xt7d7w676m1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w676m1r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1982 1982 1982-02-05 2020 true xt7d7w676m1r section xt7d7w676m1r W— —_——-—I——-—— I I . , . ' 1 Friday J , , KENTUCKY ' Well, Mr. Groundhog ‘5‘“ . j . er 2 II will be cloudy today with snow likely by _i‘\¢%‘ . T ' I }, Child Development Comer ' . late afternoon. Highs will be in the low to ‘ z», . \\‘I mid 3):. There's a chance of snow tonight 7— ' Children who have cerebral palsy S'Ill ending during the day tomorrow. Lows _.._» have the chance to lead a normal life tonight will be in the upper teens. It will thanks to the efforts of groups like 'he ’ be colder tomorrow with highs in the mid Bluegrass Child Development Center See ' to upper 20$. story and photos on page 4 , ’ Vol.l.XXXlV, Helm Friday, Februarys, I982 University aI Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky An independent student newspaper sinre 197] . K 1 have ' ‘ A i» , ept. ucatlon . r ' h. . . a “i‘ , _ .‘ ' . _ .. , < - may be downgra ,. Vxnt > ‘ s a! L- '- ‘ . > ' _, ~ ’ . s ‘ n" .J Itw ‘1’ - Mt, - g , «é \ “I". —_—-——— tance to downgrade the department the Justice Department to follow 1 "$3 '1‘ ‘ it , 5; *i& ‘ I agggmprpemfl firsthNELL and top department officials confide before cutting off federal aid. 1 ,, cl; ., u... .wtudsd ‘. ,~ in pn'vate that it will be hard to The Foundation wouldbeheaded by '7 i \‘If . l ‘ \ "1. —~-——————-———-———- achieve in an election year. a director “directly accountable to . ’ o - ’ ' . _. "‘ t ’ ‘ g _ In its preamble, the draft declares the president" but not a member of ,. » '/ {97$ ,b . . _ Kzfifivg WASI-‘lINGTON _ PreSldent that “a Cabinet-level Department of the Cabinet. ,. . 0].,“ l5 ._ 1‘ 2,.» fl ‘ ' " _ ' . - ' H ,5” Reagans proposal to downgrade the Education threatens to preempt the Education Department sources. f . _} ~1 V _ ; ' , , i _ §««“ “31% Education Department l9 afounda— role of localities and the states in who asked not to be identified, said .~ . , f: ca“ " “er fl » > "1'4 7 -~ u§c tlon would stnpit Of all c1v11 rights en- determining policy for education; the Education Secretary TH. Bell won a .- .. _;j:..é'f"-* ‘ “ a l j, , forcsment powers 311d WOUld b9" the role of the federal government in fight to make the director a Level 2 fig? ' ’ n ' "i . I ‘ v ' 3 l ' “ Justice Department from seeking to education shouldbeminimal." executive, equivalent to the heads of ' ' l -. - Q . . . . ‘ impose racnal quotas on colleges are . . . the National Science Foundation and ‘ a“ ?” 2 it “£3" 5 ‘_ cusedofdlscrimination. The Education Department 5 Office the National Aeronautics and Space ‘ a; ‘ t. _~ m: z -' “I ’ . . . The Reagan administration is plan- for CH!“ Rights would be abOliShed. Administration instead of a Level 3 ' ‘ ‘5‘», ’v ning ‘0 send Congress on Monday, During the ”605' the office led feder?‘ official such as‘an under secretary. ' ‘ . ' . ‘ ' V" in 31‘” With the fiscal 1983 budgetI the 5°h°°l desegregation “mm and m The bill would let the Foundation '. ‘3 a ,» . fi- ., proposed legislatiOn to convert the recent years, it has pressed Southern give states. school districts and col- ti: .,..»,., _ . i‘ . -. two-year-old department to a and border states to adopt plans for 1 eg es “a dvic e counsel and technical ‘ _ . ' ,. f ,3 3r ' ’ r , I»? -'?.i , stripped-down Foundation for Educa- eliminating What it called “vestiges" assistance" about complying with ‘f, .o . ”of. , " “1,, i» s , j t . . i tion Assistance. of segregation in public colleges. civil rights laws, but only if they re_ . » . k; ; Ki) 5 Tne Associated Press obtained a The bill would transfer to the questedit. ' '3 .. _ g copy of the proposal and 0,91“ Justice Department responsibility to In his 1%0 campaign, President ’ ; . g . _ 33%;; documents yesterday fromacoalitlon make schools and colleges comply Reagan vowed to dismantle the _ ‘ ’ f _'~ \“Q; ofeducation W95 fighting tothwart with laws against discrimination by Education and Energy departments . What“? themove. . . race. sex, handicap or age. It would that former President Carter and . - a“ Th9 blll 15 certain to face rough includeaban against forced busing. Congress created. Reagan repeated , : . . ,f‘g‘, sledding 1" COW- Several key But the proposal would impose that pledge in his Jan. 26 State of the , ‘. 4 . 1. T 31»; V lawmakers have expressed reluc- strict timetables and procedures for Union address. but gave no details. ; ‘ it?” ‘ Accepts OSU W0" IINVANm/Kernelsmfi . - - ,“I . , _. . Watch-n9 and waiting Comp Sc: director resrgns .. Kim Langlois, trainer for the volleyball team, is viewed from a bird's eye view as she watched practice __—...__...__. years," Solomon said. and added. my ideam than the University of Ken- ,5 . _ yesterday. Langlois, an accounting iunior, has to attend all practices in case a player is iniured. By CINDY DECKER “It's not that I'm bitter or sad . _ ‘ it's tucky because the University of Ken- V, ’ Senior Staff Writer just a wonderful opportunity. I’ve got tucky is a poor institution." _ ’3 . . —____________ tochase that dream. If Idon’t take it. “Politics in Kentucky have been ,. I I K soc I might be sorry for the rest of my rotten and have treated the Universi- 'f Students WI miss y Miami.» all... ,- * director of the University computer Solomon said working for OSU will When asked if he was leaving . ———-——— “A close association and contact between four walls most of the year center,effectiveApril1. allow him “a marvelous opportunity because of poor funding from the _‘. ’ By JOHN mm“ withyourpeem. - helps you become They were just totally out of He is leaving because of a “fan- to try touse my imagination — I like state. Solomon answered. “It's hard 5 Reporter aware of some of the problems others touch," Leitch said. “Some good tastic job” offer at Ohio State Univer- to build programs and make excite- to say. The legislature is not ready to 3 a» ,. ._ .-..__._ face," said Sam Eden, a political counsela' could work with them and sity, which he calls “one of the class ment for higher education." fund the University of Kentucky in the . .1 science junior. WMMPNVGB l°t-" institutions in the United States" and He said one difference between tho manner for it to continue to remain a 35” 7' With the discontinuation of Easter In that interaction with others, Easter Seals camping is also in- a“morewell-funded place.” two institutions was“the state of Ohio top-notch institution. If the state of ’I Seals summer camps this year at Eden said, “You might in some small strumental in helping campers The OSU Board of Tnstees will of- supports higher education better than Kentucky continues the way it‘s gone j . 1-" Camp Kysoc, many handicappedpeo— ways have helpedbetter theirlife.” develop interests which they could ficially appoint him as director of Kentucky.0hio State will provide the last year and a half, they will ' ple Will miss their experiences at the “I loved it» It was great," said pursue afte- their campstay. academic computing at their meeting more funding, access and help (for See RESIGNATION, page 3 ’Carrolltonfacility. Leslie Stephens, a vocational “I'm a mmician,” Stephens said. thismorning. I I 1:“ Jimmy Leitch, a btsiness ad- rehabilitation counselor with the “Camp Kysoc playedareally big part Solomon said when hewas fix-Sta - St k tat ll ' " ministration sophomore, has return- Bureau for the Blind in Lexington, inmy decision topursue music.” proached by osu, “I told them pI no man says 3 es WI gal“ edtothe camp about 10 times sincehe who went to the camp every year Stephens said the most enjoyable didn’t want to leave UK." After I l I ' , first experienced Kysoc at age seven. from 1961 to 1969. She is currently partofcamp for her wasagmup sine visiting the university, however, his WIth Rea “'3 "BW federallsm ' For him, Kysoc has meant not only working on a masters degree in which followed every averting meal. tune changed. “Ohio State has the ga x » . F ’ camping, but a rarely realized chance counseling at UK and served as coor- Through this, she eventually sang on right kind of opportunities for my im- 3 .’ f, t'0 lntel'aCt m an enVlronment dlMtor 0f the mbllltatlon matfl'iEl the Louisville coffee shop circuit, aginjng and creating for computing. ___—____ financial gain Of more than $2 billion 3’ . 77., I available nowhere else. unit. starting at age 15- From 195340' her “105‘ blew my mind. By meET SCHERF to the states in 1984. budget director l 3"", “Wheanas younger, it was mostly “There were a lot of people there last three years of high school at “It‘s like going from the minor AssocmtedPressWriter David A. Stockman said yesterday , jl-lSt for ECthltles," he sald- “AS I KOt Who were more handicapped than I," Atherton, she was a member of the leagues tome major leaguaf’ __H -_ W Stockman also told a‘ Senate com- If, ' older, I just kind of went to meet peo- she said. “I was able for once to help Motet singers in the River City. He does concede, though, “it was a mittee the plan assures that all the i . 5 pie. _ . someonewhowas handicapped.” Campirxalsohada meouml effect hard thug to do. It was definitely Editor's note: This the lastarticle in 0 states essentially will come out even ,: (if? “l’maChristian and "sat-“180w Being college Students. Leitch and for Eden: as he suggeSted in talking mixed emotions. We have a great five-part series dealing with Presi~ financially, through what he called 5-,"): chancetoshare,”he said. Eden have embarkeduponaroute not abouthis 1977 stay at Greenshores. “I president here. people don't realize den, Reagan's “New Federalism" "super revenue sharing.” ; j, , Sam Early, who spent four years at available to many of the state’s han- will always be forever indebted and what a fantastic job President plan. He said that while the Reagan ad» the camp in the early 19703, said, “I dicapped. For imtance, Leitch said, probably biased to Greensbores, Singletary is doing for UK . . . One of ministration is willing to negotiate “2"; ~ l met a lot of people, and they’re going for those in institutions, camping pro- because it was there that I gotto know the reasons 1 hate leaving here is WASHINGTON * The swap of over specific details of the plan, “the »..I '- I. to be lifelong friends.” Early works vided perhaps the only true chance at 60¢" because 0f Otis Singletary. Medicaid and welfare programs envi— framework itself should not be chang- , . 5 as a mechanic at handicapped sen lifeinanon-institutionalized setting. Hisfaithhashelped Eden develops “It isn’t that 1 don’t like this place sioned in president Reagan's “new edin any fundamental wayg- _' '. . “09800139338”, Lexington. “A M Of those 8W3, they'll be See KYSOC, page 3 ———it’s my home. I’ve lived here for 30 federalism” plan will result in a net See EDUCATION, page 3 J, C t ctk r t ' ' . I rit h d dn ti on a a a egalnlng papua y are an aroun a on ti", él ,i _————-—— tag fighting is fooling himsel‘ f," He said the full-contact bouts that “Full-contact is jmt one aspect of - ,I‘ By W" ORISCELLO Hellwig said. “You have a lot of pee onesees on television are just the “tip karate. Other things are involved .» :--" 1; Reporter pie out on the street thinking they're of the iceberg,” because karate such as selfcontrol, discipline, con- g ‘3 1‘ _______________ karate experts. mouthing off . . .with develops many qualifies in the practi- centration and learning to work an. » - , » .— —- —--g-- _". if; no idea of what it’s like to hit or be tioner, not justtheability tofight. ferentbodyparts,”l-lellwig said. - . , _. _ 55,}; ._ Theintroduction of cableTVtoLex- hit." dec _ ._ .-_;i_,.-‘r‘s .‘-‘ ,. _, 7 ington brought a “new" sport to the Hellwig saidhefaceda big ision L I k t h I . , _-‘ ; 4““; , . attention of many viewers — full- in his senior year of high school. His oca ara e 80 00 S “a '- £135“ f ,{i i contactkarate. trainerandsparring partner, Bill Van . +3: “(2,7,2 L f" 3.1.. , . Featured on the Entertainment Cleef, wanted him to turn profes- fl d fl t typ ....,...._, ,3, __-._ Q: ,_.:' xiii"... » ¥ . I, 1.; . Sports Program Network, the all- sional and make fullcontact karate 0 er I ere" es . 'I. f" . M .3. “I: dz” 2, 3 g ' ‘ n. f .. g. -., sports channel, the sport involves hiscareer. —— typesofmovementsandtheuseofthe 5f“ _‘ .-, ‘ j - Naif, .‘ competition between two athletes who Van Cleef is a professional with the By RAU’H ORISCELLO hands ._,_. — ~ . . “' , v, t j ~W wearpadsontheirhandsandfeet. Philadelphia Kicksandranksnmnber We” Lexington has both types of karate ~ ‘ ,5- ,5 x -- , rm» - r, . r . fist": In full-contact karate, the feet and two in the world in the Professional ________________ schools. Costs range from 330 to “37 , . - . . f . , “:3". . .. .' hands aremedtobreak down theop- Karate Association full-contact per year. In addition, some schools ,_ ’l -- , _ \ .; 11??!“ _ , ponent. Kicks and punches, at full karate’swelta-weightdivision. Lexington, like many cities across stress contact when sparring, or .; Iii-i“; fl . . f — -_‘ ;a-_ - . - power, are legal to any part of the Hellwigchosetocontinuehiseduca— the nation, is attracted to the fighting with protective gear, while ,4 3M. . - , if ”m _- _ I, head or body except the knees and tion. awesomepowerofhands and feet —— ofhmemphasizemcontact. v" ,» “V c a ‘ min. At 21. he is a psychology senior at karate. Karate involves repetition of basic v, f , This sport began to gain popularity UK. “If I don’t get into mduate Karate, the art of self-defame. has movements. “A lot of people come in \ ' , ' . in the United States around 1975, school I’m going to turn pro. Bill a ranking system of many colored hereafter seem karate movies wan- y I ’ ‘ . specially on the east and west always wanted metomrnpro.” belts that designate students’ ting toleam it for self-defense." said ' \g / . _ ,l , coastebutsoonfaded out. Full-contact karate’s reputation knowledge and proficiency in their John Fernandez, thirddegree black ~ __, ' ' ‘ w Thiswasbecame mm who were has lead people to label it a brutal perticularstyle. belt instructor of the Shoe Lim Ryu ‘1‘ - f _- \ attracted to the full-contract money sport. 1119 schools which teach Korean Karate Club. “When they find out it’s ' ‘, mteredthesportmaid David Hellwig, However, Hellwig disagreed. “A lot Karate, 'l‘ae Kwon Do. usually ad- jtntalotofhardwork,theyquit.” _/ I _ f Lexinton’s only fullcontact karate in- of people think we’re out there trying vance their students from white belt wdngton Tae Kwon Do Academy ' . . structur. “They diluted it, and it to hurt each other, or [rave we’re to yellow, green, purple, red, brown instructor- David voumeyer, a third- - . .V . died.” macho. 'l‘hat'snotmy per-caption. it’s and finally to black. degree black belt, agreed. “lots of ' - __ ‘ The sport has rammed, however, agamefit'usportfit'sechellmge." Thu-e are numm karate clubs, people show up for the first two . \ ~ 7 . with a new crop of experienced and “Knock-outs"areonlyasnnllpert each with its own mlique style. lam, which are free. then quit. \ ' _ polishedfighta's. of them. Bolivia-aid. If: fishtar My and facilitie- milable to David Hellwig, heed imtnictor at ' < ‘ ‘ Hellwlg, a Pennsylvania native, gets knocked out, It Is became his upIrIng karate-ks, or karate the mum Park Moo Duk Kw“ techs hillccntect karate beam fightim style h wow and he must seldom. Tee Kwon Do Club and first-degree \ _ hefeels "itisthemosti-efulstyle ‘on clumohiuystun. Korean Karate stresses the me of black belt,said, “The thing you've got \ , diestrut.’ "11Ieotha'styleofkerste Far fran helm a My physical the lqs. It is a kick-ariamd art, :0th that any karate m. Involves “tag” a- “polnt” fighting. endeavor, full-contact involves lots of what the kicks and block! are time titionu' is human; therefore. he’s ‘ “Peg" fighting means that the two mental concentration. “anth herd and quick. This Korean Karate mm, tie-table. But if m _ apparent- “pull” theirkicks and pm- is a thrill: person's game. You’ve Iskmwnun “herdstylc” karate. worn out very ma, he can becane 3 ch. sppmnimatdy two inches from got'totlunkman,tlm'shenthnylng mwlte. m. isknown mwlthrlte." . durum. at you, thaws feat flying at you," as a “soft style" karate, CHM Mennvenujorkareteschooh .m “Inmyvlcwmparmleemingmly Wald. systcm mega with, circular “flung", pogob , F. __ i b I t a a i ‘ Kémel' ‘ I DoleOJAoflou Editorial Editor . . ~ . Illinoi‘en [on Milne Moriym Ale-Crouch “MIG-phon- Amalie Editor In Chief Day Editor My I. Davie Sports Editor Am Editor Graph-u Editor Photo Editor , Jmlhinihnl- - , . - Antioch-ms unlit-ous- John-um. "Dbl-III” Lulhmduiun Pony-coal roach“... . 'I Managing ECHO! (0” “no, Auistont Managing Editors Aumgm Sports Editor Ant-tom Arts Editor Layout Editor Chm Photographer . WW - " - ' " ' ' " ' Student Associa ' ' _ leerslty Mn“, Support should be given tion for the: attempt , _ . . " . I e e _ , . to gain better representation on the Urban County Council .I I , Every 10 years, the Urban County Council is small, but powerful, minority of student ’ ,i' _ required by law to modify council district voters deserve to have their views . : boundaries due to shifts in population. This represented by any organization which is / ' '~ ,» ‘ year is no different, but the UK Student responsible for determining the standards of — \ Q , ‘ Association is trying to get its hand in the pro. thatcommunity. W, '-. N ‘ ‘ cess. If one council member is dedicated to the U I L- ) . i .‘ ‘ _ ' SA is proposing that the area surrounding needs of the University and needs the votes of CVRRtf’Vv’fCou/VfA/G .7- .‘ . .- V . campus be put into one district. As it is now, its members to get re-elected, then he or she . , . COL/N fl/CT r I :I‘ T . , . the University community is represented by will pay attention to the voters who live in the ””////////// /////// I ’ / l” W s l . * .« three council members: Jim Gardner in the campus area. More goals will be fulfilled, k ///////// I////.. // ‘ , I : third district, Anne Gabbard in the fourth more projects will be accomplished and the v, I' ' districtand Gene Tichenor in the fifth district. council may finally recognize students as a .. . ”ii-m -I .1. , f. s d ts h 1. N th C viable political force. . .l/[Ill/IIIIII/IIIIII/I/Willi/”W I W” .. WWI/I 4 . v: ‘ . I I tu ented“b 0G “'3 on 31h “2qu 3* There are two principles tobefollowed when . _ W” III I 'II/lll/ / [WI/l ' . , II I {:Pl‘esil y Bl“ 33 an Cosevlv 0 ive 1“ the Urban County Council redraws its district " // III/ll I!" III!" "(It / ‘u ‘ e ”gab” Gagbmg St gmgexh Iar e lines: census counts and “identifiable group” , J"! t" ,1" "W " It i, .- .' represente y 3 ar ~ u e," w, 0 we divisions. For example, district lines cannot will] ll II" , 1’ . I, 'II [t - - east of Woodland Avenue and including the - - - - - - I’M! I" ' [I Ch Ch ’ ted b diVide, by law, black communities. This is to I ‘l’ ' l" » g . I T' tiIvy ase area, are represen Y protecttheir common interests and goals. ,2_ _ //// / l/ fl, I,” IIIIIIW" ' r; g .. t ‘ 1Tb? osr an admirable move on SA’s rt The - By the same token, the University is an iden- 3:33;; —— ’l (I’M/l WWII/Will! ”Ill/”ll/MWW ~35; - . ' .- U . l 1't ‘t d ’th pa ' tifiable community. Its members have com- _=-_=: Egggi' ‘.é.:__- 2—}. t _ :iégIé g .' . '- , . .i’werSle ”Elm“ yhoeszi ave one 3:09” mon interests and goals. To slice this iden- £33332: E5341 ggg—r— 5—; $233; 3 a I c‘ memlf r on ‘5 “’0‘: mgtho {epresen l :33; tifiable community into three parts is doing a EEEEEE-éjig 2:31;:— :ggg £333 2: 6 1 . ~ : . I' 5 33111335: 3.? 155”: 3:158: Etlh confiergs . gross injustice to it and its constituents. I/” '33:§§§_§ §§E§§:§ ;__::—:—_ g; g gé: ,- I, . I : I'. :3 91:9?“ IV a" ,I e C‘ Y] e" e tire“ The time is ripe for a University district to a; §.§§;§3 333332; is €33,333? . II .- I. I Si y S in eres S are“ proper y represen . be formed. Ten years ago no council eXiSted __ -§ §§§§§§ $323:— $5. :23; g: E E \ I \ ’2' If the University community was meaning we have been under-represented for 3§§EE§§EF§E §:§§§§§§§§_fi_/ ' j ‘ I’ -_I represented by one council member, he or she 10 years. If nothing is done to correct the pro- éfégfg f §§.§EE ~§=§ g 2% 3;;”? .~ ' ,/ . - would be more sensitive and susceptible to blem now we cannot blame ourselves for what Egg :33=——§=_:_ 3377—? 5/92 W ‘ i. ‘ A University issues and concerns, not to mention occurs in the future. i \I I “3:.— 3:3" 7. 5:333:31— =35] " c /“ / J , ' - 1; ’ . ', votes. Most council members pay little atten- When redistricting occurs again it may be ‘ a s " "ice "éjf; , .- I,” E'. -'I tion to students because of their low voter tur- too late to do anything about the problems ’ = -, 5 ' ’ . , 21"» M4»... '- j 'I ‘. .' .1 nout and because their votes are so small in plaguing our community. SA is taking a giant ' I .3. . . number that they aren‘t needed. . step in the rightIdiIrection by trying to in- CU I l. )P’ CUT OUT, CU I DOWN. ' . I‘ -' :; Students opinions, however, do have an im- fluence the COlInCll into makin the cam us g . . . . . p I' _ . , . pact upon the deciSions of coma] members. A area one district. " I t'tut' I' t t 'd ' l' r ' ' .' I . . . ns i lane in eres s proVI e 9 onto relevance for SA lobbying efforts . .I 'I The lines have been drawn and the While Perkins' appointment was bond. Today, thebondis“vertical,”if plained to a group of inquisitive to the regonal schools and overly In last week’s column on the '. ',II '* _ :I‘ course IS now clear. In this sess10n of praised unammously by student you will, as institutional interests are senators that he had made a generous to UK. Since vacating her unlikelihood of state handgun laws L’ . theIGeneral Assembly, the focus of leaders across the state, SGAK con- of greater relevance. forgiveable-the-first-time mistake in positions, at mid term of this critical passing this session, one key com- ' UK 5 student lobby has changed from tinued to support a statutorily man- Clearly, financial aid remains the the process of learning the ropes of year, Bushhasenrolled at UK. parison of murder rates was in- . - ~I . I Iastatewide effort to substantially an dated student position on the CHE. major exception to this rule. With lobbying. The lobbyist admitted he Bush could not be reached to com- advertently deleted. The fact that I' , = ,I institutional one. . Many student leaders argued that President Reagan proposing to turn unwittingly had called Rep. Carl C. ment on her resignation. But House over 10,000 handgun murders were - . f . During the 1978 and 1980 sessxons when Brown leaves office his suc- aid programs over to states, by the “Chris" Perkim, D-Iebum, away Education Committee chairman Jody committed in the US. in 1900 was . . . students from seven of Kentucky's cessor may not favorastudent on the 1984-85 academic year as part of his fromtheHouse floor, causing Perkim Richart‘b, D-Bowling Green — and mentioned. But that number has .-.” ' '. eight stateIumverSltles were umted on CHE. New Federalism, UK’s Student tomissavote. coincidentally the representative more impact when you consider that . . I- ; I. :Ij- one majorlssue: the placementof one Association and its counterparts on The vote was relatively unimpor- from WKU’s district —noted incom- England hasstrict handgun laws and I ' i q voting student member on the CounCll , other campuses face what maybethe tant and Perkins, a freshmen mittee last week, during debate on only eight deaths resulted from han- . " on Higher Educationi guaranteed by 5 single most important higher educa- lawmaker himself, should have re- House Bill 171, that Bush’s departure dgun wounds in 1980 in our law. ’ 3,3,, tion decision since President mained at his desk. Chris Perkins is undermines the sincerity of student motherland. I. Z in; ;» _ Only Morehead‘s student leaders \ Sturgeon Eisenhower's initial commitment of the son and would-be successor of lobbies if already established oppor- " ' . " refused to Join the Student Govem- 4 A federal support, in the mid 1950s eastern Kentucky’s powerful U.S. tunities are irresponsibly handled, or B'MI SI‘WEW"; ”"31" Student ,I merit Association of Kentucky's Moreover, SGAK gained momen- ' Rep. Carl D. Perkins, D-Hindman. asinthiscase, forgotten altogether. ”swat,“ Pm'dem- ‘3 ‘1 Emma“ :- , .. ‘. statewide lobby. After Gov. John Y. turn by directing its efforts to fighting One vivid memory that many One bystander, listening to the SA 0 student "I "if Marti" School of Public ha" I:. ~.- I' Brown announced cgtbacks in state the expected tuition increases, pro- students take with them when they official’s tale, exclaimed, ”There Adminmmmm .' .;‘~ appropriatiom for ‘gher education moting financial aid programs and leave this massive institution is of goes eastern Kentucky,” which drew - n n ._-I I in July 1980, however, even supporting higher education funding long lines; lines for virtually every laughter. The lobbyist quipped back State Of the unlon editorlal C '~ . Morehead‘s student president, Steve in general. This cooperative trend conceivable university service. Yet about theindiscretion,“not yet.” I ‘ I d I , _ - yrs-.1 O‘Connor, attended SGAK meetings. continued. peaking with the Rallies most students needing financial aid 0 . -I.‘ That same fateful Jill)" the gover- For Higher Education, until the CHE prefer the line, at thebeginning ofthe was a poor y State opinion .I _ '3 I. nor appointed a UK law student as a began deliberationsIon the so-called semester for picking up checks,than On a more serious note, another Concerning the editorial in the Jan. .. ThereIis a reference to remarls by I . .- ._ Citizen at-large member to the CHE. missmn model for institutional fun- thealternative. irony of statewide student leadership 23 edition 0f the Kentucky Kernel tltl- hls Chlef econonuc RdVlSOl' and "I' f .: -'. j Perhaps IBI‘OWH recogmzed the need ding. Those deliberations have blown If many students find contacting this year involves probably the most ed "Poorly stated," thefollowingis in “the Chairman 0f the Federal of constituent representation for SGAK and any statewide effort outof their legislators or congressmen too vociferous opponent of the mission rebuttal. Reserve Board." I would like to see ; '1 :9 “Udell“ as “‘3'” ““3“?“ .s‘mgg" the water . much ofahassle. it says here thatthe model for funding. That opposition Quotingtheeditorial, “Afters year “”9 s‘a‘tmen‘sflm.“ in their.“ ." -. A. ed with unprecedented difficulties. The “horizontal" perspective that wait will beconsiderably shorter next came fromthethen-student tnstee at in officehe(President Reagan)isfac- context, things might 1‘” 10°.” little I lromcally. the first student to serve united students nationwide in the August, Western Kentucky University ed with massive unemployment a differently. t’. ’. on the CHE. Evan Perkins. was alsoa 19605 and early 19705, i.e. against the . Marcel Bush, as WKU’s student record federal budget deficit accom- Here is a wonderful observation :‘fI farm? dtwo~term trustee from undeclared Vietnam War, has faded After Monday‘s student ISenate body president and trustee, denounc- panied bya seemingly endless reces- made in the editorial, ,“I‘ab‘” and .'-' I.I :I ore ea . as events have changed our common meeting, one of SA’s lobbyists exi ed the funding plan last fall as unfair sion, 3 foreign policy in disarray and blacliéeaders have pubhcly remune- r' - a Visors." e ,“mass‘ - them. .’-';II "'75.: ment” _ Should we «If-fieumpagya this fetish With reality, well M’s :I'ItI ‘ great deal of Americans out of work reality : Whena child does a chore he ’3 iI oux because our industries cannot com- is paid an allowance, but like all «Ii ‘ te 'ththatoftlm b . enterprising children he discovers I. . ’ is: 5.: “MM-.. , , ,. WWW; ._ _,_;___ . 3 pe M a road that instead of working he can com- , . . . . . plainthattheworkistoohard. II ”n, .I II, I. 38 “I r Sin dizacpIprIogiral [2(1) ffiflinmfans throngItsl cartoon bs:ltlrlZIng gutn (Iiwnlersmg‘here {$301131 level as illustrated by Mr. 6008‘ So he starts cryirg and his parents ,‘I :I r 0 ca w l . xpressed was no ancmg ar lc e. n pas man. 've him mone to shut him u . He . a I 5:, I am not a person given to accep— views. The basis of Mr. Hoffman‘s ar- the Kernel has printed many articles . Finally, in its 10—year history of be- I I mg! finds that the louder he crigs the I‘ '.’. . :7 tance of the public eye not becausel hole was the stereotyping of gun opposmg gun ownership as well as ing an independent newspaper the pln'on more moneyhegets. While allofthis ‘, .Ii , (I. . am ashamed of m views but because owners and the NRA. In doing so Mr. cartoons stereotyping gun owners. Kernel has been a leader in express- crying is going on not much work is _"V 1"}. ‘V 1‘ I do not like yto stand in {he Hoffman hatfied [60 migion NEE: Iver-y few VleWLfl‘O’: mgegmpqnetgés in‘gfi sfggiscgcebréf. Stergotyping 0f '——'—_"_——_ getting done. NOW the parents are ‘. , .I .. .. I .. , owners as we as wo ml ion orgunowners p ve nprin . in Vi s n a primary con- be ha b t this broke and the child is o' to be ,I . . spotlight, For this reason please . May we ve rough . 8 ing . -' I , accept this letter as unsigned. mgrbefhasréh ageattemgt aSXPl’fié "I15 a pattern hardly worthy Of a Gem 0f “if Kernel. {same case 0‘ SUI" “massive unemployment” on rudely awakened. He is going to have I On Thursday. Jan. 28. an article ap- :easocrgng y consi er soun prIi‘msigy "31:: sggsd funct'on of the mm; Dismiss Itthe KIIerneIl I: ourselves, after all isn’t capitalism toshuthismouth and gettowork, and '. ,' -. «'I l.’ ared onthepersuasjon Page entit]. I I ’ I I y . I . a cm or JIUS mmmim mttmwm who if m dmn" work In," m “M, II: , , :3 ‘NRA could not defend country Additionally. editors ofthe Kernel, Kernel is I to prov1dIe a medium such a sin. produceetheprodllctofbetterquality because there are plenty of people . ‘. I . g from government ,, This article was please accept the followmg as con- through which developing writers and and sells it for a cheaper price is the who would gladly work foralivim. , _. .' written b Nicolas Von Hoffman and structive criticism. journalists can practice their skills. Name withheld by request. guy who makes the money, and if the In conclusion, I would like to quote .' Ii'I: distributebd b King Features S "I Editorials in the Kernel have il- As such, experimentation in writing other guy can't compete he goes the title of the editorial “Poorly . .. dicate In his :rticle Mr Hoffman :x- lustrated it as being the primary news techniques and less than professional Editor‘s note: Signed commentary bankrupt. ’ stated: Reagan continues his op- .' I; Ij pr essed his distaste for an armed source for muchof the campus coIm- articles are acceptable. This, appearing on the Persuasion page What's wrong. with Reagan’s timistic approach toward our coun- I ; .Ii citizenry as we“ astheNRA. munlty. AsIsuch. the Kernel carries however, should not justify the hun- does not necessarily express the foreign policy? 0h, maybe you see try’s future: however, when pro- . , , I I do not share his beliefs but the in- the responSlbllity to carry balance of ting and printing of such poor works views of the Kernel. this function be- something wrong with letting people grams are compared to reality, a ,' nt of this letter is to r. ister m opinions. In Thursday‘s edition Mr. of journalism onthenational and pro ing relegated to a single unsigned know where on stand. And as for disc ncy exists.”Now “when . , te eg y . Y "I” PN- .'-‘.I" 3' e epise- “ ' am his - amsarecom edtoreall a . , Hoffman 5 article appeared next to a amusing“ mtgl :9 thh conflicts ong major ad gr an Earth“ ty, -' , " m I IN" by Berk: DGMOd ' ° ” ”’5 “'9 visors,” you would rather he be sur- dim y 8 ." llptrtolthe " ' . , ”L M co ‘ ““wwwm "em' roundedbye bunchof yes-men? title, the title is supposed to in some ' :’ vatwe . mm x . “To any reasonable observer it way reflect the content of the , .' .‘ Pam/W! mwwenenu. sane/Ive — would appear his connection with material to which it is referring. . I val/mm tee wig/6%?” W, )W mmy h mummy who..." right? ' ‘ I 4' Mitt"? \ W1) VIC/0M . . That's a very nice statement, not a The editorial was an un- . I, I . I WNW, W5! IPersom submitting letters and opt- conch-ion. You ”I to reach I cm_ su