 1920 551 I ' Hines, David, Heleaner, Helen “ T and Raymond, minors ' July 7, 1924 605 I Hines, E. W. and R. D., minors Sept. 5, 1888 248 I I Hines, Lewis, deceased March 5, 1900 299 I Hines, M. D., deceased Nov. 5, 1888 255 . I Hodge, Thelma, NCM July 16, 1957 947 I ‘ Hoge, A.E. and A.H.,minors,(no papers) Oct. 22, 1860 88 I Hogs, Cora 0., Emma 1., Louisa L. I and William L., minors, (no papers) Oct. 29, 1860 89 II I Hone, David B., deceased April 25, 1859 67 I Holiday,Alonzo, NCM and epileptic April 12, 1898 289(5) I I Hollis, Joe, NCM Sept. 5, 1927 671 I I Holmes, Charles, NCM ' Nov. 20, 1897 ' 289(A) - Holmes, Christopher, Kissiah and v I Mary, minors June 21, 1878 201 I - Holmes, Doris, Herbert, Jeremiah, , Jim, Robert and Seretha, minors March 4, 1955 858 ; Holmes, Elizabeth, deceased July 14, 1860 84 I Holmes, Lillian Norris, minor June 6, 1959 964 . II Holmes, Mary, NCM, (no papers) Jan. 24, 1902 515 I Holmes, Mary A., deceased Aug. 25, 1876 191 3 Holmes, Mazey, NCM, (no papers) Dec. 5, 1898 290 H Holmes,McBride; Smith,Shadrick,minors Dec. 18, 1877 198 I Hohnes, Zola, NCM June 10, 1950 719 % Holt, J. L., minor Sept. 5, 1888 249 I - Horger, John M., deceased Aug. 16, 1864 151 I . Horger, Thomas weldon, tubercular, * I (no papers) Aug. 24, 1927 670 I : Horton, Bowers F., deceased March 17, 1927 656 I Horton, Elijah, deceased Oct. 28, 1922 574. II Horton, Elijah, deceased May 6, 1927 659 Horton, Sallie, deceased Dec. 2, 1922 575 W Howard, A. D. and Sarah A., deceased Feb. 20, 1885 212 Howard, Anna, Iris and Laura,'minors July 12, 1912 557 I Howard, C. H., deceased, (no papers) Feb. 19, 1906 540 I Howard, C. H., deceased, (no papers) July 2, 1906 542 1 Howard, E. 0., deceased Dec. 20, 1912 599 Howard,Minnie A. and Roger H.,min0rs Juno 7, 1906 544 Howard, T. T., deceased April 18, 1922 565 Howell, Eva, J0seph and Nova, minors Jan. 5, 1959 957 Howell, Joseph 1., deceased Doc. 1, 1956 886. I . Howell, m. P., deceased, (no papers) Feb. 28, 1919 478 i Howell, Susannah M. A., deceased, I , (no papers) NOV. 29, 1910 379 I I A . (if; 10 I1 A 3“ Name of DeCeasgd, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed J§g§e No. % M :3 l‘i Howell, w. 1., deceased Jan. 5, 1914 4.12 :1 Hryhorchuck, JOe, NCM Jan. 15, 1954 791 i‘ Hubbard, Bessie, deceased Aug. 15, 1950 720 A Hubbard, Harrison, deceased June 6, 1924 801 1 Hubbard, Perry and Redley, minors, It (no papers) July 50, 1957 915 ( ( Hughes, Emily E., minor, (no papers) Jan. 15, 1875 188 1 Hughes, J. D., epileptic July 25, 1927 666 y 1 Hughes, J. 5., minor , Feb. 8, 1958 955 (3 Hughes, Joseph and Martha H., deceased March 25, 1874 180,1028 1 Hughes, Merritt and Myra, minors Aug. 19, 1916 450,458 1 Hughes, 8. M., deceased March 14, 1912 5410—21,- é Hughes, Winnie, deceased Dec. 20, 1911 555 ; Humphrey, Burton and Margarett, minors Nov. 14, 1955 851 j Humphrey, D. 0., deceased Jan. 51, 1955 772 {j i (1 g - _ I l I J 1 Inman, Thomas Elmer, minor Nov. 17, 1925 589 (’3 E Ipe, Sallie, NCM Nov. 18, 1912 597 (u g Irvin, Lamar, minor July 6, 1920 521 '; i Imflnm C.R.amimer,mhmrm ! ( (no papers) July 50, 1929 707 ( l' Irvine, Nathan, NCM, Oct. 19, 1958 954 In , Isaac, Ada and Lucretia, minors April 22, 1916 445(1) 1 g Isenhart, G. W., deceased Jan. 1, 1951 725 t i , 3 Jackson, Greely, Non Nov. 16, 1918 172 (I 1 Jackson, Steven'Mack, deceased Jan. 12, 1924 591 g 5 Jacobs, Mrs. Laura, tubercular, i 2 (no papers) 857 1 ( Jacobs, Leonard, deceased June 19, 1956 871 t ( James, Daniel, deceased April 25, 1884 224 i 1 James, Daniel E., deceased July 7, 1902 522 1 : Jenkins, J. 11., tubercular Dec. 19, 1958 955 1 F Jenkins, M. L., deceased Dec. 2, 1910 580 . l { Jenkins, Nancy, NCM Oct. 18, 1929 708 f E Jeter, Richard, minor, (no papers) Aug. 26, 1867 148 l ? Jeter, w. 11., deceased Sept. 29, 1862 115 - L Jett, Clera, deceased Aug. 8, 1956 877 . ; Jett, Roger James, deceased Oct. 50, 1955 848 1 1 Johnson, Alline, Arthur, Cathaline , f } and Catherine, minors Sept. 19, 1919 504 i 1 Johnson, Arneter, Ebb, Reuben, 3 Robert and Vergil, minors ' Nov. 5, 1925 586 I i Johnson, Bettie, NCM Oct. 29, 1919 502 l ; Johnson, Zemma, NCM July 8, 1925 627 j i Joiner, Lillie, NCM March 19, 1918 466 J ( Joiner, Nettie May, minor 'Dec. 50, 1950 724 - I , a l 1 .. I II ' ' " ' ' III 11 II lkmw of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No. W I Jones, Beatrice, Bud Jr., Carl, Ernest, W Frank, Fred and Odis, minors Jan. 1, 1915 474 I Jones, Emeline and H. L., minors, W (no papers) . April 6, 1871 168 I Jones, Fannie May, epileptic July 51, 1957 916 A Jones, Nancy, deceased March 4, 1859 65 i Jones, Sam, NCM June 25; 1955 858 f , Jones, Willie May, minor, (no papers) Dec; 9, 1956 887 I Jordon, Daniel, deceased, (no papers) Feb; 9, 1891 270 I Jordon, Docia 1.1., epileptic Feb. 18’, 1924 596 I Jordon, H. L. and J. W., minors, I (no papers) Aug. 15, 1887 245 I Jordon, Harrison L.and J.W.L.,minors Feb. 6, 1888 245 I Jordon, J. 11., deceased Jan. 12, 1887 259 I Jordon, J.W. and Levi,minors,(no papers) mey 5, 1885 258 I Jordon, w. 11., NCM April 19', 1921 546 I I Jordon, '=:I.Tilliam 1., epileptic Feb. 18, 1924 595 I Joy, B. F5, deceased June 11, 1852 19 I I I _ K _ Keaghey, Wm. 8., deceased,(no papers) Nov. 4, 1884 225 I Kelly, F. A., deceased July 7, 1927 665 i I Kelly, Ping Ding, new April 10, 1955 776 I I Kendrick, Clyde James, tubercular Jan. 1, 1955 822 ’ I Kenny, John, deceased Oct. 6, 1917 461 I I Kerr, Elsie, Jilmnie and Pearl, minors Feb. 22, 1915 451 I King, Clairice, NCM, (no papers) 589 I ‘ King, Clara, NCM April 25, 1916 446 i Kinnear, Thomas P., NCM Sept. ll, 1955 785 , Kinney, John, deceased Dec. 21, 1917 462 I Knighton, Henry, deceased . Dec. 6, 1955 855 I Kyle, Frank, deceased Aug. 6, 1955 845 I I II I - L - I I 1 I Labar, c. s. and Mary E., deceased May 21, 1956 867 II I Labar, Louise Fay, minor Oct. 25, 1928 686 3 I Lacy, Bessie May, Ophelia and I ‘ I Veega, minors April 6, 1914. 4-09 II I Lakey,Everott, Ivy and Pierce, minors June 12, 1919 486 I I Lakey,Everett, Ivy and Pierce, minors April 7, 1954 15 Lane, Jeseph, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 27, 1854 7 I Langham, A. J., deceased Feb. 25, 1857 49 I I Langham, Mary, deceased March 11, 1872 169 M I Langley, Evelyn, Loon, Opal and I I Orvel, minors June 27, 1952 752 I I Langston, Ennis, NCM Nov. 16, 1954 818 I Langston, SteVen, decoased, (no papers) Nov. 9, 1925 587 v I ~ Levine, F. L., NCM July 22, 1925 629 I Levine, F. L., NCM, (no papers) Aug. 6, 1925 651 I Levine, F. L., deceased April 6, 1959 961 I I I a) 12 game of Degeemsfl', Minor orgunatic. Degeflleg Case No. E m .w M, W “"‘“""‘"' ' ' " ' 1:1 E Leach, Arcay, deceased Oct. 50, 1928 687 E Lee, Bryant, NCM May 14, 1957 902 E Lee, Mary E., deceased April 29, 1936 865 W , Leonard, Bessie, Dempsy and y . E Julia, minors Sept. 21, 1908