xt7d513tx78d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tx78d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199805 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1998 text GLSO News, May 1998 1998 2019 true xt7d513tx78d section xt7d513tx78d GLSO NE LESBIAN Eggs Vol.19, MAY 1998 No. 5 v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization , the male and female lines of descent. The ACTOUT @flt‘flflatlflfl controlling body of the organization is its Mark June 7, 1998 on your calendar, Board of Directors, made up of high ranking PLAY CHOSEN On that date the Royal Sovereign Imperial past title-holders and past Monarchs. The TRYOUTS SCHEDULED Court otAII Kentucky will hold its 17th annual day to day operations are overseen by the A0191“ has been very fortunate Coronation Bali in the Grand Ballroom of the reigning Monarchs (the Emperor and to land the rights to a. very powerful, Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Empress) and their Council. relatively new play, EIeg/es, Stones ”0’" Lexington. This event is always one of the The most important activity of the 112353320 ngeflieydfiféfiflfigthfihlévsefiot: most spectacular evenings in the Lexington Coronation week takes place during the ' gay community, as Monarchs and other Coronation Ball, when the public elects new encompasses humor and sorrow, harmony d' 't . r m across the continent M h d C 'l T and discord, tragedy and hope. 'gm aries ro B t k t onarc 5 an ounCI members. he Elegies was inspired by the AIDS geseelld onto the luegrass fora ull wee 0 results of the election are announced at the Memorial Quilt and has a cast of 33 actors estrvrties. . . end of the evening, and the new Emperor and four singers. Each character recounts The theme 0f the Coronation Ball this and Empress are crowned. '” order to V019! his own story to the accompaniment of an year '5 0’? The/r Majest/es’ Secret 89’ me" one ””151 possess a valid Kentucky original score of blues, jazz, and gospel. An Evening of Intrigue at the Royal identification, avalid Coronation ticket and Elegies has been performed in New York, Masquerade Ball. So, don'ttorget your mask be at least 18 years old. Los Angeles, London, and most recently and spying abilities 85 YOU join Empress 16, This year, three candidates are seeking ,sr. Louis as part of the World AlDS Day Chanda List and Emperorte. Elvin Harklns. the office of Empress (Leigh Angelique, celebration. to celebrate their fund raising successes of LaToya BaCai, and Mika Milano), and one Auditions will be held.Tuesday, May the past year. candidate (John Moses) is seeking the office 5th and Wednesday, May 6th at the Pride The Court, as it is called, was formed of Emperor, Dig into your closets and pull Center starting at 6:00 each evening. With seventeen years ago by Greg Butler and out your beaded gowns, high heels and a need for 33 actors and actresses, we Marlon Austin. who were seeking an tuxedos and join Empress 16, Chanda Lier hope a '0t 0? YOU Will be .interested in innovative way to provide charitable and Emperor 16, Elvin Harkins for a showcasing your thespian talents. Don't be assistance to the Lexington gay community. memorable and exciting conclusion to Reign afraid t0 W OUT- A” the parts are small, 30 From the Coronation of Empress l, Julie 16! rehearsal commitments will be as minimal Vaughn, the Court has been an active as possible.” . member of this community by donating in addition to actors, we W'” need thousands of dollars to local charities and Sponsor of the volunteers to form a stage crew. providing social events for the community. Mouth We planto present lE/egres near the One of the most recognizable end Of our Pride celebration on Thursday, characteristics of the Court is its extensive June 18th at the State Theater. Proceeds . . . . . . . use of royal titles, which are bestowed by the from play admission wrll benefit the Pride . . Center, so please consider getting involved reigning Emperor and . Empress upon R. I . S . C . with this production. If you would like more members 0‘ the community who give the" - intormation, call Bill at 255-5469. time to fund raismg efforts and who comprise MATURE PEOPLE or nearly the same experience, and act the MAKE THE BEST PARTNERS way you did before...Your soul would have you i: , ‘. r5" GAYS‘ . Fourth inaseri‘es by Kelly O’Ferre/l search its "memory" to see hOW YOU might LESBIAN i, think mature people make the best create a truly genuine experience of You in the t 9‘ ' ERVICE partners. [Among other) attitudes...fhey make NOW Moment. (p. fSi . . » G allowances for other’sinterests and hobbies. " . i had to admit, I had simply reacted- OR ' l . from Living with Sobrietir again! Iwanted desperately, in that moment, to create a "truly genuine experience." 80, l Tammy, my partner, andlmade plans on returned to the kitchen table, bent down, v a Wednesday to have a picnic tUhCh the kissed Tam and asked if we could try again. following Sunday out at the farm where | work She said she loved me, and we started over. i The GLSO N e w 8 and ride. Afterwards, Tam was 90th to read ended up back on the porch, the door shut VOL 1 1 153110 4 and study while l rode for about an hour. We between us. But we had tried. Published Monthly by the called our friends who live at the farm and left A moment later. i heard the porch door Lexington Gay/Lesbian a message for them to join us for the picnic. opening and Tam was joining me. We tried . _ . When we hadn't heard from them by again. This time, we came to a beautiful Servrces Organization Sunday morning, we decided to have agreement. Ishared with her what i had read 321 E 2nd 5m“ breakfast at Denny’s around 9:30. On the way iin the book and confirmed her earlier analysis LCthgtOtt) KY 40508 home, we agreed to meander out to the farm that my first reaction had been tear. She said around 1:00 or 2:00. But, when we returned that her first reaction had been inflexibility. home, there was a message on our machine A little while later, our friends called and Editors: that our friends W0U|d love to join US for a said they couldn’t make the picnic after all. i ' Peter Taylor picnic lunch. noticed I did not feel any anger toward them. . Mary Crone TW0 things happened after we heard that Tam and I looked at each other and laughed message: Tam went into “I'm not Changing my and appreciated the wonderful gift we‘d _ plans noW‘ mode and l went into “let’s pack received. Layout Edltor: that picnic and stick to our original plans" We took snacks to the farm that day; l Charlie Perkins mode. We met and butted heads at the rode while she lounged in the sun. l love kitchen table. having her with me, even though she‘s terrified Tam had the audacity to say that I was of horses. We don’t get to go to the farm doing what i always do, changing our plans together very often, so going without her was GLSO Annual Dues and because l was afraid someone would be mad not something either of us wanted to do that Newsletter: $15 at me. I told her that wasn‘t true, and we day. She loves watching me ride. t Dues and Newsletter for weren‘t really changing our plans; we could Later that evening, we were sitting at the still meander out there. just an hour or two kitchen table again, but this time laughing as Couples: $20 earlier. After a few minutes of total we tried to blow the insides out of eggs for an disagreement, I walked to the porch and shut Easter wreath Tam wanted to make. She'd Views or opinions expressed in the the door between us. never blown eggs before and I hadn’t in years. GLSO News are those of the authors and id been r931(1th Conversations With so this was a treat for both of us. I love don’t necessarily represent those of the 00d, 300k // earlier that morning. i slowed my watching her make wreaths/ GLSO Board of Directors. breathing as i turned back to the page Now, Tam's doing aerobics for the first Submissions are welcome. All wherel‘d left off. lwondered if she’d come out time and |“m making LiieMap Packets for the submissions beanie the property 01 t0 the porch to find me. She didn‘t. Then, i first time. We love telling one another about GLSO and must indicate full name and wondered it in read something the next few our day and sharing in "each other‘s interests address of theauthor. ' The staff reserves pages that would speak to me. i did. and hobbies." the right to edit SUbiTllSSlOflS and ads to Th in d ‘ d' “Wh . . b t meet publishing requrrements, as well as ese are ewor s rea . en you Thank goodness maturity is a ou the rightto reject any submissions. re-act, what you do is assess the incoming progressI not perfection, data. search your memory bank for the same ____________________________________________________ GLSO NEIJJS FREE 2 .. ~ regime , ie Take Note: These first two Wells, Miss Ebony Male Rayna Starr, Every year, five of the ten board positions are articles some", early pride Events. Tuesday De La Rouge, Davina Littrell, Cassie up for election. Anyone in the community is 1* Carlisle, Rhonda K. Steele, Karen Kollett, eligible to run for these positions. Some 't' 931L515 @yzom Bobbie Lauren, and Sunday De La Rouge. individuals now serving on the board will run ‘ Ebony Male and the Court are The Show will begin at 10 pm at the Bar again. and we are always looking for new 1. initiating the pride season with the second Complex, and the admission benefits the people. Call Terry to express your interest or 1‘ annual Pride Prom Sunday, May 24th. it charities Ollhe R310 Of all KY- Q) to ask for more details. I will be held at Faces (135 w. Main) which if you are not ready to commit to being J1 is the same location as last year, but the SOLOMON HOUSE a board member, W9 COU'd “59 YOU as a name has changed (to protect the guilty?). BENEFIT volunteer on one of our committees] We or The cost is $15 per person, which Lexington's own “natural won (1 er" Ms need people to help with social events, with Li includes food and an open bar. The doors Niagara Falls and her friends will present "An A“ 0L“ p’OdUC‘hns 3"" Willi "“5 when“ d open at ego pm, and we will be dancing Evening with Ms Niagara & Friends" to There are many opportunities to be involved. is um” i am. This is Memorial Day weekend, benefit the Solomon House on May 27, 1998 LOOK at the directory and give one Of US a ld hog? SO dresst yourself UP» stay OUl late atClub 141. The show will feature three sets call, ® an ave a grea me. A Toast to Broadway will include numbers id @ from popular musicals of yesterday and Rairslbo“; COAnmuéfity l interwar/we . . today. You'll find the performers singing from erv cc war ' n The Unitarian Universalist Church is the heart in the Salute To Country set. There are now two nominations for h ' dedicating it’s new building the weekend of Honky Tonk Angels, Ms. Niagara's tribute to the Rainbow Community ISeTViee Award for id May8r9r10. Pleaseioinus, There isamore Tammy Wynette, will be included in this set '998- This award was “i'iieled 'aSl Veal detailed article 0” the insert The evening wraps up with the girls belting and was given to GLSO tor ”5 over twenty l on Sunday, May 31m our annual gay out drag favorites from the Divas We Love. years Of, servrce to . the .LGBT community. is pride church service will be Partners in in addition to Ms. Niagara, benefit Nominations are still being taken for this >d Pride, a celebration 0i committed performers will include Ginger Grant, Maya year, , ‘ h} relationships. Our services start attO:45am. Monroe, Mikka Malono, Davinna Littrell, The Lexrngton Mens ChOVUS hers is Following this service, we will hold our Tonya Fox, Anita Bump, Jordan Taylor, been nominated Iior its success. in at monthly Interweave potluck. We will eat Rachel Ra-Chel, Latoya Becall and will exemplifying gay Dtide dUth‘ihe last eight about 1230 outside the Fellowship introduce Jasmine Grant. Also performing for years. and. for being an emissary to the re House. Please bring a dish to share. your pleasure will be Jeffrey Butts. larger Lexrngton community. The Royal is Call Davina at 27146174 for more The show will be hosted by Club 141 at Imperial Sovereign Court of Kentucky has m information. @ 141 Vine Street and starts promptly at been nominated for It? years 0‘ , ' 8:00pm. Tickets are $5 and may be achievement in entertainment and 5 Ashley Krurz purchased at the door. ALL proceeds will successful fund rarsrng.This June 5 ,6] Headlines Gharity Show benefit the Solomon House in Lexington. coronation. marks its. 17th year. ' On Wednesday, May 6, 1998 Ashley Solomon House is a six-bedroom home Additional nominations for this and tor st Krulz, Miss Florida USA Wi” headline a for persons living with AIDS inthe advanced the l/Vasson Award tor the Outstanding ,8 charity show entitled "Oh The Wings Of a stages, who are unable to remain in their own md'v'dua' volunteer who has served the m Diva". The Show is a Kick-Off tor Latoya homes due to lack of resources. LBGT community should be sent to ’GLSo. ts Bacall's campaign for Empress XVII of the P.O.VBox 11471, Lex. 40575 0T e-mail Terry , Royal Sovereign imperial Court of all GLSQ Board Elections 8i misterb@gte.net. Members Of the pride ut Kentucky. On June 14th at the Pride Picnic, all committee vote for these awards that Will Other entertainers will include Your membe,s or GLSO will have me Opportunity be presented during the Pride Banquet on Hostess and MF- Gay Kentucky, Lauren to vote for representatives to the Board. Sunday, June 21% ,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,/,,,, lirta'r" ,~ — GLSO news Print; 3 Mr gay Kent-“Ck” final meeting near the beginning at June to DOJ Pride . . On Wed April 8th the imperial Court vote on the Pride Awards. The'local Department ol Justice Pride hosted the MT Gay Kentucky pageant at Although the lirst pride advertising nggzawmabj2$eglggmg $223213: C'Ub 141- The contestants were Judged 0" has been printed, there is still room on the . y y . p . U talent. creative swim wear, and responses schedule 10, a yew more events. please $2995 '" the Woodhill Shopping Center. ‘0 onstage ques‘mns- call Terry (255-5469)" you would like to '5. group '8 Open ‘0 a?" Departmem 0‘ Congratulations go to the winner and get in the June issue of GLSQ Jusme employees and friends. § new Mr- Gall KemUCkYI JOh“ Moses- Jolt“ The annual Pride Picnic will be on . . is a member 0' the GLSO Board, Ebony Sunday, June 14th. it you are interested in Rape Cnsxs anter . Male. the Court and M00. in addition to setting up a boom to, your group 0, . The F9X'”9*°“_Rape C'lS'SCemelW'” being an active community member , John business, call Kelly at 277-6168 a) begin a "a'ng $955K)“ 0” Friday, May 15th- is employed at Community Action Council Training continues 0” 33‘” M33"16 and '9' as an HlV/AlDS prevention specialist. Local Writers several weekday evening 595_5'°”5' ““5 JO“ 5 also running ’0’ Emperor 0* Local writers are invited to read their training WI.” enable you to give support, the imperial CCU" in early June. He will be work at the second annual Working Class accurate lntormatlo‘n! and gutdanoe to hosting a fund raiser 0“ June 3rd at Club Kitchen Pride Reading. This event will be women who are m CHSIS' . . . Vertigo. See the insert tor more information held at Joseph Beth Cale on Sunday, June After you complete the "3mm you Wm about ”“5 event. @ 7th at 8:00 pm. Admission is five dollars be scheduled to answer the phone llne In . . . your home a lew times a month. Volunteers Partners 1n Pride which includes a desert bar and collee. . . Th . , . . . . . also occasronally meet clients at the 9 next pride panning meeting is There Will be an open cash bar available. emer on room or aocom an them to Tuesday, May 12th at 7 p.m.at the Pride Call Kelly at 277-6168” it you are 00mg Call the Ha e Crisis gentler at 253_ Center (387 Waller Ave.) All interested interested in reading your work or for more 2615. for an a ligation and to set u a individuals are welcome. We will have a inlormation. Q . . . pp p preliminary intervrew. see . ' , . . . ' 5:; ' " .i ’ , ° *- ' . . Proudly Servmg Kentucky 5 Lesbian, :99 V N1 ° V V ' ' » . , , ~: Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered - ,1 . and Stray? Communities. he»... ‘ ‘- P’Illl! LD’ '- 1".EKQBTWORK MAYS & ASSOCIATES, INC. m 273'7501 OPPORTUNITY W GLSO NEWS FREE 4 "LEXINGTON'S BLACK BUTTERFLYWV F 01' _, Empress XVII of the Royal 1 4%“ I Soverelgn Imperial Court of , u j: i All Kentucky ~ " l Vote at Coronation XVII i 1 6:00pm l 1 Sunday, June 7, 1998 Radisson Plaza Lexington 1 1 Tickets $10.00 before June 4, 1998 $25.00 at the door}; I I t = I I : I gum/numeral» i gave/My = (”Item 1 - GLSO FREE 5 ,3, ‘* "I 1' -, y r ‘ ‘ , 1‘1: ‘ “ t ,, f ‘3}; , 1t» . 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners ’ r‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘ , fl 1 u i ‘. 5;. ‘ ‘ ‘t'tgl'rl' ‘1 ‘H i ‘, it up i .33 (Arboretum) ' 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA _.,_‘ ___ , __ __ to, W, a. w... #1.‘ .C .___ ,_ fl. _ . _. _. .0. #. W, C. _. __ w .. __ . .... ....#. . ._......._.___.___,.__. 0.... ._..._-._.. _. _s. ,._.. __". __. _.-_. _z..__...__..___,__ I“ . I. , . - . w . T 10:45 am UU Church and 7:30 prr‘ MCC Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontlunnors Pot Luck 8:00 pm AA Step Study 0:30 pm Rainbow Bowling; (Woodland Park) Reh (Pride Center) (Arboretum) 11:30 am LMCC League 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (>200 pm Ebony Male Mtg Group (Park Plaza) 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 6.00 pm SisterSound Reh 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Pork Methodist Church) " 7‘ ' I ‘ > '. T 7" 7:00 pm Dignity (LlViCC) I: h s A‘ I I: 4‘ 1‘ ,— .- ‘ 0 ,___, _ u..- _.__ M, o. u. o _. _, o , ,, w. _-,_ _ .,_..._. _ _. _ _. u. -..__.___. E..- _,.-.,_.,_._. ._..-_._. o. m_-._._ .107 S. Lime-sunn- i ‘ ‘ I v Q s v 9 10:45 am 00 Church 7 00 pm Gt SO Board Mia o'00 pn‘ Department of 6:00 pm Frontrunners 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 am » 11 pm lVlCC Yard Sale I“ ‘\ I "39‘" I]. k ‘ l l:30 am LMCC (Pride Ctr) Ji lSilCi: Pride Dinner 6:00 pm HiV/AlDS Support Group 9:00 am Frontrunners 25:;_"" l I 6:00 pm SisterSor..ind Rirth 8:00 pm AA Stop Study t (Sta-r5 Clt’llC‘le) 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7 :00 pm Men's Chorus (Arboretum) (Park Methodist Church) (:00 pn‘ Pride Planning 7:30 pm Fairness (Pride Reh (Pride Cantor) 7:30 pm Gay/l esbian AA fioml‘iittee (Pride Ch) Center) - a . 21in prr‘ Pit/\G (Chap-rel 8:00 pm Gay/l osbidn AA . ““1 I II I" II ,2 ‘h 0 Hill Prlzlsbvtorii‘in Church) V I . (t. 30 on“ RCiinOV‘J Rowling l‘ a III I, II S 4‘ I I a I I a l r:ag._:l> V “ d-l-kc-ml Ih'unvh: » ‘ . servmg blueberry l0245 am 00 Church 8 00 pm AA Step Study 1.530 pn‘ Networking Foruiii 6:00 pm Frontrunnors 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/l lesbian AA 9:00 am Fiontrunnors 0:30 am LMCC’ r urld Pot L .lck (Pride litiri (Woodland Park) Reh (Pride Center) 7:00 pm MCC Games (Arboretum) b u C kWh C at p a H C ak 6 S , 6:00 pm SistorSound Rah (Io—u _" “r " E. i l :< .tll Dil‘ Rainbi )W Bowlino 6.00 pm HiV/AIDS Support 8.00 pm Bluegrass Colts Night 7 30 pm Guy/l osbiari AA ., . a 7 00 NEWS DEADLNE v x . (Perk Method“ Chum.” ALSO SUBMIT ADDITIONS “mew-i GTO‘JP meme” 6 ggS b 6 1’1 6 d 1 Ct 211“ 1’1 01d . 7:00 pm Dignity (LMCC) UPDATES AND 7:00pm MCC Study Group 9:00 pm Bluegrass Colts CORRECTIONS rore 7:30 pm Fineness meetm "D”‘me'T‘m's S p an 1 S h 0 m 6 1 C t t E S , . . _ (Pride Center) MAY NEWSLETIER 8'00 Cr“ /L >‘bi [A _._,_..3t_~i2¢43_ ,1. t ' m “V 0'” gourmet desserts, ._.___.._, _, _M. E __,__. __._ o. _, l _,_. _ ,_ _ ._o —l«——--——-—— _.__. _.w_. Wed. u. _-__. ___,,E mo. 0. o. - _. 4., ._.. and much more... 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 0'30 pn‘ Rainbow Bowling 6:00 pm Frontruriners 7:00 pm Men's Chorus; 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA I 9:00 am Fronliunnors 1:30 am LMCC league (Woodland Park) Rah (Pride. Center) rArborolum’l ' o o '-l ‘ o (3:00 pm SisterSound Reh 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 7:150 pm Gay/lesbian AA “" "i 0" I I" ‘ "‘I“ .tll'l (Park Methodist Church) Group . V r p o w o o . a - . a ’ . EVENING Pride Prom 7:00pm MCC Study Group 'I‘ “‘3‘ 'I [h ‘l I ‘ I". l“ 'l 'ldl '3 8:00 pin Gay/Lesbian AA i n 0 u I. k i ' “II“II O ' , 1 _\ ' vi ”'1 i0:45 am UU (,hurch Pride F E E1 E E \. I“, N I N G Service followed by Inten/i/eovo Pot Luck ) ”7 r x 1:30 am LMCC 3 ‘ . 6:00 pm SistorSaund Reh I A R k l N (I ' (Park Methodist Church) John Moses Organizes music ministry. Come out and see what In Memofium RI SC Benefit great suit we have to sell! Cindy Sue 010“, Wednesday. June 3rd at 10:00pm Club _ MCC also continues to hOSt Games by Ma’y Crone Vertigo and local entertainers will celebrate Night at the Phde Ceh‘e’ the 'eel "'deY On Easter Sunday. April 12, Cindy the successful reign of Emperor 16 Elvin night Of each month Clow was killed in a car accident on Todds Harkins and Empress 16 Chandelier. t ', , V t Read Cindy attended the Unitarian Candidate for Emperor 17. John Moses (Mr Unltarlgn (EhUTCh Universalist ChUiCh. was a member of Gay Kentucky 1998) will host an evening ot DEdmat 1011 interweave and of the Woman's Spirituality Lexington‘stinest female impersonators and The Unitarian Universalist Church is GFOUD» She often helped Whh folding the live vocalists as he rallies support to continue dedicating ”‘5 new building the weekend Of GLSO Newsletter and was available 10 help the tradition of raising funds to benefit our May 8, 9, 10- interweave. the lesbigaytrahs sell t-shirts or whatever else was needed. gay community. and straight friends group at the church, Cindy was a good friend to many of us John plans on moving the Court to the would like to invite all members of the LBGT at the Unitarian Church. Her sense of humor end of the 20th century as he adds the community 10 come ‘0 Ohe 0‘ the weekend and sensitivity were greatly appreciated. Friendship Closet to the list of charities events. . , . She helped several of us recover our already benefiting from the Court John‘s There W'“ be a cabaret Friday evening, Childh00d sense 0l play. involvement with the Court dates back to highlighting the artistic talents Of our After several years Of no work at all on 1986 and his experience and dedication to eehgieeeheh- Adieg number by a member 0’ her dissertation, Cindy put her nose to the Lexington's gay community includes Ebony 0W YOUth QlOUD Will be included. A Family computer and finish her thesis last spring Male, GLSO. and LMCC. Join us in support FUh Fair is planned from 10am to 29th 0" Cindy's sister died of a fast spreading June 3rd at Club Vertigo,Admission 53 Saturday it you are a gay parent, this is a infection last summer just as Cindy was supportive church where there area number receiving her pm As part of the MCC 0t gay families. Acknowledgements in her dissertation, Cindy Metropolitan Community Church is On Sunday, there Will be a ChUlCh reflected on her love for her sister and closed having a yard sale on Saturday, May 16 service at the usual time, 101451 and a with these words: “Go now and tell someone from 83m_4pml It will be in the MCC Dedication Service on Sunday evening at you love how important they are to you. Lite parking lot at 387 Waller Ave. The Choir 5:30 to be followed by a pot luck. Come on is over in a heartbeat.” will be selling baked goods to support the out and 10'“ the ‘Uh- We will miss you. Cindy. me 066 I QOU. GLSO News needs new and renewing subscribers. This newsletter has to be mailed to 200 people in order to get bulk mail rates! our mailing list is now down to 180 so...............PL€AS€ suBSCRiBe DAmels] A ooness Cicg, SCACE, zip .._._____ $15 memBeRsbrP ADO DGUJSLECER .420 couPLe memeensbrp ADD newsLecceR (Lower rates can be arranged, call Mary: 266—5904) ___.I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above namels) to the Out and Proud sponsorship page in October 1998 mAIL CO quo news, PO BOX 11471, Lex. Kg. 40575 6186 NEIlJS FREE 7 .m- ud Garland’s Dau hter and Liza Minnelli’s Sister y g L L UFT signing E art-M D an MEWMY SHADOWS: 5 Le (a D Digger; g A FAMILY MEMOIR-LIVING WITH . A r (ff )7 r r ' THE LEGACY OFJUDY GARLAND I l“ :15 l V I: From Judy Garland’s daughter comes the first por— §g_ f of” T‘“’”"‘““ trait of one of Hollywood’s most celebrated families l gig '- jljt — a remarkably intimate chronicle of an astonishing § 12‘8“" l ”é aid, 25"}; childhood and a struggle to overcome a legacy of ‘2' g? ir" gig?! addiction and self—destructive behavior. Meet A: I ’ ~.“1§3§:‘t actress LORNA LUI-‘I‘ as she signs ME AND MY :3 ' .5 ? SHADOWS: A FAMILY MEMOIR-LIVING WITH THE 4% L O RnNA eLUFT : LEGACY OF JUDY GARLAND. THURSDAY, MAY 7 7:00—8:30 PM hi? ‘ ‘56 o . O at]? Lexmgton Green . ”XE . 161 Lexington Green Circle ° 606-273-2911 6 / If? Visit us on the web at www.josephbeth.com O . 01:53“ Independently Owned é’ Operated Sznce 1986 El“) NEWS PflGE 8 i TEXASFAG "It hurts. Kim." that his brother was gay. That didn‘t surprise ' by Kelly O'Ferre/I "Well, don't let him ruin your day.” me. lwasn't willing to give him or his words i called mama this morning to say tee About ayear ago mama asked me not that much power. "Thank you." out loud. She said. "I've :3: to visit her tor a whil e. She needed some After we entered the stadium gates. l deemed that you have as tmuch night to live str time to think about how she really felt about saw Kim talking With mama and knew. after your lite the way you wan to as do mine. ex. my being gay I met mama and my sister 36 years of being her Sister. what she was and no one should be able to take that away M Kim in Houston for a vacation recently. One saying. Within seconds. mama was at my from you. A lot of our friends know that ga‘ of the tours we took was of the Texas side with her arm around my shoulders. you're gay. and none of them has said we Stadium While we were waiting for the tour squeezing me and commenting on how huge anything negative to me about it. You know to begin mama and Kim struck up thestadium was. lagieed and knew. after 36 Kelly. it people can‘t accept you. then they a ' conversations with two men trom San years of being her daughter. what she was can't accept me — you're my daughter. I just ‘85 Francisco l was listening to Kimis saying. never realized. until that happened in Texas. 0‘ conversation and heard her ask him it he About halfway through the tour. mama how easily you could be hurt.” And then she ED liked San Francisco and lwere standing alone and she said that reminded me. " You know. that man was a: "it i were you. I wouldn't 90 to San Kim had told her what had happened. "i really nice to responduthe way he did." .. Ml Francisco." he began. and lthought to mysell wacrjitlyou JO'TZOW-rmat I wenitove;1 tr: that ma: And again i say Thank you. mama. it probably because of the weather. "There's an . 53' . on appreCiaew E“ you sai . an nothing there but.” he hesitates. "thereis earlier about gays. My daughter's gay and Net W0!" k I n g vir nothing buta bunch of tags out there! That's your comment hurt'her. He said he was . Meet] mg the only way i now how to put it. They're really sorry; that he didn't mean to offend me. - . _ Cc everywhere!" and I told hem that you were the one he . he They were talking but I wasn't hearing needed to apologize tO‘ not me." Tu e S d a 9 M a g I 9 0;. their words. The only thing I heard was a For the last several months. mama has . ' ~ . ’ ~ 8 tour-word prayer going up from my body: made her decision from a year ago clear to 6 . 3 a p . m . P (It I u C k "Pleasebewithhim." It i had known what he me ‘ SheseeSTammVand 'T'eas ”0‘ 0"” a come share good food was gOing to say. I would have been able to couple. but one oi the happiest couples she . . _ ‘ keep the words from getting inside so deep. has in her lite right now. And in that moment. and Information 1 walked into the gift shop and tought back I was reminded Of all the other times my Pride. Center tears. mama has stood here ground tor me and l .‘ j ~ Kim joined me atter a few moments. put my arms around her shoulders and 3‘87 lilaller- HUB. She commented on some souvenirs until we squeevilid helr t'gtht' th t l d l I I .. looked atone another and she saw the tears en go m e car. mama 0 me . - .. Welling Up ln my eyes. "Kelly. don‘l lel Whal lhal the man had apologized to her agaln Newcmers’ this ,5 a great he said bother your. while i was getting directions. and had said place to get connected. A great way to advertise your business or : group: donate a gift certificates or raffle item ‘ - and help keep this a free event Pave morrlson ‘ / o 0 / Sign Language Interpreter PRIDE PICNIC SUNDAY, JUNE 14TH ] . cm'fi‘id‘ NAB/R”) Booth space is available for individuals ] Voice: 606-879—9409 businesses or groups. Pager: 606—352—5349 / E—mail: TcrpbcarQDaolxom Call Kelly at 277-6168 W '— GLSO “[118 FREE 18 Festival Schedule PO BOX 811, East Lansing, MI 48826. . 23084 Phone 804-589-6542 This Is a partial list of the women,s CAMPFEST - May 20-25 (Memorlal MICHIGAN WOMYN'S MUSIC festivals tanned for this s rin and Weekend) near Oxford, PA Campfest, PO FESTIVAL August 11-16 near Hart, Ml summer Mlgst of these festivals ire 1935mm Box 559, Franklinville, NJ 08322 Phone WWTMC, Box 22 Walhalla, Ml 49458 owned and O erated althou h man 609-694-2037 TTY 301-598-9035 (eves) e- Phone 616-757-4766 Sm htwomen also enb attengin Th: mail:camfest@aol.com TENTH OHIO LESBIAN FESTIVAL excegfions are From IGVaiaS H85} and FROM GAIA‘S HEART (Formerly In Saturday, Sept. 12, near Columbus, Ohio, Womgn atherin which are stral ht and Gaia’s Lap) May 27-31 in Maryland Box LBA, PO Box 82086, Columbus Ohio a mife d testigals with an em hgasis on 65237, Baltimore, MD 21209 Phone 888- 43202, ph (614)267-3953. A one day aoInen’s spirituality p 740-GAIA (42420) e-mail: Resssonate@ festival that is only 3 1/2 or 4 hours away. Going to the lesbian music festivals is aOLCCI/TRGINlA WOMEN'S MUSIC We Will reprlntthlslnto. as the date nears. a wonderful way to submerge yourself in _ _ .i 1 x ,_, _ lesbian culture. There is usually a variety iggglxétt'gflgof: figggécghflgsfif “59:," ' WEEKS}! mm ,7 of activities: workshops, dance lessons. _’ ' Ham I sports, shopping, and wonderful music. 589 BVSVIJQMONGATHERING _ June11-14in nKPAGes Sometestival have cabins available, others . . j »_ ‘ are tents only. The National Woman’s Egggfglleblilgrf’eo nggéggfggggmvgfigfl MYSOURMAINW Music Festival is the only totallyindoor fest. womongathr@aol com ' ' til-if?” it is at a new time and location this year NATIONAL ‘ WOMEN'S MUSIC f WERFORTHE and would be a perfect one for “festi . . 2f . . , FESTlVAL - June 25-28 In MunCIe, IN .2 ,5 -_ ;.3~ “’9‘“; , , . , NWMF, Dept LC, PO Box 1427, PRIW CGDCQR Tm? “St "m appeared m Lesbian lndianapolis, IN 46206 Phone 317-927- " .3535“: Connect/0n, the tree natlonWIde forum of 9355 e-mail: wia@indynet.com Charte(389-9852)’John (26972053 5 news and Ideastor lesblans. For more Info JULY 4th KlCKBACK _ July 35 '- . , . g _ or to get on LC's mailing list, lesbians lNTOUCH Rt2Box 1096 Kent's Store VA patina“ ’plnkpageSCQhomafllcomfl’ should write LC c/o Ambitious Amazons, ’ ’ ‘ ' ~ - ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ O O -- a, . v * _ Real Estate Serv1ce Wlth ., a. ' :: fiROFESSIONALISM : y , 7 . g 7 y g‘gNTEGRITY ' ' S tt A k " Serving Lexington CO C erman fillEDICATION & All Of Central Kentucky Office: 606-269-7331 :1 Voice mail: 606-294-2055 at Mobile: 606—338—8483 NTHUS‘ASM E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com Call me with all your Real Estate needs aw'm” W" M GLSU NEIHS PHGE ll ‘ . The GLSO News is proud to present , our supporters for 1 998: '1‘ Sills Inn, Bed and Breakfast Guest House ...........(606) 873-4478 = , Voted “Best in the Bluegrass” (800) 586-9801 Windy Knoll Farm2997410 Riding lessons, dressage and jumping, trail riding. boarding ';; SisterSound..................................................................873-7791 Diverse music for all women Metropolitan Community Church 2711407 _ 387 Waller Ave, Sunday Worship 11:30 AM ’3 A Church for all God’s People Royal Sovereign Court ofAll Kentucky Unitarian Universalist Church 2231448 . 2564 Clays Mill Rd Seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday Wors