xt7d251fn770 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn770/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1999 1999 1999-02-23 2020 true xt7d251fn770 section xt7d251fn770  



l ....

Around campus

Stuff to do

The Cultural Diversity

Festival has started
and runs through
March 6. The festival
is a concentration of
events to enrich the
lives of students.
faculty and staff.
Look around for more
events on campus.
Call the Student
Activities Office at
257-8867 or Randy
Gonzalez at 257-1911
for more information.

Wednesday - "A Taste

of Our World: I999
Cultural Diversity
Festival Kickoff,"

ll am. to 1:30 p.m.,
Student Center Grand
Ballroom. The
celebration will
feature a culturally-
rich menu of food
items representing
six continents.
Twenty-five cents
each for food
samples. The
atmosphere will be
enhanced by the rich
ethnic sounds of local
and student
musicians. Admission
is free.

Wednesday - Ethnic

Notions: Black People
in White Minds. is a
documentary of the
caricatures of blacks
that have fueled
racism, bigotry and
ignorance over the
last 170 years. This
award-winning film,
produced by Marion
Riggs and narrated
by Esther Rolle,
challenges us to
consider how these
permeate the
American psyche. At
7 p.m., Universalist
Unitarian Church of
Lexington, 3564
Clays Mill Road.

Friday — International

Talent Night and
Frances J. Ockerman
International Award,
7 p.m., Memorial Hall.
The event
traditionally features
ethnic dance, fashion
and musical
performances from a
variety of cultures
represented on the
UK campus. Tickets
are $3 in advance
and $4 at the door.
For more
information, call 257-
4067 ext. 228.

Saturday - Storytelling,

closing and luncheon
on the theme of
desegregation and
coexistence on a
college campus. At It
am. at King Cultural
Center, UK.

Let’s celebrate

Let us

The Kernel has been
recognized as a
runner-up in the
nation. We were
awarded the award
as being the nations
best online college

newspaper by Editor

8 Publisher



We're getting warmer.



VOL “104





News tips?
Call: 2574915 or write:

O'OOOQ’O“‘O»® O A ‘.


February 23, I999



Space is

Cast shines in
Judge’s post-
creationl 7



__. _ “Wm”





A thumbs-up to audit: Organization, faculty member urge
environmental audit to assess conservation, waste at UK

By Karla Dooley

An environmental audit to be pro-
posed to the UK administration is an im-
portant effort. students and faculty say.

“I think it's needed for examining the
excessive waste of energy." said James
Krupa. an assistant biology professor who
pointed to lights being left on unnecessari-
ly as one area that needs study.

Environmental audits. which have al—
most always been initiated by students.
seek to identify all the ways in which a
campus affects the environment around it.
from parking lots to food services.

UK's Green Thumb student environ-
mental organization is collecting signa-

tures for a petition to ask the administra-
tion to perform an environmental audit.

Krupa said his ecology students often
come to him with questions of how the
University handles environmental issues
such as pesticide use and mulching. and
because there has not been a study. he
does not know how to answer them.

"We could be terribly abusive or we
could be decent.“ he said. "I wouldn‘t be
surprised if there weren't a number of
things that need to be corrected."

According to “The Greening of Tu-
lane.“ a report by an environmental stud-
ies student at Tulane University. "campus
audits help clarify the connections be-
tween the campus and society.“

“You can‘t have an expanded universi-

ISSUE 8106



State’s leaders
want crackdown

Decreasing Kentucky's dependancy
on tobacco is a must, legislators say

By Illllary Cromer

Most Kentucky legis-
lators support tobacco
control policies and want
to reduce Kentucky‘s eco
nomic dependence on to—
bacco. according to a
study by the UK College
of Nursing released this

The study was led by
College of Nursing Asso-
ciate Professor Ellen
Hahn. who was assisted
by Associate Professor
Mary Kay Rayens. gradu-
ate student Carrie Mc-
Coy and former Research
Associate Chris Toumey.

The investigation be-
gan in May 1997 and end-
ed in January 1998. just
before the first meeting of
the State General Assem-
bly. The results were
published last Week in
the American Journal of


Preventive Medicine.

“The most interest-
ing thing we found was
the interest in
strengthening laws be
yond curbing youth ac-
cess." Hahn said. “They
(the legislators) have an
interest in reducing sec-
ond-hand smoke and pre-
senting methods to help
smokers quit.“

The study found that
most legislators support
stronger youth access
laws. limits on promo—
tions to children, an in-
creased availability of
smoking cessation pro.
grams and restrictions
on indoor smoking.

Though most legisla-
tors favored lessening the
state's economic depen-
dence on tobacco. those
who want it to remain
Kentucky's main cash
crop were less likely to
agree with efforts to con-


trol smoking. the study

The Democrats inter-
viewed were more sup-
portive of tobacco adver-
tising. marketing restric-
tions and cigarette tax in
creases than Republi-

Out of the 115 mem-
bers who took part in the
interviews. 40 legislators
supported a cigarette tax

The College of Nurs-
ing researchers wanted
to use the study to pro-
mote the sustainability
of rural communities.
while at the same time
helping legislators real-
ize how their opinions
on tobacco affect health
issues. Hahn said.

“I hope that the find-
ings will give members of
the General Assembly
guidance as they make
decisions about how to
appropriate tobacco set-
tlement dollars." she

See TOBACCO on 2 >>>

The Student Newspaper at the University ofntuky.


ty without sortie hazard to the environ-
ment." kinesiology senior Charlie Finch
said. “You want new basketball arenas.
You want expanded football arenas. You
want a new library. It comes down to the
degree you want to jeopardize the environ-

Finch said he thinks most expansion
can be justified. but a study might help I’m
versity administrators see where the l'ni»
versity can be operated more ctlicicntly.

“I could give you no idea which way
this administration would go." Krupn said.

No administrators could be reached
for comment.

At several universities. including Yalc

lniversity and the University of Minticso»
ta. studentinitiatcd cnvironmcntal studies
impact resulted in positive changes in the
universities‘ operation.

The Tulane University audit was
largely unsuccessful because of lack of
support from university administrators.


Many students have come to assistant biology professor James Krupa to aslt about how UK is using is using its resources. Green Thumb, a student group. is lobbying for an audit to find out.

Greener state of mind

Likewise. some students question
whether other students would care enough
to carry out such a largescale study.

"I don't think thcy'rc conccrned about
it." said Adriana (‘astanm a nondcgrec

She said she did not think students
would become involved. since most do not
plan to live in Lt'xinuton past their college

“I know a lot of people that are con-
ccrncd about the environment on campus."
said Kclscy Adams. a biology freshman.

Hut. Krupa pointed out. thc effort may
havo to begin with students.

“The students are the grassroots
movement." he said. “The studcnts are the
ones that llt‘i‘li to push it."

As for Green Thumb being the group
to do inst that?

"I'd give them a green thumbs up on
this project." Krupa said.

E-mail virus threat

to PCs on


Attachment message traveling through e-mails poses threat
to University networks; havoc can be avoided by deleting

By Richard Coolt

A new computer virus. happy99exe.
has been discovered on the University not
work. The virus travels as an attachment
to an e-mail message and will affect the In»
ternet connect programs on the infected

“It can overwrite parts of the operating
system." said Kathy Hamperian. director of
technical services for UK computer sys-

Eugene Kaspersky of Metropolitan Net
work BBS. Inc. says that if you receive an
e-mail or a newsgroup message with the at-
tachment HAPPY99.EXE. do not open it.
Delete the attachment without running the

Only by running the executable file can
the virus infect the computer.

“There are a lot of hoaxes out there."
Hemperian said. “We checked the validity
and this is very real. Everyone should take
this seriously."

Happy99 is a wormtype virus. mean-
ing it self-propagates within the infected




‘ ’ ° ‘ “ fi-«r>~mu...rw'~.“ ’7 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘


system and will continue to attach itself to
c-mail messages sent out until the virus is
cleaned off the sy stem. It is a Iii-byte exe
cutable file in thc Win32 Portable Exe-
cutable (PE) internal structure format.
This allows it to attach itself into the
\Vlll93 98 systems and continue spreading.
It will not function under WindowsNT or
on Macintosh systems.

llappy99 takes advantage of spamming.
thc email equivalent to junk mail circu-
lars. llcmperian said. It attaches itselfto all
c mails and listserv addresses and will con-
tinue to infect computcrs. as long as the
user of the infected systcm continues to
wnd emails.

.lohn Clark. college technology coor-
dinator for the (‘ollegc of (‘ommunica-
lions amt Information Systcms. said the
throat is not to individual machines but
to networks. like the backbone system at

"If enough people l‘eccivc the virus on
tho same day and go about their normal
business during the day." said Clark. “then

See VIRUS on 2 >>>



. v - .‘M»~»’a.~..ur. v ,

i :7: -;







. Ah
so! ..







The Low-down


WASHINGTON — President Clinton and Vice
President Al Gore pushed proposed education re-
forms at a roundtable discussion with 53 gover-
nors from the states and territories. Clinton told
the governors attending the National Governors’
Association’s meeting that winning approval will
be “tough politics" but ultimately worth the bat
tle. Some of the governors indicated they were
pursuing federal Waivers to have some flexibility
now so they can use federal dollars allocated for
one purpose, such as reducing class size in prima-
ry grades for others such as preparing 10th
graders for high school graduation exams.

11.5., British jets attack lrag

WASHINGTON— U. S and British war-
planes bombed air defence sites in no—fly zones
of northern and southern Iraq yesterday in re-
sponse to violations of the zones by Iraq’ s mili-
tary forces, the Pentagon said.

They were the latest of more than 80 inci-
dents involving American and British jets and
Iraqi air defences in the past two months. Bagh-


checkup. dad vowed in December it would no longer
There recognise the western-enforced zones, set up af-
ter the 1991 Gulf War. US. F-15 fighters, based at
are too Incirlik, Turkey, bombed a number of antiair-
many craft guns and radar sites near the city of Mosul
in northern Iraq after they were targeted and
[3601,16 fired on by the Iraqis, the US. European Com-

mand said in Germany.


the Jury to get dragging death case

streets JASPER, Texas —- Both sides in John William
f this King’s capital murder rested their cases yesterday,
0 and the jury will get the case tomorrow following
country closing arguments. The prosecution wrapped up
that after calling a pathologist, who testified that James
’ Byrd Jr., a 49yeareld black man, suffered horribly
don t as he was dragged behind a pickup truck last June.
know The testimony of Dr. Thomas J. Brown is impor-
tant because prosecutors, in order to seek a death
what’s penalty against the alleged white supremacist,
wrong must show Byrd s murder also occurred in con-
, junction with another crime ~ kidnapping. King 3
Wlth attorneys called only three witnesses, whose testi-
M” mony lasted just under an hour
" T” e a
m for Court lets notification law stand
ymflm WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court yes-
terday left intact a Virginia law requiring doc-
WWS' tors to notify a young girl’s parent before per-
:‘m. forming the abortion she seeks. The justices
to vent turned away arguments that the law wrongly de
:att Pf!" | nies most mature girls under 18 the right to an

abortion without parental involvement. Yester-
day's action is not a decision, and does not pre-


clude the possibility the court may review the
Virginia law, or one similar to it, at some future


WASHINGTON— A federal judge held Trea
sury Secretary Robert Rubin and Interior Secre-
tary Bruce Babbitt in contempt yesterday be-
cause of their failure to produce documents relat-

‘ DEAL? Sever ed to a class- action lawsuit filed on behalf of Indi-
h IDA an trust funds. The secretaries were ordered to
M pay legal fees. The case involves a class- action
M 000' lawsuit over the handling of 300, 000 Indian ac-
als Iodaian said counts worth an estimated $500 million.

yesterday he

mm: Ethnic Albanians urged to 0K deal
AW lakara RAMBOUILLET, France —- The threat of
But he added, NATO airstrikes hung over the Kosovo peace
"There's a lot talks with today’s deadline imminent and the
of thing; that Serbs refusing to budge on the issue of peace-
..." to occur keepers. Mediators spent yesterday trying to per-
before | even suade ethnic Albanians to sign on to an agree
step on the ment. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has
floor with the said that NATO would not carry out strikes if
Lakers ,, ethnic Albanians continued to object to provi-


sions of the agreement. But negotiators for the
ethnic Albanians were holding out for a referen-
dum that could pull them out of Serbia, while the
Kosovo Liberation Army was bargaining for a fu-
ture role 1n Kosovo.

Stocks soar; Dow gains 212.73

NEW YORK —- Stocks prices climbed aggres-
sively yesterday, as optimism about lower inter-
est rates and a few high-priced takeover deals en~
couraged investors to dip back into the market.
The Dow industrials closed up 212 73 at 9, 552. 68,

STAYING led by banking and technology issues. It was the
POWER: Dow' s best showing in five weeks. Broader stock
Pall Anita puts indicators also were higher. On the NYSE, atl-
himself in the vancers led decliners 1,972-1,035. The NASDAQ
same class with was up 58.81 at 2,342.41.

Aerostnith. The .

mam Lev1 Strauss to slash 5,900 jobs
'60: said the NEW YORK —— Levi Strauss is closing 11
hard m"; plants and laying off 30 percent of its work force
have will in the United States and Canada. The cutbacks
W - M Ike are Levi 5 latest step to bridge a generation gap
him. Other rock- that has seen sales of its stodgy five-pocket jeans
ers stress um eroded by trendier offerings from the likes of Old
over content u Navy, the Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, MUDD and
the 57-year-bld J NCO. Last year, it closed 13 US plants and cut
Anka said more than 7,000 jobs.

Siliday. But not

Aerosnlith, he Expert says feds lag on Y2K bug
said. and cer-

tainly not him- WASHINGTON — Federal agencies are be-
an. Ankasaid latedly responding to the Year 2000 computer
he and the '70s problem, and some of the biggest departments,
band have sus- including Defense and State, are still lagging be
tained their hind a House expert said. Releasing his seventh
IN N stick- quarterly “report card" on the Y2K problem, Rep
ing to their Stephen Horn, R- Calif. gave the 24 agencies he
roots and hard has followed an overall grade of “C."


Compiled from wire reports.


Continued fromme

the possibility of a network
overload is very real.”

The virus will secretly at-
tach itself to any email mes-
sages sent and will infect any
computer on which it is run.

If enough computers
within the University net-
work are infected, said Clark,
the network could be shut

“It is a threat on a closed
system like (UK’s)," Clark

The potential effect of
the virus, while not attack-
ing critical systems, is great.
Clark said Happy99 would
paralyze the network and
make it impossible to do any-
thing over the network.

But Clark pointed out that
with the information out
about the virus and the level
of security maintained by the
computer consultants, the pos-
sibility of the UK network
crashing is remote.

“Every computer consul-
tant makes sure people are
running virus checkers,” he

Once it is cleaned off the
infected system, says Peter
Szor at DataFellows at
a system can be protected by
setting the WSOCK32.DLL file
to a Read-Only attribute. The
Happy99 virus will ignore

Read-Only tiles and will be un-
able to patch to the tile and in-
fect the workspace.

The Happy99 virus was
first discovered about two
weeks ago in Europe. Since
that time, several anti-virus
companies have published
web sites with information
about the virus and how it
can be cleaned 06‘ an infected


u “h

rename mm to

41cm your REGISTRY for
an occurrenu of some to:





Continued from page I



“We primarily wanted to
find out our legislators’ opin-
ion on the issues," Rayens

“We also wanted to see if
their opinions would change
the second time around, when
they were separated from their

Because the study was
done in two separate, confiden-
tial interviews with 84 percent

of the Kentucky General As-
sembly, it is possible for opin-
ions to change.

The researchers asked
the legislators how reliable a
statistic was and how easily
they believed the option
could be adopted by the Gen-
eral Assembly.

“The findings will be
shared with members of the
Kentucky General Assembly,
as well as widely disseminated
among health and agriculture
groups in Kentucky,” Hahn

Eighty percent of the 115
legislators who took part in
the study remained in oflice af-
ter last fall’s elections.





If you're starting to think about your career. even just an inkling. it
may be time to focus on finding a summer internship. Following are
some "insider" insights about how to land your dream internship in
some of today's fast—forward industries like media. entertainment.
fashion and high-tech. that likely don‘t recruit on campus.


Not the typical first question you might think of when plotting your
first career experience. but you really should think about it.The best
places to work are often the places that make or do things that
already interest you. And who wrote the rule that work shouldn't
be fun? ”It helps to start by thinking about which classroom topics
interest you the most and what hobbies get you excited." says
Samer Hamadeh. President of Vaultreportscom and the co-author
of "America's Top Internships“ and "The Internship Bible.“ two of the
most useful books on the subject.Take his advice and ask yourself
some questions. Do you spend a lot of time listening
to music and going to concerts? Maybe you should
check out working for a local radio station. a record
label or a music publishing company Are you a
devoted athlete? Try contacting a fun sporting goods
company. a fitness magazine. or a sports talent agency.



(Even the one you didn

’t know existed)

Ford advertisement


After you've asked yourself what you like. and thought of some of
your favorite products and activities. you may find that many of
your choices lead to smaller or less structured companies that likely
don‘t recruit on campus. or that don't have a formal internship
program. Don’t get discouraged!! In fact. think of it as a huge
opportunity because you can potentially create your own job!
There‘s nothing wrong with calling or writing a company out of the
blue and letting them know who you are and what you're
interested in. Many of the smaller companies will be thrilled to have
been approached and more than likely can use the extra hands for
the summer. One of Hamadeh's favorite stories is about a college
student who was interested in sports law. The guy figured that
Michael Jordan's law yer must be pretty good at it. so he read a
bunch of newspaper articles until he found the guy‘s name. then he
wrote him a letter explaining why he wanted to work for him. "The


The Sth Success Series

brings you Information designed to help you achieve your personal and career goals.
Watch for the rest of this series In future Issues of your school newspaper.


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lawyer had never received a letter like that from anyone before.”
Hamadeh says. ”So he brought him in for an interview and was so
impressed that he hired him for the summer.“


Just because you may not graduate cum laude doesn't mean you
won‘t qualify for some of the most selective internship programs.
"You have to make yourself sound interesting." says Price Hicks. who
hooks students up with summer jobs at places like Warner Brothers
as part of her work with the Academy of Television Arts and
Sciences. ”The guy who wrote about growing up on a dairy farm is
the one we remember best'The people. who may have the best
grades. but drone on and on about why they want to be television
directors all tend to blend together. she says.


Remember that the purpose of an internship is
to gain experience. The idea is to ~test drive"
career options that you think might interest you
for your future. And what interests you for a
career may have nothing to do with what
interests you in school (How many psych majors
actually become psychologists? How many
history majors become historians? You get the
point). You never really know what someone
might be looking for. so don‘t feel intimidated by internships that
aren't directly in your field of study. Case in point. a biology major
beat out a slew of journalism majors for one of three highly
coveted internships at the Center for Investigative Reporting. Out of
approximately 90 applicants. she was among those with the least
direct experience. "It just so happened we were working on a
project about chemicals in the environment. so her skills came in
handy and she ended up playing a big role in the reporting.” said
Maryann Sargent. who is the internship coordinator at the Center.


Sometimes. you really may be better off going to work for a
company where the duties of an intern aren't well defined. In small
but super fast-growing internet companies, for instance. there's
always a lot going on. so interns can often show up on day one and
pick the things that interest them the most. ”Our interns will always
be working on several different projects.” says Jeff Daniel. who runs
a cool new service called CollegeHire.com that helps match up
undergrads with hightech and lnternet-related internships and
entry-level jobs. "We look for people who can adapt well to the
culture of fast-moving companies and can
excel in an environment that's

changing rapidly.” Big change

means new opportunities.

and that‘s where a hungry


intern can step into new.
exciting areas and make
a big contribution.




























Phi Sigs rolling the dice

All for charity: Fraternity hosting gambling night in support
of Special Olympics; raffle prizes include trip for two to Florida

By Richard Cook
ASSISTANi um canon

Gambling may lead to a moral downfall
for most. but Phi Sigma Kappa social fra-
ternity plans to use the tables to raise mon-
ey for its national philanthropy.

Phi Sig is hosting a casino night
tonight to raise money for the Special
Olympics. and will raffle off a trip for two
to Florida.

The party takes place from 7 pm. to
about 11 pm at the fraternity's house on
439 Huguelet Drive. Admission is $7 per
person and will buy $3,000 worth of play
money to gamble.

“The excitement the Special Olympics
generates for people." said Dave Trevey. a
management junior and a president of Phi
Sig. “This is so much more visible (than
other philanthropy projects).“

The fraternity sponsors the event as
part of their national philanthropy cam-
paign for the Special Olympics. “We feel it
offers us better opportunities to directly af-
fect real people," Trevey said.

”It gives me a good feeling overall,"
said Scott Burnside, a marketing sopho-
more who will be working security at the
fraternity house.

“I got to meet some of the kids that Spe
cial Olympics helps and this is another way
for us to help them. too.“

A1150 Phi Sig members will be working
the party. some at the gaming tables, others
working security.

Local businesses have donated sup-
plies for the evening, allowing the money
raised to go exclusively to the Special

Games coordinator Phil Kopczynski. a
history education junior, said the fraterni-
ty has had great response from the Greek
community. especially the sororities. Phi
Sig expects between 200 and 300 people to
attend the event and encourage all students
to attend.

Throughout the evening. poker. black-
jack and roulette tables will be set up. Stu—
dents can also play ping pong and Twister.
Kopczynski said.

”The idea is to rack up as much cash as
possible throughout the night." said Angelo
James. biology freshman and scholarship
chair for Phi Sig.

The money won at the game tables will
be used at silent auctions and a large auc-
tion. held at around 10:30 pm.

The auction will give students the
chance to bid on items donated by several
local businesses. including the Cinema
Grill, the Holistic Massage Company and
Hooters Restaurants. Silent auctions will
be held throughout the evening and items
include the new Mac and Sammy beanie
babies and Kentucky Thoroughblades

At the end of the eveninU. the fraterni-
ty will rafile off a $500 travel voucher.

“It is for a trip to Florida. but people
can go wherever they want," Trevey said.

The fraternity tried to get donations
from local travel agencies but Were only
able to purchase the travel voucher.

“it's enough to pay for the airline tick-
ets, a hotel and a week in Florida." Trevey

The money for the travel voucher came
directly out of the fraternity‘s event budget
and is its only major expense for the


Responding to Gore's platform

Student thoughts: Should it be made mandatory that high school last longer than four

‘ s“


I came
from I agree,
Russia it would
where I make us
had 10 more
years prepared
and for
that’s college.”
emugh' m
- Mikail ltitls. freshman

physics researcher


W "~w -. ‘


If they

Y0“ earlier it
1.931“. would be
things m a good
hlgh idea
SChOOl’ because
but 1t 13 young
not the children
same as have a
- Tiff Smith, -
“$3.... learnmg
61:32:13?" capacny-
'- Chei'ifl NICK.
lSC junior

years, which is one of Vice President Al Gore's campaign platforms for the 2000 election?




may suf— you’re 18
fer from years old
burnout it is time
if they to be out
are made of high
to stay in school
one insti- and onto
tution some-
for six where
years.” else.”
- Ebony Moore, - Mike Herman,
psychology and undeclared
sociology senior freshman






‘ “ ..&’V‘h§mfirw~'~e‘§ r 't ‘ ‘







“(MN/SQ." Si 0. General Public. ii 2. (oil 237-th


the Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments, Intormation can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at nttguwwwmsxg -
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257-8866

oMath 109 8. 123 tutoring. 203 Frazee Hall, FREE, call 7-695910r more into.
ulnformal Creative Writing Workshop 8—9230 pm. Rm. 8108C W.t. Young Library.

FREE. ? .1 ‘
OAIpha Phi Omega meeting. 7:30 pm. 359 Student Ctr. ll

olntervarsity Christian Fellowship Quest Meeting, 7pm. Rm 230 Student Center
I:StudentTDevelopment Council Prospective Members Reception. 5 pm, 18th
Ioor P0

oUK Concert Band with George Boulden Director. 8pm. Singletary Center, FREE

oUK Ultimate Frisbee Practice, 6—8 pm. Band Field. call Nick at 281—1256 for info

0"iiow to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder" 7pm. Young Library Auditorium
oEatlng Disorder Awareness Week information tables 1 l —1 pm. Student Center

and 4-6pm. Seaton Center

m“European Pastry Cate sponsored by the Cosmopolitan Club. 10-4pm. Room
245 Student Center

“-Art Workshop: Drama, Sponsored by MLK Cultural Center. 630 pm. Rm 357
Student Center




0L.E.A.P. Learning Skills Program. 3—350 pm. 203 Frazee Hall

-Fellowshlp ot Christian Athletes meeting. 9 pm, CSF Bldg. (corner or Woodland
& Columbia)

OStudent Meal and Discussion 5pm. Newman Center
OFrench Conversation table 4:30—6pm. Ovid’s Cate

-U1( Snowskl and Snowboard meeting. 7pm. Rm 228 Student

OPsi Chi meeting, 4 pm, Rm. 213 Kastle Hall

~Master Recital featuring Benjamine Smolder, 8pm, Singletary Center
IMovie: Heavenly Creatures 7pm. Worsham theatre, $1

0Aikldo Classes/ UK Alkldo Club, 6:30-8:30 pm, Alumni Gym Loft. call Chris @ 245—
5887 For info.


OEatlng Disorder Awareness Week Intormatlon tables 1 1‘1 pm. Student Center and 4’6 pm.
Seaton Center

"-European Pastry Cale sponsored by the Cosmopolitan Club. 10-4 pm. Room 245 Student

OCuitural Diversity Festival. 11 am-1 :30 pm. Student Center Grand Ballroom, Ethnic Foods.
entertainment. and international displays.



OMath 109 & 123 tutoring. 203 Frazee Hall. FREE call 7‘6959 for more Into.

OCampus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 730 pm, Worsham Theatre

'UK Lambda meeting fro Lesbigaytrans people. 7:30 pm. Room 231 Stud. Ctr.
othursday Night Live. 7pm. Christian Student Fellowship. call 233—0313tor into.
IUK Snowskl and Snowboard meeting. 7pm, Room 228 Student Center


OUK Orchestra Pre—Concert Lecture, 7pm, Fine Arts Room 17
OUK Orchestra with Steve Moore. conductor. 8pm. Singletary Center. FREE
OMother courage and Her Children presented by the UK Theatre
Department, 8pm, Guignol theatre. call 257-4929 for ticket info. 1.,

. p; 5-0

-UK Ultimate Frisbee Practice. 6—8pm. Band Field. (all Nick at
281 -l 256 For info


""European Pastry Cale sponsored by the Cosmopolltlan Club. 10—4 pm. Room