xt7d7w676f7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w676f7h/data/mets.xml Cook County, Georgia Georgia Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by The Georgia Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: Georgia Historical Records Survey, United States Works Progress Administration Division of Community Service Programs; xv, 114 pages: illustrated, maps, plans, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:G 296/no.37 books English Atlanta: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Georiga Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County and Town Archives of Georgia, Number 37 Cook County (Adel) text Inventory of the County and Town Archives of Georgia, Number 37 Cook County (Adel) 1941 1941 2015 true xt7d7w676f7h section xt7d7w676f7h smmmwwwuunmuenu1m1 n1umm ‘ W ’ »\ , 3 U'-IE5 LlbbBE?'·I B I ¥ INVENTORY I A of the COUNTY AND TOWN ARCHIVES OE GEORGIA NO. 37 COOK COUNTY I (Adel) » A rwavmey mi m¢;;¤;a·» I Laanzmaas mi GEORGIA HISTORICAL RECORDS suRvEY A I DIVISION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS 1 WORKS Pnoyacrs ADMINISTRATION { I ` ` 1 i 5 I v 1 { I S \ } Q X .5 V i 2 i 1 S { _ s . ` ]"M"`“ `"'”" " ~* \ - ~ V,. .. . . ,, _,.,,_,_\_, ` 7- ¥ , ‘ i ‘ 1 . i { @1 ng E `T./»~ in ‘ “2‘ rv & ‘* \ .5 i , Q I I g . §;§i?Ti`iw% mi wz VV ‘ V I Q 2 E? *#··"·V§i Y? , 4 ~ ’ ' A '·~···~ wi__');;__A; /;·£#Z;;x;L§""*. 7 . 4,7 _,_, n` Q * · Su : ` gz =.. ; ¤a<;;;;i* ’ · — i ; , fx }V ·»$»;V VCL V » Q V { V?i»i»;é F VW 5 2 {$45 ka ‘v ?§?1‘ ` I ‘ Q V V Q-· , X ;—·r·· ` ' . V ji V tr V »_ ~, I-ag ` g - # I 1;,, — V · O E = A 5 M} “¢V »’ ‘‘’ _ ‘·’· V 3 ¤ " { V ; 2; Z: ` · V T3 Ig ’ V - · V V ' $3V, G r= §; k H Qi:./3 ;·:;f** ~ {1 L V _ I · W /{{— Q; a -' =. s7f'°.\A ’ x ~ VVV_ ` ’ i ;fi*~rV V" A . ,~V· V Q F ( i { V . A @ . ll} ’``. wi 1 ‘ ` `¥}¤¤§ Y 2 Q *5**5 WIRE E €'T’7J··~; (Vw K ' E * gig!. Hr 4 Bn i J QQ , Y I ··- w » · Ka, _ _ INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY AID TOWN ARCHIVES OF GEORGIA NO. 57. COOK COUNTY (Adel) Prepared by The Georgia Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration ` Atlanta, Georgie The Georgia Historical Records Survey August l9il A l"?. { Q [ The Historical Records Survey Sargent B. Child, Director Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor Research and Records Program Harvey E. Becknell, Director Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor I Julian J. Barfield, State Supervisor Division of Community Service Programs Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Blanche I. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor Jane Van De Vrcde, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner Roy Schroder, Regional Director H. E. Harman, Jr., State Administrator h I Georgia State Planning Board, Sponsor Cook County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, Cosponsor "To bring together the records of the pest l and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men living in the future, e nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the pest. It must believe in the future. It must, above ell, believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgment for the creation of the future." FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT 1 ` i V 1 1 V1 1 1 FOREJF ORD The Inventory_of the County_and Town 飣hives_of Georgia is one of a number of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects Administration. The publication herewith presented, an invena tory of the archives of Cook County and incorporated towns, is H0. 57 of the Georgia series. § The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unem- ployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. ln carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile ` inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern- ment documents and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history. Up to the present time approximately l,400 publications have been issued by the Survey throughout the country. The archival, guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers, businessmen, and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume l is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same-way he uses the library card catalog for l printed sources. The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey projects attempt to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt fur- , ther to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The T county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. r The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully V acknowledged. The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as Director until March l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent D. Child. The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence ` Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge. HOWARD O. HUNTER Cmmnissioner of Work Projects (V) { ‘ 9 E ` 5 i I w I · PREFACE 'The Historical Records Survey was initiated in Georgia in October 1956, as a unit of a Nation-wide program under the supervision of Dt. Luther H. Evans, National Director. The project at the beginning was set up as a part of the Federal Writers' Project, but functioned there- under for only a few weeks. The Survey became an independent unit of Federal Project No. l on November 1, 1956, and operated as such until September 1, 1959, when the transfer of the Survey to the status of a locally sponsored State-wide project was effected. The present State Supervisor of the Survey was appointed on October lO, 1940. The principal objective of the Survey in Georgia is to prepare com- plete inventories of the public archives of the State and its political subdivisions, and to make readily accessible to research students and historians this large store of source material. This includes the pub- lication, not only of inventories of county archives, but also of maps, vital statistics, and other important data found both in State and county depositories. Inventories of church archives, of Federal Archives in the State of Georgia, and guides to manuscript depositories have also been or will be prepared. A list of the publications of the Georgia Historical Records Survey appears on page 115. Such a survey should greatly aid and encourage a more systematic study of local governmental structure and point the way to an improvement in the methods of storage and preservation of both current and noncurrent records. The arrangement of agencies in part B of the inventory classifies them according to governmental function: Administration; registration of property titles; administration of justice; law enforcement; finance; elections; education; health; welfare; public works; and miscellaneous. Records are classified in general according to the agencies which make them, unless other disposition of the records is directed by law. Under agencies, records have been classified, insofar as possible, according to the subjects with which they deal. ` _ Records are described in entries whose style is formalized to give the following information: Title of record, dates for which available, quantity, labeling of volumes or containers, information on missing rec- ords or discontinuance, variant titles, description of record contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of volumes or containers, and location. The Survey is now engaged in preparing a comprehensive statement of the general law regulating county government to be entitled County Government in Georgia. It is expected that this book will serve as a handbook on—the organization, structure, and evolution of county govern- ment and records in Georgia, and will make it unnecessary to repeat in each inventory information applicable to all counties in the State. The office essays in this inventory are, therefore, limited to the creation of the office and its present status, the manner in which it is filled, the term, and special legislation affecting Cook County. Pending issu- ance of the volume on County Government in Georgia, it is suggested that » (vii) Y viii Preface { Q the reader consult the Inventory gf the Cpunty Archives Ef_Qeorgia, @9. S A 106, Muscogee County, for more detailed essays than those found in the , present inventory. ` The Survey was begun in Cook County in the spring of 1940, and the initial field work was completed in December of that year. The work was recheeked during March and April 1941. A For the completeness and accuracy of the inventory of the records the field workers are responsible. The historical sketch was written by the State Supervisor. The essays, entries, and other sections of the Inventory were prepared by the State Office staff and were edited by Harold Warnell, Project Technician. The Inventory in final manuscript ‘ . form was edited in the central office of the Survey by Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records inventories. The publication of this volume is made possible largely through the assistance rendered on behalf of Cook County by the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. The valuable assistance rendered by the Ordinary and other officials of Cook County is also gratefully acknowledged. Acknowledgment is also made.for the aid given by the various work- ers and officials of the State and District offices of the Work Projects Administration. The Inventory_of the County Archives pf Georgia will, when com— pleted, consist of a separate, numbered volume for each county in the State. Each county unit of the series is numbered according to its respective position in an alphabetical list of Georgia's 159 counties. Thus, the volume for Cook County becomes No. 37, in accordance with this list. The inventory of the State archives, of county, municipal, and other local records, will constitute separate series of publications. They are in mimeographed form for free distribution to certain State and local public officials, public libraries in Georgia, and to a limited A number of libraries and governmental agencies outside the State. Re- ? quests for information concerning these publications should be addressed 1 to Julian J. Barfield, State Supervisor, Research and Records Programs, Ten Forsyth Street Building, Atlanta, Georgia. y I FREDERICK S. HULSE State Supervisor The Georgia Historical Records Survey y Atlanta, Georgia August 1941 1 ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, AND EXPLANATORY NOTES ' Abbreviations agri,. .....4 44 ...A... A ...4..... 4 .,..A. 4 A....,.... .,....,. 44 ....,........,..4..4., 4 _....,., 4 ......4. A4 .... ,..,» ....A.,.. 4 .... A. ..»._,,... agricultural a,g"b .....,.. A ...4...............».....,.......4...4....,4,.,.,.............. 4 ..,......,..4.... 4 .....,............ .... 4 .,...,4...... 4 .......... 44.._ A ,...A‘.. .....,.. ,..4.. .4 .,...,..4 A4 .4 .4... agent 3 alph.44m4 ,.,,, 4 ...... 4 ..b...... 44 V,.W ..... 4m4444i44 .... AA .,4b .... 44 44 444m ...,A 4444w4alphabetica1(ly) .A,V is 8.I‘I‘•4A4444A .....,....4... ........ .... 44 44 `.... .,,.... 4 _,,. 44 4 4444 ..», 44443_rr3_ng9d art. ..,. 4 .44..b. N ,,..._. 4 4_.b,....4 4 ...A.......V,..,..b..,. W ,....,...... 4 ,,.,A.4.,,b...4,...... 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The exact titles of records, as they appear on the spine or_outside of volumes and record containers, are written in solid capitals without parentheses (see entry 4). In the rbsence of ti- ‘ tles, descriptive titles have been assigned, which are written in solid ` capitals and enclosed in parentheses (see entry 5). If a record title i is not adequately descriptive of the contents of the record, an assigned explanatory title (or explanatory words), written with initial.capitals and enclosed in parentheses, has been added to the exact title (see entry 9). lf in a single series the title of a record varies, the cur- rent or most recent title is used as the entry title, but variations are shown in the title line, as well as volumes that have no title (see A entry 156). “t xi { Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes S) Y Dates. All dates used are inclusive. Missing records are indicated S) j by broken dates. re 5) Quantity. When two or more types of containers are considered in a Bd single entry, the quantity is shown in chronological order, insofar as be possible. id ,m labeling. Figures or letters in parentheses, following the number ,) of volumes, file boxes, or other types of containers, indicate the label- ,r ing. If no labeling is indicated, it may be assumed that there is none. >n ;) Discontinuance. Where no statement is made that the record was Ll discontinued at the last date shown in the entry, it could not be defi- ,m nitely established that such was the case. Where no comment is made on ,€ the absence of prior, subsequent, or intermediate records, no definite I) information could be obtained. I ,; Description of Records. The description of the contents of a rec- .€ ord applies only to the current or most recent record unless change in is contents is actually shown in a record entry. ig Indexing. All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are ) self-Ebntained. If a record has a separate index, the index entry im» H mediately follows the record entry where possible. Cross references are given in an entry for a separate index to the record entry or entries it serves; and conversely, cross references are given in a record entry to the separate index serving it, or entries where there is more than one separate index. g Condition of Records. It may be assumed records are in good condi- t tion unless otherwise indicated. 2 Dimensions. Dimensions in entries are always given in inches, un- less EthE?wiEE—indicated, and, therefore, the symbol for inches (") has been omitted. Location of Records. When all or the majority of the records of an office have a EEmmEEYjEEation, the location is indicated in the last sen- tence of the office essay instead of in each individual entry. Cross References. Title—line cross references are used to show the l continuity of a record series which has been kept separately for a peri- od of time and with other records for different periods of time. An ex- 1 ample of this type is entry 168: "l954-- in Tax Receipts, entry l66." They are also used in all artificial entries, which are set up to cover records that must be shown separately under their proper office even though they are kept in files or records appearing elsewhere in the inven- tory; and in those set up for a record which is never kept separately but E is found in two or more records of miscellaneous content, as, for example, the title—line cross reference in entry 70, "l9l9-- in Court Orders and Voters. {‘ E * xii { ` Q Abbreviations, Symbols, and 5 Explanatory Notes · Lists, entry 47; 1919-- in Condemnation and Sundreys, entry 49." In ` — both instances the description of the master entry shows the title and entry number of the record from which the cross reference is made, as, r for example, these words in entry 104 do: "Also contain: Estate ac- counts, 1920-40, entry l06." Dates shown in the description of the l master entry or entry of miscellaneous content are only for the part or parts of the record contained therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the master entry. Separate third-paragraph cross references from entry to entry, and Eee also references with subject headings or subheadings are used to A show prio