xt7d7w67440d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w67440d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19651229 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-12-nov29-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-12-nov29-ec. 1965 2011 true xt7d7w67440d section xt7d7w67440d Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University Lof Kentucky, Monday, November 29, 1965. A special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky was convened in the Board of Trustees' Room in the Administration Building on the campus of the University at Lexington, Kentucky, on the 29th day of November, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. ,EST, uponcall Ofethe Chairman of the Executive Committee in conformity with the By-Laws. Dr. Ralph J. Ange- lucci, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Executive Committee, was in the Chair presiding. Upon call of the roll, it was ascer- tained that the following members of the Executive Committee were present: Dr. H. B. Murray and Judge J. A. Sutherland, Member and Secretary. Absent: Mr. Smith Broadbent and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. Also present were Robert F. Kerley, Vice President-- Business Affairs and Treasurer, A. D. Albright, Executive Vice President, John C. Darsie, Jr., University Counsel, and Cornelius W. Grafton and Lillian M. Fleischer of the Louisville law firm of Grafton, Ferguson & Fleischer, Bond Counsel to the Board of the Universitv in connection with its "Housing and Dining System Rev- enue Bonds, " to be dated June 1, 1965. A. Meeting Opened It having been determined that a quorum was present for the transac- tion of business, the Chairman called the meeting to order. He reported that he had called this special meeting, upon notice duly given to all members of the Executive Committee in accordance with the By-Laws, and declared that the meeting had been properly convened and was in official session. B. Adoption of Resolution Determining Amount and Maturity Schedule of Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I, Authorizing Completion of Trust Indenture, Approving Instruments for Use in Public Offering of Series H and Series I Bonds; Setting Date for Opening of Bids, and Authorizing Notices of Public Offering The Chairman reminded the members of the Executive Committee that at its regular statutory quarterly meeting held on September 21, 1965, the Board of Trustees had taken action to approve and authorize establishment of the University's "Housing and Dining System" and the issuance of the Board's "University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds" for the purpose of refinancing outstanding revenue bonds previously issued by the Board for educational buildings for housing and dining purposes, auxiliary enterprises and necessary appurtenant facilities at the Main Campus of the University at Lexington, Kentucky; but expressly excluding educational build- ings for housing and dining purposes provided for fraternities and sororoties and all educational buildings for such purposes otherwise than at the Main Campus 2 of the University in Lexington, Kentucky. At that time the Board of Trustees approved and authorized the execution of a Trust Indenture, the terms, text and provisions of which had been negotiated and agreed upon with the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States, wherein provision was made for (a) the issuance of "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series A to G, Inclusive," aggregating in principal amount the sum of $8, 175, 000 to be issued to HHFA in exchange for HHFA's surrender for cancellation of all of its holdings of previously issued and outstanding revenue bonds for housing, dining, Student Center, and other auxiliary purposes, (b) "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series H, " in a then-undetermined amount in order to refinance and provide for the payment of previously issued revenue bonds for such purposes held by private investors, and also to provide those portions of the costs of the "First Housing Complex Project" as are ineligible and unallowable for Federal financing, and (c) the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I, " in an undetermined amount, to provide for the payment of all costs of the afore- said "First Housing Complex Project" as are eligible and allowable for Federl. financing purposes, The Chairman further reminded the members of the Executive Committee that at a recessed meeting held on November 19, 1965, the Board of Trustes had taken action to amend the theretofore approved form of said "Trust Indenture" in certain respects, and to complete the same with regard to the principal amount and schedule of principal maturities of the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series H" -- expressly vesting in this Executive Committee full power and authority to determine the amount and schedule of principal maturities for the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I," and to proceed with the advertising and public sale of the Bonds of said Series H and Series I, The Chairman informed the members of the Executive Committee that he had called this meeting upon being advised that the Business Staff of the University, with the concurrence of the Commissioner of Finance of the Com- monwealth and the Financial Advisors, and upon due consideration of construction contracts which have been received and considered by the Office of the Com- missioner of Finance, had arrived at a determination of the aggregate amount of the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I," and of the proper schedule of principal maturities thereof; and was prepared to submit the same to this Executive Committee for approval and action. In accordance with such determinations and recommendations, Bond Counsel had been requested to pre- pare for submission to and examination by this Executive Committee, a recom- mended form of "Second Supplemental Trust Indenture" to be executed with Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company, Frankfort, Kentucky, as Trustee, in order that an official determination might be made and authorized by this Execu- tive Committee, He further reported that Bond Counsel had prepared and sub- mitted a suggested form of "Notice of Sale of Bonds" which met with the con- currence of the Business Staff of the University and the Financia]. Advisors, and wa..s represented to be in conformity with the terms and provisions of the public offering of Said BondE as agreed to with HHFA, The Financial Advisors had also prepared a preliminary draft of their "Official Statement" which had necessarily been prepared on the basis of certain estimates, and which was 3 submitted for examination and approval by this Committee, subject to revision and dissemination after being advised of such action as might be taken by the Executive Committee at this time. Bond Counsel had also prepared and submitted Official Bid Forms which, if approved, will be disseminated by the Financial Advisors in order to assure uniformity of bidding for the purchase of the Series H and Series I Bonds. Copies of all of the enumerated instruments, in mimeographed or printed form, had been made available to members of the Executive Committee, and each of the same was examined and discussed. Thereupon Executive Committee Member Murray introduced, caused to be read in full, and moved immediate adoption of a proposed resolution, as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND MATURITY SCHEDULE OF THE "HOUSING AND DINING SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES I"; AUTHORIZING COMPLETION OF THE TRUST INDENTURE IN CONFORMITY THEREWITH; APPROVING INSTRUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PUBLIC OFFERING OF SAID BONDS OF SERIES. H AND SERIES I; FIXING A DAY AND HOUR FOR THE OPENING AND CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE BIDS THEREFOR, SEND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF PROPER NOTICES OF SUCH PUBLIC OFFERING AS REQUIRED BY LAW THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Upon recommendations of the Business Staff of the University, the Office of the Commissioner of Finance of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Financial Advisors, and Bond Counsel, all of which have been duly considered and discussed, it is hereby determined that the amount of the Board's"HouSinfg and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I," be, and it is now, fixed at the sum of Twenty Million Dollars ($20, 000, 000. 00), and that the principal thereof shall be scheduled to mature on June 1 in the respective years, as follows: 4 SCHEDULE OF PRINCIPAL MATURITIES SERIES I BONDS ($20, 000, 000) PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 70, 000 70, 000 120, 000 110, 000 110, 000 110, 000 160, 000 150, 000 200, 000 200, 000 200, 000 240, 000 240, 000 260, 000 250, 000 250, 000 YEAR OF MATURITY 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $290, 000 290, 000 330, 000 700, 000 700, 000 750, 000 750, 000 850, 000 1, 000, 000 1,050, 000 1,200, 000 1, 200, 000 1, 200, 000 1, 250, 000 1,300, 000 1, 350, 000 1,400, 000 1, 500, 000 YEAR OF MATURITY 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authority is hereby given for completion of the Trust Indenture according to the determinations made in this Section 1. in these respects Section 2. The form of the proposed "Second Supplemental Trust Indenture" as prepared and submitted by Bond Counsel is hereby approved in all respects and shall be executed by the proper officers of the Board and of the Trustee for the purposes therein expressed; the entire text of said Second Sup- plemental Trust Indenture being incorporated herein and hereby made a part of this Resolution, as follows: 5 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE MADE BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Lexington, Kentucky TO FARMERS BANK & CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY Frankfort, Kentucky, As Trustee COMPLETING THAT CERTAIN TRUST INDENTURE MADE BY THE PARTIES UNDER DATE OF JUN}TE 1, 1965 SECURING UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY HOUSING AND DINING SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS INITIALLY CONSISTING OF SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES A BONDS B BONDS C BONDS D BONDS E BONDS F BONDS G BONDS H BONDS I BONDS $ 1, 000, 000 $ 275, 000 $ 955, 000 $ 1,835,000 $ 1, 580, 000 $ 1, 155,000 $ 1, 375, 000 $ 6,900,000 $20, 000, 000 DRAFT SUBMITTED TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY AT ITS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 29, 1965 Submitted by: GRAFTON, FERGUSON & FLEISCHER 310 We st Libe rty Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202 (U. Ky. Housing) 6 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY HOUSING AND DINING SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS Dated as of June 1, 1965 INDEX Page Section 1 - Section 2 - DETERMINING THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THE SERIES I BONDS AND AUTHORIZING THE INSERTION THEREOF, AS APPROPRIATE, IN Section 405 of' ARTICLE IV OF THE INDENTURE PRESCRIBING THE SCHEDULE OF MATURITIES. OF THE SERIES I BONDS, TO FILL THE BLANKS AP- PEARING IN THAT CONNECTION IN Section 412 of ARTICLE IV OF THE INDENTURE Section 3 - SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS FOR FILLING CERTAIN BLANKS IN THE BOND FORMS APPEARING IN Sections 1002 and 1003 OF ARTICLE X OF THE INDENTURE * * * * * a* * * * * * * * * (U. Ky. Housing) 7 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE SECURING UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY HOUSING AND DINING SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS Dated as of June 1, 1965 ISSUED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY INITIALLY CONSISTING OF SERIES A BONDS *$ 1,000, 000 SERIES B BONDS $ 275, 000 SERIES C BONDS $ 955,.000 SERIES D BONDS $ 1, 835, 000 SERIES E BONDS $ 1, 580, 000 SERIES F BONDS $ 1, 155, 000 SERIES G BONDS $ 1, 375, 000 SERIES H BONDS $ 6, 900, 000 SERIES I BONDS $20, 000,000 This SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE, dated as of the first day of June, 1965, made by and between BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, a public body corporate and an educational institution and agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, at Lexington, Kentucky, (hereinafter called the "Board"), party of the first part, and FARMERS.BANK & CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY, a combined bank and trust corporation duly organized and existing according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, having full powers to act as a corporate Trustee, and having its principal office and place of business in the City of Frankfort, County of Franklin, Common- wealth of Kentucky, as Trustee, (hereinafter called the "Trustee"), party of the second part; WITNESSE TH: THAT WHEREAS, the Board and the Trustee have heretofore made and entered into a certain Trust Indenture and a certain Supplemental Trust Indenture (hereinafter collectively sometimes referred to as the "Indenture") for the purpose of providing for the security and source of payment of the Board's "University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds," dated as of June 1, 1965; and 8 WHEREAS, none of the Bonds referred to in the Indenture and intended to be secured thereby have, at the date of execution of this Supplemental Trust Indenture, been sold or issued; and by proper action duly taken by the Execu- tive Committee of the Board at a properly convened meeting held on November 29, 1965, it has been determined that the Indenture should at this time be completed in certain respects; and the Trustee is willing to accept the trust agreed to be undertaken by it under the Indenture, with such completions; and WHEREAS, it is provided in ARTICLE XII of the Indenture that the Board and the Trustee, from time to time and at any time, may enter into Sup- plemental Trust Indentures for enumerated purposes specifically including in sub-section (5) of Section 1201 of said Article: "For any other purpose not inconsistent with the terms of this Indenture, and which shall not impair the security of the same. " and it is obvious that the completions herein authorized are not inconsistent with the terms of the Indenture and will not impair the security of the Indenture; so that it is in all respects proper that this Second Supplemental Trust Indenture be executed, and thereby become a part of the Indenture, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of One Dollar ($1, 00) cash in hand paid by the Trustee to the Board, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Board and the Trustee hereby amend and/ or complete certain designated passages of the Indenture, as follows: Section 1. The Board, acting through its duly authorized Executive Committee having made a determination of the principal amount of the Series I Bonds referred to in and secured by the Indenture and having established the schedule of principal maturities thereof, certain blanks appearing in the Inden- ture shall be filled as follows: The two blanks appearing in connection with the limitation of the principal amount of the Series I Bonds, as appearing in Section 405 of ARTICLE IV of the Indenture, shall be filled by inserting "Twenty Million Dollars ($20, 000, 000, 00). l" Section Z. In Section 412 of ARTICLE IV of the Indenture, the blank space provided for the schedule of principal maturities of the Series I Bonds shall be filled as hereinafter set forth (notwithstanding the fact that the blank space provided for that purpose in the Indenture indicates principal maturities beginning in 1966 and ending in 2005, whereas the maturity schedule to be inserted provides for maturities in the years 1969 to 2005, inclusive): 9 "SERIES I BONDS ($20, 000, 000) PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $ 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 70, 000 70, 000 120, 000 1 10, 000 110, 000 110, 000 160, 000 150, 000 200, 000 200, 000 200, 000 240, 000 240, 000 260, 000 250, 000 250, 000 YEAR OF MATURITY 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT, YEAR OF MATURITY $290,000 290, 000 330, 000 700, 000 700, 000 750, 000 .750, 000 850, 000 1, 000, 000 1,050,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,250, 000 1,300,000 1,350, 000 1,400, 000 1, 500,000 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005" Section 3. The blanks with reference to the aggregate principal amount of the Series I Bonds appearing in the "Form of Coupon Bond" and in the "Form of Fully Registered Bond" in Sections 1002 and 1003, respectively, of ARTICLE X of the Indenture shall be filled by inserting "20, 000, 000." 1 Section 4. Except as expressly herein completed, the text and import of the Indenture are hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed and shall continue in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its Chairman, or its Vice Chairman, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and said signature and seal to be attested by its Secretary, and said FARMERS BANK & CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY, Frankfort, Kentucky, to evidence its acceptance of the amendments and completions of the Indenture, has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its President or by one of its Vice Presidents, or by its Trust Officer, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and said signature and seal to be attested by its Secretary, Cashier, or Trust Officer, or a duly authorized Assistant, all as of the day and year first above written. 10 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Lexington, Kentucky (SE.AL) By (Signature) ATTEST: (Title of Officer) Secretary FARMERS BANK & CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY Frankfort, Kentucky (SEAL) By (Signature) ATTEST: (Title of Officer) (Signature) (Title of Officer) (U.K. Housing) 11 STATE OF KENTUCKY ) Ss COUNTY OF On this day of , 1965, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, appeared Ralph J. Angelucci and J. A. Sutherland, to me personally known and to me known to be the Vice Chairman and Secretary, respectively, of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, one of the corporations described in and which executed the within and foregoing instrument and who being by me severally duly sworn, did say that he, the said Ralph J. Angelucci , is the Vice Chairman of said Board of Trustees, and he, the said J.A. Sutherland, is the Secretary of said Board of Trustees; that the seal affixed to the within and foregoing in- strument is the corporate seal of said Corporation; that said instrument was executed, signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its .Board of Trustees; and said Ralph J. Angelucci and J. A. Sutherland, each acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be, and said instrument to be, the free and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation by it voluntarily executed through them as its duly authorized officers. WITNESS my hand and Notarial seal, this day of 1965. My Commission expires (SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid STATE OF KENTUCKY SS COUNTY OF FRANKLIN On this day of , 1965, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, appeared and to me personally known and to me known to be the and , respectively, of FARMERS BANK & CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY, Frankfort, Kentucky, one of the corporations described in and which executed the within and foregoing instrument, and who being by me severally duly sworn each for himself did say that he, the said is the of said of said Corporation; that the seal affixed Corportion, and he, the said is the 12 to the within and foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation; that said instrument was executed, signed and sealed in behalf of said Corpora- tion by authority of its Board of Directors; and said named officers each acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be, and the said instrument to be, the free and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation by it voluntarily executed through them as its duly authorized officers. WITNESS my hand and Notarial seal, this day of 1965. My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid (SEAL) Section 3. The following suggested forms of instruments, prepared and submitted to this Executive Committee by Bond Counsel and by the Financial Advisors, are hereby approved and may be used-in connection with the. public offering of the aforesaid Bonds of Series H and Series I: (1) Notice of Sale of Bonds; (2) Bid Form A; (3) Bid Form B; (4) Preliminary Official Statement prepared by the Financial Advisors on the basis of previous estimates, and which may be revised to conform to the determinations made in Section 1 hereof. Section 4. The Executive Committee hereby designates December 16, 1965, at the hour of 11:00 A. M., Eastern Standard Time, as the day and hour for receiving and considering purchase bids which may be tendered and received in conformity with the instruments approved in Section 3 hereof; hereby designates the President of the University as the proper officer to whom such bids may be submitted; and hereby designates the Board of Trustees' Room in the Administration Building on the Campus of the University at Lexington, Kentucky, as the place where such bids will, on that day and at that hour, be opened and considered by the Executive Committee, Publication of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds" is hereby authorized to be made in The Bond Buyer, New York, N. Y., and in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, on December 2, 1965. Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. 13 (End of Resolution) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was seconded by Executive Committee Member Sutherland. After further discussion the Chairman put the question and upon call of the roll, the following vote was recorded: Voting "Aye": Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. H. B. Murray, Judge J. A. Suther- land. Voting "Nay": None. The Chairman then declared that the motion and Resolution had been adopted and were in full force and effect. C. Adoption of Resolution Approving and Accepting Loan Agreement with Department of Housing and Urban Development The Chairman then reminded the members of the Executive Committee that the whole program regarding the establishment by the Board of the Uni- versity's "Housing and Dining System," the refinancing (by exchange or public sale) of all bonds previously issued by the Board for housing, dining, Student Center and auxiliary enterprises (omitting housing and dining buildings for fraternities and sororities and all buildings elsewhere than at the Main Campus of the University at Lexington, Kentucky) and regarding the financing of the Board's "First Housing Complex Project," and contemplating the permissive issuance of additional parity Bonds in the future for the financing of additional educational buildings for housing and dining purposes, auxiliary enterprises and necessary appurtenant facilities, had been authorized and undertaken as a result of negotiations between the Board of Trustees and an agency of the United States Government formerly known as the Housing and Home Finance Agency, which has now by law been succeeded by the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development; such negotiations being to the end that the Government would agree to receive and accept the new "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series A to G, Inclusive," in exchange for its holdings of the Board's previously issued revenue bonds for the same purposes, and at the same respective interest rates, He reminded the members of the Executive Committee that without such an agreement on the part of the United States Government the whole program of financing and refinancing would have been impossible; and further, that in accordance with applications duly made by the Board of Trustees, the United States Government had agreed that in connection with the Board' s financing of its "First Housing Complex Project," the Government would appear and submit a bid for the purchase of $8, 000, 000 of the Bonds authorized and publicly offered for that purpose at an interest rate of 3% per annum, thus reducing the interest cost to the University, The Chairman reported that the University had now received from the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, a proposed "Loan Agreement," dated as of December 1, 1965, conforming to the negotiations and agreements of the parties and containing the Government's commitment to 14 exchange its bonds to the amount of $8, 175, 000, as provided for in the Trust Indenture, and to submit a bid for the purchase of the last maturing $8, 000, 000 of the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series I," ac- cording to the terms previously proposed. He pointed out that the pr~posed Loan Agreement provided for payment to the Governmert of a fixed fee for its field expense in inspecting construction in progress and auditing final disbursements -- such fixed fee to be in the amount of $7, 500. 00. The Loan Agreement also contains requirements that the Board and the University agree to conditions of non-discrimination according to the Secretary of Labor and Executive Order 11246, dated September 24, 1965. He stated that the Loan Agreement had been examined by the Business Staff of the University and by Bond Counsel and was found to be in order, and as anticipated. He suggested that it would be proper and advantageous at this time for the Executive Committee to accept said Loan Agreement and authorize the execu- tion thereof immediately, in order that copies might be returned for immediate execution on behalf of the Government. After full discussion, Executive Committee Member Sutherland moved adoption of a proposed resolution, as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THAT CERTAIN LOAN AGREEMENT TENDERED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, DATED DECEMBER 1, 1965, IDENTIFIED AS PROJECT NO. CH-KY-72(D), CONTRACT NO. H- 302-2988 THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT the Loan Agreement which has been tendered to the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky by the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, dated December 1, 1965, identified as Project No. CH- Ky-72(D), Contract No. H-302 -Z88, is hereby approved and accepted with all of its terms and conditions; and the same is hereby authorized to be executed in the name and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the University by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, attested under seal by the Secretary; and copies so executed shall immediately be returned to the Government with a request for immediate execution on its behalf, (End of Resolution) 15 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was seconded by Executive Committee Member Murray. After full discussion the Chairman put the question and upon call of the roll, the following vote was recorded: Voting "Aye": Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. H. B. Murray, Judge J. A. Sutherland. Voting "Nay": None. The Chairman then declared that the motion and Resolution had been adopted and were in full force and effect. D. Meeting Recessed There being no further business before the meeting at this time, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, this meeting of the Executive Committee was adjourned to convene again at the same place on December 16, 1965, at 11:00 A.M., EST, for the purpose of receiving and taking action upon such bids for the purchase of the "Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds, Series H and Series I" that might be received prior to that time; and it was so ordered. (SEAL) Chairman, Executive Committee, ATTEST. Board of Trustees University of Kentucky Secretary CERTIFICATION I, J.A. Sutherland, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, and of the Executive Committee of said Board of Trustees, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the minutes of a prop- erly convened special meeting of said Executive Committee held at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, on November 29, 1965, at 8:00 P.M., EST, as shown by the official records in my custody and under my control. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the University, this 29th day of November, 1965. Secretary, Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees (SEAL) University of Kentucky