xt7dbr8mf36q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mf36q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19841116 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 16, 1984, no. 443 text The Green Bean, November 16, 1984, no. 443 1984 2014 true xt7dbr8mf36q section xt7dbr8mf36q / CA/°?’j‘
LT ll-16-8“1muvER$TY NEW BOOKS
Eno clo edia of Librar and Information Science, vol. 37, supp. 4
Z. New York: Marcel Dekker, IGBH. (Ref.7Z/1006/.E57)
Contents: University of Alabama Graduate School of Library
Science (Ramer); University of Alberta Faculty of
Library Science (Henderson and de Scossa);
University of Arizona Graduate Library School
(Dickinson); Assembly of State Librarians
(Doerschuk); Richard Bentley (Hershbell); Brigham
Young University School of Library and Information
Sciences (Marchant); James Bennett Childs
(Wisdom); Chinese Paleography (Leidy); Clarion
University College of Library Science (Rupert);
The Conversion of Library Records to Machine-
readable Form (Rice); Dalhousie University School
of Library Science (Horrocks); Jaroslav Drtina
(Jackson); Dwight D. Eisenhower Library (Wickham);
Karl Dziatzko (Jackson); The Economics of
Libraries (Cohen); Libraries in the Far East
(Khurshid); French National Bibliography (Seckel);
Libraries in Gabon (Bouscarle); JAKOB AND WILHELM
GRIMM (THOMPSON); Immanuel Kant (Meisels);
(Nasri); Large—print Books and Magazines
(Redmond); Leeds Polytechnic School of
Librarianship: a Brief and Selective History
(Davinson); Library Public Relations (Renborg);
Historical Society of New Mexico: a Brief History
(Kubicek); University of New South Wales School of
Librarianship (Radford and Bryce); Numismatic
Bibliography and Libraries (Campbell); Libraries
in the Panama Canal Area (Chong); The Peace Palace
Library (van Hall); Reference Books Bulletin
Editorial Review Board — ALA (Wright); San Jose
State University Division of Library Science
(Norell); The Sorbonne Library (Tuilier);
Technical Standards in the Fields of Library and
Information Sciences and Related Publishing
Practices: ANSI Committee Z39 (Erase); Universal
Bibliographic Control (Anderson).

 m A ·
Security for Libraries
‘ The following review, written by Larry Greenwood, will be
appearing in a future issue of The Journal of Academic Librarian- l
ship. L
Brand, Marvine, ed. Securit for Libraries: Peo le Buildings
Collections. Chicago: American Library Association, 19 . A
7 . .SU/198N)
Concern for library security, encompassing library collections,
buildings and facilities, and persons working in and using
libraries, should be on every library administrator's agenda when
assessing priorities. The problem of security for people,
collections, and equipment is even more magnified in an era of
budget cuts and increasing crime in general. It is a rare
library that has not, at some point in time, experienced book,
theft, burglary, or the ubiquitous "flasher." Dealing with these
problems requires a sense of urgency and informed decision
making. A source that assesses the current status of the
security problem, generally faced by all libraries, and provides
guidance for resolving, or at least minimizing, these problems
will be very valuable.
This particular title, published by the American Library `
Association, is an anthology of four articles and a bibliography.
Each article averages about 25 pages. The first article includes
a chronology of issues in library security since the l930s, when
the concept first appeared in the literature. Also included is a
projection of security needs for libraries in the near future.
The last two pages of this chapter contain a very useful
"Checklist for a Security Survey."
The second article provides specific examples of the applications
‘ of security devices, policies, and procedures for implementing
_ security problems. The chapter ends with a "Table of Contents
for a Security Procedures Manual." This chapter is followed by
an examination of present library security practices.
Especially useful in the third article is the discussion
. concerning whether security should be conducted by persons on the
V, library staff or by an outside agency such as the police or a
private security service. Relevant issues in selecting
individuals responsible for Providing security are examined.
Each major type of library---school, university, and public---is
covered. The article ends with an outine for an inservice
training program for library staff.

 The fourth article is a gem. It provides an overview or summary T
=_ of legal ramifications that the library administrator should {
` consider before deciding on security policies- and procedures. ;
T One example is a discussion of the legal issues involved when [
detaining a person caught attempting to steal a library book. ,
~ This chapter is readable and interesting. The legal advice given g
in this article might possibly save a library from potential §
lawsuits. After reading this chapter, this reviewer feels that i
the legal consequences of daily decision making in libraries Q
would be an appropriate and useful course in all library science Q
programs. This one chapter alone would more than justify the §
cost of the book. I §
A timely bibliography grouped by subject is the fifth chapter. Q
, The grouping of references by broad subject category (e.g., %
computers, disasters, fire, insurance, and law) makes the E
bibliography easy to use. In all articles the concept of: §
security is broadened to include security of the book collection, g
A building, equipment (including computers), library records; and I
safety of both employees and library users as well. }
This book is recommended for all types and sizes of libraries and E
should be on a reading list for those librarians in charge of 1
public safety and building security. (Larry Greenwood) Q
(For more information, see the Director's Office.) {
California E
Head, Humanities Cataloging, Stanford University. Salary: E
$28,200-$37»200. Deadline: January l8. {
g Library Systems Officer, Stanford University. Salary: $28,000- §
il $N2,000. Deadline: December 3l. 3
1 University Librarian, University of California, Davis. Salary: (
' $61,500-$75,000. Deadline: December 20.
j Associate Biomedical Librarian for Public Services, University of
California at Los Angeles. Salary: $2M,828-$M2,000. Deadline:
A December 3.
Technical Services Division Head, University of California,
. Riverside. Salary: $25,692-$M7,880. Deadline: December 17.

 ‘ \
6 `,
$ Colorado
· L City Librarian, Denver Public. Salary: not specified.
‘ Deadline: not specified.
· Indiana
Undergraduate Reference Librarian, Purdue University. Salary:
·' $18,000 minimum. Deadline: December 31.
New Jersey
General/Humanities Reference Librarian and Afro-American Studies
Selector, Princeton University. Salary: not specified.
- Deadline: December 15. _
Cataloger, Rutgers University. Salary: $23,507 minimum.
Deadline: December 21.
Rhode Island
Reader Services Librarian, Special Collections, Brown University.
Salary: $18,89M-$2¤,l92. Deadline: December 31. ·
Tennessee P
Business Reference Librarian, University of Tennessee. Salary:
$18,000 minimum. Deadline: January 15.
(If interested, contact Ann Howell in the Director's Office.)
Extension Librarian. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: I
December 15.
Reference Librarian. Salary: $16,000 minimum. Deadline:
December 1.
Library Technician VII, grade 9, Reserve Room.
Library Technician III, grade 5, Acquisitions.
Library Technician V, grade 7, Architecture Library.