,, 7,—‘7— . fl. /\ .. Volume 77, umberS SRSST338TDA . . .2 ’flx F4: ,3, " ,1 (1; ,3, Kentucky Pr 8 Association ' P Algtage 4.4333333 3/ ”/{W ‘k 4'11 34:, ' “ 4 101 Consumeir Lane £333 (33% 4333;; 333/ [3,33 I 155,3 .1.- 3. . Frankfort KY 40601 Glasgow, KY 42141 443, £343 '1 1% 3 .3...- \ 113%: 4, ’ 1 Permit No- 939 24% 3f_ '4' .53 4/73/33?“ 131;; . adj." «.3 5:14. ,1 3 33} 3%; 3 . % 33:3 443333 .. 44 11k 1‘ ‘4‘ 12442143 133 :34“ 44 . . , ..:/343 3 K 133 1 44:33 3 ' ‘3. 4 1:1 ,4 /. + 3 ix 3335+ . 1_ £33 3 3 w. --/ ., ‘k ‘k 3» ' : 4‘3 3 ‘13. » 241 f1 .1‘ .3134 3331.411 4. 1 . . f ) LEX 405 1 1 W 353/ . a V .. . _ ' ’ ' ”“4334 ea. 333;. 3,444 3,. 3: . 3 .. ,1- REPROGRAPHICS . .1 3-3:“ .. 3,. 43/ 3 43-. 4» ' 2 ’3' 33.1,. -: 4333324 33 4‘2”. ' ii UNIVERSITY OF KY_ 33533.3:— 4/4433/ ' . 211 KING LIBRARY 1'43” ~ ”@1332” .4733- L ' fit ’ -m:£34;43~ LEXINGTO SOUTH ' “1.3 343 3114‘ 11 1 40506-003 i May 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service i EOPLE ESSION SIGN-OFF 1 3 , PAPERS ., .3 1523* ; I ’33 433,“, . 3.3 ‘33.. 334% "1" 3.11:? 7 ’ ' ‘ 4" .1. .371»): 1 '1 - 21331.5”? . ‘ 1‘ '. News-Express ~ 3 “mg-K 1W1“??? 51% 33:” 11.: W44 3%33’35‘.’ "- .3? .. l5. 3 “31.33131 33-11 .V 7373: . 1 L," , . .., 1 .. . 1 ,4 3143 353. 1 W . '” §° ,. r . x :4 13%“ 3",...3 '- 4W3... -. .“ ‘ .34.. .1 «‘1‘ 1 , . . 3, 4 .3 ' .., . , 114. Pike County w1ll have a daily :4 1’4 wig, ’4, 3,3333 3:: ‘ ‘3 ,- newspaper for the first tlme in five 3%, . 1 1,334 «1.1.»1' 3d, 3 1 1g .3. 1 d 6 ca des- i=§$¥z§ . ’3 ‘13“ A i ’1‘»: 3. its: :31 3:13:13 The Appalachian News-Express ; 4,, ,1: 3 33* . announced that it has begun pub- - ‘1 .1 § .33‘ 3.4-1.3; 13 11 j 3,3, 21:111.. _ l1sh1ng 31x days a week Tuesday 4"“ .113? ' 3.2344 . @345??? through Sunday. 3 3 3 . ~ . 3 f33~~‘;’§5”l§:: .1 if; Wig , will-lily E Publlsher Marty Backus said 4 31,11 ¢ 3 ,3,” . gorng daily has been a longtime 5%," 3:4 .; . % é - . ‘t44'34 goal at the newspaper. " ‘ 4 533 "1.21. W 3 Making the sw1tch w1ll allow . . ‘33 T the paper to prov1de more local 3 j _ 33.. .1. 1‘ it. @331 ‘33 news coverage to an area that does- .. 3:: ' 33,, _.2 ' 2. .3 " n’t have many local news sources, 3.34 ‘ “4/ '1 " - ' . . 39:53“! I 3.7311; I Backus said. 14"”1 3. “1.1 H A recent readership survey ‘ ' " ti ' ‘ ; turned up a large group of people PHOTO BY JOHN WHITLOC“ that wanted th? News-Express to Kentucky Press Association Executive Director David Thompson, left rear, and State Rep. Dennis Horlander, stamping fourth from right, celebrate SWItCh to a dally format, BaCkUS the signing of House Bill 3 by Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher, seated. The law will ease some restrictions on access to juvenile criminal records said. and proceedings. The bill had the support of the Kentucky Press Association. . ' ”The progress Pike County has 1' made in the last few years has stirred up the need for a daily,” Backus said.”I came to the conclu- ' ' ' -_ iv, ' 3.5 3 sion that with the way things are in 3 1" gilt : ‘ , Pike County today, they need their 4- own daily newspaper.” I 1 ' $3,341, . Jeff Vanderbeck said the newsstand 3%,. 11"‘4‘. cost of the paper would not 3 W313 3 ‘4 ” ‘5 Change. ..:: q 1 " ’1 3.31 '2 Readers of the New—Express can T l‘ 7' ‘5 4 - 13.”: ems-1m 1,531 3 . 1 2' expect many new features With the ”33,33 3 - 1. _ 4 3. 311: 4 change. Iourna lsm communlty says : 3 ~ . The News-Express also '- , goodbye to medla legends fit ‘ 3 FRED PAXTON BARRY BINGHAM JR. -‘ See People on Page 12 See page 6 for complete coverage , ,