xt7d513txd37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513txd37/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1987 1987 1987-12-09 2020 true xt7d513txd37 section xt7d513txd37  




Love and Rockets album is a
real bummer. SEE PAGE 9.



Same players, new results for Wildcats
this season. SEE PAGE 2.

Today: Partly cloudy
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. 505












draws crowds

Wilkinson renews promises
of change in inaugural speech

Executive Edi tor

FRANKFORT — Throughout his
campaign for governor, Wallace
Wilkinson promised voters that he
was a candidate who represented a
change from the status quo in Ken-
tucky politics.

Yesterday. as he was inaugurated
the state‘s 53rd governor. Wilkinson
held fast to the theme that the road
to the state's economic recovery lay
in change and hard work.

“Kentucky today faces a world re-
plete with uncertainty.“ Wilkinson
told the thousands that gathered at
the Capitol Building. But it is “also
a time of great hope."

It is this “contradictory challenge
of uncertainty and hope" that must
lead Kentucky during the next four
years, the Casey County native said
on the steps of the Capitol Building.

It is the challenge of securing a
place of economic security in Ken-
tucky when the dollar stands at a
post-war low.

It is the challenge of making the
nation‘s domestic markets compet-
itive with foreign ones.

And it is the challenge of improv-
ing the state‘s public education sys-
tem to ensure that students are pre-
pared for a competitive world.
Wilkinson said.

These challenges can only be met.
the governor said. by stirring the
“ship of the state" away from the
“murky waters of the old order and
status quo" and into waters of
change and progress.

Wilkinson said this change in the
direction of Kentucky‘s future must
come in the same manner that early
Kentucky met challenges and over-
came adversity.

The state of Kentucky was born

with this same “contradictory chal-
lenge of hope and uncertainty," Wil-
kinson said. In the fight for west—
ward expansion in the late 17005.
Kentuckians replaced the old order
withanew one.

“What was at stake was not mere-
ly the creation of the 15th state." he
said. “What was at stake was the
formation of America‘s character.“

America is the great nation it is
today because of the westward ex—
pansion started by early Kentucky

. pioneers who took up the challenge.

Wilkinson said. And with the same
optimism and hope that the fledgling
settlement of Kentucky had in the
18th century, Kentucky today must
usher in a new order to meet its

In order to accomplish this objec-
tive. Wilkinson said his administra-
tion‘s agenda will be willing to di-
minish the “fires of partisan
political style“ and create a sense of
cooperation between his administra-
tion and the General Assembly.

At the same time. however, it
“must be understood that what
ought to be undone should not re-
main undone because it is the initia-
tive of the executive branch." he
said. We'll “fight even harder to do
the job than we did to get the job.“

"We have a past which has shown
us the way.“ Wilkinson said. “We
are going to secure our future."

Danny Briscoe. Wilkinson‘s cam-
paign manager. said that Wilkinson
was the person to lead Kentucky be-
cause he was “cognizant of the
past“ and had retained the tradition-
al values of Kentucky.

Wilkinson. himself. has overcome
adversity by winning a gubernatori-
al election that the press and polls
said he “could not win." said Bris-
coe. who is the Democratic cam-


< m ’

w a


Gmernor Wallace Wilkinson was
sworn in yesterday by Ky. Su-
preme Cowt Justice Judge Rob-
ert Stevens.

Venders capitalize on excitement, nostalgia
surrounding big day in Kentucky politics

News Editor

FRANKFORT — "That‘s my
man." proclaimed Joe Mitchell as
he flashed his Gov. Wallace Wilkin-
son Inaugural button. “That‘s my

Mitchell said he wanted to remem-
ber Inauguration ‘87 and the button
was one way of doing that.

He wasn‘t alone.

The buttons. which were selling
for $5 apiece. adorned the chests of
many Kentuckiam yesterday at
Kentucky‘s 53rd gubernatorial inau-
guration in Frankfort.

Jim Warlick. president of Political
Americana. the company that pro-
duces and sells the buttons, said that
memorabilia sells well at political

Why? Because “usually people
that attend an event want something
l to remember it by).“ he said.

And the buttons Warlick was sell-
ing at various points around the ca-
pitol will do just that. They proclaim
“Kentucky Inauguration 1987. Gov-
ernor Wallace Wilkinson.“ around a
black and white photo of Wilkinson.

“We limit our production of (these
buttons) to. say. 2.500 so that in
years to come they will be collec-
tor‘s items."

And in some cases it doesn‘t take
years for the plastic circles to gain
value. Sometimes it only takes a few

Warlick said that in Louisiana.
buttons commemorating the state‘s
inauguration were selling for $25
each by the end of the day.

See BUTTONS. Page 3

Historic INF treaty signed;
future reductions discussed

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - President Rea-
gan and Soviet leader Mikhail S.
Gorbachev signed a treaty yester-
day banning intermediate-range nu-
clear missiles and began talks to
curb more threatenirg long-range
strategic weapons.

"We lave made history," Reagan
declared after he and Gorbachev
spent more than three minutes put-
tirg their signatures -— time and
again — into leather-bound volumes
containirg the treaty and accompa-
nying documents.

“We can be praid of planting this
sapling which may one day grow
into a great oak of peace.“ Gorba-
chev proclaimed.

“May December 0th. 1m, become
mark the watershed separating the
war from the era of a demtlitartsa-

tion of human life." the Soviet lead-

Said Reagan: "We can only hope
that this history-makirg agreement

Reagan and Gorbachev sat side by
side to sign the agreement under the
chandeliers of the East Room. The
24-minute ceremony was broadcast
live in America and the Soviet
Union. as were separate remarks
made by the two leaders moments
later in the State Diniru Room.

In the audience were the two lead-
ers‘ wives. Nancy Reagan and Raisa
Gorbachev. American and Soviet
diplomats and arms cmtrol negotia-
tors. and scans of members of Con-

gress, including senators who will
pass judgment on the treaty in de-
ciding whether to ratify it.

Senate Democratic leaders say
they expected the agreement would
be approved. barring unforeseen dif-
ficulties. even though comervatives
have been critical of the treaty.

As he has before, Reagan charac-
terized the treaty with a few words
of Russian. “Trust but verify." The
audience broke into laughter when
Gorbachev interrupted that, “You
repeat that ateverymeetirg.”

As the laughter died down, Rea-
gan said. “I like it.“

Yet. Gorbachev. in his remarks in
the State Diniru Room.
Soviet differences about Reagan‘s
Star Wars missile defense plan.

“People want to live in a world in
which they would not be haunted by
the fear of nuclear catastrophe." the
Soviet leader said. “People want to
live in a world in which American
and Soviet spacecraft would come


together for dockings and joint voy-
ages. not for Star Wars.“

“People want to live in a world in
which they would not have to spend
milliom of dollars a day on weapons
which they could only use agath
themselves," Gorbachev said.

Highlighting another difference
between the superpowers. Gorba-
chev said cuts in strategic weapon
would be “subject to preserving the

See REAGAN. Page I I


Man dies after woman

UK trustees
pick adviser
for property

Editor in chief

The University of Kentucky will
not sell its 1.010-acre Coldstream
Farm in the “foreseeable future."
However. it has not ruled out the
possibility should an "innovative“
development idea be proposed.

The Board of Trustees unanimous-
ly passed its finance committee's
recommendation yesterday not to
sell the property. located at the
Newtown Pike interchange of Inter-
state 64-75. However, it also decided
to hire a developing firm to study
the potential use of the property and
act as an adviser to the school.

The future of the farm. which has
been used for research by the Col-
lege of Agriculture since the Univer-
sity acquired it in 1958. has been an
issue before the board for the last
two years,

Committee chairman Larry
Forgy. a member of a three-person
ad hoc subcommittee which drew up
the proposal and recommended the
firm from a group of 11 applicants.
stressed the University‘s obligation
to the city to use the land wisely.

The land is “a keystone to future
development of Northern Fayette
County." Forgy said. The board can—
not and should not attempt to make
decisions on its potential use without
a complete understanding of its fi-
nancial worth and research value.
he said.

MPC. Inc. of Washington. DC.
will study the situation to determine
how the University can gain optimal
economic benefit from the property
while keeping within its philosophy.

The company. which has extensive
experience working with universities
on land development. including Tu-
lane L'niversity and University of
California—Irvine. will not be in-
volved in its development. Porgy
said. Instead. it will serve as a “buf-
fer" between the University and the

The firm will be paid $50000 ini-
tially. though the price will probably
increase. Forgy said.

While the subcommittee narrowed
down the list of 11 applicants. Forgy
said it was told repeatedly to keep
the land. “The one constant that ran
through our discussion with these
consultants is ‘don't sell that prop-
erty.‘ " he said "The University of
Kentucky is pirpetual. that land is

Porgy poirted out a “sensible in-
consistency" between the situation
of Coldstream and the University's
South Farm. located on Man-O’War
Boulevard at Nicholasville Road.

Forgy said the differences be-
tween :he two include size (South
Farm comprises 182.47 acres total)
and the surrounding atmosphere. He
said the University isn‘t really chan-
ging the area's character by selling
South Farm.

The board authorized University
officials to sign a deed with Simon
Development Company. Inc.. for
Tract A of South Farm. Total pur~
chase price for the tract. comprising

43 acres. is $5.85 million.
See BOT. Page 3

shoots two in market

Staff Writer

A woman believed to be a former
UK student was arrested Monday
night in connection with a fatal
shooting at Griffith‘s Market on
East 6th Street. Lexington police

Lexington resident Mary Mann en-
tered the store between 8:10 and
8:20 Monday night and fired shots
from a .22-caliber revolver. police

“She went in the store and opened
fire. and wounded two (people). re-
sulting in the death of one.” said De-
tective Pat Taylor of the Metro Po-
lice Department.

Fawzi Ibrahim. 28, a clerk at the
store. was shot in the chest. accord-
ing to police reports. He was taken
to the Albert 8. Chandler Medical
Center, where he died at about 9:27
pm Monday, a hospital spokeswo
man said.

Store manager Mohammad
Ahmed. 37. suffered a gumhot

wound to his right armpit. police re-
ports said. He was taken to St. Jo-
seph's Hospital where he remained
yesterday in seriom condition after
surgery. according to a hospital offi-

Police said what prompted the
shooting is still unclear.

Mann apparently was a student at
UK in the 197%. said Doug Wilson.
acting dean of students. Although he
said he doesn‘t have records to con-
firm it. he said a Lexington reporter
told him yesterday that Mann was a
former student.

Mann was often seen on the UK
campus and frequently wrote letters
to the Kentucky Kernel. “Almost
every week that We been here that
i can remember. I've seen her
around.“ said Sean Anderson. an
English senior.

Mann was arraigned yesterday.
She is heir; held at the Urban Coim-
ty Detention Center on a 8100M!)
bond for the murder charge and a




2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wedneedey.Deoember O, 1907


7 Assistant Sports Editor
UK Lady Kats to take

games one at a time

Old hands key to Wildcats’ new success

Staff Writer

Fans cheered when UK coach
Eddie Sutton brought in a great re~
cruiting class this fall. They were
hoping the influx of new players
would bring a remarkable turn-

Sure enough. [K has bounced
back from that 18-11 mark of 1986-87
with a 30 start this season and a No.
1 national ranking.

But this improvement has chiefly
been made by the players from last

Seniors Cedric Jenkins. Rob Lock
and Ed Davender have all gotten off
to fast starts. Becasuse of that. the
Wildcats are the latest favorite to
win the national title.

"We‘re very excited at being No.
1. but we're also very realistic
enough to know that there are at
least 15 teams that could be ranked
No. 1.” Sutton said yesterday at his
weekly press conference.

The Wildcats newcomers , fresh—
men Eric Manuel and LeRon Ellis in
particular — have contributed to the
top ranking. But it‘s been the play of
the veterans that has sparked Ken-
tucky. Sutton specifically pointed to

"I do believe right now Rob is
playing like an All-Conference cen.
ter." Sutton said. "it Ed Davender
is the heart of this team. then Rob
Lock is the guts. "

Lock ~r a single-figure scorer and
rebounder all of his past three sea-
sons at Kentucky has improved

that mark to a teamleading 16.7
points and 9.7 rebounds a game.

“He has improved from one year
to the next as much as any player
I've ever had." Sutton said.


ClmierAs MEANS
MANy rhiNqs
10 wow people.
To us, it’s the
penfecr llME ro
expness oun iliANks.

From the
Kernel Staff







Sports Monday


Your connection to UK's
weekend results nationwide









From the
Kernel Staff



Then there's Jenkins. The 6-foot-9
forward was a surprise help in UK’s

82-76 overtime victory over lndiana

last Saturday. He registered career

highs in points (14) and rebounds
110) against the Hoosiers.

"Cedric gained a great deal of
confidence Saturday.“ Sutton said.
“If he can play close to that level it
gives us a new dimension.“

While the play in the paint has
been a healthly surprise. UK has re-
ceived its usual steady effort outside
from Davender.

"0n the national scene he isn’t
recognized." Sutton said. “I believe
he‘s one of the top five guards in col-
lege basketball. “

Davender is averaging 16.7 points
and has dished out 13 assists in
three games.

Individual statistics aren't the
only numbers that have Sutton smil-

“l‘ve been very pleased with some
areas of the first three ballgames."
Sutton said. "\‘lhen you look at the
stat sheet there are things that
weren't on here last year."

What Sutton sees is indeed a turn-
around — most notably at the char—
ity stripe. UK has improved its ac-
curacy from 62.4 percent last year
to 78.4 this season. Lock leads the
way with a percentage of 94.1 (16 of

UK has done an about-face on the
defensive end of the floor also.

“Our turnover ratio is 67-40." Sut-
ton said.
shows up. Blocked shots are 1&8 in
our favor. Steals 3620. Those are
stats we didn‘t have last year.

“It‘s certainly too early to say this
is the way it will be 10 games from
now. But 1 hope this is the trend we

'ln/arl new»: rm layman Ii I‘M wiltinr/rumm :5, NW 10(inme In:

W] .‘k IV wt.

me am:

I ”1""




“That‘s where defense .




.‘ U

UK senior center Rob Lock blocks a shot
Garrett at the Big Four Classic Saturday.



.i/ple and hawk 14W in mm Watt 0/ (ml ”flmlM [MW and 7)..


Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White



“All W/Komol Shit

by Indiana center Dean


Staff reports

The UK coaching staff is hop-
ing the Lady Kats don’t get
ahead of themselves this week.

Although the team, 4-0. is tak-
ing on Indiam University tonight
at Memorial Coliseum, the Kats
can feel their Friday night oppo-
nent — nth-ranked Western Ken-
tucky — breathing down their

The Lady Hoosiers are 2—2 with
one of those losses coming
agairst top-ranked Tennessee.

UK assistant coach Andy Bar-
nes scouted Indiana in the Lady
Hoosiers’ 79-47 win over Mar—
quette last Friday.

“Having seen Indiana play, I'll
say it would be a grave mistake
to be looking past this game to
Western,” Barnes said.

“The Indiana game is not only
important because of the UK-IU
rivalry but also because it is cru-
cial to go into the Western game
with the added momentum.”

The Lady Kats will be looking
for their fifth consecutive win
against the Hoosiers and will also
be ending a five-game homestand
with the contest.

Tipoff is set for 7:30 pm.

UK must travel to Bowling
Green to play Western Kentucky
Friday night before taking a-
week off for final exams.

Senior forward Bebe Croley.
who recently became the 11th
Lady Kat to reach the 1.00tipoint

plateau, leads the UK team. Cro
ley averages 18.3 points and 10.8

The 5-foot-10 Lexington native,
who scored 18 points in a 78-69
win over Tennessee Tech, now
has 1,010 career points and needs
only 14 more to pass Sandy Har-
ding and become the 10th all-time
leading scorer at UK.

At her current pace, Croley will
be UK‘s fourth leading scorer by
the end of the season.

Indiana is led by forward Cindy
Bumgarneis who is averaging
18.2 points and 16.2 rebounds a
game. The 6-2 forward is the only
Lady Hoosier scoring in double
figures this season.

The game also marks the re-
turn of former Lady Kat Nancy
Cowan, who played at Kentucky
during the 1984-85 season before
transferring to Indiana.

A native of Crown Point. lnd.,
Cowan has seen limited action
with Indiana this season.

UK leads the series with IU
10-4 but has split the last four

meetings.The Lady Kats beat 1n-
diana last season, 6361.

UK and Western have not met
since the 1980-81 season, when the
two teams were members of the
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics for Women. Both pro-
grams joined the NCAA in 1981.

UK won the last five meetings
between the two and holds an 8-5
edge in the series.


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OWilkinson takes office

Continued from Page i

paign chairman. “But the people of
Kentucky said he met win."

Brereton Jones, who was inaugu-
rated as lieutenant governor before
Wilkinson‘s address, did not speak
to the Frankfort audience with the
same historical overtones of Wilkin-

But like Wilkinson, Jones stressed
that Kentucky must overcome chal-
lenges in the next four years.

We “must create an environment
where everyone feels" like they're a
“member of the team,” Jones said.
”if we do that . . . (there‘s no) limit
to what we can accomplish.“

“With firm confidence in the capa-
bility of our people to face chal-
lenges . . . I‘m ready to take the of-
fice of lieutenant governor."

Bob Babbage, who was elected
state auditor, said he is looking for-
ward to joining the task of trying to
secure that future.

Babbage said that Wilkinson and
Lt. Gov. Jones' addresses were
inspiring and made him look for-
ward to working with them.

Others attending the inauguration
commented on the rich, historical
context that Wilkinson spoke from.

Former Gov. Julian Carroll said


We “must create an
environment where
everyone feels" like
they’re a “member of
the team. If we do that
. . . (there’s no) limit to
what we can

Brereton Jones,
lieutenant governor

Wilkinson‘s address was ”one of the
most substantive“ inauguration
speeches he had ever heard.

“It dealt with the essence of Ken-
tucky heritage," the former gover-
nor said.

Jefferson County Judge-Executive
Harvey Sloane agreed. saying Wil-
kinson’s address was “very thought-
ful“ with “a lot of historical flow."

The governor gave a bold speech
that indicated he was set on putting
his imprint on the state, Sloane said.
“I believe he will."


Continued front Page I

“You won't be able to buy
these tomorrow for $10," Warlick
said of the Wilkinson buttons.

However, Gene Hamilton dis-

“After a period of years (the
button) won‘t be of any more
value. but they will be of value as
mementos,“ Hamilton said.

Ken Ramsey said he felt the
same way.

“I just got it as a souvenir. I‘m
not trying to make any money off
of it." Ramsey said.

However, the vendors were try-
ing to make money.

Capital Avenue looked more
like a country fair than an inau-
guration. Vendors selling every-
thing from hot dogs to Gucci
sweatshirts spread their wares
and opened shop for the day‘s

OButtons popular

Willard Smith said he felt the
situation could have been im-
proved though. The selection
wasn‘t to Smith‘s liking, he said.
He wanted a Wilkinson paper-

”Last time (Gov.) Martha
Layne (Collins) had a lot of pa-
perweights," Smith said. “In
fact, I've still got one on my desk
at the bank.“

“They don‘t have any Wallace
paperweights — that‘s ironic.“

But while Smith didn‘t make it
home with a paperweight, he did

Mitchell was creative. He man-
aged to get one memento most
people left behind — their coffee

Pulling two plastic coffee cups
with “Inauguration '87“ from his
jacket pocket, Mitchell laughed.
“That‘s my man,“ he said. _



Newly elected Lt. Gov. Brereton Jones speaks at
the gubernatorial inauguration yesterday in Frank-

Kentuciiy Kernel. Wednesday. December 9. 1987 — 3


MERGE Kernel st.”

fort, Jones stressed the creation of an environ-
ment where everyone feels part of the team


Continued from Page i

The board authorized the deed al—
though Forgy said the wmpany had
indicated it might not follow through
on the deal. In the finance commit-
tee meeting yesterday, Vice (Than
cellor for the Lexington (‘anipus
Jack Blanton said the vice preSidcnt
of Simon Development had phoned
him to say the company was not
going to proceed with the deal and
would send a letter of explanation

UK lawyer John Darsie said he
wasn‘t sure whether the University
would be entitled to the $581”) that
UK received as the 1 percent down
payment on the property

The company successfully hid it)!‘
the property on Oct. 29 The closing
of the sale is contingent on the com
pany obtaining a zone change from
the city.

The board also authorized officials
to sign a deed with llutchens l)e\el

opment Company. lnc _ for the \itit'
of Tract B of South Farm The tract
comprises to?) acres The purchase

price is $5 6 million

The closing of the sale is also t‘tlli
tingcnt on a zone change

Soviets say pilot won’t be freed early

Associated Press

MOSCOW —- The Soviet Union yes-
terday squelched rumors that dare-
devil pilot Mathias Rust would be
out of prison and back home in West
Germany for Christmas.

Rust astounded the world and em-
barrassed the Soviets on May 28 by
flying a singleengine Cessna plane
from Helsinki, Finland, through the
vaunted Soviet air defense system to
Red Square. where he landed next to
the Kremlin wall,



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The unauthorized flight led to a
topechelon shakeup in the Soviet

The lQ-yearold pilot. who said his
flight was to advance peace. has
been in Soviet confinement since he

On Sept. 4. the Soviet Supreme
Court convicted him of illegal entry
into the Soviet L'nion. violating in-
ternational air safety regulations
and malicious hooliganism. and sen-
tenced him to four years in a labor

The government said yesterday
that Rust asked for a pardon but the
request was denied.

A correspondent from Tass. the of-
ficial Soviet news agency. asked
Foreign Ministry spokesman Yuri A.
Gremitskikh at a weekly news brief-
ing whether there was any sub»
stance to rumors that Rust would he

West German newspaper‘s had
been speculating that Rust would be
free before Christmas

(iremitskikh replied. "i would liki-
to say there are no such l'lllllt)l'\ .i.
Moscow They citist only in \Viw'

Germany. According to pl‘tntx‘iii ll.
the Soviet t'nion. such requests tar;

be reviewed only after i-xtraorii.
nary events occur or it the iii-ism
serves half the illllt‘ to “.tilti‘i. ilt at.»
sentenced "

Rust appealed to a t'tlllil!.l,\\ill.’; ml

the Supreme Soviet. or national par
liament (iremitskikh and the ri-
quest was turned down i)t‘l'.fU.‘(
there were no reasons tori lenient-3.

He gave no details about the H.121


Campus Y Alumnae Network Forming
Anyone formerly associated with any Campus YWCA — UK or elsewhere — s
urged to register as an alum. This is a national and local effort to keep in roach
with each other, national and world student events and to support new activrtes
on the UK campus. Please provide information below. Clip and mail or phone
MAlL: Martha E. Gentry, POT #653, 0027. PHONE: 7-6650 or 7-6660







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‘ w
‘ ' 9%,. .
m' A. . ’"‘ 2. ‘

Stacy is a Sophomore majoring in Nursing.
She is modeling U.K. apparel from Kennedy Book Store.

I / I



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Promotional Considerations By:
Applications for Classmate of the Month are available at:


Height 5i Werght .,9.5._..

' JOE,

Birthdate L22— -_
Birthplace W1, L H

Goals: 122 lea (I E...

A 1‘



Turwotls _____.#___N_..,.

Favorite Mowe __.___#- __- ,

Favorite Song

M f
Favorite TV Show w,
Em Dream ML

Photos By Randal Williamyv‘
Ohioal Classmate Photogvmrev
University of Kentucxy








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Ilifi lllll‘l til mt

405 South Limestone ph. 252-0331 Lexington, Ky.

©1987 CLASSMATE U.S.A. ~455Eestem By-Pass- Richmond, Ky. 40475







4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. December 0. 1987

N icaraguans may try captured American

Associated Press

MANAGL'A. Nicaragua —- Sandi-
nista soldiers shot down a small
plane flown by an American linked
to contra rebels and he may be put
on trial. Defense Minister Humberto
Ortega said yesterday

James Jordan Denby. 57. "was
moved to the capital on Monday and
at this time is being interrogated by
state security“ about ties with the
L'.S.~supported rebels. Ortega told a
news conference

The Defense Ministry said rifle
fire hit the fuel tank of Denby's
Cessna 172 and he made an emer~
gency landing Sunday at San Juan
del Norte. on the Caribbean coast
just inside the border with Costa

Ortega said Denby might be tried.
as “as Eugene Hasenfus of Ma—
riiiette \Vis . but added: "This time
IIlt‘ laws of the country should be ap-
plied more severely.“

Hasenf'us w as captured in October

1986 after a contra resupply flight
was shot down. He was sentenced to
30 years in prison but pardoned
after serving less than three

Denby was carrying a US. pass-
port. the ministry said. Kitsie Denby
of Carlinville. [1].. said in an inter-
view she is his sister-in-law. and he
lives in Carlinville and has a farm in
Costa Rica.

US Embassy spokesman Lou Fa-
lino said: "We've asked for access
to see if the guy is an American.
Right now we‘re presuming he's an

Documents Denby was carrying
"confirm his link with the illegal ac-
tivities of the North American ad-
ministration against Nicaragua."
said Ortega. the brother of Presi-
dent Daniel Ortega.

He said the papers show Denby
"clearly acted against our country
and against the security of Nicara-

On a videotape revealed at the

news conference. Denby was shown
wearing a flowered shirt and walk-
ing with soldiers. His hands were
tied behind his back and he did not

Ortega said Denby “is in good
health.“ but "when he was captured
he was terrified because he thought
that the soldiers were going to elimi-
nate him.“ He said embassy offi-

cials had requested access and it
“will be given at the appropriate
time. For now. he is in the hands of
the people."

Denby’s sister-in-law said he left
Carlinville last week for the Costa
Rica farm. She said he uses a light
plane registered in Costa Rica to fly
to the farm. which she described as
“pretty much inaccessible except by

She said he has a wife and 25-
year-old son in Carlinville. Kitsie
Denby said she is married to Den-
by‘s brother William.

Official Voice of Nicaragua radio

said documents in Denby‘s posses-
sion connect him with members of
Congress and John Hull. a US citi-
zen living in Costa Rica who often is
linked to the rebels fighting Nicara-
gua's leftist government. The con-
tras are supplied by CIA flights and