xt7d513tvj17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tvj17/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1906 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the State College of Kentucky, Summer School, Series 8, Number 2, April 1906 text Bulletin of the State College of Kentucky, Summer School, Series 8, Number 2, April 1906 1906 1906 2013 true xt7d513tvj17 section xt7d513tvj17   r `A V, 1 r OETHE STATE COLLEGE . E
. , K K` O-F KENTUCKY . . , ,
1   A I _ se;-ie;K 3   APRIL, 1906 Number 2   K,
‘ ’   -'._     I . > ’ .
K K   ` , V` PUBLISHED Km? , K   .
L   I , KKLEXINGTON   1 [ _·A  _ , E
K K 1 K _ Emered_nt—/the Post—Of}ice ut Lexington, Kentucky, as second clKass matter, V   K  
.» .   _ , V · ~ ° under Act ol Congress, jul§ 16, 1894, · , > V ~h } K K` _`

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'. _ HE Agricultural and Mechanical (State) College of Kentucky offers , .. {
‘ ·· AV 6 V the following courses o_f,study,Aviz.: Agricultural, chemical, biolog4 '
* '_   ical,{ mathematical,·`physical, normal school, classical,_~mecha11ical ' _ i
V ‘ it V engineering, civil, engineering, mining engineering, each of which
A ‘ V extends over four years and leadsto a degree. Post—graduate studies A A
V.   are also provided, leading to a master’s degree. Each course of A V
Q w “study is organized uuclera separate faculty. V The general faculty number A V,
. , A , nearly llftyprofessors and instructors. Q ‘   · ’ · ‘ “
.- ` Atjounty appointees receive tuition, room rent in dormitories, fuel and Q;
‘ V light, and if' they remain ten months, traveling expenses. ` . ~‘
  , Y   _ The laboratories and museums are large,Vwell equipped, comprehensive A A
‘_   andmoderno     T VV ` , ` , ` . _` i ·
.A i ‘ \,,‘ The Legislatu‘re`appropriated $G0,000,for·a college home for young V .
· iwomezl, and $30,090 for u drill hall·and gymnasium for men. Military “ ~
, ‘ tactics and science are fully provided for as required by Congress. " [ .
A Graduates from the several courses of study readily rind excellent .
· AQ   positions and liberal remuneration. Tlreldemaud is largely in excess of the ‘ ~ z,
A "   ability of the college toisupply, The rnatriculation for the current year to ·' » *
, _· , date is 550. . ‘ ` A. A , ' , . {
y ‘ _V · A Specialists with the necessary number of assistants have charge of each _ {g
· · __ departmentof natural science. Summer schools are provided for pedagogy, V j_
.· engirieeringancl instruction inscience and arts., ‘_ ` V ` V  yl
~ V A `The Slate College of Kentuclry. though-¢bearingr?ntirerto—the--title¥of ‘ , i
_ -, r¥‘g2iZ1;ege,’¥¤is the only institution -in the commonwealth doing in any proper
V sense university work. A , V
4   The completion of the college home for young women providesfaciliy
. A ‘     ties for good board and lodging., .It,is epuipped with·all~modern conveni- · u ·
· _ .   ences. including bath rooms _and’a.room orphysical cultnre.‘ IE isheated  ,·
`_ -by steam and lighted by electricity. ‘
» Q . Anopportunity is thus atfordedto them of a_ thorough education in ,
A classics, modern languages, literature, science, matliernatics, logic, meta- *
_‘   . physics, history and political economy ‘N0Vothe`r institution in the state Vi · ‘
x ,.   ~ offers advantages for the education of women atall comparable to those ~ ‘
;. ° ` olfered bythe State College of Kentucky. _ . V t » ·
f ] ` "~ . _ For catalogues, method of obtaining appointments, information.regs.rd-
  , t _,,,4§?i¤g courses of study, andyterms of admission, apply to . 1 _ _V ,
  Q A Z U Y » ‘ ‘ JAMESK. PATTERSON, Ph. D., LL. D.   ` ·
  , A A _ A or to D. AQ,_FRAZ_EE, Business Agent, Lexington, Ky. A; ,
    V _, AA   ` A Fall Termlcgins September I3th, I906. , '— ‘ ` V_

 grtutz Qiullcge u1’@211tu»:tgg  
· JAMES K. PATTERSON, 1>h.D., LL. D., E. s. A., President
· OF THE  

 Drefatorg Remarks
HE SUMMER SCHOOL of the State College of Kentucky ,
  invites to its halls and laboratories any earnest student who S
desires during the summer vacation to pursue any of the iv
various courses herein offered. Attention is called to the announce- l
ments of these tive schools offering as they do more than thirty —
courses of instruction. The laboratories of State College, physiological, 1
physical, and mechanical, excelling as they do all other such labora-
tories in the state, will thus be opened to all students in Kentucky
or adjoining states at a time when they may take advantage of them.
The Summer School for Teachers and the Summer School of Arts
0Her unusual opportunities, the one for teachers, the other for college
students or those preparing for college.
The College, with its commodious dormitories for both men and
_ women, situated in broad, shady, well-kept grounds, just within the
southern limits of the city of Lexington, is an ideal place to spend a
summer vacation.
The rooms of the dormitories are free of rent to all students of
the Summer School. Those expecting to use these rooms should pro-
vide themselves with the necessary bed linen and such covers as they
may need. Good table board may be had for two or three dollars a
week. U
All the schools begin between the fifth and twelfth of june. The
exact date of beginning, the length of term, and the fees charged,
vary with the different schools and may be found in the announce-
ments which follow.

l State Summer School for Zfeacbers  
june 11th-——]uly 2oth. p
FACU 1:rv. {
z Mrmvoao Warm, M. S., Director, j
Psychology, Pedagogy, and Mathematics.
J. T. C. Nos, M. A., .
English, Latin, and History. *
J. W. Pnvok, M. D.,  
Physiology. `
M. L. Pmzca, M. S.,
WM. S. WEBB, M. S.,
Free-hand Drawing.
At the annual meeting of the Trustees of the State College of Ken-
tucky held in December, 1902, the Kentucky State Summer School for
Teachers was established and placed under the direction of the Depart-
ment of Pedagogy of the College. The sole object of the Summer School ’
is to prepare teachers for more effective work in the public schools of
Kentucky. Its success during the three years of its existence has demon-
strated its usefulness in the iield in which it operates. It is, therefore, no
i longer an experiment. It has come to stay and will open its doors annually
` to those who wish to enter and pursue its courses of study.
, ` necono.
The Summer School points with pleasure to its record of past years.
The number of its matriculates has increased steadily year after year and
its courses of study have been broadened and strengthened from time to
time. Not a single failure was made in examination by any member of the

   4 Stale College Summer Se/wal. It
  Summer;Schoollof 1905. Seven obtained State Certificates with averages ~
  above @95 per cent.; three obtained County Superintendents’ Certincates, i
  and many others, high grade County Certificates, some averaging above 98 `
l per cent. i
Q The aims of the Summer School for Teachers are as follows 2 L
Q 1. To prepare teachers to pass successfully all examinations for County  
  Certificate, State Certificate, and State Diploma. This requires a thorough  
l and comprehensive knowledge of the branches contained in the curriculum; 4
i therefore, searching reviews in all these branches will be conducted by  
{ teachers;who are experts in their respective lines.  
E 2.f' T0 give to teachers such instruction and training in educational l
{ method and school management as will prepare them to do the most effec- li
I tive worklin their schools. The science of education and the art of teaching
§ will receive special attention in a course of lectures extending throughout
* the term.
Q 3. To offer to teachers the very best opportunities for self—in1provement
l at a time when they are not engaged in teaching and at a cost so low as to
  be easily within the reach of all.
  ‘ Thousands of Kentucky teachers who desire to become more eflicient
Q, in their work cannot go to school except during the summer mouths.
l Traveling expenses to the summer schools of the North would amount to l
l more than the entire cost of a term here. The Kentucky State Summer
School removes all these difiiculties. lt ofTers courses of study selected
g especially to meet the needs of Kentucky teachers. It is located at the l
, State College where it has the full benefit of the largest and most beautiful ·
L campus in the State; it uses, free of charge, the buildings, laboratories, and (
other equipments of the College; and its students get full benefit of the V 
dormitories free of rent.  
; The Summer School for Teachers will open on Monday, June the llth,   `
L and continue six weeks. A special examination for State Certificate will  
gv be held at the close by the teachers in charge.  
· 1
  C l

 · i
‘ l 
ll l
i Slate College Summer School. 5  
  L For Counly C·2rtyioate.—Searching reviews of all the common  
I school branches will be made, and extensive drills will be given in order to  
' make sure that all who take this course shall be prepared to pass success- *
[ fully any county examination. Classes in Arithmetic, Grammar, Composi- 1
if tion, U. S. History, Civil Government, Geography, Physiology, and {
V Theory and Practice of Teaching will meet and recite every day of the ,
d term. A class in miscellaneous work comprising drills in diacritics, prin- I
Q, ciples of reading and of writing will be organized and will meet as often  
  as may be necessary to accomplish the desired results. The term will close  
’· just in time for those who study here to go home and take the county  
j examination on july 20th and 21st. ;
II. For Stale CerlQ€cat¢.—~Classes in Higher Arithmetic, Algebra,  
English and American Literature, and Psychology will be organized on the  
first day of tl1e term and pushed with the utmost vigor until the close.  
Teachers who hold first class County Certificates and have some knowledge i
of Algebra and Literature ca11 prepare for State Certificate in one term of
the Summer School. An act of the recent General Assembly of Kentucky, ~
approved March 21st, 1906, authorizes this College to issue State Certificates ·
to persons who complete this course of study. In accordance with that act =;
‘ an examination will be held at the close of the Summer School. ._
III. For Slate Dz;oloma.—Classes in Plane Geometry, Elementary
Physics, Latin Grammar, and Caesar will be organized to accommodate
J those who desire to prepare for examination for State Diploma. Teachers  
, who hold State Certificates and in addition have some knowledge of Latin
l and Geometry are advised to enter this course. To persons who complete _
* this course the College is authorized to issue Life Certincates to teach in any `
j school in the State.  
x IV, Cours; in Fry:-hand Dr¢zwi¢zg.—The importance of this subject  
Q to teachers is becoming more and more recognized every year. All Hrst-  
l S class graded schools now require Drawing to be taught in every grade.  
l` Rural schools are beginning to follow the example. For this reason we  
i have added Free—liand Drawing to the curriculum this year. V
  ` l

  1 6 State College Summer School. S
  K Course in Nature Stua'y.—The green-house and the scientific __ l
  laboratories of the College offer a most excellent opportunity for Nature
  · Study. The particular line of work decided upon for this summer is that
  which pertains to the propagation and culture of a large number of plants.
  A practical horticulturist will give instruction in this subject and many  
if interesting and important lessons will be given. The work will be done in [
  the College green-house and will be exceedingly practical.
  An act of the General Assembly, approved March 21st, 1906, provides i
  that teachers who attend the State Summer School at least four weeks shall F
  _ not be required to attend any County Teachers’ Institute the same year.
i ` Certificates of attendance will be issued at the close. (See third page of
E cover).
;. . FEES.
I A single fee of six dollars will be collected from each person at the
  time of registration. This pays for the full course and no other fee what-
  ever will be charged. No rebates will be made on account of absence.
  Women who attend the Summer School will be furnished with elegant
  rooms in Patterson Hall (the College home for women), free of charge. I
i This building is one of the best of its kind in the South. It is surrounded
ll by a beautiful lawn and is supplied with electric lights, bath-rooms, and, in
Q fact, every modern convenience, and all is offered free by the State College ,
· to students in the Summer School. Excellent table board will be served in
 " the dining-room of Patterson Hall at $3.00 per week.
— Men who attend the Summer School will be provided with comfortable
  rooms free in one of the dormitories for men on the College campus. ‘
E They can secure good table board within easy reach of the dormitory at `
{ rates varying from $2.00 to $3.00 per week. {
  All students furnish their own towels, pillow-cases, sheets, and bed-  
if covers; men furnish their own mattresses.  
I l
I e  
 gl _
I » . V 4

 State C0/lege Summer Sc/zavl. 7 4
,» U From the above statement it is easily seen that the total cost of
attending the Summer School need not exceed the following:
{ Fee ....................,.........,...,........,......... . .... $ 6 00
I Room Rent Free ........... . ...... . ..................... 0 00
l Board for six weeks at $2.00 to $3.00 ...... . ..... 12 00 to $18 00
P Total .   ,... . .................... . .............. $18 00 to $24 00
This does not include cost of laundry or books.
The following text books will be used during the summer term :
Ray's Arithmetics, W€DtW0fth,S Higher Algebra, Beman and Smith’s
Geometry, McLean and B1aisdell’s Steps in English, Williams’ Composition A
and Rhetoric, ]ohnson’s History of English and American Literature, `
Blaisdell’s First Steps with English and American Authors, Montgomery’s
History, Natural Advanced Geography, Petern1an’s Civil Government,
Martin’s Human Body, Gage‘s Elements of Physics, Smiley and Storke’s
Latin Grammar, Branson’s Edition of Page's Theory and Practice of
Teaching, and' Halleck’s Psychology. _
Other information may be had by writing to l
119 Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky. L

 ` une 18th- u1 27th 1 06. `
Y s 9 ,v
  — 1
  Pnor. M. L. PENCE. '
  The following work in Physics is offered :
  I. A Course in Theoretical Physics, fully illustrated by experiments,
  with lectures and recitations, one hour daily. This work embraces the
,§; General Properties of Matter, Mechanics, Sound, Heat, Light, Electricity
  and Magnetism. Gage’s Elements of Physics will be used as a text-book.
  2.. A Course in the Physical Iiaboratory. The work of this course is
 G that given in Gage s Physical. Experiments. and will requ1re for completion
*;; from three to Eve hours daily, according to the ability of the student.
 Q Those who may wish to take this course should first have completed text-
 Q book work equivalent to Course l above. Students in Course 1, however, if
  they so desire, will be allowed to undertake Course 2 at the same time.
  In order to do best the work of either course the student should have a
  good knowledge of Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra. He should also
,;§ have some knowledge of Plane Geometry and Plane Trigonometry.
  The above courses'of study are offered to those who may' be unable to
  attend the regular sessions of any college, and who may desire to prepare
 ` themselves better for teaching Physics, or to do other work in Physical
;l Science. Those who have tried to learn Physics from the text-book alone
  will appreciate this opportunity to see and do physical experiments.
rl - This work is also offered to students who wish to shorten their regular
yl collegiate schedule of. studies. All persons who do the work of either
 gg; course satisfactorily will receive the same credit as if tl1e work had been
 _; done during a regular session of the College. ·
  Students who are prepared to do so may undertake more advanced
FQ work in Physics, such as corresponds to the Junior, or the Senior, year of ;
 QE the College. They may select some of this work or other special work in ' _
Q   text·book or laboratory.  
  The Department of Physics is well equipped with all apparatus needed ,
i { in the above work. It also has a iirst—class X—Ray outfit and other extra ‘
j equipment. Students will be given opportunities to see and learn some-
 .3 thing about X-rays, radium, and wireless telegraphy.
 l§ 3. A Course in X·ray work is offered to physicians and others who
-l wish to learn how to operate to best advantage X-ray machinery and do
 Y? iirst—class work. The instruction will be practical and thorough with the
  Huoroscope and in X-ray photography. Actual practice may be had in
Ee photographing the hip or spinal column, and in photographing fractures,
  dislocations, necrosis, stone in bladder or kidne , all stones, bullets or
T . . . Y g
  other foreign bodies, Time, three weeks; fee, $25.
  The fee for Course 1 will be $10; for Course 2, $12; for both Courses, $20.
  Correspondence is solicited.

 {curse m Clbvanceb Dbgstologg
& ]unc 11th—]u1y 20th.
  Da. JOS. W. PRYOR.
A class in advanced Physiology will be organized under the supervision
of the head of this department. The course will consist of lectures, dem-
onstrations and laboratory exercises. The following subjects will be taken
up in the order named :
Muscl¢.—In treating the subject of muscle the gross appearance, his-
tology, chemical composition, general and special physiology will be
considered. This includes a description and demonstration of the electrical
apparatus used in connection with nerve-muscle preparations. Graphic
records are made with the Kymograph. The various kinds of stimuli and `
the phenomena of muscle contraction are exhibited and explained. 4
Hazm0dymzmics.—Tl1e circulation of the blood and lymph are ex-  
plained and demonstrated. Q
The artificial circulation scheme used shows both arterial and venous
blood pressure which are measured with the mercury manometer. It also
shows the conversion of an intermittent into a continuous flow. Incompe-
tence and stenosis of the aortic and mitral valves are demonstrated and
pulse tracings are made with a thistle tube and Kymograph that compare
favorably with those made by the Sphygmograph. Sphygmographic trac-
_ ings are made by members of tl1e class and compared with those from the '
_ artificial circulation scheme. `
_ Normal Hae72zal0l0gy.—Clinical examinations of the blood are made, l
" including the enumeration of blood corpuscles with the Thoma—Zeiss Hae-
U macytometer; the estimation of haemaglobin with Fleischl’s Haemometer, ,
J and the staining and fixing of blood corpuscles.
The student will have the opportunity of making a microscopic obser-
vation of the circulating blood and graphic records of ventrical contraction t
of the frog’s heart.
T he Special Smses.—The Anatomy of the eye and ear and the physiol- g
ogy of these organs will be treated as fully as time will permit. Z
This course is intended to illustrate some of the fundamental laws of ’
physiology and the phenomena upon which these laws are based. Full
credit in the regular college courses will be given for work done during the Y
Summer Term. ,
The fee for the Course will be ten dollars ($10.00).

 z · .
T rl
  libc Summer School of Clrts 'F
  Juue 11th—August 17th, 1906. l
, J. MORTON DAVIS, A. B., B. S. T. T. JONES, A. M.
  The following courses are offered : .
  I. College Courses :
  Mathematics, Astronomy, German, French, Latin, Greek, History, j
  Spanish, English, and Anglo-Saxon.
  ll. Academy Courses:
~§ All subjects preparatory to entering the first or second year Academy or
  the Fresman year in college.
  This school held its first session in the summer of 1903, under the name
  of the Summer School of the Academy. The scope of the work has been
  enlarged until courses are now offered in all subjects belonging properly to
  ‘ s School of Arts. During the past summer we had students in all brancbes
  of Mathematics from Arithmetic to Caculus, in three Modern languages, in _
~ § the Classical languages, in English, History, Astronomy, and in all prepara·
  tory subjects. The majority of these students were, during the preceding
2 year, matriculates in Kentucky University, Kentucky Wesleyan, and
  Kentucky State College. More than four-fifths of them were able to  
  accomplish their purpose. We had also among our students a number of °
  instructors in high schools and colleges taking special work in English,
.:2 German, French, Physical Geography, Latin, and Calculus.
  The growth of the Summer School of Arts has been such that we may
  safely call it a permanent institution. The enrollment last year was almost
    three times that of the first year. Not only has the number of our students
  . increased, but the territory from which they come has broadened corre- '
  spoudingly. All sections of the Commonwealth are now represented. We , .
(  prepare students for any college or university they choose to enter. The f
Li E

   State College Summer Se/zool. 11
  heads of departments of the State College will credit the certificates which
  we give for completion of work, and the professors of Kentucky University
  and Kentucky Wesleyan have done the same. We form classes in the
  different subjects and have regular hours for recitation; still each member
  of the class gets individual instruction which amounts to almost the same `
1 thing as being a private pupil. Students may enter at any time during the
; first four weeks.
  Tm: Punnoszs or THE Summer: Sc:-noon. or Anrs ww se
` Summer: up AS Fou.ows:
1. To help students remove any condition they may have from the
preceding year’s work.
t 2. To even up those students who have no condition, but who from
, whatever cause are irregular in their classincation.  
3. T0 advance students who are ambitious to Hnish their course in a ’
shorter time than that prescribed. By attending the summer session each _  
year a student may easily take a four-year college course in three. l
4. To give special preparation to students expecting to enter State
College in September. Many students might enter a year higher by spend- `
ing all or a part of the summer with us. *
5. To instruct students who hold certificates from accredited schools, i
l but who need a review in some particular subject. ~
A The tuition fee for a six weeks’ term is seven dollars and fifty cents for l
(J each subject taken, payable in advance. No student is advised to take more
than two studies during a term of this length.
We solicit your. correspondence.
340 Park Place, Lexingtcn, Ky. V
. ~ 600 Rose Street, Lexington, Ky. _

 l it 
i l
» JUNE 1rth—AUoUsT 17th.  
. L
i el
aj The Summer School in Mechanic Arts was established to give to
Eb machinists. carpenters, metal workers, engineers, firemen, superintendents
  of electric light plants, public buildings having power plants, and artisans
  of all classes that training in engineering subjects which they have been
LJ unable to secure in the ordinary plans proposed by correspondence schools
  and technical books. The courses are especially adapted to young men who
lg are contemplating taking up engineering work. High school students are
  enabled to carry shop-work courses and drawing-room courses during the
gg summer, so as to relieve themselves of the great burden of carrying this
  work in connection with the four-year courses in engineering. For most of ,
al the work in connection with the industrial arts, it is not necessary for a
2  man to have a full and comprehensive course for four years, such as is given
  in an engineering college.
(5 A working knowledge of mechanical drawing is almost indispensable
  to a mechanic in every line of work. The ability to make drawings is not ,i
 ° only of value in itself, but the study of mechanical drawing develops the  
  power to read and interpret mechanical and architectural drawings properly. j
 j Elementary courses have been projected in the Summer School in all of the _
 l branches taught in the full four-year course in mechanical and electrical A
I  engineering, and all of these subjects are presented from an elementary l`
 ·` standpoint without the aid of higher mathematics. Courses are provided in ’
  testing of steam and electrical machinery, and all problems relative to the
  transmission of power. The main object of the Summer School is to give
Q; the greatest possible freedom in the selection of those subjects in which any
 A man may be interested.
l`_  The entrance requirements for advanced courses in engineering are j
  beyond many men. No detailed educational requirements will be specified
=, for entrance in the Summer School. Every applicant will be allowed to
I X ,
¤ ·.
. · "\
~.   ·i
' .—..j..é77r. .

1 Sizzle College Summer Sc/100/. 13 ’
·‘ pursue any course that he elects, and the same will be pitched on a thor-
oughly fundamental plane.
A speaking and writing knowledge of the English language is desired,
together with a knowledge of elementary arithmetic. It is intended that
3 no man shall be handicapped on account of his previous education, for an
  attempt is made to put all courses on such a basis that they are within the
  reach of every man.
` Those students who are matriculated in the full four-year engineering
. courses of any engineering school will be given such instructions as will
enable them to clear up the shop work and receive credit for this workin
connection with their full engineering courses.
Students in high schools will be able during their summer vacations to
Y practically complete all of t11e shop work, and a great deal of the elemen-
; tary mechanical drawing required i11 the advanced courses in engineering
while carrying 011 their academic studies preparatory to taking up their
college engineering work later.
i Many you11g 111811 WllO are pursuing courses in Arts, Letters and Science
{ in schools throughout the South will be enabled to obtain a prohciency in
{ certai11 technical bra11cl1es that are not given i11 the courses in which they
__ are matriculated.
All instructors in the Summer School of Mechanic Arts will be men
thoroughly competent to handle the subjects assigned to them, and every
` effort will be made to give that training which is substantial and thorough.
· Students in the engineering courses who have been conditioned in any -
’_ subject in the regular course will be enabled during the summer school ‘
V session to clear up such deficiencies. No guarantee will be given that any ;
2; i
.$ '

 ll .
ég l 
Ei = 
  14 Slate College Summer Sc/wal. ;
  student can remove conditions. Ample opportunity will be afforded to all  
  students to do the work that is necessary to remove conditions in any sub- 'i
  ject occurring in the regular course in mechanical and electrical engineer-
§; ing. The results obtained in making up work during the summer session j
  will depend largely upon efforts of the individual student. `.
l; L-
  Both actual and prospective, will be enabled to complete subjects that are '
  required in the regular course of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in
  which they are deficient. Shop work courses may be taken during this i
  summer session. l
  Manual Training School Teachers can, during this summer session,  
  obtain the requisite shop practice. Q
El §
Ԥ l
  Special courses in Mechanical Drawing are provided. During the ten Q
,i§ weeks period of this Summer School a student may acquire suiiicient skill I
[i in the use of drawing instruments to take up the simpler work in an archi-  
  tect’s office or in the drafting-room of a machine-building establishment, »
` * I
§ No diplomas or formal certificates will be given for work done in the  
 V, summer courses, but the Dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical l
  Engineering will present to each student, upon completion of a certain line »,
lp of work, a statement that certain work has been accomplished and that  
  certain proficiency has been attained. {
 E All students contemplating the summer work are expected to report at  
; tbe beginning of the summer term and remain for a period of ten weeks. L
 ` Considerable freedom will be allowed in the selection of studies, and every  
student will be allowed to take all the work that he can carry. j
The hours of recitation, shop work, drawing-room and laboratory {
§’  exercises will extend from 8 a. m. to I p. in,. and from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., Q
Q and on Saturdays from 8 to 12 m., and every student is expected to put in Z.
y forty-three hours each week on his work.  
l l
l' E
i — li
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 Stale College S ummer Sc/wal. 15
I. Courses in Steam Engineering.
· 1. Lectures on the Elementary Theory of Heat.
V 2. Lectures on Steam Engines and Boilers.
  3. Experimental Work in Steam Laboratory. _
2 4. Operation and Management of Engines and Boilers.
{ . 5. Gas and Qasoline Engines 7
  6. Traction Engines.
in II. Courses in Applied Electricity.
  1. Dynamos and Motors.
l 2. Electric Wiring.
l 3. Meters, Transformers and Lighting.
  4. Telephone Service.
  5. Electric Batteries.
  6. Switch-board Design and Apparatus.
  7. Elementary Theory of Alternating Currents and Their Applications.
  III. Machine Design.
  - 1. Use of Elementary Formula:.
  2. Mechanical Drawing for Artisans.
  3. Mechanical Drawing for Manual Training Teachers.
  IV. The Materials of Construction and Transmission of Power.
¤. 1. Lectures on the Properties of Materials.
1 2. Tests of the Strength of Materials.
{ 3. Transmission of Power.
`· V. Shop-»work.
Tg 1. Bench and Machine Work in Wood. ..
  2. Foundry Work.
  3. Bench Work in Iron.
  4 Production of Flat Surfaces and Straight Edges.
  5. Machine Work i11 Iron.
§ 6. Practice with the Planiug and Drilling Machines.
  7. Practice with the Lathe and Milling Machines.
  8. Forge Work.
  9. Tool Making.
  10. Machine Construction and Pattern Work.

`  16 Slale College Summer School.
.4  A uniform fee of twenty-live ($25.00) dollars will be charged every
student in the Summer School either for day or night work. No fees will `
be refunded, except in a case of sickness or unavoidable withdrawal before
l the middle of the session.
I n
 I A bulletin pertaining to the full four-year Course in Mechanical and _
 I Electrical Engineering of the State College of Kentucky can be obtained ,
; on application. _
  The most satisfactory arrangement for work in the Summer School can
g be made by personal correspondence, aud it is suggested that all those
{ contemplating work in the Summer School in Mechan