xt7d513tvb0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tvb0b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430226 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1943 1943 2013 true xt7d513tvb0b section xt7d513tvb0b Best Copy Available O.N The Ken tucky PAGE TWO SGA Faces 1'roMem Of Shortage Of Men KNE1 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLLML XWIII Z24G LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY. Girl Trumpeter Jean Lowery Is Featured By Concert Band t n m is,. ilil i Men To Visit i J ' :'i!!mi i ; : 1 Women Chosen To Keep Informed On All THE BEST BAND IX DIXIE Uatkins Everything for the home from a block of wood. Such is the record of Professor W. R. Sutherland, assistant professor of English, coach of the student debating team, and instructor of the lively public speaking course, who either made or remade all of the furniture in his own home. In addition to furnishing his home. Professor Sutherland has made nine tables within the last year. This includes one matched pair of "half-mootables. Most of his work is done in cherry and many are originals or adaptations of originals in designs such as American Colonial types. Professor Sutherland, whose office In McVey hall is lined from ceiling to floor with shelves of books and pamphlets which evidence both his avocation and his hobby, is quite interested in the opportunities in Lexington for a industry. "There is a great need for wood airplane parts, and this city has the space, equipment, and employees for the making of these materials." he aid. He feels that if the 40 or 50 men in the city who are experts in would pool their time, ideas, and equipment, such a project could be developed. He also believes that, women could very easily acquire the skill and precision necessary in making wood-carvi- wood-cani- wood-carvi- the parts. Having observed that most Sheraton design desks are made so that the top drawer slides out and drops in front but cannot support a typewriter. Professor Sutherland is an adaptation of that design as a typewriter desk for the home. son of Bobby, blond the professor, who runs in and out of the English department offices, is a designer, too. "But I'm really a mechanic," said Bobby. "I've made radios and boats." The boy collects everything from metal clips to wire for hanging pictures in the offices of his father's associates in the department. Although his teaching requires most of his time. Professor Sutherland spends every spare moment either in creating ideas for new deigns or in practicing skill and technique. When asked whether he had preferences in the type of articles he works with, he remarked. "I make them all. everything you want for the home." Mrs. McVey Talks DEAN ANNOUNCES JOBS ARE OPEN Women students who have trained in chemistry, physics, engineering, radio, home economics, mathematics, drafting. metallurgy. secretarial work, business administration, or like subjects are needed by several companies, according to letters received by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of women. Those who are finishing their training in March and June are preferred for the positions, company officials wrote. "I would like lor the women who are interested in these positions to come to my office to make arrangements about personal interviews with a representative from a tire and rubber company." Dean Holmes said. This company is particularly interested in those women graduating from the secretarial, chemistry, and mathematics departments, but the representative would also like to interview any women who have received training in drafting, engineering, or other technical courses that would qualify them for work in this field. Ys Will Present Program At Berea University YM - YWCA members present a program on "Religion to the of the Youth in Berea College Y members at Berea, will War-Tim- UK Debate Team Meets Berea Today To Attend Meet zi . . n, MAKE OVER 2. Senior Class Takes The Lead With 18 In Group Fifty students in the College of Agriculture averaged a scholastic standing cf 2.0 or above, with four perfect standings, according to an announcement from the effice of the dean. The senior class took the lead for the fall quarter with 18 members in the 2 standing group, while the juniors had 10. sophomores 7, and freshmen 15. Perfect standings were made by oy Hunt, senior; James D. St Clair, junior; Wlnford B. Thomas, freshman; and Roy Van Arsdall, freshman. The complete list follows: Seniors: Oil is Adams. Frank H. Calvin, Ward T. Darnell. Jr., Warren C Duncan, Reed B. England, Roger E. Gish. Leonard F. Great-hous- e. Roy H. Hunt. "Robert F. Hut-toDavid C. McCord, Raymond Moore. George Noble, Jewel M. Piper, J. W. Poe, Jr., Evan R. Russell. E. Salisbury. Durward Earl R. Scherffius. and James B. Thornton. Juniors: John I. Anderson. Marvin C. Bell. Lloyd L. Bucy. Oscar A. Cull. Ernest D. Gooch. Jr., Max E. Howard, Mrs. Rosella E. Jaegers, James D. St. Clair, Chester B. Theiss. Keith R. Vice. Sophtmores: Charles W. Dawson. Harold A. Flick. Shirley F. Harned. Silvion C. Hopkins, Ivan Stewart, Holland P. Thrasher, Samuel D. Weakley, Jr. Freshmen: Joseph H. Butler, Harry R. Conrad, Howard E. Eubank, Charles E. Eastin. Roy P. Hixson, Aushon Judd. Ralph F. Koustmer, James R. Perkins. Paul M. Reynolds, Charles E. Shelby. Wilford B. Thomas. Roy N. Van Arsdall. Wayne P. Westerman. Gordon B. Wilson. n, US's UKs ALFRED D. NICHOLSON, JR., Los Angeles. Calif., received a Second Lieutenant's commission in the Air Corps Reserve at graduation ceremonies February 6 at Luke Field, Phoenix, Arizona. Lieut. Nicholson attended the University for tiiree years and was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. He also worked on the staff of The Kentucky Kernel. ROBERT O. CROPPER, Lexington, was recently promoted from first lieutenant to captain in the Quartermaster Corps at Camp Lee. Va. He is assigned to Company G of the 12th Regiment and Is an instructor in the refrigeration school of Camp Lees Quartermaster Replacement Training Center. Capt. Cropper is a graduate of the University, College of Engineering. He received a B.S. degree in fine performances at Guignol, will play the part of Fanny Farrelly, the nechanical engineering in 1929. He as a member of Tau Bet,a Pi, naaristocratic grandmother. tional scholastic engineering fraterFowler Takes Lead nity. Frank Fowler, director of Guignol Capt. Cropper was commissioned and an assistant English professor, by the University ROTC in 1929. will play Kurt Muller, the German served several tours of duty at Fort husband. Dorothy Rodes is cast in Knox, and arrived at Camp Lee the part of Sarah, his American for active duty May 6, 1942. Prior wife. to his active army duty, he was The roles of their children. Bodo. lupeiiiitendent enof operating Joshua, and Babette. will be taken gineers of refrigeration and heating by Bruce Glenn. Jimmy Glenn and .vith Post Utilities at Fort Knox. Louise Hill. Eli Popa will enact the role of David Farrelly. MARIE KABRYNEZ, Des Moines, The party of Teck de Biancovis towa, is now in training as a Navy and his wife. Mart he, the Rumanian radio operator at the Naval Traincount and countess with Nazi syming School. University of Wisconpathies, will be taken by Knight sin. Madison. Wis. and Eleanor Crain. Freda As an enlisted member of the Alber has the part of Anise, their WAVES, Miss Kabrynez will study French maid. radio theory, some electrical theory, Male Shortage- Again the procedure of naval radio mesAgain, the shortage of men lias sage handling, and have additional Primarily, necessitated the changing of a mule Navy indoctrination. role to a female role. The part of students learn to transmit and reJoseph, the colored handyman, has ceive messages in international been changed to that of Josephine, code. Upon completion of a 12 to a colored maid, and will be played 16 week course. WAVES are assigned to shore bases throughout the by Anne Duke Woodford. Seats for "Watch on the Rhine" continental United States for work may be reserved by f alling 5412 in radio communications Walch On 7 he Rhine Sel 7 o Open Monday Hell-ma- . Lubo-mirsk- y; Sunday night. Those who will participate in the program are Dorothy Collins, Helen Harrison. Dorothy Jack Ecklar. Bob Davis, Norman Chrisman. Harold Lindsay. Fred Erwin, and Bart N. In their first contest of the seaPeak, YM secretary. Miss Rosalie Oakes. YW secretary, and Miss Mar- son, the University debating team tha Huber. associate YM secretary, will meet Berea at 3 o'clock this afternoon in McVey hall. will accompany the group. Shirley Kilgore, arts and sciences senior, and Robert Preston, arts and sciences sophomore, will represent Catherine Rigsby, Education jun- the University, discussing whether ior, will represent the University there should or should not be a YWCA at the Student Volunteer federation of nations after the war. Movement state convention to be They will take the negative. held this week-en- d Professor W. R. Sutherland, coach at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, of the University team, will preside at the meet. By Lois Officii Mrs. Frank L. McVey. wife of the "Watch on the Rhine," featuring president emeritus of the Univercast, will open sity, mill speak at the weekly meet- an entire ing of the Dutch Lunch club. Fri- Monday for a week's run at the day noon, in the football room of Guignol theater on Euclid avenue. The play, written by Lillian the Union building. Wilma Salmon, president, announces. author of "The Children's Hour" and "The Little Foxes," is an anti-Naepic directed at the complacency of the American people. Action In Living Room The action takes place in the living room of a home not far from Washington, where an amiable elderly widow has lived in comfort and security, not greatly troubled by the world alarms. She is harboring, not too willingly, PiiIHi Lunch lull . . . a Rumanian count and his wife, . will hear Mrs. Frank L. McVey she is more concerned with the sjM'ak at noon today in the loot ball but imminent arrival of her daughter, r.Kjm of the Union building who is returning with her German husband and three children after Iiitrrfaith Council . . . years. ill meet at 4 pin. Monday in an absence of twenty-thre- e . IMot Melodramatic the "Y" lounge of the Union building to elect olficers. Miss Rosalie The whole plot of the play is The German husmelodramatic. Oakes. YW secretary, announced. band is a key man for the Na?i Ciiion Calendar underground. The Rumanian count Monday is by nature a fascist, a gambler, a Bluegra&s blackmailer, banquet. Agriculture and a spy. He recognum. 6 to 10 p.m nizes the German and attempts to bleed tile family. Frethman iarulry adtiaui-- . 4 pm OMiloe Clifford, who tiu gtvnii many Kampus Kernels Marking an innovation in their programs, members of the University concert band will feature a woman. Jean Lowery, trumpeter from Tennessee State College, in their appearance Sunday on the 4 o'clock Musicale program in Memorial hall. Miss Lowery. who is a senior at the Tennessee college, is a former student of C. V. Magurean. director of the University band. She received the rating of superior at the eighth regional contest held in Charlotte. N. C. in 1939. As her solo Sunday, the young trumpeter will play Rossini's "Inflammatus" from "Stabat Mater." Allied Music Featured The band will present a concert built around the music of the Allies, in what may be their last formal appearance for the duration. The first portion of the concert, devoted to South American music, will include "Aguero Paso Ooble" by Jose Franco, and "II Guarahy Overture" by Carlo Gomez. Among the Russian numbers which will be played by the band are: "Danse Orientale" by G. "Cortege Du Sardar." from the "Caucasian Sketches." by M. Ippolitow-Owanoand "Russian Sailor's Dance." from "The Red Poppy." by Beinhold Gliere. Included in the second portion of the program are the "Nordic Symphony" by Howard Hanson. "Marche Troyene" from the opera. "The Taking of Troy" by Hector Berliez and "Perpetuum Mobile" by Johann Strauss. Soum March Concludes The band will conclude the program with "Stars and Stripes Forever," a march by John Phillip Sousa. Ushers for Sunday's program will be Ruth Adams. Wilyah Graves, Mabel Gumm. Amanda Hamblett, James M. Craig, Stephen J. Cornett, Billy Faulkner, and Charles Morris. Rationing "When shortages exist in the dining room, dormitory students will know why " declares Mi's A. E. Limbach. head dietitician for the women's residence halls. A block leadership plan, inaugurated January 21. has been achieving the purpose of Informing dormitory residents the reasons behind recent rationing moves by the federal government. Miss Limbach explained. Approximately 15 women, chosen by the head resident in each cf the three halls, have been appointed as block leaders. The responsibilities of this position corresponds to those of the city block leaders. Meetings are held whenever new official information about rationing is and block leaders report information gained there to the women for whom they are responsible. Rationing Discussed Two meetings have been held this quarter to give official reports to dormitory block leaders. The point rationing system was discussed at the last meeting. Dormitories already have been forced to make restrictions on menus, with meat, milk, and certain vegetables being affected most. The 60 galloln daily requirement of milk has been cut on several days to merely 30 or even 20 gallons. Further limitations are expected under the new rationing plan. Dr. H. N. Sherwood Will Give Talk On "World We Want" Dr. W.S. Webb Keeps Office Walls l ilted i iBnViifl By Alio g 15 IN AG COLLEGE g Annual All-ABanquet In Union Monday Nigh I Is Last For Duration ON SHORTAGES 50 STUDENTS ood-Carvin- NUMBER TO GIVE NEWS President Sutherland Makes Good Lse As Hobby Of W '0. IHI3 A number of young men who have recently been called into the service have come to my office before leaving the campus to talk with me. I have greatly appreciated these calls. Many men will be leaving the University for military duty at the close of this quarter. I shall be honored to have you call on me before your departure from the University. I invite you to come singly or In small groups. I shall be pleased to see you in my office or at my home. Come at your convenience. H. L. DONOVAN The Baron Watches As 'Cats Prepare -- BLOCK LEADERS President Invites 3 f FRIDAY. FEBRUARY ON PAGE FOLK By Florida g The twelfth annual banquet will be held at S o'clock Monday night in the Bluegrass room of the Union building. This banquet, which will be the last of its kind until after the war. will feature a talk by Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, assistant editor at the Experiment station, on the subject "The World We Want." Dr. Sherwood was president of Georgetown College for eight years. Prior to that he had served in a teaching position in Louisville and as state superintendent in Indiana. He is author of several textbooks on history and citizenship. Two of these. "Makers of the New World " and "Our Country's Beginnings." were adopted for use in Kentucky-schools- . His book. "Citizenship." and Its revision, "Civics and Citizenship," have had thirteen state adoptions. He has degrees from Indiana University and Harvard. Awards To Be Made Awards will be made to outstanding students in the collexc and recognition will be given to faculty members. John Frazier. herdsman at the farm, will be introduced as an honorary member of Block and Bridle. This honor is conferred upon men who have given outstanding assistance and whose services merit recognition. James Crowley, president of the Agriculture council, will serve as toast master. The Jonas Weil Memorial scholarship will be given to the junior man who has the highest scholastic standing for his entire college work. The Cornell award will be made by Phi Upsilon Omicron to the sophomore woman who made 'he highest standing during her freshman year. Pledge Introduced Alpha Zeta pledges to be introduced are David Cleveland. Warren Duncan. Roger Gish. Pete Haugha-boS. C. Hopkins. Walter Thomas. Holland Thrasher. Sam D. Weakley, and James Welch. Committees in charge of the banquet are program. Assistant Dean Horlacher. Jim Strauss. Jim Crowley; publicity. Roy Hunt. Eloi.se Bennett. Chester Theiss: room arrangements. Myrtle Binkley. Amelia Mason: printing of programs. Ray Russell. Tickets On Sale Tickets may be bought for $1 until noon Saturday. They are being sold by members of the Agriculture council and at the offices of Dean Cooper and Dean Horlacher The program is as follows: Invocation CrUnd luin All-A- Garrison ears of multicolored Indian corn hanging over the door might appear a little odd to anyone entering the office of the head of the department of physics. Even more puzzling might seem the huge map of Kentucky which partially covers one wall and on which colored pins point out the locations of earth mounds, cemeteries, caves, and prehistoric villages. To the frequenter of Pence hall, however, who knows that the physics department's Dr. W. S. Webb is DR. HENRY NOBLE SHERWOOD also head of the department of . . will be tlir principal . archaeology and anthropology, the srak?r at lilt annuul A&riiul-'urvividly colored pictures of prehisin liimifiict Mjri(Ju toric animals which hang on either side of a very large pendulum clock 'he blurias. miini of the L nion will not seem at all out of place. 'jitililt't. Vivid pictures of Tennessee valley excavations and a painting of an Indian hut done for Dr. Webb by a former student, present arresting evidence of his Interest in things archaeological. The dark room and the mimeographing room which adjoin the professor's office lend scientific atmosphere of anA half-doze- n - y " e niht M. VAN ARSDELL Leaders To Inform The 15 block leaders are expected to inform the 357 student and staff residents of all developments as they arise. In this manner, dormitory women will be as well informed as the average American housewife. Miss Limbach explained. The Office of Civilian Defense in its message to block leaders states that it is the dutv of these voluntary workers to inform every family of the government's orders, to answer questions as well as give specific and constructive methods as to how the projects may be d out. and to follow through and see that the job is done. other nature. Not entirely scientific, though, is DIES IN CRASH Army Lieutenant Was Student Here Second Lieut. Marioin C. Van Arsdell. Lexington. 21. a student at the University from was killed in an airplane crash at a United States Army Air base at Muroc. Calif.. Tuesday. Van Arsdell was the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Van Arsdell. 1?.S Graham avenue, and a pilot in an Army fighter squadron. No further details were included in the death message to the parents other than that their son was killed "in the line of duty" while his fighter group was temporarily stationed at the Muroc air base. Was Married Reeently Election of YWCA officers will Lieutenant Van Arsdell. who was be held from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. permanently stationed at Van Nuys, Tuesday, at the counter opposite Calif., returned to his air squadron the Information desk in the from Lexington February 4. followUnion building, according to an ing his marriage here February 3 announcement received from to Miss Doris Gene Cravens. 222 Jeannette Oraves, president. State street. Election candidates will be A graduate of Henry Clay high announced in Tuesday's Kernel. school, he attended the University Those eligible to vote include for two years prior to his enlistactive members of the YW who ment in the Army Air Cops in have paid their membership March. 1942. He received his wings dues or have pledged the amount and was commissioned last October from their University deposit. 31 at Luke Field. Ariz. Stationed At Mill Field Upon his graduation from advanced flying ch43L Lieutenant Van Arsdell was stationed at Mill Field. Calif., until last week when he was transferred to the Army Katherine Asbury, a graduate of air base at Van Nuys. Calif. the University in the class of 1934, At the University, he was a memhas Just been made Associate Place- ber of the swimming team and the ment Officer in the Office of War Y.MCA. Information in Washington, accordKerr Brothers funeral home is ing to information received here by in charge cf arrangements for reher parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. turning the body to Lexington Asbury. Miss Asbury, who received her A.B. degree in psychology, is a member of Delta Zeta. social sorority. Phi Beta, national music, drama, She is also a member of the Ameri- and dance honorary, held initiation can Association of University Wom- ceremonies for Virginia Long. Clos-te- r. en. Before her appointment to her N. J.. February 20 at the home present position. Miss Asbury was of Mrs. Lolo Robinson. employed in the Department of AgFollowing the initiation, the acriculture in Washington. tives were entertained at supper by Mrs. Robinton. the collection of photographs which almost covers one wall of Dr. Webb's office. There is an interesting photo of tanks and artillery used In the first World War and above it a group of Dr. Webb's fellow officers at the Fort Sill School of Fire, Fort Sill. Okla. Occupying a place of honor above his desk is a colored photograph of the scientist with his young granddaughter. car-lie- 1940-194- 1. YWCA Officers To Be Elected Women Students Schedule Dance For Servicemen The women students at the University will entertain for men in the armed forces with an informal dance from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday In the Patterson hall lounge. All women students are urged to attend and are asked to present some student identification at the door. It is requested that no ankle socks or sweaters be worn. The dance will be "girl break." Students must come to the dance unescorted and must leave unescorted, remaining in the building during the entire dance. The committee in charge of arrangements includes Lucille Brown, chairman. Marjorie Wheeldon. Hilda McClaren, Betty Howard. Theresa Theiling, Mary Crawford. Margaret Erskine, Gwen Pace, Shirley Thomas, Juanita Shely, Lillian Miller, Julia Ann Waters. Betty Dew. Betty Berry. Juanita Phillips, and Lucy Thomas. Chaperons will be Miss Estelle Adams, Mrs. P. K. Holmes, Miss Jane Haselden, Miss Adele Gense-me- r. Miss Margaret Lester, Miss Rankin Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Young. Mrs. Elizabeth Moores. and Mr. Frank Fowler. o. Graduate Named Group sinning led 6v Brutr Puui.astunr ol the farm economics Recognition of Prof. Geore Robert, hed of the ronO!uv departby Dean Thouia ment P C.ier SniKinj by men s trio . Leonard Ailen Joe Butler. B O Meal Addres. "The World We Want To OWI Position Dr An opportunity for University 1 women to contribute a real service Haselden said. In many cases per- to the war effort, according to Miss sons would be needed only until Jane Haselden, assistant dean of the husbands could get home from women, awaits any who are wuik niuuuu o p.m. ana on neariv silling to contribute part of their every Job the women would be able time to caring for small children of to use some of their time for studymothers who work at the Avon Sig- ing. nal Corps Depot or the parachute As more and more women are factory. going into war work to take the In addition to freeing mothers for place of men. there will be an inwar work, these women will at the creasing need for provision being same time be earning money. Those made for children of working mothwho could stay in the homes with ers. Miss Haselden said a spokesthe children in the afternoon could man at Avon explained. With chilearn 25 cents an hour while those dren being allowed to run free who would rather stay itli the without tlie proper supervision, the young children at night might earn delinquency rate will continue to from 50 cents to a dollar an hour double, as was the caae in Detroit depending on how late the person land Cleveland and other crowded worked. Miss Haselden explained. jdelense areas before steps were tak-je- n to provide for children being Several women who might want to look after the children at one tared for during the parents' workhome could stagger their hours in ing hours. All women interested should see order that they might have more Miss ; Mis Haselden as soon as posMble free time for other iliins-'S- . co-e- "' " j j by Ueall Coui- ..rd 'SO THL7 r. SATA World Service Fund Cancels Campaign By Alive Freeman The World Student Service fund. which usually has a drive during the spring, will not carry on a cam- -, piign this year because the War Chest has donated SI. 200 for their cause. The gift was made because the University exceeded Its quota for tlie War Chest campaign. Miss Rosalie Oakes. YWCA secretary. explained. 4Jirlia: are t l think that there many "queens" wn the ram-pus- ? John Trimble. Agriculture, junior. No, they keep up my morale consid- erably. Amy Kutherfatrd. Education, senior: No. the more opportunities there are. the more girls will attain this honor. Jvhnny Prnnebakrr. Independent Kally Not To lie Held The Independent party meeting scheduled for this evening has been postponed due to the girls' dormitory dance and oth-- j er social functions taking place tonight. This is an effort on the part of tlie Independent parly to cooperate ith the other or- ganizations on the campus, ac- cording to Albert Cross, ft Sherwood - Outstanding emor at Block did ar;dl b Dr w p Ujrrm Introduction of new lcu.tv innnr t ! .;, L J H,.r .r,- Cornell Ov Mr rile Bl!ile- ' Lrouaid .rn Pled:" ot aUelani'f to ltd bv Bru.r P'uitdioi.- Phi Beta Initiates Jobs Now Open For Women To Care For Small Children Henrv Tauping of Aloha Zeta pleCaes Recognition of honorary member of Bloc and Bridle bv Jim Strau-v- Presentations Jonas Weil Memorial , A S.. fresh-- , man: Yes. I think students should elect one queen for the entire campus once a year, but that's all. Brad (iarrison. Commerce, senior No indeed, the more the merrier There will be a lot of pretty faces and figures for the boys to remember wheu there are none around to look at. Merl Baker. Eiigmeeruig. freshman: No. I wUh there were more' IHmMhy Angle. Agriculture, senior: It's been all right so far. but there are going to be too many when there aren't any buys left * nvdiidum The Kernel Editorial Page THE KENTUCKY KERNEL OmCIAL pfTHi.mnr enn-wrntX- NEWSPAPER Dtmrao T thb school OP THE cla 'mj4 OF KENTUCKY rl-- Jay Wiison Kentucky fnterrollegttte Press Association lTlntton Board of Commerce KemuckT Press AsvxMatlon National Editorial Association (i i i m" p,i x imwson hawktn9 NalionalAdvertisingServiceJnc. n Mwruwiv. New vosk. n. . VINCENT SPAGNUOIO ALICE WATKINS JUNE WYATT FI LI MORE DOW EN NORMA WEATHFRSPOON AH AN liFTTY Y. ... ,...cc. subscription hates on semerter - on ope Tear re to he cosslderril the All aigneA mrtirlrg ca4 column i.urnlutia of the iprlfem thewe(rei, as4 aof nerenartlg ,eie.-- r,c ..p.ni.m or The Kemrt. Features liusiness Mnnngrr i;AXTF:R MELTON . . Nrit't Editor member . , oFTFV Pl'OH Post OiTlcs at Lexington, Krntnrty. matter under the Act of March t, 178. .iu. Ave jo Madison tMnkm .K. A i.t,. tar at th traci-e- UNTVKRSTTT These Things Are No More pcrr: nr,vpr'','M' ii'iiiing Friifnr i Tjrrwi Sports Editor Bociet, Editor Advertising Manager Associate Editor Cartoons Circulation Manager Assistant News Editor Assistant Society Editor C.IEST EDITOR s(. A has a problem. A i tl i which tniisi is lit lit- solved cfle( lively if the organization tlt-ii- sin i t . mcm-lx-i- s most ol ihe Msiiions 10 Ik- vacated nitisi ! tilletl I iv nun. What assurance would the legislature and the student Ixxlv have that a man elected to replace a departing student would remain in mIiooI during the spring quartcr!-We. the kernel that is. would like to suggest what we think is a plausible solution. You. the legislators, max consider it for what ii is worth. - Meet lief ore the quarter ends. Pass a spctial provision allowing a quorum ol menilxTs enrolled in school to meet and olliciallv conduct it. I'irst lei's build a strong legislature and then let's settle down to the matter of adopting a constitution that contains the provisions that we. the students of the University, want and .need. In Which We Support The Big Blue the helm for 13 sears and driving his Imivs Southeastern tin ough main a storm for (towns. Coach Adolph Rupp. retently named as one ol the greatest basketliall coat lies At Con-fcieiM- of all time, has taken his Wildcats to Louisville lor another trv. I hex "re there KMlay and it's a safe Iki that the ISaron is wearing the proxerbial brown suit. Willi the team ate inanx University lans. manx sludenis xv ho ardentlx siipmri and have faith in the courage and light thai excrv plaver has. There's a (enain spirit lliat cxciv man and xvonian on this campus jiosscsscs when the time lor siipKrling a keniiukx team rolls around. I here are those xvho sax that the students oil this (ampus have no ep. no enihiisiasin not There is bin one deex en for a w inning team. that comment. Look back at the txvo nial to Sat in (lax nights when we played Alabama and Tennessee lure. Seals were rationed, every Ian was afraid to leaxe his seal, there xvas plenlx of e( iicnieni. Admitted that they were Ixuh grxxl games and that st ores were t lose, but ex t l x IkH made or missed bx a keniiukx or opxising pl.ixer xxas ( hceied. in Having followed the Kuppinen. the basketball, timing manx a game and during iiianv a loin naiiieul University lans liaxe Ix'en light ihcie. Ji's abnosl a keiilU(kx tradition that all available siacc in the gym lie filled and that the Tiig l&luc lx' Mipxnletl. Ihe Wildcats and the entire lamptis were sninned bv the defeat sufleied at the hands ol DcPaul last Saturday night. Probably the ihiel iiiiciesi in this "out ol the league" game was Im-s- I thai DcPaul had topped Western bv only four Xiims. Almost exerv sports column in Ken iiukx nevvsiaX'rs Ix'fore and after the till (allied some comment concerning the meeting. There were plenty of arguments on the 'campus among those students who had previously attended Western and still felt a tinge of lovahv toward the HilltopjxTS and those who were "all-outfor ihe Wildcats. keniiukv Ix'gan to move after the fust hall of the game. It's a widespread rumor of how Ives pep talk Goat h Rupp delivers his bet xveen-hand it's universal knowledge how a Wildtal team, having been somewhat slow in the pnxliiies a certain spark in that last hall. The Imivs plaved good ball but against difli- u It odds. The nor was new. the ha klxiards strange, the sivleol playing different. "The 'Gals deserve credit for showing their strength and red ut ing a DcPaul margin lead to a . defeat of only nine pointsT The Wildtats have performed well this sear. The (lithe sludeni Ixxlv is proud of ihem. There weie ihe usual lough breaks 10 lace bul t hex were conquered, and in the Ix'si manner. During the conference meet. Kentucky will fate oilier trials. Rut. they should know miii' that thev are backed bv every student here. Exerv man on the team is to lx- supxiitc(l individually and if von aren't ai lending ihe loinnanieni. listen in on the game. Ixxist ihem all the wav. and show vour lovaltv to the lig a - I'.lue. Thev're our team and they're plaxing hard iniliold our laiih ill them. A. W. 10 Thai's Where Our Money Goes not heaid iiiui h nioie alxnit the results of the War Chest a paign now that the drive- is long since past. I heie is one Use ol the money that should gieal interest to lliein. il lot no more reason ihan the fact thai it prevenis the campus from going through anoihei extensive campaign lo taise luiiils. Ihe Wai Chcs. has ,',,,1 u d SI.L'uO to ihe W01 Id Sludeni Sen it e fund here. Ix'tause ihe ampus wt nt so tai ovet its pri Miilxil quota. I his money iIih-- not ni iessarilv go onlv lo sludenis throughout the woihl. Some ol il is used 10 piovide lei leal ion and elllel I.11111111 nl live dollars will lot piisoncis and inieriiees. huv a voljev hall, basketball, or solihall equip liunl lo serve tc needs ol a prison lamp, lillv K ills 10 Yl will huv a phonogiaph leoitd wltiih will bring enlcltaiiniienl to mole than U.tMMI piisoncis. One lo six Ixniks whiili vvill bring aii be in u hoX- - to 1111 nl.illv vcearv piisoncis Ihe sludeni