xt7d513tx95r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tx95r/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/23 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing January 16, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing January 16, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7d513tx95r section xt7d513tx95r , . _ ‘2
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Vol. 1, No. 23 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator January 16, 1940

o , o
Dearborn Real Estate Straus Rev1ews 39 Achievements

, Board Votes to Back . .

Housing Program In National Radio Forum Speech

Faced by a serious housing short— Declaring that the USHA has dem— “Private industry can never meet ‘

age in a city whose population has onstrated its effectiveness as an in— the needs of providing homes for
jumped from 50,358 in 1980 to an es- strument to wipe out slums and build families with incomes of $900, $600,
timated 75,000 at present, and realiz- decent homes for slum families, Ad- or $400 a year. But where private
ing the penalty imposed by shack- ministrator Nathan Straus, on the enterprise has failed, Government en-
cluttered slums upon those who buy eve of the first day in the new year, terprise is succeeding. T o nigh t
and sell land, the Dearborn (Mich) summarized 1939’s public housing more than 125,000 men, women, and
Real Estate Board has thrown its achievements with the brief state- children are living in public housing
weight behind the program of the ment: “An honest chronicler at last projects. More than $600,000,000
local housing commission. can say, ‘In the year past, the slums worth of low—rent housing is under

- . In a recent meeting, the Board of my country have shrunk.’ ” way. More than 640,000 persons from
adopted a resolution approving “the Mr. Straus’s address was a feature substandard housing have moved or
Dearborn Housing Project as pre— of the National Radio Forum, over the will move within the next year into

. sented by the United States Housing Blue Network of the National Broad— decent, new, low—rent homes erected

' Authority,” The resolution was unan- casting Company. He spoke from the by local authorities under the USHA

’ imously carried. studios of WJZ, in New York City. program.

, The Dearborn Housing Commission Having just completed an inspec— “The success of the United States
was one of 24 which received funds tion tour which took him into the Housing Authority program in cities, ‘
from USHA in President Roosevelt’s cities, towns, villages, and farmlands towns, and villages has aroused a de- |
recent $47,947,000 blanket approval of 22 States, Mr. Straus could say mand that these benefits be extended
of loan contracts. The Dearborn con— with conviction: “There is no one sec- to the countryside. Thousands of
tract provides $967,000 to defray 90 tion of the country that has escaped farmers, farmhands, and sharecrop-

_ percent of the cost of a 239—unit the creeping blight of the slums. pers have urged that the housing pro-
project. Those of you who think that slums are gram be extended to include them.

According to the Dearborn Com— something confined to the big cities “During the past months the De—

mission’s application for financial as- have never sought out the by-ways partment of Agriculture and the

sistance, there is not a vacant dwell- and side streets of the towns, vil- Farm Security Administration, under

' ing in the city within the means of lages, and hamlets. the leadership of Secretary Wallace,

, low—income families. Consequently, “The squalor and dirt and misery have been working with the United
many have established themselves in of the blighted areas in the small States Housing Authority and the
shacks and trailer camps on the out— towns is as bad as anything that can county housing authorities in the
skirts of the city, be found in the slums of New York, development of a housing plan for the

From the beginning of 1930 Chicago, or Philadelphia. East, West, farms and plantations.”

. through August 31, 1939, the popula— North, and South, there are slums. In Mr. Straus summed up the USHA
tion increased by about 6,850 fami- every town and village, large or small, program by reciting its results:
lies. During the same period, the net there are crumbling, leaking, rotting “Increased“ employment, expanded

. , . gain in new dwellings was only 3,306, structures, which, by any possible construction, a stable prosperity,
or less than half the family increase, standard of decency, are fit only to based on that soundest of all economic
and very little of the new construc— be demolished. Every one of them is assets, low-refit h' m g ,
tion was intended for low—income the only roof over the head of some United States; Htgiusing“ Aug-Foggy
families. American family tonight. program.”

 Five rural project appli- o o painted board shacks,
cations, sent in to Wash- Keeplng Up Wlth raised on posts or piers.
ington during December, There are usually two
marked the real beginning rooms, a lean-t0, and a
of the USHA Rural Hous— U S H A Re 3 e a r Ch dilapidated front porch. . ‘
ing Program. An inter— Many Of the shacks have l
divisional committee had, no windows or screening,
however, been busy Rural Program Illustrated by while all are heated by !
throughout 1939 investi- . . fireplaces. Cooking is .
gating rural housing Typlcal southern PI'OJCICt done on wood ranges or
needs, concentrations of kerosene stoves. Unsound 1
problem areas, enabling legislation, lies may be grouped (descending the and rotten, these structures compare ‘
methods of procedure, and types and economic scale) as follows: With the worst in urban slums. Few
costs of projects. The Department 1. Low—income owner-operators. families have any toilet facilities
of Agriculture, through various agen- 2. Low-income tenants and share- whatsoever, and the water supply
cies and divisions, has contributed croppers. (from open wells) is frequently
greatly to the solution of the prob- 3. Low—income farm wage workers. contaminated.
lems studied. Much rural housing The first five Rural Housing proj- Farms average from 20 to 60 acres
experience has, of course, already ects have been designed to care for in size, families from four-and—a-half ’
been gained through work carried on the first two groups. to five persons. Incomes range be-
under FER A, Subsistence Homestead An outline of a typical rural proj- tween $250 and $500 per family, in-
Division (Dept. of Interior), Rural ect will illustrate the planning method cluding value of products for home
and Suburban Resettlement Adminis- employed fOr them all. consumption.
trations, and Farm Security Admin— The project is located in the coastal The Rural Housing plans call for
istration. plains of northwestern Georgia, just homes on one—acre tracts of land, dis-

Rural slums are a reality in many below the Cotton Belt. Winters are tributed over the entire county. A
sections. As a matter of fact, many mild with moderate rains; there are small orchard, fencing for garden and
farm families are denied things which long periods of excessive heat, high poultry, a sanitary privy, and various
even slum dwellers in the city take for humidity, and frequent rains in the walks and drives will be provided.
granted. Both isolation and a high warm season. Rents will be roughly $40—$50 a year. . .
degree of self-sufficiency have oper— Farming is diversified, including The home itself will be of wood, and
ated to deprive rural areas of public some forty—odd cash crops (cotton, will follow one standard design, with
utility services and the farm and peanuts, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, reverse plans and alternate porch ar-
household conveniences that accom- watermelons, etc., plus forest prod— rangements available. It will contain
pany them. ucts). The land is level, low—lying, three bedrooms, a living room, a com-

Rural poverty, always a severe na— and fairly well drained by rivers and bination kitchen-dining-room, storage
tional problem, has been aggravated small streams. The mild climate per— room, circulation hall, and two
by the recent economic depression. mits a year—round grazing and vege— porches (one screened).
Even in 1929 it was calculated that table program. Over 80 percent of The bedrooms (12’ x 12’) include
roughly 1,700,000 farms, with a pop- the people now live in crude, un- closets. With one bedroom for the
ulation of about 7,700,000 people, had ,. , ,, , .43. 3,. ) ‘
a gross income of less than $600. "it/4w, «$752; 94 (y; '
Tenancy, sharecroppmg, migration, fit 34 ‘éfif; f (gym)
poor land, drought, s01] eros1on, and *‘QJE‘VR’. .. fl flit/$3;
the like, have all been contributing ,» g-~ " «i}—_ .. , 3f]; " p? or. ,
factors in undermining the stability , ». , 1;; ‘ ~._\ —_—:_€_E—___\\w( (If, , ' ,. ..
of our rural economy. One-third of , ”£73 - ———— ,4: ‘ 3‘13. 'JW'IZ'JI‘E , :l
American farm families, according to 'a‘mv! *~ ' . _ §$~fi€fi f
a conservative estimate, have a stand- 1"“ ‘a’ ‘ , , . _ " M ' . L gléti I“: r ‘A’Fa
ard of living sufficiently low to justify "_ :2 g ,“V I I: ( E15 3.»?! @“E‘IIUMJ"-.‘fI-;"3i':r_"-,E;’=g
the 3hrase “slum families.” . , ' .‘ I}: #1; E "_- :zi '.

Distress is concentrated in such U _-, i--,~\ ”gig; ,rt W

. . '.';;,‘,.,,~.{m'll|\,l’:-l -. . «1;, \/!§T, - .. -.:

areas as the Appalachian-Ozark High— u“r"-'-'I_'II||lI|"llllllilllllllillllllllllml“[3,“, . _: . . 1mg?! , .. , , .. ,
lands, the Cotton Belt, northern New f"F'"I":at«F3"lll~!"li.‘lliirliiii'::' fl 7 ’ “ .y.»,-,':.:;u.._.3, “Winn , " A . 339°,
Mexico and Arizona, and the Lake 7% .. ' ' * Wt'izi'wz’a"“”‘"W“’ fifth; . .
States cut-over regions (in the order " ‘4‘." V. ’ "47¢?“ ,“L” vim-"”73"" ”were:
of importance). There is the addi- 2 H/ . / .
tlonal. prOblem of migratory farm Architect’s drawing of standard low-rent: farm house. Plans call for l-acre site with
labor In Other seetlons- . small orchard, fencing for garden and poultry, a sanitary privy, and necessary ’walks

Within these distressed areas fami- an d drives.


 // /: 51/2, (/1
/ I/ u’ ’
3, parents, and the other two designed precast concrete, reinforced ly per; 1 av’oidsxexpenswe cutting and fitting
5. to provide space for two double beds forated straps that extend above the around fioor1 andh ceilirfig pairtiflion
'0 each,afami1y of ten (eight children— piers to anchor the structure. The plates. R00 finis is o woo s in-
a four boys and four girls) can be ac- floor and girder system is of standard- gles on open ventilated roofers. Each
1 . . commodated, if necessary, in the size members laminated at the gird- gable has a screened louver for venti-
-e1 ~ standard house. * ' ers. J oists are 2” x 8” X 24” center lation, and the ceiling has one-inch
r, 1 Furniture arrangement has been to center, well bridged in every span. insulation board.
>y I carefully planned for in the living The floor is double, with building
s 1 room. A brick fireplace is located at paper between subfloor and finish .
.1» ; the kitchen end of the room, so that floor. New Volume on Housmg
d l three flues (fireplace, range, and fu- Exterior walls are of 2” x 4” studs P bl. h d b A . .
e ' ture water heater) may be included 24” on centers, With exterior Siding ll 18 e y I‘OHOVlCl
v in a single chimney. A circulation placed directly on paper over the
s ‘ hall provides flexibility in use of studs without storm sheathing. lInte- AHOUS‘IbiGNTHEnystlisi1 b311, gal-(1:
1 space, and the storage room, opening rior finish may be vertical or 110ri- ronov1m, ew or , o n iey
; off the hall, is designed for future zontal wood lining, plywood, or insula— Sons, Inc.; London, Chapman & Hall,
1 placement of a bath, which will u1sle tion board. 1:7Vindogvs anfdtdoorstage Liihriitec:1939.1 _251911l3p. 1111115151‘fl1tef1-
the same plumbing stacks as t e centered wit in a ay 0 wo s u s r. ron0V1c1 3e ieves 1a 1 1s
2 1 kitchen sink. Cooking and eating (4 feet), giving positive nailing for not just the slum dweller who is in
,_ have been segregated as much as pos— studs on two—foot centers. Interior need of better housing but also mil-
_ sible in the kitchen, off which a partitions are also of wood studs and lions of other families who live in
e screened porch opens directly. The lining, with diagonal wind bracing at “respectable, but cramped and unsat—
living room can be closed off (as a every junction with the exterior wall. isfactory quarters.” He is interested
r guest or sick room) without interfer- Roof construction is of a truss type, primarily in the creation of favorable
_ in with circulation to any other part so that the shell of the house can be conditions which will raise the stand—
( ofgthe house. made weather tight before interior ard of all housing without adding to
1 Economical, standard-size material, finish is applied. This permits com- the econIomicdbLuZEdens hof thteh occg-
~ in standard lengths will be used in pleting finish floor, walls, and ceiling pants. 11 or er 0 ac ieve is o -
3. construction. Piers will be 8” x 8” before interior partitions are set, and jective, many social, economic, and
legal questions must be solved and
i . . Mr. Aronovici discusses the problem
1 of land values, the relation of money
_ ll—1—1———_l to housing, earning capacitities of
1 , ,, ; ; .1 ll 55¢ 1:15;, families, the housmg market, and the
_ 1 .I' 3‘3 - H ll role which the architect should play
3 ‘9 I ”17:31.3” in furthering better housing for the
; __= .. g 1'. ., __= l masses.
171151;; 5110')? (FUTULIL BATH} I {$00, 1 In conclusion, Mr. Aronovici advo—
, f j 1’11“ 130mm“: “I cates the setting up of housing insti—
: ltfl 1 1': tutes in universities and colleges
1 ; ., , , g , . 'fiEl 1. which will “afford students of hous-
1 " “‘ ’51 1 j“ 11 1 'I’flw'JU-‘illn',- ———_:~-—— ing access to every authoritative
" , '. I ___ h—jl source of information which touches
_ 1 11 T , H upon housing.” Not only must the
l- 3 It". jfllll “f,” economy and technique of planning
' ' " - €257, , ll [3; l l i and building be revamped but there
I‘llj Egg :12" ll 'j' {ll—1 must also be a readjustment of hous-
I. , , ’ ' - 1 ' ' . , 2: ing to the functions of the community
f ,. 1, 1’3'1‘1’23Il mp; CH] :13; II: :==’=====‘=1 and a reorganization of the patterns
; ~~_E “7" '“"= ' E " Wfi of neighborhoods and communities to
4 1 1 __ ‘\ l 51”,", I meet the needs of housing.
~,\\ :9” ‘11 . . . Mr. Aronovici is a lecturer on hous-
N 11" 1 " {13' [(13 ing and community planning at New
k9?“ ..___ .?. 1‘?| “1'41 .11 York University and Columbia Uni-
'~§‘1 = 1 versity. He has long been connected
. . IIIIIIII with housing activities, having made
housing studies of Springfield and 1
Fall River, Mass, as early as 1912.
Standard design for farm home under proposed USHA Rural Housing program. Note “Housmg the Masses” IS the lateSt Of
space provided for future bath, and careful planning of furniture arrangement. hIS several volumes.

 - B'd - Hoard of Mexican Coins
C°nstr“°t‘°“ ‘ S ClO Supports Housmg
. . . Found in Rome, Ga.,
Bld Openings Definitely Scheduled P . S' .
Local authority and project Number 1 Date of bid In Program for 1940 on roJeCt lte
number of units opening
‘ "‘ ‘ {r In its legislative program for 1940 While excavating for foundations
figflgflégigfi,” 313 $1338 (010 News, Dec. 25), the Congress on USHA-assisted project, GA—5—1,
grist0h(\’1€i.—121~2l))m.-.--. 356 2—22—j8 of Industrial Organizations advocates in Rome, Ga., workmen recently un—
wary nr .7 ~ ________. . 05 l— 9—/ - . ,, . . ' ,
Hartford ((,0ml‘_3g2)___ 222 172540 stepping up the USlHA production ‘c‘gvel ed ,a cachle of about 21501381117?
Holyokc (l\£luss.~-5~l),,_, 167 1723740 schedule from 50,000 iomes a year, as leals (dol als), mintec y e
Nashville (Tenn—54).- 332 2~ 2—40 at present, to 300,000 a year. Republic of Mex1co between the years
1 — V . 1 . _ -1:- _ 77 . -
}}:311§:1(‘fi;:g:§)1 ">~ 3g; igfpjg “This program of government con— 1850 and 1861. Many of the coms
“lasliingtmi-(D. (1:11:27), 218 1—3040 struction,” the CIO declares, “must were in perfect condition, apparently
Bid Openings Tentatively Schedule d! continue to be the backbone of any uncnculated. They are ve1y neally
_____________ national housrng program. The low— 100 percent pure Silver, and, as col—
Local aunlilrflmnd project ' 51111311)? ’ Dggggifntéid est income groups are to be found not lector’s items, worth about $3 each.
‘ S . . . . . . . . .
‘ only in the Cities, but in m1ll towns, The coms have historical Interest,
l l . . , 1 . 1 V . ,, .w , , .
Akron (Ohimpnwmfli 276 2_10_40 mining towns, and in rural areas, and Since they Were among the last to Joe
Baltimore (Ml-1.~2—1)._.-l 704 i 2—10—40 such changes should be made in the issued by the Republic before the
Baltimore (Md—275).... 397 2—15—40 . . 1 . 1 . 1 . f th h “t 1. 1 E . a
Birmingham “13734), 614 245140 ex1st1ng egis ation as may be neces- creation 0 e s 01 - 1vec mpne
Blrmmgham (Ale.—3— sary to enable the program to reach of Max1m1ll1an. Between 1804 and
14) 292 2715740 ,, n .
i these groups. 1806, no American dollars were
‘ ' 7' ' ~r_ ‘ "7‘ 9, f'_» . . . . . .
{illijci‘fligtééoiil‘lgilil 91’?) 533418 Less modest in 1ts demands, is the minted, and Mex1can dollars had Cir-
?rc'dorlck (Aida—1)..-- 79 2—15—40 FAECT National Committee on culated freely in the Southern
Trederick (l\' d.—3—2).__, 4S 2—15410 ' w - - , . - .
Jacksonville (Fla—142), 708 24040 Housmg (CIO afhliate), which urges, United States. Thus fai, no one has
Martin‘liurg (W Vq— 1n the Amalgamated Journal for explained the presence of the treas—
(H) 100 2-15-40 Nov. 2, “an increased public housing ure. Since such an occurrence is not
i’iilnilsléfll'gdn[(1112:])" 350 2715—40 program, totaling at least $5,000,- likely to be overlooked in naming the
‘ ' ' ’ r .‘sr .
7-2) 193 2115140 000,000 a year for 10 years.” Labor proiect, here are some early sugges- .
(1)2132: {<1}‘](3rl)1‘.3:1‘;]2)~-—-- 333 3-19-38 organizations throughout the Nation tions: “Eldorado Homes,” “Bonanza
: r .1.— —..,________ -— o—' . .
W 1 , t (D C are demandmg a vastly increased Gardens,” “Treasure Island Terrace,”
‘ as 1111;; on . ,.— - - . 1 u - , - 7:
114) 301 2_13_40 public housmg pi ogiam. Old Silvel V1llage.
“lashington (D. Cr C . R
lv-7)-,__________.__________ 287 2—15—40
chst Palm Beach (Fla.~ onStruCtlon eport
0—2i 120 24540 Weekly Data
{1,1113}?th is usually {1:300:13}periogbetwoon bid advertising ——‘——’—_—"—
an 1 5 l . . t X g ‘2 '
ha(ve as yggliizdiigdcfiiiilledyoschéllulleil.Opemu s smwn mu Item Jayzifyegflegw Degfiflfeiggffgggi Pe‘ffifiggige
COHStruCtlon Report AnaIYSIS Number of projects under construction___-__.__, 163 163 No change
D .' 0. ti 1} ti tl’l Number of dwellings under construction____,._-" 64,575 64,575 No change
1.11 111° 1e pas 111011 1! e num' Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new housing.‘ $289,694.000 $289.694,000 No change
her of projects under loan contract Average over—all cost 1 of new housing per unitfll $4,486 ‘ $4,486 l No change .
. r, . Average net construction cost 2 per unit_._,__,__l $2,821 $2,821 ‘ No change
has increased from 309 to 046; pI'OJ— ——————————————
ects under construction have jumped Summary of USHA Program as of December 31, 1939
from 125 to 163, and 4 additional ————-—-—-—-————
projects have been opened to tenants. Item figgfccfn‘gfi? P539515: :33: Prgiefigzzfing
The number of low—rent homes called ———————— —— fi— #—
for under present loan contracts has Number of projects..-1.-.“.....__--._..-,.-_.__.___._._ 346 163 12
' . , Number of local authorities re resented_________ 147 99 3
. 6) 0 P
11101 eased f1 0m 117,960 15.0 1.9301, Number of States represented________________________ 3 32 3 27 5
and the number Of dwellings under Number of loan contractsl_._____._____-________.__.___ 213 _____________________ .______._____,,,,,1
. - _ r- n m— Value of loan contracts.___________________________-__- $581,776,000 __.___..._.__,,-.,___ 1_______._____,,,,1
COIIStl uction, 'fl 0m 02’4')7 to 64’015' Number of dwelling units in projects___.__,______ 129,931 64,575 8,060
The total estimated over-all cost of Number of dwelling units completede__________._ ._._________.________ __________._________. 5,916
~ . , 1 Total estimated development cost 4-__.__________.- $646 569,000 $314 702 000 $40,711,000
119W .housnigi End“ loan _ contract Total estimated over—all cost of new housing 1. $592:473,000 $289:694:000 $38,493,000
1&8 1nc1ease 10111 $048’401’000 t0 lIneludes: (r1) Buildingr the house, including.r structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (6) »
$592 473 000 There are now 5 916 dwelling equipment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency
d 1i ’ 1 . ’ expense}?(1:)lanrdbloxipresent(llevelopmeintj: (d)nondtuwlllinglfacilities.h t d 1 t 1 t
".S i'(' .,' g ,(, ', 7,311 '1 S.
we mgs comp eted’ as agamSt 3,504 a1,,eitf3ing°tre‘blilficr‘firSfifiinlfiiaflp‘fler$651,351,121”fi‘éivllf “a m“ ”C “c" C" S
a month ao‘0_ jIncludes over-all cost of new housing plus the cost of purchasing and demolishing old Slum buildings and the cost. of
'3 land bought for future evelopment.
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.