xt7d7w676n3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w676n3g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1992 1992 1992-11-02 2020 true xt7d7w676n3g section xt7d7w676n3g  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV No. 48

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1971

Monday. November 2. 1992





ABOVE: Kevin Clccl and
Kelly Sullivan were crowned
Homecoming King and
Queen at halftime festivities
Saturday night. Clccl and
Sullivan were selected by
student vote from a field of
16 semittnallsts.

RIGHT: Homer Ledtord,
strums hls mandolin during
the All-University Tent Party
Saturday afternoon before
the Homecoming game. As
Ledtord and the Cabin Creek
band performed, tailgaters
sampled refreshments
under the Homecoming tent,
sponsored by the Student
Activities Board.







Homecoming parade, pep rally
successful despite poor weather


By Holly Powell
Contributing Writer


Rain and cold weather didn't
dampen the spirits of UK football
fans who lined campus streets Fri-
day night for the annual Home-
coming parade.

Kim Loveless. co-chairwoman
for the event. said she was pleased
with the turnout, which was larger
and more diverse than the crowd
that attended last year‘s Saturday
morning parade.

“There were sororities and fra-
temities watching outside their
houses. Then there were lots of
parents and little kids watching,
too," loveless said.

The number of floats in this
year‘s parade also surpassed last
year‘s ligure. said Kathy Delong.
parade co-chairwoman. DeLong
said she only expected about 60
entries. but the League of Shriners
l‘rought more mascots and cars
than expected. swelling the num~
ber of floats to 75.

"There were a lot of floats and
other entries and a ton of peo
ple watching, which made the pa-
rade great," Delong said.

Delta Gamma sOCial sorority
and Kappa Sigma social fratemity
won first place for their float in the
sorority and fratemity division.
'l'hey constructed a UK Wildcat


Soap opera star David Led-
lngham signs autographs at
the All-University Tent.

that was “cooking" other South;
eastern Conference teams.

Delta Delta Delta social sorority
and Kappa Alpha social fraternity
took second place in the sorority
and fratemtty division, and third
place went to Sigma Kappa social
sorority and Lambda Chi Alpha
social fraternity. The Lexington
l-'ire Departruent won first place in
the independent division.

Judges for the parade were Meir
ante (ilaseock. a news reporter for

WKYI‘JlV; l’hil (ire‘asley. direc-
tor ol the l‘niy'ersrty l'\lt‘l1slitll
program. liecky Jordan, assistant
deart ol students. and Don Witt. ot
the Registrar .s ( )ttite

lhe panel Judged floats on artis-

tic design. creatiytiy, originality
and oyerall spirit.
Awards also were given to

groups displaying school spirit at
Wildcat Roar. a pep rally that wa.
held in Memorial Coliseum lol—
lowing the parade. The annual
“Yell Like Hell" contest pitted stu-
dent groups against each other in a
vocal battle tor the loudest L'K

Delta Delta Delta stxl'cll sorority
took first place overall and in the
sorority dryision for their 1‘
second cheer. which also featured
llyirig conletu. string and crepe

Second place in the contest went
to Chi Omega sotial sorority.
whose members painted their faces
blue and white. Alpha Delta Pi so
cial sorority wort third place in the
cheering contest.

in the fraternity tll\l,\l.tll, Sigma
(‘hi social iraterruty won ltrst
plate. and Sigma Nu sot ial frater-
tuty took second. Delta lau Delia
social irateituty receiycd third—
place honors

Judges ior thi-

See HOMECOMlNG Back Page

contest were \ ic

Banquet honors first black students


By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer


The black students responsible
for integrating 1K it: the late
1940s and 50s (lidri t necessarily
see themselves as social pioneers.

“l neyer thought about blazing a
trail for anybody." said Valinda
Livingston, class of '59 “l Just
wanted an education,"

1 hose who follow ed livingston
atttl others in the quest for educa—
tion and integration paused to pay

tribute to their predecessors Friday
The second-annual Lyman '1.

Johnson Alumni Awards Banquet
honored “The Trailbla/ers of the

1950s" the
black graduates.

l'niy‘ersity 's ltrst

I'K alumna arid Kentucky State
liniversity President Mary lcyi
Smith delivered the keynote ad
dress. She told the crowd of more
than Ziltl that the 'lrailbla/ers
“were men and women as ho krii-w
ll would not be easy. Most oi
them came here expecting .tllt‘l1\i~
rorinieut that was told. hostile and
possibly racist."

Seyeral graduates talked about
being the only black in most oi
their classes. about being ignored
by the white students and the rebel
found in rlllsl rriakirig eye contact
with other black students on cam

Livingston \y ho eamed her mas
ter‘s degree ill elementary C(lllt‘ll‘
tion frorri I'K, said. going in. she
was wary of the l'iuyersity ~s repuv
tatiorr to: lung inhospitable to
blacks Site said while ieys \l her
w lute classmates wire irrcrtdly. ”I
can't say 1 was irirstreatetl. l was
not. llititi I had first hand e\peri
ence knowing what it‘s like to be
alone in a crowd."

Sfl. Roach reteiyed lus irtastci
degree ill administration and sit»
peryision in 19.“ and said that
while the campus was certainly di-
vidcd. there were people more ac
ccpting ol the school‘s integration
‘1 had , teachers. instructors who
were \ery helpful." Roach said

See JOHNSON. Back Page



College of Dentistry professor making bid for seat in Congress


By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer

From the UK College of Dentist-
ry to a seat in Congress —— that is
the jump Republican 6th district
congressional candidate Dr. Charles
Ellinger hopes to make.

Ellinger. who has been a prostho-
dontics instructor and professor at
UK for 27 years, said he decided to



“Born to Run Things.’ an
unauthorized biography of
Presudent Bush. is amusing. but
sometimes goes too far.
RewewPage 3,


Cross country team from
Arkansas is Coach Don Weber's
biggest worry at today's
Southeastern Conference
Championships at Lexrngton's
Kentucky Horse Park Story.
Page 4


Breezy and not as mild today,
showers and thunderstorms
likely; high between 60 and 65.
Clearing and cooler tonight; low
between 40 and 45. Morning sun
followed by increasmg afternoon
cloudiness tomorrow; high in the


Drversrons ............................ ,3
Sports Monday ....................... 4
Classifieds ................................. 7



make a bid for Congress because he
is disappointed with what has been
happening on Capitol Hill for years.

“I have been upset with Congress
for 15 or 20 years," Ellinger said.
“It hasn’t gotten the job done. I felt
good about the opportunity to try to
clean up the mess."

Ellinger said he is optimistic
about his chances of winning elec-
tion against Democrat Scotty Baes-

ler, mayor of Lexington, although
Bacsler has a large lead in the polls.

“i think my chances are outstand-
ing," Ellinger said. “My son, Chuck
Jr., is my campaign manager, and
he has taken us to many counties.

“We have spent a lot of time in
about 19 counties. We try to go
door to door in the business com-
munity as well as the horrrcs.

“I think 1 will win by a nose at

Ideology defines proposals
for US. health-care reform


By Dale Greer
Executive Editor


Aside from economic issues. no
other topic in this election year has
received more attention than reform
of the nation‘s health-care system.

Of the three presidential contend-
ers, Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and
President Bush offer the most de-
tailed platforms for providing uni-
versal health insurance and control-
ling costs that are spiraling out of

More than $660 billion was spent
on health care in 1990 - the most
recent year for which compete data
is available —— and it currently com-
prises more than 12 percent of our
gross national product. said James
Suver. director of the UK's Health
Administration Office.

in 1965, one of every $16 of the
GNP went to health care, Suver
said. The figure now is at one out
every 87.5. and total health-care ex-
penditures are expected to hit $1.73


trillion in three years.

As costs escalate to dizzying new
heights. more and more Americans
go without insurance. According to
a study by the Employee Benefit
and Research Institute. a non-profit
Washington, DC, group, 34.4 mil-
lion peoplc in the United States
have no health insurance.

The reasons for the growing
ranks of uninsured vary, Suver said.

“There are more people out of
work, and that hasn't helped. And
the cost of insurance has caused


the Wire," Ellinger added.

He said that being in the medical
field. as well as being a small busi-
nessman —— he owns Roger's res-
taurant in town. gives him proper
experience for the job.

“I am in a unique situation. since
l have been in medicine since 1959
and l have owned Roger’s since
1974,“ Ellinger said. “I have expo-
sure from both ends of the spec-

tnim, I know the problems of health
care and the corriplexrty ol the busi-
ness world."

Ellinger currently is on leave
from the UK School of Denisz
while making his bid for office. He
has an 11—month contract with the
School of Denistry, which gives
him time to work on his campaign.

Ellinger said he is using vacation
time to devote additional hours to

his campaign.

The candidate, a native ol lan-
caster, Ohio. arrived at UK in 1965
after receiving his master's degree
from Ohio State l..'niver.sity the pre-
vious year.

He was a prosthmiontics instruc
tor his first two years at 1K and be
came art assistant professor iii 1967,

See ELLINGER, Page 6








Ron Andrews and Luke Andrews. both ot Hancock County. wait in line Saturday afternoon
for Big Blue Madness. Both had been In line since midnight.






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Monday 11/2

for Spotlight Jazz Indiwdual
shows are on sale at thxetMas—
ter. general publlC students. fa-
culty and administration call 257-

tor the Next Stage Series are on

he students ‘3cu‘ty and aornInIs-
tratlcrl. call 2578427

° EXhlblilOF‘. Ml
Headley-Wbitney Museum. thru
1129 call 255 6653

. Exhibit on Iii/g; Joy_a_nd Won-
der Ante-Bel uj; . aste n the
Bluegrass OK Art Museum. thru
1129; call 257-5716

0 Exhibit. Frederic Thursz A Trib-
ute; UK Art Museum, thru 12/20
0 Exhibit: Sheldon Tapley. Recent
Landscapes. The Galbreath Gal
lery. thru 11 92

Wednesday 11/4
o SAB mOVIe. Unlawful F. 13y; $2:
Worsham Theater, 8pm

cussmn Duo; free. SCFA Concert
Hall: 7pm. call 257-4929

Thursday 11/5
- SAB n’tOVle. Unlawtcl Entry; $2;

Worsham Theater. 8pm

luring square dance. concerts
and ttreater; call 2574900; thru


Friday 11/6
- SAB movre Unlawful Entry 82.

Worsham Theater: 8pm

Saturday 11/7
- SAB mOVIe: Unlawful Entry; $2.

Worsham Theater: 8pm

0 SAB movre: Easy Rider: free:
Student Center. Center Theater:

Sunday 11/8

- SAB owe Unlawful Entgy S2.
Worsnarn Theater: 5pm

- Soot :n‘. .Lftzz Cue. I as .l'tj
t?" S‘.' sf..‘:»:»"t-3 :‘ 750An:ne'3
oucrr: New J a Hall 8pm: cal:

- Rertorrnance Vocal Recital Ev-
erett ‘Jchtev tenor. free.
SCEA Rectal Hall; 3pm. call 257.


FALL 1992

Worsham Theater

‘ C408 unlawful Entry
‘ ‘ ‘ ' 7‘5 A League of Their Own
‘1 18722 Boomerang
12 02-06 Death Becomes Her

32 -. ‘uAdmISS ‘n With UK D


“ 7 Easy Rider 2 DO

.. «3 Princess arn Tin‘73O

‘ ' 14 Dee Wee s Big Ac venture
2 oo

‘/ 'lne Bicyc e Thief 7 3L

‘1 21 The Princess Bride 2 GO

‘1 24 'orrents 0‘ Spring 73C

repromplu 7 30

y 5 Highlander 2 00
i 8 The Man In the Silk Hat
7 30

Universuy at Kentucky ID


sale at Ticketlv‘aste' general pub-

. Performance: Britten-Moore Per-

. Conterence on Appalachia: Fea-




second annual

second annua|@ second annual

second annual 6 second annual

coming soon...

open slIdiI

Dec. 4th, 6-9 p.m.

lenuue puooas @


lenuue puooas


@ lenuue puooas








8:00PM W.-ed Sat.: 5:00PM Sun.








Tuesday 11/3
. a -. 5‘ ~ w ..;>< vs om,

‘3’de Ir Lexington. 3pm

Friday 11/6
- V: leyball ‘JK vs Alabama. Tm}
:aoosa Ala . 8pm

Saturday 11/7

- JK Football Wildcats vs Van
iQTbliL 1pm

- Volleyball UK vs MlSSlSStppl
State. Starkvrlle. Miss . 8pm

Sunday 11/8

- Men‘s Soccer UK vs Alabama
A&M Huntswlle. Ala 2pm



Monday 11/2
- ‘ .393 5. 9R» NG SE“ESTER AD
‘ ~ mu ronstnru 17118 Contact

'v,_ w : ,u, :, ,, "any..." .6
, _. ..

’,_ . r ”on? "'.'T“’1I_'\

. Alpha Knrtra Aloha Can Food
3' ye

Tuesday 11/3
° Ctl‘cTURAL NIGHT Common
Grounds nora Student Assorla-
tron Blazer Rail Born. call 257
Grounds. Malaysran Student Asscr
Clatlon Blandrng Tower 8pm cal'
Grounds Zt'trbabwe “Jig; " Ma,
Born ca; 2578867

on mgr

Wednesday 11/4
BEGINS Contact yOur dean s at

"3*? J D'cgtitm office tr r 6 q.

:rtd'ttte (141.12?" ’

Thursday 11/5
ch'xst‘ :0 Volunteer Deveuiw
'"en' 'v 'K‘f' “lg. S10. Volunteer
Center I «ring Room. 2029
Belre‘rs'tte L)’ we {l “ a!" "1-






Monday 11/2
. t", .isses Axdgr Beginner (, is;
es 9 36a“- A‘uMn‘ Glynn. “

.a: 26911.35

Tuesday 11/3
- Meeting. Water SKI Team are
Cub It‘eetlngs lWeekly meet
“List 8 ’j’ClOrrr Student Center.
vmrr ‘ ‘6 call 255-‘268
- B: -S uoy ii tick Campus VI 7‘
stry E t: e Study (Weeky meet
"is ‘ree 7pm Student Center.
' 2.2» cal25~1 8

WV: xst OD Writer :1 Bloc Weekly
Workshop Old Student Center
room 119 57pm
- Meeting UK Cycling Club. Sea
WT Center roont212: 80m :all
)1 ‘ U374

Wednesday 11/4

- C asse: Anon; Rear”? t, ass
es. 9 3l‘.:"r‘.. Alum" (iyn‘

Thursday 11/5

0 Tv'éeltll.‘ CNc L1 lT‘W . \“JV
rnar‘ Ce‘ ter ‘lg’it‘ \ewr‘ta"
Center. 520 Rose Lane. / 31,

8 3Com call 255-8566

0 Meeting Monthly Meeting ,3. me
Lexrngton Chapter 0‘ the Amer-
can Chemical Soc'ety Roorn

‘37 Chem p"Tys 8‘13. 3 370'“
'elresbn erts. some
- Seminar Dr Davzd Fir >wn
810"“?1 Eng Syt’“: «New. ”19'
act:nns tn the consct tits 'at MN-
563 2 50pm~refrest‘ments 30m-


- Leanne lesbians Gays a»:
Bisexuals In the Me'lti New Stu
vie"? Center room 228 7 up»

° . azure 3130?“ Archaeol'z :y
if; ete ‘r ‘ n the Atr: Whiteb T

C .i:35');‘ Big.’©‘ 11‘8 'j'i
.257 7‘12

- cecture George lepton. at.

tnor and correspondent for 5433:;

‘lustrated: $3. 251 West Sewn J
Street; call 254-41 75

Friday 11/6

' Seminar Lee Johnson, Dept 5‘
Cnernlstry. UK. 'Sclssors Mode
Excrtat=onstn162164Dy Room
‘3)" Cbe'npbys B (19.3 300W
refreshments 4pm - lecture

- Seminar Art Professions lb»
am Lassaw sculptor1WbIte Hall
Classroom room.18 12

‘2 >Ci§m

- A ‘ Rro‘ esslons Lecture TQDI
‘;..r_: onceptual sc ptors White
Hit l Classroom :Jig roo n 118
‘2 .111'112'50pm

- Seminar ‘Nutrltional Strategies
1? the Elderly In Rural Kentucky
Sanders-Brown Bldg , l'OOmTT2
'2 noon. call 253 34.71

Saturday 11/7

- Miss Catholic Mass. 320 Rose
Lane, Newman Center. 6pm; call

Sunday ,11/8

' Classes Alkldo Beginner Class
.5 tom. Alumni Gym Loft. call

- Vass Catholic Mass. 323 Rose
Lane. Newman Center. 9'OOarn.
‘t 30am. 5 00pm. 8:30pm. call











on National Public 'de‘
ncmpts to be- funnier than

.~ ' tsa-tomf energy ” Shtosmart sit . '
. This mission of energy is it quasar. fusi dismversd it! 1962 Quiisrus are the most powerful emitters or
4 tight and the mint distant obiects scimitists are able to obsem: in the universe.

- So far socialists have not boon ahlé to withstand all the detaits of when and why Mack holes pull gas-


The N05214 perfume, tribe given at Frankfort s Fandram Dmigeon Civic (. em wilt start at 8 p m
(mural Admissimi mists are- $15 and are available at the door. Cabaret-style seating also is available.
Form infatuation Contact Ga! Bennett orJohn Midbo at 257—3221
Professiohai Women’s Fowm to giVe awards

'2 The Hofessronal Women 5 Forum flit hoid it .5 annual Acquum Awards.- at: a luncheon meeting 11:30






ARRESTS I) I’ I ’II' I’()l.l( 12'

()ct. I6:

'Sltilltird. 8th R ; IX; Mo Smil-
t‘ord l)ri\'c: posscxyloti ol Inurliuzi—
Illi. poucxsiou ol drug ptii'zlplici‘ntll»

'HII\L‘T\. MlL‘IlllL‘I :\.; IV: 106 I’ll-
\lltICllll l)ri\c: [‘(i\\L‘\\l(ill ol Inzu't»
qunu: [Xi\\L'\\l(iIl ol’ drug purztphcr

('(),lll’l-~ll.\"l‘\ I"II.I:'I) llI'I'H
('It' I’()I.I('I'f

()ct. l7:

illicll by llllIZIWIUI hiking. Inoic
[hill] 53le Itclonyl; 330 \grlcullu
ml Scicllcc Building.r North: llL‘Ilh
not listcd; Danny Walls L‘t‘lllplill-

Oct. 2]:

-l'hcl't by utilttwlul hiking. lc“
than Shit) tinisdcuictluoil; lliilh'
I'K Hospital; cztsh t‘cmoycd from
lockcr: Mury Mlll‘gtlrcl Ricc. com-

illicit by utilztwt'ul taking. Inorc
than $300: 31‘) (‘olumbitt 'l'ct'mcc:
bicyclc rcntmcd: Slistm Scdilzt.

illicit by unlawful taking. chs
tlizut $300: Blatiding.r 'lowcr; lockcd
bicyclc rcuimcd l‘roui I‘tlck; Julic A.
Arnold. complainant

"l‘hctt by unlawful Iiikuig. IC\\
than $300: (‘ollcgc Vicw DHVL‘Z
items not listcd l'L‘anVL‘tI from y'clti-


clc'. 'l';unbrzi Rctlil'l’. coitipltuutuit.
illicit of motor \chiclc Icgixlrti-

lion pILIIC; Wildcat lodgc [Tllfklllg

lot: Dcrck llttggctlrd. t'ttlllpiillllillll

Oct. 22: '

-\\';uitou clidittigcrmcnl, \ccoud
dcgrcc; (‘ollunbiil 'l cI’I'IIcc: suspccls
sprzty'cd lii'c ctliuguixhci‘ ill coin-
plttintuit'x Iiioyuig \‘L‘IllL‘IC. ctuixing
her to wycryc In lhc I‘otld: Nikim
lirouu. Clllllplilllllllll

-l‘hctt by utilziulill taking. Itiorc
[hill] Sill“; Kllu‘illl Ioucr: lockcd
bicyclc rcmoycd: Donald M (‘lt‘H'
dctlcc. (Ulllplzlllllllll.

-l'hctl by lllll1l\\lll| tithing. IL‘sx
tlltut Shit): Mitt'gtu‘ct l King librzu‘y'
South: Ilcins Iiol listcd: Willituii
(‘littd (‘olbuI'IL coIiipltiulttlil


illicit by lull mtul liking. Iiloi'c
lliut \Tll:ll (IClll“L‘.lt\\\ll Ky; \u»
pcct lound dining.r \cliItlc pt'cy‘i-
ouyly rcporlcd \IUICII by (icorgc-
town l’olicc |)cpttrtmcnl:
(lcorgcloun l’olicc Dcpilrlllk‘lll.

il‘licl't by unluwl'ul Lifting. Icsx
than Sillll: HZ Sludcnt (‘cnlcrz
cash rcmmcd trout I‘cgislci‘: Bctsy'
Muhoncy'. complainant.

"I‘hct'l by unluwlul inking. less
than Sillll: (‘ollcgc V'IL'W l)rivc;
items not |t\lL‘tI fCIlltHL‘tI l'rom vchi-
clc: Atidrcyy l). Russ. complainant.


If you .are a male between the ages of 18—35 years, between 132—
198 lbs, a non-smoker, in good health, do not take medications regu-
larly, have no history Of alcohol or drug abuse, and are willing to
undergo a urine drug screen...

The College of Pharmacy’s Drug Product Evaluation Unit, at The Uni-
versity of Kentucky Medical Center is interested in identifying individu-
als to participate in medical studies as paid volunteers. For more

information, call 233-5833.

Successful completion pays $1000.

-I‘hclt by unllml’ul taking. IC.\\
than Slllll: (‘oiilmoliucztllh Stadium
parking lot; IthII~ Iiol llecd rc—
l]1t)\'C(I trout \chiclc; lzi‘IIi M. lily-
lor. coitipluitiuiit

°l’hctt by unlzmlul taking. [libs
than Bill); All)7 Kcnlucky (‘lIIiIcz
IIClIls not listcd: lytiuc ('2midy.

Oct. 24:

'.'\\\illlll. l'otII’llI dcgrcc; (it'cg
I’ugc parking.I lot: Iltlll\ \' Mucci.

'z\.\.\:tllll. toluth dcgicc‘. Wood
ltilid :‘\\c; Kcilli :\ Mcdlcy. coin

Oct. 27:

'IhL‘IT by lllllllWiUl taking. Ics's
lhtui Still: Murgttt’ct l. King librttry'
South: llCllh Iiol lislcd rcmovcd:
Ai‘y'nli Wang. cottipluilltutt.

"l'lictl by unlawful taking. [CM
than Sillll: 1‘55 (‘ommcrcc Btiild-
trig: ilcmx not Il\lL‘tIZ l’hyliss l'ndcr.
wood. (Ulnpltlllllllll

'l‘hct't by unltmlul taking. morc
than 3300: [K Bookstore bikc
ruck: Iockcd bicyclc rcmovcd:
(‘tithcrinc l: Mason. complainant.

-'IcITorI\lIc lhrcitlctiing: Boyd
llttll; bomb llircut rccciy-cd oy'cr lcl-
cphouc: (‘httd B. Kincaid. complai-









‘Poppy’ s’
a real hoot



"Born to Run l'huigs: An littcrl)
[liiiiuthori/t‘tl Biogriipli) of (it‘orgc

'l'on) llenilru

\'ill;irtl Bookx


By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Critic


"(it-orgy Buxh ix .i ii'hitc-hol outl-
tlron ill tII1\L‘\ ltlltI tlt‘t‘tix."

So xii)x “Born to Run l'lungx .v\n
l'ttcrl} l'iiiiuilion/cd Biography ot'
(icorgc Biixli." .i hook detailing: IIlL‘
lit'c xtoi'y ot the t‘tlllllllltllilcr-lll-
clue! in run. to Neil .xtitii'c.

'l'liroiigghout the hook. l’i‘t‘xrtlcnt
Buxli ix r't'l'ci'rttl to iis “Poppy" .i
niimc lic xuppoxt-ill) curried hccunxc
ol‘ “.i iII\:_'ll.\Illl:J liiihit lit' IliliI .ix :i
t‘hrlil limiting: iri public and lIlCll
\illlllllllfl on tho iicurcxt pcixori'x
Lip "

.'\L't‘tll'tIlIlf_' to the hook. Buxli'x
inotlicr' i’clt‘rrctl to iliix liiihit iix
"popping: " itlhxioiixl) il r'clcrcnt‘c
to lliixli‘x trip to .lzipun ;t\ [‘il't‘xltIL'llI
‘-\IlL‘ll lie iliil iiixt lIlill i

llcnilrii. .'l torincr' Nzitioniil Illlllr
poon cilitor. xp.ir'cx no .ittiit‘kx iix he
\rt‘iorixl} .intl \UIIIL'IIIIIC\ IllIiII'lr
\illlIl/Cx Buxh. But. hc
\\;u'nctl. to euro} tlirx hook requirt‘x
ii hurl) "liht’ihl" xctixc ol liiriiior

Sonic lirglilrgliix troni the proxi-
ilcrn‘x lilt' .it‘t‘or'tlrn;Y to "Born to
Run l'limgx":

O'l'lic L‘llpllllll to .‘l pliotogriiph ot
.in .itlolt-xt‘cnt liuxli culls his “ii l'riigA
rlc. \iinxomc. iloclikc burnt)" iuiil
liitcr' IIlL' i‘t'iiiler‘ lt‘iu‘rix tliiit “l’oppi
ClltIlllt'tI lirx tccriiigc ycurx iii Ando-
or III niortiil tour that lic would he
Illllllli iittr‘iit‘tnc by other hinx."




An Utterly
Biography of





George "Poppy“ Bush looking lit and trim on the cover of
"Born to Run Things.“ an unauthorized biography.

'.-\x it tighter pilot III the 15min.
linxli ICLIL‘I\ to the pt‘iilx ol touih.ii
“( ioll_\. \ilicit-‘x lIlC .lIIIIIlt‘Ik'I ’ llt‘i.
lIlilI xiiiokc ixn‘l llit' ti.uixiii.tlt‘i'
lliiil‘x tn_\' \inigxl \M‘Ki‘ I‘Ct‘ll liil'
Drop the hornhx' No
YlixtN' ( it‘l iltll ill IlL‘lt‘W


lliu humor ilt'cllxlttllnII} got-x .:
hit t.n' oi' t‘onxtiimI} groi'x too lltl
depending on _\onr' pcixpu‘tru‘
.inil the hook ix .I hit Iliin \t ‘io
pligt‘x. the ope rx hrg.‘ .llliI :it It'zixi
met) oilit'r‘ pug: toiitumx .i photo
fillthl or iliiigi'uni.

llic pliotogiiiplix pr'oh.ihl_\ up the
riioxi cttcctiit‘ itl'iI ht‘xi ll\L'ii k'Ik"
IllL‘IlI ol' the hook llt'riiliu li.ix

.IIIIil\\\\I .lll lllll‘lk‘\\l\t‘ \liIIk'x'lll‘II
ol .it‘tii.il pii‘triit‘x ol lliixli IIl.tI lit'
t‘onihnit‘x \‘xlIIl ilot‘tor‘Ul pliolox Ilka'
.t xiiiiliii; lilhll titling: \\llil loliii
lliiith‘x llrit‘ pit'tiiit‘ xlioi.i.x linxli
lll .i logging xiiit. hing \Il‘\\ll .inil
xiii'itlinijg liix It‘j.‘ IIlL' tillilli‘ll
lt‘illI\ ‘llit' PIC‘IiICIII. Il;l\lll_L' (ler
toxt'rt'il .i |o.iilcil handgun on liix
Illlll\L'II to lilt‘
_-_'iomiil.niil \lII‘tIlIL‘\IIIII1\L‘II "

pt'ixoii ‘.\Ik'\IiC“

"llorii to Run |lini;_'x" ix ;i orilx
villi x.iinn.il look :it IIlL' IIIt‘ ol
(wore-.- liiixli ll oltt'n ix limit). hm
the \lit towr' pr'it't' ix ;i hit mutt
toi .i xoliiiric tliix lIllll


,x. r
a . a a, a. ‘r ,
[/{J I” L’eau . l,’CJ..S5(



Sherman’s Alley» .7 .-

/ .
' .U";. 1.1. .i“‘.' (1‘

.J’W .i‘)’

,. . w,» im-













Kentucky Kernel, Monday. November 2. 1992 , 3


Hawking soars in documentary

‘.v\ IIIIt'I IIl\Iill\ ot l'imt'"
Starring: \‘tcplit‘u lliniking.‘
l'r'rton l’rt'tiu'cx


By Chip Sebastian
Staff Critic


l‘hc power of thc IIIlIltI. l‘lit- lll'
Illllly it the unocrxc.

'Ilt‘ xtriingc IIIL‘UI') of black liolcx
.iiitl iiiiin‘s piirt Ill thc mint-xiii~ or
t‘It‘. I'Ilt‘st‘ :er lIlt‘ loptt‘x “URI Itkt‘
to torgci about. jJCIIlll}! on to iiiiiu-
l_\. CRIIL‘L‘I' :uitl pint). \Vcll. dig: mix

"A Brief lli.xior_\ of lime." .l ncn
ilocumcntiu} clii'oint‘ling: tlit IlIL' oi
Stephen Hawking. lizix rtixt IK‘CII it"
lt‘;ixt‘tl lhix lilni \\;I.\ ilitt‘tlt-il h\
l rr‘ol .\lorrix e“.-\ l'hm Blut' l mu»
Morrix hib spent the piixl lll )t‘Llh
changing.y the look oi the ilot'umt'n
t;u'_\ zinil hrmgmg it next :iiitl iilIIk‘l
L‘lll \ixron to t'ilrnmiiknig:

With .‘l xcorc h) l’lnlip illex
i”Ko}.uiiii.xq;it.xi”i. .\loiiix li.ix
I‘l'iltlgIll [it lllt' \t‘l't‘t‘ll .t
\llllllllllj.‘ tilm llic xtor) \\‘\'\.l\\\
ht'tut't'n |l;i\\l\ni§:'x xtrugi‘li' .Illii
liix IIIL‘ilIlC\ piit irito \ixioiix lolin
lianC} «IItI tht‘ outrun milk on llirx
lilin. llix xliot.x go through wine in
tt'i'cxting.’ .ihxuui'ix .‘llliI

\tt'plit‘n II.l\\I\lll}.‘ houiii liix \iI
tt't‘t Ill tlit‘ txirl‘i l"(illx. .illt‘r Ilt \\.ix



thugnoxtil .rx Il.l\lll_‘_’ .llll‘illilllilh
|.ili*r.il xtltioxix il on i i. liric'x lix
llt' toiiipldtil liix lI\‘\I‘~’I.IIx
.ii (liriihriilcc .llliI \\.l\‘ \t‘ll ili. .lt
.iilt'mit' poxiiioii lIlt'lt’ iI'CIKI h}. \ii
lx.i.it‘ \\‘\\Iitll W! ‘xt‘.ll\ l‘lt \ ioiix
llit‘ liliii
.iioiniil liirii
\.\;mlirij.' to putt» .IlliI Il.l\\
Illllt‘ iiotlini-J llIxL Ilic .‘in’K‘ItIlJil
llt'lii [‘LW‘I‘IK' \(‘tlll to opt-ti Iii.-

xliotx ol Illlll m liix \‘IIIk’x


\i‘IIIl‘Ix'Ik I.

ll ‘\Ill"-\‘ liiiii .l’x .l ho:

.l L'ilinl

x.‘.nx in
H \t't'llt Il‘ llil'it
timi' llix pliitt ix \‘.llIl
hoolix .IIIiI \I.tlll_\ll \lonrot poxltix

plioxtx ol tli.it


IIlk' urn rx tlt'tiintt‘l} .ilitt‘

llii Ililll
\IIII‘IIllK'KI I\' ”it" .liI‘.i‘lll ill lil~ .tl
IIltllUll illlL‘l'\lL‘\\\ \\llIl liix I.lllllI_\

I“l“_‘l\ xxt x "Ilili iII\

.‘uiil tolli'fjucx ILIhk' oxi‘i IIlt‘ tiliii lll
.i li;.'liilit'.iittwl \iio. Ill}IIlI|j..‘IIlirI hx
tilllllllllt‘l ;.'r.ip|ntx. lIIll\ll.lllll" liix
toniplm IIIk‘liIIt'\ ;iiiil iii.il.iri-: IIltlll
.ltt‘L‘xxlIllL‘ Il‘ lilt’ .lllillt‘ltt t‘

(’IlL‘ xt'cnix to lit-l \i‘lllt‘lillll‘.‘
rii}xlit‘.il ‘»\IllIt’ '.\ItI\Ill|l" the trim li








Aiiv nurse who Jiixt wants .

find one I’iiit it voii‘ri- .i niirx

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\\ith \oiii It'\'l‘I oi t*\pi'rii'iiii' Ax
.iii Arrin‘ UIIlit‘I_ \oii‘ll toninmnil thi-
ri‘xt‘t'it \oii «ii'xt’ru' Anti it Hit the iI\I.I{'tI
i‘t'llt'illx onl\ the ”trim «Hill oth-r i§3i‘i\‘
xigiirng l‘oriiix, Ili‘ll\lllL! .illoitlriit-x .intl 4
\u'i-I x I‘.lltI \'.l\.llli‘!l \«llIIII I‘i' \u'll iii i uni

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\UIIIlI he the haunting: xt'oit or tli.‘
gootl L‘tIlIlll'I or riixt II.l\\I\i|I:' Illlll
xcll. hm it‘x there and it x l‘iI'At‘l
liil. illliI it L'i‘lllllllllllt';llt'\




\\illi ‘ ‘ niillrori topit'x oi lirx
hook xolil xnii't' I‘NN .lllii .t lili‘
ut'tl ririi on lIlL' ht‘xt xi'llti lixi
II.t‘.\I\IIIL‘ x;i\x liox rirxl IX'}'lll|llll"
II‘\ xtill ill‘I\I\ liix (Luiihritlr't' poxr
.x li'tliit‘t'x \\iilI\I\\ltI\

.niil li.ix .[ Ilt‘\\ ll‘iI 'lirii
tillIlIlt‘ll lit I‘t‘UI

Ili'll .llliI 'Il‘.


\o it'tmii lx‘t‘tiirn lot .I lllitlll\'l|I to

lIlitl tiiirt' \\I|\‘Il ‘xirll \\t‘I\'lll .III.II\I
to .ixk llioxi' iiiitl‘. iriii'xtrorix .ihont
the I.II\' oi the lllll.i'l\\’ lll.tll .tlIlI
Illllt llit' _\.ixt.ritt ot (toil llit~
hiitli ot llt".\ '.\oil.lx .lilii llit' \Ik.IIIl
I‘I itIiI i‘llt‘\

ll.i\\kni;' t.il.t'x xi‘ll 'l!
li’lllllt'\ tli.rl lx mix

I ri.t'nt.i|
"I.l\[‘.lI‘ii lroiii
iitnij: lirx ‘.\I!\‘\'I\Ii in «.


ll.i‘.\kiri-' ix lll tut-H
Ilillll.lll \liil it x
liix Iltllll.lllll\ ili.it ix ", Jitnti p.iri

vl liix III\‘\'\I\'(I‘,"\ ix

‘~t'll\t' i‘I IIlt' ‘.\illLI

\llut\\ III.


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ll ‘ ‘ i ’ All I I
i 't l (lift ' l
I‘ I“ 1' 'l‘ ‘I/ 7} fl] i,‘
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 Men’s soccer team
downs Vandy 3-2


By Mark Sonka
Senior Staff Writer


UK‘s men's soccer team per-
fonned a Jekyll-and-Hyde act yes-
terday at‘temoon in its 3-2 win over
Vanderbilt at Cage Field.

The Wildcats roared out to a 3-0
first-half lead behind goals by
Grant Shurtz. Brian Dausman and
Greg Kotzbauer. In the second pe-
riod, however. the Cats were
blanked 2-0 by the visitors from
Nashville, Tenn.

“We played one of the best first
halves l‘ve ever seen," UK coach
Sam Wooten said. ”And in the sec-
ond half, we played one of the

Dausman agreed.

“We came out and made them
play like we wanted them to play."
he said. “The first half was the best
first half we‘ve played all season.

“We kept our composure. We
were patient. We just did every-
thing right the first half."

Shurtz, a sophomore midfielder,
scored the first goal of the game at
the 14:12 mark off a team-leading
fourth assist by Dausman. Kotz-
bauer, the team‘s high scorer this
season With nine goals, got into the
act just 10 minutes later, and Daus-
man rounded out the triumvirate

with a right-footed direct kick to
the back far post over a Commo-
dore wall of defenders for his sixth
goal of the year.

“The keeper was playing near
post." Dausman said. “And I just
hit it and bended it around the
back side."

Complacency set in after the inter-

With a 3-0 lead, the Cats re-
laxed their defense, allowing
Vandy to get some shots on goal.

"We got kinda lazy the second
half, cause we were up 3-0, which
is natural" Dausman said.

“We were letting them send the
ball out of the. back," Wooten said.
“which allowed them to get back
in the game.

“We’re playing good enough to
beat the teams we‘re playing right
now —— just not enough to blow
them out. But we‘re winning, so
I‘m not gonna complain."

The Cats outshot the Commo-
dores 12-7. UK goalie Matt Stan-
ley recorded three saves.

The win upped UK’s record to
10—5-2. Vandy fell to 7-8-2.

In their last ll matches, the Cats
are 8—2-1.

UK’s next match is Tuesday
against Big Ten power Ohio State
at Cage Field.




The UK wo